The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 22, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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'Mere, T
amid Everywhere
1. : :
iite non lil
SQUIRE KUGEGAl rrrTherc AVe T wo Ends tu'i"
'i 1
TrtfAJcV yof v
Bout. fiEo t -THE' ,J
NO 5, .
New York Shuts Out Chicago
Thurston's Support Is r
1 ; Extremely ' Poor ...
Score Is 7 to 3 After Blow
Up That Put Spauldings ;
Clear Out-
7 '
-. . i . ! I I . ; fl III .iwfl rJ MIA 1 i 'S".TAFJ Nfll.r.Ti ffllfTfZflfJ ..'.' 7 f . s , t v . - ,
' CHICAGO.! May l. (AmerU
ca. Waite Hoyt pitched in fine
form today and New York - shut
cut Chicago 5 f to .0. Thurston
pitched a good game tor the lo
cals but hia support was ragged.
The visitors scored their runs by
bunching hits.
. Score v ' ' , It. H. E.
New York 5 12 1
Chicago, J. I.'. . ... 0 7 2
Hoyt and Schangi Thurston and
I f. Detroit 5; )htladIphla. 4 '
bETROITfc May 21. (Ameri
can.), A batteryof pinch bitterB
took a victory from Philadelphia
and gate Detroit a S to 4 victory
today. IPlIlette allowed only four
bits' in eight innings, but each of
them figured in the Athletics'
scorini, I ,f "i : - V; '
.-- Score '?.;' R. H.;.Er
Philadelphia -'- i:. . 4 - 5- -2.
Detre.1 s i .-i 'Vi.
''J.- Hasty,' Rommel
v. U! 2
and 'r. Perklnsj
Ptllette, Cole and Woodall.
; . WasMBKto 3; SU Ixul 2
"ST.: LOUIS May 12. (Ameri
can.) Overcoming an early lead
, Washington won the second game
of the series with St. Loaia today,
3 Io-i2; ? ' ' r'-- 'S-k
In the second inning yan Gilder
hit into' the right field standa for
a : bonier. : scoring Schliebner, who
bad, singled.: ; The winning - run
was'scored by Rle oil Evans' alow
roller to Gerber.
' i Score-- : R.' n. E.
Washington . ; 3 8 2
- S:.; Louis .... 2
"War mouth and Gharrity;
Gilder and Collins."
' " Boston-Cleveland game
s poaed: cold.' , -
C 0
Fiit y-Two Babies Brought -Z'-
To CKnTc at Silvcrton
: -"
SILVCRTON, Or..' 'May 21.
(Special " to The "'Statesman.)
Fi:ty-twb babies were brought to
the Marion county baby clinic held
at Silverton Saturday. No scores
were given, as the purpose of the
cl'ic wsi to give experienced ad
vi. a'lndifidually to mothers on the
c: a and feeding of their infants,
lira. John A. Carson of Salem,
who is chairman of the chid hy-
ficne work Qf Marlon county; Dr
Fc rd-Warer . : of ; Portland, ' and
IIL33 Le?,Roy. "a Portland nurse,
la 1 charge of the affair. f These
wtia assisted loyally by .Mrs. W.
Hubbs. Mrs. Frank Morley, Mrs.
C it. ,Wray. Mrs. Arthuf Janx and
Mrs.. H. Gfmmx Dr. P." Lbar
. n4 Dr, R.' Kle! Merge,1 local phy
tlclans, and Dr. Clement of Salem,
l V i4 3 eye, ear, nose' and throat
specialists . were' also present for
a fvort time. i' :y --n
irom the
1 JJ factory
nisi. CiXx Pmpt-m AttA
I ' rouseB
. .
. ; The Yeomen beat the - Loggers
last night, 7 to 3, i The Spaulding
outfit lost six runs in one dread
ful inning. The Loggers held the
Yeomen down to one lonely little
score for four straight - Innings,
and then the blow-up came.- The
lodgemen began to bit. 1 They hit
'em high and low. and (hey hit 'em
hard and fast and as safe as a
national bank and as far as radio
grams and right where the field
ers 'ain't. Ana the base runners
ran bases like rabbits. '
It looked like a practice game
between two teams of adding ma
chine champs, to see who could
count the highest in the shortest
space of time last night. ' And
then, when the Loggers came to
bat for their own ast half of the
fifth they were so fratxled that
they made' three straight outs and
not another man. to 'bat. It was
like the Battle, of, Jee-ru-sa-lem,
or something like that. .
AlTln Lenon, pitching for the
Yeomen, put up a really excellent
brand of ball, .well supported by
the whole team. The Spauldings,
however, were well in the lead
3 to 1 until the last Inning, when
the powder-works went up like a
Chinese new year. If the Yeomen
expected to lose the game to the
formidable loggers, they are about
the most surprised ' 4bll players
outside of the. .padded cells..,
Imported Battery From Port
land Proves tttecttve
Against Salem
By a score of B to X the Au
rora baseball team, with -a bat
tery imported' from Portland,
defeated the Salem Senators ' at
Oxford park Sunday afternoon.
; Kuss, who pitched jffor Aurora
did .excellent work, allowing
only f five . hits, walking no' Sa
lem : player and striking out 14
batters: ; . Ralph Calvin of Au
rora got' a liomer with two ion
bases. ; Frink.' who pitched for
Salem : for a trifle ver six In
nings, allowed seven hits, ; and
Zosel, who' relieved .him. allow
ed none. : Salem failed to hit at
opportune times. " ' .' ,
The visitors scored; first when
Frink walked H. ' Calvin, tfilllng
the bases, and then walked Rib
Inson, : J forcing :ln a, Ixun? Sa
lem'c lone score came in tne.
seventh, when Atkins, Chemawa
Indian, who J waa catching -for
the Senators, beat out a hunt.
He was scored, on a, long hit by
Buchert. '
The Senators will play Donald
next Sunday.
Linfield Fails to Send ' '
Tennis Team to Salem
Linfield was to have a tennis
team to meet: the' Willamette
r.earcats in Salem, Saturday, but
apparently, the drubbing ' the loc
als handed out to, the Pacific
bunch a week ago had a depress
ing effect on the visitors, and they
didn't visit! : Willamette hed lost
one meet this, year, to O.: A.T 3.,
but simply slaughtered Oregon
and Pacific, and while the Llnfiel-
ders are considerel game sports.
apparently 'they thought it wasn't
either gameness or sport to butt
their heads against the local stone
wall. ; No arrangements have been
made for setting the match for a
later date, and the year is fast
drawing to a close. '
Willamette has at least one
more net series, with Albany col
lege, in Salem next Saturday. The
Albany team! has had some real
stars, in 'the, years gone past, and
tfrey might, put up a hard match
eveV againstt '.'.'Willamette, this
year. ... ,
Thete is a possiility of yet one
other Important tennis event in
Salem this year, a non-conference
college mfcet,'June . 2, to all the
smaller colleges of the valley. WI1
lamette is asking the others to
join in such a event. f, .
Silverton Legioff Peaten m
By Shaw Team Sunday
SILVERTON. Or May s 21.
(Special to" The . Statesman.)-'
The Delbert Reeves. American
Legion post of Silverton was
defeated n a game of baseball
played with Shaw at Silverton
Sunday - afternoon. , The - .'score
was -7' to 3.! Shaw showed some
good batting. , This . was , . the
first game the. Silverton boys
played this year, s u
Inter-natl Cartoon Co., N.
1 1 ' ' 1
...., ... : W. it.; Pet.
Sn Francisco . .-...M. 29 i 18 .CI 7
Sacramento ... .... .28 1 20 .505
Salt Laka .. i ...:..20 i 20 .565
Vernon j ...25 ; 21 ..543
PorUand j 25 . 23 ; 91
I 'Anfelea..L 11 ! 24' .467
Oakland ..17 2 .870
8Uttl , 15 , SO .833
W. L. pet.
Xew York . 22 S 8 .733
Pittsburg- ... - 1S 18 .552
St. Lauia ; .-.17 14 548
Cincinnati , . 14 ; 14 .500
Chieaco 14 ) 15 .483
Boston ,.. : 13 14 .481
Brooklyn ......... ... . Hi 18 J37S
PbilaJelphia U. 8 II' .298
'., 1 ' W. U. Pet.'
New York 22 8 .793
Philadelphia .... 17 1 1 .07
Cleveland u. IS 14 .533
Detroit .,... 18 15 .518
Washington , . 12 15 .444
St. Loaia ............ .......13 IT .414
Chicago . , ..lO, 17 JJ70
Boston 8 18 .333
Unfavorable Crop Reports in
, visible Supply Lead to
. - - Bull Rush . '
" CHICAGO, May 21. Influenced-
chiefly br unfavorable crop re
ports and ;by announcement of a
big decrease in the .United. States
visible supply, the-wheat .market
scored something of an advance in
price today. Closing quotations
were unsettled at 94 to c net
gain, July $1.16 to ll6 and
September, $1.14 to $1.14 4.
Corn finished at a range varying
from c decline to V0 Me ad
vance. Oats at He off to a shade
up, and provisions unchanged to
S'eente higher. v :f j , :.-; !
Reports at hand indicate a
wider area of wheat crop impair
ment in the southwest than here
tofore had been generally belie v
ed probable. Some off the coun
ties of larger production in Kan
sas were pictured ' as having de
teriorated at a rapid rate, and
there were also advices that parts
of Oklahoma were showing equak.
ly at a 'disadvantage.1' Unfavor
able reports' from Ohioi Indiana
and Illinois were likewise a sub
ject of .. special notice; f On the
other hand weakness of stocks led
at times to down turns ire wheat
Values,, and so did 1 selling to. re
lease profits.' r" !
Rallies to the highest prices of
the day in the wheat market took
place after it was known that the
domestic visible supply showed a
falling off of 4.107.0Q0 bushels.
The unusual size of the; decrease
was explained by the fact that ex
port clearances of wheat land flour
last week amounted to more than
5.500.000 bushels. Buying pow
er, however,- waa apparently in
sufficient !' to make these bulges
last and the market ' was -receding
as the session came to an end. :
'Corn and oats were only gov
erned by the action of wheat val
ues.; Rains In Nebraska 'and else
where likely'' to. delay corn plant
ing were helpful to the bulls. -
".' Buying on the; part of . small
packers gave firmness to the pro
vision market after a decline due
to lower quotations on bogs.
, NEW YORK. May 21. Evapo
rated apples, nominal, prime state
9 10c; i prunes, dull; Calif or
nias 7 8c; Oregons, 6104c;
peaches, dull; choice, ill 12c:
extra choice, 12(012H; fancy,
14015c ' t
Lumber Companies May
f Quit Compensation Act
A , large number of lumber
concerns are again threatening
to . discontinue operation' 'under
the .workmen's compensation act
on : July 1. according to ' mem
bers of the. commission. 'These
concerns, it Is said, are , being
influenced br the Insurance
companies.' The agitation Is an
nual, at this , tme of year, but
ordinarily most 'of- the' concerns
deside to stay by the act. ..
Pittsburg Takes Opener
From Philadelphia 'Team
(National.) Pittsburgh: took the
opening game of the series from
Philadelphia today & to 3.' Mor
rison opposed Behan and -both
were ic fine form,-, two errors 1y
Holke losing l the game for ; the
locals In the ninth. Lee hit two
home runs and drove In all three
of the Philadelphia runs.
Score 5 R. H. E.
Pittsburgh . ; .'. . ...... 5 10 0
Philadelphia . . . . . ... 3 5 2
Morrison and TJooch; Behan and
Henline. ;
No other games scheduled.
, SHR1EVEPORT, La., May ,21.
"HapDy" ' Howard of New
York ' knocked out George Shade
of San Francisco in the second
round a a scheduled 15-round
bout i here , tonight. Shade was
completely outclassed. They- are
light heavyweights. -
effitigini ;
Think what this world
would be withoatcxjofideoca
that the aon would riae to
mocrowl : 1 WtthodtcorifxiexKsintbe
order of things, in our fellow .'
men,, in .our . institutions,
chaos would reign in the
world. There would be no ,
security, : no progress, no
: happiness. Confidence is es
sential to all that is worth
whae, ; . ;. -;-::,f;:: ;
: Years of satisfactory . ex
perience with Red Crown
gasoline have given the mo
toring public confidence in
"Red Crown." They know
that with "Red CrowjT fax
the' tank ..they have . high
quality motor fuel, and that
from it their engine will de
liver its maximum power
and mileage.
"Red Crown" is available
at Standard Oil Service Sta
tions, garages, and at other
dealers. -
). - i ;-.::v ! ;.;'..:
Look for the Red Crown
sign before you filL I
Two Bid for Dempsey
1 Wilis Labor Classic
NEW YORK May 21. Two
bidders; for a heavyweight cham
, fmship matcn ;.beiween Kack
Dempsey and ' Harry Wills ne
gro challenger to :take- place
here- on or : aboat , Labor ; day.
were in. the field tonight a-ter
Your New
Straw Hat
is here
New Shapes' and
$2.50 to $6.00
i ! j i .Ciyright 1923 Ilart r-'lT "
i Y ' i ' ' I - - , :i .
Paddy Mulllns, Wills' manager,
had filed with the state Athlet
ic commission a request for
sanction of the match In this
atate. t . " ; ; i ,xy
The 'promoters : seeking the
match, which depends upon
Dempsey 's triumph over Tom
Gibbons at Shelby, Mont., July
4, are- Tom O'Rouke. polo
grounds match maker. ! and Si
Boys' Play ?His Majesty:
1 ;
Dignified, stylish looking Clothes; you want them.
The only way to get them is to buy fine quality-and
that's in the all wool fabrics and? expert tailoring.
We specialize in these things as well as extreme value.
AH the new ones the good ones for men and young
"YotfUTwd No Bitter Clothes Than Those Sold Here"
mon Flaherty, i matchmaker of a
Long Island City open air arena.
";.'. '. "
At Kansas City 7: Colum
bus 1. - - - - -
At Milwaukee 4 ; Toledo 5.
At St. Paul 8; Indianapolis
At Minneapolis 7;
ville 8.
Bunker Bean", Grand Theater, May, 23.
; v;
i f
1 J. HOPS . 7 .
" ' f '
; ? NEW YORK, "May 21. Hops,
quiet; state 1922. 17 20c; 1921.
11012c; Pacific coast 1922. 14
17c; 191. 12013c.
6. - J Genius creates as the nightin
gale sings; with breast against a
thorn. . I J' .
8 V-
Harvard Crand
uinbii- sims
All sizes 34 to 45
. , ' . v . .
I .. t,f
; . . t t