The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 03, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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    J --
. i
Get license. ' !
A license to marry -was Issued
In the county cleric's otflce yes
terday to Charlie A.' ! Ladling
of Aurora and i Amy Fish ' of
Hubbard. . !,(, , - ' 0
- i, ; .. . . - 1,'. V V'
Hemstitching, Cc at Yard
;V: 544 State St. Mrs. L. Biwer.-
Adv. -:
court yesterday by his brother,
the petition, (ha boy. who Is 13
years old, will ; receive '' $36 a
month as a , pension until he
reaches thtef. age ot 16 .years,
prorided that he has a guardian.
His parents,' Edmond and Lizzie
Evans, are i both dead. '
Spemce , Quallf i
' C. E. Spence. appointed by Gov
ernor Pierce as state ;7 market
ERent; and nF. A. j Sites, whom
Spence appointed state grain in
spector under his department, to
day qualified - lor their offices!
Both 'conferred with the governor
today . Mr. ' Spence will have ' an
office In Salem.- - -'
tor business or personal-use, good
paper, best printing.- Ask tor sam
ples..; Metropolitan ; Press, Port
land, Or. Adv. , - .
Bond.-. Approved --?.. ,
.'The state irrigation and drain
age securities commission yester
day approved $65,0 9 0 in bonds of
the Dee irrigation, district of
Hood River county," which has
been organized to take overs the
; properties of the 14 , Dee Irriga
:) Hon & Power company. The pro
ject contains about! 2000 acres.
: i
Electronic Reactions of Aorams
-Dr. White, 506 U. S. Bank bldg.
Adv.- "... .
) V"
ClslT lav'Accnacd'' ':""': J
; Ben uisier , or Ahis :, city was
'Arraigned is the ( justice .court
yesterday on a charge : of se-
auction.; He; asked for time in
- which to plead . which waa set
v.;orU6aayat10 1 o'clock- Ball
uraa placed ;'ai $300 " nrhich he
.tailed to furnish; : Glsler , Is ac
cased ct contributing, to the de-
llaqnseincy; 'ot 'ft local ' gl rl which
' followed an -Alleged , promise of
marriage.,,.,: y : S f .
l E. rMV - Hammer of i route 9,
reported to the ; police - yester
day that a small Fox terrlor,' 3
months - old, had - disappeared
rom. his home. 1 Its color was
all white with: the exception of
a brown fspot on ft head. -
i A petition to bd' appointed
guardian of Ralph " Evans, a
i . minor, 'was tiled lm the probate
'': Dlamonda atciei,
Jewelry arid SaTemr.
rhese 1 1233 Salen, Oregon
Our special mail order price for
gA. . . - m . M - - vum awaaa - auo ovuwvi ukm a, w-
100 letterheads and T5 envelopes ;flcIals o tne two involved dis
tricts, quo' warranto proceedings,
will today be filed In the supreme
court by, the state on information
of A. J. Moore, district attorney
for. Deschutes county, against the
members of the school boards: ot
the Bend first-class ' district and
an adjacent third-class district.
The law Is hot clear as to 'who
shall serve -: on the board of the
district formed by the consolida
tion, and the- case Is to clear up
this point. The school district of-
Money Transferred r
To pay Interest on Oregon state
highway bonds and Oregon soldier
bonus and loan bonds,; and also
for a $25,000 redemption of .hlgh
way bonds the state treasurer's of
fice has transferred $1,215,568.33
to the National Pari bank In New
York city. -
tricts against whom . the proceed
ings Dire brought : are 1 Ethel B.
Richards. J. 0. Gibson, H. A. Mil
ler, Clyde M. McKay, J. B. - Hay
burn,' A. D. Lewis, ' Mary Atkin
son and, Claude C. Vandevort. i..
Tonight -
Is dance
Beer Duji Up '
A bottle of beer estimated to
bo 32 years eld at least, was dug
up by workmen excavating for a
new building In Salem Saturday.
The excavation V where the beer
was found Is at the rear of what
was once the Mauritx i: Klinger
brewery. Experts j say the beer
probably has deteriorated In-quality
In that period of time.
Dr. Slaughter's Offices -
.Closed afternoons of Tuesday
and Friday Adr. . ;
Theft; Reported
. Arthur Martin of 610 South
Twentyf ifth street reported that
a pair of snubbers . had been
stolenj from his Paige bug while
It. was parked In .front of his
home yesterday. '
Car Struck- t .
D. D Huntley of 170 North
Twenty fourth street reported
that his ear, wliile- parked in
front ot his, home yesterday
was struck ' by an unidentified
automobile; : Both ears were sal d
to have been considerably damaged...
Announcement . .
( Dr. O. v H. Kent . has moved
his office to suite 303-5 Masonic
Temple. -Adv.
I c
Day oir NI!hk v
173 S. liberty E.
Calexs Ort.
Capital Junk
I'.; '. Co.
j AH tlsii cf joslc and:
pay fc3 rsl3.
' :' L
Fined for Speeding .
.M. ' M. Mosher appeared' In
the , police t court yesterday on
charge of speeding and was -lin
ed $10 by Judge , Marten Poul-
Lesa f Blanks- ;y f, I
Get them at Tne 8tatetsman of
fice. . Catalog i on application.-
Card of Thanks
, . we wish to thank 'our. many
friends and neighbors who io
kindly assisted ns in' the illness
and death of our beloved wife
and mother, also j for . the many
beautiful floral offerings. L. J.
Post; and family Adr. -
Will Test Imw . f
-:' To test -out the new lawTelat
ing to the consolidation of school
districts for the purpose -ot -or
ganizing union - high school . dis-
Osteopathic Physiclaa and
. ' Snrgeon
23 Oregon Bnlldlns
j Phone 268
- .- " ' 1 '
Gcacrzl Esnfrtas JZzZstsa
Olflea ilcsra frca 10 &. cu U 1 p. ta.
' f'
t t
t .
Valt 0. & Offwunt taycnrlsian
:10 Years From
night at the Gray
Music i Week Observed , at
Elaborate Made-in-Salem '
; -i Dinner yesterday -
Daily Musical Program .
As a part of the music . week
program proiessor banner ana
the music history class ot t the
Willamette university school of
music .will givU a musical pro
gram in . the chapel ; of Waller
hall each afternoon of the week
at i 2 o'clock. , Talent from all
over the 'City will aid in the pro
gram. .No admission will .. be
charged. - ;...' ' fti.
A Classified Ad
Will bring you a buyer
. Adt
Way Popular Blusic r : 1 :-
Beginners taught in 12 - Weeks,
guaranteed. . Waterman Piano
School, room 3, over Millers. Free
demonstration. -Adv. i ; '-
Buildings Planned
Ray L. Smith, city attorney, will
build a new home to - coat more
than $4000 at 1785 Center street,
a..S V XT Dk.U. wit V.i 11J m
000 home at 341 North Nineteenth
street. -
; l. . r
After Theali
Dancing at the Gray
this evening,- 9 until ,12.-
Entertain Faculty MembeVi f ,-
Members ot 'Salem high school
debate squad entertained with- a
dinner party at The Spa Saturday
night. Their guests were , Prot.
and Mrs. J C. Nelson and Mr. and
Mrs. Victory A. Colliiis. Mr. Col
lins is debate coach.'
Clarion Staff to Frolic
Robin Hood and his merry band
will be enjoyed - by the. members
of the high school Clarion staff
tomgnt, toilowed : by a supper
ai tug oyn. unurgt) nooieo
is editor of the paper this year.
v A - party ! for the. after-theatre
dance at the ; Gray ; Belle this
evening.,; Dancing! 9 until vl2
Adv. s. - .
Xew BopUoggeraVCzar ; j
Oregon bootleggers Have a new
czar" to fear He IsMBlar E.
McGHchrlst. recently appointed
United - States district attorney,
who will step into the offices of
Edward Baldwin whose resigna
tion becomes effective Saturday
night. At1 least 18 cases against
bootleggers set for trial will be
consigned to McGtlchrist by Bald
win. Nine, libels against automo
biles will be Included In his In
heritance, not ncludlng 13 . cases
set! for grand Jury Investigation!
In addition to Baldwin's farewell
tokens, McGIIehrist already has 19
cises of his own; (accepted when
he assumed the duties of his new
office less than two months ago.
Portland -News, i - r -
There are some large-necked
persona who say that , they "don't
like music."' Well, they got Aheir
satisfaction.-Of baser things at the
Chamber : of , Commerce dinner
Monday noon : when the Made-In-
"Salem menu, was put on. I
A man could .row a neck . like
a $50,000 Poland China champion
on the foods set out for the din
ers: ; There was the Valley Pack
ing company's. Cascade ..-ham;
mashed potatoes, ' raisin ' gravy:
broccoli, from the Oregon grow
ers; home-made raisin bread and
hot cross buns; Producers Can
nlng company Royal Purple
prunes ; ) ' Oregon Packing com-
panys Bartlett pears; Hunt's
bins cherries; Star. blackberries;
Phez 'strawberry, jam ; Stolz's, gin
ger ale and assorted , carbonated
drinks, : and King's pumpkin pies
an inch thick, and yellow as sun
shine in July, -f-; - ' ' ; -
t There weren't .very many ; who
dared to try to eat, it all; it was
the most lavish meal ever served
in the club. Every seat ; was
tilled.'3:: ,. -' - .-' f. ;..!;";'
; The. music,. however,, all ; made
In Salem, was a fine4 attraction."
Prof. ; Paul Petri of Portland In
troduced the quartet from the Sa
lem Women's - dub, ' Mrs. D. W
Riddle,! Mrs. Arthur Rahn,,1 Mrs.
Ward ,1 Willis Long, Mrs. Merle
Roseerans, who gave several de
lightful numbers. The .first was
"Dear Lad of Mine," ; one ot the
products of the World", war,!, writ
ten by ' Gena. 'Branscombe; and
beautifully rendered by the quar
tet. Mrs. Rahn appeared In two
solo numbers. 'The Piper of Love"
and 'The Cuckoo Clock," the lat
ter one of the songs of the. Flor
ence Macbeth program two weeks
ago. . Later In the program Mrs.
Rahn also presented "Her Gown,
which made a' hit with the frown
buyers and the husbands of the
gown-wearers, who many a time
and 6ft have ' had their doubts
about f whatV would : happen ; f f r
well, what might happen to some
4 The quartet presented two sou
thern melodies, one - the negro
'Louisiana Lullaby," ; the ''Swing
Low" was- especially effective In
its typical waling - negro minor
cadences. v J ' ' .
1 Pxofesjsdrl Petri spoke" briefly
on ' the . i. cultivation of , musical.
tastes, saying that ' music (1s 'the
mark of superior culture,' and that
it is a -study . that should,! attract
the strongest and the most. -vigor
ous minds and .bodies.: He showed
by statistics that the average good
music student is likewise a su
perior -student in school" work, and
he quoted authorities to show that
mtisic as a study has a higher cor
relative ralue than any other high
school study. At Oxford unlverr
slty 75 per? cent of the geitertfl
prizes are .won by musical stud
enti wno comprlsM? only 10 per
cent i of the! total student : enroll
ment.!;-'1 nrr '.;
lie urged music for all the ehil
dren. especially for the boys.
. - it i win never -do them any
harm." he asserted.
qBter, Is Medf ord for the for
estry; deparitment."irf-i--'iv.i;' -t
ueorge Cleaver, state prohibi-
tlon eammlaltnnkr. waa 1ia frnm
Portland (yesterday to cohfer with
uoveraor Pierce.
DKc P. L. Utter ft In Portland
on 'business. , ,
E. AtRhoten went to Portland
yesterday en business: lie will go
on to ; Washington points and . will
sum ivr wjc... ;. - ---- t --
Dean John Btraub of the 'Uni
versity of OregoiKwas In Salem
yesterday on business- l k ,
Mr, and ,: Mrs. Eugene Graben-
horst returned to ' Salem Sunday
evening following several days In
bugene on business. -
ir. ana arrs. u. u. Shipley are
la.uaiuorma lor a combined bus
iness: and pleasure, trip.
Horace Addis of the Or ego
Parmer was- here yesterday.,
Many Purchases Made' by
Local, rirm bince Legis-:
: lattire Took Ban Off i
I I Relievea . Backache.
"Have had kidney trouble and J
backache .for, many years and
I -tried , several -doctors but got
qnly ; temporary, relief A friend
advised me to try Foley Kidney
Pills, rand before : I used two
boxes r I f was entirely. ' well,"
writes - A C Perkins, . Summer
Shade, Ky! Kidney and bladder
trouble- S- requires prompt treat
ment. : Foley Kidney Pills give
quick relief. - Refuse substitutes.
Insist upon Foley's. Sold every
where. Adv. :
For - Sal
.'An Edison ! light - system ! to
gether with 6 h. p. International
engine . and necessary pulleys.
Price $200. See John J. Rob
erts, Bank ' of Commerce Bldg.
Adv.- rT.,:rt.-.-V'A':.r
will you merely "wish that you 'had
. saved part of this week's salary.; t- ,
, : or, will you be glad that: you did? ;
' . There's a lot of difference ' : : .;
V and the answer depends on what you ;
; do today. ' . . , " V- , . -Don't
you really think you should start .
v today? f 't " "
This bank welcomes small accounts and
allows ' s ; - i
3'v Compound Interest on Saving 3;
United States natiend Ban!:
r: C:rri:a LzHV
ITeraber Federal HcrrrTS Cystcn
reterson Sells Out ;!''
' Rich li. Relman, formerly" of
Dallas, has' bought out Arthur E.
Peterson, . realtor ,ln the Oregon
building. 'and will open a real es
tate office dealing - strictly In
homes. Mr. Reimaa has been suc
cessful in Dallas in the real estate
business and hopes to be equally
successful in Salerj. He will move
his family to Salem following the
close of school, June 1 j
Funeral Notice
. George ' Newton died at his
bono at Glaxton Station. March
31. 1923. at the age of 69 years.
The.' funeral services 'will be held
In the chapel ' of the Webb Fu
neral parlors, April 4, at Z p.. m.
Rev.. H. D. Chambers will con
duct the services. Interment
In : the City .View cemetery.
ueorge Alderin, for the West
Fur company, has ' bought ' from
the - Oregon state- fish and game
commission - the ' whole , stock ; of
beaver skins that the department
has!, been collecting as contraband
while the beaver law was in force.
The sale was' made In Portland
ou.! sealed bids.1 and he gets the
whole ' assortment,' almost ; 1 0U
BkIhV,:'1 r:-f:&-f;--.&
'A good beaver skin Is worth in
the' neighborhood of $20, .though
there is'jx very wide ranges in
values, according to the condition
of' the fur. Tlie skins usually go
to New Tork ' for finishing. There
they are plucked and tanned. The
plucking! removes all ; the long,
wiry hairs, and ;! leaves-only the
short," velvety fur. This prepara
tion costs about $5 for each skin
to have the work rightly .jdone
Mr. Alderin'! has ; been buying
many skins within the past few
weeks, since- the last legislature
took off the legal protection for
beavers.; There are many of tiiem
in the state and the trappers have
been chasing -them f uriously since
agreed on, then the association In-,
vtted the -governor dowri so as
to buy the appointment from him.
They got. out 80, per ient of the
population. what . a price they
offered for "that appointment!
What a fraud they were trying to
work 9ft on. our governor! ' ;; No
oubt some ot Medford's best citi
elus so notified the gorernor, and
when he found out what they Were
trying to do he didn't stay bought.
But Anderson wasn't" a -good 'loser
So he lets the cat out. of the bag
and gives ..the - who plot - away.
I? looks to- me that - this-, would
really and. truly make a case for
the Jacksonville countr grand
Jury to investigate. The ) spirit
that the' few. would-beleaders ar
manifesting. very clearly; jshows
ther areJ.ouErtO-rttlOfOJ' ruin, J I
learned a long time ago that 'there
were only two spirits-agoad one
and a .bacLjone and it looks. to a
monkey up a - tree that Anderson
is:, possessed t of. "that bad-' spirit.
Ife calls our governor a white
face. ' "That would Indicate that
he was 'a' full blood; v Yes. and he
CLOVERDALE. Or., April 2.
M rs. Grace Thomas and Mrs. Car
oline Drager were in Salem . Sat-J the legal prohibitum was removed.
Mrs.4 Artllla Hadley : left here
Saturday for eastern Oregon to
visit relatives. She will stop at
Newberg and Visit her I mother.
Mrs. Pickett, t and" then continue
her! journey to Athena, where lier
son and family live.
; F. A. Wood Is well satisfied
With th rAcutt nf htm antlnn
sale held here Friday. .
; A big surprise party gathered
at the F. - A; Wood, home Thurs
day 1 evening to i give . a farewell
party. J The Wooda' have resided
here, for .over 17 yearsapd .have
many friends. More than 3 0V per
sons were but to greet them.
v.-Mra Anna JCunke spent ! the
week-end in Salem with Mrs. Ha-
sel Fdlflet,
. "
Webb & Clougb
Obrtctcrs .
Expert Ecb&Lbtrt
Rigdon & Son's
, .KO3T0AHY ' ;
Ferd Jones of Eugene was a
visitor In the city yesterday.- ,
- T. 'F. Wralker of Middle Grove
spent the: day In' the city yes
terday. - -----
' - W. H. V- Balllle, - rural - school
supervisor, will , leave today for
Spokane4 where - he will' attend
a meeting - of the Inland Empire
Teachers' ,f association.' He ; will
represent Mrs. Mary Fultoerson,
county superintendent, ' at ; the
contention., ; . . ;;-!..
; Frank Gilstrop was here ; yes
terday from Eugene.
Blaine - McCord, attorney of
Woodburn. was in the city yes
terday. - -ri ' -H
W. C. Dibble was in the city
from his Polk county ranch yes
terday, on road business.
i; C. J. Bartruff of Middle
Grove was' at the court house
yesterday. J ! ' "
G. D. Bowen of Sllverton was
in ' Salem - yesterday ton business
at the court house.
James , Smith - of ' Sllverton
spent: the day In Salem yester
day, i - "
, F. i O, Johnson'. Hazel Green.
was in the city on road , business
yesterday. .-.', . "mr ,
Phillip ;May of East'- Mount
Angel was j'in Salem v yesterday.
-Ralph Gilbert, wife and son
Waldo, were In, Salem yesterday
visiting friends. - ;
Frank Hynes of .North Howell
was in Salem on business yes
terday. ' ' J : . '
Edward Siegmund of Stayton
was in Salem on . business yes
Mrs. John Bailey of , Hazel
Green was I n ' the city . yesterday
on a shopping, tour. -
" James Teller or f Donald i traa
sarted business at the . court
house yesterday. . , , w
Henry M. Hansen, political edi
tor of the Portland Telegram, was
In Salem yesterday. - - ;
State Senator George Joseph of
Portland was In the city yester
day. - t V
E. A. Koen, , publisher of the
Polk County Observer,, wihcre
yesterday from Dallas. ;j
II. J, Eberly, deputy t state . for-"
April showers; and sunshine,
, Pretty is as pretty paints.:
Those Jackson county fisher
men and; hunters would rather
fight than fish or hunt. ... -
,Al '.Jones ,of West Salem ' says
you- don't have to saw. wood in or
der to say nothing. f
1 The joy of living is wholly the
Jy of giving. , ; . '
: '.''in youth. per," In age ,Irep.M
Any marriage will , be failures
IT the "persons entering it are fail-
ores. ;
w nether your prayers a re an
swered 'usually depends largely
upon ' how hard . you are willing
to work for the answer.
A - Rosedalej district boy says a
beehive Is the. poorest thing in
the world to fall baek on. v
t "Please pass the butter, as the
man said when he sent -bis. goat
by express. -
iThis jis national garden week
In ' Oregon. - Are you worklag at
ItT :
iWhen an honeBt hen is laying
the foundation for a family, and
doing all the hard work,?, some
ooob rooster- is always ready to
jdo the crowing. t " ,
B- -.
Ralph Emmons Returns
! From Northwestern U.
. Ralph Emmons, son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Emmons, has return
ed from Chicago . where he has
been attending Northwestern' uni
versity ' He was compelled to
leave his college work because of
illness. and will eater a Portland
hospital . in a . tew : weeks for an
; i He was obliged to -cancel his
work, on Jhe ; freshman debate
team which will meet the Uni
versity of Illinois during this
month. The Willamette debate
t squad stopped i in Chicago while
oa their way to Whf.aton coneCe'
at Wheaton, 111.; Rodney AldeH
was not' with them when Ralph
met them in Chicago.. Both Lit
tler and Southworth were old da-bate-eroniee
of Emmons from high
school, days and - they enjoyed a
short , visit. His Illness prevented
him! from being much with -them
while they were there. f
-iMrs. W. W. Emmons arrived In
Chicago the day before Ralph left
for Oregon. 1 She will remain un
til the middle of June with her
f i daughter," Marlon, who Is a violin
student in Chicago, icalpa stop
ped, for7 teveral - days in - Portland
before coming -on to Salem. " ':
Last . week scores ot fine - skins
came into the Salem factory. . Mr.
Alderin expects that next year he
will be handling beaver skins by
bales, or! truck loads. , There waa a
time when John Jacob Astor first
heard of the great northwest, that
beayer skins were better money in
the Willamette Valley than gold or
silver. It Under" l the new beaver
law, . it promise to happen again
that : beaver skins will go ' big In
the Webtoot state.' - ' ! -
this Is Rubbing it in -
t n Mickel of the S. P.
r A.7Xt MIckel, j Salem agent for
the Southern pacific, carried J 53.
869.05 i into the sheriffs office
Monday, saying In effect, "Here'e
the -money to build the state and
county and city highways for youf
dog-gone stage lines.! It wa3 the
company's tax contribution for the
first half of its i 1$22 taxes. Just
now due. The other half, an equal
amount, will be paid in October.
: From Mr. Pufdy.
Editor Statesman: k
: In the Sunday Oregonian I read
an article written by Bert Ander
son and' from this article the peo
ple of Oregon are given to under
stand that a few .leaders'; ot the
Jackson county game body hatch
ed op ia : scheme; to buy,: the ItH
dor&ement- of -Governor Pierce for
some certain ! Individual that they
wanted appointed as the game
commissioner. The article says
in part, that Rafter Hill had been
infersHhatjjoveruor.PIerco lnot
honest. How in the world can La
tell when he has a bad spirit him
self to Judge with? Does he watt
our. governor, tobe likehimselt?
I feel that It he does, the peopla
so far would, lay "nit!
Anderson Is afraid that a ma
chine la constructed In Ore
gon, that will.; give Ford a run
for-Jtils money Jn- 19247 without
any fedylce for suggestion from
him.- I wish to state that I couiit
myselfpne of the foremost Denw
c rats of the state of Oregon, aad
I havT-not even seen the . govtr
uorsincenet! was elected.: I an
determined ro stay in the lead,
and If-there is a machine bein
formed by the old war horses of
the Democratic party I don't know
It, and when I out I.wju
keep Etill until the proper time
comes;; Then when the old thins
tries to pass. me I will; Jump, on
and ride . until the darn tlu..,;
needs gas, and then X will run. en
ahead of iU
-: " WILL E. PURDT..
- Salem. Or.. April Z 1923.
: "-Every '
, Wax '
, to bring it
.fc to yom
. flmmwd
'. Host oi:r.p;c:.; C" -bastily-
xi'l ' L: '
II people rc:::r - '
tbcci II : nro's--:'
' a til ci -vjizzzrJ
"cSSlSl CIS ' CIC-VC T - - - " . ''y
we'd Iiavc tcr fc:: .
Keep tccllX clean, cc. -swept,
cppctllc lizzn cr. 2 C:z
In niodcra,! ccnltcry
'-if- r-1 i
J ii .v " 77i& Flavor . .
iCvS- I M sr ""v ' r r !r -
Thm Great
! TEW YORK, April 2. Evap
orated "apples' dull; prime state
10 1-4 at 10 3-4. Prunes dull
and easy; Calif orhias !? 1-2 ' at
16c. Oregona. 7 at ..11c. Apri
cots quiet; - choice 23 at 24c
Extra: choice- 2S at 27c; fancy
3 O' atJ31c. Peaches easy;, choice
U at.13 l-2c extra; choice I
1-2 at 14 3-4c;' fancy 15 at IS
1-2 ' cents."-
5 -
i . ' i. , . ' . . ' . i . -
Direct frqni Dr. ScholVs, Chicago; 111.
Coming to OW Shoe Department
;.r' Wednesday j
If foot troubles have clouded your life with needless misery,
.. here is your opportunity to rid yourself of this trouble! Meet at
;our store a man specially trained in -Dr. Scholl's method of foot
comfort. Let him tell you how the famous Dr. ScholTs Foot
; Comfort appliances car) ease the pain of such foot disorders as
weak and broken down arches, weak, aching: ankles', calouses on
soles, corns and bunions. - - 1 - i . ' ;
- r-' ' . .t -.
. r . '. - ' .. , . K v- j -- - ' 1 I ' -.
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