The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 05, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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; a w
Clarence and Cynthia Adams to
tie lurreina court ot Oregon was
taed la the circuit court yea;eli
Ixj by the defendants. Accord
US to a decision rendered In tae
circuit court in March 1923 Judg
ment was (found for the plaintitu
pheasant's Kyc Xarriasus. Itlom--(
Three dozen. 25c; tulips, 1 dok.
30c Phoae 10Z4-W. Adv.
aoght Speeding 4
i Howard-1 reaoioT9 jwaa arrest
si tor speeding at, the rate' bt ft?
case will probably-come up la. the
otfceot appeal ot the ease it1? oftT fXU c,Bb "
erover and Svea Hayes against U. th0 mst comfortable
r justice court today.-
A Surprise Awaits-Yon-
1 1 At Tick Brothers. ' See the Red
Sird next jwjeek. Adv.
Case Dismissed ' V
The case ot Lang & Co., agalhBt
Jxmes Foley which was to be tried
' In the justice court was dismlsa
ed yesterday after satisfactory jar
Tiagements - tad been made : pe
- tween the two parties, The wait
.LhnM for MSt:i:i;'.: J ,' 1 b
j Tlshlng Numbed Published
; f rJTshermaj. iNumber":- is the
i inn-title tor, the last and current
:, issue of die Oregoh'jm&gazlneJ ls
; sued this week in Salem. It Is pu
jied to the rtrlnvtItb. , turning
j stories stories .ca ood adtice.
jj4,Nut" stories written .by the paen
j wbar lived' , them, picture, stories
;i that fare calm and smooth, the
; taeklewhat perfectly nn
: necessary,' superfluous advleej tor
every flsherT knows it"air without
help! fishing aws, and 4 flShtng
i atmosphere from! cover to cover.
I There are even fishln poemsj The
cover is an ancient dub wno ts
probably (King Tut' ln- disguise,
with his costly tackle and his no
catch cord, dickering wltli a lox-
ifeatdred little Egyptian lad! who
with his willow pole and,pinnoos:
has caught tk whole trnckload oi
splendid Egyptian fishes.
I $1 Do
PaU -a Sellers Kitchen cabinet
in your kitchen; H. I. Stitf Fur
niture Co.- Adv. , C l ;'""
, ' i iii i
r ' ' 1 , I
Scouts In Charge ; i
' Salem Boy , Scouts will be i the
fentertalners at the Chamber ot
Commerce luncheon Monday noon?
The5 menu, starts with & 'hunters
stew. whatever that may .be.
. The Scouts themselves will put
on the" progranu I Scout jKxecu
tive . Howard Zlnser will take
three minutes to tell of the! organ
ization and its aims; then the boys
, take it over and' give Scot dem-
f "oust rations. :
RatLarvV bbrcfclain Uops. vent
ilated metal, lined cake and bread
box on sale at H. Lut Stiff Furr
Elks Extend Courtesy
' .The Salem. Elki ; have, extended
the courtesy ot their club rooms
i tor vtslUng Shriners who are at-
' tending the Shrined ceremonial "
i Dr. C?L Thrxtall
Osteopathic Physician) and
. t r SorgeoB ?yV'-
' 'S28 OrcgOii Building
h'',' j '.: Phone 258
"For Gifts 1 That
Diamond. Watclaes,' Jewelry ,:
tu 'jM.i-od Sflvwrwarewj ;.
tinae ia55,';-SalOrgoi
Salem Ainbiikre Service
Day and Nlgntj ;
, Phone 6661 .
' 173 8. Ubeqty St. , ; f
Capital Junk
I AH kinds off junk and
second-hand tiods.;
pay full value.
215 Centjer Street
Phori3 39
-, ;:cof; .(.,;
ill I.
Established 1868
General B&nldns Bcsisess
Cffflce Honrs froxa
rooms In the cttvm.ii
wh lounging furniture and reaa.
.6 laoies, ,1 j
The Lailk pt the-L
will on Saturday. yay 5, hold! a
pooked food and hcsmemade candy
aJe; will serve ho coffee. Band-
aV!.9 nd ,c "earn,
at the building onjN. Commercial
and Chemeketa j streets recently
vacated by the Buslck grocery.-
Speeder Arrested V - '
Perry O. Derebexg ot route t.
was arrested by Officer Edwards,
veaterdav: )v..,. -- , . I
j mtTBcu omppmg ana
Market along North Commercial.
He was charged with speeding at
the'rate of 30 miles an hour, :
-"! v I -
Wait for the Red Bird 1 r
" . It ntfll 4e at Vick Brothers next
week-Adv. -jj' .-; ,
Is Fined
: W. Hj Street
appeared neiore
Judge Poulsen. in the police court
yesterday and pleaded guilty to
a charge of allowing his ihorses
to run at large, I He was flhed
Baseball Sunday-L i i . .
Portland police and Salem Sen.
ators, Oxford park, 3 p m. Adv.
Speeder Cangbrf I v v
-O. A. Donagbue of 645 Kerry
was arrested J byji Otricer Shelton
yesterday on I Fairgrounds road
between Highland and the South
ern Pacific tracks, lie was charg
ed with speeding at the rate ot
32 miles an hour, and was tinea
A Classified. A1 -
Will. bring yon. a buyer-Adv.
Wheel Stolen
Bay Nash ot 1370 North Eigh
teenth . reported j that his wheel
was stolen from; the Grant htgn
school yesterday. .
Boys Escapeu j -'J '
Snpt. Lw M. GSlbert, ot the toy
training school reported last nlgnt
the escape of two boys who had
been "trusties' (at the dairy barn
and took the chance to. get away.
Wayne Wilson Is 14 years old.
dark complexion, - brown eyes,
black hair, height 4 feet 7 Inches,
weight about f 5 pounds. Kay-
mond Cherneyfis the same age.
sandy completion,- , blue eyes.
sandy hair, r, weight about , 95
pounds. Wilson was sent to tne
school two years -ago, for . , ap
propriating ; an! automobile ' and
seating out to : v'sit , California.
The 4 boys. are I believed to have
gone to the sonthward.. ,
Tulip Farm.
Pictures. See them! The song
Shop.- AdV. ' :
Columbia- BJver Paper M ills .
t8 per centj preferred stock,
cumulative frcien June 1, can now
be had from; iA. Q. Rlach, Bligh
hotel, or the Salem Bank of Com-
merce.- aqt
Art Exhibit SecnreoV r;
. Shrlners and their ladles ana
all Salenv folks are being Invited
to view a' collection of reproduc
tions of painUns of well known
artists, which the Gilbert: etuaio
and Craft shp has been fortun
ate enough td secure for exhibit.
The collections consists of the re
productions o the works of tne
old masters and ot moaern Am
erlcan art. The studio is locatea
at UTi'Nortb,' commercial street.
upstairs.- Adv. v;: i ; ;v;-.r A
Dont Miss the Only Big Dance-
In the ValSey at Dreamiana
every Saturday night Adv. ;
net licenses
Marriage licenses were lssuea
- f niiowine in the : county
clerk's office yesterday: j Stewart
Arnold of .Welfe Creek and Irene
vrnnihT of Salemr and Henry
Baer and LiUie Gerber ot Salem.
iTndilr Finishing
'Viims thei Song Shop, open
Sundays. Av. '
'. . :'. ;
Three Trusties Escape- -
The escape ot Robert ELeroy,
John Pike and Elvln Nelson, trus-
ihl Ttenltentlarv woou
rmn. was "reported yesterday.
They escaped Wednesday. LeoJ
was received from Malheur coun
ty, January 122," to serve
a term of not to exceed lour
vears. Pike was receieved from
! Has Moved to Hit New
-i.-. -- .1- Location - '
249 So- Cottase Street
.. Phone 1183
10 a. m. t 3 p. m.
1'. mi . i 1
i ; - '
1 - ;
w . . .
Josephine county on January rv.
mis year, tor larceny in a dwell
ing. ana was to serve three years
Nelson was received from uma-
una county February 14. this
year, to do two years for larceny.
Kgypajan ' Jewelry -v j
Vivid with colors the EgyD-
tlans loved, tntrieuing with exotic
designs' comes the new shipment
of earrings. See the new ones
in this display. Sale price b$c
85c, and S1.48V iller'a Adv. '
Iavls Will Filed . r
The will of William Davis was
tiled in the county clerk's otuce
for , probate yesterday. Kula
Pearl Schram, a daughter is be
queathed the sum of l,650 while
the-remainder of the estate is to
be given to Blanche "A. Davis, tne
widow. ' Provision' otherwise has
been made for two sons, Lester
and Ralph Davis.
Chicken Dinner ,
Will be served by the ladies ot
St. Joseph's church, Thursday eve
ning,, May "10. at- McCornack, nati
from,B:30' to.7:30. Following tne
dinner a card party will be given.
Everybody welcome. Adv.
Legal Blanks : -
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application
Adv.- -.?,.: - ;
Not Under Act
Moior vehicles nsed by factor
ies ordealers -to deliver goods to
buyers, with; .a. 'Charge made for
the service, r do not come under
the automotive transportation act,
according tq an opinion of Attorney-
General "Van Winkle written
for the public 8rv ice commission.
The Question arises from the fact
that some concerns deliver: their
goods -,' from ) Portland to The
Dalle3, Salem and other distant
points. The opinion holds ' that
they are not under the act If they
make the deliveries exclusively
for their own business and ! Inci
dent to sales, and therefore they
do not have to. pay the license' and
conform to other regulations pro
vided in the act. ' f
Wanted - .
'A housekeeper for four moth-;
erlcss children, youngest 2, oldest
12.. Salary, $40 a month and
board. Lady about 50 preferred
Phone 1339.Adv.
Assumed . Name
The name of Salem Auto ser
vice to be used henceforth in their
business was filed, in the county
clerk's office yesterday by A. W.
Sandberg and II. J. Ostllnd, ot
. J
Waring Resigns . : j "
L. D. Waring, recently of th
Salem postofflce force, has hand
ed in his resignation, and on May
X became associated with the
Oregon Wood Products company
in West Salem. He was formerly
an jens'neer, and he will take
charge of the power end of the
rapidly : growing f actoryv , Mr,.
Waring has become a stockholder
In the company. Hfs home Is out
on the Wallace road, just beyond
West Salem. Mr. Waring'e place
In the postof fice has not yet been
filled It would fall logically to
: DIED 1 !;
WOODWARD Ida A. Woodward
of 869 Marion street,! died at
at the age of 62 years.Resident
1:0 a. m.. May 4, at her home
of Salem 18 years. Besides her
husband, Newton Woodward,
she is survived by a 'slater, Mrs.
Martha' Johnson of Chlpwood,
Or.; one daughter.Mrs. Ruby
. Lanham of .Salem4 tone ,
L. T. Woodward of Orenco.s or.
Mrs. Woodward bad lived j in
Salem for the last 18 years.
Funeral, services will be held
I from .the; Rigdon mortuary on
r Sunday,' Iay ' to at, J o'clock p.
I'm., after r which the remains
wfll be taken no Dallas for In
ROBINSONi" Mrs. Wilbur R.
Robinson, a, resident ot ron
land, died May 4 at a local hos
pital. The remains will be, for
warded from the Rigdon mor
tuary to Portland for funeral
services and Interment. i
JOHNS Mrs. Lncy A. Johns, 71
years of age, dJed .May ai me
home of.her . daughter, Mrs.
May Van Laamen, who lives .a
short distance, south of Salem.
Other surviving children are
Mrs. Minnie LaDue of Califor
nia and Willlanj Gadwa of, Pen
dleton. Funeral . services will
bo held from the Rigdon mor
tnary Saturday afternoon. May
5, at 3 o'clock. Interment In
IOOF cemetery. -f--jJjJ.
Webb & Clougb
" I&jFcstrtl
Dzrectsrs t
Expert Embibstn
Rigdon & Son's
7 " . - Uneqialed Servie
the senior substitute, who is Ben
Taylor, on a leave of absence af
ter a long service in the office.
and not anxious tot go back Jnst
now. Pay Colllnr., next in line,
reslfmed some time ago to take
a position outside, but he La now
available' for this sten-UD. The
approval of the department at
Washington Is required to make
the definite appointment.
Baseball Sunday . .
Portland police and Salem Sen
ators, Oxford park, 3 p. m. Adv.1
Six Fatalities Reported-
Six fatal accidents out -of a
.total of 609 industrial casualties
were reported to the state Indus
trial accident commission for the
week' ending May 3.- r tThey were
Karl Mohorick, Portland faller;
C. G. Steward, Yankton, second
loader; Hugh William Hurt, of
Frinevllle. truck driver; Fred
Vamryt, 'Estacada, rail i greaser;
Charles Reed, Portland, logger;
W. C. Tufford, Portland, laborer.
Of the total number of accident!
reported. 571 wre subject to the
provisions of the workmen's com
pensation act, 34 were from firms
and corporations that have not
elected to come under the act and
four were from public utility cor
porations not subject to the act.
Oswald's Greater 10 Serenade!-
That extraordinary orhcestra-
at Dreamland every Saturday
Adv. , '
Perrydale Protests ;
Citizens jot Perrydale, ( Polk
county, have entered a protest
with the public, service commis
sion against the Southern Pacific
company which, it is said, has
announced that it will discontinue
passenger service at Perrydale on
May 10. Discontinuance of the
service, it Is alleged, would leave
the town with only' a tri-weekly
mixed freight and - passenger ser
vice. Sellers
The kitchen; cabinet with IB
famous features. Free demonstra
tion every 'day this week. On
sale at H. L. Stiff Furniture. Co.
Adv. :'
McXary to Oien Offices
United States Senator Charles
L. McNary is" scheduled to return
to Salem :. for his vacation May
20, and will open offices in the
United States National bank
building. l He expects to be busy
much of the time while- in the
west and ; will make a number of
visitations about the state on of
ficial business.
Hearing Dates Set
The public service commission
has set May 11 at Ontario as-the
time and place tor- a : hearing of
the complaint Of the PayetteOre
gon slope irrigation' 1 district
against the Idaho . Power Com
pany. The irrigation district de
mands that the power company
continue to furnish power to op-
erate the district pumping plants:
The commission set May 21, in
Portland, for a hearing to inves
tigate Intrastate freight ' rates on
farm products of all kinds.
Wears Straw. Hat
Rev. 11. D. Chambers, the rec
tor of St Paul's church, is .the'
first man ' in toawn to wear a
straw hat. He said someone had
to set me pace.
R. H. Bassett. attorney-at-iaw
and Insurance man, recently1 re.
moved his offices to roomlO
Breyman building, where he Is as
sociated with the Grant Corby law
office. .
MARION Harry Beckwlth, J.
M. Weller, E. E. Bane.- C. G. M1I13.
E. A. Lovell,' J. H. Lyman, W. H.
Warner, J. Grate, Olsen, R,
P. Williams, A. J. Mink. C. K,
Saunders, A. ;N. Young, W. JJ
Walther, Johrt White, JPortlandj
J. W. Pace. Mr. and Mrs. Lock-
ney. Walla Walla: Edythe Relst,
Mt. Angel; W. E. Dame, J. B.
Pittman. J. L. Rockwell. F. Fish,
Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Bal
ley, "A. H. Smith. Portland.
BLIGII E. E. Lewis. Eugrene;
Ellis S. Dement, Myrtle Point; B.
Pareen. Marshfield: Mr.' and Mrs.
Frank W. Evann, El Centre, Cal.;
J. R. McRae, Mllwaukie; B. B.
Ireland, L. C. Chambers, H. O.
Scot leld, Tacoma; - Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Hale, Frank Bulburt, Riv
erside. Cal.; W. W. Lunger, La
fayette; A." Ferguson, Vancouver;
W. Hallahan. O. V. Edwards. H.
E. Hardy, Portland; ;EdwIh T.i
Hodge, Eugene. ;
J- TERMINAL George Brown
Z. E. Averlli; R. L. Beeman. .
Grant, George Sefham. R. -R.. Pof-
fletoft, A. Jl McDaniel. U. Wetter
Johnson, A.' C. .Kenny, H. H. Fltr
patrick. -Portland; J. J. McMahonf
Jacksonville; Earl B. Houston,
Bend; D. M. Brown, Grants Pass;
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. WUkner. Eu
eene: Pansy Zostrow. Sweet
Home. ' : : ' -'
The cost of living In France Is
jumping, possibly for the accom
modation of the American tourist
crop. :S - : " . :
A sure cure for the sleeping
sickness Is announced by some ot
the' medical savants. Our Ideals
that an alarm clock would fill a
long-felt want in that direction
Age Old Swindle Perpetrated
By Milan Sajatovich, Is
I Allegation
.The age-old "box" swindle, per
petrated upon 1 thousand's of un
suspecting persona during past de
cades, has claimed another victim
Yesterday . George Naldenoff . filed
suit in' the circuit court against
Milan Sajatovich! for recovery, of
13900 which he alleged he had
beeii swindled out of by the be
guiling Mr. Sajatovich. ?
Last August the ' ? plaintiff
claims he was approached by Mr.
Sajatovich, who represented him
self as a plutocratic oil magnate,
desirous of scattering his surplas
wealth among the poor of the city
of Portland and suburbs. It was
suggested-by the suave Mr. Saja
tovich that the plaintiff assist
hint on his mission 'of .mercy by
digging up from his own coffers
the- sum of S3900: which 'was toj
be inserted in a; box. Whereupou
having duly ascertained that the.
13900 was safely within the bo
the generous Mr. Sajatovich wa
to insert an additional $25,000
With, the $28,900 they were 1
meet at a Utcr; date and In conn
mon go out upon the highways
and byways of Portland, dispens
ing among the poor and needy, the
contents of the box.,; In consid
eration of his worthy deed Mr.
Naidenoff- was to receive hJa
original $3900 back again, , plus
the. additional tidy sum of $3,
900.: ' ,
Forthwith, the plaintiff alleges
he drew from his bank $3900.
which he placed within the box.
It was condescendingly, accepted
by - Mr. Sajatovich, who t asserted
that he would i be back in "three
or four days." Instead, however,
the , elusive Mr. fiajatlvoch hied
himself to parts unknown, leav
ing behind, him, tho box, which
was later found to contain only
newspapers, j "
A short time ago. however, Mr.-
Sajatovich was picked up in New
York, and brought back' to Ore
gon on a charge of perpetrating
a similar stunt an the New . York
public. ;jr .
And so., being auite sure: that
Mr. Sajatovich, is no longer the
good Samaritan he represented
himself to ' be, Mr. Naidenoff
wanes his $3900 back.
two-Day Conference An-
nouncea tor btate.r.ores
;.;,ter R A,: Elliott. ;
" . - ! i - ' -
A conference of district ; fire
wardens will be held in the state
house ay 21 and 22, and programs
for- the two 'days, are being dis
tributed by F. A. Elliott, state
forester. State Forester Elliott.
Governor Pierce, Prof. George W
Peavy of Oregon Agricultural col
lege and other speakeres who are
well known in forestry conserva
tion work will speak.l - ,
The program for the two days
follows: "
Iay 2 1 Iornln g- Session
Call t to order F. A. Elliott,
State forester. - ,
Address "Importance of Pro
tecting the Resources of the State'
Governor Pierce. ; . h
N e c e b b a ry Reforestation
Measures for Eastern and -Western
Oregon." T. T. Munger, V.
S. Forest Service. " ? j
Discussion.' - j . I
Adjournment for lunch. i-
; Afternoon Session ,
"Relationship of Humidity to
Forest Fires."-r-Dr. J. V. Hot
mann, direetor wind, river and ex-
periment; station
Discussion. . , I
"Western Fire Fighter's Man
ual." C. S. Chapman. Western
Forestry and Conservation j asso
ciation.' rj! .v--' !;-.; . !, . .--"
1 Discussion. i ''- )
Adjournment. "
May 22 Morning . Session
2 Methods of Fire Fighting."
W. B. Osborne, Jr., U. S. Forest
Discussion. i,v :' i
"Fire Fighting Tools and Equip
ment CTC, Scott. Forest Fire Pa
trol association. o . '
l"Law i Enforcement." . T. M
Tslbottf r S. Forest Service,
i : Discussion. ; J '
Adjournment for lunch. ,
' Afternoon Session 1
"The Logger and the Wardens
Their .Relationships." Geo. T.
Gerlinger Willamette Valley
Lumber company.
' Discussion. ' 1
1 "Interoretallon of State Forest
Laws" F. A. " Elliott, State Fort
esters f .
"Organization of tho Field
Force" P. -S. King; State rieiu
Inspector. . -Discussion.
riiA Vomeral Forest Servlee
and tiie State Protective Force,
R. H. Chapler, U. S. Forest Ser
.The Shrlners are here ,
- . V - l '1
. 1 And it will be a great day and
flight in Salem. I
:: - i;V
Every -iiTiner is a Knight
Templar of Ibirty-secend dgrei
iaaon. inpugn in uraer or tne
Mystic Shrine is not Masonic.
The American Order of - the
Mystic' Shrine was established in
1872; though the: Ancient Arabic
Order of -Nobles of the Mystic
Shrine' was established 646 A. D.",
by Kalif Ahi, a son-in-law. - of
Mohammed. ; .5 i S
.' ;'.- s I '
All the Shrlners and their ladies
should see the tulip -farm!..' But
it is a pity they could not have
seen it in its greater glory a
week ago.: .f . i .!-'-
- i :.:
Every day in every , way, the
flower beds in the front yards o,l
Salem look handsomer and hand
somer. .,.v.- - , -
The presumptiooi is (that the
baiters of the. present administra
tion would abandon all outside
work at the penitentiary, because
a trusty escapes once in a while,
or twice ia a while; would quit
cutting over 1000 cords of wood
a, month and doing 'a lot of other
things looking to the taking of
the expense of. the , prison ; from !
the backs of the taxpayers, j Well,
let the baiters howl. Theriearer
the institution , approaches, Belf-j
support, i under the present pro
gram," however, : the smaller will
te the number of trusties on the
outside, 'arid' f h fewer "escapes.
But there must be no turning
backhand there witt be '.none, be
cause of a yellow streak yell now
and then,' or often. ' :
Mrs, R. V. Bates and children of
Portland' spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. ; Herbert Bates. "...
Clell Pearson returned to Till
amook Tuesday." ."
Mrs. Fred Murry' spent- Satur
day in faalem.
Mrs. M. S. Chandler of Silver
ton spent several days, this week
with! Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Chand
ler.., - , '. " .. ' . - -
f Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Taylor of
Salem visited Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Taylor Tuesday. ''" ' V '
'Mrs. Eliza McDonald of Salem
visited with her -eon, ". W.' E. Mc
Donald and family, over Sunday.
Miss Grace Chandler spent Sun
day at home., f
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Drager mado
a trip to Salem Saturday. -
from the oven to the shelf, and
they : won't" stay there long.
That odor of fresh hot loaves
tempts - quick buying. Our
bread is so light, -' white, pure
and tasty no wonder! '
; . VAlways BJt. Better,"
170 N. ComT St.'i Phone 308
; ,MTry. Our Pastry"
Jln all of the wanted shades.' Your hose must , match your shoes; we have
- '
shade you require we
Luxite; Waynei4 Onyx
Children's Armourplate
Reinforced toe, heel and
knee; Imown the world ;
I over f for their wearing '
quality I ...ji 25c to 50c
MbZzMiQ IP NcHes3
Ounces tor
,1- ; ' ' ' '
Use less than oS hljjhcr priced
' . " IS. -
.Shredded Wheat Biscuit
The Shredded Whrat Bisniit f!n. ha inotnllot cm nil
plant for making the popular Shredded Wheat Biscuit '
a it i$ made in their large factories and will turn out
the same goods at our Btore Friday and Saturday. 'Be
sure and come to see this i interesting demonstration;
- . " . : 'r,: Ur Wcnic Specialties '.' " " '
These fine days turn oqr thoughts to the open roa4
and the favorite picnicking places. One of the main
items of the picnic is the lunch, forwithout a good lunch
a picnic is hardly a success. We are especially prepared,
, to .furnish your wants in the picnic lunch line, our
delicatessen department being equipped for this pur
pose If you wish Us to nut un a anecial lunch cnmnletfl
.to take along, we can do it
' ( Salads'
Potato,' Shrimp, Club
House,'. : Mayonaise Dress
ing, Cottage , Cheese, Pre
pared Jello.. . ,
: Cold Meats ,
Boiled Hani, Baked Ham;
Corned Beef Loaf, 'Minced
Ham,; Summer Sausage,
, Sliced .Bacon, Pressed
Cooked r. H a m, Kippered
Salmon. :u- . -. ... v. -
, Strawberries , are coming
in bettershape. ... Plenty for
Saturday - . I - -
20c, 2 for 35c
Florida Grape Frujt lOc-loc
California. Grape Fruit, 3
for 35c;;-vj
Rome Beauty Apples -Vellow'Twtowns
: 4 f "
Bananas; firm and ripe
Large f Juicy Lemons v "
Cakes and Pastry k-
We are making special efforts tosupply the demand
for Saturday: on. our home-made cakes and French
pastry. Special orders for-cakes -mu3t be inby isht
o'clock. Sunshine; Angel, Prune, Cocoanut, Nut, Choco
late, Jelly Roll, Lady Baltimore, Mocha. : Large assort
ment of artistic effects in French Pastry, j
Phone 1885-6-7.
SHRINERS . ' j ,.
We welcome you to our city and invite you to inspect
oar store. - . j' . - ' ,''' ' -
Hosiery - for SpAig.
f iui iuuc iu iaii
have them. , .
(Pointex) Silk Hose .......
f ' Poney Hose
weights and styles
. Pport kHoe Women
in many 8tyles, weights
and color ...75c to 98c
. ... .. , ,
Watch Them
on short notice.. ; -; : '
Glass and Canned Cecil
Chicken 'a-la-king
Chicken in glass jars ,-' ,-, t,
Lunch Tongue i
Deviled Ham and Tongua ; ;
Smoked Tuna in oil
French -Sardines, in oil I
Norwegian . Smoked Sardines,-
Warranty Boneles3
3ard(ines, Machonehie3
Mackerel, Sardines and
Bloiters Booth's Sardines,'
Ta rn a t o; Mustard; and
Spiced, "Veal Loaf, Vieiona
Sausage.r;- 1. j;,;, , . t.,
'Asparagus I
Settlemier's tender staUcfl,
; bunch 25c ;
Rhubarb, G re n. 0nicn3,
Radi3hes,'.Spinachr Toma
toes, Cucumber, Peppers,
Sweet Potatoes, j Head and
Leaf Lettuce, New Potatoes
Peas, .Bunch. Carrots and
Turnips. ; -
No charge for delivery:
ii uicy re raaae in mc
... ....$1.25 to $3.50
r Children's Sox I , .
Halfsox . L.25c to 49c
Three quarter . ; j'
Sox ...i ....35c to 75c
Sport Ilose i....35c to 98c
Make It
i :