i Till! OREGON STATESITAN, SALEM, OREGON 'Mitchell reports Accident it; Cwiiitche: : ported'that as lie was rabout to i park -en' State street near Lib. i erty yesterday he was struck by :a unidentified motorist, Little amage was done. - 1 J ts Accident J The Frsach Shop 1J5 High -St. II of route 6, .re. Adv. j, , ; v. I- . . The Season- : V- - Most unusual -Bale ,ery dresses, capes, coats, furs. of . mlllin ts, furs. : t Many specials for Monday's sell? ( ing., Dresses regular 335 to $55 . .value now S 19.50 to $39.50. ' i j . . Jnlcc 1st Wanted"?"" y t -! Mrs. . C.j tl. Cochran and. others who" ' live t on; Logus road, ' Mult nomah i county,,,, have, petitioned the1 pubha service commission to require i'thas ...ii Portland Railway, Light & Power company to ex tend - Its electric 'service to the resident ;oij that district. Cocoon i- Regulnir I imported 3 . English. ? it:; I - - i a I i i ; vnimsi urn J, if. i .. f v 5 . I ' U . . . " V . .yTHA-T a boon it 13 to sufferers from dental .. , trouble to know that NO Witney can lave any dental operation performed entirc ljwithout hurt 1 ; " ' ' ; ' I - - . . l jjt j . i This Is Llade Possible by , V , TLa Kew 7onderful. Fluid--' 4 ' WT11J I f lrfa4M L t : ,-;t v jfORlTHE TEETH j . ; - It PutS'tke Teeth to Sleep and S:.,;Xkere Is No Hurt .- -" ' TwOfghf Sleep lT)ehtTltryl Is1 avait' V t ; ' : abler; in;, tWs:;;city,70NL.T ' at our r ; 'fSS? : ' Open Evenings Until S O'clock - ; UTTEfe BROS. Utterly Painless Dentists I I ' ' i SALEJf.'OREGOX 1 Bank of Commerce Bids. POUTLAXD Colujnbi Bldg. ; KEEEG, ORE. Krst National Bank Bids. SUUi and laberty 6t4 W. Park Wahinftn Sts. Firmt Vjuliington St. SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL- 29 1C23 Broadcloth, shirts.; Made of Tlhe long .Uustroua -Jgypian . cotton. Wears -longerthan silk or - anyhot rhlle the remainder "Of fcrop- simllar fabric. All fast colors. $3 at Ed. .Chastain . Clothing Co. Adv. . Express Company Reports - The net income i of the -American Railway Express company for 1922,. according to its an nual report filed with the public service commission, was $2,773, 719.49. Other statistics In the report are: Total operating rev enue. ; I152.503A7M8 1 operating expenses, $149,142,021.17; taxes $2,213,985.96; oprating Income, $1,107,579.16., ' Dr. Mendclsolin : About ;- yourt eyes and .your glasses. ; TJ. S, National banK bldg. Adv., " ' Hearing is Moikaay George. Stonier1 and Jack Bach elor, .who- were taken into cus tody .- by officials operating out of the sheriff's office.' Friday ater ' a still and mash " had been dlscoreved . in i their f possession, both pleaded not guilty when ar raigned before County Judge, W. M.' Bushey Yesterday. Their bail was set at $ 2 5 0 : each . and .. trial set for t Monday at "10 o'clock. Bachelor furnished his bail f and was released, v Stottler is being held in the ; county i Jail, upon failure : to furnish " baiL ) Dr. Mendclsoh ' Is back. Adv. School Standardised - Rural -jBchool Supervisor '.. "W. IL- Baillie returned .from an ex tended visit i throughout the coun tr yesterdayrduring-rrwhiCh' time k. : Un4ar.dijre4. M , rQadacres school. . Evergreen.. will, be stan dardized Monday '-and -Belle- Pass! May 4. Word from Four! "Corners," the other school to be standard- Iflzed, las ; not been received as yet. . ins .toJhewiu Jhewid'QwNoraJaett Kirk,-wiU-iBherit -4 he house -and arwawwwy uovauoo UL Lilts Ull" 5i" ' : ..; i. Legal nisntes . . . Get them at The Statetsman of fice. Catalog on application. Adv. - Captain J. Roy Neer" is here from" Portland. ' - ' plot-is; -logical though highly. s. Classified WilL bring you a, buyer. A4r versa; American desire to ob erv the life of -the Idle rich with all its luxury.! The setting is one i ' of i truly : royal magnifl- eence,. and elaborately artistic scenes, with kinira and rantnlns of industry for heroeic n a n lu.-, .-. ( i; American girls as heroines. SALEM HIGH IS FOURTH I MEET Oregon Ffeshmen.Win FTve Cornered Track and Field i; Sports at Eugene s EUGENE, Ok, April 28. The Oregon freshman track squad- to day won the .'five cornered track and field meet' staged on ' Hay ward : field with . a 'total score of 74 points. 4 Corvallis high school finished second with 38, l-J points, Llnfield college, of , Mc- Minnviiie. tnira wiin 4" points, Salem high school fourth with 14. 1-3 ; and Eugene fifth wit,h two. points. Walt Kelse, Oregon froah was' the star of the meet with firsts to his credit in the 220 yard low hurdles, the 120 ' yard highi hurdles and the broad jump for a total of 15 points. ' ,p ' Try Our Fig Bread . , Made from delicious California prepared figs i fresh v from our ovens every day. ' Dixie pakery. 439 Court street. Phdne 954 . Adv. : . ' - Will Probated The will of John Kirk was filed for probate in the county clerk's office . yesterday. ; Accord- t rr i i nee $2440 1 W SU3T3: i i -.' GOAT $1950, $22.50 Whipcord Worsteds Cashmetes See 7fcJc:.7 Display; - One Week (faly The reason fori this sale is that we have decided to carry ) only SINCERITY CL O THING, -r-Thereiore all other makes on hand must go at a s$ Complete Range of Sizes for ' Men and Young Men A. A. CLIS Masonic Temple ! ! Suit Sa5e : . ........... . . .i. ... . , Ul .a a Tin 'SO :'?y-".4i-" - : v v-'vfeaj ii - -fcl:i J.;.'! - "' , " - - (I .' f I) - sJl& - f ' - - . k ' III SILVER FALLS MEN ALL QUIT CAMPS (Continued from page 1) .' Ing rapidly and will be virtually normal ; by .Monday,, police and shipping men declared toiug ai. Offshore shipping was moving without interruption v late Uoday and nearly all the 20 coastwise lumber steamers in" . port had se cured crews and were being, disv charged, according to 'Edwin Nichols, manager of the Shipown ers association. -; Approxinvately 50 Ostrikers have already returneft to work, Mr. Nichols said, and It there example is followed by an other 200, there will be no danger of a serious vtleup of shipping. Jfo Violence Yet. . . So far the progress of the strike has been marked by an entire: lack of "violence. Although a speci&l detail of 50 patrolmen was being held. 1n- readiness at Central sta tion tin icsei. Captainr; Clyde I Jk. Plummer, head of the port police division; ; should , need, assltahc the harbor police tonight said they needed no help. . ; . "I have not added an extra1 man to my force here, and I ,don't ex pect to," -Captain Plummer; was auotedas saying. ; 'A Three Arrests 31arieit ' i SEATTLE Wash.,' April 28. Threearre8ts today made a total of five .here -; growing out ,of :ja marine and lumber strike : called Wednesday by - the Industrial Workers of the World as a protest against, i the detention of persons arrested during the war E; Hoi derman. a seaman: 'Carl Kogald. a woods. worker,rnd, John ,Klu, ' a laborer; arrested today, were re leased uader. $50 bail, each'to ens wer .Monday charges that they were distributing Inflammatory handbills. v ADATil'S RIBIS PUY OF PARTS Through ; a mistaken idea tit advertising ."Adams Rlb'f tM photoplay now running at the Oregon, is billed as-an extra va ganza of ? the s first water,; with pondrous allegory and spectacu Iar trappings enough for sev eral ordinary plays. However, for ."a wonder, the allegorical features Tare not overdrawn. .. the if ale ', S i i ; . 'Hi - 5 h ' .tils I :! 163 S. COMMERCIAL I Open Night and Day A Good Place TSai Chicken Dinner EveryjSznday . - i. ( ENDS MONDAY NIGHT - - ? ' '-,4' '! 8 P. M. All Gifts, Framed Pictures, Etc y2 Price! THE SONG SHOP r 548 State . Opposite Court House j makes -"Adam's - Rib') -remark- a pie, . for ... as.a ., super-spectacle, it is 'exceeded by many, less worthy productions. Only, good acting- a f straight line - plot- and harmonious , surroundings ' Create Its - appeaal.: . The moral , of the pre-eminent ' parable could be told in i one short sub-tit ie though ; the Woodland scene 'is lovely and, realistic. .;The gowns will convey, many new . Ideas to some, others will learn new ideas mostall will ,be affected by the' skillvul. acting of the - principals. : It cannot, be blamed ; to "Cecil DeMille ? that - the moral ; lessons ofuch plays 'must; be hammered in .with such broad .wedges; the American public has decreed that all points must be abnormally stressed for average ; audiences. Following : this principle, the purist ! In art : would complain that "Adam's , Rib" is too .ob vious and too coarse. , isevertne- jjressipa-ea. .-JI t audience. - - OviC ClA'B MEETS S1LVERTON, Or., April 2- . (Special' to The Statesniau.r- The .Sflverton OAC club er -; 1 a welner roast at the Cii. camp" grounds Friay- ni?:. short " business meeting, was and the remainder of the t -y nine was soent 1 around, tiie - Jt to not any new thing whica for parties and balls,1 while a!- less, It intakes a satisfactory. lm- roasUag weiners 'and taU. :. We BeKeveivAeVrWomeh of this Community Wan the Best of Modem Conveniences So-VelBoiight brMod! of the iP'omGcuo 7? CM c a-, fflfflft 1 5- k ThoAutomatid Lowering Flour Din - Automatic Uase " Shelf Extender, , ExtendinsTabla Drawer Section Sanitary Stain-Procf White Porceliron. , . Work Table Ant-Proof Casters Altogether FiTteen t Famous Features -combined in no ' Other Id tchencabinst RemarUobly Xb wPiices, and Special Offers TfuHng Tliis Thousands of ;wcrnen know that ihsir kitchens Lave made ' . tneni old, tired, lifeless. This i$ not the fault, of. the kitchen . ! nor of the: workl : -For Uie kitchen jhould be Ihe happi- ; ' : . est iSpot iaJthe:hcjae. It is. the i fault of the methods, - ' , You need modern .convea r lences. You need, most pf all this' great, modem, scientific, : mechanical servant to calie ; ' your wqrk easyTn.tSr.rt? thehonrs--to mslie cach Xzilz. 'a pleasure, " ,That is . why we have ?pnr ' chased a whole carload of the famous -' Sellers prcnounced . "the world,rs .most convenient kitchen cabinet" at "special I j ' quantity priceslvl yXi I'SUl A bPlaTntHsieatvCariQad ; Lot Sale we are of ferinj these beautiful ead ccmplete cabi nets atjthe lowest prices we : have nxada ila yedrs - Read our special offer below. It is janother inducement made especially asf a feature of this great sales event. Take advantage of it now. Come in today an4 let Jus demonstrate . the cabinet-antf its wonderful features toJ you. This gives you a chance to do something for yourself to " : make your pwn. work - easier-your . own days happier. Come r , in' and pick, out the Sellers' you want on Jthese special terms. ..-.. . . -. , X S r. v puts a Sellers in your kitchen. . I?ay balance in small amounts to suit your : . income. DOWN Puts It It Your Kitchen Balance .day Tots " - -.'-(- fl " 'V ... j - &04?EECE GET d fPTl 3 Come in tomorrow and pick your -Cabinet REMEMBER!!! LASTS GoltuirdlQy tyjm - ucwmis wamues , sWcao.a 18 'Pterer asniustrstea. "Heavy rtong-wearing guaranteed by the -manufacturer : , CoT 20 ye" Absotutely free with each Sellers purchased during the Carload gala . . . - , . . . - ICC s - 1 J Ml !