The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 05, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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v i
5 -
; i
Resolutions Adopted and Will
Be Forwarded to sPres
ident Harding i
7Jujr, two bits worth of sugar
U a time and bust the ' sugar
trust." This was the adrlee giSir
en Salem house wives yesterday by
Edward JJchunke, ; mepber of the
Sotlr Grocery company, ;-' '.'-
While admlCUag that he was In
.Jmkness to sell and that, his advice
mfght seem rather.' put; of place,
Mr.: Schunket said ; that ,it erery
family in Salem; and -surrounding
comntry got -Uhe idea that there
would be aT sugar shortage and
'each bought a sack of sugar .the
eugar speculators would
rushing Imsiness. - jj
"When sugar , prices j shot
from $9 to 25 hundred in 1920
many folks--j decided they woald
Just lay in a supply and as a re
; i 'jTTome of them are' still ttslng
125 sugar," said Mr. Schunkel
tJr ; "If tihe 8,000 families in the 8a-
(Vlem trade district each bought a
Vt V - . . MM. . . . I mm A
mck' oi augir n irouia metta
carloads of sugar coming into Sa
lem, while If each family, buys 25,
cents worth at a time and makes It
last perhaps a weet that means
only a carload. every : 20 days.
These sugar speculators are not
going, to hold their supplies long
Jf folks won't buy, and within a
few weeks, if this principle is fol
lowed by enough people, the price
of sugar will come down."
' i Mr. Schunke l explained that
with the exception perhaps of some
' smaller firms, the canneries were
not affected by the rise In price
since they contract for their
gar in the fall j so- that they
qsote prices toi the dealers
February. i ' i.ti; f-z., M '.- ..
The mass meeting held In
Chamber of Commerce rooms Was
well : attended. j John: 13. Giefeeyy
mayor, presided and Miss Mattie
Jgeat ty acted as secretary. A cpm
.mjttee of housewives was appoint
ed by Mayor Giesey, to interviiew
Salem grocers with the Idea' of
persuading their patrons I to puy
sugar , in small quantities. It jwas
brought out at j the meeting that
many women place great cbjnfi
deace in their grocers and are apt
to take- their advice In Che matter
of when to buy. j f ;
Members of the committee are
I Mrs. John Albert, MrsL E L. Har
ris and Miss Mattie Beatty. A
. i pu'i'Ciiy- commiiiee ox two mem-
' hers was named with the, idea1 of
" i securing publicity - through f the
newspapers.: Mrs.. Alice H. "Jptodd
- J and Miss -Mattie Beatty- were ap
;. ' oQlned; by Mayor .Giesey Jiis
Jt t omnilttee iiV -if -"-jyiif: ft -'
i V The" meeting adopted" a jet of
. J resolutions calling upon president
Harding.- to ; endeavor kto secure
federal legislalion, "to 'preTent price
, fixing'; in? the f ature. ?r ?
The following resolutions were
idopjedr ;- U - t I , '
,' Whereas, Recently , the price of
sugar ; has soared to a point j al-
most beyond reach of the average
himhisv omil i ' " I
Whereas, we are constrained to
. beiieve that its price Is unfair and
"unreasonable, and ;f .t j
j Whereas, The marked riset In
! price appears to be the direct re
sult ot manipulations by market
speculators, and
Whereas, Citizens ' of rarlous
cities in the United i States have
seea fit to' urge -restricted con
sumption of the commodity ittSthe
thdpe.ot forcing a lower price, and
Whereas. A proposed sugar boy
cott has virtually been aDbronred
lby President Harding and Secre
tary Hoover: therefore be-it
. Resolved. That we. citixena of
Salem, Oregon; In public session.
do thereby pledge ourselves "to use
during . the period of exorbitant
ngar prices, only that amount of
the commodity which is absolutely
necessary; and be it further
Resolved; That unless the sugar
r ice drops materially in the iim
mediate future we will dispense
riui sugar tor canning purposes;
fad be it further , !, - I
Resolved. That the mayori of
lafem be requested,' on behalf of
bis constituents, to telegraph the
president of the United States,
Urging him to exercise his injflu
enee to secure federal legislation
(which, in the future, will - effec
tively prevent the manipulation of
the prices of food products.
j r ' -
Ben Clemens had his nose brok
en last week while working ini his
sawmill. . :.- ' I -' ;
Mr. and .Mr. Edward Dunlgan
Sr.i Mr. and Mrs. W; B, Davis and
WUI Dunlgan -attended the Pota-
to Growers association meeting at
Mt; Aneel. f-- k -i .1 '
, . Mrs. Salesbury of Portland Is
unite 111 at the home of her sister.
Rev. Leila Luckey.
. ' George Dunlgan and wifo -ol
Portland spent the week-end with
noma folkiL r. " ', r'
Cart Mortjls of Lebanon ; hr it
bo the principal of Hazel Green
. ich sol for the coming year 1
, The Live Wire class of Sunday
Khool. were entertained at Tthe
1 j . . . - :,
awara Doniean, sr- name. ;
Mr. and Mrs.-Thomas" lleaas ot
-Marion were visiting here- J Chis
week. '
Homer Davis has purchased
cnatrs for the school. : Another
point toward standardization.
Miss Marie Bennett and friend,
Mrs. Dunlap of Portland, spent
the Week-end : at her home in La
.blsh Center, j j. ' ' ),":
... Mrs.: I. D. Bennett of Labisb
Center received a fine box of or
anges from her brother, D. Ma y
oi Pomona, Cah f
Will Dunlgan and Homer Davis
made a trip to Philomath recently-
I ' 1 '! . :
The men are to. give the pro
gram at the Parent-Teacher meet
ing at Lab ish Center Tuesday,
Mayl8..s,;:f., :J-;;H-';;;tjl;: tV,-
Mrs. N, P. Williamson's sister,
Mrs- Herman' and family., visited
here SundayJ ,s ; 1 1 :;:
George Zellnskl Is much better,
being able to look after his straw
berry fields. f
Louis Kobow
and brother
Charlie, are making an; Improve
ment on 'their father's- farm by
grubbing several I acres. . .
, "Had a hacking cough for years,
and Foley's Honey and Tar Is the
only remedy that reached my
cough. ;.I have not been troubled
with fit 4Since" writes Mrs. E. M.
Dobn Asbury Park, N. J. Cough3.
colds, croup, throat, chest )&nd
bronchial ! trouble are quickly re
lieved with Foley's Honey and
Tar.' Contains no opiates in
gredients printed ' on the - wrapper.
Largest selling cough medicine in
the world. Sold everywhere.
Adv. s Fitt'-' !: ),
Lumber Production Now
19 Per Cent Over Normal
One hundred "and thirty-three
mills reporting to the West Coast
Lumbermen's association for the
week ending1 : April 28, manufac
tured 107,284,862 feet of lumber;
sold 94,449,450 feet; and shipped
112,730,696 feet., v
. Production for' reporting mills
was "19 per cent above normal.
New business was 12 per cent be
low production. Shipments were
19 per cent above new business.
-Thirty-four per cent of all new
business taken during the week
was for, future water delivery.
This amounted to 31,933,929 feet,
or which 25,941,678 feet was for
domestic cargo delivery; end S.-
992,251 feet export. . New busi
ness for delivery'by mail amount
ed to 1892- ears- . -f . ;
Thirty-five E per cnt of the
week's lumber shipments moved
by water. -This amounted to 39,
685,175, feet, of which 30.84S.526
feet moved - coastwise: and inter
coastal; and 8,836,649 feet over
seas. Rail shipments totaled 2,
243 cars. -: j 't
Local auto and team deliveries
totaled 5,755,521 feet.! ;
Unfilled domestic ' cargo orders
total 157,109,430 feet. Unfilled
export - orders,.! 86,848,242 feet.
Unfilled rail orders,, 8762 fars. ,
r; In the first 17 weeks of the year
production of West Coast Lumber
men's association mills has been
1,633,445.288 feet ; new business
1,840,118,930 feet; and shipments
1872490379 feet. iv i
The prospective June brides are
beginning to sit up and take no
tice of things, j
; : W elcoiiie
'i;. ; All Sbtiers .
' i; . - '
! '' . Make Our Store
I ', - Your Headquarters
. . .; 1 ; : " ! ; . , ; x i ... 1 ' i. : " !
III , 1 J .... . '. ; r - : w V . . i I r
; , i - galem. Store. . ; ; . Portland-Si K ?nop : (
l-::- , .;'4C3 SlatC St. -uw niuw
- mmmmmmmmmm . , , ' - -- -
Adele Grrlson, Sew' PhM of
' CHAPTER. 295
I stiffened, offended, at Grace!
Draper's flippant reference to my
"faithful Ftdos," following , so
closely upon my granting of her
appeal for pardon. iBut before 1
could speak she had redeemed her
lapse into her; old mocking : ver
nacular with quick contrition.
"Oh, please , forgive m , for
epeaking that way." aha 'cried, dis
tressed. "But if you ;had -been
harried from pillar Ito ' post the
way I have, every innocent act and
word distorted, an oll motive im
puted to everything, I i don't be
lieve you would hava much 'rever
ence or liking Xor the people do
ing it." i
"I am afraid I do not under
stand," I said a trine stiffly-.
She Jooked at me steadily,
"Do you. mean that you do not
know the espionage to which
have, been subjected on your ac
count since I was .released?" she
asked. " - . ' : ; "
I flushed involuntarily at the
question, realizing that I had no
right to' betray my knowledge oi
any actions other than my ; own.
"I know nothing," I returned
steadily, with the specious mental
reservation that indeed I knew
nothibe which I cojild tell ner.
A spark of the old firj gleam
ed in her eyes at m answer, ana
I felt that, she fathomed my sudt
terf uge. " But it vanlshedK as sud
denly as it appeared, ; an d . her
manner when she spoke again was
one of entire j belief In myasser
tion. ... ; , . ;
A Surprise.
"No I don't believe you do,"
she said slowly,, then with' a rush
of words, "I ought not. to tell you
it you wished you jcould make
a great deal of trouble fori me by
repeating what ; I'm going to say,
but X don't believe you will,"
She stopped and eyed me hes-.
itatingly. I wondered if &he were
going to ask me to promise sil
ence but instead, she hurried on.
"Ever since I left the prison 1
have known that I was under con
stant surveillance," she said, "and
I found out no matter how
that four different persons were
strongly interested in all my do
ings. When I tell you that ; the
names of those four persons are
Allen Drake. Hugh Grantlana,
Harry and Lillian Underwood, ytu
will not wonder, I think, that 1
realize their interest' In. my doings
was simply Interest in you." ;
! One item alone of . her j little
speech surprised ine, and that was
her Introduction df Harry Under
wood's name. I had thought him
the length of & continent away,
yet she had spoken with such de
cision I could not doubt her know
ledge. He must be in the vicinny
, L
ot New York. -
No time now, however, to spec
ulate upon this surprising bit ot
information. Grace Draper's voice
went on hurriedly,, unevenly. -.
'Every step was dogged, every
movement known." , she said.
admit I was foolish. I . was, so
angry when I found - it out that I
deliberately tried to make them
believe from several little things
that I actually meant you harm.
And then when I came to myself
I realized, that , there could be no
peace or rest for me until I start
ed clean" again, with your forgive
ness as one of the things which
Would help wipe off the slate, I
found myself baffled at every aUl
tempt to see you." '
: ' '' "'-': ... -IA , ,
Madge's Promise.
. ' i . ' '
She stopped, and the inevitable
question sprang to my Hps. .
j "How is : It then- that you ac
complished ' this meeting so eas
ily?" ; .;: ; '
I I wondered if it' were triumph
that fliskered in her eyes for a
moment. - ;..'.-
"That will have to remain' my
secret." she said. "Otherwise I
should; have to betray a trust
placOd in me. But part of my
success lies in the fact that I
have been as actionless as a sea
shell ever since. I returned from
the South. The cnost active cat3
doze at the mice holes sometimes.-
y ' s
There was a hint of satisfaction
In her manner. I Wondered idly
If.. it were justified, or .whether
the four persons she had named
were indeed as blind as she evi
dently believed them to be. That
they could have no knowledge of
my present interview I believed,
else it would have been stopped
before this. But that they would
not long remain in ignorancoof
her success In seeing me I was
certain, knowing their resource
fulness and determination Nas I
did. And when they; did learn ot
the trick she had used to secure
on interview4with me, what pen
alty would they "visit upon her? .
j -Can't yotj. Imagine how intol
erable such espionage Is?" she
said fiercely. "And I have meant
no harm, mean none now. All I
wish is to be allowed to llv
quietly and earn my living, asbest
I canj They will never believe
me. but. I think they Will (believe
you If yon can tell them that you
have seen me don't tell them tbe
trick I played; say It was an ac
cidental meetingand that you
are convinced I mean no . harm.
Won't you do that, for me?"
I shut my ears relentlessly to
the little note of warning still
sounding, though f aint'y, in my
brain. I told myself that I could
pot afford to shut the door o
hope against a creature so downed
by fate as this. I stretched my
hand out to her, and said slow
ly and earnestly: ..
"1 will do all I possibly can for
you." .
(To be continued. ) 41
It is all right to engage in
dancing contests as a test of en
durance, but our Idea of a grand
thing along that line would oe
to see how many of the. bride's
biscuits hubby could eat before
throwing up his hands
Occupation for Rehabilitated
. fx-Service Men Asked
1 in. Statement
tTn a statement Issued Fridey
Governor Pierce expressed the
hope that employers of Oregon
lllvdqValt they can to, give em
ployment to ex-soldiers who have
been' rehabilitated under the su
pervision . of : the government.
"It . has been called to ; my at-,
tention," said the governor, ''that
apprckimately 400 disabled ; ex
service men will complete their
vocational training under the su
pervision; of jthe federal ; govern
ment in OreKOn in the near future.
These are thi boys wro feft Ore
goiijurlng the Wprld war, yrbo re
turned 'injured and broken, ana
who started bver to) make a new
future for themselves with the as
sistance of the World war state
educational aid commission and
the United States veterans' bu
reau, i' 1 . . r- ' ' ' .. ' .' '
"It Js any. hope that the employ
ers of Oregob will assist in, pro
viding these men with employ
ment. They are fitted by instruc-.
tion . in Oregon " schools and col
leges .in hundreds of occupations
and it is our duty as citizens to
not onlys permit them the right
to earii their living, but to do
whatsoever possible to bring the
man as-d the job together."
John E. Tolman Will Be
graduated at Corvallis
COLLEGE, Corvallls. May 3.
John E. Tolman, son of Edwin
Tolmatt of Salem, will be graduat
ed this spring, receiving his de
gree in industrial arts. " He Is a
graduate of the Salem high school
where he was on the honor roll
and a baseball player. r
' Tolman is a member of the
hem a Xlpha Epsilon fraternity!
and. the Industrial arts club. He
has' had ractical experience In
surveying and served two years
- r '
Such a
I Salem
. !
Everybody sensed the genuine, the
Rich and poorl
' AiiothW ISi's Shipment I.'
Justin Time ) .
.i. For the Big Sale Saturday
Values to $2.25,
The lot consists of Tea Kettles; Rice Idl
ers, Round Roast, Water Pails, Percolators,
Stew Pans and Sets of .Three Milk Pans,
Hollanders, Etc. One irticle to each custo
mer., ---v;- , fl - " V- ? 'Iff f'lOtff.!-
Limit 5 pounds to cusjtomer
who purchases $2.00 or over .
in any . department except
groceries. .
- - SA' I 1 )AY M )HN1N(; MAYS 1Q91 ' ; . i
in the. naval aviation corps.- He
also pitched baseball in his first
year at college. - i ?
Approximately 515 studehls
will be graduated;; In Tolman's
class. This twill I be', the - largest
number to receive diplomas in the
history of the college. The com
bined schools of e-ngtoeering will
graduate 131, agriculture 112,
commerce 93, honie economics 41,
vocational " education 2 7 and for
estry 17, . while smaller-numbers
will take their degrees from other
schools. " I !
Kidney Trouble Becomes Serious
i 'Suffered with severe headache,
backache and pains in. my legs and
under my shoulder ' blade.. My
kidneys and bladder were In bad
condition. I was i weak and nerv
ous and felt tired and worn out.
Walking made me short of breath.
Every morning my face and bands
were bloated. - Medicines failed to
help my condition and doctors ad
vised an operation," -Writes Mag
gie Nelson, Mossdale.'Fla- "For
tunately I read about Foley Kid
ney Pills, tried them and, got re
lief." Sold every where.-Adv.
Cherrian Band? Concert
Will Be Heard Sunday
1 There may be j no blossoms to
enjoy, but the Cherrlans official
Blossom day, Sunday May 6j 13
to be observed with at least some
of the Cherrian public spirit. .The
Cherrian band, fs to appear in
Wilson, park and give a concert
from 12 noon ; until 1:30 p. m.
Director Oscar, SSteelhammer haa
not yet decided jist what 'all they
will play, .for the band is semi
new in its ' personnel, . and It doea
not have a hereditary familiarity
with the- old piejees of tho past
years. But he does promise that
jthey will give a program of music
that ;f the public fwill enjoy, and
that iwill be -worth the hearing and
the'missfng of dinner to hear.
; The band will be a little larger
this year than' heretofore, accord
ing f to ; present f indications, al
though net all thje permanent per
sonnel is as yet known. , The
quality will hol up id. the best
of the past in every Way. A
He who permits gold to stitle
the voice of an outraged conscience
may ride in a lfmouslne, but he
will never again? know a day of
repose. . - . . t . . :
J C3
Jam! Such a
Has Never Seen Anything Like It In
- r, - -!v - f :::ff- -- f-yf f
and profits that the public may
-- - ; j. ... ' ... . - . r .... . . ,. .. - ' j - . - .
Keep From the Pressure of High Costs
strong and weak;men-and women, of
i i. creeds from every station in life
Are Few of Thousands of Bargain
Hen s
Regular $3 Value
It is the unusual in
this sale. 1 150 pairs
of fine heavy work
pants in good pat
terns. Go at below
today's cost price.
AH sizes in the lot.
Hope Muslin
, . M ....... '
Regular, present day
valae,f 2 5c yard.
Grade protecting
sale price
Will (Go At
j . v.
Reporter, Author, Actress
Highlights in Career of
Young Actress -
From child actress to newspa
perwoman; from the staff of a
New Orleans daily to the stage;
back to the; 'editorial staff; into j
the realm of vaudeville; overseas
during the war to help entertain
the doughboys, and" back again to
her first love the footlights
constitutes a brief history ot Miss
Sydney Shields, who will appear
with Walker Whiteside in "The
Hindu' at the 1 Grand theater on
Wednesday night,' May 9.
This beautiful young woman is
a dsiughter of the - south, and
made' her 'first appearance in
children's parts with the! famous
Baldwin-Mellville company i'iKKew
Orleans. When she outgrew these
roles she became a journalist, and
not only covered regular assign
ments, bat. wrote a children's fairy
story every day, -did ! society af
fairs, covered politics ! and in her
spare time wrote one-act playlets.
Later on .Miss Shields starred In
one off her, own sketches entitled
"Broadway, U. S. A." Eventually
an opportunity to : appear , on
Broadway :in leading roles pre
sented:" Itself. Then . came the
World war, and overseas she went
where two years ' were - spent in
helping to amuse the .soldiers'. .
t: Upon Miss Shields return to
America; she was ; Engaged ;Jxy
Wajker Whjtesld4 5 1 create the
role V of Alison Cralnie in The
Master of. Batlantrae, , (In, which
she wasv seen fin tbii cjty a f eW
month ago,), she Is ap
pearing In theJ emotional " role of
Clarice Cartright in . Mr. White
side's mystery melodrama, "The
Hindu," a part which Is said; to
offer her every opportunity for
the demonstration of tier undeni
able Kenlus. ' Seats on sale Tues
day, May 8. Mail orders accepted
now. '
Read the Classified Ads.
cd Qjyl
Mob! Such
true whole-hearted
44-In. Linen Finish
Indian Head
Per Yard
37c I
29c Value Amoskeag
i Per Yard
If I , .1 II f 1 1 I 1 I J 1 I I
u.. air
Auto Park Of fico Will
i Be Moved NearPnv
. The office of 'the superintendent
at the Salem auto park will be
moved forward, to the edge of the
driveway within a few days anda
high board f ence ' will be built
along ; the 1 1 ront . pt the ' east sidx j '
of the park. The moving of the
building will enable the Deac6no.s3l '
hospital to utilize the land on
which-the building now sets and
which belongs to the hospital.
Bringing the building forward
to the ledge of the roadway will
also make it easier for the'lncom-. .
Ing tourists to locate the super
intendent. A new t record of
hold over camps waa made last
night; when 18 remalnei fir an- .
other! night in Salem. '. Ik new ;
camps were as follbV--
'B. Kelly. Lone Rriacli
n. Sal-
strum, L.- B. Goi'df n. 1
Mr. and Mrs. W. Cll?g Spo
kane; H. P. Cuir.mings, Mecca,
Col. i -
Gopher Killing Subject
, Of Farm Dernonstration
; Macleay farmersj who have
commenced their jannul war
against : the gopher, one i'of thair
worst enemies. were! treated to
scientific demonstration ot gopher '
killing yesterday, by A. W. Moore,
of Phoenix, Arizona, biological
assistant of the United States ide
partment of agrJcultnreV whd. ao
cotnpanled by Cdunty Fruit In
spector Van TrurapJ addressed a
group of sdme"17 farmers. '
,One ounce of strychnine Is Add
ed to. 10 pounds of ciovor leaves,
tbi: gophers favorjtei fead, accord
Ing. to Mr. Van Trmp, -w hlch ";is
thoroughly mixed in ja Tianlla bag;
TBe contents are then put In. th3
path of, the gophers ra lit . track.
In Ver cent of tie c, ft" 13
stated, thb formula "jls ertcctive.
The government is selling
strychnine to the f arraevs for
$1.10 in ounce, a -ImiterH! sav
ing to them,' in an effort' to help
them combat the gopher ' mehacer
head or throat U 'vxv-"jt
' - benefited bv the
a Riot!
Yeai - 6
giving of costs
all cla&scS, all
; ,
75c , Value. r j
." -Unbleached" ' ' '
j. .Per Yard . .v ' ;vj
, 3 SO
. . -'( '
' J -
40c Value 27-Inch
In Assortment "'
Colors ' ' 1
ni r. r
; .
! ' S T
Vili Dunlgan'8 automobile.
;i-r' .;- v.
i -f