The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 29, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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ri7o czct:o::3
mien .riYu c:
I i I J I I I II V ! I
1 (fipV 1 - ks
J'L 1
J 1
4 .
Unique j Musical Program By
v -Whitney Lads Stirs Crowd
Tfiiat Fills , Auditorium In
Armory a r?" ! r nr
High Tribute Paid to Dr.
j EpleyT Director ' Who:
- !i ITrained Youngsters
"Whltnwv Bots of erery Bite, age
i and Value from Director Dr. H.
; Pbley k - a whole t base note,
down to Jthe littlest kids that
"panM will it, : fram thunderstbrm
; basso BleBkinsop : to the falry
5 itvn bov-bird fcom-ano. from Grand
i wiiHm McGilchriat to f rery
littte. tots sans their -very; heads
off: for the Salem TMCA at the
ntnrtrv last nleht. t ' J
,It was ;a four-sided victory,
iboyswon; their prood paws
atii Riin vAn bT 1Q0O per cent;
tW plain" audienca won a really
j,lendid -.program 01
ronilaiiefvi.-iF maaic r andvtle
Y?.KU. won toy .; fully ?50 hard
cash! thejirst subscription to the
.... ;
ner;bauttins iuna.
"Df.1-. 'Enler i introduced . parid
rJ. :-jir- if 'Portland as- hir
- r an j and I the la.!; would hare
-"rut mnr a ToWn-UP h.OW to
r rint th rarioos ' items of. a
prcsram In an- unique: and pleas-
: !r- war. ' -i-i-
rm'f rnncTi "best"; tO
, nForr&mr nit was all good-
!t.i nviY Citr" with solos.
laeti and chorus, was a anagnlfi-
r!it preseatauou. F. jvi. jsienjun
kr wiiamrttA nnlrersity. who
lOi. several other men sans with
ichorus, sang one Terse 01
,TS Hols? City;" He was intro
Anrt hv .Tr-. K." Whitney as
"tle greatest baritone in Ameri
ca." " The oTr howerer, neipea
,. to make 'the number the great
success that It was.
' ;Qh, fo a Thousand Tongues. , t
r was a great number. The open-
ic chorus. "The Sailor's Glee,'!
' aad .the old , tarorite, -"Come
, Where the tiliee Bloom,'4 . were
i also exceptionally good. - ' i
, Some excelfent specialties were
presented.: My Stoma-ca Ache,'!
a . reading', by Darld , Richards, a
kLa mm br Ral Dh. Richards, a
vocal soli by Kenneth. ; Allen Of
, Salefi that called for two encores,
a demonstration- of a lire-octare
i roice by Bill Bassett of Newberg,
a Scotch song In costume by Bun
: can .Christiansen, and,a duet by
, two Kewberr boys (were among
I tbo highly; enjoyable specials. !
- Dr. 1 Whitney was larish. In his
praise of pr. Epley, the local di
rector, as tone of the beet work
menihe hai erer known, and one
' the staff directors of the west.
Dri Epley; in thaaking the audi
; enoe; paid in particularly iiigh
f tribute to; the YMCAi that has
' made the 'chorus a reality. ; He
rated' the ;Y as the greatest Iri
; fLneace ( for good in the ' social
wprld. ' Mayor (Mesy, In his greeting-'
0 the risltinr members of
the ehoru. also paid a higb trib-
utej to the, X as a good inxroence
t ha.t: look. after these: bors at the
- impressionable ' age' ( and - gires
,tnem mgu ana woriwy lunwuwns
for, their actlre young llres"
JLm andtenc estimated at 1500
1 attended the concert,! and the lib-
' eral : anolause throughout erinced
their , saUsfaction. ! They .kept
staying after iwo and, a half hoars
and 1 still iwanted more, arter n
was ' all orer, which- was aboui
, the biKhest tribute that any audf
- ence; could, pay.' i ..:
:06.EGON Unsettled and oc
".caslonally threatening Sun
dy; moderajte westerlr winda.
; i V t (Saturday)
Maximum temperature, 57.
Minimum temperature, S9. ; '
Rirer, J.3 stationary. . v
Ha!nfall,'none. ; ,
I Atmosphere, - partly cloudy.
' -I 1 -
- " - - -
T "Itight Rer.. Garrett, named to
t j -,' ; J '.
;i o , m ;
United States..
Oldest llember of Upper
1 Chairaari of Judiciary
TrainUnique Record
aiidins-Wealtened by
' T
as President Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the I
Knute Nelson died on the Pennsylvania raflroad train at 8:15 one block on all side' streets'from !LCrm.,tlf J?', 7116
o'clock tonight, while on his way from Washmgon to Chi- state and court. Pour traffic of- 5! L. 1
cago, where,he was to conjinu.onis rhisjiorneim fleers win give their entire time
Uinni&otMM Xj & jtfc ; 'IJme- n A- aday to handling the autos. ?2a'St
reported that'United States Senator Knute- Nelson of Mm-
neSta died on a train enuteshington ol
found dead on the train which left WasWj1" at 650ly--
The company arrang-ed to have the body taken from the
tram at narrisDursjra.
Pioneer Lawyer Selected for
Address on Champoeg
Day at) Chamber
. . i
.-. i ... , .
Judge P. HiD'Arcy is to be the
principal speaker at the Chamber
of CommercjGhampoeg anniver
sary program and lnncbeonMon-
day noon. . The judge came to sa
Iem in 1857. He wasn't a judge
then.J but a vtery little and Inter
ested boy. He has seen about alb
there was to ee in the 6 years
that have intervened. He will not
trr to tell exactly ererythlng, but
he will gtmt several minutes of
Intereatinar taa& on the long ago.
Th lone - axe , gains new charm
as seen throagb ;tba glaasea , tl
one ' who i haa : lived the V- part as
effectively as Judge D'Arcy, - and
the dinner oa Monday ought to
be served to fitandins room7only.
A cam paign , to interest more
Salemmea Jn - the . Chamber- ,of
. 'MVf
l y;-;
, succeed the, late Bishop .Tuttle I
; Episcopal
House at ' Washington 1 and
Cccinittee PassesYiiuVon
riladc Death Resretted by
Wife's DeatH. f "
29.United States ; Senator
28 - - The Pemisylvariia raUroad
-WASHINGTON, April 2S.tThe
death tonightrof nute Nelson,!
senor senaiur irwui v
aooara a warn a roe wvur
cago, remorea;irom inesenfxe
omesi memoer au ono i iuuw
with the longest ' service record.
He' was SO rearstold, and : had
served ?8 years. f;'.,?
" Wife's Death Shock . . ;
Al.a IT.Kam AliKAiie-ti: til
last winter with innuenia j was
active during the last session of
congress and today when he left
n7tb,r4 r. hi. hnwa R
.nn,H it. 'BifAnt ,iiAifh., al -
though the death of bis wile a
year,, ago had greatly .depressed
him. Those who .were closest to
htm kaIA he never fullv recovered
fromhatTbwwJt v i
Senator Nelson 'was a Ciril war
.1 J 1 K mmA rr.
lally daring -the war, .in pushing I
ldgiBlation dealing wfth. Amerl-
canJsation. The fonage act
canjsation. The; ep!tonage
was nnAVAr , n a fuiiim rnnrnr
for ; II- was chairman' of the In-
dietary committee; and; a jmera-
T r v r T 1 ,
twr Af thA commerce committee.
h wnnrtwl tl, Dvftf anti-lmcH-
ing bill, which failed of passage,
and the child labor constitutional
. . - f
amendment.; y: : j
, unaer . tne. ruies oi seniority,
Senator. DUlingham. Republican of
... . : i ! : ;... .': 1 1,. ..' :.:'-
Griffith Chairman of Trans-
portation Committee; Line
Of MarCh for Parade S j
Caravans' "Fronn All Direc
tions to Unload In Front -of
Marion Hotel ; r
. ',';i-
1 Joe1 L. McAllister has been ap-
pointed graad marshal I" of I the 1 .... . ch,,.,.
George P.- Griffith wjll be ; chair
man of the transportation commit
tee. ,W. W. Moore and V, E.
Kuhn are to assist . I X. Shipley I
lu e"iraiaB f coiuuuc,,
wun neaaquaners at ,ine 1
. Ralph Cooley. chairman orthei
Cherrian committee. Is in charge 1
of securing 200 cars for the fen-I
JLertainment of women - visitors lie I
would like volunteers to call him:
at Bishops, or phone 166; or leave:
word with George Griffith at Sthe
' Marion garage," opposite the Mar
ion hotel. - - i M t l r
Henry Lee will do some artistic
window.' painting; "welcomiag !the
firms, with the approval of the
nnne commuiee, wui oner mer-
chants Interior and exterior dec
orations. riothlng expensive or
elaborate in decorations for the
visitors is expected, just adisplay
of Shrine colors to- give the city
a gala appearance fr the, 6,000
visitors. ' ' s ' ,
pn, tho Ko. t wnnw.
in the business district, the Shrine
club offers three cash prizes, $15.
10 and $5. Three good citizens
will serve as judges, t
As 1,000 autos are expected to
bring the visitors to &aleni, ' busi
ness and professional men who
i canv arrange it are asked to keep
their cars off the. businessf dlstrtet
on May 5.:' i-
' Unload on Commercial
i ne sereral caravans of ? cars l
from Portland, and from- the
south, ; will all unload on ; Com
mercial street in front of the Mar-
iqn. For parking they will J be
sent to Court and State streets as
far east as the state houte and
I wai5h cr8, -j
Pee :b mmS ' Bd
gernli 2a
Illustrious potenutejin an iautot
moMW escorted by six CherrJaas
Who are sbrinere. Then wui, come
I me Al Klder banrl. hanlr Allwia nn Wnc . (ii. ..ti..iMi
Kader natrol. and 75 Tmin r mn.
members of the Order of DeMo -
i jay; inen the -rankiand file ofienit the arrests were, made yes-
snriners. Th ront vill lw Vf ar -
i ion hotel to Court, east to Church,
i lnen to State, than tn rnmm.rt1l
una. then countermarch
Committees to Call
Tomorrow 'a committee of i 12
t Shriners will call on merchants
" v
ana interview, them in regard .tpirXTJ,," "
I having nthe Shrine emblems paSnf-
I ed on windows. I l
I - WItm nr Mtirtlilar.. will .la.
1 ter t tii irmnrf tui. r fii.
er Shrlners will register at the
I Marion;
J. u. pennev Wl I UCCUDV.
, fJew Cilvertnn Riiildinn
I ' ' . a
CSpecial to j The Statesman.)
Work on the new? bulldint to
be by Garrer & Grahamhi-her than anything else in the
u TT
i xv nr..A-.a - - a -
I aa si. once muu i is wpwi
mst " "" oo reaay tor occu
I ; ' tl it . , V
pancyt oj- iae mraaie -o ; jui.iy nniu ;tney settle j up ; my esiaic
. J. C. Penney ; & j Co. f f have
signed - a lease for i the - ground
floor of the building. The upper
floors win F0e used fori living
i- , under
Btood have "already been ' spoken
Ability to Ride Thirty Miles
er Walk Fifteen Miles in
Six Hours. Required
Thirty m Ilea In the saddle in
sJX;iiours, orl3 miles afoot in the
Oregonn national guard. 1n orders
ed by Adjutant General Geo
Millie, ana ies.s-wiii oe ioi-
Mwed by ' physical ' examinations
to determine -whether officers are
.physically fit for. actire service
ui&cnarge win follow any cases
of physical ; unfitness that may be
found, the order states. V
Mounted ; officers, regardless of
rank, must take the mounted test;
the order says, excepi that where
there : are no mounts officers be
low: the; grade of major may take
the 15nmlle . hike Instead. Two
gaita ate fixed, for the ride r
walk and trot.,
The , tests may be taken at earns
"""r .t Jme jstatlons
to camp, ine oroer
sets out,, but all. must take, it be
fore the end of - the camp. The
order points to the fact that. In
w Hhav, frt- h, Hla.
qualification and their placeshaVe
been filled by assignment of , out-
side officers to the. vacancies.
Hence .it is urged : that the pre3
ence of any-. physically. unflt.offJ-
cers ig a waste of lime and money
in training him and an Injustice
to the others iu the service
A :,
I Six,-Japanese Arrested for
rviaKing oaKi neanng
. Set for Tuesday
I Japanese saki Is the latest
lhIn f F0??? fashions, ac-
cording ; to Sheriff Bowetr, who
took" into custody six Japanese
yesterday who have been making
the. drink for home consumption
at a hop 'ranch ' in' the northern
part of the county. Pour of the
Japanese are being held at the
county f jail - while the other -two
managed' to secure baU. The six
vtfll hare a hearing' Tueeday,
May U '. ,i - ':4. p"; - r
One of the 'men, Shlrahama, is
described ! as the head of the
f?rm.? ; 1 He i came 'diorB; tfrom
Portland yesterday ; and was ; ar
rested in Salem on his arrival;
He managed to secure ball, as did
oneof the five. who were brought
in. from ; the' hop ranch. The lat
tBAOi Anf nn :hal1 tiv this ,rt.
pnooh. :ir "r U;U-.v.
j: om" the 'sheriff, o
cured samples of the moonshine
as evidence, but no? binure
that : manufacturing; . the product
I bron rh 1 1 tn fluiam fn ..
1 tion and investigation As a re-
1 lercraV. The fr inuiAUiaiii
I have their hearing. Tuesday,
Harding Denies Bankers
Dictate World Court Idea
WASHINGTON. April A'. 28
. a'.i.A.
I to editors, - President' Harding In
an -j address , tonight before . the
American Society of .Newspaper
lailor (declared to , be i without
5J?t,utem!!nt8 thatJ1th? admin.
Istratlos had proposed! American
membership , the permanent
court of international justice at
the ; behest of . International bank.
The , president touched upon
number of subjects , ot'J especial
1 v'r " Z
country r and V said be 7 would
I "rather- be a v newsnaner v pub-
i - w . . - . a.? . a
a-- ' or IB" reason.-,
, laaea,. ne was . going to rcma."
- 1 pahiisher of the ; Marion. ;tar
1 ..... . . ' - ' . . . .
rjULUTH, Minn.; April 28
F. iMeCarthy," 6t, former - rice
president of the Dulnth Board of
( Trade, U1ed ndlVlenlyl today ; In
: :. ' i i
Massachusetts - Man I . Sug
gests Senate May Propose
Reservations Before As
senting to Harding's Plan
-i,; .tv,' s .. ...... i
Arbitral -Tribunal Held
0 be 4
' 1
Line With r Uni
States Policy
WASHINGTON, April ,28. A
suggestion ! that , the senate ' may
propose some preservations of its
own before It assents to 'Joining
a court elected Ay the council and
assembly of the league, of , na
tion was 'advanced tonight by
Senator Lodge of Massachusetts,
chairman of the foreign Relations
committee and Benate floor lead
er' of his party. 7.
i The . reservations ,pat ! forward
by ; the , administration as a part
Of President Harding's plan ; for
membership in the world court
are highly. Important," the senator
said, but he added' that it would
remain for the senate Itself to de
cide Its, attitude jtoward: 'JPartlc.i-'
nation : in we league court, . ,
k.vv- Text -oflit; 'pTi'
The views of the foreign rela
tions chairman were contained in
a letter written . by him ;. in'. re
sponse to a telegram : from Gov
ernor Hyde of Missouri and made
public here. w- .The x letter i, which
constituted Mril "Lodge's ; first con
tribution to public - dlscuaeion r-ef
the court issue, follows in part:
, "It has always "been the policy
of the United States and very em.
phatically theJ policy of the Re
publican "party, to promote In
every, way. Tossibbe the settlement
of International dtfferertces by
a rbltration. and througrh the me
dium of i arbitral : tribunals. We
hare advocated in the past the es
tablishment of, a permanent court
or arbitration, ; If it had been
proposed ; to establish a' perman
ent international court for the
settlement of international .dis
putes, selected, as is proposed In
the leagae court, from the panel
created br-' jeroups. : 5 under the
terms of The ! Hasue "convention.
It it bad been proposed to make
the Jadges thus selected (perma
nent and. to-be; appointed by the
nations severally.and Independent
ly and xiDtby a majority, of the
council ; . and vf assembly, of the
league, and with long terms and
sufficient, salaries. In tnyJudg
ment sucb a cottrt wtrold fcar re
ceived, universal appreral twt only
ta.ine senate pr tne united states
but by .the. people of the United
States. . - ,7--:-1V---"4r.
"" ; For Senate to Decide
("InHthe ; plan now before us.
the .permanent court of 'interna
tional . justice Is not to be formed
by tbe nations: independently, but
Is to be the cou rt "already' elected
by., the - council and assembly - of
the league ' of nations,' and thk
fact, as,; already obrious, wiU
lead to 'muehi .discussion - and ' it
will ; hare f to be determined
whetherthe senate wtll assent to
accepting ; the courts as proposed
andvehoeeh'bytthe league. y
"The secretary- of state, in his
letter accompanying the presi
dent message recommending our
participation-. in' the court,' pro-
. (Continued on 7) K
J .
MANILA, I April 28 (By y Associated Press.) First
Lieutenant John T- Newlandof the army chemical warfare
service, was found dead in his room at the Army and Navy
club here today,.-according to an official announcement. i ;
,The statement; added that evidences of poison had, been
found in Lieutenant Newland's stomach. s v
The dead officer, appointed to West Point, from Wash
ington state, was J graduated from the military academy in
mm Mm
Red-Bloor3ed foreman ; locks Doyn Fcrcii Hcd
lator YHo Tries to I.ldie Ti-myciktrs
telKgence Section of ; Haticnsl Guird Lzzil
All Points in Strike Area,
'. Nothing :.'thai , evenhinted -at 'trovible had.-develop:'! i.:
the wobbly outbreak scheduled for yesterday, nccordlr to C.
reports received-by George-A. White, adjutant csnernl, fr:
camps throughout the Oregon strike area.- Tha reports
received from off icers and members of the military ir.t :
gence section' of-the national -guard and '.indicate Itbt
strike.was a fizzle in mpst places up to lata in tho 'cf tcm: ,
General Whitesaid. v j j 1 r . ' ' .
, . V" When the strike order wasread at Coate3 cr.r-n i.,
TillaTnook cbiinty ten ? men -quit t and 'others vho ! ! : : n
identified with-the I. W.-W.
being bled and robbed of their pay by red organizers end du : z
graftersl said the general. )"Captain J.-E. Shenrer cf Till -
wobbly sentiment iUiere as being
camp. -' $ i nm i w- '-"
m-"i iiU V-
Will at Silverton fiottor Close
, Down---Other1 Sections
9 e Make Reports V
. '-;
S1LVERTON, Ore-;April 2 8
(Special to The Statesman.) All
nwh are out of Silver Fans;Timber
company camps, r However,? aa-
tnorities expect to nu camps: wun
new': men and to operate - at fuU
s.force tn short time. 1
It will not be necessary for the
mill to close down as there is a
large supply of logs on hand.
Loggers have- all gone to Pert
land. They left Silverton quietly,
with little or no demonstration. K
Eleven Demands Made
The '.general strike call of the In
dustrial -Workers of the eWorld re
sulted ia additional men walking
out, today . la Pacific coast states.
Oregon1 reported a camp at ".The
Dalles shut down and the tWest
Coast Lumbermen's association,
with offices in Portland, received
a 'letter, from the strike commit
tee, setting, forth 11 demands. 1
Estimates as to the number of
men on strike in Washington as
reported by : employers were that
10,00 Ohad responded to the strike
call, (but theIWW headquarters
said they number 20,000 and 30,-
000. .-;v "( .- v - .1- - j
i Spread Claimed. f
Waterfront employes in Seattle
said the ' strike - of the marine
workers had .'produced no notice
able ; effect , The ' leaders of the
strike . said it was spreading In
eastern Washington and northern
Idaho lumber camps. ' . j
In , California few , reports! were
received. The strike is more ef
fective in the. lumber camps than
on the waterfront in the cities. It
was stataed,
rConditiona Improrinfc
LOS ANGELES, Cal., April 28,
--Conditions. In' the harbor' dls
trict, 'where- 1 800 longshoremen
quit work Thursday in response to
an I WW. strike, call, are Iraprovi
(Continued on page 3):
4 i V
X f
t fv .
movement said they t. :rc ire I
rapidly on the wane in eve
; "At, one I coast fcacip when. .
wobbly read the strike order c
breakfast, the foremaa annonr : "
that, he . was jrolng . to do t
strlklng of his own,, and Jkrc .
down-.angltator. who .was tr
the mn to leave. .The
left with only seven '.'sea fcl
inS. it ' was authoritatively t"
; r Reports "from the bfs T.'! 1.
& ' Brighton camps wa$ V..:
amaxk Jett, althougi . iha r
orders were read pnd circ:
Order and working-morals c
the workers' were report ; 1 t
never better In months. ,
; ''Keports were received a! '
the 'adjutant general's offica i . .
southern Oregon. ' Coos bay, . r
rertdn, lower Clatsop, Ne. , ...
and4Toledo in all f which r -UonS
red agitators had teea r
ing large claims, a few days c
"We did not expect trontla, s
are not expectlngr; any to dsrc: .
I have . been convinced for, t -eral
days that a flock of. craft
agitators cannot much longer r
even the most' ignorant . fore: -era
of part of .their pay. r -wobbly
.. dues. ' But as lorr i
these petty larceny bunco men r "
able to. make a llrinff a re .1 c
tatcra among the. Ignorait, ,
have gotto be ready to meet r
unexpected i derelopment tl :
might come VpT9
s dances lsa Honrs
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio, April - 5
-Albert Kish, Youngstown ctr -lete
and claimant of the v oil
endurance dancing chamtloE.;:.: i
upon compleUng 132 hours c
contlnuous shuffling at on a' min
ute ; after midnight was f... . :
to '-atop; Mayor Reese lssrcl
order forbidding contlnuanca cf
the performance on Sunday.
George fR. James of lien-1:.-,
Tenn.; waa appointed ty, Vr ev
ident i Harding today to li a
member' of l the", federal tes:rr3
board. : He aucceeded Jcla ::.
Mitchell of St. r Paai, who r a-
stgned. ' - t : . .
V want AIT
The Results Will Surprise
Below is one of the
v. Want Ads. appearing a
today's Statesman
Classified Column?.
One a Day. WIU it be yocra
i, Jady bookkeeper ' '
: sires ""posltioa.' -
1577J. .
i. ind, -rwest.-
(Contintted on pae X) !. . for?
(Coatln-aed on PagyS)