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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1923)
Tim OREG0ri STATES:.IAN. SALKI, OREGON L-cIa Garrison's Xew Ruts of r.r;ELATib;is.oc a wife frid ay.morning; may 25,, 1923 CHAPTER 311.' . j - . - - . ( ; - WHY MADGE "DARED" A , QUESTION TO LILLIAN : .. . ., 4 I have never . taBted anything more delicious than the isausages which Marion broiled on pointed sticks over ouri-i-of rather her cam? fire and Ihe coffee which Lillian expertly brewed, i She had diid&ined the- suggestion" of Katie's coffee in a vacuum, bot tla ? as-, being . "insuf ferably4 civi lized. Katie had. provided sand wiches, devilled ggs," olives and Marion's favorite little cakes, and we did full Justice to them, but there la a flavor to food cooked .over a wood1 fire in the open "air which Is never; equalled elsewhere.,; .-..."..; .i . ; "Talk about ; belng'gorged ' to repletion' ; Lillian t 'said when we had finished. "Whoever 'first' In vented" that mouth-filling phrase must have, had me in mind.- I don't feel as if I wanted to move for a week.' ry We had : taken the robes and cushions from the "car and were stretched out , luxuriously, , under the budding trees. ;,f That Is, Lil lian and I ward -, resting. ; Marlon was Industriously: building up her fire,; putting water to ;boil in a small kettle. : ; which " wa " had brought along.'.' ( i 4 . "I'm going' to iClear, up. every; thing myself,": she announced en thusiastically, ti fjust i the way Uncle Robert t taught me. It's very good I training i fori being , a scout when : I can . find : a troop to loin." 'she -added,' with ' a little rueful side glance at her . mother. ! l4llianX explained yin lla low! Voice - as Marion- busied " herself with the;--dishes. : . -f: rr ; "Marion - really j is - old enough to Join the : scouts, according td their rules, but- -In the - city ! can't bear to ( have i herj away from me on the little i hikes they, take. So I've told: her that ' I coming Of r 1? i : t - :-: uxivznsAL piCTUXZ: - - ivy- .". thought she ought to wait until she : Is : older. m But her ; heart Is so set on it that I think if - we find a 1 permanent place In i the country, and if there is a scout organization there 1 1 shall per mit her to join. A good many 'ifs but I hope they will be sur mountable, for .; she does ' love woodcraft so." "' . , , ' . :.'' .v - ' : - i Is Lillian ' WeakeningT i A shadow came Into her brave eyes, t. and I knew what. I had brought. It there, the , thought of the man who had taught -Marlon woodcraft; .Robert Savarin. 5 ! ; J I .looked at her intently, and dared suddenly to put the- ques tion that had trembled .'upon my lips so many, times? -. , - "Lillian, have you never weak ened in r, your r determination to shut happiness, a tray from you and - Robert, and Maridn??' 1 t She put ,'up her hand, quicklyi" a pathetic gesture-, as though she were warding off .a blpw. M i "Don's, Madge," she said,- but the protest was a feeble one. " It iwas., utterly,, unlike, the stern attitude she - has -always adopted toward even , the suggestion ' that she - should free- . herself - - from Harry . Underwood"; and X, marry Robert Savarin,. .the famoua art ist, ; wbo has - loved her so many years, and; whom Marion; adores, puts In the place 'of , the 4 father who treated ; her mother, with such awful injustice.: herself with, neglect.';. f- -! ?, y j- '- ,;! f ' 1 'You know, she went on, more in the manner -ot one going , per functorily over a' well-known- ar gument, than that of a person be lieving' her own premise, "it: is. for- Marion's happiness I refuse Robert. J Do; you . think If it were not for herr for dragging . ? , her through' the publicity which ' must follow any action of mine, that I would -sacrifice -Robert for a day' an .hour--a "minute of conven tionality? I. would . go : to .him as quickly as rail or ; motor - would carry me." ' -, j ' Madge's Hope. - She. had kept her voice down to the low tone In which she had be gun speaking,4 a tone which Mar ion could not. hear. , But there was a tensity, a -fierceness in her last .words; low ' spoken though tney were, and a drawn look8 on her face which betrayed the polg nance of her suffering - T PROSECUTORS DISCUSS POLICE INVESTIGATION; v -s- r - ' V-v' ; Y vs V A to . be taken over tyi Percy , A. Cupper, who was then assistant state engineer;: Cupper was later aDDolnted ' state engineer upon he'4 registration of John H. Lewis and the "water board ,was vaooi lshed, , though 'Mr. 'Cochran con tinued as superintendent for the western; district. " i " There is a considerable amount of water adjudication to be done in sthe engineer's office, and Roy llJ? Potter of Salem, s already in the 1 employ ' of 5 the department, will,, under the direction of State Engineer Cupper, hare charge of thef taking of testimony; J Adju dications are to be made on the Owyhee river, Warner ' lakes, Buck'creek in Lake county. Sil ver creek and Deschutes river.' Assistant District Attorneys Pecorat(left) and Brothers planning a course of procedure in the forthcoming inquiryinto the New Yqrk vPolice Department. i I felt as if I were clumsily tear ing open a wounds but something beyond my nsual caution ana re- t XOTICE T& COXTRACTOKS ; j : . Sealed proposals will . be receiv ed at the office of the. undersigned 371 State street.' Salem, Oregon, fize what it all means to. her she - Th Outward and Visible Sign oi an Inward and , , ,. . -;v Spiritual1 Grace, EVLTi FLAG FLYEIG THIS KIELXORIAL DAYiwiH be a-tribcte-to' boys 7ho fcTj-ht End fell ,'; ; 1 M OVERVTHERE'l '1 :-:" 'V ,.T ...... . . , -. . - , - , ..... .............. -: ' J ; ' . l'-;-t-i SI. 4 : v. I- T?VEPwY STATESMAN HEADER should have a.bright, fresh flag; to fly v this season. The old flags bought during the war are now: worn, out and soiled. '' " ?f . ; ! ' ' - : - THIS -OFFER inakes it? possible tofly a Brand New Flag" This Me- r: morial Dayl;- ' " ' " V f -.--- j. : .Theseflags are 3x5 feet which af e most popular for average every day ', use. , They are made in first class manner and the workmanship is guar - .. anteedk . Each flag Jias- sewed- stripes, -printed -unions -with-heavy, canvass, heading and grommets. The white stripes are unbleached cotton bunting. No Family Should Be Without an How To Get One of These Flags Here's; How : I ' 1 THIS SPLENblD FLAG TOR &NE COUPON AND,98c 1 .: Fill out the coupon - below and hand in to our 1 office or mail to . us I and secure this- splendid 3x5-f oot flag. f ' if Flag Coupon- - . This coupon and 98 cents when handed, in or mailed to The States-' man Office, 215 South Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon, entitles bearer to the large 3x5-f oot flag as advertised." " , ' . If .flag-is to be Jmailed, add 10 cents to cover cost of mailing also be sure to write nlme and address plairJy. - . , -s ...... i f! until 11 a. )ou Saturday, June 2nd for. the j general constflictloa of First Unit with Power House for the Grant High School.-Salem, Oregon. . Also separate proposals will be received for the Plumbing and the Heating fat the same time and place. i f - , I ;, Bida will be 'opened at a'meet lng ; of the Board 'of Directors , to be held in the High School Build lng. at 12 oiclock,' noon.tpie same day. - , : ; :' .n. :. Plans and specification 54 may be obtained ai the oltice of c the School -' Clei, Salem, Ordgon and of Knighton & Howell, Architects, United SUtes " National Bank Building, Portland,- Oregon. ' ! Blddera Bond" or Certined Check j for ten . per cent J (10) t of the amount of the proposal, made payable-to'W. H. Bnrghard&'Clerk of School ' .District - No.' 24, must accompany each bid. The board of Directors reserve! the right v to reject any or all bids. . " IL BURGHARDT. Clerk, -School District No. 2 4," Marion County, Oregon, May 24, 1922. serve seemed driving me on what seemeed useless "protestahd argumnU . r -. . r ' . ' Have you ever thought of this angle" to; your problem ?,,f I ; asked quietly.,' You gave your- solemn promise to Robert that when Mar ion should'be old enough to real ' th PfttJS.lIrt hall Warinseifnv svan- . . j . WlUir V. nn 41 tit J should decide ; upon;' your course, Do' you realize what it all means to her. sheila a second etlition of you In every particularYoii' know absolutely" now what" her 'decision will be when the time comes. She will 'vote for ''your' marriage " to Robert.' whom she adores. The publicity then - will affect her far more than now, for ' she - will be "old enough to understand what it means: If you marry z him now, whatever : flurry there is : will be forgotten by j. the time Marlon is grown up." Vi;:A-.r;.;..-:fi i had startled her. ; I saw that by the glance she gave me. But her wprds r were 1- non-committal, with a. touch of irony. -.'fWhat a.chlldlsh faith In jour nali8tie ' .memories is-- yours, Madge.'she said, end 1 knew that shel had put on her mask again, and would permit i no' further ref erence to her life problem. ' (But I hoped that I had- given her something disturbing to think about,' 1 . (To be continued.) Sealed proposals will He receiv ed ty W Hi Burghardt, Clerk of School District CNo. 124 Salem. Oregon, until 7:30 o'clock p. m., on Monday, ''June 4th, 1923, for the construction of an additipn tn )the Salem High School buildingr Salem, Oregon. . i .t Bids Vill ' be taken separately for- the plumbing, .heating; f and electrio wiring, or the contractors so desiring may submit -bid on the building complete as specified.' Plans and speciilcations may oe had of F. A Legge, Architect, Sa lem, Oregon; .The Daily Abstract br'tha Builders. Exchange, Fort? land, ? Oregon, by depositing check for- twenty t dollars- which will be returned to' the bidder up- joxl' ,the return ": of " the- plans and specif ications i in good -condition. within'' the specified time.- A certified 1 check in amount of five petyCenttof bid must accom pany proposal' which will be tor- felted, to School ' District No. r 24, Salem, Oregon, in case the .bidder whose proposal - is -accepted re fuses to qualify upon being noli 'fled oi the acceptance of his pro- posaLv'xA'iT'- The DOara oi aireciors reserve the right .to reject any" and all bids. - - . ' : By order of the Board of Direc tors' of School District No. 24, Sa lem, Oregon. . IW, H. Burghardt, F. A. Legge, '37L State Street,; Architect, : j -Salem, Oregon ; Salem, Ore. " NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT OF . CAPITOli STBJEfiT BETWEEN MADISON STREET AND .'FAIR--: GROUNDS ROAD. '- . ' Notice Is hereby given that the Common . Council of the City . of Salem, Oregon; deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose' and intention to Im prove, Capitol Street .from "the north line of Madison " Street "to the east line of the Fairgrounds Road, at the expense of the abutt ing and adjacent property, except the " Street "Intersections- the- ex pense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion ol Capitol Street to the established grade, '.construct ing cement concrete curbs, and paving' said .portion , of Capitol Street with a six Inch cement con crete . pavement forty feet wide in accordance . with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by . the Common Council, May 21st, 19 23; now on file in'; the of flee of Hhe, City Re corder j and which; are hereby re ferred j to and. made a part here of. ' , : ; 'f;;;;. ; - "x rV ' ;; -- The Common Cotnclt ' hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described Im provement by end through ; the Street; -Improvement Department of the City of Salem.: r ; By order of the Common Coun cil the '2 1st day of May, 18 Mi . POTJUSON, City. Recorder. .Date of first publication is May l24;1923. - I . J - I SHAW SHA"W. Ore., May 23. Mrs. F. Gilbert entertained the Commun ity Clubi on May 23. - .Miss Amanda Mathews enter tained the Ladies Aid, May 10. ' J3, E: Schof t who is employed in Dallas spent Sunday with his fam ily, " : .;:. i : .' ;y.' ! . The womenr, of the 'community club .of Sha gave a very enjoya ble'social and musical program at friends. Refreshments and danc ing formed a part of the entertain ment.' " ' ,1 r. ;-!,;- Rev. Joseph" Scherbring of Sil- verton was a guest-of his -brother. Rev. F." II.' Scherbring, Monday.' Mrs.5 J. Fleber is assisting Mrsi E. T. Chamberlain with sewine. i , Louis McAllister of 'West Salem and Loyd Cummings of Salem are spending a week with their' grand- larenfs,. Mr. and Mm., C. L. Mc Allister. ; -. A large -and enthusiastic crowd greeted ,i Ttevi- . Charles Smith of Portland, Monday evening, at. the Fetzold hall when, he gave an elo quent address on Catholic doc trine, and a defense 'of the devout servants of the church. Byron Wells , andr family and Mrs. E, T. Chambdrlain and fam ily, motored to Salem Saturday. Othmar Berg who had been em ployed In the lumber camp in Mill City had the misfortune of break ing two ribs, and is home under treatment. : , 1 a Per Cent Above Normal ; ; Week's Lumber Production One : hundred and thirty-one mills reporting to West Coast Lumberman's association . for the week-ending .May. 19, manufac tured 103,770,264 feet of lumber; sold 97.972346 feet; and ship- ped 99,070,507. feet, . t Production for reporting mills was ' 18 ' per cent " above normal. New buslness was' 6 per cent be low production.! Shipments were i per "cent above new business. Thirty-nine per, cent of all new business taken during thef week was-' for . future .water"' delivery." This amounted. ta 37,935,573 feet of k which 26,152,323 feet was for domestic cargo delivery; and 11,783.250 feet -export. New bus iness for delivery by rail amount ed to 1,836 cars. Thirty per cent of the week's lumber shipments moved by water. Thls '"amounted i to s 29 ewatt ;LCStates( ,i dfik ,1 . . W 823,734 feet, of which' 20,535 810 feet moved coastwise and in tercoastal; and . 9,287,924 ,feet overseas. Rail shipments total ed 2,143 cars. ; ; : 1 v Local auto. and team deliveries totaled 4,956,773 feet. - ; ' Unfilled domestic cargo, orders total 169,276,948 feet. Unfilled export orders 84,310,431 feet. Unfilled rail trade orders . 8.- 232 cars, r - ;.-'' . . , ' In i the first 20 weeks of the year,' production reported -to State Water Board Is ' ' Abolished "By Wew; Law , The Etate water board is le gally abolished by a law; that be came effective In Pregon yester day, and r with it goes the posi tion of George T. Cochran of La Grande as state water i superin tendent. . '.t The "water hoard was "created by the . legislature ; of 1909, and two superintendents were-named. one for the eastern and one for the - western par J; of the state. Theset- with the state engineer comprised the state water board. '' In 1919 provision was made for;, the abolishment- of the su perintendent's office in I the west ern district and for , the duties - i Tvirv urAD i nwr.Fo.mcri rci r -- Girls Oxfords and Strap . Pumps $3.50 and $5 " t "J i . . . Yomens Oxfords and Strap rmps.$3.50toS6.50 -.- '.r- i ... - - ; ....... LEAT1LEI& BAREFOOT . ....... . 05e ....... . .$ 1JSO . . .. .$3J0 ' Mi I A - - fSl I SOLID . . t Infants, to to 5 . . . . . . . . 1 . Child's, 5 to 8 jA "" ChUdren's, 8 to lli -U .... T K i Children's, . la to 2 V ... i ... . rA ! Women's,, 2 J6 to 7 . . v ...... if At -Men's,--to -11- Rosteiii & Greenbaum i ' ;. 240-216 N. Commercial Street ! "Tho Home of ' ' ' . ... ;.. 1 ' Mayer Martha' Washington Comfort Shoes, ' ". ' y Washington Dry Sox Shoes, ' ; Hamilton Brown,. American Gentlemen Shoes', ;. and a full line of Star Brand Shoes. West f Coast Lumbermen's ? elation hfs been 1,934,1; feet; new jbusiness 2,119,31?,:, , feel; an4i shipments 2,179.c: -203 feet.'' - . ' ' HAZEL GREEIJ .V Ceorgp Zellnskl's sister, irrs. Felih andj family, have returned from Pasadena, They,, expect to make theirs home in Salem. ' ..; MIs' rir.-: Spaulding . of Ezizri has been elected to a posltUm cf primary teacher ; for ' the coezj year..";' '; . ; ' : Mrs. Bliss Zellnskl's mother. L brother aaid sister of -Staytoa were visitors here Sunday. ; -j Miss Alice Hasbl'ebueher 1 vis iting friends in Salem this week. Anita Looney is visiting his sister in Salem. ,,;..".;; ;L;:; ; , i j Mrs. .-'Mjax - Wood entertain r friends friom Portland last we;';. 1 Mr.; and Mrs.' Gaskill were l : tors at Ti'A.' Van Cleave's hcir.a Sunday, j , : I y i ; Edwarq Dunlgan, Sr., has in stalled platfornv sales.;- i Mrs. C&mens had as guests t Sunday-- dinner VW. ' A.' Dun!;; , Homer Divis, Claud Clement ; Anita- Looney . . I - Mrs. 3eoge jZellhski recent! visited her mother at Jordan, 1 Bister Laura returning with t: . to spend pome weeks. , Lincoln Story .("When' Lincoln r and .; Doug! :j were canvassing Illinois "-to set!. - r as rivals i. for 'a ;vacan-cy?. in . t" ? United states senate ' Douslaa, c a certain jocqasionr In the ccrr i of 'Ms speec, complacently i -marked: j ; I "Twenty-five' ye; : ; ago, .when, we were ybuns r.v , Mr.' Linoln and I resided lat Ejame' towni 1 taught school "f . : a living. Mr. Lincoln soli wL: -ky for a "living." . He referred t Lincoln's clerkship in a stct where" tltere rwaa ' a - bar. " ; In This) reply- IIr.rLlnccla t: . up each! point In Its order zz '. responded-to it fully. .Whea ! came to the above charge he J liberatelyj repeated! t and adi i: "This Isi true hut, turning t j Douglas, -I leave it to the -Jul: himself if, ho wasn't one of r . very best customers!" Jcf . UNITED V ;. ", ' '." TEXTS 7 " ' A11 our Tents are made of;U. S. Standard 29-Inch width duck. Made from brand new white duck, i We do not handle old tents. Prices do not Include Poles. Pins or Flya. . To determine the cost of fly, figure! one-half price of tent the fly is to be used on. - . f ; ' - - j All our tents are 1-3 ' pitch and have ten" reinforcements at corners and gables. ; They have roped gables,, which prove very beneficial . In preventing , the tent i from tearing durias severe storms..-: -.; ,;i: , ;- -s ;;j--'" - i ; .- - - -. .. . .' All' tents and flys have ropes land toeelest-attached.. Side on 29-inch width -duck.- We do not handle the Inferior 38-Inch- on 29-lneh width Iuck We do not handle the Inferoir 36-inch canvas.- . : ; COXWAY AIOIY TEXTS - A. 8-oa. r-.T... '..t.g.K 7x 73 -ft. Wall. .T. . . ... . S 8.10 7x 9- 3-ft. Wall. ;..'. .1. . . . - 9.60 8x10 3 -ft. Wall.i.......... 10.75: 10x12--3 -ft.. Wall, .. .... . v. . ,4. 13.20 10x143 -ft Wall. 15.40 12x12. 3 -fU' Wall..U. . . i:: . Ji.--"-.- VX14 3-ft; Wall: . V. . .... . J. ; 18.60 12xr6--3H-ft. Wall. ...... J... 20.60 12x18 3-ft. ; Wall... . . . . ..... .J. . . ..'.-. 12x51 3L..ft .Wall - i . (, . M .... .. " ...... . . mm ... . . .. . M 10-oz. $10.30 12.95 13.75; 16.80 19.75 20.25- 23.65 26.80 29.25 33.00 29.80" 33.80 38.00 41.60 45.651 49.60 53.00 " 14x144 -ft. Wall, i . i . . . . . . ... J. .. L.... 14x16 4 ' -ft: Wan;...... .J.. , l.... 14xl9f-4 -ft Wall.... .!.., 14x214 : -ft. ,WalI, . . . . , . . . . :. ... . 16x195 , -ft. WaU......i.. .. Ji ..... 16x215 ft ? Wall. . . . . j . . . . 4-. . , ...V ; 16x24 5 -ft. f. WaU.,.-... ........ .... ' ! ;.;, :.: r r- COiTW AY AUTO !TEXTS J " ' " .'' J 7 3-ft. Back Wall, 6-ft2 FronT Wall 4ds.;v; . . 1 00 7xl0 3-f t. Back Wall, 6 Front Wall 8hz. . . . . .'. . i 11.4 3 10-ox. ;;.,....,v;: . 4 . .... . . . . . :. .... . . . .V . . 143 Auto Tents may be set up against an auto by merely passing the front flap pver the auto top and fastening even with doors on opposite side. No poles are necessary, but If so desired, may oq set up away from car by use ot poles: - 4 V --;'..'.;; j v:' .4 :.', . . j , ";;"" HARXESS AXD LEATHER HALTERS I Best Army leather wheel double harness'; (same as you s ?a3rH0-00 t0 lQ0-fQ r) reguUr for L .. . . .... ; . . . .CC3.C3 Lead harness - i , . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. . Vj. ........ . ,f40.C3 r- ' (Collars are Included In- the above prices") Leather halters with, chain leads for, each ...... i .... .81.73 A v'V-' f.--" - ;',..'.- .. - CAMP CEQUlPMEXr :' -: . For Hikers and Campers ' 'Army Folding Cots heavy can? - vas (new) . . ........ $3.9 Steel Spring, Four "point Camrt Bed ( for - two people) r f olda , up- to go under back seat oi r - auto ..liL5 Vulcan. Steel Spring iBed (lorH CanTa I -...Covered.:,. Canteens, two people)! rolls to 8 inches - la dlam. by 4-ft. wide $ia.SO Canvas Folding Metal Jointed ; Camp chairs .... . . . . . .93c Canvas Folding Metal Jointed v - Camp Stools .70c Gasoline Camp Stoves, two , burner . . ........ .-STo Aluminum Knives, Steel Blades, with Forks, per set ;...lOc Aluminum Mess .Kits . . . .33c Aluminam Canteens .... . . .GOc a.lnminm Regulation Army Cup L . ..... . . 0c round ...55c Navy Hammocks, made of extra heavy canvas . , .... . $a3 Army Steel , Axe, 16 Inches - long I. ... ....;.. ...fl.CJ Armys Trench Shovel, 14-inch -:- handle . . . ;;. . . . f l.oa Army JilcklecW Steel Trench t Mirror withase ...... 15c BIISCELLAXEOCS Army Ste.el . ShoVels. 24-Inch handle ....... . . . . , .$1,10 Army Shoe : Dubbin (shoe grease) ......6c Leather' Shoe Strings . . . . ioc AJrmy Web Belts . . .25c Dress Belts with nlckle buckle, ? black or brown ... . . . . .jjOc Army Regulation foot lockers (trunk,) -. ...... .. . . ,$9.85 All . Wool- Sllp-on Sweaters, $1,00 and ........ ...f 1.25 Mohawk Pillow Slip, 42x36, good quility . .35c Regulation Navy Broadcloth Pea Coats, wool lined, 42 and h 44 i................"s.7o Superior Luggage' Carrier. can ; be folded flat on running I board or extended . 9 inches thigh I to 60 Inches long. Can ; be used on Sedan or opn :) car,; i-. . , .'v. ...... v. . . . $ ' Luggage Carrier, same as above 1 without extension ,...$ California Cling' Peaches in i syrup. 24 to case .... . $4X5 Rainier Mineral Soap, 16 bars t; tor : j ; .j. . .$1.00; Sun Water Bags, the hotter tka . f sun the cooler the water. 1 ! gal. bag Sl 2 gal. bag ........ .?LC3 U M ITED AR W V STO HZ