r- - . j A , . . ...... i i.1 I l L SEtOJID .SECTION Autos, Society, Clzhs, Cerjtrd T'nrj and OswRii: . PACESUOQ SEVENTYrTHinD YE ARt SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MpKNING, APRIL 29, 1923 PRICE : FIVE CENTS I MOTORCYCLES ACCESSORIES 1 1 mmmmmmitmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmimmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmammmmmmtmmmmmam ; ' ; i ' '' '- '' ' 11 "' ' 11 .i in i . i i ii ' ' mi i AUTO MOBILES, TRUCKS . AND TMACTOMS 4 - - f fx HLIOEI: GARS AGGERTED a; Salem Automobile Company to Sell Stars and Durante I in Valley ;; t j After morei thaa (Ire yeari of ' etclnslTe senrfce. to. the djerrolet .'ears, the Salem Automobile com- panr on Higfaj. street has decided .to so out Into- bigger Wsiiiesa and take oa tro other - lines. These will be; the Durant and SUr cars that, vnerel first introduced la Salem by the Marion 'Auto mobile company! The company jstUl has it Chev rolet agency, and will . continue the service ty has always - given to its patrons, j Since the com pany ; started, the Chevrolet bus!' ness- here yit has i placed about 1500 cars in ts territory ' sur-rounding- Salem, ai tremendous fleet! of cara that they will con tinue tat careifor as before. -These 1500 cars are a business bond the company is glad to remember and to live nn I a. I ' J I , el T V- - " . I : Another Record it , -1 The new lines. Promised,- - . howeyer. prom ise to establish another record for popular demand. - The Star car; the latest cheap, complete" car on the market, has made a great hit wherever it has ' been sbwn.' It is of a ' Standard, conventional de sign in mo3t of its construction. In . this If differs from most Of the other really low-priced cats, which have spring or otheriSpe clal construction 1 that seta- theru apart r from the rest of the auto mobile' world. s The Star is built up of high' class, standard units, on a sturdy frame, and manufac tured in such quantities' as make possible ' its sale for a . low t price. The whole automobile world ; has been, looking - tor i Us coming , for the past year or more, and when l TTVv T ii KMJLUidiLJ . o . ! : in Every Molce of Gar McCLAREN CORD TIRES Ard : giving longer? mileage- and more satisfac Under such strain and ab use as Staee and Bus Service . Grocery and; Delivery Trucks Dairy;' DelxveryrTnickf Bakery PeKveryTrocks McClaren Tires will give you service ; so will we Phone 44 BILL Road Service Anywhere i : t ' ' - 1 "... .... ! 1 vMtVif: I---' I U jm- ' - Tire. - i :.-:V.lS r Vhli.pJU-ii.',', ! Comm. -m m mi I . -.f - L 3 r 1 Cr- v Br ..n Hh ! i1 f 13 I B F .I I - Satisfaction Is, the Guaranty Five Years A go C-T-C Cords Were Manned ITTTHE MEN Who came out to the northwes to .' I v...i r.T rnmi lrwokeH forward five vears WUUV , - - to the nrodnctioA of a suDerior tire. The design, compounding and construction of C-T-C's' are.the' work of master-tire builders, wno ior upwaras oj ft quarter-century had. been, buuaing we nanon s i finest tires for other manufacturers. , . i j-i rgi 1 . , is better, tic; over tbsir m name wbn placed, lis th most tmprovea ure-oauauxg bimi m ranenn! . rounded with tit Uteet developaaenU: la. msfhkiry ; j we bttt muwuii.uuti ceuia dc cmoicu , : rrf- t.n.u, ikir nwi answer.' Look them over. examine them Carefully, meaenrs. them up against other ,cord tirea. Then five them the grinding test of -more milce-and more miles usJer the extreme trial of carrjln 30?i Jess inflation than insisted upon for ordinary 1 cords. Such a teat will prove the unequaled stamina, of ! C-T-C Cords and yt five you greater riding, Comfort and I reduced upkeep expense on your icar. , j ? , t-T-C Cord &i3y2 to 3SxS; Fabrics 30x3 and 393i only. CT-C- Inner Tubes art tht htarieit. -atronttst standard fanes on the-market. Z0LMBIA TT&2 CORPORATION FACTORY BRANCH, I Csrl E. Balteaserg, Branca Msnsftr i f 4T7 ! Court StrMt " ! f Salea. Orefon . M Dealers TtaroagaiMti U Coon try ; t : ' t , k l ' I 'I 1 ,' Columbia TireKCorrxoration PORTLAND; OREOOH. . ' . General. Sales, Of fieeai Broad wa and Bam side. Factory j , Columbia. Blvd., ; and - Mississippi Ave It did come, the world approved of it with an almost unanimous voice.. -.! .'. v; j Dunant Field Important 1 The Durant- car is the , grown up .and better-' dressed - brother of the Star. It runs into the mid dle class of sturdy, dependable, properly luxurious biit not f lash cars, of irreproachable quality and reasonable . priqe. It has made a real - hit in the world ot buyers; enough so,, that it : looks today like one of the giants of the . trade. 1 j ." The Salem Automobile .com pany, of which Ai I.. Eoff is. pres ident: and-F. Q. Delano secretary', treasurer and, manager, has been one of, the notable successes in the automobile business .in Sa lem. It has stayed with the one line ot ears until its name has been carried to almost every sec tion of the valley. - " -' Service Carefully Watched - . Starting with the theory that the. people want and need a. car of medium price, one that they can afford to buy and to use with out risking their farms: or their souls , to ' pay for; they . have sold their, cars everywhere, v and. given, them a service . that . is 100. per cent in " promptness and., quality. This thAy propose to cjotitihue both for the older line-of Chev dolets that they . have sold, and for . the two newer ... lines I. Just taken up. The Stgr car is to sell for a Httje less money than the Chevrolet. The Durant. Is a qualify car, in iis size, its; opwef. Its furnishings, though U 'is , still within the range of every . buyer who wished to go a Rten,. higher than the "popular" grade. Now lit Sales Iloonvr They have their line, of Stars and Durante already in their' sales room at 1.31 N'orth High; open cars and closed car models.- The closed cars are especially attract ive and are rated as especial har- grains a& 4 compared MtCwrth other cars of approximately equal grade; The companies back of the new lines are rated as among, the big gesOn. the world, and the- loca company with, us long record df high class service, will-;, be pr pared to give a personal service that will take most of the aches and pains out of . automobiling. ana. mase it a pleasure as well as a business in which the buyer buys.' his goods, and his- serviee at bargain prices Story IVck of Them The story of the Durant and Star cars has a personal backing like nothing else irrthe world of mechanics not even the iFord. W: C. Durant grew into the auto mobile business,, and founded the Buick factories at Flint Mich. Later, he' organized the. General Motors. In a crash following, the waf the General Motors company, though oue of the soundest busi ness enterprises in - the worldi fell under the " evil eye of ths banks that th ' war retrenchment had frightened. Mr. Durant sac 1JK: Factory Firtti Standard Guarantee Equal to any tired that are old as Fabrics 6000-mlle cuar- anteed - or ; Cprds lO.OOO-mlle guarantee. BHArlCH QPUiIED Br LEE TIRE CO MPAHY New; Location at 184 South Commercial .Street Will Give Complete Service Following out the policy of the company to render its patrons the highest clas -of service the Lee pepple have' established a branch "tore at; 184 South' Commercial street where they are . now j in a position to give complete tire ser vice." ; ' i ; 1 . .1 . H." B. Hansen, formerly of the Lee v Tire , & , Rubber company, Portland, is manager of the local branch and is well known in tire circles throughout th valley, hav 'ng spent several years with the United States ' Rubber Co., prior to-his entry into ; the-services of the LIee eotnpany, . , According to Mr. Hansen: this rificed-a: fortune or S9O.OOOkOO0 to ' save the ' friends who had trusted, to-his personal ky in their Investments'. ; j And then he bade goodbye to all the Qtd companies and set outin: his "own name.: In 1921 he 'organized the Da rant company, , to. make the Du rant anr later . thai Star cars. They am being- made by the hun-dredsi-. of 4 thousands. His son TjCHff Durante the raee driver; is manager of - the-' great Oakland, CaK, -Star and Durhnt plant: They have" a story ot achievement that mnkesl any car- : bearinK' ' ! their name or "title worth Its last cent for it has a personality and a business soul: back ofr it. " branch will cover all of Marlon and Polk counties and will do a general wholesale and. retail bust, ness. ; . -j.-' . i The Lee people are the makers of the famous and highly success ful Puncture-proof tire and pub lic demonstrations of this feature of, their line will be made fre quently for the; benefit of those who are not thoroughly familiar with the tire. The company. also manufacturers the popular De Luxe Cords and j fabric tires In small sizes. There does not seem tojbeany great rush at the radium counter, even if the stuff has dropped to $70,)00 a gram. Telegraph companies estimate that their service in suburban and rural communities' has been im proved at least 25 pef cent in lata years through tba systematic use of bicycles. Boys lucky' -enough to possess bicycles . used tbem - in mesenger service . as far 'back-as 20 years ago, of course, but until recently j there was no organized effort made to equip the mes sengers, .with the swift and re liable two-wheelers. Some 1 telegraph "offices now supply, their messengers with bi cycles, while' others make- it easy for the i boys to purchase their awn - bicycles. In, any event the service ? is vastly Improved, : the IT IS NOT ECONOMY V -tb NEGLECT YOUR MOTOR- - i There never was a time you could better afford to have - ? ' . . v. -:- "... - ;' . . ryour car overhauled. Parts are lower-than- pre-war prices, -labor charges are'aslow.' '- n " ' -Don't Patch Your Car. ' ... i.- - '- ' - Have it repaired right it will pay. . FORD PARTS Harbison & Cleveland Authorized Ford Service . Racine Tires and Tubes e;' Accessories. Stromber Carburetors" installed 317.00. Phone 298. 229 Slate Street. boys " are kept . in. . better physical condition, and their all-round ef ficiency la notably increased. ,'. lL i.. (S(Q)C Smile atMilcc kvLee'owricrs. about Lee Cords ind you'll "Hear they are bette r-Ipokinc, Ionger-yearin,andt considering : their greatef mileage, mucH more eco - nomical than other cords.' r'- LEB TIRt . RUBBER CO. . ' 184 S. Conunercia SALEMORE., . Phone: 1S4. I USED CAR GORNE3: Size. 28x3 . . 30x3 ' . . 30x3 32x3 Va. . 31x4 . . 32x4 I 33x4 .. .34x4 .. 32x4.. 33x4.. 34x4.. 35x4.. 36x4 .. 33x5 .. 34x5 35x5 .. 37X5 36x6 ' . . (iordx Fabric Tabes 7.05 1.60 6.75 135 O.0.1 6.95 145 ' 18.1Q . 17.93 1S.OS 13.75 15.00 1.75 10.25' 2XM . 2X50 26JSO aunt S5.90 , S7.5o- ao.7o RO.5 HOiMJ 27.RO 1.M 1.90 a. is S.40 tSJBQ 3.75 3.90 3.95 4,00 425 4.64 e.oo 4.75 n.oo H.70 Garden Hose 25 feet, . . .. . . . . . j. . f2JSO 50 feet , . . . . . . . . . .... f 4.70 Hewitt Make. Get the benefit - of onr large Buying Capacity. MALCOM TIRE CO. jCommercial and Court Sts. , Saln- Ore. ' . Established 1817 . FERRY AND COMMERCIAL We i tf.tl .For ess I! BECAUSEWe' buyifor cash fromr people) who need the money, and are satisfied to sacrifice in order to raise the cash. r . - . LET THEIR LOSS BE . , T0 WM. GAM JA lionU urnrs nnt'arc frtAf'riavn hn rnrned in on. new: cnes at moref than their worth Many people have bough cars from ns ihkt had been run' only 300, 500 and 700 miles. WESPECILIZEON 1923 Ford Touring; just like new; save :. .$85.00' Late model Pord Touring one man top, slant- ing windshield, just as good as new, price .... .$390 - 1923 Ford. Coupe, lots' of extras, a real buy, , . save ... J . .-. . . ..J. .-.; $175 1920 Ford Coupe, repainted, overhauled, price $425! 1919 Dodge Touring, runs and looks like new .. $450 1922 Ford. Touring, a real good car - $290 1922 Ford Roadster, look this over $280 1921 Ford Touring, special top, lots of extras, like new .. $310 1921 Ford Touring, ! overhauled And In good 1 shape - .$275 1 921 Ford Touring, runs- good and looks good.. $265 1920 Ford Touringgood condition $225 1920 Ford Touring, just little better . $240 1921 Ford Touring, looks good ? . $260 1918 Buick Six, the best in buy in Salem ...... .. $350 Several other cars to pick from. 4 1923 LICENSE ON 'EVERY. CAR . ' TERMS TRADES SERVICE People who have bought cars from us are our best boosters OPEN SUNDAY AND EVENINGS -. Oorner Ferry and Commercial Streets .- . - - i . - f - H -' - :v-' - ;',. . i-. . . ! , i ..-.-J.-.V- 5 ' A-