The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 12, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    EiIere9 There amd Everywhere
. 4
Those Who are on Inside for
; Tournament Listed After
First Round
Here Is the way Oiefgolfers of
Salem will right it uf for .their
first contest round some time this
week. They must complete the.
score by Sunday night, or lose
their chance. The 1C . , lowest
core players from the qualifying
rounds - Sunday are paired off as
follows: t -. j -
? L. C. Farmer,. H. Smith; " F.
Mangts, F. Thtetsen : H. H. din
ger, T.; B. Kay; O. Fry, J. Marr;
J. Roberts, F. Steusloff; E. W.
Kay, .William Bnrghardt, Jr.. H.
C. McCammon, C Cox; C. Gabriel
son. W.f- C. Dyer. -. :v v;
- The players who get inside the
dead. line for the tournament play,
and their handicaps and total, and
, net scores. are here given: -
. : KD I, Gross ' rap i..- Score
W. C; Dyer .J . .9Z 17 76
I. C. Farmer .S9 14 - 75
J, Malr ...... .89 1? f 77
J. Roberts-93 1' 1 77
F. ' Mangis . . ; . 94 : 17 77
C- Cox . 89 ' 11' 1 78
T. B. Kay 93 . ,15 78
E. W. Kay . . . . 7$ .. 0 79
II. Smith',::.. 91 .11" '80
C. Gabrielson, .".9$ ' 16 . .-. 80
OY Fry 97. .17 ... 80
F. StefisloH :.'.9 ,19 80
F. THielsen 4- ; 12 v 82
H. McCammon ... 95 13 82
II. .dinger .... 91 8 83
William. .
r ,,Burghardt,Jr. 107 . :j 24 . 83
of 0. to Enter One
Team, at Washington
Tnlversity-fvOre?o ewiil enter
at least one' team in the Univer
sity. .Washington.., relay at
Seattle April 2 9 according to an-1
nouncement today - by '. Trainer j
Hsyward. It has' previoualy-Aeen
the intentlonj of . the trainer not
to - tend a- team .because of lack
of j material' but during the past
few days seme of the. men on the ,
squad ' have shown good form as
distance f runners- '.j- -: J " s
i f. A delegation,- of four, sprinters j
' Wilt , be sent to bear: the Oregon j
olorsVin .ther.800- relay with each j
man; running : :22ff .yards Hay
ward will not pick the team for
i some;- time ibui :1CapUln Jl-aon
; and Oberteuf fer. Oregon veteran
: and speed merchants, will be the
nucleus, of -the team; he Said:
J . 2:i -V'-vV' -W: -". -' :, ;-
CcIIIris Jo Cdnfef Vith :
' Kcarns Over, Gibbons Bout
CHlCAGOj April . 11., Mike
Collins "of . Minneapolis, represen
ting 120 American legion posts
of Montana that have . offered Jack
Dera peey 8200,000 to boa Tommy
Gibbons of St. Paul ;at Shelby,
Mont.; July ' 4, . left; tonight for
Salt-Lake . City to meet. Jack
Kearns, manager- ot th.e heaTy
welght champion. . Collins desirea
to -get . Kearns' . acceptance s or re
. Jectlon . ot the .offer,; ; which , ex
plrea Saturday -noon. - . -1 ;
lie - said that Dempsey would
be! paid 850,000 The moment he
signed articles.' In the erent the
match is not staged Dempsey will
ret an ; additional 5u,000, Col
lin iid..,;The $200,000 guaran.
tee to the champion has; already
been raised, according to. Collins.
The- proposed match is 15 rounds
to "a decision.- ri:f -.,h
" MAY BE OtTLA W ,."
" t CIN'CINN'ATI. ? April -11. (By
the Associated Press) Ed Roush
the recalcitrant outfielder of the
Cincinnati Nationals, will . in all
probability play unorganized base
ball this season. The outfielder
said ' late today : that he . would
Uare for his Oakjand CltyJ Ind.,
home ; tomorrow and start orer
turea ""With. industrial league
teams. .
- ill- - ' 1H
!l " Ji 4 In
J, ' ' jtj
! -- - ' ; -t - -- . p rr p.
:r . ... : : i i
Here they come Doug. Paddock and Charlie! They did the stunt at the field games recently
sld at tie University of Southern California, the colevs ot which Paddock wears. Fairbanks appears
. ;j tha picture to be a hit., ahead of Charlie Paddock, for all the wefrht IVin la nnrklnr In thai Tin(
,c othea. Chaplin undoubtedly Is
t- lis clia, which 13 aU wrong,
At Indianapolis 4 It. H. E
Boston (A) ........ S 12 2
Indiananolia t AA1 . ' . 4 . H ft
; Ferguson, - Fawlkea. Tullerton
and OhapUn. Walter, PSbLnich:
Hin, Petty, Burwell and , Krueger.
At Muskogee - R. IL E.
New York (A) ....... 6 9 2
Brooklyn (N) 4 12 2
- Shawkey,; Pennock and Schang;
Dkkerman, Decatur and Deberry.
At Philadelphia R. H. E.
Philadelphia () ... 5 12 0
Philadelphia (A) . . .. . 1 71 4
Meadows.; ' Mitchell and Ken
line; Wilson; Naylor, Hasty and
Bruggy. i I
At KnoxTllJe , R. H. E.
Chicago t A) .... ....13 15 1 1
New. (York N 7 12 3
. Robertson. Leverett and Gra
ham;:; Nehf Ryan and Snyder.t
At Sheffield, Ala. : R. H..E
Detroit (A) ! .... . .. 7 9 14
St Iuls (N) ....... 9 16 fO
rillette and Woodall; Haines,
Moore and Alnsmith. I
! SHEFFIELD, Ala , April 11.
(Exhibition) I
" ' ; " ' ' R H. E.
Detroit (A) ......... .1 7 ;' 2
St. Louis (N). V.... . .9 16 - 0
1 PUlette, Moore and Woodall;
Haines and Alnsmith.
i PORTSMOUTH, Va., April tl.
i ' . 1 ' ' 1 H. E.
Washington .(A) ..... .8 8 3 2
Boston (NV .'..3 4 T 2
i Mogrldge. Russell and Ruel;
Marquard, McNamara and' O'Neill.
SPRINGFIELD, Ohio, April 11
(Exhibition) ; . V
lil-; . " R. H. E.
Toledo (A . .11 IB 2
New York (N) 8 f 2
McGlaughlin. O'Neil and Smith;
Voight and Smith. 4 ' J
Examinations Play Havoc
; With Oregon Track Hopes
I .,;.:; vl v
- EUGENE. Or., April 11. The
examinations at the close of . the
last quarter at the UniTersity of
Oregon dealt harshly with . the
Webfoot track squad and as a re
sult four of the men whom Train,
er Hayward has been counting on
l?or a winning, team are ineligible
according to announcement today.
The men . declared ineligible are
Ben Virden' and Le, i Webber,
hurdlers, BUI Spear, all-around
field event man and Vie- Bractoei-,
javelin ; thrower. ..k The, .lossiof
Spear is an epee4allyhard-blow..
says "Hayward" for the big foot
ball star looked like a comer in
the broad Jump, the shot put1 the
discus' and the jarelln. j
, (Continued from page If r
elective - body that 3 we Jol n, not
the league. - ; 1 j ' . .:
Another section ot the oippon-ents-
of President Harding's pro
posal condemn It because; it does
not : go far enough; because It
has no teeth" In It ' This Is the
basis-of Senator Borah's ; objec
tion. . I admit the enlightenment
and ' the courage of his position.
He .would: have an international
court- of sucli strength that it
would try warv itself and would"
have us. join it insuch' a manner
that : we would .. be obligated ' to
its, jurisdiction. Senator Borah's
international court In Its relation
to- the nations., would "b some
what an analogy to the supreme
court ot the UnRed States in Its
relation to our states, f '?- '
.."Now, by. all means j let us not
quarrel on . the contrary, let as
have admiration and respect rf or
those who show the vision and
the courage to go this whole dis
tance. ' But let us admit that as
a. practical : matter, for reasons
familiar to li cT you. Amerlc to
not ready to go this" far." ' s
Valuable treatise on the woman of
today. Cost 1500,000.00,! will dis
pose of It for 35c. ; Apply Liberty
theatre.1 i r Ask to see j "What's
Wrong with theWomen. .
higher In the air than the others, and
for a hurdler. L1 v
THt . VttlLL NOT TAtfE
H&T TO -rilL iTME.
1 O'O ttjr -c-
-' r
Under Present Conditions
Two Russias Would Enter
Events, Committee
ROME,. April II. (By the As
sociated Press.) The question of
nationals- of former, enemy coun
tries participating j In ' Olympic
games till remains 'Unsettled,
notwithstanding that the interna
tional Olympic committee .dis
cussed it two hours thi after
noon. : Another , question before
the committee was that of, the
participation of Russia. In the
games and it was' finally decided
to refer ; both to a special com
mittee which willi make its re
port to the main ' committee to
morrow. 4' -' -
Baron , Plere ".. de ; Coubertin.
president of the?; international
committee, told the . Associated
Pres today fEat the Rossian sit
uation. , was a very difficult ono
for the international committee
to handle."- :p, ' i :l .
"You Bee," said Baron de Cou
bertin, 'there are 4,000,000 Rus
sians residing outside Russia.
Generally they; do 5-not look with
faror on the present government
in. Russia and therefore would
want, to come into the games un
der their . own jurladlction.' This
would mean, if soyiet Russia and
the Russians abroad were; invit
ed to take part in the games, that
there would be two Russian flags
at the stadium.
Concrete Roads Best,
Declares Col. Boyden
4 "Concrete roads well built ac
cording to our specifications vlll
last 100 years, and then 'be good
to start in on 'the, second century
lap," Is the statement ; made to
he Rotary clU9 -rvednesday by
Col. H. C. Boyden of Chicago,
field represenative lor the rNar
tional Portland Cement . associa
tion. .This association, is a inon
sales, scientific .research ; organi
zation, with 95 per cent of all the
cement makers of the nation in
tts ranks. They, liave lecturers
and scientists to r work out ever
possible problem j Qf cement sery
ice, and they are giving their serv
ice to. the .world that uses their
products, vv' w .vH'fiil-:- :'?f -y
I- "Every miri, every; day, comes
in, contact with cement in' some
form, asserted the speaker; and
he should know how to get lh
best service out of It." -
CLEVELAND, April 11. Cnas.
"Chick" Evans of J Chicago, fa'm-ous-
American amateur golfer,
was the guest of honor1 at a ban
quet and entertainment given by
the . Cleveland , District Golf as
sociation tonight as part of the
Western Golf association's cam
paign to complete the success of
its "Chick" Evans Caddie foun
dation;" I Three' hundred golf en
thusiasts! were present.,. . , -
r YYtfk y
has both knees drawn nearly Dp
- t.-- , -
- .
i .to rv
: Li
Governor Explains Basebali
" Proclamation foV W. F.
Woodward ,,'
Tuesday- aft-smoon, April 17,
the date that the baseball season
opens In Portland, will, not be a
legal holiday in Oregon, accord
ing to a letter written by Gover
nor Pierce to William F. Wood
ward, chairman of the Portland
sehool board, following) receipt of
aji opinion from the attorney gen
eral. " . .
"The governor's office recently,
proclaimed the day a hair holiday
and It caused a. considerable stir
in the .state., -J : :v
I "As indicated by your letter,
writes the governor o' Mr., Wood
ward "there seems to be consider
able misunderstanding ' as to
whether or iiot' the afternoon ot
April 17 is a legal, half holiday
and whether or not it is compul
sory upon all the schools and
other institutions of he state to
close heir doors on he afternoon
of that day. I beg to assure you
that it is not compulsory under
a proclamation iseued by this of
fice for any institution to close
its doors on the afternoon oT
April . 17. The legal procedure
for calling. a legal holiday, by. the,
governor -was not complied with.
The proclamation was one intend
ed largely to snggest that insti
tuions which so desired close
their doors rather than to make
such action binding and compul
sory." v :
EUGENE. Or., April 11. Dr.
Lloyd L. Small, of the University
of Washington, has been appoint
ed assistant professor of mathe
matics at the University of Ore
gon, according to announcement
today. Dr. Small has been filling
the same position- at Washing
ton. I- -
ST. LOUIS. April 114-The con
dition of s Bishop Daniel S. Tut
tle. head of the Episcopal church
lu America, ; who . is critically ; ill
of grippe, remained very low to
night, according to an announce
ment by attending physicians.
..k. .-" r . W. L. . Pet.
Salt tke .. . 5 . 1 - .833
Veroo ... , 4 2 - .i667
Sacramento ...i-l-i... 3 ' .571
Los : Angelea ;. ; ...3 - 3 jsoo
SB Francisco .S ..3 , 4 .429
Oakland ...3 4 .429
Seattle i . 2 . 4 '.Vtnn
Portland .' .2 3 '.2H
(Saturday and Sunday
Free Road Serricc
Phone -171
Cost of Living Corncs In the
Labor Wields Heavy ,Stick
Against English Parlia
ment and Uproar Reigns
LONDON. April (By The
Associated Press.) - Perhaps
never since the Vrays of Parnellite
obstruction has such a ' scene of
violent uproar ben witnessed In
the house of commons as that
which today transformed the or
dinary placid and dignified cham
ber into: absolute bedlam. ! The
disorders, arose primarily out of
the government's dq'eat by a
snrall majority on a mere techni
cal point last night. Today Stan
ley .Baldwin, chancellor of the ex
chequer! - introduced 7 a motion
framed to counteract this defeat
only to I meet! with a storm un
exampled in present day. parlia
mentary annals, in the face of
which; the speaker,, powerless to
bbtain- a division, declared the
motion carried under closure and
the house adjourned until tomor
row. : J-.''' '.;
The Laborltes clearly felt that
they had a big stick to wield
against the government in the in
terests of ex-ervice men, which
was the question originally be
fore the house. . In this attitude
the labor members are likely to
receive the support ot the 'whols
I laborite electorate,
i : Two views . prevailed tonight
over the exciting events. One. the
government side, although some
of the members admit that Mr:
Baldwin and the other ministers
acted: somewhat flippantly and
that the government was hasty in
invoking1 the closure motion,' it
was mostly lield that when the
house meets tomorrow the effer
vescence . will have subsided and
some! means ; of accommodation
will be found. On the other hand
the laborltes characterize the plan
devised by the ministers and
speaker as an Ingenious squabble
and declare that strict adherence
to parliamentary tradition would
have I dictated the resignation of
the government. ,
WALLA WALLA, Wash., April
11. Emanuel Freedman,- a Se
attle youth, hiked to Walla Walla
Lucille Meyer came on the train
to study music. They met, were
married today and : wjll . hike
across - the4 continent ' on their
b oneymoon. r' v - -
Liberty Sunday
Tires ,
For Most Miles' Per Dollar
',. . . " B"y "' v
Kornfred From Marion Hotel
DoorlLove Flics. Out the
hvE (tot to TLti I
r t6-H T-4D GERVZ It' JS
I 7&XI -VIE. 1VAAT IT! I . 1
I Pf? vcw- v)c I .
1 TOi-O HER WHAT Mr- ;
' '
Only One , Error Marked
: Against Locals Visitors
Get Two Hits ; ;
,; Salem high school baseball
team won from Stayton Wednes
day afternoon in a fast, interest
ing even though onesided game so
far, as the scoring went. . The
locals made it 9 to 0, mostly -by
playing an almost' errorless game,
only one error being - marked
against them, while: the visitors
had a number of errors that count
ed heavily against them. '
Blumenberg started in to pitch
for Salem,. and struck out seven
men in the six Innings' that he
stayed in. . He gave the visitors
only one hit .in all that; time, and
they, failed to carry it on. Ellis
relieved him In the seventh, and
he, too, gave only one hit. . V
Jones,, catcher, made a home
run in the second inning, and in
the third, with two men on,. Rein
hart hit a two-bagger that scored
both the runners ahead of him.
The whole Salem team, played fast,
clean ball.' - '
'The locals go to McMinnville
Friday afternoon to take on the
high school team -there. -
j A merchant placed tb-a follow
ing sign in his window beside an
umbrella display: . "The papers
say. 'clear tomorrowT yim -know
what that means get your: um
brella today! "
Qualities V
That fW
"Stand Up" 1
$29.50 to $35
Is -a - quality purchase.
You want the best 'grade
of fabrics (-those that
wear long with prevail
ing 'neatness modish
styles arid the last word
in tailoring at; the right
price, m i
You obtain SUITS of
that caliber here . plus
positive satisfaction and
personal service. Others
$25 to $49 i
426 STATE ST.,
Linfield, Albany : and Pacific
'r Members of Independent
Circuit '
An independent athletic confer
ence of the smaller colleges of the
state was formed Saturday when
representatives of the various col
leges met In Salem. : LJnfleld, Al
bany, and Pacific colleges are the
only members of fthe conference
formed but it is expected -that
others, Including Willamette uni
versity, will Join with them' soon.
; faculty representatives and the
coaches of the different schools
attended. -v
'Among the rules that'are agree
able to all are. '
The requiring of the athletes
carrying, with passing grades at
least; 12 hours per week of class
work. r-;.f ' t- J' : - '''':''
. Admitting Into teams of no stu
dents transferlng from another
school whenl he took part in ath
letics during the same year at the
former, school. , , ' :- ' ,
Requiring of ' registration of
. Plan Your
Association at
Ban Francisco
' Yosemite and
' Sequoia (Big
Trees)- Natl -
Santa Crux
Del Monte
Santa Barbara
Los Angeles.
r beaches and
. Newport and ;
Beaches ,f
Crater Lake
Nafl Park
Oregon Caves
Mountains .
Coos Bay
as to
We buy all kinds of junk, rags,
stoves, furniture, sacks, tools,
iron guns, kodaks, or anything
else and pay the highest price.
402 N. CommerciaL
1lS30i.VE,Z THlS
, - j
athletes at , least: within 30 d
following the' opening of tha f
mester. ' '
Enforcing of the four-year j:;--Ing
rule.. - ' :
Disqualifying! of athletes tar
ing played in organized pre!; -slpnal
sports. , :
Disqualifying, of any atile.j
who has received pay for a:
kind of athletic service.
The enforcing of above condi
tions in all games, - even wt:
with teams outside of the confer
f To know -
how hood a cinaretts A
really can be made
" -.
you must try a-
Vacation Now!
With the bursting of springtime
come the first vagrant thoughts of
vacation from theirj cramped-up
.winter neste. Why not plan now
that you may reap tie reward of
early and, careful planning.
A part of our business is to assist
. you by helpful suggestions. May
we serve you by letter, personal ,
advice or by sending descriptive
; Low round: trip tickets will be on
sale to San Francisco Los Angeles
and other California points as well
Eastern cities1 and to Oregon
For further particulars,
ticket agent, or write
ask-your local
Ceneral Passenger Agent
. Portland, Oregon.
Phone T