The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 04, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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LT '"
Snar Truck Asked
AppH,i'ou aumoruy
construct a spur track: and g
Crossing the Beaver c
in Multnomah count v
seen filed with the public sei
- commissiou uj iue rosier
4ucta company of Porllaud.
gave Dollar I ; j -
i Aotomooue urea. 3& per tent
.to 45 per cent less than standard
Come In and boo I rnP
fmnraelf. Clark's 1 Tire
. VI v - . r - v I w
:'3U N. Commercial. ;Aifr.
Jftealty Man CompLahtu ,
K. it. jonnson, a ; real
dealer of Bend. j complains to
nubile service , .commission
torn of his sales are retarded by
tauure ui iue ueuu ; water COin
iunr to eitend i water servtr n
tome ot the properties he haa list-
tut. He Wants to know if th inm.
paay cannot be compelled to make
city iinuu. i ; v
rl f.-
rard of
We wish to extend' our thknba
to our friends for their sympathy
and beautiful f floral offerings
during the illness and death of our
wife and - mother. Lucy Nelson,
Swan Nelson and Sons.--Ady
Eggs Are SpilW.r-t f,V-ll j5
4 The public iserrlce commission
has received a report that a (flve
touD truck,.,: loaded With- eggi. en
rout from Corvallis to Portland,
overturned .Jiear Albany Moaday.
What happened to the 'eggs was
disastrous. The truck Was One of
the,; Willamette, Valley Transfer
company's 'fleet. -. ; ? f
rheasaat'i Eye XarrUsus Blonu-i-
Three dozen, 25c; tulips. 1
SOe. Phone 1024-W,- AdT
Hay Lose Water
The " Multnomah Cooperative
Water association Is apparently in
" dancer of losintr Its suddIt off Bull
Ran waterf Tliacity of Portland
aas nouiied tnes associations, that
Supplies Groceries
Little Lady Store
: '
12th and Center
f Drv jCi L RIaiall
f, Osteopathic Physician and
' ' 228 Oregon Building
; Pbono S38 :
For Gifts That
ltattioad. Watches. Jewelry
- vj and Bilrerware.
1253. Salem, Oregon
Salem Ambulance Service
- Day and Kigfat
'I.fftene;:te66 :
17S B. liberty St.
Salem L
Capital Jim
I-Ah kinds of junk and
eecond-hand foods.'
pay full value.
w - i
. ; t r
215 Center Street
Phone 398 j j
Hardware, Paints,
Oils, Glass
; Don't' believe alt you rce or
hear about bargain prict'3. Sep
the--goods for yourself, and
don't takei anyone's -word about
tleir value-, Some thlnags aro
dear at n nrir;. We believe
our prices, are! the towck, that
can - be fpund . apy wheip for
gwdi of the tanio floaiitiy.' But
don't believe' ttju't iec"4tose we
ea no U n mat hWoiU diced
We invllts Inspection" ni com-
. T 1 . I ... . - . J . i..rl I
ptriHon, ana win uo saitijimu
lth your dcclMou. ,
2S ?T, Com!
lhoe 039.
' J ri a
f: :!-"& '
tbje demand for
water;1)y outside
organlatlitnal t. i J
Idly that u . utreasS 80 rap
hten, V It.,necry to take
wafer ,Pr,teCt land Unserve the
"ni v , UpP,y durin5f the daily
o lVr, per,0d-'t'e utside
" using the, water are
asked to make provision adequate
to conserve a threMays supply.
The association inform the public
service commission thit it has no
money to buildj a j reservoir and
wants information as to what can
be done. . j. f
CJAH Attention
! Sedgewlck post will attend the
SSfr1 ,f Co,d ? Lrrabee.
Friday. May 4 J at 3 : 1 0. a Webb
ClouKh parlors. Apert Lough
lldge. Adjutant.-4-Adr!
! 4- L '
Cars Are Short : I !
i The Zeno Lumber company has
complained to the pablic service
commission thati the I shortage of
cars for lumber shipping purposes
pn the Southern Pacific lines be
tween Albany I and Newport Is
serious. i - t I
Alcane Geraniums, 23c Each
I Marigolds, asters, cosmos, zen?
ias - ad snapdragons,' 33c per
dox.; Small geraniums, 15c each.
Dahallas. 90c per dot. Gladiolus,
75c per doz. Carnations, $1 per
dos. , Tulips, 45c pei doz. Plant's
Floral hop, 185 Sj Comtnercial
street. "All fresh from
greenhouses." Adv. I
Prejudice Allegm f
An affidavit of prejudice has
been filed against Circuit Judge
David R. Parker of Morrow coun
ty, by Wallace G. Trtll, district at
torney, relative
to af criminal pro
trlem at Hennner.
ceeding to be
Arthur S. Benson, f clerk of the
supreme court. I is endeavoring to
locate . another Oregon circuit
judge who Jias ticae toserve in
Judge Parker's place. Under the
law -an affidavit
ot prejudice,
without proof. Is a& that is neces
sary to disqualify
a judge from
8wlft'a FertUlzers. For easy
terms, C. S. Bowija, phone SS,
AdV.:.. :' 'r'1
District Vant.f f oin ci
The Payettc-Qregon Slope irri
gation district 'ha telegraphed a
protest'to the public service com
mission against: t If e Idaho Power
company becausethe latter fhas
cut off the power that is1- neces
sary to pump water for the dis
trict's irrigation . system. The
telegram says ' that irrigation is
needed badly now and has been
much ' needed kf of . the last two
weeks. .Thj power was cut off
May 1. No., action has yct.Jjecn
taken by the service com mission.
Inability of the dratrict to pay' for
the power service as soon asTTd
sired by. the pofver company Is
thesource of the irou-ble. '
' - r
SI Down- j
.Puts a Sellers Kitchen cabinet
in your kitchen, ill. L. Stltf Fur-
ntiitrn fn -AdT. f i
Deputies Mentioned
A working agreement has been
reached between the public service
commission and the state depart
ment whereby thi service commis
sion willVut tw traffic deputies
at work under ttte traffic division
or the state department, thetr ex
penses to be pel) by the service
commission." .4 I
' ' : J ..' -
Special Sale I
... Of exclusive! handmade pat
tern: bats. Saturday.; May 5. 202
Masonic Temple Ad v, .
Salem Couple Wed
iMiss Bab II. Cr.lffln and C. vv.
Davis. 'both -of Balem were mar
ried Wednesday! afternoon by Dr.
W. C. Kantner. I Dr.,and,Mrs. w.
A. Johnson were tne omy wi
nesses. ' Mr. anl Mrs. Davis "will
make. (heir horn at 1391 ; Broad
. 1" .
Tulip Farm j
Pictures. Se themi ;ine ou
Shop. Adv. ! - j ;
i. ' II 1
IJisbop Oldham , Coming ,
Bishop Oldhaem of the wetno-
dist Episcopal fchurch, now serv
ing the area iof jSouth America, is
to be In SalemfJune 3. and Is to
address a nniin meeting of all
the Salem Metlodist churches on
the missionary .feroblems of South
Amerfca. The service is to
held at the First Church, which
has the laTges seating
Riiii-ri to Sneak
.v tj-. . E. Gfflbert ot the Salem
.r...i.t iti-irt Vino been in-
4I3LiVVAlO. " " '
Has Movd to ills New
. .... ILicatipn ' - .
240 Soi Cottage Street
'.;,.,V , .rhiie 1 1U -.r
' TA-Tf-ril ''JP
I J :v ltaDUshed" i68 - -- 5 4
General Ranking Buiineu
Office Hours from
! 1 i f
vi ted to preach the high school
baccalauretto , sermons at Belle
fountain. Or., the morning, of May
27. and at Independence the eve
ning of the same day. He is also
to go to Falls City June 10Jor
the same purpose.
Dr. Cook
Might not have been there. But
our cooks are there at tho VaU
ley Grill. Adr.
Case Dismissed '
The case of the state against
Lewis Stinner, charged with reck
less driving, was dismissed yes
terday on petition of Lyle Page,
deputy d?8trict ' attorney. Two
other cases' those of the Marion
Auto company against. Prank
Ford for $3.28 and C. B. Tlm
me for $28.76 were also dismiss
ed. All three cases were filed
in the justice court.
f Street shirts: none better.
$2.50 to $5. Ed. Cbastain Cloth
ing Co. Adv.
auirles Fox Mned
The exhilaration of biting the
breeze at the rate of 48 miles
an hour cost Fox' just $20 yester
day when lie was arraigned be
fore Judge P. J. KuntZ in the jus
tice court. The arrest was made
by-Traffic Officer Bert Smith.
Fox pleaded guilty to the charge.
Tulip Farm
Pictures. See them! The Song
Shop. Adv.; . ,
Art Exhibit Secnrwd
Shriners and their ladies and
all Salem folks are being invited
to view a collection of reproduc
tions of paintings of well known
artists Which the Gilbert Studio
and Craft shop has been fortun
ate enough to secure for exhibit.
The collection consists of the re
productions of the works of the
old masters and of modern Am
erican art." The sttdio la located
at 147 North Commercial street,
Shirts . 1 ! x . '
$1. $1.50. $2. "All fast colors.
Ed. Cbastain Clothing Co. Adv.
vhllam dierrington 111
.William CherrlnMon prominent
citizen of Salem and Marion coun
ty, is critically ill at his home.
987 South High street. Mr. Cber
rington is more than ' 83 years ot
age and his present . illness is Iue
to a complication of diseases. Mr.
Cherrington came to Salem in
1899 and was associated with his
brother in the photography busi
inws. He later became interested
in the music business in Salem. 1
OAC? Class Visits--- i
Several state departments were
islcd yesterday by a class in In
d nstria 1 arts from Oregon Agri
cultural college. They were .un
der the direction of A. R. Nichols,
supervisor of trade and industrial
education at " the college. Mi
Nichols also is connected with the
Mate board for vocational educa
tion. ,
Earlv and set your choice. We
are giving 10 per cent off on all
dresses and suits. Mrs. H. P.
Stith,333 State street. Adv.
. ? ' t
Silierton Students Here
A large group ot students from
Silvertoh high school were visi
tors at the state house yesterday.!
In the hearing chambers of the
state supreme court they were
addressed by Chief Justice Thomas
A. McBrlde. X: f .
Kitchen Cabinets
Sanitarv porcelain tops, vent
ilated metaf lined cake and bread
box on sale at II. L. Stiff Fur
niture company. Adv. ' , .
Quartet to Sing . ii T ;
A quartet from. the Kugene Bi
ble school will sing tonight at the
Court Street Christian church.
The men who make up the group
are Harold Erickson. Alfred Neal.
Claude Neeley and Lorraine ; Sti
vers. Mr. Stivers will give a read
ing, and solos will be sung by
each of the men.
Call ' f r '
Early ab get your choice. We
are giving i0 per cent off on alt
dresses and suits. Mrs. H. 1.
Stith.333 State street. Adv.
The Ladies pf the
'. Court Street Christian church
will on Saturday. May 5, hold a
cooked food and homemade candy
sale:, will serve hot coffee, sand
wiches, pie. cako and ice cream
at the building on N. Commercial
a itd Chemekcta streets recently
vacated by tho Busick grocery .-
A Classified ;At;
Will bring, you a bujer-
' " W TQ
10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Ancient Man HubJem
Ancient man in Oregon will be
the subject of a lecture tonight
at the library, prof. E, T. Hodge
ot the University of Oregon will
give the lecture which is being
sponsored by . the American As
eociation of University . Women.
The public is invited.
Legal Blanks 1'
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application
r T7
Jwlgmcut Allowed---
A Judgment tor $894 was en
tered In favor of the rlrst Nation
al; bank of Stayton against L. D.
Kelly et al yesterday by Judge
George G. Bingham., The defend
ants who failed to ' appear and
were hence adjudged in'defauit.
were held to be owing the above
amount to the plaintiff. In ad
dition a lien on a motor truck
possessed by the defendants was
given as security for their claim.
Lyle McCroskey, who was in the
city yesterday, was . attorney for
the bank.
Colombia River Paper Mills
S per cent preferred stock,
cumulative from Uune 1, can now
be had from A. G. Riach. JJlIgh
hotel, or the Salem Bank of Com
merce. Adv.
Admitted to Probate
j The estate of Solomon Worden
was admitted 'to probate yester
day, an executor and three ap
praisers appointed. E. S. Wor
den, a son, was appointed exe
cutor and Frank Lick, Gene Hat
ley and Brazier Small appraisers.
Real property of ithe estate is val
ued at $5,000 and personal prop
erty at $1,400. Three daughters
and one son are listed , as the
heirs. f
j The kitchen cabinet twith 15
famous features. Free demonstra
tion every day this week. On
sale at II. L. Stiff Furniture Co.
Adv. ' -r ;
A Oehler of 1553 Stale street
reported yesterday that. as he at-
WOODWARD Ida A. Woodward
of 869 Marion street, died at
at the age of ...62 years.Resident
1:20 a. nt;. lUy 4, at he homo
of Salem 18 years. Besides her
t husband. . Newton Woodward.
; she is survived by a sister Mrs.
Martha-Johnson of Chfpwood,
i Or., one daughter, Mrs. Ruby
I Lanham of Salem, cine son,
j L. T. Woodward of' Orenco,
r Funeral announcements later.
LARRABA Corneliius Larraba
died at the home of his daugh
ter. Mrs. B. F. Shannon.;. 1183
South 16th street. May 2. 1923.
Mr. Larraba was -79 years bid.
He is survived by ll ! children,
Harry. Charles. Oscar, Mrs.
Maud Tongel. Gale. Roy. Car
rie, Jessie, and Lloyd Larraba!
all of Indiana; Mrs. Ralph R.
Cole of Long Beach. Cal.. and
Mrs. B. F. Shannon of Salem.
Funeral services will be held
in the chapel of the Webb
Funeral parlors. May 4. .1923, at
3:30 p. m. Rev Ernston will
officiate. Interment will be in
the City View cemetery.
TIAMS Richard Tiams died at
Corvallis. Or.. May 2i 1923. at
the age or 53 years. Funeral
services will be held here in the
chapel of. the Webb Funeral
parlors; May 4, at 2 p. m..
MYERS Mrs. Mary E. Myers. 90
years. 9 months and 12 days,
died May 2 at the Tiome of her
daughter. Mrs. Ira Erb of 673
South 4 9th? street. Mrs. Myers
is survived by eight children.
Mrs. Isabelle Martin. Mrs. Oli
ver Beers, Miss Carri E. My
ers, Mrs, Erb. Wlllard M. and
Ernest L. Myers, all of Salem:
Mrs. Jennie Stafford of Gates,
and Eugene Myers of ; La
Grande. The remains are at
the Rigdon mortuary. Funeral
at 2 o'clock today1.- Burial In
Clagget cemetery. , " j
BROOKOVER The remains of
the late Mrs. Cora Brookover,
73 years age, who died May
3 at Liberty, were shipped by
the Rigdon mortuary to Ontario
where funeral services and in
. terment will be made. f 1
JOHNS Mrs.i Lucy A. John, il
years of age., died May 3 at the
home 1 of her daughter. Mrs.
May Van Laamen. who lives a.
short distance south of Salem.
Other surviving children ; are
Mrs. Minnie LaOue ot Califor
nia and William Oadwa of Pen
dleton. Funeral services; wljl
be held from the' Rigdon mor
tuary Saturday afternoon. . May
5. at 3 o'clock. Interment in
IOQF "cemetery.
Webb & Ctough
Uadiaf Fcssral
Expert JEnbabntn
Rigdon & Son's
UnfMtaalew Servleo
tempted to pull in from the curb
in front jot the - Central Cigar
store on State street his car ran
backwards ana smashed, the
wheel of the car behind.
Collision Ilcportcd .
J. E. Bailey of ISO North Com
mercial while coming into Salem
on the road leading from Chema
wa to Kcizer school yesterday
struck another car driven by a
man who gave his name as Matt
son. The horse which Mr. Bail
ey was driving was . reported to
have been slightly injured.
Hot-Me Strays :
.Fred Kaser' of 72 South
Nineteenth reported -that a large
bay horse strayilj away Ifroin his
place laet night. ,
Accident Turned In
Peter Cook of Itickrcal report
ed that while .driving north on
Church at the intersection of Un
ion he collided with a Southern
Pacific gas motor car. I Slight
.. i.
"Avalou" Male uartet -
From Kugeae in program
songs, readings, etc., tonight
the Court Street Christian church.
I'5c and 33c Adv. f '
Answer Filed '
j An answer to the complaint ot
Margaret Meyer ' against ; Hanah
Renfrow. C. O. Rice and the city
of Saalem. which was filed In the
circuit court a short time ago,
was filed in the county clerk's
office yesterday. According to
the defendants an alley runs in a
northerly and southerly, diretion
through i block 1, University ad
dition, where a sewer is , in con
struction. This sewer the defend
ants allege is large enough to ac
commodate both the plaintiff and
the defendants. The defendants
are 'owners of lots .1 and 2 in
block 1 the answer slates but the
sewer will -not convert on the
premises on the plaintilf but in
the alley. " '
The Avalon Male Quartette
From the-Eugene Bible univer
sity will give an entertainment a1
the Court Street Christian church
this! evening at 8 o'clock. Ad
mission, adults 35 cents, children
23 cents. Adv.: i
Cancellation Asked .
Cancellation of contracjt is ask
ed in the complaint filed against
P. E. Jones by Charley and Anna
Johnson in the circuit court yes
terday. According to the com--plaint
the defendant agreed to
pay! all taxes accruing on. the
property stated' in the contract
and was to carry at least $1,
500 insurance. A total of $100
taxes was assessed against the
property which the defendant has
failed to and will not pay the
complaint states. In addition
kite defendant has failed to carry
Insurance as specified. Inasmuch
as the defendant is insolvent and
unable to meet the payments.
cancellation of the contract
asked. ' -
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Burr and
family-have gone to Bend where
they will make their home. They
had', lived in Salem for the last
Dr. R. Lee Wood spent yester
day, in Portland ou business.
Rowling and N. Chapman of
Eugene were business visitors iu
Salem yesterday. - .
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Smith, oi
Salem, motored to Corvallis Sun
day! to spend the day with their
daughter. Veva Smith. Miss
Smith is a senior in home econo
mics, and will be graduated in
It is said that the latest dis
covery of Einstein cannot be de
scribed in words. That ought to
idd to Its popularity. - ;' I.
Expert Here
Seeley, Famous in This Spe
cialty, Called to Salem.
f! H. Seeley. of Chicago and
Philadelphia, the noted truss ex
pert, will personally be at the
Marion Hotel, and will remain in
Kale'm Fridav tonlv. May 4th. Mr.
1 1
Seeiey says: "The Spermatit
Shield will hot only retain anj
case of rupture perfectly, but con
tracts the opening in 10 days o
the average case. Being a vast ad
vancement over all former meth
ods exemplifying Instantaneous
effects immediately appreciable
and 1 withstanding any strain or
position no matter tho sUi or lo
cation. Large or difficult cases,
or Incisional ruptures (following
operations) specially solicited.
This instrument rccoived the only
award in England and in Spain,
producing results without surgery.
Injections, medical treatments or
prescriptions. Warning All cases
should be cautioned against the
U! of any elastic or web truss
with understraps. as 1 same rest
where the lump is and not where
the openins producing- compli
cations uerr:itating surgical op
erations. Mr. Seeiey i has dociu
ments from the United St ate.n Gov-
ern'mvnt. Washington,' D. C. for'
rns,pccllon. 'He will be glad io
demontrHte without charge or fit I
them if desired- Basinet 1 dv '
manda prevent stopping at anyj
f -1 . . . i i . . : r
omcr pi ,j in in is sui iii.
IM S -Kvery "anie'iit 1 this
notice has been priflfrd lcfore the
Federal and State Courts. F. H.
Home office. 117 N. Dearborn St.,
Chicago. Adv.
Arrangement of High School
Annex Appears to Pro
I vide Adequately
Th plans for the . new. high
school annex are now far enough,
along to show exactly what tho
building is going to be. The plans
and specifications Will be com
pleted ready for the board within
about 10 days. . Then the board
can at once call for bids, and con
struction could begin shortly , af
ter June 1. This would give four
full months for completing the
structure ? before the" opening ot
?chool the first ot October. The
board has learned that mill work
can be gotten absolutely on time.
The brick has been located and
can be had without" delay and
most of the materials already
have been found availablcfor im
mediate building.
The revision of plans author
ized at the last school board meet
ing provides; for an addition. 73
feet wide Instead of 84 feet, run
ning southward from the east end
Of the present building on Church
street. It will be 100 feet in
length,! ; outside 'measurement..
There will be a new east entrance
about the middle of the new sec
tion, set 'out about four feet to
break the monotony of the long
wall, 170 feet in length, includ
ing the old and the new sections.
. On the basement, floor there
will be six class rooms, with .11-
t MARION MrsJ-G, A. Poland.
Mrs. E. P. Jenkins, Mrs. R, Fid
ler, Mrs. R. Gray Kelso; George
J. Fanning. fValsetz; J. A. Rob
erts. M. G. Lyons. E. McCastlinn,
Ralph E. Hoeber, Eugene; Mr.
and Mrs. F. Fairer. Calgary; J.
C. Weir Cryde C. Nelson, .1 San
Francisco; C. A. Lockwood. Rosc
burg; E. V. Vachou. A. F. Holden.
F. F. Smith. J. D. Jordan. W. S.
Park. Mr. and MrsJ H. T. Spicer.
F. Northup. ,Lee Ragan. J, H.
Lyons, J. Redinger. Robert W.
Reist. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McDan
iels. Portland. . .
I BL1GH S. P. Arnold. Wolf
Creek; W- H- Handy. CottaRe;
K. E. Benthness, Silverton; Mr,
and Mrs. A. P. Chanders. Berk
ley; W. XI. Hargen. jSilverton; O.
C. Marriott. F. C. .Burns. E. G.
Assman. J. A Austin, B. E. Reed,
G. . F. West. Irene Murphy. A. G.
Reich. Portland.
TERM INALrp-W. G . Davis. 1 G.
'Lehbergfcr li-r 11. C-,U
Jones. ' S. , D. Mills. R. F. Mont
gomery, C.? Cr Gibson. Portland;
C. R. Bracschi San " Francisco;"
Wc carry in stock over 115 legal blanks suited to most any business
transactions. Wc may have just the form you are Jooking for at a big
saving as compared to made to order forms. VWr;;'' ;
Some of the forms, Contract of Sale, Road Notice, Will Forms, Assign
ment of Mortgage, Mortgage Forms, Quit Glim Deeds, Abstract FormsV
Rill of Sale, Building Contract, Promissory Notes, Installment Notes, Gen
eral Lease, Power of Attorney, Prune Books and Pads, Scale Receipts, Etc.
These forms are carcftdly prepared for the Court3 and Private use. Prices
on forms range from 2 cents to 12 cents apiece, and on note books from
25 to 50 cents. . 1 -. - r .. ."':''' '
The Statesman PublisKihg Go.
1S' DiscouM
Friday, and Saturday only take your choice of our
complete stock of Ladies Coats, Dresses, Capes and .
Millinery at Less. . ; .
Original price ticket remains on every garment,- fig
ure the price yourself v
1 . , .' f '. :.' . '; ' .'" . . . r
foot ceilings. There will be two
j-stairways, one each .from", the
boya 'and'-, the girls' dressing
rooms,' leading up to the gymna
sium ' on the third floor.. There
are locker rooms, showers, add;'
room for the physical director of
each section. Also, there ia , a 'entrance, and 'exit apart from the
physician's and a nurse's room, rest of the building.
the -Name
At Business Office, Ground Floor.
, Dresses
Ladies Hats'$l.!8 to $K.7,V ,
Ladies Coats $9.75 to 512.50. v
Ladies DressesT$l0.75 to $S'2.50. - -
Commercial and Court Street
with a waiting room for conta-
gious or suspected cases that may
.bet found L in the school. These
remedial Barters are the farth
est f; possible f removed from the
regular school rooms, and -can be
isolated in safety, with their own
Warm spring:: days and your
high school ! daughter will say
that she isn't hungry or hasn't
time to eat.
Food authorities- say High
School girls' "nerves" are often
due to lack of the right food, and
they should not be allowed to go
to school without breakfast. -
Try frying or broiling a slice of
Just as she comes through the
kitchen,; she begins to sniff
"Umm ham.'1'
Inviteher to try m bite. Tht
bite tender, juicy, rick flavor
Fhye's Delicious Ham '
just the appetizer she needs
now the '11 take m piece of toast
and or cup of chocolate, .. '
Keep, a fryi'i o
llelou Ham hang-'
In yur tMitc
or you can kujr It
conveniently olt4
at your aaator'a.- -