The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 04, 1923, Page 10, Image 10

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tAdele Garrison New Phase of
ClIAPTEK- 294.
1 MSo terKbly wronged." '
" For ' a Minute Grace Draper's
pleading, -anguished face vanJsh
ed Xrom my vision, while over
and over In my ears sounded the
phrase, jbr . rather what meaning
second time since she had accost
ed, m in the tipper ball of the
linn Ke ' 1 ' had come to ' inspect. 4
Whit-iid he i niean by this
phrase, or rather what meioing;
ll did she-expect-me tb - glean iroms
it? Did she intend me to benev
-1 "clenched, W fingers into yt:
palms at' the' thought iwhifch ha
come to me. - This was not th
fjrst time .It had .come to ?me.
had harbored it when I had ' re
ceived the letter she had wrute
me in which she bad used a simp
ilar expresaioa. - It was with a
effort that I tad: J
"What do you mean bylterribljjr
wronged me?"
: Her eyelids drooped ' quickly;
covering .he" eye for an instant
before she answered. Apain tijie
insistent little doubt ;t the ba
of jmy brain ' forced Itself j. upii
njel " Was she compelled "to hide
the 1 expression ef her eyes nniH
she -could be sore -of -eontroHinVj.
them? Was she 'deliberately hid-?
Ing them' so I might gain the im
pression .that she Jneant' to con
ceal something? Or as Oner, ac
tion the result xf an rmbarrass
meat; a shame. which was genth
inely swaying her? I -'j,;5 :.
: ? ou-ught t-rknow, shp
aaid 'at last; her voice broken,
b usky, , and Sn ; the pause ef orp
her siext utterance T imagin
that "the beating -of my ' hea
could be heard, so violently wa
it thumping -against j my aid
"You-J-know -how hard I triad--
vainly, of course to win yonf
husband .from'-' you, and howl
they vBald--I--4rled---te set ; him
killed--that time A is airplane felli
Rut they lied. I didn't I didn't
yet they put roe la prison for; Jt.
Memory's .Warning. J
. ; 1 it ;, . :- . J
eves. Imploring, anguished, look
cd straight (nto mine, almost com-j
pe!!ing. a belief in-her smcefity.
Her hand?. were twisted horribly;
together, as if she had polledJ
them, out of shape In their elatch
one upon the other. , I think I
flaould hawe 'surrendered utterly
to her . appeal as If it had not been
for a memory -which ftaahed, be
" Tore me as vividly a if portrayed
Upon a cinema screen. ' " -- ":
Again I stood beside the bed
' upon which. Grace Draper lay ap
parently delirious jand dyingTrom
her self-inflicted wound ; after
her"?attempt to- ehoot ' Dicky
Ar?fn J.liatened to her ravings,
and then'to the unmasking of her
pretended delirium by Dr. .Peitit.
And the voice witalwhJcjb, she ad
dressed' me sounded as clearly in
my ears as tie Words she had lust
uttered. .-, : f; , -
; And yon will never. know, will
you Madge1, dear, just; how much
of -what I have said was false and
how much true?" .
Only One Request.
She hadflung that barbed doubt
of Dicky's truth at me when she
was facing almost ceftavn death.
1 1 had sueceded in pushing it so
far dawn la my consciousness that
! rarely did I .feel its sharp .thrust.
But : her ' hesitation, ' her hurried
(qualifying phrase, ' .'vainly, of
i course," dragged V it; jaggedly 7 to
the surface, ind I;knew that-no
I matter what decision s I . made fori
I or against her, . the festering .track
of " that-old : barb -would ' remain
' She was speaking. again, and . I
could i hardly "believe that -1 was
j really listening to ' Grace Draper,
so . humble, - so ' broken the ? tired
. Mrsi Criqui Packs
v . . - J.I .1
. t A i u - i
t ' ' - - x ; r-- -
. - . , .. J v ... , ...
. , , -- ''-, '" - V V " -'V.
..?Tra..Eusena Criaul recently arrived from Paris to see Jher husband,
athrwlgbt champion of Europe, fight Johnny Kilb&ne tor the world.
::. . JT?r MrsCrjquI hands her spous a, wicked one on fine Jaw at bis.
t: fining Quarters at Uanhasset, Long Island. ilaybe yousdon't believe!'
tie' hU irarrms rartoer, but it cakes & good picture, toyway. ' '
voice, whose tones!? once' had Beeh
so clear and musiral. '. :
. ''You can afford to' ibe gener
bus," she said sadfy. tYou have
won all along the linft. Look at
th wreck of what I. -was, while
you are wan : ever, and
your youth has goe as inln.e has.
And you. have love and iftome and
a child, which I hjtll never know.
All I ask is pardont' from you, and
the chance to drag out my-drab
exiatsnce free fronii terror. Surely
yW can give metl)iose.";
Again i there .scmnded in my
brain a tiny note if warning. But
It. was faint, so lielit "in the scale
as compared t with the weight of
th girl's -tragic, . abasexi appeal,
that I put"' It aside and' stretched
out my hands impulsively toward
her. 'Her 'piteous contrasting of
her lot' with mine had broken
down my last barrijer.
"My pardon I &ijve you freely,"
I said simply, foil in honesty I
eould not disclaim j the truth that
she hadj injured ip almost beyond
forgiveness. "Audi tell me how 1
can be of-assistanc to you."
-rShe caught my thajnds in hers and
bent over them, illwas afraid she
meant to kiss theii, and" though
1 lorgave her. I iel that I couldn't
bear the touc hOf her lips. But
hot tears, - not kisses, fell npon
them, ' and I .heard her broken
murmurs of thankfulness, f; When
at last she lifted hr head a look
of quiet peace had succeeded the
anguish which had! been portrayed
in her face. i ' '
i. i ne rorgivenega means most to
me," she said, and. if every sin
cerity showed in a face it appeared
t4 speak from hells; "And there
isi only one bit of assistance that
I need from you of shall ever ask
irom you. v p
And,that is "I said.
. iA touch "of - th old mockery
twisted her lips. ' !
That you call otf your faithful
FMes." ; . 'if
L (To be continued.) -
Sandefer Is StifTBusy.
.Enforcing Prohibition Law
S. D. Sandefer, prohibition offi
cer, for Jackson county, was a Sa
lem visitof . Tuesday on official
business.- , ' , ' T '
: They haven't succeeded in mak
ihg Jackson " county .absolutely
i dry.-but It is on of the dryesf
sections of the whIe west at that.
It gets just: a iittlejdryer every day
that 'iSandefer stys there. He
turned in- f2S00 n fines during
M a r c h and' te convictions
amounted to two $nd a half years
in jail. There jtvas one outfit
that had sworn an Eternal destruc
tion - - to any - officer that . should
ever try 'tp .arrest themiut they
quit - when j Sanjdifer J 'got j after
them and; they ire "paying the
penalty like little inehi ,,""" "
iHfr.- " Sandefer lias ! bought a
ranch near iledford, adjoining the
county! ' fair-grouads, and he is
stocking the plade witfi blooded
stock of every kind, - He has Hal
Patton, the 2:04 M trotter, and
Phyllis xWynne. the 2 : 16 trotter
that showed so wjell at the state
fair races. Sandefer came from
the .land where '. tine horses ..are
better than money. He piaqs
to keep these" famous horses . in
trim on the local track, and enjoy
life seeing them ge-it, i
J C. A. Walker, wjho; is a deputy
kinder Mr; Sandefefe,.was with him
ion this Salem visipL Mr. Walker
is a former newspaperman, and he
(was a deputy sheriff in Canyon
county, Idaho, when former Gov
ernor Frank Stennenherg was as
sassinated.. He Jilted, just across
the street ;froin Stiunenberg, and
the two jwere the Iclosest riends.
before that, Mr. wjaiker had been
tity clerk of Uoise and was well
lnown as a newspaperman and
printer In the Gem jstate.
Federal Market Service
- i i
To f Be , Furnished I Press
Oregon may sooil iave the fed
eral market, news,: service; that
will .put JU dealers and .growers
op a. par with thse -of the, far
east i in ; the i matter of knowing
what crops are: really worth. . A
telegram received .by the Cham-
a . Hefty Bunch
, vr .'
M ' - ; ' r i
When the Garret-Dwllers :Frolic
S V; ' ilSt k;Ffv
v ' - - I -r: '-:a. S ' i rr-
i ft t v.- w
' The general conception ef Greenwich -Village inhabitants is that they
are a lot ot studious, garret-dwelling artists, authors' and actors. , But
here's a glimpse of what the Playboys Ball will belike. . Miss Nadya
Ben-Dror Geft) as a South 'American maiden, and' Miss Peggy. Martin, as
ISiag :Tnt' sister ' ; :
ber of Commerce Tuesday ironi
Senator Charles McNary at'Wash
lngton, says: ' j f
"Department of agriculture ad
vised me' today that my amend
ment' carrying Jappropiation! of
$150,0:00 for extpncling market
news service to the coast is being
worked .out' br the department,
and that service will be available
to ' Oregon producers about July
1, at .which-time a leased line will
be established in Portland."
This 'will' bring the daily market-news
covering all the coast
markets, ; or f other markets that
affect the coast growers, -within
reach of - the " whole ' coast press.'
It is understood, that the service
is to be extended to the daily or
other press of the coast thati will
publish it. and that the reports
will be made -available In ome
form to every producing locality
that asks for it. ;'::.
Setttr Tfimn m htuttard flatter
Prices that . Should Make Record
The C &
: 254 North
For Friday and
Fancy Dlue Rose Head
Rice. 16 lbs
Liberty Jelly - Powder, no more
Before Saturday night we expect; all to be gone. , Get nj -you
rs now, 4 for ........... t .'. f i . aiiJC
Sugar Genuine cane-berry, we
will sellFriday and Saturday,
Crown, Drifted Snow or Olympic Flour,
per sack . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . .
Waldo Hills Flour, : - j ..
per saCk ........................
Choice 10 to 12-lb. Hams, ; ,
peri pound . . . . . . !.
Pure Bulk Lard, ' j
per pound . . . . . ......... ............ . . . . .
lOe Cocoa Hardwater Castile Soap, '
3 for ...............
20c Size Dr. Price's Extract (nearly all flavors),
15c -or- 3 for ; . . . .
Good Grade Bulk Coffee,
per pound ............. ..
Sun Maid Seedless Raisins,
2 for
Bring us your entire grocery list and buy with' confidence. We
ff try to Jiavoi our prices riubt u every Jteni.
58 by 58 Round Mercerized Table '
Cloth ........ .. .
-54 tfy 54 Square Mercerized Table
Cloth , .'. ..V-. .......
1 Lot Pearl and Colored Trimming ' Buttons Worth
25c 10c a card; 4 for . . . . ,-. . . . . . ... .
36-Inch Standard '
rercaies, xara j. ,
1 Lot Ladies' Sflk Hose, black
brown . .... 4.;. '. . i . . .
S1.25 Ladies' Sflk Hose, Buster
Arrownead ...............
50c Ladies Lisle Hose,-black,
Children's Fine Ribbed Hose, good grade black, birown
and white . , ... t ... i i . . V . .
1 Lot Pink Check Ginghams, .. t
per yard . ... ....... . ,r.
See the assortment of Heavy Laces, we have special, .
at, yard' . . . ................ . ...... .... , .'. J. . .
Men's Dress Socks, black and u - ...
brown, pair . .......... , , . , .
Diamond Dyes, i ,
per package J . , , , , . .... ... ....
New College Girl ,e nn
Corsets : . . . . . . SlOC to
New . Egyptian Voiles, New
Patterns, New Silk Hosiery Your entire want list
: of - Groceries, Dry Good, Men's , Furnishings and
, Staple Stores r can ; be ; procuretl economical lyj' : from
THE C & 1
pnoxB ceo.
Prune;Croo About iDallas
! Will 'Be4 About One-Half
i DAL.IMS, - Or., May u & (Spe
i - t
cial to The. Statesman.) A heavy
frost Wednesday --night did con
piderable damage' to oarly , gar
dens in this part of the county
Whether any damage was done to
fruit?., remains to be' seen. The
frost '.was one of the heaviest ex
perienced in - this locality durin
the month of May for many years
and may haye a damaging effect
on ' prunes and 'cherries. It has.
been estimated that the prune
crop will, be but about onerhalt
of the average crop, this cpndi
tion is not ; attributed to" the
weather conditions this spring
but to the hot, dry weather of
the latter part of last summer.
Read the Classified -Ads.
For Coughs and Colds, Head
ache Neuralgia Rheumatism -
and All Aches) and Pains .
' - 35c and 5c, jars and tubes
j ; Hospital six. $3.00
Sales at
Saturday Selling
100 .left.
be had, about 100 .left.
bought before raispjyfc f f Q (
sack4 . ..... .... . .'. llvJW
I 25c
" 25c
and .
- . .......
BrcWn and
m s '
10 c
tlimilvams. New Excella
254 . N. Com'l.
Kozcr Announces That Only
' One Measure Will ''Bte
Voted on in November ;
; Sam A. Kozer, secretary of
Ftate, yesterday made definite -ant
nouueement that a special election
will be held in the stated on No
vember 4, next for the purpose
of voting oh the income tax bill
pased by the 1923 "legislature and
on .which the referendum "has
been Invoked by the Oregon j Just
Tax league. No other, measures
will be voted on at that time for
the reason that senate bill 232,
providing for the special election,
stipulates that only those meas
ures j dealing with revenuesj on
which the referendum is. invoked
shill j be voted on at .that time.
All other measures deferred 1 by
the legislative session or which
may j be initiated - by ; . the people
cannot be voted on until the reg
ular election in November, 1924.
"Any person or association of
persons may file with the secre
tary of state arguments opposing
or favoring the income tax bill
going before the people at the
Fpecial election November
1923. but any such' argitme
must - be filed with the secretary
of state within 12 days after fav
1, 1923, or not later than May 13,
3 923." said Mr. kozer. "The law
I 111 ; ;: i , 'j '..-1.! '.t i . t , - 1U . - ' . . "
llll i- ; . . - -"1p . ...... -
'V . :X : 1 . . Jyf - : -vJ - - .. I. v i
1 , .. - 1,1: tw&j&m - - 1 1 - ;
.... "i- J iv L imAJ. j : i !
. . - i. v- Ml 4 .'
v. ;i3 : rtjir , -
Oetayus; Ro Coi' ; lr
I ' ; the iambus humorist v --r v. ... i
j , I' '! .1:-. : ? V ,; . :l . t J
III' , ,., , . . I.-" ( . ",.,-. . .....
and sfco It Is vproTidod'in the In
come' lax law that the secretary
of state shall cause the- measure,
with its appropriate ballot tille
and an y a rgn me ht s su b m 1 1 ted f ar
oring or oBPpsing the same to be
printed' not later than SO days
before the day of the speciarejec
tion anil a -copy' thereof forward
ed1 by mall to each registered
voter, ,pf tbe ' state ' .Persons .f or
asHoeiations 'phrsons submjt
tlcg argument-favoring or oppos
ing the incoaie tax-billmust pay
the" cost hereof' and deposit an
amount to cove?" the same at" the
timei of filing ItheJr statepien3
with the. secretary of state.' The
lawis govern ing;vi the Iqonduct of
genera 1 elections' throughbUjt the
state appry to-the-conduct of tho
special election to be held Nbvera
ier 6, 1923 .The law itself I fixes
the date of the 'election and the
conditions upofti which it Is held
and ' the , authority to call such
election .upon . th-4 filings of 'the
referendum petition above refer
red to Is not reposed In any state
official.? . . -. 'jvt -i
Rosebraugh Candidate
For Student Council
Eugene, L Mayj 3, Arthurj Rose
braugh of Salem, a senior in the
school of law at the university,
has announced that he will be ft
candidate for senior" man on ; the
student council at the annual stud
ent body, elections ! which will be nf a t j - 1 1 111 - . 1
At present Kosepraugn is t 1 i" " ;;
King at tne University. He IS' a mmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,
member of the-Order of the O. an " . ; " -i :.. m , - - , , .
organization of ineriwho have won Rosebraugh has neeu mnch service member of the Sigma Chi frater-
athletic letters At the university, on vCyegontrack. teams. 11 ia -a phity. i
in his screamingly funny new comic strip
Here is a daily burst of fun everybody will enjoy.
It is packed with action, 'incident and episode. :
The funniest characters ttiat eder sparkled in
the master productions 'of this noted humorist
will entertain you in sidesplitting adventures ot
laughable romance, ludicrous intrigue, uproar
iously funny plot and counter plot all Tgleam
ing throughout with the droll sayings, the mer
wy quips and jests that distinguish Octavus Roy
Cohenl . -''M- - .& J-fe ; - ::v :.-:
iprrrr r-r ' ,-! '. - " ' ' - '
UN!TE0rjy- ST0R
. tr
-Get our prices -on tents
(all new).. Our tnts are cut
on 2S-inch baslsfinstead of I,
34 inches. Therefore our 8 :
ajid 1 0-ounce are as heavy
. n m and 1 2-ounee ;
tents. They' are one-third J
'men "t. "at corneVs and T gable. .The . rope fables are a special
SaTure In our tents an prove specially useful in preventing
severe winds from tearing the tent. s;
We ave a ' full liae.pi both' the regular hape,.ftnd the
We can save you money on HIP RUBBER BOOTS. We
have the best Ball Band, 15.25. ; f . i --
We -have all kinds ef-Army Shoes. The best titters, glre
you eomfort Combined with great wear., All, prices.; See our
new, French boes ofr r
' :' je can sav you money on Shoes. ; r ,
' our new folding (single) spring bed. (Sleeps like the good
ones lit home) for $8.25. Mattress for same, 1 3.25. The mat
tress! and bedding all fold up inside the bed, arid when opened
out again,; your bed Is all. made up and ready to get Into. .Ton.
don'tl bava to hunt all around for bedding. iCn carry twg of
these) on the running board of your car. , -
. a good night's sleep "on the, road" and you are prepared
to enjoy the next day's trip with double pleasure.; (This is also
a, good bed for; the home.) : ; f
O. D. Armr Blankets are . the proper 1 things ?or outing
-trips are going to the mountains see oar 10-lbs. doable
wool" blankets,, per pair,- 14.60, else 74x86 inches.
United Army Storpc
... ia. ..... i. .1 . . O.ln I
1 1