The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 01, 1923, Page 9, Image 9

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i i
. . William IT. Uillikeo. t.' D minister
9:ii a. Bible school 11:09 4 n.,
Morning worship, baptismal 'service and
-sermon br Evangelist II., August Hunder
; up. The penier sad Intermediate B." Y.
;P. .C oriVaisatioun will- meet - at 6:30'
(and at 7: O a baptismal servioe- followed
hy.the cloning infecting: of . the evangelist
'cmpifin pit. llijinderup speaking. .- ;
( Pn entrees,; Christian Cornet North
(17lh and Court Street Bible school nt
":45 m. Sunrise Prayer- aervice 6:30,
'Decision eferviee 'Jn - Bible cheekier?
mon:"Thn Empty Tomb and Its le.r
age." Thise not baring way to , fefr af
ra asked t phone i208 J for an .auto,
Closing "etoa ! , Ire-Easter Cnrapaign
f -JO p. mf Sermon: ow or Sever.'?
t Endeavor p-30. y, A weleoma awaits von
j R. Pattern, pastor. , ; -. - -ir
: : V JL - ""- ' 'r'
iirst Oriatlaa . Bible, school 9 :45
Pastor thime at meriting service, "Sig
nificance if Easter.'! Knights Templar
will attend evening service la',- a body.
kKe. 3. J.j Evans, pastor.
a. m.; A J. Ilager, superintendent; The
pastor will deliver an Easter sermon t
11 am.. In the evening members will
wee at , the Cottage Strrct church for
union revival wettings whlcuia will close
, ., , . ,
Sooth Salem Fricnd4 South Commer
cial an j- Washington: V streets; Xathan
bwabb, neater. Bible school atlo a; n.'
taster ran Ufa "at 11 o'clock. C. E. at
6:30. I'tayer Service Thursday 7:30.
! I
4 Higblaid ; Friends "Highland avenue
and North Churrlr street, O. and Ida
J Lee, ministers. Bible school at 10 a.
m.: , Our Jachool is well erganUed pnd -is
pg ojl i work. Voo will find a ,fel
friendly welcome with ns. Preaching ,11
a. , pjiA 7:80 p. m.J Christian Endea
vor, at i."iO p. ra. Toong; peoples prayer
meeting and Bible study on Monday at
7;30 . p. an Prayer meeting on Thurs
day at 7i30. : Come and worsUp with as
oa this glorious Easter time. ;
snd Mrs.
A. 31. illohbrook, - officers ia
. Coftsgre '-and, Chemeketa Rer. ; Martin
Fereshetian, minister. Church school at
10 a, so. Special! Easter service. An
thems by tbe iCnitkr Chorus Choir. (-"It
Was a Blue Bird fTold the Story") by
Thayer, and ("Ealster Bella.") ; Mrs.
Fereshetian win stag for "the offertory,
("Hosanna") by Granier. Mr. Ferenhe
tian "will preach on "The Resurrection
and Immortality." All are welcome,;; On
Thursday ; evening :: the Kmerson class
metts Vor the dis-cusaion of Emersun's
ecsay - on "Mature.
' First Congregational Church Liberty
and Center streeU. ,YV. C. Katner, min-
mer., Jtn.uj . m, there will be the
annual Easter Morning Prayer Meeting.
j Ber. J. 1 Evans,' of , the Christian church
..will make tite addrene. 8:15 a.: mM Eas
ter breakflast in the church parlor nader
auspices if the Christian Endeavor. 10
a. Sunday . school session, 11 . m.,
Easter sermon and reception f . members
.6 :30 p. itt Christian: Endeavor: 7 :30
P- "a, Snered - Onneert,- Easter 'program
; 17 hi twir. -m pisblio eordially in
f Gospel Mission 185 South Commercial
atreet up; stairs. Services Sunday 2 and
:30 p 4m. Snndsy ! school and Bible
tudy 1 p. nW We pray for the healinc
f the ssck. Evervbodv is walmrae.
' Castle Chapel United Bretheran chnrcb
Corner of 17th and'Nebraska. Sunday
school at 10 j o'clock. "Morning worship
11 a. m. Christian Endeavor 7 :30. Top
ic lessons from the Psalms. Junior En
deavor 6:30. . Prayer meeting Thursday
evening 7:30 Yon are , invited to nil
these service!. George Chapman, pas-
tor. , ! ' - ;- ,"' .' I-
church Monday evening at 7:45..
No j admission vylll . bo t chargca
buti an offering will be recevecl.
Ray Lyman Wilbur Made
Trustee for Foundation
March 30. Ray Lyman Wilbur,
president o Stanford, rersity,
haa een- elected one of the -15
trustees Of the Rockefeller foun
dation. The1 .foundation has an
endowment of I nearly $185,000,-
Catholle Church Bev. t. BL Back, nss-
ivr. ww mass wit a AeaOemy choir sing
tag and eommonioa at 8.00 s'elock, and
, solemn high mass . with special - .Easter
, nsasie pr regnJnr choir and sermon
; hj tan pastor at 10:00. i Benediction fol
k Iowa last! mass. Everyone fwelcauie.
, Church! f Gd--lS49 K. Chnrck St . 4
uisieapie, pastor.' Sandsv school
10 m.EMtr pfogrsin Uy the Suhdny
m a a . am. oiuiarf lcnaei at
Eatern Usights 3 p. " m. Preachirie ser-
vien at 4 p. m. -STeuntf Peoples Meeting
f anoipreaenrng aervlcnT'SO. Regn,
ar wr- prajer
evening, T: 30
meetioc "Wednesdaj
Esst State and 18th s tree UG. Koeh-
ler. Pastor. ? Sunday , school : at 9:30 a.
Easier service and holy communion
at 10:30; a. m, which will be held in the
German language. .. .Subject of the ser
mon: "Christ Liven and We Shall live
!. ? Luther Leataue at 2:30 . tm.
icpic; .. t Resurrection."; Evening service
in the English language at 7:30 p. m.
All. XAtaeran christians . that orefer .- to
worship :Ib -the American language ' - are
heartily ) invited. 8pecial music. -Slid
week meeting on Thursday al 7:30 p, m
Bible .school oa Saturday from 9 to;13
m. - . . ,
-- First t- Methodist ; Episcopal Chureli
Cogner State and. Church atreeU. Blaine
K. fKirtpa trick, minister, i Class meeting
:15 a.i m. Sunday, school 9:45 a.
Morning; worship 11 o'clock. Easter
sermon by pastor-, -. Baptism of infants
after the first anthem, and baptism and
reception, of new members nt the. close
ol : the Sserviee. Sunrise - Esster serviee
on the fast slope of j the Capital building
at 6:30 : clock in morning. The public
will be iweleome at nil of. these services.
- t i
f - . CHpBXTH: or CBKX8T
ine Limrch of j Christ meets on th
corner of 1 Shipping and Cottage atreets
r every J em a day at 11 o'clock for wor-
snip .andlte study-vGwls word. PVeaeh
h tng. every first and third Sundays in the
s nonuu ,: vi elcosae to any one who- wunts
W meet and study the Bible with m t
i V- CHsZbTZAH sciekce
m .-First. Church 140 Chemeketa 'street.
Baa day -mersnng services at 11, o'clock,
levelling services at 8. Subject of lesson
eermon BeaHty." ? Sunday "school at
weonesaay evening testimon
ial i meeting at 8 -o'clock. ; Reading room
ft 209 Maeonie Temple, open every day
exoept holidays and Sundays from 11:15
. to .ojft p.j m. AH are cordially invited
to our sertices and to onr reading room
'!'- - - i , - AT.T.TANCB ,"
-Service i this afternoon there will ; tx
, apertal Raster music antjaiia jnossage will
, oe master Joys. The service today
wiu proDatiy be the. last Sunday meet
ingi to oe hela ia the W. (JTT, U. hall
' .. ...... . .
" " expect so occupy taeii
-. new tabernacle, now nearing completion
va- iirry S trees, on April 8.
' ' . ;-;:-" ! ' l';y
. M. PnnF s Corner Church and Che-
a mekeU atreets. Bev. IL 'IX Chambers.
' i rector. Three eelebrstions of the Holy
Kocharist. T a. m., at 8:30 a, m, and
the- celebration with music by the full
f vested choir at 1 a. m. . The rector will
preach at the llo'eloek ervice i All. will
he welcome. Church school at
j i ne xoung f eopie a Society will meet nt
6:80 in the parish house for business
' and Bible arudy. 'AH young, people in
Cottage Street Bev.' CC' Poling, pas
tor. ' Services at 11 o'clock 'and. 8
'elock. Subjects: 4 'Christ and the
Bessnrreetion" and The Chrisis ' of
ChrUtendoto." ; The Endenvor Society
will meet at 7:00.: Subject: "The Walk
te Emmanav ' ? v
. 1 '--i
Liberty..! Street Evangelic! G. P.
Liening 6r' pastor.1- Sdnday schoot at 10
Jason- Trft Memorial M. K. Chnrch-
Corner -N. Winter and Jefferson stTee-
Thomas. Aeheson and Earl Officers. i pas
tors.-. Devotional ; strvices , accompanied
with th Sacrament of the Lords Sup
per at a. m. Sunday. ,si-hool at 9:43
a. m. Easter service at IL a. m..i Ih
fani and' adult baptism,. Lords Supper
Epworth League devotional meeting i.30
p. a. At 7:30 evening service -.-
First Tj4ited - Bretheran Chrch--12tlr
end Mission? C. Si Johnson, pastor, bun-
day school I at 10 a. A. short Easter
- J ,. n . ! i V J . 4- .'
program, will be given, sennos tonjwv:
'The Risen LiordU'r tntcrmeaiaie v. r..
at 5 p. m. Senior C. E., at 6:so. rreacn
ins at 7:30. subject. ; "The Uoubtert An
nouncement ss to next ween meeiings
will be made Sunday evening. , i . t
OO0;l largely the gift of John D.
Rockefeller,, the; Income from
which s expanded under the di
rection oT the boaird of truHteea
"5or the well-being of mankind
throughout the world.? The .an
nual income available for " the
foundation exrend'tures mountsa
to between fS.OOO.OOO and $V
000.000.. i'
The foundationfs carrying on
or aiding campaigns a&alnst book
worm in :- the United States, Aus
tralia and elsewhere, tuberculosis
in I France, yellow fever in South
America.' Ts-a in-i the United
States, and other d'setses fin
various parts of the world.
Grants , of more than a million
dollars have been made to medi
cal institutions In the , United
States. ' ;
Kniqhts Templar to r I
Attend Churcn services
:WIth the dying out qf the Tu
tenkhamon episode the dally news
paper paragraphers are feadyfor
the next -sensation. It Vas ; a
Godsend in an otherwise dull sea
son. . - - :-
i i
nemniav rtommanderT ot the
' ... ... ., r i . aM Jl lliA I '
Knigncs ''lempier iij nucuu. -"-
First Christian ; church, tonrgnt
in a W. They will, be In unl-
torm and will) take .parjt in tne
services. .The imuslc will be .giv
en by the choir Jn harpony with
the ritual for the; occasion., ,
"Still as the; Night' by, JJohm,
and "Minuet," j by , Beethoven are
the two numbers -to . be ;given by
Arir - TTirfes ' ' cello- . Delbert
! Arnold,
Another thing, the radio is alt
right In Its way, but It will never
be used instead ot writing a love
Conference of Representa
tives Agree Not to Go
Out With Strikers 4 .
SEATTLE,; March. 30. Mafntei.
nance pen iwill remain -a work
ir ; tnej Roslyn and . Tono coal
fields of thU state in a strike to
begin at midnight tomorrow! night,
it was agreed here today at L con
ference of representatives Of .the
Washington j Coal Operators- . as
sociation 'and the; United Mine
Workers of District No. 10. The
operators announced ' tliat they
had no ' intention of using non
union workers. ' ' t
The cOferenf?e adoujrned toj
meet aain next week, when it W
expected that Martin F; Flyiik,
district president of the mine
workers, will have returned from
the east. - . ' :
- Would Cut ray ,
Under an agreement made last
year after a strike, the approxi
mately :one-third jot; the men , in
the mines who are on daily wage
receive from $7 to $8.25. ' The
companies, : In " negotiating an
agreement to take effect tomor
row night at the expiration of the
182 pact proposed a flat cut of
$140 Jxl pay Without reducing
charges for rent, fuel,-lijrht and
power and other merchandise. The
miners who are paid, by the quan
tity of coal'dug are tl strike .with
the others. Of the 2000 men go.
ing qn. strike, 1750,? work, for the
Northwestern Improvement.' com
pany a subsidiary of 'the North
ern pacific railway. . ..
.... r - - ' : .
, At tne conference tne mineral
were represented by H.' J. Alsop.
district secretary, and Robert Mc
Lean, ; vice president. .The com
panies concerned wore all .repre
sented the Northwest Improve
ment cqmpanir by C. Cw. Anderson,
the Rosyn Fpel company and tbe
Independent ; Coal ; & Coke com
pany by Daniel F; Buckingham,
the Washington Union mine,- at
Tono by William Hand, and the
Roslyn-Cascade company by -John
Ryczek, president 'Of the Opera
tors' association, j. i
Room Is Needed for ; ;
; ; California Fossils
I3S ANGELES," March 30.
Plans for "the addition of several
units to the Los Angeles Museum
of, history, science and art have
been made by the county board
of supervisors and the museum's
board of governors. r;
. The present museum building
Is filled with, representative spe
cimens from, the famous La Brea'
fossil pits, near here, and with
an extensive collection Of , Span
ish California . xelics. - Space Is
lacking In which to exhibit recent
important'ebntributions fro hi Al
aska", Ntah and South Africa, and
estimates of future acpulsitionfe
loom so large that it is propose!
to -provide for, enlargement ot the
museum, by periodical i addition
of funits, to 10 times its present
size. 1 . r '
Bakery and Confectionery to
Open for Business About v
, . r- . - r a A - .
.5,; ;f rirst 01 iviay
t Dallas; Joi, " March iso
(Special to ' The" Statesman.!
The new bakery and confectionery'!
store to .be operated - byr Cbarles
Bilyeu" and Wiley ' Gardner will
be. open for .business about May
1, according to information given
out-by the proprietors. : "i .
The new firm has already pur
chased . the biggest part ofjhelr
equipment and jexpect to start the
remodeling , of their, store-room
on Main- street shortly' after the
firs of next month. 1 .-'''
It is. Xhe intention, of the pro
prietors to , make such a brand
of bread and pastries that people
of Dallas will .."not .have to use
ontside. products in this line In
the future. They have- already
secure a contract for,, furnishing
bread, for a. large lumbeTing con
cern In the western part of Polk
county and' expect td ship bread
tp other cities in the county... . ,
j In addition to the; confectionery
ajfid. bread business, -the new pro
prietors expect tott eventually
serve I .meals , . soTewba't on . the
lines the Gray .Belle (and ; Spa of
Salem are operated.'- ,
Ccmrr.LT.ity - Icccrr.rr
uureair in nunn vcrr
..'; "";-'' 1 f ." -
;,SAN" FRANCISCO Cal.. March
29 The -coram unity placement
bureaV, ' senri-phllanthropu in
stitution founded, and directed by.
Sah: Francisco bus'neas" men for
the benefit of helping : the unem-
poyed, will begin its fourth year
here this 1 week after . becoming,
in: the opinion of its founders, a
successful Institution. '
During tts operations ; for tb.9
first'three Jyears, the bureau nas
placed more than 5000 men and'
women In postiohs at a nominal
fee, according; to Mrs. Margaret
O'Connor,' manager. ForHbe first
two years.. Mrs. , O'Connor says,
the bureau operated at a heavy
loss, the burden! being borne by
its founders. The last year, row-
ever, the bureau operated at a
profit, - having -placed 890 ' men
'The bureau Is organised to
assist tbo great army of unorgan
i2ed workers,' said Mrs. O'Con
nor. - ; r- ' i : " : ; "1 '
Senator - Underwood's frlend3
have thrown his, hat into the Pres
idential ring.-And it ia ar natty
bit of headgear, '; j '
t-' I ; ; ' ;
b 1 r
Leslie .Methodist i Episcopal
South Commercial! and Myers
H.. F.1 Pemberton, - pastor. - Sunrise meet
ing at GU30. : Sunday school at 9:43.
Morning iworship at 11 o' fleck. Sermon
subject: "Jesus, Christ 1 Alite Today .'
Epworth 1 League at, 6:30. . 4
U Scandinavian M. E.? Church Corner of
15 nd Mill streeU. Iavid - C. ; llassrt.
pastor. Ioming " worship 11 "o clock,
sermon bjr the pastor followed by! confir
mation and baptism S.undayschoo , af
ter the morning service! " Epworth j League
6r45 pi an. The evening service at- 8
'clock in eharre of the iSunday
school; -children, whe will "render, in .-Eer
ter program. . ;: j ;
';..., r( .; f
9 Center f Street "Methodist Episcopal
North 1 and Center atreets, G. S. Boe
der, minister. Sunday -school 18 a. .'nt.
Germsym, services -:11 ; a an.;". The j 'pastor
will takeifor his theme: "."The Rinen Sa
viour." I Epworth league at 7 J p. m.
President illickman' of Kimball School of
Theology 'Will -preach in' the evening. You
'are. eordially- invited. ; v'1 r'- - -v" ."
'--v- 'A'- i- PBESBTTEBIAN :.-(.'
- The- First .Presbyterian Ward: WilHa
Long, minister. - .30 aJ. m.. , Christian
Endeavor ;Sunrise Prayer (meeting. ? 9:45
a. m., Sunday school Easter program. 11
a. m-; Easter message i'Groups Aboat the
Sepulchre by the ministerv ' - j
. Bethnnyj Reformed cbnreh : I Corner
of Capital" and; Marion atreets. , Sunday
school 10 a. m, and German preaching
service .llf, a," m.. with Holy Communion,
No evening service. M. Denny, pastor.
f Servicen Holiness meeting 1J t. m.
Company ' meeUng 2 p. m.. Salvation
Bally 7 :4i. Easter program by the 'chil
dren included, s All welcome. - - Captain
niano. i !
The pennon i will be given by
h naator, J.. Evans, on "Moa-
ern Christian i Chlvalry."
Miss Trlsta 1 Wenger will sing
"The Conqueror," by. C. Whitney
Coombs, i during the , assembly
period of! the Bible school. She
will be accompanied by Avery
Tlirfes. cello, and Carl Wenger,
nrrun . i . V .
"He Arose" will be the anthem
by the choir at the church ser
vice at "U i o'clock.
Christian Endeavor
Speaker to be Here
The Christian Endeavor socle-)
tiescf Salem are to ' be , greatly
tavored by. an evening with Clar
ence C. Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton,
In a iour of the coast,: has ' ar
ranged to speak here on Monday i
(vn'nr j under the' auspices ot i
the Marlon county Christian, En-
deavor union. " -
Mr. Hamilton was at one time
field secretary for thai. Ohio C
E. Ureioh, iwhich is considered
one of the really great state
unions, and which has produced
many - rioted - Christian Endeavor
workers i cFor the last five years
Mr. Hamilton has been field r e-
preser.tative for vthe Christian
Endeavor World. A little more
thani a year ago" he was made
Held secretary to the united so
ciety In addition, In recognition
of the splendid work he has done
on the Christian Endeavor World.-
Every "preparation- - Is ' being I
inads for an' interesting evening.
A number of out of town socie
ties 1 have -been Invited and fr-will j
attend..; The preliminary U song i
service will be under the direc
tion of Dr. Epley. 1 t l! i'.
) The addrttest wJU" bii; f iven. In
the : Cottage Strb w UvangeUcal
Cabinet Women Attend Amaryllis Exhibit
V... . , r.-r.-..-5 ,,','- :-. - , - ; " '..--." v." ' W ' ' ' ' M ' '' " '' ': ' ':'S L "---. - - -r-:-
; - j . 1 s '
. ,f . ., '. t ' -.
C u at o triers com
back for these fabric
' tires year after year
i because they give real
; service. . - ' ,
!No need to buy sec
1 onds or unknown tires.
These' are1 genuine
- Phazis ' and Nebraska '
f-i-r-s-t-a, guaranteed
" 7000 ! miles and 6000 (
: rnDes respectively by
, the larsrest concern of
its kind in .the world.
You can't ffo wroxs
at "Western Auto." j
. 4" ' ., .iv.';. :-'v ::... -... - i , " --l ' 'ii. ' ' I i
i v vl k yr r- in i :
itt-' il
4 ''fc j,, . i.'-"-4 ,'i;v---.y-y-'?y;ti4-. Taan i ai " '" ' t-
I ; - ;r :--,U, .;...v1..T----,-.'i..,'4'.
i .
-v No other tire can offer stf much for the money, because celling and .
distribution costs are out to a minimum. . V i ;
v Guaranteed Jora 'Mimmitmofi-llOOO-'J&ites : ' ? ! ' 4
Western Giants Cords are made to our specifications. We know
they are made right, for our 12,000-mile! guarantee offers a test for -each
tire. , The -great "Western Auto" organization is back of this i
guarantee. t . , j l J ' ! , J . " . j
The Western Giant factories employ no army of salesmen to sell '
Western Giant Cords. The only selling cost is our own low overhcail i
No middlemen's profits, no factory branches to make pay and even ;
our own overhead is cut to the minimum by the huge volume, v. .!. ' .
--':" --";' :-. I 'V:iV;.' " '.'"'"' . ; 4. ..-''if . - '-' ' v ' A -4- " ';. j; U A 4 ! ?:' V;l.. ' '
Western' Giants are excelled bj no tire regardless of pYiee. i
You, too, may enjoy the economy of . W'estcrn Giant Cords, i
just one. 1 That's all we ask, for we know youii use them always;
; Louder in Price TJian Other Fine Tirc3
Fabrics :
30x3 $ 6X5 5.7X3,
30x3 7.SS CXO
32x3 Vj I11.C5 11X5
31x4 12.20 12X3
32x4 14.75 .155
33x4 ' 14X5 15X0
34x4 j 15X51 15X0
1 , ' . :l- - - - - i . '. ' 3 - - I - I :
' ' -.- . .. ' 1 ' . .., r ' '.' t . : i ......
Mra. Henry C Wallace, wife of
the I Secretary --of Aagriculture
' ; (standiug on extreme .left), re
i'f.cently acted' as hostessuo the
1 wives of other - members of tho
r ! President's cabinet in Washington
4' t - ! ' , .' -
at ' f show ; given r-by athe
meat of - Agriculture, wheer the
largest collection of tho ahiarydlis
ever; seen, in this f country
display. Also" seen In the
left: to Tight: Mrs. New;
for New
at the Store
Nearest You :
65 Stores in the West
i Court and High Sts.i
Pzone 795 r:
' " ' i V';. -) ''-i;'-if - . ? "" ': i .'4-
' M.v!,n- y;
, ';'l '.. ;44-v4'J - -4.i,--
I Pharis ; ;
Roadgrippdr 1
was on
wifo of
the postmaster general ; .Mrs. , Ua
vis, wife of tbe secretary of labor;
Mrs; II. A. Jories Mrs. pavls'j bI.-ter-iu-Jaw,
and Mnr. Denbywiro
of the secretary of the navy. -
''mBBaVanasaClbwaM.. , - ' MMNT - "a,
-saw - . . .
. i
Order by (atl
;dir :
f Guarantee f
Protects You :
F -
, Here Is nhorwthbri '
cord tire. Ove PHAKIS"
- RO ADO RIPPER, at-t pTlc'.
that only the Wetern Auto:
Supply Compairy can po- '
a-lbly quota. Just bailee "
over the prices. . - v - ' W
. t V i r - L
' rum : yrrwe- " '
30x3$ $10S5
32x4 $20.75
33x4 $2130
34x4 . j $21. SO
. SujppIyCo.
' 65 Stores in tho Veit j
... Mnin Store
911-17 S. Grand Arc
'if- T
1 1
- -