SC077 fEIZS SECTION , v Pages 1 to 4 .SEVENTY-THIRD YE Alt , SALEM. OREGON, THURSDAT MORNING, APRIL 12, i92:. PRIC3 5 CENTO Slogan Pages, General llews end Clzzzificl . . - 1 :? " - V:-! -."-r -,1 .. :'" ' -?'..-s ; r . .- -V' . 0 DPEPJ VAST (; Empire of 300,000 Square Miles; to Be, Provided With , Transportation v :.V4-': ,v r .;;;:;f ::'-r - ANCHORAGE, Alaska, April U) ' : i-proTldinu an empire of - 3.00,000 sqaara ' miles with a complete tranaportatlAn-syBtem, .which dif fers ?rom anything in America In that it embraces conditions and problems noteeonntered at any other point on the western hemis phere, la the wort partly accom plished by Che joint actiTitiesi o( tha Alaskan Engineering cornmls. sion and the Alaska Road ; com mission, f f - 'irK; -V-. i -f -;. v ' To grasp the magnitude of the work performed, and being per formed, In Alaska que ' most re yert to a period of but two years Ho when to. penetrate the great hinterland. ' of , 'Alaska' Entailed months of travel and a thousand i ' hazards Ter; deep snows and In i ' low temperatures. : Travel y was conducted in, winter when rivers were frozen and; the great 'tun t draa and swamps vfera coated with . ice. To undertake such a trip' in summer was fraught wlthr greater difficnltnes. , 3 , Iast Trench Remalms' j The army that has been shov ing the. lines of ; transportation I and modern conditions - into the heart of Alaska has taken all but ', the last f trench oand in the con I Bolldalion of the treathes already taken have gained ; command, of . one of - the most - hasardons and - complex 1 transportation problems ever confronting a nation, aqqerd- lag to leadtog engineers. The ' last; trench k a matter of some , 4 0 miles of t narrow gauge j rail : Toad to be , standardized when every obstacle to reaching; . the most " remote regions of the ter . rSJory will ' hare been ; removed jnd supplanted by a transporta tion system, which the engineers lay will be second to npnel . , The 'Alaska, railroad is ye key to the entire situation. ; This key, has unlocked the door., to river transportation on the, Tan- and Yukon xiyers and. their . t Notaries, ; It isTnow; possible Co travel aa all-year pen seaport at Esward .to Fairbanks by rail and at the Tanana river, lying': in the great hard wheat belt or Alaska, steamers will be ready in sum Jtfrr to take pa9seng4s ' and freight via this stream to the Yukon, up the -Yukon; to 'Dawson, and down the Yukon to Fort St. Michaels. ( l' Mining Industry Aided j Aside; froiiv Us .other functions the . government" j transpprtatlon system .will enable gold ; hunters and placer operators to penetrate farther into he. arctic, something f mailing several jyears" time and untold hazards but two years ago. What was isolation is now acces sible to almost anyone who cares to venture into hitherto myster ious and unexplored regions. ' I In speaking of the activities of the - Alaska Road - commission, ot which he is; vice chairman. Col onel John Gotwals says: "The solution ot .- means ot overland transportation is at last receiving the attention that it de serves in Alaska. The construc tion of the railroad, magnificent piece of. work that itils, js a to ken; of .the alms of the govern ment in this respect. . ' This strnc ture adds a: gigantic link .to the primary transportation . line upon which -odr present, economic sys tem, rests and upoa.,which.lhe fu ture commercial activity,, greater than anything iseen in the past, will -arise. But to bring on this greater day still ? another ; link must be added j tying our produc ing centers together and with the great , outetde; 4 that Is, the com pletion, of tthie icessary : trails and roads to reach the railroad and : the interior river isysCem served - by ' boats operating from the railroad. u", . -rr 4 . ' ! MEW CORPORATIONS I u The Portland Wool Warehouse company, capitalized at 1300,000 filed articles j of incorporation here yesterday. : The ; incorpora tors are X W. Creath, J. V. Burke and; Oscar Furuset. , i. Other articles filed were: . f , American Educational club, Portland; Incorporators, Thomas Blagteh, Steven D. Adrian, Steto Evanoft;- capitalization $1000. ; City . Messenger & Delivery, com pany,' Portland; i .incorporators, Karl Herbrlng; Neil Halarkey O. Ohle; capitalization 5q00. rl David Ocean Log Rafting & Towing company, Portland; in corporators, G. G. Davis, . F. : A Douty, C." N. Wonacott; capitali zation 1 50,000. . . Great Western Coffee company Portland: 1 ' incorporators, R. ; M Caldwell, Yiber't Hunsaker; Ger trude Caldwell; capitalization ' By MARGUERITE GLEESON THE first formal1 dance of the season) was given last night at th Illahee Country club. : JThe affair was , proceeded by, a num ber of smaller dinner parties and a few informal arupepr t parties were delightful affairs 'following the -dance, j. i ::" . '.,"1 Mr. iand Mrs. John J. Roberta were hosts of a dinner party pre? ceding) the danoe at which covers were laid for 2 8 guests. j -::f 5 ;": vj'H fir. and Mrs. A. N. MooresJ have as I their " house guest' their daughter, Mrs. Robert Kinney of Astoria.-,'-! ; : :.ii--h - -, '-' , L ' 4 1 - ': i il ! Mrs. W. E. Johnson was hostess yesterday at a ,,500" . party in honor of her house guests, Mrs. A. L. Johnson and Miss j Cecil M. Davis of "Santa Cruz, el. Mrs. Frank Schafer I won high score, and " he : consolation -prize went to : Mrs. H.j H.; Corey. ; i .The rooms -of the r Johnson home were) bright with potted plants and spring blooms, in yel low and white. Four tables were in play during .the ., afternoon, '; ; The gueste iieluded, besides the guests of honor: Mrs. - Rome Hunter,. Mrs. H.'.H-, Corey, Mrs. James Godfrey, Mrs. Frank Scha fer, Mrs. W F. ' B uckner, M rs. ? O. P. Hoff, Mrs. Ida aBbcock, Mrs; W. W. Moore, Mrs. Miller Bevier, Mrs." Walter Smith, Mrs. Carrie Fowle, Mrs.) Margaret Montgom ery, Mrs. Alice Coolidge,, Mrs. D. B. Jarmlne, Mrs. J. A. Bernar- dl, Mrs. Grace Johns, Mrs. W."'A. Johnson and Miss Leila Johnson .. ;, I k y . The T OAC ,club will be enter Urineid next week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Griffithl The regular meeting of the club is tonight, but it, has been post poned until next Thursday night ' - J;. Mrs. A. N. Bush will be hostess for the i Thursday ' afternoon club at, her home this evening. Joint hostesses for' the afternoon j are Mrs F. A. Elliott. Mrs. 8.' C. Dyer and Mrs. Charles Park Mrs. E. Van Slyke i Is . hostess today for members of the Golden Hour club. . - it 'i- ) A' . The womeM of the' Central Con gTeeational church will give a CLUB OA IJR S DAR ; . Today ... WRC, Aid society, all day at armory. . ' . " - " ; Thursday Afternoon club, I with Mrs. A. N.-'Busbfq V ; YMCA auiillairy It YMCA. f v : - Friday ;- Three Link Club. Satnrdajrf ' ? Salem Woman's cjub. ' ; Ladies of GAR. ! supper at the church early next week.-.:--1 , -j ,s ' , J - v''1.-""v j..;- : ' The first J two lecture on the Tombs of Luxor were .'given . yes terday by Mrs. Alice H. Dodd, under the Sponsorship of the Sa lem Women's club at the Lib erty theater. Mrs. ; Dodd v was handicapped yesterday by the fact .that the electric current went. off at the beginning of her lec ture, and she was obliged to talk for "aiwhile without illustrations around which her tIK was built. Those . hearing her, . however,5 had the opportunity.. of hearing many Interesting things which ihe wonld have been obliged to omit had the lights' enabled her to -continue; her 'lecture;.. 1 AJ double quartet from the Sa lem Women's, club chorus I sang Where My Caravan" Has ' Rest ed," and responded wrth an en core, "The Night Has a Thousand Eyesr The which anced members of- the quartet, i j exceptionally well , bal- and sings well together, affafrri AUTOS' .w iwi a ant 1 . llrl is most remarltable. photos ever .taken of Ian automobile accident during 25SL. kT5.. r"JJirA"nf .n,nety me ln hour when ths ieader blew a tire C.U petitory right behind, is seen making heroic efforts to aveid the crah. an exciting race on 'the Ormond-Davtona. Fl , (shown cominx ott And mViAAA fit He suffered three broken ribs, while the leader got only a bad shakiinr v are Mrs. L. M. Gilbertson, Mrs. Merle 4 Rosencrans, IrrsJ John J. Roberts and Mrsv ; Ada ..Miller Harris. ; MIsl Dorothy Pearce played ' the accompaniments. Mabel Marcus Sings at Glee Club Entertainment OREGON AGRICULTURAt COLLEGE, CoVvallis, April 11.-4-Mabel E. Marcus of Salem, sopho more in physical education gave several1 soios at' an entertainment given at 'shedd. Or., by the Glee club arid Madrigal club of the col lege. Combining the men's and women's voices in ,the looncert gave -ft i greater variety than it would haye otherwise had, ac cording to W. T. Gasklns, pro fessor Of music, who directed the TOM GIBBONS TO Chief of Police andeFighter's Manager Negotiating - Tor Quarters r HAVRE, .Mont., April JO. Jt the proposed' Dempsey-Gibbons heavyweight champion bout is fought in Shelby, Mont., on July 4, Tommy -Gibbons, challenger for the title, will train in Havre, ac cording i to James Moran, chief of police here. . ' ; Chief Moran and Mike - Collins of , St. Paul, Gibbons ; manager, held a conference here recently on the prospective bout and train. Ing quarters,. Only aj few years ago Chief Moran was a flight weigh tV boxer- with ; headquarters in St, Paul. Two years ago heri a newly elected mayor decided on a reform administration, he found the proprietor of a ranch .near Havre was an ex-pugilist. A, This rancher was Jimmy, Mora A and he accepted the ' post of pollcechief with the stipulation j that he was to be given unquestioned auth ority over the , police tf orce.- ; ; Recently Moran turned up -with the knuckles of one hand ban- daged. His only explanation was that ,"two fellows In . th railroad yard thought. I ' couldn't arrest them." The two fellows, it seems were mistaken.; y - So when t Mike Collins went through Havre to see if the $250,- 000 offered for a bout was real money or merely conversation, be was -greeted by his pal, Moran, and accepted Moran's ; proposal that : Havre beV made , Gibbons' training quarters if the (fight is. held here. :;r---C; . ! . j . Catiforrifa Courts Vill Eliminate f.'r. Fixit's J LOS ANGELES, ! Cal.. April 1 0. -"Fixing It with the Judge" -will soon be a fdrgotten art among local traffic law violators if a campaign inaugurated by Chier of Police " Louis D. j Oak s met la with success' here.' Chief Oak3 has issued an . ultimatum against attempts at Intervention In spec 1 ing cases, accompanied by a warn ing that any member of the police department caught ! acting as a "friend on the force" in, bshalf of erring automobnists .wil) ba sSspended. ' -.'- '. 1 .' 4 ' ' I i t : 5 Water Pover Plants 4 Steam Plants U HI .448 Harse Pom s I ' ?1 fcsst fWM i Nature Helps Build Up Your Earning Power a f il M -r?TTHEN YOU PUT YOUR SAVINGS INTO? Y7Y7 the securities of a great and growing puDiicraujy V V like this Company, which supyjlies-electnc ' light and power service to nearly 40 communities, even Nature contributes toward increasing your dividend earning power. This Company now has in operation, and devoted to the servfce of over 330.000 people, five large water power plants and four modern stsaa plants, with capacity of 13 1 ,448 horsepower. i Yet the demands for our light and power service are. growing so rapidly that we are now. engaged in the construction vof one tagle , hydro-electric power project which wilt have a capacity of about 105.000 horsepower much more than all our present j five Ajrater power plants, and when completed, this mighty undertaking wUl have ? cost -approximately $12,000,000. - v ; , ' ' Wlin ybi subscribe for a few share, 6f r 7 Prior Stocky U now offered you at $98 a share, par rilue $100. you may rest "iidt-t ! your money is safe and that so long as people need electric semce. your unrest tnent will draw dividends regularly every three months. ! You may buy these hares for xaih. or da eaay-ternlO down, pei , ' an? $10 a month. tiU paid for. and your payment, draw mftemt at 7?J tJ the thares.are youra. 4. ' j ' . n v ' 1 V. ?fc . t Why not investigatm thU splendid pporttxtdty today ?- I INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT. f'POJJITiAND! 5 3 Portlaht! RaHivay, light tind f Power Company ! . .1. J - - ' ' ' B"" ..A. TV T- TV T ! TT. T TV T" 11 1 ME'NT oi Interest to M LIONS of FAMI " will : build a car for the multitude" 5nd Henry ford in 1903 Redd how the fulfillment of 'that prophecy is now made possible through the . i. , f 1 ". ; .. :-i ! ' ! . - - : - i urn - "r . . . '. - - .-. , i ?';Vr!-'-;'.;j J.;; ..... . 4 For many years it has been Henry Ford's personal tambition to make the Fori the nnx- versal family car to put it within the reach oi thje millions of people who have never been privileged to enjoy the benefits of motor car ownership. -arnur the past fifteen years over 7JS0 OfiOO Ford cars have been placed in the hands of retail customers more than a million and a half of them within the past twelve i monA and yet there are still mUUons pf 'famUhs ioho are hopefully looking forward fo the day when they can own a Ford. j . . 4 " I ; -4nd nouJ fAe nxiy is open. ' Under the terms of this plan you select your Ford Car, et aside a small amoenlr eiicn lieelt endj yon iwM oe surprised how soon you will own it. In the meantime yesr nioney will 6e safely deposited to your credit in one of the local banks where it will drew interest. j- ' . I I ; . l..;;;:": -.;...V.-:X.:l:'i Think it over. Five dollars will start an account. The whole family can partici pate in itfather, mother, brothers and 'sisters each doing a little. tVnv hof sfarf today. IStop in and talk it over with your local Ford dealer. He will 6e glad to fully explain the details (pf the plan, and help you get started toward the - 'ownership of a Ford car. fij Ford Motor fOompamu " i--':J.''j- ' -i - 1 f"i ' - '' !: i -'ft I --'1 .' - ; ' ...... - :- . I --i r . ' JO l ; ' ... ''. .- ! . ;;- " . y, !! ... . - ' V ; - ; "" Detroit, Mich. f . -: , , (S Salem, C- ,1 CCLUAS TUS STATE 260 N. High f. !.. : -; - ."i ;:- -:? - '''"'C m 1 f - -- " ". T" ' " T.T" T ' .. " .'