v 4 r " CLAS3OTED ADVERTISEMENTS -'rf nl " '" ' T ' -1 " '" '.- T I ,;v 'fr'Sv' Bate per verts Per s Thro insertion -' - ' 5e On Mk tela taaarttoae) 8c .SU MUr. eaatratt, per ao, IK IS month' contract, par me 12a. lOaiaiBa lor aayt adTertiaemeat 25e ! "' V NORWICH UNION , JRU INSURANCE SOCIETT ?' ' W. II. Bnrghardt. Jr. 1 resident Acent . 371 SUU St. -.&.0NEYTO LOAN 0 peal Eiuti ! TvK.PORD - (Orer Ladd Bash Buk) NEW TODAY: FOUXP FOUNTAIN PEN AND LOCKER J key' on Liberty road. J. P: Hern'. ; Jioute ,8, Box 106. ; ''- .' V :-- r. STAY -THie -HAND -OF TIME -WITH Fsprit ; d'AAwr ,Deaaa-Night Cream. "HrmHs, effective, lastiag and sat isfying. 1 is North Liberty. V . - -- BRAND NEW - BUNGALOWS. - SOUTH , and, cast W hav tar that 9500 dew , will take" balance like rant. If -' you e these "'eeaa enough yoa'll - hara sf home, aot Just a house. Phoa 161. Wo Irk to aeU goo- rer estate. Back Hendricks. U. 8. Bank Bid. roll - 8ALR L. C. SMITH .TY FEWBIT cheap.'' ' Phone . 1253-R ' Sunday or evening, f , ; ' 1 - v WHAT BETTER RECOMMENDATION v',bA 'Home company hav than mar . ' than- Ao.OOO policy holdera carrying t jooto - than - 97O.O00.00O.OO insurance . with StaadUy Foley, Arts f w.Miw Jtalief - Aaaiu lioae 47. i FOIt: SALE RANGK ASD-. KITCHEX ; 'eabliiet. 62 ; Mill AtreaM' i ; ' BAt U 'CLXAKX2S AJO STXS8 : - r . -elaaaaA pwaaad fOO l- j X -"ftt a4 aleUm. ,arviea, jPbWM X' lis- -- j WASTED SPADIN'a. CALL 5T rAP- ;tr T 'p. .f.::; ;-v?'rT;, i A znedara bona "a Chnreb street 7 : rooma.- rX, complete home im. avery V". vy.. y : f trtat. A:, i-; r H. GrabenhorstAlCo.' ; . ; -37ft Stat atrcat. S J . .i-.; OLAOIOLVS - PRIVULINU9 j Katilag m mora baaatiivt than tbia saw rtec f Kldiolu, wik thair Oriental i d atel oolor d grteaiui flowart . Tkey7 ara U fitrt b4 Jatt to bUa . em Tim collectioa of - 'f4.' 1-laeh bnlia U BiizaA eolara, IJ. ior 80e, - '34 fo $1.' prepaid, - witb direetioaa. X. ; TaJUatgoed BeHiagbMB, -Waah. HOVSEKXEPIXO '-' A S P 8LEEPING rawm,T- 39 Korth Liberty.- . ' : BLAC2LBEKEIT, BLACKCAP KASPBER ry. , c arrant, gooebrry,: gTapa' kgan Wry red raap berry, atrawberTy. -paragma, kaxaavrsdiak aad . rhubarb plant. Any flaaatity, daliyarad. Paone year erder. ' Ward K. Biebaxdaoa, 2395 N. Frost. Phono 4. ;. :' " - ' ly FOR -SALE SIX SECONDHAND "WAG OB. 4 axle. E.' Mt Oroaiaa, Saleai. ; Orecoa, , Phona 221. r i ; -...j TEAM WASTED TO . DIO ' SHALLOW i 'baaameaL, .ATonday aaoraiag. 4230 rerry.-- Phone 83. , f '-v. v.i-. For Rent : 4-roea ' koaa . aer Linoola aehool. f 25 , per '. laoatau Bix-room kaaea, partly . f araiabed, will , leaaa for - tlx aaoatb a, f30' par .aaontk. " ' - ...- y.f H. Grabenhorst & Co. ' i B. 275 Stata atreab 'v.'- J-O SALEPIANO AND HOUSEHOLD good 147 . North,' Commercial, ' Boo at . 1.' apataira. . . . ' jv . PAB3ISH . OBOTK TRACTS ; M08T - boaatiral aad eaatrat haateaitaa im thm dty; from 0x103 t' 100x125: $240 ap; Talaaa abaelataly witkoat eampar- isoa, - Harris 1943-J. w t- i . : For Sale Oaa-jKory' brick bai1daag oa Commercial , at-aet; priea 9850O. Tbia i a real karxaia. ... ' ..r' .. "., .; W. H. Grabenhorst &'Co. i ' , 275 Stat atreet. ... j ' OW3ER IfCST SELL MODERN; 7-ROOM : bona, Falrnoaat Kill. J Furatca. fira place, ate. Quick: posaeaaioa. Friea 955O0. ad "tb - term a are right, Back Headrick, U. S. Baak Bldg. FQR RENT CLOSE IN, j MODERN 8 roena apartments, A4uJU- only. Fkona ;: 20S3-J. . ' :j . . -. INVESTMENTS SALEM '-PROPERTY r We baTe loaai aad contract ra good -Sal kaaaa that U1 aet yaa 7 per i caul ta 12 per ceat. Sonadett teeur I ity w know. ' Baeka at Headrieka, : U. 8. Baak Bldg. ' -.-'.Vt- s.r FOR REXT AT i 85 fl. 17TH ST, 2 , larga. atrictry atodera, private hoaae kaapiar ' rootaa. tor ' twa people a!y. FOR f RENT' HOUSEKEEPING AKD - aloepiag rooms. 645 Ferry atreet. Baker Apartateat. Reaaoaabla. i VACANT 5 ROOMS AND SLEEPING porck. fireplaca, gat; 930 No. 865 M. 16tk atreet : ; -: : , -'.;'v i, ' ' ;,' , FOR RENT A MODERN : FURNISHED apartment. 755 Ferry atraet. A v-'r-Specfalat'.-s:-:;,, ; 4-rooaa hoase, a o locks for ear. a bar gala for 91050,-terme. -r :.,. Snap ia aiea lot far "9400, ' eaao. .- ; Wa hata s oder Srooa,- plaitertd koasa, pared street - aad ear line; price 93000. Raata for 925 per aaoatb, ' to trad for- modera komew-closa ia. not oer - a&OOO. Thom'ason, ';- 93H; State atreet- - We Have . ' Berersl ekeap komea oa" easy terms, lo. catad !; Wett 8alem, W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. i S75 8tat atreet.' Aro! I - having year ear seratcked aad d.russed. Store witk j as. Rata, f.flc per Bight transient. Olesoa Ante ! j:j.;'.aoj,-173 8. UberLT Paoae 4586V rZT'm- Arm. I -i CKH 1 ( u THE ORECJON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON NEW TODAY WANTED .irBarTliADIEaf TO s H AXDLK well-known rubber line. , ! Addresa District, Afaar.er, Mrs. A. -BUek. . Albany, ! Oregoa. "!. ; APARTMENT . CommerciaL FOR RENT 735 X. 5 -room bnngalow, well .located and in good condition. ;" Pria , 92450; 40ff dowa, j. balaare 923 ' per month. W..H. Grabenhorst & Co. . ? . 275 Stat atreet. , Auto Tods Wattar Ej Graaert,-opposite TJ S. Bank Baildiaf. , 256 State street. r i Special - Six nie lot A- anap for 91000. Will tak Ford ear or piano up to 9500. J IThomason . 831 V4' - State " street. LOTS-i-YOCR CHOICE OP FIVE XICE lota. Fairmoaaf (IIilL Price 9450, ta 91100. AH face north or east aad re within block of cat. Beeke Jk ' Headrieka. U. 8.- Baak Bldg.1 - FOR RENT 3 ROOM FURNISHED apartmaat. -Cloae in, ' and shea. Phoa WASTED MAST r T WORK IN ATJTO painting ahop. rToaagmaa preferred. -Call at 1 p. flu Monday. 219 Stat atraat., - ' i; ; , J . ' OLD STUFF 1, EQUITT IS 6-ROOM ' bonse, ,. well located, for lota. ,3. 'qnity" la 150-aere farav doaa 4o- Sa4 v'lam, for aiee Salem homo. 'aereav passenger automobile for' lot.' 4, Port land lota far Salem business. 5, first vaaortgaga to irada far groap cf amal lota. What kare yout ' Beck Hea drieka.; TJ. 8. 3apk Bldg. , ' " t ForSale New " 5-room baagalow, modera. tocated, V a ' K. - Fifth f atreet. Prica. J1750 terms, r UJ ;' I s W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. ' f ... 275 Stat atreat. COSTS HOTHING TO SEE OUR COM- plot Unf new and a sod geara and " aaala, alaa used parts for. most all - taakee of eare. Good Bad at aaotara -far aaator bot and maebia abops. Proaa axle aad wheel aer traUera; saagaaboa. geaera tors, a tartar. moter- driTea. korna, ateel baads for y oar fly , Wbeels. Sekealara Aato Wraeklaf Con 554 Ferry EL, Salem, Oregon, - ' ' Nearly New ' ? "3; 5-room :: baagalow, " cast front, located oa fgagtaaw atreet.; Price '94500.' term. Wi H.'Grabenhorst&Co. " ? 'L.t'. -SPECIALS -Li 5 acre Will tak a car as part pay ment. Prie; 93250. tW acres Good land, net far out; bo building. 9223 par acre, easy terms. 5-room bouse, ' . large . lot Eaat .' . front, 31500: 9300 dowa. 920 ' par month. 1 6-room house : on lSthr aad Ferry For - aal or lease '- ., ; For '- trade Improred 5 acre, near Spo- kana. lor tract aear tsaiem. eee . A.r Mill, 3314 SUt atreet. ' FOB REST FURNISHED APART- meat, a cwuta winier. ,- - WANTED i GIRLS - FOR BINDERY work. Apply.: at Statesman office, 9 - "clock Moaday morning. ." DCS'T j BUT f THIS USLESS TOU waat and eaa pay for a strietly -new. aad modern 6-room baagalow, with fall cement basement, farnace, fire' place; i laundry tuba, - garage, cement walka and pariag immadiata) oa sessioa and ready ta ' more into to morrow. Price 93750, aad 9700 down takes, .balanee like rent ; Phoa ' ea to call aad tak yon. Beck Jk Hen dricks, U. . Bank Bldg. f ; j v LOASS WANTED 7 ' PER ' CilXT 8A- bem homes aad Marion Coaaty farm. Nothing bat gilt-edg firat mortgages Amounts, 9500 ap. Becka Hea: dricka, U. B. Baak Bldg. ' EMPLOYMENT XUUB RAILiWAT UAJJj . CLERKS START 9139- taoath; railroad pass; axpaaaea paid.' Spodmoa questions fre Coram baa Iastituta, Columbus, Obi.!' 6HXBT MANUFACTURER .WANTS , agamta to eall akirt direet to -weareri Eara big moaey. B your own Vote; - exporieaea or capital required. Writ , for fre aemplee.- Madiaaav Mill. 607 Broadway. Kew Yrk. INTELLIGENT SALESMAN WASTED a manager, 940 ap weekly, , employ - ing aoKeitora - aeUing our fia -t food " prodaeta. : Adrortising provided. . Ea k traordinary propoaiUoa. Permaaent. Para- Food Producta Corporation., ' 693 BB Bast Bldg, Taooma- Wash, THB UNITED ' STATES. , VETERAN S BUREAU, (HAS TillH FOd-iLOWXJiU PHYSICALLY REHABILITATED TRAI5ED MEN KEADT TO WORK! 1 iAato Eleetrieiaa aad Batteryatan, 91 yesrs old. i Wif sad two tMldren. Tw rrj exprieae -ia' above ' trade. S Valeaaiser. 2 yra. old. wit ad two . cbildrea, 8 yra. experieace. 8 Battary meckania, 80 ryta. aid, mar ried, QS moatka axperianea. 4 .Dental mechaaics 1 24 yra. mar- Tied, l child. 87 yra. married, 1 -child. i;-.. -.i - -r 5 Telegrapher, 21 , yra. aiaglav oammer- eial and R. R. axparieaca, 16 aaonUa ,. axoerieace. '. '::v? ' 4 Embalmer,; 27 yral married. ' t ehil- dren. 4 yra. axperieac ia embalming. 7" Gua and locksmith, 19 yra. wife aad tw ' children, a yra. - experieac. . t ' t Ant mechanie, helper, 94 yra. aingle, good worker, 2 yra. repair experieace. 9 - She repairman. 80 yra. aingle. 2 yrs. '. experieac ; . -v,- ; -'- 10 Clerk, geaeral-offies experieace, ele mentary, bookkeeping and ' typing, linguist. 31 yra. aingle. 11 Meat cutter, aad alesmaa, 23 yrs. married, 16 months' practical axper- " leac. ' f It Stationary ateam engineer, ' 26 ; yra. married. 8 yra. pubiie buildiag ex perienee. ; s. 18 Tractor mechanie aad aalesman, 90 - -'yra. aingle,-1 yrs. experience. 14 iaa griadara: 131 yrs. old, ala- . gla, 18 Bioe. "training. t 2 22 yrs. old. maried aad m child. . , For! farther infermatioa rommanirate with 4 tTie U. S. Veterans' Bareaa, Myler i . Btdg Ninth aad Oak eta. 'Pbone Broadway ?S2i.--rortJodt Oregea. EMPLOYMENT i in-flS,-i -WW- FZMAXff WOMAN FOR CHILD WELFARE WORK '-880 "per month. Give " phone 'and ' address. Address "E-52," rare f Th Statesman. v , ? . MAXB AND FBafAXaB WANTED . MEN AND WOMEN TO take farm paper aabacrlptiaaa. A good propositioa to the rigat paopla. Ad draaa tka Paclfia lUnustaad, ttutaamaa Bid,, Salem. Ore. ,-, l . ; ...-t WANTED - -A BOOKKEEPER. MUST have had -aeveral years experience; give good reference .-nd be able to Tisa typewri ter. ' Address " B, The Statesman of fiee. ' r 1 ' : WANT ED WOMEN, JOIN .OUR needlework club aud turn your spare lime into money. Stamped' envelop -talta yoa hw.' Florence ' Art ' Store,; Cambridge'.' 'Obio.! 1 ; f ; AGENTS WANTED TI MES, WOMENV SALARY $75 .FULL itHae, -91.50 a bour spare time, sell ing the . genuine gnaraateed hosibry direet to Wearer. Iteantifnl line. In ternational MUla, Norriatown, " Pa. ' : 14 A BOB SHIRT MANUFACTCRERR - wanta ' ageat to aau camput iifi oi ahlrm direct to wearer. Exclualv pat teraa. big values. Pre samples. Madiaon 'MUla503 Broadway. New York. TAILORING AGENTS - MAKE 810O.00 weekly aeUing Simpson made-to-order summer' suits, 817.50 and '919.50; also our famons all-wool 'aaits, 829.50. Commissioas daily. Beautiful assort ment x 9 swatches free. I No. ex perience needed. Can as spare time mefCif hustlers. J. B. Simpson, Dept. 681-831 Adams. . Chicago, illl. i j SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN EXCEPTIONAL OPPOR taaity; hasttera ear aiaga M big. Write " MoOleory Calendar Factory, Waabisg- ATTRACTIVE BUSINESS tJIRL,., 27, ,"i vrortV97?.00J. 'Want Jad,"' kalpia haahaad. , Writ )ttick for lUndisg pia--tor'nd',deacTlptittr.-- Baat 929,'--L6 SALESMEN: FOR . CIGARS," "TRAVEL-- tag, - -salary and expentr or ' commts fion with drawing; account, 'or State f. Oregon. 'Must be active. . ambi tious, n energetic. Refereniea. required. Man . . with' sale ,v experience and ki qaaiatanc with retail merchants ' pre ferred. : Former experience in our line not necessary. Good opportunity for rfgbt man to establish permanent pro fitabl business. . A. Landmark A CoJ Denver, Pa. ; -. i ' .- i' - jj . PATENTS - WANTED. , - ? j a MANUFACTURERS OF j ELECTRICAL apeciaitiaa With large taJe organisa tion, ' wtshaa ; ta pnrehat additional item' oa royalty . basis. Sample ar copy of patents returned. Raferaneea. R. D. Electrio Co., Ft. ; Wayne, lar diaaa. .f-:T -'r '; ''?.- ' . - ''T - PERSONAL BET' MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL -- paper published. Tree for stamp. Oar . reapoadeaC Toledo, Obi. ,U . jl CATHOLICS, : WISinXO TO MARRY, ; Booklet .Fre.. Addreu .Homa Crab, : L-Box : 23, Grand Rapida, ' Mich, i ' MARRY IF LONELY MOST SUOCESS tul "Horn Maker' ; haadred rich ; strietly ooafideatial; .reliable years' experience; description free. The . Saceaaaful aub", Mr. Natk. Bat 656, ; OakUad, Califoraia. , ';'"' 't-; WOUId) YOU WRITE ! A WEALTHY, pretty artrlt. Stamped avelon please. . Loi SprouL Claveland. Ohio, i i..: r; MARRY . RICH WORLD'S LEADING Correspondence Club for lonely people. Many -worth 9400.00O. .Quick ru-ts Gaarahteed. ; Coaldeatial list Fro. HoaorabI Ralph Hyd (106), Saa Fraa eiaeo. ;. i-i- - r4-f I HAPY , MARRIAGE' AND . Jk. , 3lOMEi eonudeatiai descriptions ire in.piava sealed envelope of many wealthy roa- ygenial people willing to wd. If sf eere, write' me. Reliable. Established 19 years. Bank references. Old TRe-' liable ; Club (nam copyrighted.) Mrs. ' Wrubel, - Box 26, Oakland, Calif. i ; FOR SALE BIRDS, FLOWERS AND PETS! FOR SALE YOUNG. TAME. TALKING "parrot; guaranteed. '. Flake' : Petland, - 278 State. f f : . - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR 8 ALB . AT . SARIFICE CON- feetlonery, rettaurant, bakery,' aach of vtheia. dolaf . m gqod( paying ' bual aea's. ,.'rfor. particulars J tee. Child A BetcheL', 540, .tat lirtei, ,. : ... -i i LIVESTOCK FOR 6ALE PURE-BRED XAS CABRI taa, ToggenWg back, 980. Doe' fresh now; alo April. Jane, 920 ap. KUaa betk MfUasv Ash lead. - Or. -. - J . . PUREBRED REGISTERED PIGS Ught purebred registered piga will ba giv fraa to eight boy a, girl or growa ap interested ' ia developiag th pure bred ngiatared pig industry la tka Pa eifio Northwest. Cut eat tbia aaaoaae- mast aad mail it to Th Pacific Home Btaad. Salaaa, Oragoa, with yoar aama ' aad" address, aad fall lnformatioa about the parahrad reigstered piga wlU b aaat .' yoa by return mail. , . POTJLTBT 250,000 ACCREDITED BABY CHICKS f or 1 daring. May aad June. 'Bend 'la yoaa-arder aarly."-"A" ; grade 96 - for' SO; 911.50 per haadred; 9119 Pr - tkousaad.- MAA", grad 98.50 pea 50; ; 816.00 per hundred; 9155 per thousand. F".'- O. B. ' Potalamav - Member i of tb -.Sonoma County Farm Bureaa Accredit f " ad Hatchery Wat. WHITS HATCH-. '-, Ktt. Fatalaina, CafiL.'i -.i ;;. '; PUREBRED CHICKENS. Sevan toaa pens and triea f th t boat " bread ml ebicken from th world' . most famom poultry plant wia be givaa to "17 paopla iatoraatad la Ida eloping tka parahrad kickea ladaatry. - Out at this aiineuneament' and mail H to th Parahrad Cbiekea Editor, North west Poaltry JouraaV Satom, Oragoa. with your aama aad addraaa, aad fall lnformatioa 'wiU ha aaat yaa by rarura ataH. - i i ( ;'i ; kat PHONOGRAPHS. ' : - ; . - FHONOORAFH BARGAINS. j t 912S.OO .' ', ' ! ' ' - ' .f 05.00 9150.00 Victor - .,,;. 115.0O ei:n nn x.,vT . -7.S0 9165.00 v'n 110.00 9 75.00 Victor , 52.50 Tana aa low aa 91.09 per araek - f . .i i'1'-;.' H. I STIFF . FURNITURE CO '. Phoa 941. 404-450 Court SL FOR SALEI1 ? f;V PIANOS 1- GOOD USED MAHOGANY PIANOS 9150. Term tf desired. II, L. Stiff Teral w tarOa - ; FOR SALE PIANOS FOR SALE GOOD USED MAHOGANY piaao left with a to 1L Prica 9200, torma, H. L. Stiff Fumltu'ra Co, Ma, l dapartmant. t . - -y?- FLORISTS i eiTT; FWERS ANEMONErV SOe fioi; choice dahlia bulbs. - , Cottage Flower Garden, ; Phona 1024-W ; -j FARM PAPER IF Y0U WANT TO"CtfCT THE, BEST ' farm paper. aead lSe to th , Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregoa. far a three ' atoatha' trial - aabaeriptioa.- Maation tha ad.' . .: . POTJLTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TW cask atampa for apeclal three atontba atrial for th beat aad oldest journal la th weet. t Th article aad advert leo--' meats ar ' of Special ' interest to the - pourtry breeder f th - Northwest. NorUweat PoaHry JouraaL 211 Goav aurelal atreet, Balaxa, Oregoa. j WOOD : FOR SALE 16-INCH ' OLD - FIR AND ocoad growth 4-foot. Pboaa 1467. FOR DRY WOOD PHONE 152J. WOOD FOR SALE GOOD PRICES. H. " A.' Kueaxi, 8ilvertoa, Oregoa. Best 5rade Mill Wood Foar ft. aad 16-lach dry mill wood. ' '' Fear It.' and 16-ia. green mill 'wood. t Prompt delivery -aad reaaonabl price. Frd E. Well. 805 L Charch., Phone ;154X ''"'i. V--' " ' : ' ' aaTSCELXJtirEOUS - FOR SALE SODA FOUNTAIN. North Commercial. 899 VRDER GLADIOLUS NOW WE START " ' main planting April ' 16 and posiflve - - ly too bulba ' sold after April ' 20. D. ' H.y Upjohn, .964-- 8.1 Liberty. Phone : i7oo.i .; .--.-,.;;. - ;.:i;:--;' FOB SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 " eenU a huadl.' Clreulaiioa departmaat. . Oregoa .Stateamaa. v.,..;:a, BEAUTIFUL CABINET PHONOGRAPH, lik new . Will sserifiee for cash, "lliona 689-. , Eraniaga. , Ka dealer. :""'J'ru";.i: :.y-..y rk i -Beautiful Oregori Rose aad eleven other Oregon songs, togsther with f taa oallactioa of patriotle- aoaga, aaarad aeaga aad maay eld-tiata lavar- " ' itaa, , '-.-!;: - - - i r ' ALL FOB 25 i (SpeeUl price ia ejuantlty lota) EpoiaXly adaptablo get eai eammaa ity or homa ainging. Bead for -'' Western Songster ' i T6 pagaa, aow la Ita thirl odltloa. , ; ' Fabliakad br . ' OREOON TEACHERS MONTHLY 15 0. CrasnarUl 81, Ealam. Orav FOR RENT rukxs FOB - BENT 4-ROOM i FURNISHED Hat; modera. first floor. Phoa 1516M. 254 South Cottag. FOB - RENT FURNISHED - FLAT ' ON firat- floor; five rooms; modern. :. At 6M Ferry St. 9&0 a saontli. Imme diate possession. Apply at Stateamaa business office, or phoBe 23. f r APARTMENTS APARTMENT FOB RENT, ' 891 NORTH . Commercial. M-T"S';.. . :. : FOR RENT FURNISHED.'- 8TEAM heated apartment, near Capitol; 623 ; per month. Phone -1539. - (-.. APARTMENTS - FOB ' RENT 2 NICE- ly furnished v apartmeats, ,. Hght . a& water free. Th Aagelu. 653 Max- . ion atreet.-' . .. .;-"--- -"-a-i-- ,.' FOR BENT MODERN FIVE-ROOM apartment; with- sleeping porch, un furnished; lights, water and tele phone free. . 410. Oregoa Building. HOTJSB8 FOB RENT 5-ROOM .- HOUSE, i MOD rn, at 727 South Twelfth atraet; 925 a mouth. Call at Stateamaa. , bnainasa office,' or phona 23.' . ' I j' FOR RENT 5-ROOM MODERN COT tag at 635 North 16tk street; partly furnished. Immediat possessioa, $30 - a month. - Call at 8tatesmaa ' laattaeas office, or phana 23. i :"."-. 1 BOOKS FOB RENTeV-LASGE, FRONT. SLEEP v ing " 'room,- Adjaiaing . bath. , Madera home. 1941 N. Stiu . rpR RENT 3 FURNISHED , ROOMS, 5435 N. Liberty.' Adult preferred. FpB JtEXX-rWGHT UQUSEKEEPINO j rooms. ,; -;. 110 Division atreat,'', . P O B RBNT APARTMENTS AND aleepiag rooms. Lonard Hotel, 954 N. S Front atraet . " - -, , - FOR RENT ' FlIRSISHED ROOMS. '. with hoard. Phn -1226-J, or eall 722 ' Stat, j ' .-' i . - , i ' GARAGES FOR RENT PRIVATE GARAGE. 899 North CommorciaL ' :T' "-:..-:'"'. HOUSES FOR ' RENT-rMODERN . FURNISHED 5-room houae. Will lease. 910 N. . 2it. , ;.;; j' PIANOS 2 NEW PIANO FOB RENT 96 FEB MO. H. L. Stiff Fumitar Co. v : - WANTED ICSCELLUrXOUl WANTED GOOD YOUNG-' TEAM. . aboat-' 1400 lbs. CaU,;A9 Court atreet, or, phon 954. OLD ; MATTRESSES '- MADE OVER Capital City Bedding Co. Phoaa 19. WANTED ATTERSBURO No. 121 ; strswberry plants. Must pass In spection. Ward K. Richardson, 2393 . N. Front atraet. Phona - 44. .- , . WANTED .EVERYTHING JN HARD ' . war and farnitaraf B priee paid. I i THE CAPITAL 'HARDWARE j ; f mFURNITURB co 285 N. Commercial St- Phoaa 947 IF YOU HAVE AN ABSOLUTELY first-elasa grad of Gem or Barbaak ' ipotatoea, we can aa them. Phoaa 717. .-rMaagl Bra.-'--':''- - "Tf :- BUSINESS CARDS ACETYLENH WELDOfO IRON. STEEL, BRASS, ALUMINUM Briar thapiaeaa. Oxo-Gaa Heatiag Oo, f837 OoarW..-. . ARCHITECTS FREEMAN! a) "8TRUBLE, REGISTERED Arcbttectar SIO 'Bank ' at ' Commerce '. Building. , - . j- -- -fc-r '--t AUTO DIRECTORY ATJto . TopaT j : ' ..' AUTO . TOPS t Curtatna to order, price reasonable. ABdrMa-Ted, 171 8 High 'BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN A ' OAMEL-IZED t BATTERY ' NEVER - needs a drink. O. M. Carlsoa.. 849 N. Commercial St, Salam. Or. B. D. BARTON EIDX 'BATTERIES, ; gtartor and gaaarator work; 471 South CenmerolaL . 1, .. i. . - i PRESTO-LITE ! BATTERY SERVICB Btatioa. Expert battery aad electrical work. Farrl Bros. , Phoaa 1803. 410 Oaart, ' - t--t '.: --v " . .- 1 AUTO ELECTRTOIAN; EXPERT TROU bU ahootlag; 288 N. iiigh, Phona 203 BICYCLES AND BXPAIRINa , ... .i.n .- i . - m .. LLOYD K. RAMSDEN DAYTON BIOY; elea and repatriagi 887.. Court. TISXS AND ACCESSORIES USED PARTS 1-3 to 1-3 OVF. HIKE'S Aato Wrecking Hous; -424 North :;. OosamareiaL vphoaa ,8284 J ; ? RADIATOR FENDER REPAIRS r - mad or twpairad.' t. O Bair. .949 Ferry TRAOTORS a n ui ta s. rm ai winv am : m . m . : . . 1.- a., . ' - jrimw axw. vieirae tracierf, vniver im VSED OARS itV :-' i GOOD USED CARS GINGRICH Mo tor Co. 571 Coart. . -jI-.-- '-, ! FOB SALE ,1914 FORD TOURING j -New Urea, top, raBiator, 8119, 1941 N, MUST SELL TAT ONCE j- 1921 four- Passena-er :haadler Diimatrh Bali. phoHterisg. motor" and ftirea in x- ;';Nrth ;,.Commarcial. -j ll '.' ' HE (BOUGHT A GARDNER. l?t I NASHJ ' Pink pf condition. New paint, fftoo , ; mereiai - street - f nonei -1209. i HE BOUGHT A GARDNER -192 good - MaawelL . like aew. lota of x4 trae, 9850. F. W. Pettyjohn Co., 279 . Commercial atreit. Phoaa 1260." - j .-' '.. l. " ' i U S ED FORD CARS, from an authorised ea dealer j ! . 1910 Touriag : 191X Touriag 1917 Touring ..." r, , 1917 Toaring 1918 Touring ...... 1919 Touriag t..-.. 1920 Touriag 1920 Teariag ( extra X 1920 Teariag (extras) 1921 Touriag 1920 Coup , 1931 Coup , 1920 Roadster 1922 Roadster 1918 Dellverr ' ' r . 85.00 95.00 1SO.OO 165.00 185.0Q 2704)0 235.00 125.00 815.00 290.00 885.00 50O.00 250.00 835.00 165.00 300.00 1921 pevery-. All eara hava 1923 licenses. Liberal terms. Open Sanday. . Valley motor co, 2A0 No. High.v - i j Phoaa 1995 PSED CARS. 1919 Ford Chaais i.8100.00 1917 Ford Delivery 150.00 1921 Ford Sedan- 475.00 1921 Ford Truck . 400.0O 600.00 300.00 1921 Dodge Touring 1919' Dodge Touring; 1921 Ford Toaring 323.00 ri BONESTEELE MOTOR, CO- ; t Phon j 423 -r ' BERT L, JONES MOTOR' CO HUPMO- bil dealer. Good used eara. 'State aad Front atreeta. Phon 937. ) . HE " ' BOUGHT A GARDNER. . 1919 Stadebaker Special. ; Oood' , condition. - 8650.00.; F.; W.-Pettyphoa Coj 279 ' N. Commercial St. 1 Phona 1260. '' ; "GOIN F18H1N' ,"1 A GOOD USED Vcar'a the beat way of "gettin "where they atrike .We furnish the- ear ; worth more than wa'aak - Model 90 Overland Four . L 8175.00 - Model 90 Overland Chummy ..9275.00 " 1917 Dodge Four. j 18285.00 ! 1921 Maxwell Four - !.8285.00 ; 11920 Dort.Four ' i... 9325.00 j 1920 Cher.-F, B 5-paaa. ...9485.00 (,jTrma given Trade considered or j cash. F.,; WJ Pettyjohn Co., Gardner . Dealer, 279 N. Commercial at. Phone j 1260. .1 ..:; : - . : . ; ;":.vick Bros; USED OAR BULLETIN i 1919 Dodge Toaring 1917 Dodge Toarlag 94?3 -1800 1919 OakJaad Touring, aaw paint-. 350 1918 Chevrolet Tearing - ' u 150 1921 Ford Coupe 4 so 275 1921 Ford Touriag , ;- 1918 Studebaker Six. aaw paint 1918 Stadebaker Poor Ferdaea Tractor ".,T, ;, ;; ...,,. Samaoa Tractor '- .' . : 800 200 -300 600 830 850 125 800 200 100 Track 1921 Hudson Sapor Biz. muck Koadster Overland ! Fear - Touriag Overland 'an . MaxweH Touriag 1916 Ford Touring 125 Ford Truck with new Urea and com- ' '; pltly ; overhauled with body and ' cab . . . ,. ,.. - 800 Ford. Track with body and fall top, . 1 M lieea , -. -' ; ' . 150 : " I . VICK BROS. High fiirtot at Trade. : i I BUSINESS CARDS AUCTTONEERJ O. SATTERLEE. AUCTIONEER, PHONE i aao-iziua 189 fit Com' St. Room tL r CARPET AND BUO WBAVTNO BAG CARPET AND BUG WSAVINO j CaU before 9 . m. UT2U ' 1 SALEM f CARPET j CLEAN I NO ' AND 1 Fbsfi Bug Work Rag and fluff rugs woven - any -em without seams. - How mattresses mad to order. Old mat : traaiea rcmad. Feather reaovatedI I buy air -lada. of eld earpeta for fluff rug. 18)4 and WObar atreet. Phoa ' !1154 Otto P. Zwicker, Prop. , ' . CEMXNT CONTRACTORS CEMENT CONTRACTOR AND FINISH- or. Esimatea furniahed. O. M. Ogltoby. aon 19BW.' 4 1- --S--:.:-" CHXMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING F U B N A Q I s claaaiag. F. Ooaacilmaa. Sabtm Hard swae'Oa.'tf-;o : . CLBANXRS-AND DTEXS SPICK 'N SPAN CLEANERS AND dyera. - Phoaa . 195 i - SALEM : CLEANERS AND DYERS j . 8aita eleaaed aad preaaed, 910. I -, Buna apoaged - aad preaaed, iOe. i 1815 a Oom'L . - ; Phoa 1569 FRATERNAL ! LOYAL ORANGE LODGE JASON LEE AU Memorial f No. 530 meets in Odd flows' . hall every V firat, third fifth: "Tuesday of the month. '--ureugemen ' weiosm. - SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL' 8, 102:1 BUSINESS CARDS DRUQ STORES WM. N EI MEYER "JUST DRUGS.' ; HO K. wiw.mil. raaa FZNANOXAL 5XIAN ON THE EASY PAYMENT plan, can repay at any tim witnopi extra charge; 410 Oreoa Bldg. PHONE 43 1 F. TA. THOM9, ' SELLING Rickenbacker atock. Olflc wkere you aae Bickaabackar motor cart, 849 North Commercial street. Salem. Oregoa. GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS 5Mi percent, 803 -Salem Bank of Commerce ;" - "I'FiVk.; Xi O A B"hT -,: ' ! AT PEB CENT aad y ey -j;' 9 PER CENT :- ( ;. v -! ANDERSON 4Y BUPXBT uregaa Slog Baiam, ure. - Puts & Calls 940 to 3125 eontroTa'lOO ah area of any . listed stock ett N. Y.' Stock Exchange. No further risk. Move of S point from ' option price vglve you opportunity to tak 9500 proHt; 8. '9300. etc. Write - for; Pre Circular. ' . R. Parker & Cos - ' '80 Broad St N; Y. ' ZXECTRIOXANS SALEM ELECTRIO CO. MASONIO baU-Ung. PhoB 1200. ELECTRIO ;' FIXTUBB AND SUPPLY Co. Phoaa 1934. 222 N. Lioarry. HALIK'S ELECTRIO SHOP ELEO trieal maohm repair lag. , eontraeUng, , 387 Ooart. j Pboaa 488. y f ARCHIB FLEENER. ELECTRICIAN ' ; Houae wlriag by hour or eon trae t. Xa- tlmatoa furalahad. Phoaa 980, ,: 414 Opart -St. ';-. . - - FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS -AND FLORAL PIECES Delivery. C I. Breiaaupt..Ooriatr 123 North J-brty. atreat, - Phoa .880. ; fxtknaoes --' L. ' T. 6XAGROVB FOB FURNACES . ' PIPE k aad. piaalaa;' 198, & ,1211, St. Phoaa , FURNTTTRB STORES -t t ' OIBSB FURNITURB CO. OUALXTY ' faraitar far leaa moay. 979 ' Court -Paane 6A.T. H :"rf; , - - n .I, PEOPLE'S FURNITURB STORE NEW - and aoeoad- hand furaltar; 371 N Ladies' Wearlng Apparel jjwxsSMAJKXNO SPENCER " 0QR8ET8 TO ORDER ' DraaamaHng. Carri: Fiaher, Me- Ooraae- Bldg; ' - . '- j ; HRafSTlTlCH AMtl SALRM ELITE HEMSTITCHING, pleat lag, hattoua, tmptng aad aeedle work; 828 Oregoa Bldg. Phona 379. MRS. OB. MILLER HEMSTITCHING, axaarpug, puitona. noom iv, over at lar' a boraV Phoaa 117. : : I . f LADZES XAZLORXNO D. ; H. MOSHER TAILOR ; FOR MEN : and women., 474 Court atreet.! W. J. MA.YER LADIES TAILORING: loaf coata, aad taHa. ' Xooat T,' McCor- " aack Bldg. 'PhOa: 692V 1 ' gbapttno TOP GRAFTING PHONE 111F21. EDt-CHASTAIN-OLOTHINO CO, SUITS aau ovarcoat. ua my stairs; it pays. 1 u . state 1. at, 1- ' 1 BAACHZNB SHOP THB CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC I fitoam beilera, Taleaaiscra aad 1 tub $ platen.. ; Parry O. Campbell. 917 N. . iaoerty. ! ,.;;-..; .. . WEOHTER SMITH - MACHINISTS. T engiaeera, I wlder. v Hald eyliadar . ; griadiag aerriea. Phoaa 562-245 Ferry. LAUNDRIES f SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 816 8. -Liberty street. Phoa 85. 01dat : ' largeah beat, Zatoblbkhed 1889. :' i YALB LAUNDRY; IS AGAIN IN A PO aitioa to raadar yoa th tarn. tfieieat ' aervio aa . bf or .the fire which de- atroyed war 1ld building. . All kinde of '?laaadry work, also eleaaiag aad praas lag. Pheoa your wta,to 195 aad wa I ill t1 ! r. - -: ' t ! CAPITAL CITY STEAM. LAUNDRY1 . QaaUty work; '.; prompt' aerriea;'-1284 IV. . , . . . . V . . , - 1 , jmawsts umam o.-, .-s j - j MXDICAIi MOUNTAIN BALM- COUGH .REMEDY v;oa- Si7-T(vv-i f ? ! ItTCOAS SALEM OONSBBVATORY OF MUSIO All bra ache taugitl, . diploma granted. Joam B Sit, director; 1287 Court A COURSE IN .BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated atandard maale. Somi-elaaaioa and ballad ; 12 aeaaoaa. watsiaiaai Plana School. Mo- lOTaaez atng. ' - .- ...... . afUSIO STORES TRADB YOUR OLD PIANO FOB A NEW Viator ar Braaawiehv. H. L. Stiff Farai- lure Oa- Vaale.DepC . , ' ., GEO. a WILL PIANOS, PHONO krapha. sowing macbiuee, sheet music, ana plana 1 atadi. - Jtapatring paono araphs aad wiag aehiaea; ! 432 But, Salaa. MA - f ?v? : '.'. SHERMAN,! OLAY A . CO- PIANOS I t Stolawaya. aaAri and others. Moor' Maaie Hoaaa, 416 Ooart lr.it. ' - PIANO TUNXBS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI ' an taaes. ' Leave orders Will' Xasi K Store. i I - STUBSBY STOCKS COMPLETE j LINE TREES SMALL fruits, rnsmeats. Capital City Nar ory Cw!436 Orago Bide. Phoaa 75. FRUITLANDi NURSERY. HAS A . FEW mor Italian prun tree, 4 to. 6 feet, :' also amaller grades.- Phoa 1140M o 19. : - I -. Y ' FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES' Pearey Broe 287 Stat. JONES' NURSERY, NEAR AUBURN nan, aeiie fruit tree, abrabbary, rose, and malt fruit. Price reduced. Soma Italian left.. Pboae 111F3. i-M M SECOND HAND GOODS' -i; SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND Balls eooBd head faraiture, tool aad jaak; 920; VS. OommarciaL Pheae 492, 7ANT,ED EVTRYTHTNa IN CLOTH. lag aad ahoea. Best priees paid. Cap ital Xzehaag: 943 North Commercial. Phoa 1869- W. ' 1 BUSINESS I CARDS PAINTERS 4- MARTIN ; KALSOMINING .A II " painting, phone , $48.! - . ; FAFERHANGINO AMD PAXNtTNG PHONE GLENN j ADAMS FOB HOUSE , daeoratlag, paper hangiag, tlatiag, eta , Rallabl TEN CENT KA LSOMINB IN BKAUTT , ful colore ; 91 doe a room. Max O. Buraa; J7 . Com't , , PLUlOINa f- G RARER BROS. , PLUMBING - AND heatiag; general repair. Phoaa- 60, 141 S, Iibertr. ; i PLUMBING REPAIRING; AND COIL , work. Phoa 1397-J. Bhap 127 (Jaiea atreet. a u. uoazrey. v. STOVES AND STOVB BXPAZXTJrO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED - 40 ; year xpriae. Depot Natioaa! feaee, aisea 20 to 23 in. high. Paints, aila and rsraltksa, ate, loganberry aad . . hep books. Salon Feaej and f Star Werka, 250 Court atraet. - Pboaa 124; SCAVENGERS . BOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE (SUC- ' eeaaor 'to' Neal 8evngr) Garbage aad refaae ef all kind ramoTd by toe moatav Reaaonable' rate. Phaa Offlo 629. raaldoae 3068. V ;- f -. 11 SALEM - SCAVENGERS t GARBAGE, tafas l all klada removed. Oeapeela claaaed. Bhoa 167 or 1007J. - - r 1 TRANSPORTATION . PARKER'S STAGS LINES - li W. Parker, Geaeral Maaagar Ceatral BUto' Terminal--i flaleav Oregoa t R1T.1EM.SILYERTOW ' mVTHTOW r v- Laava Calam, Ceatral Stage Termiaal: :T a. a; H a. -awBs,.c" Leaves Silverton. News Standi S a. at .l pv aC. 9 ; au. Sal em-Independeaeo-Monmouth Dirlaioa t Leave Saleot Cancral Stag Terminal:' . 6 p. m. -; -;-v -s'' ", : r ' i,j : Lear ea. Moamouth. . Monmouth Hotel: . - . 9:15 a. aa- 1 p. m- 6.15 p. aa. ' i Leave ladepeadeaee, Beaver Hotel t ' 8;80 a. aa- 10 a, av. 1:15 p. a '. 4 A. m 6:80 P. . ' Leave Central Stage Terminal, - Salem, for Dallas st: ; 1 V " ' . 7 a. 11 a. 5510 p. m. Leave Gail Hotel, Dallas, af ' V -8 a. m 1 p. mi, 6:15 p. m. Wa asako - eaa ectieaa at Salaaa to all Prto f the Tallayv E-tratrtpa by ap- 1 poinimaaa. : ' -J. W. PARKKR, Geaeral Maaagar. TJTJUJSJXR HAULTNO CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 226 ' State fit. Phoaa OSS. Dlatributlna-' far- warding and' atorage Oar specialty. Gat , ear ratea. -;.r ' " -.' f - ' . WtB MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE - bald goods. Oar specialty to plan) and taraltara tnoTiag. W also' aaak eoaa- try trips. W haadla the beatooal aad - wood.; Call am aa lor prices. We giv . o aaaasara, good quality and aroad aerriea. Larmer Traaafar Co. Pheaa 980 WOOD SAWING WOOD BAWINtt. Phoaa -1191. - ED flaieed. ..f;--. - y, - VARIETY STOKES SALEM VARIETY T EnCVKSiTxSSA- ' ware, glaaswara, toys, notlo-a, 'and ajil- .1 Hum 1 - j- vt-. - . 4-- .rv- - WATEB SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO. Of floe, 901 South Commercial EC Tea per cent discoaat ' oa domestle flat 1 rate paid ia advance. Ne' deduction 1 for - abaonoe or" any,' caaa nalaa water la abut off your pramia. - PROFESSIONAL AMBULANCB SEBVXCB SALEM AMBULANCB SERVICE ; Phoa 666: 178 S. Liberty. CHIROPODISTS DR. S. P. 600TT. . GRADUATE NA tional University Sciences, J Chicages V. .1. Ih .1.- Amm lift . DR. WnjTAM8 CORNS. CALLOUSES; iagrewa rtaila; H feot troable. Priee - m v - aa A . 57 . ' im.. paoa via.; fwi is. v;- .... ..r- CHIROPRACTORS DR. LENA A- BOONE, CHIROPRACTOR. 475 S. OommereiaL Heura 10 to 12; , ,X to 5. Phone 1415V ' - DBS. SCOTT A SOOFIELD P. S C, Chlrepractora, 414-19 U. S. Baak Bldg v Phoaa IT; na. 828-R. r. .,; CHIWKSB FHYSICLi-l DR. L, T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN I disease. 158 8. High St. Phoaa 288. DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS ,V ', '' ,. '.. ,t m MAGNETIO HEALING- DR. A." I. Fraata. Acute and ebrealo ditata ;- Phono 780 over People Cash Store. - FUVBRAL DXBBOT0)BS i SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL' DIREC tora, 210 Ceater.v Phoaa-' 189. . XAXTTROPATHld .PHTSXOXAlfS . DR. A. SLAUGHTER AOUTS AND ehronia' diseeaee; - 415 : Oragoa Bldg Paoaa 110. OPTXOXAirS MORRIS OPTICAL CO. e SUTTB- 801. - 904 Oregos Baildiag. ; " " ; GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP : tloal Oo 8251 State etiaei. opposite Ladd . Bush Baak. "He Quality , Prveear Shur-as,f - ' ' O 8TEOP ATHIO PHTaOLUra. DB.' FOSTER v 404 OREGON - BLDG. ;- Phoa 766.' S024-J ' DR. W L. i MERGER 0STEOPATHI0 pkyaieiaA aad aurgaou. Klrkavin graduate,' 404-405 U. S. National Bank Bids. Phon. o-Oo 919; re. 614. i DR. JOHN L. LYNOH OSTBOPATHIO ; Physician . aad ;6urgoa, 403-404 Or gea Bldg." . Pheaae. wtfle' 1994;'- red' .1.59-Pa.:' r ... J' i - LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAH VETERANS. Camp g,! Armry; First, tkizd .Mondays. REAL. ESTATE, T FOR SALE BY OWNERVERY FINE Quarter' block 'an r Fajnadnnt Ars. VE-92,'.; Statesman. v '-. .'; ' : HAVE BUYER FOR 5 OR 6-ROOM BUN galow. close in. To aell yoar houae. call 985, or call at' our office, .827-28 Oregoa Building. i A. W. ESTES REALTY CO- FOR RENT 5 ROOM FLAT FUR- aiidled lit - mn t alot.it - ' FOR . SALE 5 ROOM HOUSE BASE- iwepiace aaat iront. r-asoo.oo. 6-room hon close ia, 93700. Lot ; 662150. 9400.00., ' - , . . :. i .f 8plendid corner oa N.' Winter st- 8 ' large, eorner on ' Church at. ; Baaiaeaa ..boildinga . and.: bqaiaets ; location . for aale, by Gertrude . M.. Page, I 492 N. Oattag.:.- ; ,. ; - .. REAL1 ESTATE FOB TRADE 20 ACRES" FOR IlOUfi . sad! lot ia Hilem. 400 cords, .. oa place. 410Oregon EUg. FAYINO: APARTMENT IfOUSR, Is - rooms. 6 apartments, 2 , Taths, larja tot, 80 g 160; garage ' for 3 ears, "-froit trees; ideal , location. Prife 97,000.00. Will take v house, 5 or jb 'rooma, aa part, pay soma cash, ,' T'aia - ia a paying pro position, but H have to sell, on , account of health, ; Child A BetcheL 640 State! street. TO EXCHANGE TWO HOUSES I.N' 1 Hubbard, :elty; water and - alartrle lighta; value 81250 each. 'Want Salem : property ' bf equal ; Value-' W. G. Krueger Oregon .'Building. Phone 217. v FOR SALE OR .TRADE COZY FOCr; room bungalow ; eloctricty. bath. Price s 92000: f Will1 exchange fr 6 i 'room bungalow,' pay rash Aiffereace; 't prefer worth. . What havw you f Se ' my agents,. Child Betchel. C4 ;- Stat street. FOR" SALEWE - MUST ' SELlr OCT home . to ; meet our , oUigstlonav a I desire to enter work In the, near fu ture . that -requires- on "to bo I fre. W paid Walter Wlnalow 96600 fu onr homa, and then spent over . ai.V- ia improving it Now W fee! forcr ' to sell, for what -w can- get. Ar. : parson who wishes 'to bay a nice mou orn reaidence. ia Balcm, with tu.. block, call "any forenoon and aee n , st 550 Waller' atreet , , Best Buys and Exchang: 7 acres, a- logans,- 1 strawberries, -1 timber, balance cleared; running ws 2 mile aut? 9900, term. ' 13 acre, 13 ; to ' bearing fruit; hi ' barn, wonderlol riew, ?, milei sell to a soldier or on term.' Tt .- 95975. . ' , v. Grocery ator jn Salem, some te 93100."' Confectionery and aoft atand, , 81650. s Confectionery, - I " lunches. 91600, terms. 5-room modern . baagalow with baten . rented at 915; price 31700, terms. 7 -room- modera bungalow, in first c condition, large lot,' bearing fruit, pavement, floe: tocatioa; 33700, 1 cash. ' balance lik rent. This i .of thi best. buy in Salem. -r t rSocolofsky 341 Stat St, -. bds Bariiaihs - if.i.-:. WOODS BARGAINS. - NEW TC room bungalow, built-in fixtures. off pavement; owner" see's km f2,000, half cash, or tak car. - new bungalow for 91600. Four-r house, 9800. Jloukf and lot, -Waat to bay cloce ia kou.e. I. Wood. 341 Stat t. i ' ' r - ---.. - - r- 4 '""' - -'' - .:,!.".' WAITED THE' BEST MODERN E" . ' dence property- ia South Salem 1 .. 94000 , will buy Nothing under tlx rooms eoaaidered. Ai C. Bohraatedt, 407 Masonic Buildiag; READ CAREFULLY AND ACT.PROin'T-' x b1 Neat 6-reom - eoUare aew." and 8 loUT' finest kind of ' garden aoii. tlo, ; to good aehooL Only 91350, 9250 cash . ' down, balaae 1 ernsa. Thie ia a fiaa little hoaaa for some ouple. 1 rrAV;i,1cLarert" Realty Co. Phone 430. 180 N. Commercial atreet. FOR DESIRABLE ACREAGE, 1MPROV- an ar uaimprovea, aon owner, iiieaa L. . Adajna. -'Good Buys on Easy Terms ! New 4-room plastered ; Keuae, with tw j lota; .wood houae, chicken house, co . ment, walka. city water. Priee 915t 9f f iJI - mnw , , T - w v . w. . . Il.l.l ll V One kalf acre tracta. 950 dowa. 811 per! -Math' "io ear. , ltae price". . 5-room. bungalow, modera plumbing r light, -good ' location, one block fre t pavameat; -price 82450, j, 9400 dow. , balaae 925 per . moath. Four-rot. 1 pla. tared hoaae, corner lot. near Lit eola tachool; price 92150, cash. Two room? houae -and lot ' near Lineo'a . sehoqlj prie 9750 eaah. . . W.H3rabenhorst&Co. '275 8tate atreet. Phon 615. SIX BOOM COTTAGE. WITH BAEJ5 moat! at 960 Union atraat, good eoa ditloa; 82200, 50Q and 925 monta Five-xoom cottage at "1621 Chmek-t atreat, 82100. 9500 eaah. 925 moaC. ' I) M. J. Hunt j Ladd Bash Buildiag. I AM ' COMPELLED fO BE AWAY from 'home moat of the time, so I win soil ' m nearly modern, 4-room furnished heme ; 9500 aew furniture, all for 2350. r See tny agent, ITr. Robinson, .229 . Oregoa Euildic; , Phoa 1013. ! - FOR SALE- OB TRADE FIXE FAR!', ,l2T acres, 1 good buildings, good soil epritrg- water l piped house and barn : IS acre clover, 3 good horses. -cows, chicken, turkey a; good foea-, tion. Priced right, - 9160O. Will ea - .' rlf ice on " account of '- health. Wi trad for store buildiag, a part met I house, ia Ssieta or Portland, or an. . I 'good lowo.'1 ""I( yoja " have anythin see my geato. Child A Betche , 540, Stat ' atraet, ! , 0-ROOM - PLASTERED HOUSE, MOI ' era conveniences, garage; lot 75 , ly 150, South Salem;-92500, easy tenet Pettyjohn & Mouser ---,,. 216 Orocon. Bldg.' I FARM WANTED WANTED TO HEAR FROM OWNER OF land for sal.' O. " Uawley, Baldwin,. Wiacoaala. - i . , r Scientists ; toll ag - there are, spotty . on the sun that dia rig-re i ita 'face. : aBt does that render the sunlight He beautiful? r 4 ( PUBLIC NOTICES . r . NOTICE ,. ; 7." ! ,..-:: r..- : .ri: - , J'. . - Notice Is hereby siren that Ii harV impounded the following de scribed dogs: In compliance with. Ordinance No. 1404, to-wlt: One dark colored collie dor. white breast,' white , strip across head;. one largo yellow collie dog with white rine around neck: one black shepard and cockerel spaniel dog bobtail; one white and black spot ted Tox terrier fefti-le doe. The abore described dogs will be klll ed' If not redeemed by owners, on or before April 8th. 1923. as pro-. Tided-in raid Ordinance. : " i . W..S. LOW, u. J . - Street Commlasloner . April 5, 1923. , ' : -' j Good Diana 880. Onlw'f s ilnvn. $5 a months - We ar olnln nnt fifty pianos, Monday and Tue.; irora .180 -up.--Many good tuj J $1.50 a week. See bl t:.li f ' page 5. G 90. C.OVI11, 422 r Et. Adv.-" ; .'- t - -: - j - - j - - t -