. . '.t Ml y oussmn; advebtisemebtb , ! Bet per worst . : : I rev HMnMi ; 1 Three taeertioaa VI Ou ntk (aix I I.Om month ee tasrtias). JO Ms HABtki contract, m IS 'watts', eoatrset, Pr m 13s for any advrussseai as i NORWICH UNION - FIRE INSURANCE SOCIKTT - ' a W. H. Bargfc-rdt. Jr. Resident Agent HI iU St ; MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate r r i . T.'K. FORD COrer Ladd Buih Bank) ; NEW TODAY ' w 8e ! 1 LATE 1920 FORD COUPE, SHOCK AB sorbers, foot feed, larger: steering 3!!'r? . etv 'er -;Jck tale $363 takes it- Terme. 615J. ' FOB BE-NT THREE ROOM APART ; meat, . completely furnished. Heat, ' licht. water, telephone. $30. 423 Ji. . i Liberty, Phono 603. , y A UITS CLEANED AND PRESSED $1.60 Prompt Bad efficient service. Sates i Cleaners and Dyers.- Phono 1868.' LET l' SELL YOUB STRAWBERRIES. , i Wo' have wide distribution. Pacifie f't r ran m rroauce Mien, vniu. No careless, inefficient 'workmen are employed in onr. ahop .to alight a Job Which oar customers are paying good mosey for. Walter E. Granertt, 256 State atreet, opposite U.S. IBank Bldg, Good used , cars. Oleaona Ante Ex- change 173 ; 8. Liberty, phone 669 for a dem- onstratioa. , 9 v MILES E. OF" LEBASOS ..a, 1 . : . .. . 1 t . . II Iit.i1 Bit fly: I jJ"""" J' -'fias soil: some beaverdam; responst r: ble man ran ret his own terms. Will trade. ;. Harris, 1942-J. i CLAIBVOYANTS LILLIAN BISHOP Clairvoyant Crys tal Gaaer. If iny sorrow or trouble can help yon. Private readings daily. 459 BUte Street Baiem. BEST BUY IS THE CITY, HOME seekers, asecftUators and investors look this np if you wish to get your money a ' worth by baying this sttrscttre two story bangalow 8-roomss with oll-anod era conTeaiencea, full basement, ' f ro- . a-e. paved atreet. close to Btato hooso Ideal location. Now vacaat immediate possession, owner away and wishes to ! sell at a sacrifice only4 $1000 down. Price $5000 house eoald not be bail! for leoe than $7000., Act quick. " See Chi Ids a BechteL 540 Stat Street. Two Good Buys - , A strictly asodens bangalow onia aiee comer lot, botov streets, pared. .". . Every ronrenieac, oleotriel range ; and water heater, fir place, foraace, fall basement roaereted. $5000. ' A neat honse, 4 rooms sod sleepin poreh. : bath, toilet, elertrjc lichts. East frost lot, pared street. $2200, $50O down. ties J. A. Mills," 331- State. BEST BUT8 IX ACREAGE.' . 4 ACRE very best -of soil with dandy bonga few, 4 rooms and some, bearing fruit. near street car lino and paved road. Ala s dandy 20-eere tract all cnltivat- ed lead small hooso and barn, frail sad grain. Immediate possession, i 34 of crop goes with place, price $2500, only $500 down. Seo Childs A Bech- teU 640 State St. w a J D n M w v f r m m lu authorised "sJ Frd dealer: . 1919 soaring ..$ 165.00 118 toariag 1019 touring $150.00 $175.00 1820 touring ; .$240.00 1919 roadster .. : $130.00 1920 roadster ..?.J,.. $250.00 I - 1921 roadster. , -U $240.00 A '1920 coapo - v aasroo 1920 coup . .$395.00 ! lwat rosiui : 46S.OO : 1923 cotipo u w li.OO i 1910 sedsa, S 415.O0 ! 1921 sedsa . 43S.0 I 1917 delivery 1?5.00 h ' W1 ddlTW.. ,l , in. V ,'i f-.'. 200.00 ' 1921 delivery .: i 290.00 ' 1B21 truck -L... 885.00 i-t v AH csrs bar 192$ licenses, 11 Librrsl Terms. Open Sundays. i , , VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY North High. . hon 1995. ' ' FOR BALE LATE 1922 CHEVROLET Kka new. (Baa Hess than 900 -milens. $823. Will consider Ford ia trsde. 260 I North High. Phono 1995. , ; i FOB SALE 1922 CHEVROLET, RUN '000 miles. 9 400. will consider Ford In .trade. 260 North High. Phone 995. WIDf PAY BENT t WHEN YOU CAN 1 bay a boas of your own, dandy gar ' age, hooa and lot $800. . Another on on paved street $900. Fiveroom -bangalow $1250, only $300, down. Better u it $3400, oaly $100 down, some fine lots on easy payments $175 and up. Childs ft Be:btet. 540 State St. FOB SALE 1918 OAKLAND-, GOOD shao. $140. 260 North High. Phoae .: 1995.' . . . - , V 1918 MAXWELL. A GOOD BUY, $175'. . 260 Nafta High. 1 Phone 1995. t ' 1930 BABY OVERLAND. VERY' GOOD condition. $365. 260 North 1 High. Phone 1995. FOB SALE THOROUGHBRED RMOOTH heir' male. Fox terrior with pedigree. 10 months - eld. Also St. Anrheasberg Roller Canary Singer. Phone 1137 J '.or call. at 675 South 12th. : FOR 8AIJ! BY OWKER. FINE MOD - era bungalow. North Capital St., Phone 1761M. ; HIGHLY IMPROVED CHICKEN AND fruit - ranch, located in -Haseville dis trict, four -mi lea north of Salem, just off Pacific highway, roasixting of 31 acres ' of Salem flit loam. xWell drained and highly fertile. Electricity end water system . to replace improvements and persons' property which go jjrith place wUI cost about $10,000. , The price of this place 30 months ago "WaS $33,500, if sold within a few days, $16,850. Int mediate possession." : See owner.' Rt I box 81, or phoae 31F1 - r TOE OHEGON STTATESI.IAN, SALEM OREGON NEWTODAY'Continued WANTED CfOLLIE pup. Phone,, 1976 J. OR SHEPHERD LOOT aN E5GLISII CETTER, WHITE with tan markings, old and deaf.' A k reward will be paid fori information ' leading to hia-recorery. Phone 146. A BUSINESS OP YOUR OWN. j , BUY some I Penny-Nickelj Candied Nut Ml-j-hines. , Place ithen around town. Per centage! baUa. Keep thenj filled dur ing spare time, operators prpieciea. oe oral to vis open.- Give- referencea, ex perience, for j.ertonal interview , factory representative. E.9L. - i f SEWING MACHINE IN GOOD CONDf- tion for aale. tcr atreet. f Inquire 681 North Win- We Are Proud Of the fact that we can fix the autos that othera have failed to help.! Jack Doerfer Motor Repair. 410 j S Commer cial. , I. : , FOR SALE GOOD LOT ON NORTH 3th, price $630.! Paving paid, j Scs , . W. G. Krueger ' 147 N. Commercial. 1 Room; 1. : . SEW COMPLETED 5 ROOM BUNGA- low- with beth. near Highland ; Avenue, Pric $2200. good terms. i ; W; 6. Krueger j 147 N. Cotamercial, Room I. . : " IFor Sale 4 ! Coontrr Storo and Post Office, Cream Station, Dsnee Hall and 2? acres of good land with good tnt of buHdings in smsll town. Thio is - m imooey maker and can bo bought at a bargain. , Wo have some r good buyafin bouses, 1 with $30 dows snd one with $100 down. See us for snv kind of trade. 5 , Thomason- , . 3314 State 6 tree t. - EMPLOYMENT EXAMINATION RAILWAY 'I MAIL, MAY : 26th. Start; $133 month. Specimen questions free. Writ qalek. (gols : hna Inatitat. Colambua paio. r-r- r raiAiJii i WANTED LADY TO CARE FOR IX Talid. 20901 Ferry. . : ; , WANTED WOMAN BY (THE HOUR. Phoae 1238 on Monday of csu st xa Stat street. . " ,." ItAjLE A5B FEMALE CAMPERS WANTED STRAWBERRY pickers,! good cstnp conveniences st Chemawa on Oregon Electric Phone 14F11. j ; - ": ':- Si "' WANTED MEX AND WOMEN TO toks farm paper tuhecriptiosa. A good i proposition to th right! , people. Ad dree tts Pacific Homestead. Stotssmss Btda.Baleas.Oia. 1 PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. Free for Stamp. Gr tospoadeat. Toledo, OhioJ f ; IFOR RENT APA&TMXNTfl APARTMENT i FOB BESlU 891 NORTH . OsausareJaLI.. 'V;-. If - v! - FOR RENT h- FURNISHED APART ments,' aammer rates. . Laurel, 12th, A - Oak. . i . i H' r- 1: FOB RENT MODERN FIVE-ROOM apartment; ' fnrsished; with ajaeplng porch, - aa lights, water sad tele- -; phone free. 1 410 Oregoa Bulldinr . riJLTS FOR BENT FURNISHED MODERN fivs room' flat, st 664 13 Ferry St. $40 a month, Immediate possession. Phono Z3. or call at Btateaavaa pasiaoss oinco. n HOUSES FOR BENT t , room. $30 5-ROOM HOUSE, BATH- per mon th.460 N. Winter. a. FOR BENT FIVE-BOOM ! APARTMENT, with sleeping porch, lights, wstsr snd telephon free. Also good house, un furnished, on Union street, near Cap- ital. 410 Oregon Building. " -- BOOK rUBXISHED HOUSEKEltPING ROOMS . good and cheap. 411, N, Front HI FOB RENT OFFICE AT 20"-KTATE Street. $10 per month. Phone 173. PRINTED CARDS. 8IZR t4" BY W wording "Furnished Booms, prte 16 cents each. : Statesmsai Bosiaoa Of fics. Grosad Floor. i ,1, PRINTED CARDS. 8IZS U" BY 7", wording "Roema to Bent," pric 10 cents each. Statesman! Business Of fice. Ground Floor. .t A .C'.K. PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7" .wording "For Bant,! pric 10 cents ' each. 1 Statesmaa Business Offica, oa GroDod Floor.- :i 1 - , FOB RENT APARTMENTS AND ' slesping rooms. Leesard HeUL $54 H '-. Front street 1 ' .; . ? - OARAGES I FOB REST PRIVATE GARAGE. North OommerciaL, i. 890 It KAYOS NEW PIANO FOB BENT $8 PXB MO H. U Stiff Faraitar O. , - LOST AND I FOUND LOST FOUND POCJCETBOOK. PUOSE 750M Use Statesman Classified Ads TEMPUS TODD :. sftiMtMi ib . - . 1 - -ll .-- -r '-- " 1 ., . i i t"-l srr , ' . -- -i ll '.?.a.' .... - I m ' I ) TEJ-IPUS, I AND YOOR TX-fjANSAY; yt VO0 IS CRAZY IN THE HBAO.WlLLie 8UNIOMJ . .VOY )THS TOJ W.tt.Cir SlclpOY Atsr 'XJW, .4 WHAT 00 I CARE?- i I ' I FJUq yl us J lZyj" fixing To ?Aiw?n ; X;oiSsZo ' n-TrivcARy, -M M4' MMMmm,: :MmMmm JI ymrm- m m-Lm.mm w&m&&$ VumW :- ...u. yy , .-. v : i-j , ' y U .:'v l f' - ;:- y,yy.y - y - , r -y:. ,.: 1, y, f y y : - y:,---:, : : . -,:ti:,- y -y y : y -r" y j -y ,-y I .-yy -"-yy tv'"' .!--.. WANTED MIBCTTiTiAKXOTfa WANTED liATK MODEL FORD, COCPE - mostly cash : Phono 862. WANTED TO PURCHASE FOB CA8H aaed ' hemstitching machine. . Address Box 41, Monmosth, Oregon. . WANTED FURNITURE. Phone 51 X TOOLS, ; ETC OLD MATTRESSES MADE : OVER Capital City Bedding Co. Phons 19. WANTED FURNITURE, TOOLS, MA- chinery, stock, etc Will bay for cash or - sell oa, commission. .. Phon 611. Woodry, Th Aaetionesr. WANTEjy ' EVERYTHING IN HARI wars snd furnitar. Best price paid. THE CAPITAL HARD WAR! A rURSlITUaUB OO. f $65 M. OoamasereisJ St. Pbosio 941 WK ARX PAYING THE HIGHEST msrket pric for Roy si Asa Chsrries. Com ia snd see as before yea sell. We alee buy Wilson and Ktterbery Strawberries. Maagis Brothers. Phone 717. ; . . . FOR SALE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Wanted Responsible party to dlstribate 1 oar dried' fruits and note' direct to consum ers. Fine proposition to right party. Exclusive : territory.' Give bank refer ence. Address C. W. Blabon, Oskdale, Calif. BIRDS rXOWXSS AND PETS! FOB SALE PIT BULL WATCHDOG pup,- Irish setter pup. Spits pups,; $3; also toy fox $5 asd $10. Flako' a Pet land. U. S. Bank Bldg. r FABJT PAP EX IP YOU WANT I TO GET THE BE81- farsa paper, s send 15 to th Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregoa. for a three months' trial - Mbaeriptiea, Maatioa this ad.-" I - ; I ,. POULTRY MEN SEND EIGHT TWO ' osat stamps for special tare raoaths : trial for the bast and eldest joarnsl la j ths vast. The articles and ad vert is -' saeats are of special taterest to the poultry breeders r of the Northwest Northweet Poultry Jour sal. ; 111 Ooss lasareial street, Sslom, Oregoa. - ' -. I LTVESTOCB MILK GOATS A FEW PURE BRED . Registered Sasnen does snd ' do kids ' and pur bred baby backs; sUe two good Toggenbarg goat. Prices reason ,: able. Kingwood Saanen Goat Ranch. , K. E. Woods. Athe ranch. West Sa lon), evenings and Sundays. ; ; , . PUREBRED REGISTERED PIGS Eight purebred registered pigs will be ' give free to eight boys, girla or growa . up interested ia developing the par bred registered pig industry U the Pa eifie Northwest. Cat oat this announce mont and mail it to The Pacific Home stead, Salem, Oregon, with your iimt and, address, and full informatioa shoal th purebred reigstersd pigs will be seal ' yoa by retara mail. ; .. FIANOI GOOD USED MAHOGANY PIANO., $150 Terms if deairsd. H. L. Btiff Furnl tar Oa. 5 . ,. . -'i: '. $800 PLAYER PIANO, WITH BOLLS and bench, $525; $10 down. $2.50 per week. A gocebay. See this. Tall in an Piano Store, 395 South 12th St. i, FOB SALE GOOD USED MAH0G4NT . plane left with as to sell. Price $200, terms. H. L. Stiff. ForaJtara Oe Ms j sle depsrtment, ' i -j .-,. 7 POULTRY LEGHORN PULLETS FOB SALE 10 weeks old. Lloyd Leo. Phone 82F21 10 CENTS EACH FOR OUR FINEST White 'Leghorn ch'ix. Immediate deliv ery. eedhams, f 558 State j street aoae 4uu. : - : . . . 4 10 CENTS EACH FOR OCR FINEST White Leghorn ehix. Immediate ery.', Xeedhains,- , 558 . State hone 400. ' . - - deliv street; v ' PUREBRED CB ICE. ENS. Seventeen pens : snd trioa of th best breed of chlrawni from th , world's aiost famoas poultry plants will be given to 17 people interested in - de veloping the purebred chicken industry. Oat eat this nnnouneemsnt and mail It to th- Purebred Chickea Edittr, North west Pool try Joornal, Saleav ; Oregoa. . with year name and address, aad fall Informatioa will be eent yoa by r stars - PHONOGRAPHS. -r FHONOGBAPH BARGAINS. $135.00 Victor $160.00 Victor , $150.00 Path $165.00 Columbia $ 75.00 Victor 95.00 115.00 67.50 110.00 ! St JO ' Terms m low as $1.00 per week . H. L. 8TIFT FURNITURE CO Phoae 941. ' 404-450 Ooart St. WOOD GOOD DRY 16 INCH OLD FIB. PHONE ' 981-M. - r : : ' OLD AND SECOND GROWTH FIR .Phone X52-J. ; , . i FOB Sf LE 16-INCH . OLD FIB AND seeoad growth eV-for ?b-w t46T ORDER YOUR. WINTER'S WOOD; NOW Oak, ash, maple, old snd second-growth frr, st reasonable prices. ; Deliveries to suit.. Phone 152-J. , 1 q - A Matter of Indifference. I I FOR SALE . Continued AVOOD Best Grade of Wood. : 4 fbot ssd 18 Inch mill wood 4 fbot ssh and second growth flk. 4 fpot and 16 lack old fir. , ' Prompt .delivery : and reasoasble price' Fred E. Welle. 805 8. Church. Phon 1542. . ' KISCELLXJrEOPi FOR SALE BROCCOLI SEED SELECT 1 d St, Valentine. 'Fred Oguna. P.: O x No. 4. Brooks. FOB SALE OLD NEW8PAPER8. 16 : oaats a baadl. Olrealatioa departauaat, ; Oregoa Btatesmaa. - . FOB SALE. 34-inch round oak dining able, sprir ouch land : lorth Win spring cot. 3-4 bed and. springs. foot power scroll saw. 460 inter. 1 FOIt THE BEST HIGH GRADE FLOUR o not overlook the Pratum. Flouring itL 1 1 your grover bssn't got it he an get it. Phone 41F2. W. B. ;Mc llister, - Pratum. . , -f Beautiful Oregon Rose; eleven other Oregoa seaga. together with a flae eelleetioa of patrieti eenga. acred songa aad many eld time favor A Lit FOB 5 ' ' Special price la quastlty lota) i - especially adaptable for school eoasaiaa- or home singing. Bend for '- Western Songster I' 76 psges. aow la It third edition. , Pabliahed by 1 1 : OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 11$ 8. Oemmorelal 8s. Salem. Ore AUTO DIRECTORY AUTO TOPS AUTO to. ord TOPS Curtains fladat , 1 raaarflraafllS Aaderaon-Teed, 171 8 High BATTERY AND ELECT RICXAIf PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery aad electrical work. Farris Bros. Phone 1808. 418 Poert. ... , - 1- ; f, j ' AUTO DIRECTORY BATTERY AND EXECTRICTAX : R.1 D. BARTON XXIDK BATTERIES, Starter aad generator work; 171 Sooth ponuaereisl. :. :;!- ''"" A CAMEL-IZED BATTERX NEVER Beeds e drink. 0. M. Csrlsov 84$ H. pommereial 8L, Salem. Or.: BAJDIATOB A FENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS. BODIES, or repaired. J. O Bslr, $49 Ferry. TRACTORS G. iHAAG a OO, 444 FERRY ST. a 210. Clstra tract ere, Oliver lav- lataaata. : ' . - : , TIRES ABB ACCESSORIES USED PARTS 1-8 to 1 8 OFF., MIKE'S Auto Wrecking Hons; . 424 Berth oonrmercial. Phoae 528. TRAILERS FOR SALE TRAILERS. $35 AND UP; siao rora wneeis, fs.su. ss oneaeKe- ts street. ;. 7 . USED CABS FOR SALE 1921 FORD SEDAN. JUST overhauled, new paint, sua visor, nickel rsdistor snd other extras. $375 cask. mono, iuis-k. . - ...jf :ri ij, BERT U JONES MOTOR OO HLTPMO- bile: dealer. Good , aaed ears. Stat snd Front streets. Phone 937. ' USED CARS FOB SALE 1921 Chandler. 7 passenger $750.00 1917 Ford, psnel body .. ..; 150.OO 1917 Dodge touring 297.00 J921 Dodgs roadster : 589.00 1915 Stadebaker, roadster 150.00 1910 Ford roadster. Self starter 200.00 1920 Ford 1 ton truck 875.00 ! BONESTEELE MOTOB CO " Phone 423. GOOD USED OAB8 GINGRICH MO tor Co, 871 Ooart. , VICK BROS.' USED CAR BULLETIN Here ia a list of cars that will fit th amallest parse: : . Ford delivery .. ..$125.00 Fori roadster .i.. 150.00 Stadebaker, 4 cylinder - Studebaker, 6 cylinder Buick-roadster 20O.00 800.00 100.00 lQO-OO 2WI.00 150 00 100.00 S 0O.00 Overland 90 .-.. Overland 83 Brisco Maxwell Ford truck Grant truck . 250.00 ."200.00 . 850.00 . 500.00 Fordsoa tractor M C. truck .. Samson tractor Many ethers to choose- from. Terms to responsible parties.) VICK BROTHERS, 4 j High Street, at Trade. i Every ear en the is s used car, may have run 300 miles or it maybave it run 3000. Bee our stock of , used. FORDS, thjey are not old care that have been wbrn j out and turned' in on new. ones. bait ears that have run very little and hae been bought from people who . need this money. 1923 Coupe with $200 worth pof) extras, can sell this one for $575. TSrms. 1923 Coupe $150 worth of extras, just e ne. $550. iv t late 1 r ora lounnr : .one top, can't tell this one from hew. $400. : USED" CAR CORNER j Ferry snd Commercial Street ; BICYCLES AND BEF AIRING LLOYD ' E. BAM8DEN DAYTON BICY- alee aad repair ihg: 887 Ooart, -F 4" Ladles1 Wearing Apparel f DBESSMAXXJra .HPENOER CORSETS . TO OBDEB DreesBuofeiag. , Oarrio Fisher, . Me Ooraask Bids. PBINTED CARDS SIZE-14" BY 7", wording '"Dressmaking"; price 10 cents each. , Sistesmaa Business Office, Ground Floor. - HZMSTTTICHXNa SAL-EM ELITB HEMSTTTOEUNG pleating, battons, stamplag aad aeedle work; 838 Oregoa Bids. Phoae 87$. MBS. C. E, MILLER HEMBTTTCHING. etampiag. bntUas. Room 10. ver Mil tar's store. Phono 1174 LADIES TAILORING D. H. M08HER TAILOB FOR MEN ,sad women. ' 474 . Court street. W. J. MAYEhv LXIE8 TAIIX)RING: lesa esata, aad emit. Boom T, MeOor Uek Bldc Pheee'SSa. BUSINESS CARDS ACETYL NB WEXDXVO RON. STEEL, BRASS. - ALUMINUM Briag the pieces. Oxe-Gaa Heating Oe- , 887 Ooart, , ;- - .. 1BCHXTXCT8 FREEMAN A . Architects, Building, j 8T RUBLE, REGISTERED 510 Bank of AUCTIOHEER8 O. SATERLEE, AUCTIONEER A DOL- lor saved is two dollars earned. See me for prices oa . year sale. 180 N. Com'l Street., Phon 430 or 1211-J. AUCTIONEER--F. NJ WOODRY. THE livestock .furniture, real estate aaetioa- eer. . Phone 511 for aale da tea. Bea- 1610 North Summer., : CARPET AND BUG WAVZNU BAG CARPET AND BUG WEAVING Call before 8 a. am. 64F21. SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Flsff Bog Works Beg aad fluff, rugs woven any ais without mum. New - msttreaaes made to ordsr. . Old mat tress remade. Feathers renovated. I bay all kinds of old carpets for fluff rasa.- 1314 aad Wilbur atvoeta. Phoae 1154 .Otto F. Zwieker. Prop. OXaSAJTERS AND DYEBS 8PICX 'N SPAS OXiEAVEBB ANTJ dyers. .Phons 188. BAJ3f CLEANERS ' AND DYEBS Suite eleaaad aad pressed, $1.50. Suits speaged aad: pr ssd. 60. 1215 8. Oosa'L Phoae 1808 CHIKNET SWEEPS CHIMNET, SWEEPING W VM 1101 eleaaing., P. Ooaaeilmaa. Salsas Hard DBUO STOBZ8 WM. NEIMEYEB "JUST DBUG8," 175 H. Commercial. Phoae 167. : EXiECTBICXAJra SALEM ELECT RIO CO. MASONIC belMing. Phoae 1300. 1 i i HA LIE'S ELECT RIO 8HOP KLEO trieat ssaohino i repolring. eontraoting. - 887 Ooart,! Phono 488. ARCHIE FLEENEB. ELECTRICIAN House wiring by hoar or contract. Re time tos I ffaraiahed. - Phoae 880, - 414 Cwari 86. ! . : ELEOTRIQ FIXTURE AND : SUPPLY Co, Pbeae 1884. 333 N. Liberty. , PBATEBXrAT LOYAL ORANGE LODGE JA8ON LEE Memorial No. 530 meets -la Odd Fel- lows' hall every first, third snd-. fifth Tuesday of the month. AU Orsngemoa welcome,. .-IXAJfCXAli GOVERNMENT LOANS ON PABMS SVi per eeas, 803 Salem Bank of Commerce STOCK INVESTMENTS P.-A. THOMS. . Phone 451. Office. 849 N. Com'l SU Salem. Oregon. t t it I have; a block of excellent bank stock in an Oregon; owned and' managed bank lor sale. 1 i . r i A, C. Bohrnstedt 407 Masonic Temple, Salem, Ore. ' i - ! . FABM LOANS I !. . .... . . . AT 6 PER CENT and j 6V4 PER CENT ; ANDERSON A RUPERT ' j Oregoa Bldg- Salem, Ore. LOANS ON THE EASY PAYMENT plan, can repay. at soy time without extra charge; 410 Oregoa Bids. , MONEY TO LOAN $1000, $ YEARS 7 per cent. City property preferred. A, W. Estes Realty Co- 147 North Com mercial street. - j. r . ' PIVOBZSTB CHOICE' ASTER PLANTS HEART OF France, : Peerlesa Yellow, Peerless Pink. If. 'Field 106F3. I i ' - CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES. De-vary. 0. P. Breithanpt, florist. 138 North Liberty street. . Pbeae 880. . ! I FURNTTURE STOBES GIESB FURNTTURE OO. QUALITY faraitar for less mossy. $73 Ceaxt Phoe 464. . : ' " WEDNESDAY MORNING, BUSINESS CARD Continued FURNITURE ST0I-Cf m PBOPLSrS PUBHITUBB STORX NEW ad . head feral tare j 371 B. FUBBACES SEAGBOYE FOB FURNACES PIPE end plpeless; 19$ 8. 12 U S. Phone INSURANCE WE SOLICIT YOUR FIRE INSURANCE on the-, basis of. efficient service, cou pled with low. ;cost and prompt pay ment of lossesj Rtandley A Foley, Agents, Bush Bank Bldg.. Phone 347. JUkTJXDBXXa SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, $16 ; 8. Liberty atreet. Phone 25. Oldest largeet bee. Established 1889, ! YALE LAUNDRY 18 AGAIN IN A PO sitioa to reader yoa the aajne efficient aarvlee as before the fir wkick de stroyed oar old building. All kinds of laundry work, also el easing aad press lag. Phono yosr wants to 196 sad w will eeO. - -,..- CAPITAL CITY 8TEAM LAUNDBY Qaality work; prompt asrvio; 1284 Broadwsy. Paoa 165., t I iixura stobb ED. CHASTAIN CLOT KING OO. BUTTS , aad overcoat. Use say staira. It paya. 80a Stat 8. , ; - sfACHTNB SHOP THE CROSS AUTOMATIO ELEOTBIO Steam boilers, rsleaalasrs aad tab plate. .. Perry O. Campbell, 817 M LlbertT. ' ' i ' WECHTEB A SMITH MACHINISTS. ; eaa-iaoers, welders. ' ' Heald ey liader grindisg aeivlus. Pbeae 662-846 Ferry. KEDIOAa MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH BEMEDY Phoae 617-W. . ."v j,-. . PAPEBHANGXHG AND PAINnNO 4 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOB HOUSE : decoratiag, paper hanging, tiating, ate Reliabl workmsa. TEN CENT KALSOMINE IN BEAUTI . fal oolors; $1 doe a noes. Max 0. Bare. 7 N. Oom'L , MCU8X0AI -L 8AJCM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIOV All branches taught, diplomas grsateC . Joha B. Bites, director j 128? Court Pheaa 620. i. A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO . playing. Popular syaoopated standard saaate. Somi-elasaica aad ballads: .13 Waterman Piaas Bcaool, i BMc. SECOND HABII GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE - BUYS AND sella seeoad aaad raraitore, tool : aad . Juak; 320-, N. CoauaermaL Phon 492 WANTED EVERYTHING IN OLOTH- : lag aad shoes. Best prieee paid. Cap ital E-chaage; 842 North OommoreiaL Phoae 1366-W . BTBSZBY STOCICS FRUIT LAND NURSERY WILL HAVE large stock Italian aad French prone trees, cherry, pear and peach for f alL Offic 161 j South 14th. Salem, Ore gon. -Phon 1140;M. COMPLETE LINE TREES .SMALL fruits. raameata. Capital City Mar eery Oa 636 Oregoa Bldg. Phone 75. FRUIT, ' NUT! AND SHADE TREES Pesrcy Bros- 887 State. IfUSIO STORES TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOB A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Farai tar s Co- Muaia Dept. GEO. O. WILL PIANOS, PHONO graphs, ; sewing" saachiaes, sheet ssasle. aad pisse etadiee, Bopsiriag phono graphs snd eewiaa ssscklnssi : 483 Stat. Salens. .: 'v-v ,1 SHERMAN, CLAY A CO- PIANOS Steiawaya, Due-Art aad others. Moore's Meals House, 415 Court street. TBANSPOBTATI0X CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINE Central Stag -Terminal, ' Salem, Oregoa I iSALEM-EUGEXE Leave Salem 7:15 a. m.; 9:15 a. m. ; Jl:15 a. m.; 1:15 p. m.; 8:15 p. m.; 5:15. p. m.; 7:80 p. m. to Corvsljis only - ' - PARKER'S STAGE LINES" j J. W, Parker, General Manager Central State Terminal Salem. Oregon. SALEM-8ILVERTON. DIVISION i Leaves Salem, Central Stage Terminal: 7 a. m., li s. m- 5 p. m. 1 Leaves Siiverton News Stsnd: - - , ' 6 a. m., 1 p. m., 6 p. m. i Salem - Independence-Monmouth . Di vision : Leaves. Salem, Central Stage Terminal 7 S. m 9 s. m., 11 a .m., 8 p. m. -5 p. a. ;i Lesves Monmouth, .Monmouth Hotel: -- '.8:15 a. m., l,p. m 6:15 p. m" j Lesves Independence-Besver Hotel 8 :30 a. m., 10 a .m., 1:15 p ,m. - , . 4 p .m., 6:30 p. m. Leaves Central Stag Terminal, Salem, for Dallas st: , : i ', l a. i m., 11 a. ra 5:10 p. nu Leave Gall Hotel, Dallas, at 't - 8 a .m., 1 p. m- 6:15 p. m. - i, l' We make - connections , st Salem to ' all parts 'of the valley. Extrs trips by sp pointment. " J W, PARKER, General Manager. " TRANSIXR-HAULING WK. MOTE. STORE. AND SHIP H0U8t bold goods. Our sveeislty Is piano aad faraitar moving. W leo make coun try trips. jW hsadls th beat coal aad wood. Call oa ma for prleea, We gie good measure, good eaality aad ; good eervleo. Lavrmer Transfer Co, Phoae 980 Story by MAY 23, 1923 BUSINESS CARD Continued TRANSFER HAULING MOVING. HAULING AND STORAGE Reaaonable figures. - We bay and ex- chsngs fsrniture. 975-North Oommer cUL Phoe 588. : j V" OAPTTAL Cm TBAN8TEB OO 336 State St. Phoae 988. Distributing, for wsrdiag aad atorage ear specialty. Get ear rates. .. . i- VARIETY STOBES SALEM VABIETY STtfBB CHINA ware, (laeeware, toys, aotioa. aad mU- Uaery. EOAVENGEBS SALEM , SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. refuse el sB klade rsesered slesnsd. Pkeae 167 or 1007 1. BOOS SOAVENGEB SERVICE (8UO eesser - to Veal Scavenger) Garbage aad refase of all kinds removed by the most-. Reesonebls rate. Pbeae : Offiea 139, resldeaee 3058. WOOD SAjrXNG WOOD BAWINts. l-8iree, Pheaa-1181. 'ED - PIANO TUNERS tnwixD WKLP EXPERIENCED PI ane toner. Leave order WiU'e Musi Stere, 1 : V - ' ' " - 'r GRABEB JBROS. PLUMBING AND heetiBg;! general repair. Pkoa HCL . a , . 1 . I I I SOS D. umwi. . 4( PLUMBING REPAIRING AND OOI1 work. Phoe 1897-J. 8-op 137 Uaioa trt ; A' L. Godfrey.. , . i :f'- STOVES AND STOVB EEPAXEINO TTOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED SO years' experience. Depot National lemee. slaoe.36 to 28 ia. high. PaUts. oils aad Tarnishes, etc- log aa berry aad ' boa books. Bales Fence aad Stovi ' Works, 380 Oeurt street,- Pbeae 184. WATEB SALEM WATER. LIGHT A POWER CO. Offie. 801 South Oemmereial St. Tea per seat, diseouat ea domaeti fist rates paid la sdrsnee. Ne dedmetJeas lor sbseneo or say eease aaleee water Is shsl off year presnises. ; PROFESSIONAL AM3ULANCB SEBVICB), SAL B M AMBULANCE SERVICE Phoa 666; 178 8. Liberty. CKZBOPODZSTS DR. 8. T. SCOTT, GRADUATE NA tlonal University Scieaoee, . Chioago. . Maaonie Temple. Phoae 640. OR. WILLIAMS CORNS, CALLOU8ES, tagrowaj aaila; all foot trouble. Price Bao Co. Paoa 618. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIBEC Sore. 210 Center. Phoae 1656. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE ANT ehronio i diseases; 416 Orsgoa Bid Phoa 110. . ' i y 'i;-' OHXNX8B PHTSICLAJV DR. L. T, DICK CURES -'ANY KNOWN disease.; 153 8. High St. Pbeae 383. f CHXROPRACTOBS 1 : DR. IL D. BEDMOND. . Chiropractor, 325 Oregoa Bldg. Phone 664 DR. eNA A. BOONE, 475 S. OOifMER cial. Phone 1415.- y - ? - DBS. SOOTT A 8COFISLD, P. 8 C Ckiropraetora, 414 19 U. 8. Beak Bldg Pbeae ST; res. 828-B. " e y DBUGLES8 PHTSICIAK8 MAGNETIO HEALING DB. A. I Praats.) Acute aad ehronJs d1isse Phoas 780 ever Peoples Cask Store, opncTAjrs GLASSES FITTED BY. THE BOW OP tieal .Co, 825 State street, . opposite Ladd . A Bask Beak. 'Csw OuaUty Prove Bhur-eaa." .- . -4- I ' MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORE goa Bldg. Room 801 t 304. OSTEOPATHIO PHYSICIANS DB. W L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC physieiaa aad . aurgeoa. Kirksvill , graduate, 404-405 U. 8. NaUoasl Bsab - Bldg. Paoa. office 919; res, 614. DB. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Phyaicssa aad Surgeon, i 403-404 Ore goa Bldg. Phosee. effiee 1894; rsa - 88-r. f -: -.:.--..' REAL ESTATE ' I I Bargain Seven room bungalow, modern; furnace, fruit, three lots, south Sslem. West of Commercial. $3250. Terms. Comp- ion iveai xtste, sou state. St. fOB SALE FIVE ACRES IX -YOUNG .: trees snd smsll fruits. Smsll build i ings. Price reasonable. Quarter mile i 1heizeT schooL X V. Keef er. modern; fairmouxt hill home and view lot, both priced right. Will trade mode-a 9 room bouse, 71 foot lot, abundance of fruit, garage, paved atreet, for smaller house snd. 2 er 8 , seres. :i Priced to-move st $3500. 5 room plastered cot tare, bsth. electric light v price $2200. Will take good let first payment. -8 room modern heme in east Salem, gar age, fruit, paved street. Aa unusual buy: st $4000. . Winnie Pettyjohn - ; I 216 Oregon Blig. y 4 0CTAVUS ROY C0HEII illustrations by H. Wsstoa Taylor " II REAL ESTATE Cental rtrggsTTTstM amnaai "ll'UUJ , PBINTED CARDS, SIZE U" T r ,1.. . wordsae- "P R.l. .7. 10 eeatV eechj Sutesavaa r Offieo. Groaad Floor? Z""" - FOB TRADE 20 ACRES FC3, n"'"' j aad lot la Baleam. 4.00 eordi ea pteee. 4X0 Oregoa Bldg. FQB SALE ORCHARD'S CS G0CI resdst City property. F. R. soa. Rt 5, Bos 95. Balem, Crtgf FOB SALE A LEW H0USS, W2it inrntsnea. rtreepisee, bsta, t'soct i , eitys !smong pines snd r-ododetc'-dB, t' i i. wonderful view of oceaa; 50 x 1 j ' W lot, St Newport. Bex 805, 1 wt- ' i Oregea. . .' 1 Cheap Lots Flerr,;: ; A fine korner lot, east frost, r s j, line, east at $400, term. This it tl j under the market, a real plrk t Two good lot for the price of cl(. , abstract. Two others for the coit i sidewalks ssd sbttrsets. , w-, Fleming. 841 Sts'tsv ' r FOR QUICK SALE GOOD 7 .Ror t 1 housj., east front, at 1259 So;i ' erty Street; lot 75 by 160 feet; 1:1.3 $700j will bahdle terms ea b!an-. FINE fIVERO0M BUNGALOW, CU .3 to Capitol Building. Let me show jl ' Ctrictly modern. Price $4500, terns. , O. Vf,, LafUr, 410 Oregoa Bldg. PBUXBi BAXCTI AND PVTLZ chickens, sit for $10,000. Gertradt I. M. Page. 492 N Cottage St . , FOR SALE A NEW FOUR ROOM 1 dernj house, white enamel finish tl. out. j Built in kitchen, gsrsges. ' . 50x135,1 $2500, $500 dowa ablance $ .per pjoath. . Call 1381W. - FOR SALE 10 ACRES OF LAND, AU 1. in cultivation, no buildings. Jost sbc : 6 blocks from street esr. $3000, r,: own (terms. Nesrly 10 acres, sets ia pranea, 4 scree ia young logssi, ; bslasce In clover aad vetch hay. iiooi '. barnl no house, just off paved high Way! $4500. Good terms. Rich Siissna, Realtor, 229 Orfzon 14;, oie 1013. A beautiful tract of land oa IHis 1 street, $5,000. ' ' ' A beautiful block of -land oa RorU Churchf street, $2,000. 47 Mere firm, trada for S room iovi j ia 6slm sll crops sad 'some furniture in cluded.) . -i -- - I Beautiful home on Court street t", OOO. , . " - ,- Other houses, tracts of land, ; lots s.i a grocr store for sate aad trsde. C in trude Page, 492 N. Cottars Et. V; j WANT NEW H0M37 ' Am jboilding $ few to Sell for is,: psymeets down.. If they. don't suit, j say wlat you want. 8 reomi, large lot. Improved t'.re.: close ia. Small payment down. 1 Exchang-e small house for larger est. j Bobison, i Iniurance ssd Loans, : Oregon Bldg1., Phone 1013, or sny t of snyj day, except Sunday 1749 B FOB TRADE FOB COAST PROPE2TY- Three ranches, sll la cultivation, - 'ingsi cheap water, no eneumbrr--i nea Psyett. For particulars, si .owner. - No commission. . Wm. Bee Psyett, Idaho, B. F. D. No. 2. : Good Buys t . k . T . f Irh finmm IA Pit I Trj( asy term a. 5-roomj plastered cottage, built 8 y ego.j. in good condition. Price $24 $406 down, balance $25 per mot South Sslem. I 4-roomi house, large lot, located st 1: Jefferson atreet. Price $2650; down will handle. ! 160-scfs arm, 110 in cultivation, 10 s ef prunes, buildings, , 3000 cord standing timber; . located TH t south, near psvsment. Pric $85 t sert ' 5 " . . ' ' ' i W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. IRealtors ,: 375jStsU St, C. 8. Bank Sl(fg.' NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERSMEr Timber. General Lend Office, Wsshi: tonJ D. C May 16, 1923. XoUcs hereby given thst subject to the con. Ltione and limitation of the Acts Juut 9. 1916 (39 Stat. 218) and Ju 4. 1920 (41 fitat 758). snd Dcpr .mental regulations .of September. 1 , 1917 . (46 L. D 447). snd June, t , y 1920 (47 L. D 411), ths timber os t following lands will be sold ea Jus i , .1923, st 10 o'clock a. a, st public a ' tioni st the U. S. Lend Office st Ft lsnd, Oregon, to the highest bidder t -1 not) less than ths spprsiiied vslna t j. shown, by this notice, sals to bs sut, "to the spprovsl of the Secret sry ef t - Interior. The purchase price, with : additional tarn of 1-5 of one per r ; thereof being commissioss sllov . ' mast be deposited st time of t ; mosey to.be returned if sals ia not i proved, otherwise potent will issee ' : the timber which mast be removed ! , ia fen years. Bids will be received f i ritisena of the United States, sts ; tioss of such citizens, and eorporttic organised under ths laws of the IV ; Stales, or any State, Territory or I , trict thereof, only. " . Upon spplifsi: ' of qualified purchaser, ths timber t any legal subdivision . will be efie- , separately before being included la . offer of a larger- unit: t7:S,& 2 E Sec 1, SW 4 KS ! yellow fir 750 M, none of ths tin ' on j this tract to be sold for less t $K50 per M, T. 2 S., R E, See. KB 4 SB M. red fir 400 M.. ft firj 2550 M., hemlock 25 M4 sons J th timber on this trset to bs so'd less thsa $1 per M., for the red f.'r. pe M. for the yellow fir, ssd 0 e per M. .for the hemlock. T. 4 S . : 5 E'See. 7. 6EH SE U. red fir 1 -M4 SW -M fiE U red fir 1100 nose of the timber on these tracts be sold for less thsa $2 per M. T B. 2 See. 15, NE H XE U ' firl 1640 NW SE red fir M. SE 4 SE '4, red fir 1020 : SE U red fir 520 M.. cedar 10 SE SW U red fir 400 M, yet fir) 600 M, none of the timber en th ; tracts to be sold for less thsa $3 per T.j6 S., R. 3 E Sec. 5. frl. SW) Uffir 020 M.. SE NE fir W f W U NE U r 875 M.. frl, N NC fir 750 M, frl. NW U NW '. fh?y650M., SE U NW fir T50 : i SE U fir 380 M.. NW U fir 490 "M., NE 4 SW fir 23 i none of the timber oa these tracts t soU for less than $1.50 per M. T 3 r B.I 3 EU See. 13, lot 5 red fir 225 i whit fir 25 M, cedar 40 It., son th4 'timber on this lot to be sold ' .least than $1.50 per M. T. 8 S.. C E.J Sec. 31. NE V. NE U fir 273 8E) M NE fir 2530 NE U firj 2100 M. none of the timber ' , these traets to be. sold for lest $li75 per M. T. 9 S-, R. 2 E.. Fe. lot X, fir 2940 M., SB H NE i 1K40 M., NB 4 SE Vi. fir 1T00 3 NW 4 SE 4 fir 1340 M son et 1 tiiab.T on the&e tracts to be sold less thsa 0)1.50 per M. Wlllisa E. Cohimiseioner. General Land Ofi?. B$st -Buys and Exchang:; 13 ax rrs, 4 seres' besrinri logsBs. ' J sctes pnines,- Si seres mixed t" froit, 1 acres pasture. 3 seres ' 4 'Seres srraia. . eonH 7-ronm house v fireplace; good bsrp,' garage, c , shop. Located oa Garden road. -best buy . ia Salem vicisity; ' - $8500, terms. - 23 seres, 6 scrss bearing logsns. 5 .. praaea, 1 acre strawberries. meseber-ie ; located 6 miles seal' 7000, terms. Socolofsky -841 SUte. - . V - V V I ; J