The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 29, 1923, Page 16, Image 16

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    q j ' 1 .- THn OnrGOTATES" T A ? r, m ' ; nr.OTr ' j " ' ' ' i SUNDAY MORNING. APRIU 29. 1023 1 ' ZZT1"-
X r
11 i f r ..-. j- i vw. ' A- ; i.- ?. . . i 1 .ij-n-t-f - . . ai ; -x . v-t .? i ' :.'. f ill- I ll Mil tw.t n I " wi mi u . . .i i I I it f i i r v. n t ill i t-. : ' .. . v. --" . !.. - . i m mm
I' ti
In Third Place in California the first
months of 1923 and dining all of 1922. (Ex
peeded only by Ford arid Chevrolet.)
- In Second Place in New York City. (Ex:
ceeded'dnly b Ford 1922. ;
In Third Place in Detroit in 1922. (Exceeded,
only by Ford and Chevxolet.)
Let us show you the reason! Phone f op a
IK !
, -.. . 1. 1 f - -
. '!. X. '
-1- '
1 " t
is44;i:4 i'a ir'i. H..
' 235 S. Commercial 1
Centrsl f'inrcgatioa!, S. lOtk S(
lurry' V.' Johnnou, ' mnitr Mnnrtajr
ftrhool and morn inn woniliip at 10 o'clock.
Mr." Johnwin will give tha umpture
on. Christian Kndeaior. -16:30. The topir
J: 'WTiHt Has My , IarainatMa Meant
t) the AVorlrf?" Preai-hinc nervice at
t:30. - Sermon topic. ""Denominations and
ihe KinftHom f God." ;
s Firsts; BaptiM, William T.. KilUken.
miiiisK'i- Theuipa today will bm, morning :
Th Ooipftl ' Mramre . tit 'Mil," w
iiig. J"acn the' Ofh tnwrj." MY
fV, kU nior and - iatermwdiat dWi
Kiiiux. at 7:0. Bible achool at 9:45.
IVisitort. rorriiaBy welcomed . at all serr
Ices.' - ' -.'.
Firt Cenerejational, ,-Iaberty and Cea-
er t reel. . V. O. Kaatner, minister 10
'-lopk Sunday acbool; 11 o'elock, er-'
mom "l 1 RIip;ioB Important t " C:3rt,
( hriittinn Kndjvor: 7:30, addreaa, "Why
1 Ccnnot A crept -y Pront-I)y . Spiritual
jsm." Mid-week "aerTice .Thuraday . at 8
i'Hm-k : " sttlject. ""The Story of Enoch."
i : ' CHRISTIAN ' i
r 'First Chriatraa, Center and High Sta.
J. J. Kvann. rainiuer--Bible arheol. 9 ;4.
Tator to apeak' it morning nrrrln on
The Wrld" Only SaTiour." The Yonng
People" Horiety meeta at 0:30.
i First Church, 440 Chejnoket street.
'Sunday : morning aerrico ' at 11; evening
service at 8, suojeet of lesson, "Proba
tion After Death,". Bunday acbool at 9:30
a. m. Wetlaesday evening , tefttimoaial
woetine at' 8. - Reading iroom 09; asonic
Temple, 1 open erery day 'exeept holidays
and Sundays. from:.ll:l 5 l 5:3 p. ni.
Alt ara oavdially invitod to oar services
and to.our. reading; room. ' .
r a; i v; "
-'' : ALXJAKCE. '
Perry street between Cottsite and' Church.
PaiUor.Mr. and Mra. H. E. Caswell i
Hunday schoot at 2 oclork;j preaching at
and T:20 :hy Evangalivt Frederick J.
Bett of New York. ;
Bethany Keformed ,C'hiin-h, corner Cap
itol and .Marion wlret-ta." yi.' lenny, pas
tor Straday ' Kchool 1 a. in.,' and Kng
lish preachins -service at IK No erenjng
Kervk-e. ' - '
Cornr Fifth anU Cuines. , X.r ; Ernt
son, pat!i?-i-Hihbath 'whooC at ' 10 J30 o.
pne aching ak; 11:30. Sunday night
lecture! "The Item edy; It Will Reduce
Tales." i-'-.
- ' X.UTHKKA1T . i
r Christ Lnt beran.' East .State a4 18th
fitreeta.- O. Koehler, pastor Sunday
school at :4S. Co n firm at ton kerviieg- In
Engliiihi at .l:SO - Evening- rrvi- at
7:ao. Uihle school on. iatunlu? from. 9
to 12 o'clock. - AU, welcome.. ' .,',
First' Methodist Epiwopil, Cor. i Stae
and jCharca atreeisl Blaine E. Kirkpat
rick." ; mioiskier Clana meetiar, atr 1 15 ;
Sunday hch.Kil. ft:-J.; moorning worship nt
11. Kpworth leagaes, e:30; Evening serv
ice.' 7 :30.. 1 PermoB on- the book. "Thoborn
Calls t of God" written by pishop Wm.
P. Oldhami I Mid week devotional service
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, in charge
of the pastor. '
. Scandinavian .Methodist Episcopal. 15th
and Mill streets. ; David 0. Hasset. paa-
tof .- Moraing service, 1 1 -, o'clock. Shin
dav "school. 12 o'clock. ' KpwArih league,'
7 .'p.' to. ; Evening service; t o'clock. Revr
O. F. l.iaatruni, district . superintendent,
will preach- and - administer the' Lord's
Supper. 'Thursday .evening prayermeei
ing and Bible study atn8 o'clock.'; You
are "liaertily welcome t these meeting.
I it -f
. Jason 7e emoriaf M. i E. .Chunth. Co,.
Winter ,.and. Jefferson Sti. Thotnaa
Acheson, ptor. Earl 'Officer in charge
of.' the junior : chnTch-r-Snarda school at
9:45 a.- m.-Sservicea -at ' II. -Junior aerv
icd downstair,:- Rev. Officer: 'will preach,
Devotional rally at :30 .Evening
services at TIOsernioa by the pastor.
The First Presbyterian. Ward Willis
Uong, minister Sunday school, 9:45; at
11,. sermon, "Sell-Confessed Clima of
Christ," the minister; 6:30, Christian En
deavor societties, topic 'My lenoraina
tmn," 1 Peter, 8:.12 7,f rally of Chris
tian; Endeavorers in Senior . society room.
7;;t0, evening service, ''Do Newspape'ra
Helj. or 'I finder ' Moral 'Progress !," . the
minister. ; . . - . '.
.. " TJirXTASIAK ,
Cottag and Chemeketa ktreets. Rev. M.
Fereshetian. minister Chnreh school at
10 ; o'rkMk. Devotional.- services at ,11
o'clock, subject, . "Haughty , Eyes ; Sight
and Insighi. ' 1 . : t
Tburlng, Coupes, Itoadxters, Sedans.
r I Irncks, uiassis .
iFrom: $85;C0:.up .
: Also a Few Others -
Overland Maxwell Oakland , :.
- . - ---'.-- - - - j
TERMi Small deposit; will hold any car. .Our easy
.payment plan will let you ride" while you pay. .
valley koTOE eo:
Yours for Genuine' Ford Parts and.Service
260 North High . - P . Phone
- " chvbcit or oot ?
li'1348'N. Charch street. J. J. Oillespio.
pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m. P reach
ing service, 1 1 ; o'clock. , Sunday l- school
t Salem- II.ighta 3 o'clock," preaching
ervic 4 o'clock. Yeaag People's service,-
6:45, -and preaching service at T :3.
i - Meet on corner of Shipping and Cottage
street each Lord's day at 10 o'clock for
iBbte stady .' Preaching every f irst - and
third Sunday In, aeh month at 11 o'clock.
Atsaf preaching the fifth tSuaday in ApriL
Rro. Casselt from Cold well, Idaho, will
preach. '
": " . . ..;??"..'.; i ; I'.
Fred St. Ong, rcpresentlag the
Cycle -Trades' ot - Arnerlcai will b
la Saieoi tor three dy begin
ning: May r 24." THr.j St. One haa
been 1 iiaBiel: the bicycle rnissloir-
ary on cconnt of hls thoroogh
! t nd ' complete? 'education that H he
ftWea th bicycle rider.. r He goes
rigC latoe'the aehools and - indus
trial Institutions,- telling' . and
showing each- j bicycle , rider how
to get the best service and; most
pnioyment out- of tola"" or; her
: wheel. i v ? s ' 1 I
Another feature that he will
put en is an Immense bicycle par
ade "wltH hundreds , of decorated
ticyclesv special prizes.' tot te giyen
for all lasse ; of j riders," large
a A bmT1 -vv4 tf Ann v ' . '' f
chCrch -notes
, i- . if ,
V f -
A .
t . A
A company from, the North Pa
cific Evangelical instituted" Port
Ubd, is in. ehargo, of .serTicesi at
the Sooth Salem Friends ' church
'-.The Whit ney Boys'' .chorus will
sing ; this niornlng at theJ.FIrst
Methodist "church. ! a '-a ,i'
., t 1 . . , - . . .v ' ; :i.
' ;Thoborn, "Called'of ? GoaT 'a
book, .by Bishop William, F." Old
bam, will be the ubject bf a talk
tonight by .Jiev. BlafnevKT-Klrkv
rtrlck. of ? the Ffrst ethodisst
church, i -..'.-. -
"Do Newspapers Help.or1 Hinder
iMoTahProgres?'.',will be" the ser
raon r topic : tOQignt at r the. First
Presbyterian church. ' - ''' . t ; ,
P vHif V Cannot ' Accept' Present
Day Spiritualism" will- be - the
sermon topi tonjght at the First
Congregational church. Rev, W.
C. Kantner will preach. , . ' - ?
(v. . ,.;.' vi '- ..: T ."' ' I
1 Rer. William It. .Mipken. will
preach his last kermori today as
paRtorof the; Firit Baptisfe church.
He is to take okrer the work of
the 'educational jdlrector for Ore
gon for. the "Baptist church.'
l t The First 15vangellcal.v church
will hold the first meeting since
the f liberty and .Cottage street
churches were merged,! at the Cot
tage street church.- ReY. C4 C,
PoMng is the pastor in' charge and
with Mrs. Poling will take up his
residence in the liberty, street
manse durlng'tbe coming week,
i Miriam ; Lorell .m president of
the Christian Endeavor. Other
officers are: Esther- Schmalle,
vice president; Lillian; Garnjobst,
secretary; Anna Miles, recording
secretary, and Ida, Hilfiker treas
urer. vIa':: (' i: "-a.".a ;v r ...
hi', : ;vf';l Ia: '
The" change i time of evening
rerriees at' the different churches
willt take effect j May 6, according
to an announcement made by the
Ministerial I association". ' Begin
ning" at that time Sunday evening
cervices' beginf at. 8 o'clock." The
next meeting of the association
win be In "the f erra of a picnic.
, - - . . i- .
i' A process has been developed
for photographing 'the brain, but
we ; know some jj folks who would
kick . on the etperlment person
ally. There Is ! a reason".' Ex.
Patronize Home Industry.
, - ' '- - - " -' i ''
! 1
A 4
Get a
l r
, At Factory Prices
F.!ada in Salem
I.! :
803 N. Liberty Street'
.Phone 1048-M 1
Flrsf Unite Brethren, . 12th and Mis
sion. C ' S. oJhnson; pastor Sunday
school at 10 o'clock : O. Folia,' anp
erintendent. Preaching services . at$ 11,
Mtbicct. "The Gift and the Giver' I Ia
termediate O t! at 7; Hilda Berkey; presi
dent. Preaching aervicea at-' S. aovejeet;
' '.The Witnesses.', . Meetings Wednesday
and Friday evenings.. Everybody invited.
. Castle Oapel United Brethren, comer
17th -St. andT Nebraska -4 ve Jeo. Chap
roan, pastor Preaching at 11 and 7:0.
Christian Endctvor at 0:30; Junior En
deTor, S:30. Prayer meeting Thnnday
evening at 7:45. You are invited to come
to all 'these 'service.
4e " tL x mwkV
is.sasM mS - ' -
ao m oshee. F -v efysar W
iaj.i HRAh rau 5a
sees a as ws. msuaraavs KsUabai
an ' M0MM
I St. Paul's Church, corner iChurcU aad
Chemeketa streets. Hev. If.'rt. Chamber,
rector.-! roly Eucharit, , t'.Hot chores,
school1 atl 9:45 in chnrch and parJ"
house. . Morning prayer-and sermon at. 1 1
o'clock..-: Young Peepte's society at
All welcome to all the "above aervicf.- X
I First EvaagelieaU C. C. Poling, pastor
Services 11 a. bi. and S p. m.. by the
pastor. Morning sermon "God's Faith
fulness. .
i South Salem Friends, .corner S. Commer
cial and Washington streets, Natham
Swabb, paster Sunday school at lO a. tn.
Preaching service at ll. .Christian En
deavor: at 6:30. Evening worship- at
,J;30. -i'-j ... .: :. . -: - v4 .
A Highland Friends. T. G. and Ida J.
Lee, paators fnnday acbool at 10 o'clock:
Mr . Lee is expected to preach at 11
o'clock. C. E. meeting at 7 p. m. Preach -ing
again at 8 o'clock. Young People's
prayer meeting and iible study Monday
eve.ning. : -Church : prayer meeting evey
tnnrsaay evening, tveryone coraiauy in
vitftd to attend these meetings.
Read, lake, and .foreet k ::1 nut
an annual call ' that Is ieled
by ntany 1 thousands' uf - joyous
people In search-, of. rt. aport
and recreation. i !
, Added to the natural beau
, tlea of . thet Wtl, are rtadi and
hiebwatyit -that tnake tourrna" a
ds4igrlrt, untf the automobile- la
the . moat;, popular : means of
transportation. ' ! r" " A-t, ' .
All over the Weat you'll And
"vYewtern- Auto stores that -can
supply you with tho , necessary
equipment' to maker camping a
real pleanure-s-you'll - ajscr - find
thai tba employes - ot a Wet
,ern Auto store will cheerfuHy
aTtve you any Information de
sired; rasrardrnc " roads, loca
tions, -etc, if -yeu-, are contam
platlna; a camping trip.'
1 ! I " mmm
We have for your approval
ratt? thvrnecemitr for your
car why' not choosa from
"Western Aoto's' Immense ;
stocks - of accessories and
supplies? ; Ther prices are
exceeding low.
t A:
I. B. S. A.
International Bible Stadenta association
meets every Sunday in Derby hall, corner
Court and Alligh streets (upstairs), for
Bible study. Honrs rooa 10 to 12 a. m
All interested in Bihfe study welcome. 1
. : ryy- !'- ' i La ' ? - ' ..: ! : i'-
The' Green PyraMn Visor Is one of the classiest
and neatest appearing visors on the market. The
pyralin breaks the glare of the sun or approaching
headlights' and is the most desirable material for a
Visor. The- substantial brackets give ' it added
strength, a , ; a r hi a r 1 ; ,v a y j;
i The pyralin used & heavy gauge and very dur
able : The Visor is much lighter thaiij one made of
glass and for that reason is much more desirable
for open cxn'vrberr'it must be attached to the
vrfTrtxTfield:' - I ll . ' ; j
Other Vbora. including: .
All Metal, C4.75 to $5.75.
Durable Rubber Cloth, $2.95. !
Green Glauj $11 .50 to $20.00.
In the West
J 70 Sleretf It
Store cpea tnr 9 p. ri.Satnrdayfc Phone 796
Interior '! or exterior . mir
ror ' aho tr "th roa-dt beh Ind"
- without - ln-.onverUence . : in
any way. There are many
styles, all good, and the low
prices make them easy to
have. Choose yours here.
85c to $3.50
Pedal Pads
e For All Cars
They give Safety and Pro
teuton to every ftccupant of
tlie car by ii eventing the
driver's fe from slipplns;
off the pedals at a critical
moment. w have various
patterns from
35c to 1.00 per set
; j-. ... -
: Top Recovering
. i . . 1 1, 1,, , ji
iV fl -';
$6.45 to
If your' top has become
worn, shabby In appearance
or leaky, you . can quickly
rer core both. Its efficiency
a..d appearance at a very
mall i expense ' by putting
one of our Ready -Made Top
Kercvers on, it see them.
Glass Rear
Curtain Lights
Replace tha. worn -out and
; torn celluloid curtain, lights
, with theae smart . . glass
liehts. Protect from weather
as well as adding greatly to
' the. appearance of your oar. "
Set of ;.three lights en'ly
' $1.15
Supply Go,
70 Storea in the 'Wett
Store open ; till 9 , p. , m. .
Satordaj's f phone 700
Jjci AV. .' i , ,
Priced CSKB'
l!5J85 30x3.-
$22.99 32x3&
$28?o 33:
-Guarantee - I Guarantee
Prices 1
4 22iQi
Ask for I Except 30ja
Prices on
VJa .VaV,
:: -' Jr' " A' A" i
i i - .. . '
. ' r
You cannot buy better Tires! The reputation of "Western Auto
has been built up by the quality of tires and supplies wo handle J
and the treatment we give our customers: !
'fn vh m1 f.?' ' try- a " j !,' ": :-y . 1 . , v-" 4 V
' ; : : YoiL can expect long mileage and good service from cur tircsj
y- ;ahd in case of trouble j any nVesternlAiitbw; t
' ttappen-to' be; is ready to make good' -
'-' " ;--v;3r.t-A;- A,; ' f -
i tThe Roadgripper Cord is a standard quality tiro, and vq save- i
you abbut one-third in price: The Western Giant Cord is proper -j
" tire,with high square treads guaraiiteed 12,000mne3; ind-f )
those who want something better tn
is much less than other fine tires. Our Fabric Ures are dependable 1
and give the kind of service that brings thousand of customers 1
Dack year alter year lor moret)f the same tires
A - - . i - ' A - . , A .i .' i ' , . ."-..''
30x3 $ 6.85 $ 830 S10.43
30x3 Vt 7.9S 9.65 11.80
32x3Vs 11.05 12.70 17.55'
3U4 j 12.30 14.10 17.95
32x4 ' 14.75 16.85 19.15
33x4 14.95 17.10 '19:95
34x4 I j 15.25 j 17.50 20.75 ;
Aak for Prices on Larger Sizes
vmgro.wuii . . ... ... A .JL n
our u stores in the West catalog
-rr- Store open till 9 p. m; Saturdays. Plicns 705 'f
. i ' - - ' - '
- v . .
-A" ' t. r A A ...;'--'. ;'
'Jv:V'!i .-, '.V'.'-
A . i " .