The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 06, 1923, Page 11, Image 11

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i TIIR OREGON .STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON - ' ' - ' -: SUNDAY; MORNING,: MAY; lifaf '' 7-v-;-':---?
; ucumy uud wonc is
; .rrasea uy l. j. Alien
That ;Mlon . county Is secoBa
to none in the of woR
turned oat by It industrial clubs,
was "ttft enthusiastic verdict KiV-
( sb by J.. Allen, ot Oregon At-
Icultural college, now state live-
oock einD leaaer, wno compieiea
- . , " - - . r. -
wur 01 xviarion. county
t r IAV clabs y est er daj?, accompan
led by Wi H. Balllle.1 rural school
supervlsdr. ''. J - J " '.
- Mr. Allen who lectiired to club
members In various localities on
proper feeding: ' methods, express
ed himself a very I lauch pleased
with the work being done, by
clubs throughout the J county. The
tour included three days, during
which time the following ;locat-
indus- ties were visited: , . ,
! S-
' ' Wednesday " morhtngv : fitayton
and Sublimity; Wednesday- after
noon. Silver ton Pig and Calf elub
and i Waldo Hills SbTOpshlte" club;
Thursday morning, Mt. Angel Pig
club; Thursday ' afternoon, SU
Paul; Thursday evening.' Gervata;
and : Friday, i Salem and : Talbot
Clubs, v. f . 7' ; i . - ' ' ii
(Continued from page 1)
Gat, Oil, Air and Water, Tires, Tubes and
- i : Accessories
Fully Eqnipped Battery Department, re-charginj
7 in io j. nours. jxiae -xvaiieries soiu, lesiiug1 aiiu
;r fillin g! free. Repair sJiop 90x98. ;i v
; .j 7. EspeciaDy equipped, for serving J)otlge Brothers N
I ears, a Competent mechanics who have been With us
j Ironstone to' five years, j i
i i Complete stock of parts - Wash Taek andl paint
f'fcljop. ;
Bonectesle Motor Co.
Phone 423 , ,1474 S. Cominercial St. Salem, Or.
of- over one million dollars tor
the j period. ; Cash balances- since
the first of i the -s year have been
Increased, more than two million
dollars, and despite the heavy buy
in S necessitated by the tremen
dous production attained, no bank
loans.-are carried. - It must also
be remembered that Maxwell man
ufactures its product almost in its
entirety in its large plants in De
troit, Dayton, Ohio; and New
castle, Ind., and that the absence
of bank loans is alt the moTe re
markable ibecaasQ . of fthe (enor
mous capital needed for the -build-Ing
of a "manufactured" car.: ;
' With, reference to the.", record
shipment of" the Twenty-first it Is
also interesting to note that the
day's output of 548 cars repre
sents 1 6 more vehicles than were
produced and sold by ; tbe old
Maxwell-Brisco u com pany in tbe
first full year of manufacturing.
SEATTLE,"; May . 57 -Hay . : hd
grain unchanged. , if t;
.' PORTLAND, May 5 .Hay buy
ing prices: : Timothy valley nom
inal;; eastern Oregon, 2 6;; alfal
fa $21.50; clover, nominal; jjaln
nominal; .straw,; $10 a ton; sell
ing price,' 12 higher.
NEW YORK. May Evapo
rated, . apples. nominal prunes,
quiet; apricots ' easy; peaches,
dull. ; - , ,,- ,
t i .
. !
v I . !
'A tf en Hon ' is riveted upon Overland &s it goea
iiTcs-'ittbly ahead in the greatest year of its histcry
(Ths cclhuastic phrase "Wctch Oyeall3,, is hedrd
i ca every side rriore and more people realize tHaS
the new Overland is the greatest Overland ever belli
-'.:.-!-. S- '.' ,
JTtXeh fmt ti0 WUljt-OmUmd JLi9rtisimm Im tl Ssmri? iwmtmg fit
Hi I-
1 ' ! - -
- SedJUk S103S Boadster f66; Coupe f 980 Allpricen f . o. b. 8al
fr ; ,L HIGH ST. AT TRADE , (
The Opening. , oi the
77-( -
' f
f 7 "
. 7-
Monday, May 7, 1923
i - ''2 ; v .'..' , 'si . ; - 4 -
't j 7.:v r-,-!--,!
ArlHur V: Sandbtttr
THmLLSFmifPti :
Flower, gardens 'hold interest
for many home ! owners j 'these
days whether - their interest
that of . possession or desire to
possess. A trip here and 'there
around the : city brings home to
one ', who has not been In 'close
and ' intimate tonch with these
different , gardens a aeries of im
pressions differing with the .kind
of garden, the conditions under
which tit has" been brought about
and what - it bids fair to
Salem . has a 1 number of '. gar-
denst whose owners' names link
ed With the : word .garden call up
pictures of trim borders, careful
ly planned planting schemes and
infinite-thought given to the care
Of the plot ' whether It is large
6r :smalL i -'''
! Among the 'gardens which! are
associated in such & manner m
one's mind; are those of F. G.
Deckebacbv 940 D , street; . Mrs.
W. P. Lord, 79 . South High
street, .Homer , Smith, " 675 North
Summer, Frederick . "Lamport, in
South Salem A.- N. Bush's yard
at North: Capitol' and Chemeketa,
the John'. McNarr corner yard on
North- Summer i and -that of; Dr.
F. H.' Thompson in the . same
block on Summer. -
These , yards are more or less
familiar and to -many Salem
home owners are associated with
work . requiring L more; time than
they can give and in many cases
involve more f financial outlay
than i they can afford or care n to
expend. , ! , :. '; ' ;l ' i
- Salem , has also a - number of
yards and . flower gardens which
are not so well known In - gen
eral 1 Snd1 which" shew what '! can
be done" witn- smair financial out
lay :--and7bftea times on seemingly
unsuitable ground. - r
Mrs." M. N. Chapman, 1&
North ; Church, street, and her
daughter, .Miss FSOda . cnapman.
have a delightful old-rasnienea
garden on : the creek , in which
the background of the overhang
ing i trees helps make an alto
gether delightful spot. Mrs.
Chapman , has done nearly an ol
the work herself and has one or
the best collections of wild flow
ers .and v ferns in or. near Salem.
More than a dozen different var
ieties of ferns ; are included m
the assortment which comes
from i various inland, and coast
points of the state. Six varieties
of Lamb's' Tongue and Mountain
Camas are other wild blooms, in
cluded. ' , '7
Miss Mabel Robertson, at Cen
ter and Summer streets has a
delightful ' nower garden - in
small and simple war. The stone
wall arrangement makes a fcack-
rround for wan flower and otner
vivid blooms at' this time while
the comer of the parkins will he
a similar mass of bloom later
in the season! - ; ", :
Mrs. W. H. Burghardt, Jr.,
860 Union v street, has one f of
the simplest and prettiest yards
with, pool in the shaded cor
ner. ; It takes in oniy.tne pa
art of a not large lot; it - has
mnrh hade; but it has 'een
caret nilv planned and arranged
and provides a charming part o;
the bouse itself on .warm sum
mer davs. Rdstle tables nu
chairs, thoughtfully seiectea
plantings which are at home in
the rather shaaea vara,- aa
the chirm and attractiveness .
the whole arrangement.
Mrs. F. A. Smith at the junc
tion of North Church and Locaat
streets has nearly a block; oi
fiAweri of all varieties and kinas
Tears of effort and study makes
her ! adent at growings plants
which others find 'Just win -not
now." '
The Deckebach garden wnn iw
trim and beautiful formal ar
rangementi with the background
Of Shrubs has back of it a large
carden where blooms for cutting
ar rrown. A smalt green bouse
is at hand ia which Mr. ecs:en-
baen J rrows earlv slants. 1
iTha Frederlclt Lamport nome,
from .the vantage point Just be
low the : peak of -rthe Jiigh hni to
tym -west . of the - Oarileld seneof.
Is surrounded by a, ,10-acre plot
which i it the beginning of what
win i some day be -ope of - the
Drettlest nrivSte home : park ', in
this i section of -the country. - One
of .the ,beauty spots at ,tne Lam
port home Just now is the : bank
of . vivid tulip, blooms which are
nlanted on bricked terraces t
-few. feet in, width; in a. series
of several, terraces up the-wait
of ; the bahk hear , the ; house.
Later sinnias' and "dahliis1 W11
mak inst as nretty a eight. ?
The. home .of Mrs. W. P. Lbrd
Is' noted tor having .the plantings
showing among the greatest con
tinuity, of blooms of all gardens
In town. Miss Elisabeth Lora
Won1 second place in the whole
northwest for .a border design
contest recently; conducted by the
Orekonian y garden department.
Borders around v the - yard have
all - beei . worked, out - by Miss
Lord herself and i new ': parts are
being added ifrbm time to time.
The- bom : of George Putnam
on. FairinoUnt ;hlll ' is - one of the
new homes in' that , location and
is built l and arranged ' wiih the
idea: of obtaining - the , full measf
ure of . good from ', the 4 wonderful
view of, the Willamette river and
the tPolk. county? hills. To ay
i that tha : view from the western
terrace; is -beautiful Is'7 wholly
inadequate' in expression.
I The grounds' are arranged in
rustle effect J and follow v closely
the original form. , , Plantings
are being made, by Mr. Putnam
InE accordance with the soil of
the - hill suplemented . by, other
soil and with! the background of
bill. , '-- - j ; if -
The home of Byron Brunk in
South Salem is one of the home
spts which shows ,the" result of
hard work and persistent .effort.
The . large plot of ground b
the advantage -ot :.a background
of old trees la ' front ' of which
Mrs. Bruhk: has begun to' bulid
a 1 border, which is but the beginning-
o a wbnderul- garden.
An extra, larger lawn 1s a de
lightful feature of!, this yard..
buyers Strike Endorsed
:' n By Oregon Executive
; ; A buyers strike is legal,. effec
tive, and with respect to the pres
ent price ?of sugar;"1 is. justified,
declares Governor Pierce in a
statement issued today endorsing
the jmove under way on the part
of consumers to reduce the price
Of sugar by refusing to buy at the
present prices.
'I-heartlry-Tendorsr a movement.
under wSy, in ; Oregon nd other I
i!M'.tA -t44.iMvi;.in'i.'tt. rel r REXO. Nev May? 6. Nevada
sugar undef; present coadittonh." 1 N?,:"?? !T
said the governor. 4 It is my; belief
that a few men are holding np. the
price, of augar for huga persoiai
profits to .the heavy disadvantage
of the people of the state,: I think
men who profiteer. Infsugar or
any ' other commodity; do far more
to foment radicalism and anar
chy in this country than all the
r ad icat organizations and orators
combined. It seems under ' pres
ent conditions that the best' way
to deael with those. who are hold
ing up -the price of sugar 'is
through : a buyers' strike,' It Is
legal. It' is effective. and I believe
entirely Justified." "
poUtDea to the cost raarketsuthja.'..,
season than in , 192 iccordJnsJo
the Washoe .ceuntyixarm'uTeAusvy
Xtr 1922 the shipments totalled
466 acrs. compared with 692 cars
for this seasons ; '
PORTLAND, ; Atay 6. Butter:
Paints , extras, 40; , cubes extran;.
J38c; : prime - firsts, 37e. Butter
fat, Portland delivery: No. 1 sour,
cream. 739. . Potatoes: Buyinjr
price, locals, 63c:, new Californlas
avc. :. ... . f
THE merry "Ha-ha!"
' That what ' jrotj sllp the
fellows who tpend their
money nding in old-fashioned
jams; instead of saving' it by
riding a health-bufldihg, mind
refreshing bicycle. More
workers ride bicycles- to-day:
than ever before. rPtetr jrours
out now -19 23 sho wine is
reaayiK,,,- ;:
Harry- W.:Sco
HI So. Coml St.
khrHMh Tit. h
mil iii...iititniiitiiiif iiimif imiiiiiiiim 1 1 1 1 i ri 1 1 ii 1 1 1 i i
i I'm Ii ""ill "Mi ' ' lIL'liiL'i UiU I II lij 11 1 -li tTTi l K I M H I i I N II
1 lllllll
I III it
WrYMN1 A others i J
7 - ..Tsill
7 s s .
PrieeaTheLovrest In Colnabla nistiry. quality- TL? E;:t
Columbii f er . prodnced. f Equ'ijincntr-Tho.
Colutabli IHiUry and tbnnis ite lasrkeurcrda i. ,u .
387 Gdurf
, ;: ' i v,- !': , j; . . -. .- - - . .- ..-7 .
; . -7- . I
fr- -71 . ; ... . ;
We Are
The fastest-growing car in America is to behcndled in Sdem by
Heri art the argnments that convinced as we shonW he StAtt c& LidzTii,
I a 20 other makes of ears use Fedders Radiator
I 11 "
r n tt
87 '
31 "
20 44
28 "
.25 "
25 "
,83 M
i 4i it
t . tt it
tt tt it
tt ' tt j tt
tt IC,; II
tt tt tt
Morse SUent Chain J.. 2178.0
' riiliiAHll TmJi OmI f.t DoaA v
" Auto-Light Electrical System 132l.t0 1
" Stewart Vacuum Feed .... 2283.C0 '
u " " Spfcer Universal Joints ... 253.00
Warner Transmission . ..j-. .............. 1878.0d:
V Timken Frorit Axle and Be&rin&s 2872.00
i Timtrm Dm AvU T.iSi.- OOAT Aft .
muMU ltMl nJktCIIU IKOIUIZS ....... AUI.VV
Aum.nwi wu l v V1UUU ,MM..mmwm. biiUaUU
tt tt i tt
tt tt tt
tt " tt ft
' Hayes Wheels
Portch.niMtili tWiJI .
m. us uii-wuig uaiu M: tauic ...M-
" Sdmi-EUiptic Springs 2273.C0 ,
Every one of these essential, high-priced features is a standard uhitl in thi STAIL
L Yet the STAR Car is Only ; J ;
Wie are completely equipped to supply STAR STAR
parts and Sf AR service :
i i
A. I. E0FF
' :
r ---
If .
V ft
i -
' v