PORUD BREAKS n Here, Th 1 ,. ' irjTowm can p i t -IP "'"-t " ?. . t ;. f. ;i 1 Leverenz! and: Mlddleton Sueceed in Stopping the Bee Hitters j, SALT LAKE CITY, April i 3 ! Portland broke into ttiel wJnf col umn today,! beating the Bees 6 tys "3. V Leverenz and ! Mlddleton stopped the! Bee hitters, who have been on a I rampage all week. Jimmy j. Duchalsky. i Salt Lake's Hawaiian ; pitcher, - got his first chance- , today. "He, Jacked con trol, but' showed uj pretty well. - Score- ; -..- , R. II. E. Portland . ... . . 6 7-0 Salt Lake ..v. '.. 3 6 1 '- Leverenz.. Mlddleton and By-ler;.- Duchalsky, McCabe ' and Pe ters. Shea and Agnew: K renter.: EIv and Thomas. ; I I - .. . i . .. - LOS ANGELES.! April Los Angeles made a lucky day but o( Friday t,he 13th;! winning the third game of the series with Vernon f l to? after two stjrafght defeats The J Angel scored their run In the fifth! inning; when James jwildness gave Krng a base on balls and ! a sacrifice by Mc Auley and Daly's f single to right Held brought . him home, i Score j : Ri H. E. li 4 1 3 0 Lyons land Daley: Jame& ReL er and: U. Murphy. T . . . ' J ijos Angeies : .. , j .... i Vernon- ... 1 . ...J . ' r. 0 j Frlco" 9; i OAKLAND. Cel.. April 13. San Francisco . won" today's game from Ook'and by a score of 9 to 1. KTbe. Seals went after Kremer in the first inning and, obtained four hits and three runs; In the 'second .Inning they hit .krem erpfoffive hit," 'scoring "folur runs..' 1 Malls - replaced -Kremer. Ely andx Arlett were used -later: p. Shea : allowed five hits and the : ime run -' obtained by the Oaks was; made on Compton's error. Score ip-Rp H. E. JSan i Francisco.' :i j.i:-.V 9 12 3 Oakland .vi.! li?' . 0 j Sacramento 5; Seattle U Sacramento. ; April 13. 4- Lefty Paul Fittery outpitched and out played Lefty I Vean Gregg: : Se attle's;? star nionndsman in a sen sational nine Inning pitching duel that ended a deadlock in the 9th inning; when Bobby Schangj came across the plate with Sacramen to's winning run on Hemingway's sacrifice bunt, the score being 0 Score ; ' p It. H. E. Seattle .. ..' . . ..i . . . . . A Jl 1 Sacramento . !...,... 5 il 1 . Gregg and , Yaryan. Tobin; Fittery and Koehler, Schang. FISHERMEN WILL GET OUT SIDir lilUCU BEAT1 OOUBLE-HEAD ere -anno Hveryw luere Dallas-. Sportsmen Prepare For Opening of Season; ' Most Streams Good I i LE AGUE STANDINGS 'PACIFIC COAST XXAOUS : SacRtiieatn i 5 4 San Frunrinoo 1 IiO Angeles 8ettla x..:S Osklaad L Portland L... i ... .4 . ,u a 4 " 4 ' 5 ' Plt. ' .760 .625 .558 .556 .500 ..375" .n3 .8S5 Cnang 6f dcneduie Effective April 1, 1923 DALLAS, Or., April 13. Spe cial to The Statesman.) Dallas sportsmen are 'preparing for big catches of trout , on the first day of the season whach open Sun day. Practically all of the fish ermen are planning to make trips to the Big Lucklamute, Mill creek and the coast streams. ji The Rickreall river which (flows through Dallas is so low tha the prospects for good' catches aye small and but few t'shermen, out side the younger . generation, ex pect t cast their lines, in the local stream. Reports coming from the Little and Dig Nestucca rivers near Pacific Oity are that the streams are yboth in fine shape and full o trout. Local sportsmen who were ang ling on these streaAs last Sunday brought back fine strings of Ush. Several parties have already been formed i?or taking In these streams , on Sunday. p ; . j f Bf URGE SCORE Salem Hi.a;h School Wins Fromp McMinnville by. Count of 22 to 5 i- SALEM TO EUGENE Mile, fetation AIM .2 , OA t '. (Read Doww) - : - 4ii: , P5M i 17 '. Jefferson. ; 27 9Abanvl .Pi7;00 1i8 Corvallis ' . .1:40 '9:00 11:00 65 'Monroe .'. .8:20 9:35 lli35 4 ' Junction .?. 8:45 7il5 9:15 11:15 7:50 ! 9:50 11:50 8:20 10:20 12:20 1:60 1:35 9:55 11:55 1:55 1:15' 1:60 2:20 3:00 3:35 3:555' SOUTH BOUND 6 frP 7 , -18 ; 3:15 5:15 f:30 3: 50s :5:50 -8:10 4:20" ;20 vf:40 ,7& ' Eiicenc . 9;16 .1 0 SO J Sri. 9-nn .v Hunday Hchetlnle: 4 Lv. Altmny Q::tO p. M.j :Ar. Corvallis l6: 15 P,"L 5:0 7:06 5:35 7:35 5:55 7:55 6:30 8:30 9:30 : P EUGENE TO SALEM Mile. Stations AIM 00 14 ;23 110 51 1, Eutrena . Jtfnction '. IP ; " ! Monroe ; . Corvallis . .7:00 ; Albany ...7:40 Jefferson . 8:05 (Read Down) ' 2 ; - 3 "4; . PSM. 7:00 9:00 11:00 ; 1:00 7:35 9:35, 11:35 1l:35 8:00V10:0O 12:00 1;ji:00 8:45 10:45 12:452:45 9:30 11:30 i 1:30 3:30 9:EK 11-K5 i 1-SK : NORTH BOUND Salem ... .8:50 10:40 12:40 2:40 4:40 6 3:00 t 3:35.' 4:00 4:45- 5:30. 5:55 6:40 7 5:00 5:35 6:00 6:45 7:30 7:55 8:40 8 7:00 7:35 8:00 2:45 9:30 i::: U Direct Consections to PorUand, Rosebixrg. Grants Ps, ';;Mcdford Md;:AsUand:;p:th-: CENTRAL Strangler Lewis Throws , i , Jack Turner Two Times DENVER. ColoV Anril 13 -i- Ed "Strangler" ijeris,,, heavy weight wreatllne chamnlon of thei World. threw. Jark Tnrnoi- 'ihghu rion fteDakotal,: in j straight falls here - tonight.lt Lewis won the first fall in .45 minutes. 41 seconds with a . flying headlock and tne second with a body scis sors in 12 minutes 41 secondsJ Doctors who examined Turner after the bout declared that he hadi suffered a slight fracture Of several ribs as a result of the 1 j . .... uuuT- Bcissora wnicn gave 1 Lewis the winning fall. .i' Turner sauirmed out nf tpvorai headlccka during; the bout. ' Salem high made it almost un animous in the ' baseball ; game with McMinnville Friday after noon at McMinnville whep they won by the lop-sided score of 22 to 5 . . , .. ; ! The Salem boys simply" couldn'a nn'ssP Fallln was the star hitter of- the day. hoever, with four safe swats at, the ball. Three times during the game Salem, had three men on . oases, one . of these times Adolph hit a bomeug, and Drought in the whole dlahiond full of runners. The Salem Dlavers were;- L. Girod, third; Ellis, pitcher; Jones catcner; Adoipn ffirst; P. Girod second; Fallln short; Poorman left field; Reinhart center; Ca.ugh elh right. Harold Moon relieved Ellis on the- mound 1 for the last three innings and Dave Adolph iook one place in the outfield. Salem is to meet Hill Mllitarv academy of Portland on the home grounds, Wednesday. Anrll 18 Not . much is known here ojr the visitors, but the locals are going fast enough to find out a lot of interesting facts about them by next Wednesday ncght. Salem has been cleaning up on the Hills regularly in baseball and foot ball In the years past, although the visitors always come down and make a hard, clean fight. Gil ER" E IS PLAYED Ketzer Girls. Beat Liberty, ,dui Liueny ooys oeat Keizer. Lads TURNER IS AFTER IIS ran High School i Baseball Team ki: t .'0 o wins (iwu-uame oeries From Independence Mike McTigue Turns Down I $75,00) Carpentier, Offer " i - '-.--fv ; -,.p- . NEW YORK. Anrll 1 3. M fir McTigue announced 1 In" at cable gram i today that he had refused an offer of 173,000 to box Georges Carpentier in London on May 29v He said he would sail for Amerl. ca early in May. -i : P;r Joseph Jacobs. McTIgue's man ager, said negotiations were np- der way for. a match between JJc- i g"ue. and; Carpentier in this country some nine in June. CULT HOUSE . ON RAMPAGE (Continued from page 1) 000 to $400,000 believed to have been contained therein. , :. At Benton Harbor, H. T. Dew hirst, 'member oj" the colony and the Cult's ch.ief counsel, in, a- for mal 'statement asked if the pub lic "believes we are rubes, just born yesterday.". The statement ,was prompted by efforts of a can tain state legislator to bring about appointment, of a receiver ship tor the House of David. VANQUISHED RATHER 'HURT NEW YORK, April 13.-Mrs. Molla Djurstedt Mallory, defeated on the tennis courts -of Enrnnn returned today with har :11ns tightly sealed. .' Why should I - answer ' any queBtions?" 'she demanded oCi re porters as she stepped from the gangplank with her husband. A double-header ! in baseball J Turner high school is making a Was Dlaved i Frldav n(ftrnfWMi KtvlRtrnnr tween the girls teams of Keizer plonshlp of the wiest end ot the ana ifloeny, ana tie boys team j county and It now looks as if vlc of the same districts.' i The battle! tery will perch on the Turner was : staged, at Keizer and anv&c-1 banner. traordinary crowd attended- to see The latest Turner victory was me , Tun. j r : .1 over Independence high school. . The Keizer girls ! were winners I Turner winning a two-game series in, their contest, with a svrA r Wednesdav and Vrlflav tit thin S3 to 25; and the Liberty boys week ly score of 14 to 13 end 2 beat their Keizer opponents 2.2 to'l respectively. The first .game p y a curious coincidence, was piayea at independence and uv3 t.uui gtuitug iur eacu iwim 1a 1 duuu xnruttr. . ib' line i exactly the same, 47. points. ) J Wednesday game Baker of IndeJ j xne two sames brought out penaence arfd E. Grath of Turner practically all the friends of all each struck out. nine players, .and the players, and they hardly had In. the Friday game Bnllis of In room enough to yell when they dependence fanned oply two while "i gui 10 trowumg in arouna tne I ualu ui uiub over ine ozone hu. iue Ldueriy Dys nave naa niary of the results to date of his" department's Inquiry as ascertain ed from department reports : and from conferences yesterday Jn 1'ew York, with United States Dis trict Attorney ,: lla'yward. The nature of j the department's find ings were! withheld. . ; v Although- all . department of justice, officials- have been HesI-; tant in disclosing the lines, being followed pnl the . Inquiry, it has teen the jgeneral assumption that the Investigation has been direct ed toward -ascertaining whether the price from col violation, increases received were usion or conspiracy in of the. law. Another thing we cannot on-derstand-f the statement that the gpvernment fivers are first oft on one leg and then on another. GOOD CIGARETTES sSf GENUINE UULU SfrM OURHAI1' "J-- TODACCO tpe country .league - for some Shears past, and they erpect- to go as well; this year, as ever before. LIQUOR PROBE! p WAXES' WARM f MContlnued from page 1) i 1 ,t . . t to get a headline; In the. news papers, and you i know ' you 'can Previous to - these .games" Tur ner defeated . Gervais and Siclo by scores of 29 to 5 and 5 tn 2 respectively. Turner ha play j Aumsvllle and Stayton for tne west end 'championship.;. The game with Stayton will be played next Friday. ! P i i Rev. Ralph Thomas. wh has charge of athletics in th Tnrnn fact is that I am now ofthe I sclI0OI Is coach of the ball team. opinion or your statements from I . ' 1 VZV5 n1:? SUGAR ACTION J !"". auiuuiuna: bOCODQ. I . . : (Continued from page 1) always get that by stUcking the commission next Tuesday or Wed police. I am sorry, but you have nk saay or wed- given me no - testimonv which! wnC P. - The "hearing was part of the V,Z 2' """cu. aat 1118 dual investigation ordered by the sVb,e 7for aSSJTinJS11' mayor lot char, ..!. .i,. ll.zl .et "ttces la price police made by the Jurist and As- ' Uc!"ru8ry. . . . . . . 1 -mi'mjm; ouminirr iimiIw semoiyman Louis A. Cuvillier at Acting Attorney OnerTl Sey rnriiiion a 'J I . . . i - jwir. 4 maroing -. a r. uttii i il r m 11 1 r nv inMa...L. a - ' Pniic ur,--. rr--- caomet a' complete sum- " --"- 'OOiUUCl .iUIIKHL iur aMeged slander, has been asked ot appear at a later sessinnr Magistrate Corriran said J that he had complained to both Mayor Hylan and Police I Enright about policemen drinking nquor ana acting as bootleem but that nothing had come'of the complaints,. v. f "is-. wr 7 S III 3 i IC NOW SHOWING ";: ' $mt& wist us) k. ' ' i the Shai San you the ILL ybu . follow Sob at the y "om v wife-slavery r And threat of :jr : And rescue as w Love Boat in thrill to a inghal to Chinatown - rich in drama as the Francisco? Will f screen can rive? We laugh with har at" think you will. Ten wass of tlie West?, million others have ft I X Life! '.r w IS sr. ?5 CAUTION URGED Oil APPRAIS S Liberty Sunday. 292 auoi(d bxnv woiwm ny uouhih oqi A"p ute?jcq si Acp Aj.aA2 , p pv' - . ; I : r a pajapisuoa 63p?j pus srmaj; ; i - " -i . ,- - -. .; ; . . " -- ' ' f ! . - . t- ujia :I 'JaispBon: spina x tI3.qIK I pa I 'fijasiBqapns aa-iqi ispaoj; itioj. 9Acq . . mp09 jed pasn qoa iq;iM aaij asipusqajaui jo qjoAV 00"SS$ 'luo Acpox SS37U0X773S XI OQ 3M SHA Bonus Commission Attempts fio eepj state's Losses vj at Minimum 7 ?fl 5 SPECIAL MATINEE i 25 cents ! The ex-servlcin mna cm. ih r " " V-. SSA commission ! I trvin? tn come the tendency among the ap praisal boards in of the state to oxer-value prop-I ery on wnich, state v. Joans are maae to ex-service men, accord ing to Governor Pierce. The gov e r nor. Adlntant . cononi White and Secretarv of tat ter, all members bf th slon, were In Linn ccunty Thurs-j aay wnere they viewed about 20 properties on which loans have been made. - Thev vem Mnm. panied by the Linn county board oi appraisal. ,nrnere has . been nn jnnd committed.' said! the governor, out. there, are cases where too high valuation his . beeli Disced en property. It is the duty ot I tne commission to keep the state s ; loss as . low as possible, and to, do .this the' greatest care must ''be Uken in making the appraisals. The loaning process has been going, on only a little more than a year, and already mere are four foreclosures - and a. number of cases of delin quency.! There Is nothin- Wrk at, all In the situation, but cau tion is necessary," ; .! r v Other, counties are "to! be visit ed by the board; : 1 U1' Wrffit zer ' ' . - .. I OREGON . jvr i. . f- i' '.; tip , TERM OF COURT 1 SHORT AT DALLAS . f continued from page 1) of the Peace . Ed. F. Coad. One applicant was granted his naturalization pa,pero. he being Edwar Gwalchme. j a native of Wales. Teter Alj Friesen'of this city was; denied his papers oh account of one of, his witnesses. District! Attorney: J. N.f Uelger Ron. being absent from 'the city iror a periol of one and. one-half years, and was tbererre unable to testify jaccording jto court doci- 1ns. 1 Friesen wist Instructed U make a new application. ( . I- I - . ' :. - - . i. p - v ' ; - Jefrshiinig 8AVT:D VAxV OHAftfJES 'I don't want you to forget that promise you made, John, dear," said Mrs; Smith. ''Job remember you promised faithfully that We'd move Into a mim j pensive! apartment next month!" "Yes,- I remember, all rlght.' answered her husband, ! "but w'e won't haveito move. The land lord Jastraised Ihe r?0t.r Judge In Spring Sliirfe the New Spring Coloring $5,! $7, $9 .i.v-p "i - f i ' i - : ' : . " t . ' 1 " . i i .il , I ' , : , . . new spring; snirts. i- j i ' liecKua"u siyie , n piam colorS of heUo, peach, sand ' , pongee ceil also white with collars to match Full c?t .. nicely . tailored, they approach the custom made shirt in ;K75p0CHt: MariaI of craPe de chin EUsh bi- ; Cloth and rarlnim alb- C w : , 1 u,uau . i, -'w.viiciii in nn; WinaOW. ' ' ' " .- ', ... ... P ' Complete Stocks of New. Spring Furnishings are Ncw" -rrlirtf ' ' . . - ; p Special : llarvkrd' Athletic Style U. Suits - $1.00 4 -