III'. " i:.'.. '" v.; .4-- -sr.- - 1- ' ? . if j. ' , . v - Y , -. . i j . if t L- ' -t . .r .... .1 !. r. i . .- --"-"...-, ..... j - . . .,. IV! ..:;-!:: I I i t t .1- H 1 9 r - . - u :,' ii. - V ii 4-f I Colheo- America's foremost hurist;Jcn i humorous stories in The Saturday Evehitig PosteBiVs ltkernational Magazine, etc., etc., is producing ."i t ;v---- - K; J ? ff nnisc- is aiiofc r; 1" r ': It is a ' comit f&Ki& af stiiiiec! sidesplitting adventures in romance and ludicrous inirigu&tt ith laughable incidents and episodes all based iipon thewretting counter plots tor which this noted humorist is world famous. And throughout gleam droll remarks, comical phil osophy, quain jests and quipsiali truly Cohehesque in their brilliancy. Never before has a comic strip pro easts o fun. ; , OctavUsRoy Poheis mUliops bfWders have chuckled over the adverr. tiurqs and vicissitudes of his hegro characters but they have never enjoyed any , . ... -i I . . ' T17 M;;P:;I4Q his girl, Miss: Caramel Watkinsi andWie uppity Willie Bunion., The drawings are by the famous H. Weston TjdyiorhimsM humorist and one of the country's foremost artists and illustrators Mr. Taylor has illustrated Mr. Cohen's stories in the Saturday Magazine,. McCall's and other leaLdiri&periodic& and quips all tiul I:,: v'-V- tHIS: GREAT' kwtCOMic;-STRIP WILL APPEAR DAILY. 1 BEGINNING TUESDAY MAV 1, EXCLUSIVELY IN 35fi;fe?M.EV ;K-EGW;: S TATESMAN r' If ' .iv.-.v:':- -it . . fr. . - -