THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON X t fo is) nn" tin- 3)g 1 A A :KA SALEM, WILL AW&RLV y TRIOS OF FINE : CHI Mil 1 vtW rK ; FROHOT tiry To Ambitious Boys, Girls arid; Grownups. Enroll ; Now t for the Champion Chickens liioisjpeibn Opens To-day 1' - - . v. '. iV""' - - - . .-. -t? ; " . ' ,J . i- f . : .;:'- th.&JZX0IT2 "t-i iTte Northwest Poultry Journal has decided jtd" announce a great. chicken' i, isompetiil for-' boys,., girls and, grownnps, interested in, the world's ;best- clJcke'iiji. i The average . hen does not ! pay ; a profit; but purebred hens . do ; pay ; a handsome profit as is evidenced by the! fact that some poultrymen. hiave a good living and accumulated a. net fortune . of f over twenty-five tthociand dollars. We believe that it is in the! best interests of all parties to detelbp;. the - purebred chicken industry, because they are makers. Accordingly, we have an easyway for ambitious' people ta get started-in thepuMbred'Chi(en business, and once they have a ' ctsrt they have the .opportunity to go 'ahead and ' achieve as great business rkCCesseV, aa iphera have done right here in the Pacific Northwest. To atart . ' -n wiili a capital of one thousand dollars, ' and in less than ten years pile up a ' fertile of over twenty-five thousand dollars in; addition to making a good - " living tis. what Harry Miller of Newberg Oregon;, baa actually accomplished, t- ',jtnd bth.ers have done it. . Looks pretty good to me j ; How dots it look to youf ' TThat others have dome you can do. Here is your opportunity to get into the : pufebred chicken business; .' Go thou and do likewise. " " Think" of itl JPive pens and eleven ' trios of chickens, from ' the best "poultry breeders in the world awarded .to. the successful competitors in this . greatest of great purebred chicken competitions. - Just at a time when it is the best season in the year to sret started in the mire bred chicken ( , vusuiess. J ' , .. j ...... 1 ; V f i 1 - r ! - '4 ' :.' ' r.: - 7 v Ii esstimothiajr Jo Jbe a candidate, and a little affort in ypnf iirt Unitii 1 for the few weeks thia competition is runoing may win for you ome of tkestiy famous peils or trios of world champion fowls, p i ;iw w ogpuncniiy oi yuur lueume 10 get one di these greatest of afiampion chicken prizes is it hand today prasp it by filling out th.inforV.a v Editor, Northwest Poultry Journal, and be one of the boys, eiria or m-ownnns 4-1 iot joux ytrr own ajpen or trio of! purebred chickens from the worlds A I ' - , -.1. t ' ?',':: "'"' V i 1 OXB OF THE WOBU'S COAMFIOX .WHITE LEGHORN JjAYING PENS THE PRIZES IHAT .ii-jn, it ..i-., 3- ""T.I'. ... ,.i . A. !- rrtjf - Jl "5: - .ia - 1 -. ' .Yt.s.J - ."tr '! '-u-.T T L----r --l-i-s-- ; : .r.. I " AAAl--':;iv:A;::JAA tA!iv - A'A :- A ' A ' i - - , "i -5A" A ., . !.'...:-; - i ' e e ;.-A "U'iA' A-V-i A.'K: AA- AA - i J - A'A 1 - i. 1 A - A. - 1 FIRST PRIZE A pen of the . famous Hollywood White Leghorns, heavy prodne ing select trapnested, stock, headed by a cockerel from hen of 275 egg record, direct from the Hollywood Poultry Farm,. Hollywood, Wash SEC.OND PRIZE- A pedigreed pen (cockerel and four ,hena)4 from J, A. Hanson's poultry farm, COrrallls, Oregon, ., '; A . a j : THIRD PRIZES A pedigreed pen of five birds (White Ieghorns). from Harry HUler, f Newberg, Oregon. - , ' . . . j; ." FOURTH PRIZE A pedigreed pen: of five birds .(Walts Leghorns) from C E. ;a I Armstrong, Corvallis, Oregon., . , i i ' . i FIFTH PRIZE A pedigreed pen of fire birds, (White Leghorns X from Wire ft' Eon, ' i Newberg, Oregon.! -A - .s - Ac '. , . - . SIXTH PRIZEA trio (cock and two hens) White Leghorns, from 'Hands ft Son, ' 1 Cottage Grove, .Oregon, - '.' : :, ; ' --. . , SEVENTH PRIZE A trio of Ill-a-Hee trapttestfed' Barred-Rocks, from R, E. Butler, i j Jennings, Lodge, Oregon. .'' s ?"-':! j j j '-, ; '. ..! ' EIGHTH. PRIZED A trio of Barred Rocks from Mrs. H. C. Klelnsmlth, Hoff, Oregon. . NINTH PRIZE A trio of trapnested Rhode Island Reds from McRae Poultry Farm, - Boz.S60, Mllwaukle, Qregon. - , . -. i TENTH PRIZE A trio of Anconas from R, T, Btlngley, Route I, Junction City, Oregon. -.y: " ; ' j ' ELEVENTH PRIZE A trio of jprlte White Wyandottes from Jess A Griffin, Box W., Eugene, Oregon, '-'A ;";".-A ! i , TWELFTH PRIZE A trio of prlxe Rhode Island Whites from Hatton ft Hatton, - 498. East 28th St., Portland, . Oregon. j THIRTEENTH PRIZE A trio of Black Mlnoreas from Rick Klnnear. Route 1, ox.yk, Vancouver, jvaan, .. a . FOURTEENTH PR,I3WSA trio of White Rocks from Walter Downing. 1983 State street, taia, orvv. " -.' j - j---' - ' -;. FIFTEENTH PUC- ct Salmon Faverolles, from Eugene T. Prescott, Salem. 7 Oregon-; i - - .r--' t . SIXTEENn?' PRIZE A txix M vine Rhode Island Whites from kirschcroft Poultry Farm, Boring, Oregon. . , .--r -. , y ... SEVENTEENTH PRIZE Fifty &abj chicks from C. N. Needhami Salem's baby - a I chick man, Salem. Oregon: . Choice of White Leghorns. Barred Rocks, R. I, ; neai, vvmce mocks, uiacK Minorcaa or Anconas. AVf SlMPETITION CLOSES 31v 1923 ,'. A v ' Admirers of -purrVdJ"ickenswill;io;;doubt the 3ann6nHcement of suchi sensatiouai prizes when it u,wdei ' reason a, grand prize is not won, a casn commission wu ,e paia . - au fuo -scriptions received from active candidates.! Could; anything be fairer or more ; reasonable f Candidates have, everything to gain Jand "absolutely nothing? to Jlose. : - V HlitSillilQ ' ' Such elaborate prizes and cash commissions are most 1 exceptional, and: with such an opportunity available it behooves every lover, oi the beautiful purebred chicken to take advantage of a. plan to win some world -famous purebred chickens all for his or her very own. ; .. ' ' ' ' ' ' ? ;,rA glance at tho prizes and the immense value of these rewards will no doubt cause each thinking boy or girl or' grownup to .realize the great big returns they can make by employing their idle moments to the business of subscription getting for the Northwest Poultry Journal idle minutes that otherwise would be wasted. In other words, make your spare moments pay. big aividendsv ' . j-iV '; s ;-'?;'; ;V a-" -: a-- . ' v . v..- '- -A" : ' ;"-A' '..r ,-.v .,rv: ' A .a 4rvA'A,:v - We do net sk you to spend your "-time getting subscription s, and then take' a chance.'on a .reward candidates are not entering a game of chance, for all active candidates will be rewarded. The vote schedule is so arranged as to put all candidates on an equal basis. .4. .: ! l 1 . :t" i ' ' j ; . I - A . -'a- INTORMATION COUPON Purebred Chicken Competition Editor, Northwest Poultry Journal, V '' :y -. Salem, Oregon. " .; i.'a 1 ; ,: r ii 'f'f ant: inf erested in'- yotir:'ckrarbinpetitin. Please send 'tag full injformationjf ; Itfis underatooahat"lhis; inquiry implies nb obliratioa vv a v v v vt I Nanie ? A ilA -A ' ' ' " UM , mi A ' i a -- -""'..' - - iV7: .VA.- "- ' """."" --. . ..Arv- . 1 ' MODERN POULTRY rLANT, THE KIND THAT TOU WILL OWN WHEN YOU REALIZE TOUR AMBITION 'VP i : i. Ai-: 1 -A- m Jt: V,va. -i'-- ,at- I'f-;- 7 ' "I :r A ";:A-t'A M:i VIVA S' V;:f i.:r - A .A"-i:A v"--f'- fP'-V Avj;- 1 'VVV VV Vi.VV"i.;A kP vvv;',.1 a- J I : : Miloen 0(J ( t-i-i V-J A ' u- 'vj! .'".-At'.'. i"' V". '-'-A " - -A - - " : - - - . " ' '- s? A-l v. 71 i I f 4 Avir V ,.. :; ' A":-;"!.'. t - -A ' - .A .-t -iA ;-A ; ''.A A ".A- jTA ; .:. .XV-jVt.iAt V, ., :!t.AA;' Va aV :---:a. : a SMISMIrlUJIII!r!WIWU,SSllUI'II.WIIHIiM"li !' " J- iA,!.:': ;1, f" 'A? '--'A: V- A- 'A -a - V -; A-: ' ;-. A" :, - ; -' , ; . ; a a ; '; " I i a:; V v V ,4. ;! f V a a;; . aaa-;- aa- - A. rj. ; i "' a. V:V : V V"A i A? V - A-;:. Ip . , v : :.. A?- A