The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 29, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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-V7?-. Sunday Moirrnse j ApsiL:nw32v
5 .
1 .
1 1
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It U4
OAR AttenUon
Sedgewiclc Poit, will attend the
-funeral of Comrade Solomon
, Wotden Monday,! April 30 at : 2
o'clock from' the Adventlst
i : church. North ! Fifth and Galnea
1 atret. By order, Albert Lougb
. 'ridge, AdjuUnt. ;:
To Correct JijtwaKe. y : .y r
To learn the truth about the
' Electronic Reactions of Abrams,
"address room SOS U.- S.. National
Bank Building inatead "ot P. T
Box 164, Salem,; Oreron. Adv.
' : , -, ' y f
' Mens Suit Sale y
Sixty auit on sale at; Sl.60.
7f 22.50. I24.S0. A.1 A. Clothing
Co.. Masonic? templee. AdvJ
i 1 J J
1 Formerly lived Here ". i
George "Fletcher Holland 5 who
'was killed in an accident, In
1 Phoenix Mills at Spokane April
f , was formerly' a. resident ot
Salem. He was married January
Dr. C I Llanhall
Osteopathic Physician and
228 Oregon Building y
t Phone 258
For Gifts That Last
Diamond: Watcbeey Jewelry
and Silverware.
Phone 1255. Salem, Oregan
3, 1892, trf 2tfisa C. Ray Lacy
Of Salem, vho. -with nna itin fil
ter Dorothy, and one son Ue
Lacey, a warrant officer . in the
united States! navyfc
aibo a niece,' Mrs
surrlTe him
IjEffie Savage
ot 257 South, Winter street, Sa
Account FllexU , i "1 i
Tbe account of Lars Andersen,
an insane person, , was filed in
the ; probate court t tor examin
ation yesterday. His guardian.
Anthon Eckern states that there
are receipts ot S2.704j03 at pres
ent with disbursements ot f 300.-
25. , y ..y ; h . Uti
9700 Weber Piano S 233
we 'have one used weber
Diana in fine condition a.t this
price, and it j can be bought tor
only. $10 cash and the balance
almost like rent. This is a real
buy and will go quickly. Geo.
C. Will 1432 State St. Adv. 0
; ; . ; --
Ladle .Interested
In millinery will find unusual
yalues daring our sale which
continues . Monday and Tuesday;
The French j Shop, 115 High
St. Adv. . I v ; .
For Sale !
Used flour: bars. Cherry City
MiUing! Co. Ady.s
Wanted at Once
A man to wreck five i room
house for tbe lumber. Apply
Spaulding Logging Co. Ady.
Dr. Mendelshn . j
Fits Klassen correctly. Prices
are yery reasonable. Not a mem
ber of any combine. Ady,
Electronic Reactions of AJbrams
Dr. White. 60 C U. 8. Bank bldg.
ady. " ' ; ; . i 3
Chimney Blaze Extinguished
A chlmneyf fire at 830 South
Twelfth street called the fire'de-
partment - out, i last night i at
o'clock, s What remained ot the
blaze when the department 5r-
riyed ws j extinguished wun
chemicals., i .
Sflrerton Aaawcro i : ;!'
The city of Silyerton filed a
demurer to I the complaint of
W. Parker In the j circuit court
yesterday, The city alleges that
the plaintiff has already aae
duata remedy ait law and that
the complaint does not state suf
ficient facts to constitute a cause
for suit, against the defendant.
First Class Ash Wood
We will hare a car on track hi
a few days. Order early. Fred
E. Wells. Phone 1542. Ady.
We Are Closing Out 1
Our entire linef furs Includ
ing coats. ' capes, chokers etc.
Wonderful yalues. The French
Shop 115 High - St. Ady; !' t y
Salem Ambulance Service
; Day and: Night t
Phone 666 '
t 173 S. Liberty St.
Balens i ' . Oregon
Capital Junk
AH kicds of junk and
secend-fcand Isoods. We
fell value;
215 Onter Street S!
b Phone 398 ;:
8. O. 8TOWB. 1IJ.
General jotfiee Praetlco
i Cancers Treated j
Office, TyWa Drug Stote
157 8. Commercial Street
16214 Com!. St. Phone 297.
Merchants' Lunch . . . ... . . . .25c
HnAiltM . . . . L i . . i-.'. . . . SSC
American Dishes Chlneae Dishes
Onen 11 a. m. td 2 p. ra
Music, dancing 9 p.m. to 12 in
evr ur cms mi Kescma mt tkr ikit
Iwat it. V ir. y?1
tlMktiafM yari 0Bjr wUl ,1m nfandtd.
mm pStrtf STOKE, lis S. Ceai'L
Haa Moyed to HIa New
- U ;. Location -
249 So. Cottaare Street
i Phone na :
Charles itChtney i.Held Zl IT
r Charles' Whitney -of Broaaacre8
was', arrested early yesterday n
a charge of unlawfully, possess
ing liquor." He was arraigned
before Judge W. M. Bushey in
the county court, pleaded not
guilty . and was released under
$250 ball. His trial waa set for
Monday.; The arrest was made
through J Sheriff Oscar Bowers'
office, u . '
Special Sale of Hats ! . ...
And imllllnery taught at. Mi
lady Shop, 619 Court. Ady. yj
rinautifuj Khnball Piano $07
We have a good Kimball prac
tice piano tor only 897 on terms
of! 85 down and $1.50 perl week.
This is i a buy you can't B
wrong on. W win take: It back
any! time on a new one at fnl
price. Geo. C. Will, 432 State
St. Ady. 1 :--
8wlft's Fertilizers. For easy
terma, C. S. Bowne. phone -s.
Adr. i y. -y. ; ::y". , i-.,-v; .;.'
Electronic Reaction of Abrams
If you are interested and; want
to learn the truth about, these
reactions and the Oscilloclast
treatments.' address P. O. j box
164,! "Salem: Oregon.f-Adr. j
- . 6 - . j -
New Rates Made . ; I:
New telephone' sery ice rates of
th e i Klamath Telephone & Tel
egraph company will become ef
fective at Lakeyiew May l, "
'ine $300 ' Lndwlg Piano j $275
We hara one rood used Lnd
wlg piano at the above price.
and it can be bougnt ior
down, and $L50 per week. See
it today If you want 1 a snap.
Geo. C. Will 432 State St. Aav.
Come In ' ' y
And hear Paul ; Whlteman's
new Victor dance hit 'Lady But
terfly and BambaJllno 1903& ai
Mooree's Mnslc House, 415 Court
street. Phone 983. Adv.
Case Annealed . '
Notice ot an appeal or the case
of Grover C Hayes and Svea
Uayes against C. SA. ana ytn
thl. Adams to the Supreme court
waa filed in the 1 circuit i COUIt
yesterday. A decision renderea
March 3, 1923 was in favor oi
th nlalntiff. defendants an
nouncing their decision : to ap
peal. nf ThMtai
, Wa riH- to thank onr irienas
nd rlftttves for i the kindness
and sympathy shown us f during
tiwt iine and death of out be
loved Husband and Father. Mrs.
Blanche Davis and f amuy- Aav.
.The- Ne-'Bninswjcje-n y p
TfunrH. : iOW ifitt . : CaiO
Mbore'a Music House, 415 ; Court
street, phone ' 983. Adv.
publlc4re?yjce commission : an
nounced Saturday. The rates are
an Increase over those now fin
effect, but not ajs high as the
company petitioned' the - commis
sion to be allowed to make ef
fective; . ' . L"
Wanted ' , J 1
i Good grain bags. Cherry City
Milling Co. Adv.- .y
Cocoon , j -
Regular imported English
Broadcloth shirts, Made . of fine
long, lustrous Egyptian cotton.
Wears ; longer than silk !or any
similar fabric. All fast colors.
85 at Ed. Chastaln Clothing Co.
-AdT ' ! ' iAJaJ
Baseball - Sunday ' . !
Salem Senators and Knights
ot Columbus of : Portland. Oxford
Park, 3 p. m. Adv.
i .- -
Beggar; Arrested
.. Thomaa E. Gordon was arrest-,
edj.byj Officers Thompson and
Edwards yesterday on. a cnarge
of begging on the streets. He
was later released on his prom
ise that he would immediately
remove himself from the city, y-
Rural Schools Studied -.'?;
A v study of ' the rural - - high
schools ot the state and the wel
fare of rural high school stu
dents rls being made by E. E.
Windes . of Washington, C,
representing the federal . bureau
ot education. He la working with
the state department"' of t educa
tion! ,
that I theservice no v loagef,
needed here amd that- the build
ing In which, the station! was lo
cated recently. burned.
. 'y
For Sale
Used flour bags.
Milling Co. Adv.
Cherry City
Baseball Sunday ;
Salem Senators: and Knlgbts
of Columbus of Portland. Oxford
Park, 3 p. m. Adv. f !
Beautiful $425 Knabe Plan
Must be pold for 8365. ..This
is a piano that will appeal to
f those Who demand , the best. Just
think of.' buying a -genuine. -Knaoe
piano In . fine rondlton for one
third of its original price. and on
terms of 815 down and only, 810
Mr month. ' You will miss the
one. . great'. PPPortynityy of . your
life If yon-don't see thts.piano
at once; it won't- last long. Geo.
C. Will 432 State St. Adv.
WUl Discontinue . Office iy
The Pacific Telephone & Tel
egraph company has notified the
public service commission that it
will discontinue its staton at
Falls View Multnomah county on
May 27. The "reason given Is
liKAUTiFUL kx ai;i; i ;.:: c
; This Is! a Piano that will Appeal
to those who demand tb best,
lust think nf bnrinr a rf nuir. "
Knabe Piano in fine condition jar
nearly one-third of its 'or:!r ::
price and on terms of8l5 d- '
and only sio a monttr. H
,. You will iui8:i lite one gr :
opportunity of your life If y-..i
don't' see --this piano fit i'li'i, i
i leo. V. Will, 432 Sk..uy4r.
Week-Rnd Candy Special '.
Cream walnut fudge. 2 Cc ,1b;
Turkish Penoche, 3 Oc Ibi The Ace
is the Place.; Adv. - -
.Good grain bags.
Milling Co. Adv.
Cherry City
d. w. sang::
... - - - i y-
Chinese Medicine Office.
Have good jned'eine. wtlch
can cure any
264 N. Commercial Street.
' At Kwong Fook "Co. (t;re
Hear the Late
Enrico Caruso's last Victor re-
cord "Nince" 87358 at Moore's
Music ,-House. 415 Court street.
phone ' .983. Adv. . J ,
Established 1868
Gzzzrsl D&clds Business t
Office Honrs from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
if -U
MtiilJ -1 Check';
vate v. a.
i - i
"Here's My
- t
- h
; theres an air of business and;re3ponsi
, A bility about that remarkithat roakes you
-! feel a little proud. You know that you are
' ' at once recognized as a man who trans
v acts his business in a businesslike way.
' - And besides every check is a r valid re
ceipt for the bill it has, paid and your
check stubs become a complete record
t of your "Income and Expense.
Uan you aiiora now iy 1 ; i
y a
United States National Bank
'The Banlq That Service Built"
' : " !; -,) y- f Is ' t ' '
Funeral services for Mrs.' Dora
B. DeLaney ' were t held t at the
South Salem Friend chorea aptii
28. at 3:30 p. m." ReVi J. -Spedcer
jofflclatlng!. IntTment
was in the City . View cemetery.
All arrangements were carea ror
by the Webb Fnueral parlors.
Funeral services for Jamea R.
I Veer will be held in the chapel
nt ! Webh Vuueral sarlora on
April 30. at 10:30 a. m Rev.
IMr. Acheson will have charge -oi
thi services. Interment will be
in City View cemetery, Mr. Neer.
"who was 88 years old. Is survived
by his widow. Mrs.' Fannie Neer.
I four i daughters, MrsJSIay S EUiott
df -Shaw, Or.'.--Susan-rr. Young ,-ei
Portlapd Ellen Toung of, Salem,
Auline 4?ull of iSout Daliotaand
fiye sons, A. M. Neer of 7 North
Dakota; Wlljiam R Keer of North
Dakota ; Frank M. jseer ot i nr
ner. Or.. A; p. Neer of CJputh Da
kota, and i James L. Nefer fcf Port
land. 1.
, ; v;,'i: ; ,Hardvire jlOijs, . ?-
. ;G!aco-cr faints
Garden hose-lawn wSS?
spades and all other . equirSment needed m the.
care of the garden and lawnJ : . ; i '
WORDEN At the residence,
1240 N. Fourth atreet, , Sat
urday. April-28, Solomon Wor
den age 81s years, father ot
s Mrs. Ada . Gardner of Salem,
Mrs. Emma Nettdeten of Port
Towmend Wash.. Mrs. Effie
v Wright : ef ; Petersburg. Neb..
and E. S. Wbrden ot oaiem.
Member of Sedgewick Post,
GAR. Funeral . services wui
be held from -the Adventist
church, North 'Firth v atreet.
Monday. April 30 at 2 o'clock
Interment in City View cem
etery. Rigdon Jt Sonn directors
MILLER In 1 thl 'city - April ; 27.
Deitrich Miller, 70 years o
age. a resident of Carlton.
services and , Interment will oe
held Sunday at p. "ja. al
Carlton under the direction .ot
the Rigdon mortuary.
1 Webb Clougb
Expert EsJbsbntrs
Rigdon & Soifs
tlOSTUAIli:; v
Is Shorthand a Girlff
V Emphatically, it Is NOT- ? ; j
It "Is. however, the key tot
'many good . positions' open J
for men." The man who la't
a good " . stenographer y can
have his -choice of Jobs
there Is always a demand for
his services. . And ..- theFe.
places, Invarihbly," lead, to
i higher positions. 'y V
Young man, glve, ihte' mat
ter your consideration when
planning your future.
Capital Business .
" High and Ferry
Be Careful
. .1 - ... . . . .
; that you don't' neglect your
..eyesight so long that you
' wUl find It permanently im
- paired. ' . . : ..
4 - Anr examination will take
-but ;a few moments four
time and you will know posl
..tlTely.tbe condition. of your
eyes ; ; - j; "
'; 301-5 Oregon Bldg.
.Oregon's Largest Optical
" -i .'. t Institution'
Phone 239 for
appointments. Oregon
Spring Time Is Here
( s kV : 'if
You ahould replace those worn screens. : We can
supply your needs Ath SCREEN DOORS, WIRE
Enamel and Paints to brighten up and preserve
. your old Screens.';
Sherwin-Williams Paints For. AH Purposes
The Best ior Kthe Price
Falls City-Salem
Lumber Co.
349 So. 12th St.
Phone813. ' ' A. B. Kelsay, lVIfer.
j l- -11, 5
M'W i
Home surfaces
T I B U.i
T7J 77
WMaaw .' - .f . r 1
I '
li : tF YOUR FLOORSr furniture, or woodwork are
scarred or worn, cme wusuiiy
a colore varnish will freshen them up. Imi-
' tates handsome hardwoods oalc, mahogany, wal
nut, etc, transforms old pine floors into true
duplications of these finishes. Permits match
ing furniture with woodwork arad vice-yersa.. As
easy to apply as varnish. ; Quarter pints up.
Color samples for your inspection.
:"yy-",';-1y ""-r. " i,-'""V';V " ' v,y-;
Protect your porch furnlure and
, steps wih-Acme Quality Veranda
Floor Paint. y . ' r : :
y4 Pt. Varnc-Lac given free to each customer at
our store while they last. ' ,
See Our Windows . i 1 - ta"
Salem' Hardvajre Co. :
:4.The. Winchester Store..', 1
At Ccurt StrcU
i i
Phone 11
1 Zi sV
: W J?. 5 PSi Hi
. ,, : . y :p jJ ill
JIB' ' W ? B A ' ' 1 ' 1 If Vl t 4 f
-' . . .-- i - is. u n
. - ... t - - k ft B 9
- . . 'i -i C . t
i p m ,r j ; . iu
SUITS $'25 md - 35
!' y Individual taste may have full swing in making selections
here from the new spring and summer suits
Fashion favors both the form fitting suits and the loose,
loungy English effects. . Colors include all the new shades of
grays,-tans, and mixtures patterns are solid grounds, fancy
weaves in stripes, checks, diagonal and shadow plaids.
You are cordially invited to come in and try on the new
suits. ' . ...
'- Hi
. t
! .
r '
. UP
K . rvAkiT C4V I iKrrMTDUfCAO ClV V ft TVC I VV! WTP A Q .x '
AvAVuljl!SjlH -VAVi
Sv Trf.
Spring '
and, j
. Suiaincr
are! i :
: . Here
a - .(
1 '
.VI . ' '
- -
: -i.