The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 09, 1923, Page 10, Image 10

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IJ rl J till I llllls lth commander tot Sedgwick post rS..-... .-.1 ,. . . ' , !
rf 1 HERE V GOES V , ' Tt . - - f
1 ( -nvn:. telcphoime! )r , :eth iAT phone ipleaseIT!
2 Mfh WINE. FOiRL J Mvi !f t aPEAKlMG
plW&mr 'try vMi-nu5i5r i L r (S ido4T recognize
' -l!mm9 Vmm--fJ&Szk
phogiiiji Bf
5 Plans .Prepared By Special
: ; Committee Governor
; Main Speaker
.11 , .t ; - ;....
-. - Plana of. .the Grand Army of
Ihe Republic v for ' Memorial day,
iiaro been ' reqortet by , a com-
mlttee -of the OAR composed of
A. B. Hudleson, Gideon Stolz and
tJ. jJ. Newmyer. The;veterana will
- hare the. cooperation of the Amer
a!can legion. Sons of Veterans, Ke-
lief corps and other patriotic br
; gantzatlons.
j The order of . the j'iaay as pre
taredj . by K: the committee and
r adopted by' the post follows
,4 "The Sunday -ierrlces and' all
t arrmnements fpr ire !n, hands of
, post commander, who haa an
nounced the same will be held at
Presbyterli vcharchi Sunday mor
" nlnr JMay , at. 1 1 o'clock: , ser
"i m on by . Rev, Ward Will Is Lon g ;
post will assemble at church at
10:30, i' .
" "The Son o , Veterans . have
ja greed to furnish, detail to place
-the flags on- grayes at Odd Pel-
'low,- City NVfeir and Lee Mission
.cemeteries. ;Jy-Yj,,,, ;Y.' ....
-; Th.e morning exercises kat GA
'71 circle -'wllltake place as usual
at 1 0 : 3 0 o'clock, . under. pot. com-;
mander, and j -chairman . , of this
.committee, Comrade A. B. Hudel-
iMBa' i " 'v ?- i
. "Two buglersa and firing qual
'will be farnlshed by Compapy F,
Automobilesr to ; take comrades
;Ahd women of the relief corps to
and .froni .cemetery, the Jmdrning
jot Memorial dayj wflt he .supplied
- by the efforts and superrlsion of
Eons ofVeterans. ! " '-''j . -: '
Y L "rhe - women of jSedgwick Re
lief corps :wlll serve lunch !at Mc
jCorhack hair front . 12 to,-l p rat
for conrade and their .wires
only. , -A - , -'' .Y :t
1 -"At 120: theY. women ot Sedg
twlck 'Relief corpswlll .give their
j usual y servfces" at' -VWIllamette
bridge' JnY honof pj ,ouV honored
." dead of the marine service.
"The afternoon parade will be
( j arranged for entirely by. the Am
;i J erican lejlorf, t the Spanish War
fj" Veteraris s.nd.lCompany P.t.sup
Y portedf by the Sons. of . Veterans,
p. jwho-t will act as legal escort to
ij '''Grand rmy veteransj for j whom
i 1 antomoblleswill be .furnished. L
,' .i "The - place of assembling and
line' of march wilt be announced!
Ty-these organizations : through
their cpmmlttees, and in prober
time . announcement made
through the press. - . . .
,ijTh parade no doubt will be
staged to , start promptly .at 2:30,
The parade. will terminate t the
armory where the usual memor
ial i exercises f w ill take place with
the commander tt Sedgwick post
presiding. 4 ;
.Tpovernor Waltej- l. rjefce
will deliver, the address of the
day, and we Invite tbe public to
attend: I we bespeak
full house." , .
f6r him a
Los Angeles to Have. , .
New Buddhist Church
.. ... j : :.
LOS ANGELES,' Cal., May 11.
Organization plans of the Budd
hist church in. America were an
nounced here toy. Dr. A. Brodbeck
at a gathering held in observance
of the birthday of Buddha. The
tocal temple has about 1600 mem
bers, of which more than 300 are
Americans. '
Narrative of Lieutenant
Bradley ;to Be Pubtished
By Society
HELEXA. Mont., April 27. A
Earrative of the Sioux campaign
f 1876 In which occurred the
Custer massacre, , written at the
time the' fighting occurred by a
particlpant.In it. will be published
ibis summer by the Montana His
torical society, j , ; "YY
The narrative is from a manu-v
script record by .Lieut. James H.
Bradley, .who wis? av member of
tie' Seventh United States infan
try stationed at Fort Shaw, a few-
miles west of what Is now. Great
Falls, Mont. when, it was ordere.
to the valley of the Big . Horn
river. to .meet the Seventh cavalry
under General Custer and several
othr f detachments. , Its arrival
waj..aYfew hours. too late. i Sev
eral thousand indians had over
whelmed, Custer' force and were
pone -before-' the other troops ar
rived. 't ,; " '
Lieutenant; Bradley was station
ed ; in Montana, at Fort Benton
and Fort Shaw, from, 1871 unti
he was killed ' in the battle with
Chief Joseph the Nez Perce lead
er, in the Big Hole basin, in what
Is now Beaverhead county, Mont-i
close to the Idaho line In 1877.'
? Lieutenant Bradley was a pro
llflc writer and' filled a dozen
manuscript books with data on
the early days of Montana, Indi
an ljabits and customs, and accu
rate accounts .of -the Indian war
fare of the 70s. t Y
. After Lieutenant Bradley's
death, bis manuscript records
were bought by the Montana. His
torical society in 1881, from his
widowV who lived In Georgia, Ex
cerpts from them have been pub
lished by the society- and - the vol-
Pbnotinced Firm e s s - of
Stocks and Cotton Also
Hag Influence on Price
ume,, which will be! issued ,.thi3
summer. will contain all the un
published parts of his volumin
ous manuscripts , Y .
More Historic Mounds in
Benton County Opened
CORVALLIS, Ore., May 8-4two
prehistoric burial mounds on the
Square Deal farm at Irish Bend,
Benton eountyr Ore., were opened
by John Thomas of Junction iCty,
junior in , mining engineering ? of
Oregon Agricultural college, .who
found t numerous , arrow ; heads,
much smaller than the ordinary
arrow, points common ; over the
northwest country.
POUTrAXI), Ore May ,S. GraTn i fu
tures; Whcut Bhiestom and jaart, iay
Jone $1.32: soft white, western -white,
TJny-June $1.24; hard winter, ifay-June
ft.lC; northern spring, western red. May-June.,.t-17.
: ,. I . :- j
Oats 33-pound naturals, ifay-.Tnn
$3650.- - ...,'f .. ui w i .,,.
CArn Xo, 2 eastern yellow .shipment,
May-Jane S 37.30; Xo. 3 ditto, ii ay-June
S37.00. ::; . ;,. iv'j. i, ' . t
Extensive -Short Coverings
Carry Number of Leaders
'! Up Five Points.
NEW YORK, May 8. Indica
tions that the' stock market had
been ! oversold by . professional
speculators , for the decline vere
seen today in the quick recovery.;
rom recent weakness of several
popular industrial stocks. Buy
ing of these Issues by so-calleu
inside Interests in the early deal
ings, j resulted in extensive short
covering which carried a number
of" the leaders one to five points
above yesterday's closing prices.
Bear traders made another last
hour attempt to? unsettle the list
by throwing overboard a large
volume of domestic oil shares.
, Equipments led Y "the Initial
rally.? .' ; Y.L..
4 !
:l;v:"4;V.YYY; 'Y7'. v ' ::-y"!,' -lf . ; Y Y rv !: -Yr
1 V,- !-U, i.-'e-J-'-'" ''-'-I- ' ti " ' j
I .'!.-' .'".Yi"-' , ;'- ' -' - i it -Y!' '! ' --
6Jii em
i - , : ; -
i j
', I J i ' ' ' U f
MISS' CARAMEL , WATKINS and the uppity
i 2.
A' -r
i -"V" ' :
in his
with screaminerlv fiinnv; results
hbwcomi& strip- entitled L
It's ah Arm-CHab-Vaudeville Every Day
Strength of rail shares' was ac
companied by reports, at several
voluntary, consolidations being
announced in. the few months and
increased demand for these secur
ities. '. ;
Call money opened at j4 3-4
per cent and dropped to 4 1-2 in
the. early afternoon, (closing a)
that figure Trading in the time
money market was quiet witni oc
casional loans arranged at 5 1-4
per cent for the shorter maturi
ties. There was a good demand
ifor , 'commercial paper, prime
names being unchanged at 5 and
5 1-4 per cent. 1
l ; .i
Demattd sterling, created a new
low"; or the year at 4.(51 1-4, loft
1-2 cent. . French francs improv-i
ed 'slightly; t C.G3 cents. Ex
changes in other currencies were
narrow andYlrreguIar.
'-....; .- V FRUIT. . r. .
NEW YORK, May 8. Kvapo
rated apples easy; prune3 easy;
Y.peache .dpll-i ,.,,.f .-Y
iClHCAflO.- May' S Freezing.
teinperatures with snow and ram
in the spring crop belt together
wjth : pronounced inrmness ot
stheks and cotton, led to higher
prjices today for -grain. The gov
ernment! crop report Issued after
the close turned out to be a, little
lets bullish than was looked.: for.
Wheat . closed steady . at 1 to 1
5-ls net advance, July 1.17 1-4
tri $1.17 3-S and Septfember ? 1.1.5 J
7-jS to $1,16. Corn finished 1 ana
lis to 1 and 3-8 cents 'up, oats
uf l-?8 to 5-S cent, and provis
ions showing a rise f 2 (1-2 cents
toi 1 0 cents. " . .
Throughout the day, persist
ijjt buying of future deliveries ot
wheat took place, chiefly on the
prt of commission houses and
said to be more or Ies3 on Euro
pean account. Jn this connection
signiicahce was attached to the
fact that the Liverpool market
had failed to respond fully to yes
terday's ; decline here and that
Liverpool quotations were at
more than twice the premium
over Chicago that they were' a
wjiile. back. There was jxossop
ctirrent, ;too, that all the bonded
Canadian wheat in the "east had"
been sold 'to go , abroad and that
Europeans would have to be more
liberal buyers of cash wheat bere
atfter. j .. . .. . . . '.Y.
The unseasonable weather for
wheat in the northwest .was some
what offset by beneficial rains in
1 lliriois, Indiana and Ohio, on
the other hand expectation that
the I government crop: report
would .prove advantageous to the
bulls but was an evident help to
ward, restoring a higher price lev
el, during the last part of the ex
change session. , -.
Targe shipments, of corn oni ot
Chicago; tended to , strengthen
prices ot corn arid oats. , Storms
and cold acted as a further-bullish
influence. Provisions ascend
ed wkh grain.
SAN FnANIScjoI May 7.-r-The
general strike ca I led by the I nd u s-
tfial Workers of tho World, April
23, is about at ari-end in'the Pa
cific coast states, according to
pprts received tonight. The log
gers and longshoremen in Wash
ington voted lo return to work. At
San Pedro, Cal.; 1200 longshore
men went to woikon'G0 steamers.
Shipowners ' reported ; the- rnpn
returning to wrk . rapidly and
the plan- to import workers had
been held up. ' A letter of the
IWW' in eastern U'ashington was
quoted M saying
been 'ordered to
anu - IstriKo on, u
ing up production
the men nave
return to work
hy slow-
Wheat 1-2 to ! 7
tOs. 4d; July, 9s
Her 9s, 7 3-8d.;
May x.- i;ioB'
fed lower; May
10 i-4d; Octo-
It is figured out that in this
country ; 2,000,0i0 j autjoniobile
owners will buy ' new . cars, rass
ing the 5 old ones over :to"- others,
this year. This ougt to add
much to the spread of profanity.
Exchange. i
He who -dines on forbidden
fruits" will writhe later with the
colic. - - , .
cash: No. 1 northern $1.22 1-8
it za 1-8: ' No. : 1
fncr S1.32 1-8 'atr$l.-42l-S;
1 dark northern
$1.32 1-8; May
hnpnine "wheat' 1 ' s cent lower,
June $1,14 1-2; July wheat $!.!
May 8, Wh t
dark northern
$1.24 , 1-8 ai
si. 22 1-8: July
ij23ii-2; September i $1.20 . 1-2. r-.j
Any breaking out or skin .Irri
tation orf face, neck or boly j;
over ome quickest ; by applying
Mentho-SulplMir, , says, a note.';
skin special i.- t. Because of - iu
germ destroying properties, noth
ing ha3 ever been found to take
the place of this. snlpbur prepar
atioh lhat instantly brings eas
trorn the itching, burning and I ir
ritation. Y .-" .
, Mcntho-Sulhpur heals eczemti
right up, leaving the kin clear
and "smooth. It seldom fails to
relieve 'the torment or disfigure
ment. A little jar -of Rowlea
Meiith6-Salphur may be obtairipd
at:any drug store. It Is used like
cold cream.--Adv. - " !
YoAKIiAND, I Calif.,-. -..May I 8.
Emile Prick, 76, last urvlsJng
engineer of California pioneer
days, fs dead. a Prick was the sec-,
ond. Southern: Pajcific engineer ta
drive , one of the old-style steam
trains here.' He was an engia-
eer- for 38 years) -
When you
ing Coupe,
. i - ' VitV t' xtrpirnn Tnvmi
can rule in a. uumwuiiiaf m uacit xum-
Rondster, Sedan, Truck or Chassis,
Also a f el' other makes left for us to sell.
you pay.
easy payment plan will let yon ride'wiiile
.Small deposit nolcis any car. , .
Yours for Genuine Ford Parts aridvSeKvice
260 North' High r!
Phone 19S3
I 10 DAYS : I :
7 .
;; '
C. & C. STORE, 254 North Gommercial
Beginning Wednesday, May 9tH and closing Saturday, May 19 th we inaugurate ttis 1 6-day stock
-reducing sale for the season. .WV desire to reduce our present stocks and convert to cashl . Vhen
g we place on sale, it is bonafide. Our present low prices are lowered. DEEDS NOT Y0HDS.
PRICES NOT PROMISES. Space will not permit of a full enumeration. Yoa will find various
Heavy Japt Crepe, nearly all
shades; 17 pieces, stock re
ducing price, yard .... ... -..ll.
,27-iri. Gingham, stock reduc
ing, yard .u...-.. U
Best quality imported: tissue ;.
Ginghams, stock reducing,
yard 4 .-.--.-L.J...,.:. ....... f49c
50c 45-iiu pillow tubing, yard Ale
42-in. pillow tubing, yard ....
81-in. j unblealehed ; sheeting,
1 yard Y j.t .....
, 9-4 bleached sheeting, yard ....
36-in standard Percales, I ;
yard . JL....J i .. .. Il7e;
35c Khaki cloth, yard ...:...... 29c
Pull size Pepprill sheets, sale $1.39
j; Sale of Curtajnings
Regular 15c; grade, sale price
yard .j..... L;L..: ....J.2l2i2c
RGgular 25c grade, sale price i
yard X.-LX... ...1 .J.L' 19c
Hegular 35c grade, sale price i , v
yawl 4-.'. I.. 25c
45c and 50c grade, sale price i ; Y
yard ..i.,....f . i . .. : 39c
9Sc Silk drapes, yard 79c
! Sale
of -Silks
sale i
price 4.-. .....
$2.50 Tafetta Silk, sale price. $1.95
: Sale Woolen Dress Goods
$3.00 Poiret Twill,1: sale' price
$3.50 1 .Tricotine, sale price, Y
yard . .. ....... . $2.S
$3.25 Velour, sale price,.yard $2.75
? i I ! Groceries
Sugar is a hard item to price ,
for a period of time. . Berry
in sack ..... . . $9.95
Price guaranteed until market
Drifted Snow, Olympic or :
Crown Flour . -..$1.98
Blue Rose Head Rice, 4 lbs. 1. 25c
Pure Bulk Lard, lb.Y.J...-.,. ,: 16c
Campbell's Tomato Soup, 3 f
lor .. ... 27c.
Trangle Chinese Noodles,- 3 I
for ............ ...-I. 25c
Shredded Wheat, 10c; 3 for -Van
Camps Pork and Beans,
3 for ..W.u...x-.......L...
Dr. . Price's Extract, various
flavors, 3 for .....
Fels Naptha Soap, 4 for
Creme Oil Soaps, 3 for .
Silverdale Canned Peaches .
15cDiamond Dyes
Stickers Edging (2 and 3 yds.)
Large assortment pearl trim
ming - buttons 10c card ;v 4
cards '..-.. ...
J. & P. Coats Stranded Em
broidery thread
J. & P. Coats darning cotton,
per spool .r...........;
Children's Pin on Garters, ..
$9.50 and $10.00 skirts, sale
price . $7.95
$2.65 Sweaters, sale price .$2.40
$4.50 sweaters, sale price s. $3.95
; $6.25 sweaters, sale price $5.50
h--; -" ' Shoe's ;
. Boy's leather sole mule shoes $1.69
Men's $2.75. Elk shoes $2.49
Men's $4.00 Army Last work .
shoes :l ; .$3.69'
Men's $4.50 Black Dress
; shoes J:4...$3.95
Men's $4.85; Cordavan Dress . ,
. shoes -4-- --$4.45
Ladies' 1 stap patent Y..$2.79
Misses' 1 strap patent ........$2.39
Child's 1 strap patent, 5 to 8 $1.39
. Boy's Elk, smoked sandal 8 4
11 . 4.r.$19
MenVidl Boys' Furnishinigs
Our low prices are still lowered.
98c Big Yank work shirt 89c
89c Heavy chambray shirts 79c
31, 36, 38 Army Jackets suit-. , ,
able ( for boys or small men
each .....Ti ... : ....,;;: 49c
Cloth work hats.
25c Athletic Men's Unions, each T79c
wen a oiue jLenini jumpers 7oc
nosieryp4: y u y
We sell .lots of hosiery. TfiereY
must be a reason. We believe the
reason is quality and prices. Pre3
lOe Willsnap Fasteners
Sale Ladies' Sport Skirts and n Kicflsiin Iower during sale.
. . i "iwnn ui Arrow-
i t . sweaters head silk hese, during sale 89c
These are all new recent arrivals. $1.75 Fashion Silk Hose, sale $1.50
$5.50 and $6.00 skirts, sale j 69c Silk hose during sale 59c
price -2 -i...$4.S5 Brown Cotton, during sale 2
$6.50 and $7.00 skirts, ' sale I pairs 23c
price .........i..... $5.85 - Child's course ribbed, 2. pairs"? 25c
As before' stated numerous other items and small lots will be on sale, Yoa will find it vnnr
interest if q bay daring sale
.fe G. & C.
1 '
I IN PHONE 560. : ' , . --j v .
I I It. .1 . . i - . I - i -t .
X- Y Y !:7h.Y:Yf;YY-rYYYY.YY ';. :Z: - ,Y :..v: ' ;Y- ;-Y'v:;Y ;YY:'-' -' .
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