The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 29, 1923, Page 10, Image 10

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    ' ''' SUKDAY MORNING. APRIL 29.1023 ' ' :"'
' I - - - ' . r i . J i . X I ; .
W TlTIt- all springtime -calling
W Salem maids and matrons
are deserting to an increasing de
gree each" week the formal din
ners, the' bridge luncheons and the
tea table.- Soon tnsy 5wtU remove
the tea table out of doors, but tor
the present' many are' content to
play out, of doors and i then i seek
the pleaeant tea table within,
j j Flower gardens, -budding blooms
and cloudless skies beckon as does
the r longpToad j and "the"- shaded
uooks-r-and one, after " another
taketheir'toll from the social af
fairs, which for long months have
delighted old and young. j
r. Iilaytline, With its flower and
happy -times will be- of the , pres
ent this week and then J unetime,
- eomemncement. - the happy
graduates and smiling brides of
that busy month will take the first
place of; Interest. Meanwhile. Sa
lem's maids and matrons are re-
- vellng ;in the . joyous, happy
: springtime. i. . i v
i - -
,i One of the pretty : spring ilunch-
v eoas of the weak was that given
Thursday in Portland by -Mrs.
Earl C. Flegel, honoring her
of Salem, . on the ; occasion l ot
Mrs. Meyers' birthday. A aum
" be of Salem women were bidden
Us H
r.Icicls for All Types
' M riO-UBKSl'"- -"'f'.
la iWItMf tkeouutct coits
EIS jkJ .xiastio ai&xzxr. ,) ,
. ttpeiil 'Attention t FHUag 'I
j " Cora 0Ol!t i
A V t Liberty St. UM ff i
by Mrs. Flegel to , honor Mrs.
Meyers.- i .44 f -' v-
Dogwood and wild currant were
used in profusion about the rooms
if the Flegethoime. The luncheon
table was - lovely with spring
blooms.. Bridge was played fby the
guests -j" following ; the luncheon
hour, t :f ! - " ' -
Mrs. Ralph Watson, formerly of
Salem.! and Mrs. V. C. Kerrort
were Portland quests for the oc
casion. The guests from j Salem
were: Mrs. . Meyers. Airs.. It. E.
Lee SteinerrMre. D. ; J. FT. Jr.,
Mrs. George G. BrowniMrs H. II.
Ohlinger, Mrs. F. L, Gtiffith. and
Mrs .Gfcorge FJltodgsrsl The Sa
lem guests made the trip to Port
land by automobile.
V, :'..;:.: , i ' .. 'ivi
Mrs.; Milton Lj Meyers Is spend
ing the weekend! in Portland with
Mrs. Earl C. FJegei.,; Mrs. Meyers
will return to Salem Tuesday.
. - 1 i : r ''
Mrs.; F. L. Griffith Is spending
the m eek in Portland aw the guest
of friends and relatives.
. , . j .
. Miss Jessie L.j Bass, rormerly a
resident of Salem and now living
in Seattle, was & guest in Salem
during; the last Week. Miss Bass
Is a cousin of 1 Geonge O. j Brown
and f visited , at the Brown home
and j with 'other friends and rela
tives, while herei. She , is ireturn
ing to Seattle from two months'
visit In California. ' ' f "
Apollo Club To r
Give Concert
Mrs: Julius Beebe la home- fol
lowing; a visit with her mother in
Portland. - i
, Mj-s. William H. Lytie, who has
been In Bead. lor" several weelts,
is now in Portland for a few
ays. r v ; ! I : ..
Miss i Cornelia Marvin
will en
tertain the Business and Profes
sional Women's elub at heir home
In EolajMay 6. 1 This meeting will
take the place of the regular May
meeting; of the club. :; Miss Ad elia
Prichard president Tof ' thiel . state
federation and Miss Bertha Mc
Carthy, j president of the'Portlanu
Business and .Professional Wom
en's club. : wK.le among those
present for 'the -occasion. 1 r f
n . .-S: :..- :-
: ' - T r '-4vfr tr-r-r : t
" Dr. and MrstWiXailton Smith
retu rned late Friday- from a three
week's trip-to7 CalifornIa.'f They
made the trip by automobile and
went as far as the Mexican bor
der. t;;vf
.'They stopped Jo. all of th
southern California cities and vis
ited the sessions of the state leg
islature which will hold for sev
eral days yet. ,11' " . ;
' Of special interest In the music
events or this' weak is the third
and final Apollo club concert of
the season to be given at the ar
mory next ' Wedneday evening.
This concert will close one of the
most notable seasons of the club's
history Both active and associate
membership has been considerably
increased during the season, v
r Included ' In Wednesday ; night's
program by the club, will be a
'group of familiar and favorite folk
songs, j representing the Welch',
Scotch,! English and American na
tionalities. The program will
also include two selections from
Prof. John R. Site's composition,
"A Cycle of Rose Songs." These
are being sung at the unanimous
request of the Apollo club mem
bers, j; - .!...
Miss! Constance Horn, mezzo
contralto, who will be soloist for
the concert, will be accompanied
at the j piano by Miss Ruth Bed
ford, who is also accompanist for
the; Apollo club and whose-ability
in jthis special field of musical art
has previously been recognized as
being especially fine.. It Is' Miss
Bedford's - intention, to continue
her mu8icaJ,;edjication .along this
line.- Miss Horn will sing all' of
her numbers in the English lan
guage. Her voice ia said to be
capable ; of . every I requirement,
from the most tender of melodies
to the j dramatic intensity of the
great, arias. In many northwest
ern . communities she" has made
herself a prime favorita as a con
cert artist and it , is anticipated
that Salem concert goers will be
pleased with her. ';. f "V .
; Mrs. B. J. M lies and Miss Laurc
Grant were hostesses Thursday in
honor of Mrj. Will T. Kirk whe
will leave within the next) month
for her new, home in Portland.
The Miles home. was charmingly
decorated with apple . blossoms
and other springtime blooms.
.'. In addition to the members of
Chapter G.iand AB, PEO, : the
Kests -wer Mrs. Town. Just re-.
cently moved here from Tacoma.
Mrs. W.' L.jKuser and Mrs. Wei
Ifle. Tte club" , members were:
Mrs. lX'X, Beechler, Mrs. W. II.
ByrdX'-Mrs. " J; J. Evans, Mrs. II.
C. Epley, Mrs. E. K. Fisher, Mia
Iaura Grant, Mrs. Harwood Hali.
Mrs. A. It. Godfrey, Mr3. W. T
Hie key. Mrs. E. J. Huffman, Mrs.
William Hughes, ilrs. W. T. Kirk.
Mrs. P; J. Kuntz. Mrs. G. W. Laf
lar, Mrs. J. R. Littler Mn. C. R
McCuIlough. Mrs. W. McGilchrist.
i n ti n,hf
i 1 11 o 3tn
i m
ill M l
Save and invest in properties
that you can see.
3!Jls&'' Ml;
ti to buUd your tf VffJf 7 -M&SC'
-, ...- "i-J.. i'lff'lrs:- H.
- . '-,H7li i: Ilisf i- K TIL J .it
Your Money Will Grow
: When Put Into a Sound Paying Investment
1 i
7 J
Start saving $10 a month now and invest
it with u at 7 and in 25 years it will
amount tot $7883, . assuming that you
re-invest your annual earnings. 5 f
V :
A plan of systematic saving started now
in a large and growing public utility like ,
this Company will insure you and your family against: want
in the years to come. , . 1 j , . .
; Dont Lqave the Future to Chances Vi
By saving a few dollars each month during your best years r . '
and putting them to work with us, it will5 not be long before f
you will have a tidy income from dividends alone. J .
I Our 7 Prior Preference Shares
' Bought on Easy Payments :
will help you build your 'prosperity.- We offer you ithisf opportunity.
You, as one of the 330,000f people served by us, know that Electric
Service is in constant demand in good of bad times, and that the . r
business Is growing all the time! I We added nearly 6000 new custo- x .
mers last. year. : i -t": i.'.U'.i ; ' A Hi;tl. ;' '-i . v-'.'i?' ''. ; ;;
Our Investment Department or any of our employes will be glad to v . ,
tel you hew to make your start on the road to couipetence. ; i '
,iv-, t j ; Investment Department
Portland Railway, Light and Power Company
, A : Uf ' , ''- v v.' - -'
: 1 r: - " i ----- '-i - '!,Jh'H'J' - " J , ' ' '
1 v - v
. - r
(,ff j
if'-- V;li
O 7
J ' '
It f s f.
. II ) Vrv,
NX y
; . ' w- '
i :;7
i r-
Mrs W. WMoore. Mrs. J. W.
Moore, Mrs. H S. Poisal, Mrs, O.
E.' Price, Jtfrs, F. W. Selee, Mts.
T. A. Wooipert,- Mrs. Ida Klein,"
Mrs, C. R." McCroskey, Mrs., Eva
McLeod,. May Rauch. Dr." Mary
Rowland. Miss Grace' Smith, Mrs.
Harry ptvlee. Mass Lena Belle
Tartar. Mrs. Harry Wenderotu
and Mrs. L. N. Meyers.
Marguerite Flower ' Ohlinger an
accomplished soprano, who wan
formerly a student at the stale
blind school in Salem and who
has many friends in Salem, Is to
ce soloist today for the chorus
of the Portland-Girls' Polytechnic
school in Portland. The. chorus
will sing at the- municipal audi
torium at 3 o'clock. Miss Min
oetta Magcrs is direct6r of the
The numbers MissS4JOhlin?pr
will sing are: -'Je Veux
dans le reve," . Romeo and Juliet,
t Gounod); Ho! Mr. Piper.!
ing. was made the ? thirds Monday
evening i of - each ' raonth. : j
' The, part of the; evening JnQt,
consumed in the organization was
spent with games and merfy-mak
In?. Mrs. Long was assisted -by
Mrs. H. C. Wyatt and Mrs. L..TI.
Myers. The house was prettily
decorated with tulips, daisies and
forset-inemots. Dainty refresh
ments were served to the follow
ing guests: Gladys Bartholomew,
.Agnes Bayne, Alma Burdick, Ocle
'firbwn,-. " Elizabeth fogg. ;" Pearl
Beeves, Ada ; Ross, Lucile Ross,
Muriel McKinley, Eva , Walker.
Jeanette ! Kletzing. Gussie kiles,
Dorothy Steusloff. IIe.len Pearce.
Margaret Furvine and Mrs. Rj.-M.
T; Hester.
'7 ;. -2- ;
'The hi5h school corps oftthe
Girl Reserves held" its annual cer
emonial initiation services Thurs
day aftjrnoon at the cabin: iu
the Miles woods in South Salem.
Fifteen Kir Is were initiated Into
(Curran) ; My Laddie" (Thay- the clnB. j some of whom have
er); "Spring,' (Henschel)
1 ' .
Mis Pauline Remington is
spendidng the week end in Port
land as the guest of Col. and
Mrs. Percy Villis. Miss Rem
ington is a student at Willa
mette university and ' recently
took part in the play "The Pass-'
ing of the Third Floor Back,"
which was presented by the sen
ior dramatic society.
The Thursday ; Afternoon Ken
sington club entertained Friday
evening at dinner forv their hus-
tanas. l ne party was given at
the home of Mr. p.nd Mrs. N. C.
KafOury. Lilacs were used in the
decoration of the rooms of .the
Kafoury home.
The members of the club are:
Mrs. W. J. Thorn pscn, Mrs. Henry
Morris, Mra. L. L. Davidson, Mrs.
Frank Fower, Mrs. I. X.' Dough-
ton. Mrs. Idleman, Mrs. i Otto J.
Wilson, Mrs. R. S. Melson, Mrs.
N. C. Kafoury. Mrs.Charles O.
Wilson. -'-r
The American War Mothers
will meet Tuesday in regular serf-
Hon. Thi3 Is the regular May.
meeting. -
Mrf. C. W. Brandt and daugh
ter, Margery., are spending the
week-end in Portland.
i Miss Frances Ric'hards and
MIs3 Helen Pearce, Jboth, instruc
tors at Wllam,Vte i nni ersdty.
will leave early in 'june for a
t-ee months', trip in Europe.
They will sail June 8 and will in
clude Scotland. England. Belg
ium. Holland, Italy, France and
Germany. V
They will leave before the close
of the university year and will
return August 28. v , ' .
I.-'" .:'.''
Mrs. Allan Carson j will ' enter
tain the Kappa Alpha Theta club
at her home Monday afternoon. V
''"- i i7 '- - V.-
! A group of young women, mem
ber i and friends of the First
Presbyterian church, were invited
to meet last Monday evening at
the home of Mrs. Ward Willi
Long onChemeketa street. The
meeting was called for the pur
pose of forming a refnianent or
ganization that would provide So
cial intercourse and ? opportunity
for combined service In chufch ac
tlyltles. ; After some discussion it
WS airbed that a Westminster.
Onld chapter would meet . the
ndi, and organlzaUon was effoct
ed!, Officors chepen were Miss
Gnssfe Nils. president; Miss
Eva L. Walker, vice president;
AUss Margaret Purvlne, BecretaryV
find Mis. Ada Ross, treasurer.
The charter was named the "Gon
over . Chapter of -Westminster
Guild." In honor of Miss Lulu
.fJonover, now a missionary' in
China, ho once lived in -Salem
lnd whosti membership; is Id ha
Salem church. The time for meet-
been very ; active in the work of
the club, but have never had the
forma initiation before,. and some
of', whom are new "in the work.
The new members were as fol
lows: Myra Barnchardt. Margar
et! Frehmaflcr, Margaret Matthes,
Anna I'aiilsen,,. Violet Peters,
Madge Reid. Evangeline Heinick,
Marie Harold, Ruth Draper, Mad
eline Uarti (iff, Elizabeth Fair
child. Viola Hoover. Edna Ellis,
Josephine Scoficld and Veta Fitz-
hugu ty' ;,. 'f, .
i The f ollewing new-officers were
installed, to take the work of
heir offices at once: President,
Elizabeth Fairchild; vice presi
dent: Esther! Doffendorf; secre-.
tary, Helen Campbell: ; treasurer.
Ella Hop Lee: chairmen of com
mittees: Program, Lav in ia Ber
ger:, social, Bernice Mulvay; Ser
vice, Irene Breithaupt, i and pub
licity, Ruth. Payton. . Clarion re
porter, Louise Ntinn.
i v I'-'.: J ,. . 1 .
I- ; '; " !
University Club
I To Hold Lecture
; "Ancient Men of Oregon" is the I
subject for; Prof. Edmund1 T.
Hodge's: lecture which the AAUW
will bring-'to Salem Friday eve
ning. May .1. , ) ;
; ! Professor Hodge is recommend
ed by the sCate bureau of geology
as the speaker beT'qu a lified to
lecture; on ' the subject. He is
head of the department of geol
ogy at the Lniversity of Oregon.
Under ltiU Head he vilt describe
the,origin( qf man here, and fol
low the:developmentp up to tha
coming of .the white Jtian . to Ore-
. r T ' : i i . I- .1 . .
j;uu. no win inciuue menuon 01
the foo&ills and relics that have
been unearthed.
.Lantern slides will illustrate
the lecture. It will be held in
the auditorium of the public lib
rary at is p. nu The association
invftes all-who are' interested in
the subject to enjoy , the lecture
with them. f j
A business meeting with lunch
eon, to. be held on the regular
date, Saturday, May 5, will be
announced nore particularly at a
later date. ,: ,
Mr. William V RutIerford, 310
Nojrth Church street entertained
Sunday for dinner' Mr. 'and Mrs.
August Risser from Dallas, and
Mr. and Mrs. E. C Farnham and
two children, Ruth and Eugene,
of Portland. . L
J (: ' - - - i
Besinninsg MonCay at 10 o'clock,
the 32nd annual meeting j of the
Women's Misslnary society of the
Willamette presbytery ; will con
vene at the Salem Presbyterian
church. - - ' -., :' j
An 5 executive board session , is
the first thing on the morning pro
gram. At 1:30 the public ses
sions There will be some
form of conference .work all the
aiternoon "until tha evening din
ner hour." At 7: 30 . mere will be
another session with a number of
brief talks and a principal . ad-
(Continued on page 5) :
cay our French Gloss Luster save ;
half the wear on clothes, labor,
fuel and starch. Our Nicety make
silks, woolens, all 'dainty soft ccs
ton things, hosiery and underwear,
like new;, last two times long' -and
easy to do. ' Our real wonde -worker
with half the soap time,
rubbing clothing. ' Each 10c bet
at; grocers or by mail. Fabric
Finishers Mfg. Co., Oakland, Cal.
. Classified Ads in The
Statesman Bring, Results
$S.3 fi each month, for; 4 8 months repays a $1000 loan;and interest
121,24 each month tor 60 months repays a $1000 loan and Interest
$18.52 each month for 72 months repays a $1000 loan and Interest
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1 1 ;
H ouse
13th! St.. awl Garden Iload
- Vb cxlend a cordial invi
tation W the' public to visit
our greenhouses and! enjoy
the wealthj of blooms which
wc are displaying daily at
our retail store.
ewfSattmiii Presses
freshness like a salt sea-breeze
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Just the Price You Want to
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The completeness of our collection, and it's nice
consideration of every woman's means and prefer--
ences, are making it popular with those who discrim
inate in their spending as in their selection. : I
Becomingly made of Flat Crepe; Cantbri Crepe;
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Crepe, Harvard Crepe and others, some "have
splashy bows or dainty hand embroidery, sascades
-and falling draperies, pretty buckles, unusually
charming color combinations that are perfect,
pleated skirts, draped and plain skirts.
Prices Range from
$875; $1600, $1975 z $3500
and on CA fl
Your Mail .Orders
receive careful attentipn.
We pay postage . or cx
press within radius of a
hundred miles.
Salem Store
460 State St
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