'TIC? USD AV MORNINO. MAY 3, 1023. THE OREGOK STATESMAN; SALEM, OREGON 'Mi ftiif H' -; BEiPATRlOTlC ' Annual Memorial Day Annual Published Bv Superin tendent Churchill ; Memorlzlna; and reciting f the preamble of the constttutiori1 of s the United States will be part of jY-;the; .Memorial- day program, la Oregon .schools this jyear eeord- j &g to the ' program suggested by 'Ji'S Chu rch III J ta toBU perln tend . t ent ot 'schools, and printed in ihe ! "i i Memorial Day Annual, which . has beea published by Mr.; Churchill. ras;nnu is being ntto jcjim u manders of GAR posts, regents , of .rPanghters of the . American Revolution and to1 ;the teachers Lr$ and superintendents! of f Oregon schools. - ( , . h ) ii x Numerous patriotic 1 selections are printed in the annual, Includ b4 ilnT' two by Oregon authors, "The Shrines," by Helen Ekiff Starrett, L nd "Abraham Lincoln 'the Great Commoner.'' by Edwin Markham. The .suggested program : calls 1 4--for-". addresses to " the schools by b , members of the local posts of the k- H Grand Artny of the . Republic, i .v-reading of the OAR, "order No. 11 vi, relating to Memorial day and pa ins triotlc recitations. $ All ; children vware to give the salute .to the flag. U and after thU the pupils and Tia- ltora, will repeat in concert the . -' preamble to the federal constitu--" . x ,Moxu! Xtk 'X-?S ; -.-a dfA community ionors .Itself s jjchen. on Memorial day, it tm : pause to Its business) affairs that .iii: it may honor, the men who, in the ! hour ot their country's peril: ot- '...i. tiered their all for Us defense,' y says Mr. cnurcnm ;m me i wrrj wnrd.i' "Should America ever for 1 " get its niustrous dead and fall on; .'4 each- recurring Memorial day - to ' - pay Jheny Its trlbutsj or reverence, I weiaay welt fear for the perpetu j ity ef our emocra:r :'TV".;i : j j "I ' urge ,that in ; every hool p houses where school is in rsesslon, ! the day be fittingly observed by J 1 fbi ehlldren through rendring the V program contained"' herein.! ' Par 5 - entsandothr school 'patrons and friends should fee Invite to attend ' ' the exercises. By thus holding in 1 ' memory the heroic! achievement J 1 America's raliant men, our ' ; i6ys aid. girts wilj .learn that s true patriot will nerer 'fail. to -pay his tribute to the memory orhia country defenders.' Ji JOtlSEEIEB ' Interesting Program at Ses- dstort m Baptisru rganiza- :,i$eff;.ioRilastf Nighh ! 5 i Thl Xnnuat ; Baptist Men's : Brotherhood 'meeting was held In the church parlors Tuesday ereo Ing th; men. entertaining, ; Desoite the exceptional nnmber tnMCBt. th. com j .r was . scju jUerve and' there was the suKges- t-i-1 fp, of i an 1 accustomed woman's ijand" Ifflt altT Radishes and let ; i tuce, salad gaye spiced to the ham - .--. rari slggaj and- tler.' good things .wlthwhlch . the jplatea were gen--: ( eronsly piled. - V f ' -l'' - ' i rA ihort program was rendered, t the first number of which was v ,;i song by' Professor Hobson ; of - vWIllainette unlTersity. "The Xlt- f; tie Stars 1 of Trula, done In a .J"s:avery: effectiTef nanner. , 4 There i , was an enthusiastic . encore ; and - 'ihe came back and sang a negro ' f spirltual,T,'It,s Me Oh Lord." if 'jr VQt.: Carl : Gregg Doner, .presi- ? 4 dnf rf Wllamette was the prin 3 7-etna speaker.- --'4 - f ' ' - v -r-.- Hh subject was "Putting the Church iTlraVV iHe: went hack t te his boyhood when the small btc-.-c. white church. was set in the most ;.. - -conspicuous place ! in town, . when Ithe Ulk Of; the home centered vj,u around , the work of ; the i church. . j .Then, he said ' It was necessary ' ftp-, prepare for - weeks to ( take a . Ti trip et,25 miles while, now. a man zt .. wrote over, to him from: Montana asking him to run , orer. tlioo a-' ;"niles).; and glyelhem a lecture. 1 U 1 The church, he! said, gives a t-i t education .education gUf a : power, - 4 and power eliminates. Vine. . v j "'Society Is complex," he said. iThe, church" is'i the .mother, ol v; forces ojmold society. Soe ot ... r' , -the, forces we the YM CA, Red j Cross and, hospitals. "i J ht -James Lisle Mresef and being asked to speak, he told Ci' 'I of i hls,..Bearch " for spirituality ainniir ' some of the H wealthy churches of ' the east on his trip last summer.. He said 4 that his search "was .not In "vain. 'That ir,i f rheJfound it Just a possible to Ket near, a throne ot grace, in in" wonaerful churches as in the small places of his boyhood. He - told of how a society of Infidels ent out the word that the church v: Vas dying out." Bishop McCabe cent a tele-rara j back "All Hall 2 the Power of Jeans' Name." The - ' Methodists alone he said are btilld ' "1ng at,the rate of two churches a . Jaay. nf "' fhV chairman of fhe eyenlng was D-D. Socolotsky. -," 11LL 5U1S FUEL IS ADDED ; :. TO ATHLETIC WIR Women's Swimming Asso : ciations fcarry Fight " to Governors Board (NEW fV'OBK. May 2.- (By the Associated reas. ) Adding fur ther fuel to what ohserrers regard as an j impending international athletic ( was, involving governing bodies- & bith the United States and Europe, the women's swim ming association of New York to night announced It had carried to the board of governors of the Am ateur Atlejtic nion its fight to obtain Banc lion for a "trip to the British Isles this spring y Helen Wainwrtghtk Gertrude Ederle and Aileen Riggln. three of vthe fore most American girl swimmers. This action, coming, on' the heels of. the 'controversy1 over . the ap pearance' of Charles .Paddock, Cal ifornia sprint record holder, in a Paris collegiate meet . scheduled this week, stirred to a higher pitch the protests (aroused by the recent dictum j of 0ie AAU ; refusing to sanction "foreign competition by American athletic stars this, year, with the exception of the Harvard Yale track jteam's meet with Ox ford and Cambridge in England. That Paddock would have the backing; of Sponsors of the Paris meet in; carping out his threat to participate Jin defiance of the AAU .was indicated tonight In dis patches' from Paris stating that collegiate delegates of ten nations, Including; the the United States, had declined to admit no Interfer ence from outside athletic govern ing organizations in conducting their meet and allow Paddock to compete. !. ; , - Canadian Banker to Write Of Travels Along Coast J:-- I X- ' ' . . Salem ; entertained a literary genius jot real calibre last -night, when Percy Gomery, banker: of Vancouver, B. C, registered at the Marion. ;He is on a long investi gatory tour j: of , the Pacific coast. H the way from British Columbia to TIafJuana and back, wittTthe Idea of writing it into book iorm into a novel. Instead of mere travelogue. .It is aimed to tie whole west coast country into one sonnected unit, so that whoever lives la or comes to see one sec tion of the coast country must see it all before he can be satisfied. ,f Mr. Gomery made a trip across Canada last year,' which he .wrote into book form under,' the 'title, A Motor f Scamper 'Cross Canada." Jhe book baa created a real furore In Canada, and" It "is 'as delightful reading this side of the- line as it is -to the nerth.' It. is a rippling narrative, fall ot human -people and classical and rogues and peo ple's English, and it has a laugh 09 every; page and a lot of travel ing and living philosophy that :1s most entertaining. : If the1 genial Canadian whites as clever a trav elogue this 'side the line, with a bit of romaibce : and some ! of , the Siskiyou ! sienery and ; the red woods,' and I a dash of the bang tails at Tlajjjuana and the whole 400. miles :tor Oregon state high way as the subjectl-eally deserves, and as his Canadian book prom ises that he Vill do; people twill just naturally want to travel!' any road that has such Interesting peo ple and places. ' .-. v- 1 , Mr. v Gomtery .. will be back through Salem some time later. ii if t Paper Company and Spauld w ing Mill Fix Flues Some ' . 'Others Have Not; y The; Oregon Pulp ft Paper com pany claims to ' have, altered its smokestacks so they -no longer belch 'cinders upon the streets of Salem; and- the Spaulding milt now has all chimneys so arranged wltfcf one exception This will be I fixed fchortly. It !s said, however, that Several other : Industries in the cttyjthat use "hog fuel" have hot as yet made any changes, and they are beingT blamed for most of the cinders hat are now fall ing la the city. ... ; ' L RECORD DECREASE NEW YORK, May 2.-BuSlness failures ' in April, according to Bradstreets. tabulation .Issued to day, j totaled '1638, a ; decrease of 2.03 -per cent from March,! 16 pai cent from April, a year ago, and 2 per cent fom.Apii. 1915, mak4 ing the smallest monthly ! aggre gate,, with the, exception, of the short month o( February, record ed since last October. , i 1"? ' - Liabilities for April totaled 51 662,254, a decrease of 14 per cent for March and! 30 per. cent-from Aprils of last year. ! For the first four months of 1923 failures numbered- 7801 and liabilities ; were 1 2 0 4.0 2 3 ,9 6 9 , decreases of respec tively 21.7 and; 33.8 per cent frqm thejarae period of 1922. : CfLiDEfl ARRESTERS INSTALLED FAILURES a The PeoDle's Cash Store, every ready in the ing prices at its beginning; and went forth HERE ARE THE RESULTS A FURIOUS : :1 , ' t i r it vrri 'rrin t r Tf -- Every Price Tells Its Own Story. Highest Quality Brand of Blue Ribbon, gtiaranteeil. 1 sack .... '. Jii'. i Valley, . 1 Flour White Spray, i 1 sack SUGAItXESS Til AX W1IOIJSSAM3 Oatmeal, : 1 sack ............ Fancy Head Rice, 15 lbs.; ........... White Deans, , 10 lbs. ......... , ... Lima Beans, 4 lbs. ............... Macaroni, ' 10 lbs. ...... . .. .... A , Sale. of - . IF- - ' - - ' - ' ' - ' ' ' ' ! - - " " . I . T '- : .! . :- 1 3 r : . i i . , j : t , . ', : . . . .. i ....... . - v . - t Ladies Bungalow Porch Dresses and Allover Aprons reduced. Materials are high grade ginghams and percales with fancy tie-back sashes and ric-rac braid trimming. Made pro tecting sale price . rf . . ' i . HOSIERY AND -UNDERWEAR BELOW i - ; . - - i - ' ' mm lrT the Bargain Splash of the Decade Starts Tomorrow. rns WMte Soap $1.55 $1.33 $1.85 4 Cans Standard' c Tomatoea . ....... .( . . 4 Cans 4 Cans "; Coi n . ; . . T,. Cans. Pork and , . Iloans ...... . 4 Cans Oval Sardines, large . . ; . i 3 Cans Oysters, tall 10. Cans Sardines 45c $1.00 89c 49c 57c 1 Pint Jar Mustard COATS and SPORT ; ..COltS. $9.75 . ' ' ' - ,..--.- 1 . .-! - ' ... . : ; ' A special lucky purchase; ' A complete assortment of regular sizes. A buying op portunity too good to last Ijrervf. long. ' Best wool materials in Coats and Snort Coats; a wonderful selection of clever models. . ' : i S1 : Our Entire Stock of 370 SPORT HATS .... v . . ; Some are worth to $5.50 J !- $1.83 It'll be the greatest Millinery calling in Salem. It'I-be a kiuk of the biggest vaues and best styles the city has ever seen. (On the Balcony depart ment.) . -.,. -Ladies' Quality House ;r Fine Regular 75c. value in bodice, shoulder strap ' andsleeveless unions. '1 Ladies 35c ; Brassieres In brocaded and plain long wearing materials. . ' Special .at w.: ; v; . 17c imalhiirnis interest of the Buying into the market and bought bountifully, heavily-and in many wstai. UNDERSELLING A HURRICANE OF BARGAIN GIVING. Groceries at Lowest Prices in the 3lc 50c ca,BU... l; ..15c . "."..?"... : f 75c . 50c y:?..'" - -25c . sst-..:.v.. ;... :' ;23c V 5Qcr:'rs :' : 25c K0".00.'!-..; $1.08 55c wu - 19c T?."L.....:,... 3Sc S: ylC- 1 lb- OK 10 lbs. Cocoa in i IC - 4DC. Almonds ............. ...j OC in bulk ... .5C :Q 50c lBT. Wc::.?::x. ..!... 40c! r 1 - , ... . i A Bacon Squares, the flavor is there,: , fj- Spider Leg Tea. jp -s 5Qc Trb. 1c llb. t. ......... 45c r nV Nice lean Bacon, 99- , lb. Llpton'a A A--"'' t 25C per lb. ..; I.: LLZ Tea ... 44C j .... Hi - Grade Ladies Hats Swiss Ribbed Summer Unions J fx , l I oteOTii Public of this Community, has sense, State of Oregon : Bar JjIMITKD QUANTITY' i Ou Entire Ready-to-Veaiv Sic: Will Go at History . Making Reductir? i Timely Lucky Purchase and Sale ! 64 SILK DRESSES . fP r Some, are- $12.50,: others $15.00' and $2.0.00 value. Entire lot goes in this sale at , - - . Leave Home Early for This , Ladies' and Girls $3.00 value A LI, WOOL SPORT ": Sweaters " . Slip-on styles . in colorings, special $1.39 , Every Itemyln 'Ladles Ready-to-tV'ear f . , Reduced. r Dresses .Values 'below today's costs; at Bi a' ' Ladies' Fine Ribbed Vests ! 25c and 35c values .'- .. .. . ... . ... . , 14c Re: tzisi crL Velvet Tobacco Per Can 10c: MX Sale $35 to $45 Values Ladies' ' . r- ."' I1".-- - . "( f of Tricotine and Serge to go at ; $19.85 . A triumph in value giving. I saline and charmeuse JInlngj. str lines, bloused and tailored styles. Ladles' $2 value Celebrated Jack Tar Mies :.$i.49 PRESENT lndlesV $1.25. CrtTrhloomerH 7.V Made of best crepe In butterfly ana other beautiful designs. 73c Tt i r Women M 9 f .50 Crepe and Hal It o (owns 7 Or Lace and embroidered trimmed. 79c rhiklren'n" 73c Unions 3c Summer Unions in fine and coarso riqbed with button attachments and without. -' . - , 39c Women's $2.2.-i Two-Plece Com- V ,: bination Suits 1.2 Made of batiste, crossbar dimities, in plain and fancy colors. U!o)in- ers ana supover vests. 7 $1.29 I T; L Be