The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 01, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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; i.
1 V
ASTER morulas breakfasts
4 will be delightful features of
? He day. These will be tor
the most part the happy gatber-
' Inga t of Sunday . school classes.
Amofrg those who will entertain
will jbe Mrs. J. J. Roberts. Mrs.
Mason Bishop and the High
School Girl Reserves;
Mr. Amos Strong .will enter
tain With a... pretty party for her
crandch'ldren which is an an
nuel event Mr.rW. J. Busick
will fclso entertain and number
less 'family dinner parties will be
features of the . spring nouoay.
i j. ' . . '
Silas Constance Kantner spent
the latter part of the wek In
Portland where she attended the
dog s;how. Her french bull dor
took three ribbons, two of which
were second although the dog is
only j seven months old puppy
and ttas entered with three ; year
old diogs. " ' "i -.
. i - - ; ' .
Mrs! O. A. Thomas and chil
dren from Seattle are guests for
Eastt-rVal lhe: home - of Mrs.
Thomas', parents, Dr; and Mrs.
W. C Kantner: ..-
: r'- v .:- i . ' '
-.f:Misa Mildred '- Roberts was ... a
pref 7 , hostess .yesterday enter?
tab-mr "for "18 friends at a line
part .and, lateT1 at" tea at jthe j
R0L-, ..wbome- ,jm.State: street.
The (occasion,, was Jthe birthday
anniversary of the -hostess
A The guests were Dorothy Llv
esley,' -Nancy Thilse Maxin
Glover Maxlne - Myers.""" Lucille
Dowaiag. Cynthla Delano, 'Mar
garet! POorman, .6f ';Wodburn,
Catherfe Lauf ht!ge; -Catherine
Taylor Gwendolyn, barman; Julia
Creech Dorothy ; Bell. yBertha
Habcocfc, Jeanette Sykes,ilargaf
et Cort Lougine BMetske," Viola
Boenije and Ruth Robin. '
."'. "':
--. Thsl Lausanne Guild will not
meetf. tomorrow, although It is
-thj regular meeting .time. The
womit w'H meetj for ..the regular
April; meeting., one week .later,
according to : those in charge. ;
JI A.' B. ; GlbbardT will t en
tertaiiriK the, Juhldr Bazaar club
of."' the , First s ' Congregational
church at her home Tuesday at
1 o"c
Tbil I Catholic Daughters' of
Ainerjga will sponsor, a card
rrty j t at', the! .McCornick hail
i: 'ndjyr eren'ng t jTMsi, Is; an
annttat Eurter partyj". X . ...
- llr.f Sand Ms. Ceorge Arbuckle
- are tbme : foilbwtag aV trip ' to
Seattle' ihd Taeoma;-hey'triade
the trip by aufombbllo.-"
TheJ War: afbthers 'wlil f- meet1
Tuesday In theChamber of Commerce-;
rooms.. : -' " . -- . -
...LfatfF. A,- Douty and her daugh
tera. Margaret Ellen and Roberta
j of Portland, .and Mr. and Mrs.
Roy L Davis of Kansas City were
luncheon guests or Mr. and Mrs.
, Z J. Riggs Friday.3'';" :;i-; H
iMr.r.DaTls has; i well faown
stablej of fine horses and is seek
ing af" IocationHn the coast. .-It
was reported that he had decldled
to locate in Portlaad,.bat tlie mat
ter Is I not yet definitely! arranged.
cei those who talked with ;bim
here feel that perhaps he might
, be persuaded to locate In Salem.
; The 1 Douty s have a - fine string
of. horses with which those who
have attended the night horse
show at the state fair are. famil-
i, ill
Mri,and Mrsl Jay Bowerman of
Portland are receiving the good
wishes of their many friends on
tbe birth of a daughter. '- Mr., aad
Mrs. Cowermai are w3 known
Slbn, trim lines of youth pre
teryed and enhanced by'
rroper corseting, Fr olaset
Cor3e3 are sctentif kalty, de
f.lxaed to render support
t ere It is needed ; and to
Srant freedom of movement
' i ' x ' 1
: I rolasetrilasUc Ciirtlles
for ay tjpes of flsures. r
3! Corset Specialist
115 Liberty lit. '
v , ,.. t i f r r . j-a, voj- .
' 1 ' .1-"' 1 - In i uriTt TPi , f
. " Dr. aad Mrs. M. P Mendelsohn
who! hare recently returned frm
California will be at home to their
friends In the Barr apartments af
ter April 10. - -.''I..
i- Mr. and MrsJ W., Connel Dyer
and Mrs. S. C. Dyer will spend the
week-end In Portland. , r
'i I rt,: 'l;.
1 The Easter "musical program at
the Jason Lee church tonight will
be as follows: . I p
"llosanna, tbe Triumphal Chorus"
Choir. . I ?
"The Son , of Man: is to be Cru- -
. cified" . . , . . ... .
. Miss Gilbert, Mrs.,, Hagemann
j and the ; choir. ,' "
rpHERE stood beneath the empty cross
-i Keeping mournful tryst, i
Nicodemus, Magdalen, -.John,
beloved of Christ;
But Mary Mother sat apart
And held His Head against her heart V
("Why have
i . My only.
1 Sleep, Jesus crucified,
! Sleep, little Son!")
: r
THERE stood beside the empty tomb
- y Those that loved Him well;
Harking to the tale that John .
And Peter had to tell; , . i
But Mary Mother stood apart,
r "A carolling within,
:j i ("See, how my tears have dried,
My blessed One:
: r - Wake, Jesus
Duet; "Jerusalem ; the Golden". . .
1 fc f The Misses I Gilberts. '
"Could Ye Not Watch" . ......
Miss Beulah Fanniag." '
"Thy; Will Not Mine I ,.".
Z 1 V I Male chorus and choir. -
'Cruiblfr Him." Crucifixion chorda
: L ' ; , The 'choir. 'l-'f.
Solo land chorus "The. Resur- V
'i, rection" .'. . . "; -. .
i ;;' .Miss ; Belssell and choir.;: Ti '
Ascension hymn i. . . . x. . .
j. r-.r -The -Choir. 1 -
Final chornsAdoration .of .
.' Angels" . ,'' . . f . . . .
"Mrs. Hagemanix and choir.
''-I v l '-''- ; ... - - -f .""'
COLLEGE. ConraUU, -Or.. March
31. TVeira Smith, daughter of
W;;M. Smith, of Salem.oWiU an
iiotince her engagement to Percy
E. Melts at; an Easier breakfast
Riven ' at the -Beta Kappa house
in" CoryEll this" morning. ,
:v Miss Smith .Is '; member ; of
Beta Kappa sorority and a sen
ior in V home e'eonomics. Mr.
Melts Is a member of Alpha PI
Delta . fraternity and assistant
instructor in the , school or for
estry. '. -
The table v will be beau
tifully decorated with -center
piece of Easter, lilies and. novel
place cards. In addition to sor
ority sisters those present will be
Mrs. jW. R.v Ellis, house iriother;
Miss f Lucy LewJg,: faculty? "'mem
ber; 3 Hasel Lambert. " Francis
Nlckolson, Mrs. V, E.; . Noonan
and Mrs.: N. A. Noonan J : -j
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walsh
and daughter, Priscilla. are guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fry . foa the
Easter, week-end." - - ' '
Among the University of Ore
gon students who are home for
the spring vacation are Margaret
Livestey. Maxlnef Buren, Margaret
Griffith. Katherlse Slade. Euge
nie Zleber-and Miriam Swartat
Mj-s. George Hug was. hostess
for local members of Kappa Alpha
Theta at tea Friday.,' A club was
organized and plans discussed for
future work of the group. Mrs.
Allan Carson was chosen leader
and' Mrs.: Elvin L&ntis secretary.
Other members of the sorority in
or. near Salem are Mrs., ' Harry
Hawkins, Mrs.' Clifford Brown.
Mrs", Elvin Lantisj Mrs. -Allan Car
son. Mrs. George, Hug. Louise Cor-
bn. ; Jeanntte Meredith. Leitba
Wilson. Kuth Schulz. Mildred Gill,
Mrs. ; Keith Powe'.l ' of Woodburn,
and from Sllverton. Eleanor Mc-
Clafne; Fields McCIalne. Eva
Digerness., Mrs. Charles Reynolds.
Louise Adams. Mrs., Hawkins will
entertain Tuesday' with 'a tea for
uiember3 and younger girls.'
'1.-J r.f--;. i:. .V'e i'i:;-:--5"':'
Pupils of Miss Beatrice Shel
ton And Mlssl Minnetta Magers
will i give ft. Joint .recital Friday
evening at the, First , Presbyter
ian ichurch. A ; feature of i the
evening musicals' vUl be; the ap
pearance of the double' quartet
which Is ; composed of Flora
Fletcher, Gladys , Stsvenson. bo
nranos; Hilda' . Amsler. Ruth
Rsed. meo soprano; Delia Am
sler. i; Grace Fawk. first alto;
Myrtle Knowland. Marie Corner,
second alto." M'ss Lucille Em
mons .will? play the accompani
ments. -
Those appearing In : the pro
gram will . ho Frederick Arpke,
Kenaeth - Allen. Bertha Vlck.
Leait Jennisoa.' Ruth - Bedford.
Cecil Deacon. J Erma . Bushnell
Fawk. Flora Fltecher,, James
Mart, Helen Pollock and the
members of the double quartet.
The program will - be as" fol
lows: ' . f -
G Minor Prelude. . Rachmaninoff
- Cecil Deacon . : ! .
Come to thel- Fair, . . i .. .. .. . 1
The N'ghtengale .Ward Stephens
Mah LIndy liou . v. . ..Strickland
Ermine ! Bushnell Fawk
Shepherd and Shepbsrdess. . . .
L . . . Godard
Flora Fletcher !
Scotch Alrs--A Pastorale. ... f
.- Saenger
"Auld Daddy Darkness" .. Homer
James Mam
Pompadeur Fan. . . . ; j . .Cadman
Yalso.: G. Flat. .Chopin
Helen Pollock ;
"Mon coueT s'onvre a ta volx",
you left my side,"
her heart.
Gertrude Robison Ross
Love is the' Wind :i'.,.t . Rogers
-'v':-', Ruth -Bedford -'h n' "'
Duet:" Calm as the" Night... . .K
.Hilda ; Amsler Della Am3ler '
The - Mountain ,'. . . . . . . . Bra'.narJ
; ; ' Fredprick Arpke t -
Pale Moon' . . . . . . . . . ...Logan
f . Kenneth Allen ;
Romance ..... .S'biHns
Butterflies i ........... Nevin
: . , . Bertha Vick ; ' " ;
Aria 'from La. Travlata.
". . . '. . i A'erdl
Thy '. Smile ! a c Fearl. . v .Cu van"
t,-.; i Veoh Jenntson r'-; - r
Fragment 'T . ..... . .Haberbier
Sequldlllo . , ... ... .A'bepi
To a TWater ' Lily i i . . MsDowell
" - Ruth : Bedford V" '"f.t
I Know ft Lo ny 'r . Garden 4V. J
. . .i .i D Harrtelot
. t .5. , . . .Spanish Ballad
Double-iiiartet F?fJrC.
t::, --:::;'i- 'i-'i-
'::; V:;'--''
; Miss Elma Wellfer will pre-j
sent ; three i of her:? advanced pu
pils in .reeital .Monday ."evening.
The students Include Helen
Pettyjohn, . Lucille Crockett and
Dorothy Hutchason.. Assisting
muslc'ans : will be Miss Marie
ChurchUl. ; vocalist . and v Mary
Sch ttle. violinist.- The musical
will be held at Miss Welter's
studio. '
Music Week
; Begink Today
;'i:i:-,:: -:.!; - 4" ' y -,'. .: i-f
,'As. the opening recital of Music'
Week. Prof, and Mrs.' T. S. Rob
erts and Lena Belle Tartar will
receive 100 'or more personal
friends and patrons this" afternoon
at 1 an Informal musfcale In. thei
beautiful new residence-studio or
Professor Roberts. 502 North'
Summer street. ' The hours are'
from 3 to 5 o'clock. The follow
ing program . of musical numbers
featuring-; piano- and vocal num
bers has been arranged : , ; :
"Woodland Whispers" . . . . . . . I
I ' v 'J.-'JI' . I"
f ,;r'.'.. I ' ',:-'-'' " i;'!-..--r t
?v -.:! ;;." .- U : 'vv ';-:-:
r ; j ; f - .' ' V' . -j
. t- ; - 1 j ; J l ' i
Mean to Your
Your Children:
; Yourself?
' ......... . Braunhardt
I : ... Maud Engstront." '
MWere I a Bird"' ...... Logan
. Marion Roberts. '
T'lUnfa" Wely
j' , Dorothy Kezar.
lApriL My April' . . . i . Milligan
n ' V; c Rena" Hartley. .
"Aeolian liarp . Smith
t , Mary Miller.
Where My Cararan Has : . . V
Rested" ......... ; . . . . Lohr
Annie and Myra Gleason. .
I "Cairlce" '. . . ;
. . Moskowskl
j ' Louises Flndley. , s '
"?Bird of Love Divine";., j Wood
1? : ' I Macyle Hunter. I
"Turkish March"' - . . .Beethoven-
; Rubinstein . .-.
j Donald Schaupp. ' - '
1 One of the attractive features of
Music week will be 'the , Juvenile
program to be given Monday eve
ning in the Chamber of Commerce
'rooms. . a Miss Margaret Fisher Is
ID ; charge of the program and
those taking part will be under
12 years of age. ' The public Is
being invited to attend. , .
The teachers 'whose pupils will
participate are W. W- Graham, T.
Roberts. Miss Laura Grant,.
Miss Margaret Fisher, Miss, Doro
thy Pearce, Miss Jo Turner, Mrs.
W. A. Denton. Miss Elizabeth
Levy, Miss Julia Welgel. Mrs.
Harry M. Styles, and students
from the state blind school.
HA Japanese Love song will be
presented as a- feature. Samuel
Harbison and Elizabeth Connel
wl l be the two taking the parts
and they .will be In costume.
i The proeram is as ionow:
'Th Recruits" : ........ , .Barth
Margaret Heltiel. Edith.
H . !! :. 1 Glaisyer.
"MaVchlne Song" ..... Ponllnson
i i LucyMildred Klein i -Selection
....V... i ...
H , .' Cled Seely.
Hortens-a'V .. . i . ..x. .;. . Langs
i' 4 Edith Flndley. '-i
rCarnivsl of Venlce'Vv . . . .Weiss
) ; ! Bernice Blakeslee.
Le Seefbt' . . i .-. V - . Gantier
; - i LouKine Brlelkez. - . ir
"Cavalleria Rust'cana . .Moscagnl
1;.-, t , ?, Tfimmir T .IvHalaV . J t I
"Dancei of the Marionettes" .
if . .... , . . . ."Crosly
"Lullaby" 1 , . . . i ... ... Crosly
liv ! Marie Patton. J'.vi'
Japanese Love Song (In costume)
; Samuel Harbison Elizabethi.
,i ! : Bonell. ' v--,i'lX
"Out Where the West Begins ip&i
H r : v -1 Delbert VisescoJ ;. ;
Concerto No.' 2 i i ...... . eitt
1 Nathan Stelnbock. -
-An Idyl" . .. i - - .'' Virgil
tU v:-.;-b'.' Marion ;.Shaw. ::-:"- .:,
"Silver ! Chimes" . . . .. . . Duceiie
Delmer Castell,. Iwls Way
lf Unlre". Glen CasteU.J - ,
"There fare Fairies at the Bot-'
vi torn; -ot my Garden". . .Lenman
; r Forest WIIcojc. , . ?
"Song of tho Bathers". , vvaens
ifi f Elizabeth 'Lewis.
Over, Hill and Dale" . Engelmon
! I, Mary iSchei, Edith Flndley.
Students Plan
Musical Affairs
i Vocal and ! piano pupils of Wil
lamette university school of mu
sic will be presented In a mus
lcale at Waller hall Wednesday
wrenlncr. M Prof. E. W. Hobsen f
mod. Prof. Franklin Launer.' arc
the' teachers whose pupils .will
be present. 1
: f The ,v program. J is as follows:
Spirit Flower ........ . CTipton
, ; Mildred Maple
Romance I . .h '. . ... . . '. La Forge
Kammeuol. Ostrow . . i Rubinstein
; Leolyn.Barnett t . . . :' .
Frog Went A-tcaurtln; Lonesome
Time. Arranged W H. Brockwayj
Ladle's i Glee Club
Etude i . i . .... . . . . . . - Chopin
HunsarUn . . . ... . . , MacDowell
Capriscoso ... T . .. .-. Brahma
f 'yri -;Vi j Mildred Grants
Dowll :. In . the Forest. V.;. Arnold
y l Rodney Johnson
Polnalse . i"i'..'L j ". M . - Chopin
Nocturne! .4- Schuraman
Pollchinelle v'i : . . Rachmaninoff
."" Mrs. Rachael Nelson'
:: : ; . i . Cv':;'
i Next Friday evening at the
yp ;
Russell II. , Con well, foremost'
educator, lecturer and preach
er, declares; . . j, .: , -j :
. "If I could reach Jthesatten
tfori of parents,-I, ;feel I j could
(- do them no greater; service than
- to- persuade them lo give their
. children a musica education."
- May we assist you by urging
upon you -to visit or salesroom
without any obligation on your
part to buy. Lei ms show you
a stock of pianos as selected as
v America's Greatest Piano jVal
ues by .the Shermaa-Glay & Co.,
one of the three. largest retail
piano concerns la the entire
piano .world r -and ' the '. . largest
west, ot the Rockies.
With policies of: a house like
' this.with a record of B3 years
la the field, we 4n.fUe"your In-
SpectlOU. ':': " I ' . .' j "
VictorVlctrQlas---Sonorfti and
Brunswick Phonographs ': i"
. Sheet MasioMunical Merthan- -.-'.','
; tllse. Etc. :"' f
: .' ' ,! - ' : -' "''if :, "''
Moorcs Music House
Nhermad-Clay Sb Co., !
Halen Representatives.
415 Court St. Phone 983 -
I-'; i f:: ; - Today i . '..:' ; :'-r.: ?
at all churcnes. .
. Tartar-Roberts muslcale. 3
o'clock f at Roberts Studio.;
Vesper service. 5 o'clock,';
First Presbyterian church. f
! Evening i muslcale pro- T
grams J at ! ; First Methodist:
First Congregational, Jason .
Lee; etc. -.- :m
. i - Monday
' Juvenile muslcale, Cham- ?
ber of ' Commerce rooms, - 8
o'clock '.,;. : , '. .. :-:
Welter muslcale,: studio, 8 !
o'clock.! .. ' ' - , " ' -r . :i
Wednesday .
: Ilobson-Launer program
ft .t Waller' hall, 8 o'clock.
, ; . ! Friday ; "
,: Operetta.! "Nautical Knot"
high school auditorium, 8
: o'clock. .!? !
Shelton-Magars muslcale,
F'rst Presbyterian church,
o'clock.! 1 .: : '? '
IHgh school auditorium there will
appear oh the stage exactly 127
pirates, blushing' maidens, sailor
boys and then a sprinkling; o
freak artists. ; ' . :
The occasion is the presenta
tion by the my.s'c classes of the"
high school - of tb . (pleajsing
operetto "A!, Nautical Knot" or
as it- is known- by its second
title. "The !r Belle of . Barnsta
poole." : The .date is set . for Fri
day evening.! April 6. and it will
be given: In the hlKh school.
1 Eleven are . In the cdat and
these have j been chosen from
some: of the best s'ngers in the
high school J music classes.
' With ; rea pirates - and sailor
boys all In proper, costume and
then young maidens for a back
ground and then, the various
freak artists to jglve ,a touch .of
humor to jnanf scenes, there
are two hours . of real fun and
pleasure in atore Friday evening.
Miss j Tartar has : presented
from t'ine to time .many inter
esting musical entertainments at
the .high ' school. but the operet
ta' "Nautical i Knot'v Is' entirely
different and Just a ! little more
exciting than ! the averag. With
pirates, j sailor boys, freak artists
and lovely jyoung maidens, the
operetta premises to , present a
most i enjoyable evening's enter
tainment. j1
The operetta is a satire on real
pirates as they used to bs and
not what Is supposed to be mod
ern 5 pirates, j Several high! school
students have qualified aa pirates
and an equal number as rollick
ing. - rolling sailor boys. . And
then of. course an equal number
of pretty girls. ' j
Chiirches Will4
Haye Programs
L TAis Evening
The chplrf
of the First Metho
under the direction
dist churchj
of Prof. W.
E. Hobsdn of the de
partment iofj music at Willamette
university., accompanied bv Prnf
T. ,S. Roberts, who will use the
recently rebuilt pipe organ., will
give a sacred ' concert on Easter
Sunday evening at t the churqh at
2:39 o'clock. The followinc Dro,
gram will be given:
Organ prelade, "Jubilate Deo" K
-' ...Silver
- Prof. T. S. Roberts.: , a
"At the End of the Sabbath".. I
. j. , . . ... ; . . . Speake
Mrs.1 Edwin, Socolofsky. , i
'!Lo the Tomb Is Empty.. Broome
The; 'choir.' :';-":;:" j:;-i .
Miss Lucille Ross at the piano
Incidental solos by Miss Kathleen
LaRant and R. D. 'Barton.' v
The, Trumpet Shall Sound"
J. Prlndle Scott
Miss: Mildred Strevey. (
!The Strife! Is O'er" .',. Salter
' The choir, f
Duet, "The Lord is my Light"
....... ., .......... Mathews
Miss Kathleen. LaRauf and Mr.
.'f,., : ' Barton. .-,
Trio. "'Meditation" ... S. . Meitzke
; ( Violin, piano and organ ) '
Delbert Moore, . Miss Genevieve
Flndley, Prof. T. S. Roberts.
"At the Ninth; Hour. .... Shelley
The Choir.
A sacred concert will be given
this aftemoonjat 5 o'clock in the
Presbyterian church. Those as
sisting , will ibe . Miss 'Dorothy
Pearce, , pianoj . Miss Iva. Claire
Love, violin,! and MIssJ Lucille
Ross, organ. The program fol
lows: i , " : ' '
Prelude,! !"Hosannah,". .Hartman
Quratet, "The Conquering King0
Solo, "0 Light that Breaks from
Yonder Tomb" ..... - Dressier
' Ada MJller Harris.
Violin oblisato, Iua Claire Love
Offertory, "Hosannah."'; . Granier
. ; Miss Pearce, Miss Loye,
; ' Miss Ross. T ,s
Oratorio. "The Light of the
World"- ... . v . . . . .'. Sullivan
(a) Juet. "The llour Is Come"
Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Merle; .
, (b) Solo. "Daughters of Jeru
salem !.... .........
1 . i H. B. Glalsyer. ; - '. :
(c) Quartet, "Toa, Though I
Walk," ........ ........
(d) Solo. "The Lord Is Risen"
r ' Mrs. Rosecrans. "
Quartet, "Blest Easter Morn
. In", . ., . ........ Scott
Violin obllgato, Miss Love.
Postlude. Easter Alleluia.', v . .
, . . .... Ottenwalder
The choir - of Leslie Methodist
Richard - Robertson, will render
the following K program of Easter
music at the morning service:
Anthem, "The; King of Glory"
' i . i . ,m. .'. ..... . Brackett
Duet, "The Ttlsen. Lord". .Spicker
Madeline Watson and Laura . -Pemberton.
Antheml "Crown .Him with.
Many Crowns" t : . . . T. Greece
Offertory solo. 'The Cross" Ware
' Mrs. Earl Pearcy.
Clarence Wenger. Is the pianist
and will play special numbers for
the Prelude and Postlude.
. In the 1 evening : the ; Sunday
school will give' an elaborate mu
sical service, i ' ' :
f ',."; ::;' irj :' 1" T ' ; v:-
An evening musical" program
will be given tonight by the choir
at , the .1 First Congregational
church, i The choir is composed of
Mrs: Alta Wood, Soprano; Mrs.
John J.f Roberts, contralto; Mrs,
Bertha Carlson; contralto; Charles
Muston and Emil Catlson, tenors;
Albert H.. Gille, basso j William
McQiilchrist, director; Byron Ar
nold, organist.'' Assisting on the
program will be ' " Mrs. Bernice
East, 6rgan; Miss Iva Claire Love,
violin, f and an instrumental trio
composed of Byron .Arnold, piano;
Delbert, Moore, violin, and Avery
Hicks, cello. The program fol
lows: . ;"
Prelude, organ, piano and Vio
lin; .doxology; Invocation, Rev. W.
C. Kantner; "Gloria; Scripture
reading 1 with choir 'response;
hymn; prayer with choir responr
BPS. - ! . ' f '- ?':.". Vt''; .. ' ' :
: ;-- Extra : Special a 'gmt - t .
.j1':' Value : y': : !
Taf f ete r
, ....
aip Colors, Fsmicy GHnecI
. Full 36 inches wide, good gradefirm y woven, Taffetas are to be m'uch
S2-SSI2SSn' youshouMhyveat least oncTaffeta silk dress in
your wardrobe. The plain colors are jadeTbrTwrpTand "chinthe
; checks and broken plaids areln many color combinations as orange and
white; rose and white, blue and white ; black and white
i and white; red, black and white; rose, black and china
I : . "' " ,.'''' '.'. , ..r,. ' . ": - -: , ; "' . .. ' ' j .
! jTlie Quality WiU DeHgHt You
We Recommend this Sfllc Taffeta
on Account of Its Merit v
j! . ' 1 a .'.--.''.! .
II ' ' " i ' i " ' " 1 '
, . Your Mail Order,.' . . . : (ftMS '
s Receive prompt and care- . . J vJv 10
(ul attention. We pay d&Tft gro8 rpfi Tlc .
' postage or express with- : . - . B ; 1
V in a radius of a hundred- Salem StorV i ii ,U,'m.
1 mile - " ct . 1 " Portland Silk Shop
I ; .46 b btate St. f SSdcr St.
i . - , -i i . . . ,
' : " V.
Instrumental trio, "Prelude in
A Flat" Cui
Uyron Arnold, piano; Delbert.,
Moore,' violin; Avery- ' .
Hicks, celloJ ,
AntheAl. "Sweet Bells of East
. .er rime"1 ; . . '. S . ..... . Balnea
Victim solo, "There Is a Greene -Hill
Far ,Away" . : . . .Gounod
- lYa Claira LOvei - -
' Mp.nArnold at! the organ.
Offertory.-organ, piano and vio- ,
Hn U
Vocal solo, "O Divine Redeemer"
, . i . ,9 . ... . ., Gounod
'. : Mrs. John J Roberts , 17
Instrumental trio, "Told, at T, j
Twilight" .... . i. . . .JIuerter
,;: . Messrs. Arnold j Moore- and : '
. Hicks: "''
Anthem. "Now la Cbrlst Ex
alted" L ti.- '. Scott
Vocal solo, VBeyoifd the Gates
' ot Paradise' . Jj. ...... I King
-. Mrs. 'Alta? Wood.
Anthem, "Thanks Be to God"
-m mm J
. i .Frey
Benediction i'os-.iuae;
; "St. Paul's Episcopal church will
have a special musical program
at - the 11 o'clock fserflcejj today.
The program is as follows;!
Processional hymn ! . Sullivan
Venlta In D . . .i . . . .. . . . Nevln
Gloria Jatri Goodman
Te Deum ....... 4 .Kkotsschmar
Int oit, "Christ Our Passover" -
.'. .-. . . . . . . . . i . . '. .Sbeppard
Kyris Elelson i . . .'. . ICoIllnwpod
Gloria Tlbl ... . '.I. '. Collinwood
Creed o , . J . .T . Gilbert
Hymn- . . ....... . -!. Rosemueller
Gloria ...... . . . J . . . .' Goodson
Anthem, "Break Forth Into- v
' Joy!' . V. . .... . !. . . . '. Barnby
Presentation . ..... ,v. (Anon.)
Sursum-Corda and Sanctns. .
.1 '. "i . . . i , Collinwood
Benedictus and Agnus Dei. . .,-:
... i . . ' Collinwood
Gloria In Excielsis. .'4 (Old chant)
Nnnct Domitis . . .: . . . Gregorian
Fourfold '-Amen.. ..'. ........
Recessional J . . . . V.I. .V David lea
-1 "My Years on the Stage, rem
iniscence of his life by, John Drew,
with many interesting sidelights
on well-known actors especially
the members of the Drew, family.
"The Charm . of the Middle
Kingdom,' an intimate record of
Chinese life by James Held Marsh
"Frequented Ways." a . general
survey of the land forms,' climates
fand vegetaUon of western Eu
rope, considered in their relation
to the life of man by Marlon I.
Newbigin. 1
' "American Business Manual,
which takes "up In Us three toI
umes; ; organization, the, plant,
administration. '
"Leaf and' essays on na
ture subjects by John Burrough.s.
"Locusts and Wild Honey,"
more essays "by John Burroughs. .
. "MV Lord o the White Road."
a novel of feudal times by Cedrlc
Fraser. ' ' ' '?ff '
"The Man Who Lived in a
shoe," he had three-tiephews and
Tl!f'Pll wff h urtinm t,a AlA wni lnnn
While tri'ey $11 59
Last JtYd.
what to. do. .'The. story Is told by
Henry James Forman.
'Martis, TheUnconqucred, by
Kathleen Norrls. - .
'"Spinster of the Parish," one of
the best, of tho: new; novels that
have come out recently, by 13.
MaxwelL ' v:;V.rV r
V "Tb-el Chain,", an entertaining
novel of mora! rrlteTest-for Its char
acterrdrawihg'thanl for; its jIot,
by Charles Hanson Towne. 5
PoweK Corporation Takes
Place of Tent Houses
FRESNO. CaW April 1. A
power corporation, whose activi
ties, center in the high Sierras,
has supplanted tefnts and wooden
bouses of the construction period,
hastily, thrown up, with modern
hollow tile' nbngalows costing
110,000 each, i These houses, sit-
uated onrthe Kerkhoff lake,: are
equipped' throughout with Ihe; lat
estof electric -cooking, 4 heating
I and lighting appliances and their
architecture Is pf varying design.
A woodj burning range with fuel
suppliedl ready cut, is an added
convenience.! .; : . '
- Other! conveniences are furn
ished by the corporation, such as
ice during1 the hot months, screen
porches and a spacious community-garage,
with separate, stalls, a -wash
room and repair shop; .
T The bachelors "were hot forgot
ten either. . They have a large
building equipped with the latest
In bathing facilities; an Immense
Bcreen3 porch and modern electri
cal appliances. '". ,
These homes , are available on-.
ly for employes. ;
. We Extend Yon
This Easter Sunday:
, ; . 1 .-. . - ' . .. "
; And an expression of our
appreciation of your liberal
patronage during this Easter,
season. " a ! "
-u' :'.: ; J .jir.. ;: ; ;:v- '
i v C. F. Breithzzpt
"Salem Telegraph Florist"
; heJio, black, ycllc
and others. !