The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 01, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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Batient Breaks Leg
J. tP. Welch, inmate of the
state hospUal for the' Insaue
since 1 1904 when he was trans
ferred to the hospital from the
state penitentiary, j fractured Aa
itg early yesterday while, in an
epileptic . seizure. " . .'
r; ) - '
Open i Today -i , '
The Film Shop, Masonic Tem
ple entrance.- Adr. j . ,
! - : ,
Cleaning and Presslnj-- j
Dressmaking,, Spic N Span, 544
Satej Adv.
Gasoline Sales Totaled
V During the month of February
the gasoUne saleslln" Oregon to
taled 3,318.304 gallons,' or about
60.000 gallons more than in
February, 122 Receipts from
tne ' sales in; .Oregon of, motor
vehicle fuels rilirfn? thai mnnlh
totaled $ C7,7 64.77, bringing C the I
grand total of , receipts for the
threef years that motor! vehtcle
fuel rhaa been taxed to $3,128,
458.34. . . 1 -
Electronic Reactions of Abrams-U
Dri White, SOS U. S. Bank bldg.
Adr. y. ' 1 .
Club! to Hear Music
"Music "Week" Is to be observ
ed Tuesday by the Kiwanis club
to the extent of Us fall Tuesday
Sinner program. There win be no
.tey buyii your Tiardware and
furniture at The Capital Hard
frar d Furniture' Co 235 No
Conancrcial St Phone 547
Diamonds, WateheaI't-.
Jewelry and SilTerwsxe. i
fhone 1255, Salem; Oregon;
Cjl1cei fAzaIrolanc Service
Say or Klhi
Phcns 65G-
k 178 8. Liberty St,
Salem! r r'v Ore.-'
- x- I
' Capital; 7afl
' AH kinds of "jnnk and
ieccnd-hani zsZ3i ' W
pay full Talus.
215 Ccsttr S6xsl
' Pbcna ZZ3 i
EsUtllsheJ 1863 .
' ! Geatxsl BsnUs Bcdnesi
Office notar. frcsa
OLU I k I LJ U U U U UiliV . vWs
Buys all kinds of Junk, Rags, Paper,-Rubber
Sacks, and Bottles. : ...
We also buy Furniture and Cooking Utensils.
402 N. Commercial St. : j Phone 523
.House i of Half a Million and , One Bargains.
Saves your money on used Bearings; Gears,- Wheels, .
' j ,r r - Springs, lights, Etc. -; : : . .
tuy aR makes of Wsyarts 1-3 to 1-2 Off
424 N.Xommerciai Street. " -; " j - v Phone 523
, i ' ! Hardware, Paints, OUs and Glajs
Gardening days are
; that- your " implements
broken, come to us and
286 N. CommerclaL
speaking, the whole hour after
the dinner proper being devoted
to music. It ; i- understood that
some ; special treats are be'ms
Prepared for' this, as well a3 fori
all the other organizations that
will give it that much time.
I i -
IH-grade chicks for less at
Needhams, 668 State ' street Or
der early. rAdT. j T
Swift's Fertilisers. For, . easy
terms, C. S. - Bowne, phone 353.
Adv. ' ,
Cars Collide . ' '
G. W, Johnson; of 445 Meyers
street, while) driving south on
Fairgrounds rbad collided 'i with
a ; man named V. W. - Wagner
who 'was going in the same dl4
rection, .Little damage was done
to either car. -
-The Friendly ' Shop .
The Film Shop, Masonic tem
ple entrance. Adv. :
Nunn Rays 'Good-by
Herbert Nunn; who resigned as
state! highway engineer, has said
goody-bye to j his department as
sociates and left for the Puget
, S. O. STONE. 1LD.
! General Office Practice
i: :-- Cancers Treated
Office, Tyler's Drag Stole
157 . & Commercial Street
162 Com't St. Phone 297.
Merchants ; Lunch .'. . 25c
Noodles i w .............. 25c
Americani Dlshca Chinese Dishes
Open 11 arin. to 2 p. m J
Music, dancing . 9 p.m. to 12 m.
VT4 ' kenutly- lelieT will
ear u; tut of Sciema or other akin
diaM. Como in and Jet nt tell you
aboct it.' U one jar, end if . jvm are
diaaatiafled. yonx moaer vill be refunded.
Priee S1.00. . , i " : '
pmssra ssira stose, lis s. com'i.
For; iSaJeiXalsomine
Acme Quality. 6c per
lb. Also Barn Paint
Junk Company
02 JT. Com : j Fhone 623
Osteopathie ; , Physician and
"'4..', -f S.Snrgeott.-. ; ,
S28 Oregon Boiidlns -
t.-.ry? : -' phone 258'rffTVs-:
18 . XL to 8 Kn.
hefe .again. ' If you find
are worn out, . lost,-, or
let us supply your needs
: v Phone ?C 3 9
sound country where e will vis
it relatives. Later Mr. and Mrs.
Xnnn will motor to southern
California - for a visit ot several
weeks and then return to Port
land where MK Nunn will go
into business. i. ;
Experts Do Your Kotak
Finishing at The' Film:
Masonic Temple. Adr.
. eret's tandy . -Vv;
Refold N'oJ 45345. "I Love a
Little Cottage and leona Doone'
sunp: by lidntbert Murphy.
Moore's MusfclHouse, 41T Court
St.! Phone 9S3.-Adv.
Trusses -
' Fitted at Tyler's Drug Store by
an expert tn the .business. adv.
Dri Slaughter's Offices
dosed; afternoons of. Tuesday
and Friday. Adv. -
Patients Deported
Another carload of patients
was deported yesterday from the
hospital for the' insane, some ot
them Wing as , far south as Lou
isiana land others as far east as
Massachusetts. " " ;
Better : Pictures : '
Because we are better .'equiped
and more experienced. The Film
Shop.- Masonic Temple entrance.
Hits ' Streetcar .: . : : . .
William Siewert of route S,
while going west on State yes
terday, hit r a Chemeketa i street
ce. One i fender was reported
broken. .-Mi " i - ; ', i-
Framed Pictures . ? -t '- "vt- t
At cost, f Mrs. Trover's, Gift
Shop. Adv . y - I
Special Satvrd Ay and Monday
Electric Curling Irons. Guaran
teed, $1.95. -HaUck's Electric
Shop.' 337 Court St.
Kntaways Reported
George Goldsmith and a young
companion j named Stevens ran
away from i their home in Cor
vallis 'H yesterday- and are ? b!n35
scuk'ht by local authorities. Gold was said to be 14" yers
old.' about ! 5 feet 3 inches in
tiei&ht, weight 125 pound, dark
t a'r. Stevens who was 16, woro
a brown cap and mackina-v coat.
Honeymoon Chimes "Waltz . j; j i
And. Waltzing the ! Blues,; re
cord No. 19017. -Be sure to hear
this one. Moore's Music House,
415 Court St. Phone 983. Adr.
; j Vacation to . End Willamette
University opens again next week,
after a vacation for ten days cov
ering Easter. There Is no change
FUXERAL Funeral services
for the lat'e Mrs. Anna Dora Wolx
who died Saturday. March 31 will
be held front, the German Luther
an church ICth and A. Street on
Monday, : April 2nd; at', 10:30 a.
m;; Interment will be In City
View cemetery, arrangements are
in charge of Salem Mortuary. :
pakis:, itosie Fans , died at a
, local hospital March 30, 1923. the age of 31 years. He. is
-.-survived, by two brothers, Sam
Paris of, Salem, and Tony Paris
of Portland.' ',0 Funeral services
will be held April 2, 1923 at 10
a. m., in the chapel of the Webb
. Funeral: Parlors.' Rev KJrkpat-
rick will officiate. r interment
: in City View. I '
NEWTON G eorge Newton , died
i at his home near Claxtar sta
tion. March 31. 1923,-at the age
" of 69 years. He ia, survived by
. one brother. Body at the Webb
Funeral Parlors. 1. Funeral an
nouncement later. ! ,
IIICKiSCH At the home, r ohte
. 6, March 30,1 Terressla HJck
isch age 78 I years, survived
by her husband. Joje Hicklsch,
pne daughter , Mrs. I Julia , Sch
roeder of Salem and a flangh
ter In the old country. Funeral
services will, be, from the.Ter
williger" home Monday "at i 2 p.
m. Rev." Mr. ' KoehTer will of
ficiate. - Concluding services
at Lee Mission cemetery. . . :
LUCAS At the home of her
daughter 640 Marion' street.
March 3 0, Eva Lucas, age 2
years. - Survived by three chil
dren, Mrs. J. V. Kays of Mab
ton, . Wash., Mrs. 1 Frank' ; Al
. bricht and Edward . J. Hoffman
" of Salem; 10 " grandchildren
and four : great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be from
St. Joseph's , Catholic church
Monday at " 9 a. m. Remains
are , in care of the Terwilliger
home. . .i T..;:"Lr :'Jl
Vebb Clough
LeacHnj Fcnsrs
- - . -
. - Expert Ec&alssrs
tiigd6nf& Soifi
l ;clIpnTTJAnY : t t
in courses, all changes having
been made .at the ' bpeningpf 'the
seebnd .semester, th-e last week "In
January. J ! Most of- the stndents
went home for the vacation.
For Better Kodak FlnLshlng
' The' Film Shop, Masonic Tem
ple entrance Adv.
All Art Good
? At- halt preie.
Gift Shop. Adv.
Mr?. Trover's
Natron Application In -. v,
The public service' commission
has received a copy of the Cen
tral 1 Pacjfl company's : application
before the 'interstate commerce
commission for permission td
build the Natron cutoff. .
Oh, Hoy! Pedlgreeil White-J
collie pup, Showmont stock;
Easter special only 325 each.
Flake's Petland, 273 State. Adv.
After Theatre Dancing1 at the
Gray Belle, Tuesday evening 9 to
12. Reserve your table in ad
vance. Adv !
Bank, Wins Suit
The First State & Savings bank
was granted a decree In its case
against Mark S. Skiff by Judge
Percy R. Kelly in the circuit court
yesterday' afternoon. The amount
was for 3800,' which the bank al
leged the defendant executed ; in
its favor , in April. 1922, and on
which no ; payments i had been
made. : Judgment was rendered
through default ; on the part, of
the defendant! . r- i ,
- . . , V ' ,j: .
Tuesday Night Is dance night
at the Gray Belle.. Adv.., .
Card of Thanks
; We wish to j thank the , neigh
bors and friends who j o, kindly
assisted us during the , time ot
our; great bereavement, and for
the manyr beautiful floral offer
ingb. Mrs. D. B. S DeLnntey.
Hazel - De Laney. Adv.
Bcree .Is .Granted-- I
W. C. winslow, was granted a
decree in the circuit court j yes
terday against C. H. . Coy et al
for $100 with interest at 8 per
cent from November 2,:1922(. The
amount Is the equivalent of ,h!s
share in an automobile owned by
the defendants. ? f '
AnndiincemeTii-' ' ' i J ' "
Dr. O. H. Kent has moved
his .office to snite 303-5 Masonic
Temple. Adr.' 1 .
The case-dl Emil Van Damme
of St?, i Paul. char red with unlaw
ful .possession and manufacture Of
Intoxicating liquor," which was to
have come wp in Justice xourt yes
terday afternoon, "was postponed
until Monday, t
: . ;r IV- .- ' ' - " . y i - -
Our new 'April . records. Moore's
Mutfc House. 415 Court St.
Phone 983. Adv.
Dr. Hlckmsn Speaks Dr. C. E
Hickman, president of Kimball
School of TheoTogy. was the speak
er at the Lions Club' 'dinner, Fri
day n6on: He: discussed some of
the phases of Passion Week, in a
new and striking manner that en
gaged the closest attention of his
audience. LeOn Jennison, of Wil
lamette Ihnfversity, was the solo
ist 'for th dr. renderinr two ex
cellent baritone sacred songs thai
made a great hit. Miss Kathleen
Laltaut ; was his '; accompanist.
Meade ' Elliott was - chairman for
the day. '
Swinging Frames at Cbsi- 1
Mrs. Trover's Gift Shop. Adv.
fjegal Blanks : ';.'
I Get them at The Statetsman of
fice.- Catalog on appllcatloiu
Adv. .. -;'.!. ;r:-'-' .'V-. r:-.;
Henry- Barr Fined--; y. ' )
' Henry Barr. who was arrested
by Officer Dave Brown last Fri
day for driving : a car with ! im
proper license plates, was yester
day arraigned before' Judge G. E.
Unrnh In justice court, pleaded
guilty and was fined $17.50.
M500 Card Party and Darn
McCornack hall Monday eve
ning f Apr! 2, auspices Catholic
Daughters of America. Adv. ;
May Ijocato Here Roy Ii. Dav
is of Kansas City, who Is on the
coast looking for a location for
his stable of ; fine horses,: was a
guest, with Mrs. Davis,' Friday at
the Z. J. Rlgtga home. :. It was am
nounced last week that he plan
ned . to local ;: -in Portland but
while InSalem he was consider
ing bringing his fine horses here.
119 is Understood to have had
Ijnany fine offers from jainornia
pointsbut hopes to. locate in Ore
Youf kodak troubles. The Film
Shop. Masonic Temple entrance.
-Adv. - :-, -i
Take Easter Dinner-
-At the
Gray Belle. Adr.
Salem Banquet Monday
' 'Made in Salem" will be the
slogan for the Chamber of Com
merce dinner Monday noon. They
dot not serve coffee or tea. or even
sugar, because they are not home
products. There Isn't going to be
even an imported toothpick they
will have to use forks or whittle
out their own slivers for pkks If
they want ' em picked. The d"n-
m?r is" to be almost like a whole
sale grocery catalogue for variety,
and like the winners of " stats
l gins prompUy at 12 and la over
at l, o cioci; The man who is
wo mlnater late had about as
well bring1 his own lunch nd l a
prop ' to lean1 on, for there Isn't
likely lb) W h seat: left. Moat 6t
the literary program will be mu
sic,, this being the annual' Better
Music week. . -
Mill Wood Special, ,
For " one week only . 5 loads
16 inch mill wood 317.50. Im
mediate delivery. ; Only quantity
rate that will ; be. offered this
spring. Spauldlng Logging Cd.
Easter Lille
At Karuny'av Adyc i -
i -. :!- V. : -" ') ', . '
is Fined fS-i'.'s l'yf(:y''Pi:' :
: Marvin I. Sh'epard was- fined
5 In the police Court rye'ste-rday
by ' Judge Martin Poulaen If or
Speeding.'? H':":'i':,'i'i-L:. y v'v.f;'
Licenses Iswied- : , , Wj
; Marriage licenses' were . Issued
to the, following in the county
clerk's ' office - yesterday: Dewey
F. Hannon and liattie Wolfe of
Salerno and , Armn Banks . and
Genevieve - Scott of Salem.
Modern Woodnuut Benefit
Dance at Elk's hall Monday
night. Refreshments will be
Berved and public is . cordially
invited. Tickets . 25c. Adv.
Lisle Wins
Charles Lisle was 'giren. judg
ment over Robert Huhsaker in
the circuit court yesterday after
noon. In his Suit'. to 1 jrecoVer
1498.70 due him. t In , addition
to the ' principal! interest at 8
per (cent : and $60 Attorney fees
granted. The decision was hand
ed down by Circuit Judge Percy
y Clrcilt ' Jud
R. Kelly.
Anto Company Soes ;
The Marlon j Auto company
tiled suit-, in' the circuit court
yesterday against Othmar GUs-
dorf for collection j of a promis
sory note ! which ; ' the - plaintiff
alleges - was' mad out" to ;the
company In July "1920. The note
was ; for? $1,00, which - called
for three" separate 'payments,' one
each; year until r payments had
been" completed each ' payment to
be for - $500. i According : to the
complaint only $50 as interest
was paid which? was in December
1920. i i Collection of principal
ind additional Interest 1s asked.
; Two Girls Hurt Mary Ray, 16,
and Esther Ray 9; were Injured,
but Mrs. William Whlttakery who
wag driving : the automobil in
which j they were riding, escaped
nnscathed when the auto was hit
by an. Oregon Electric train near
Talbot station Friday. : Mary
Ray's injuries are severe. The
automobile jksjl demolished.
Administrator Appointed "
An ! admUnistrator for .the
tate of George F; Schbll -who
died interstate here March f 7,
1923.1 Was annolnted yesterday
by J Circuit -Judge Percy R. Keny.
acting for : Judge W. M.. Bnahey.
Administrator appointed ; . was
August win.;- ' - - I
BnlTsi Character Challenged
Because Alen . Bellinger
thought that Paul Splonski's: bull
was a dangerous creature which
should not be allowed to run at
large, he appealed to the justice
cdart j yesterday in an effort to
make I the latter keep hla i bull
peaned up. On I the other hand
Splonskl asserts that ' his! bull
is ja peaceful -creature which it
let alone", is perfectly Capable ot
minding hi own business. The
matter i will be threashed out be
fore Judge ' G. .E. TJnruh- next
Tuesday in the ; Justice .court.
Wheel Stolen i'-'
Gladys Wlcklxer of 5 94 North
Twelfth street' reported that her
wheel was stolen. from her home
yesterday. .:y;U '''l'U-; m J.x:l-'"k
Accident Yesterday
L. i A. Brown . of 565 - North
Cottage - street, while going west
on State street yesterday : was
hit by "a Southern Pacific: train.
The rear "end bf .' his , car- was
damaged but the driver was not
hurt. - . , : - .. .
Men 3iven- Beds '
The following, men were ! given
beds at the police station Friday
night: , ; H. : Huffman .Ed Lee,
wuuam Kelly, John Wick, and
Carl Johnson. . , -
A Classified! Ad -
wm bring you a buyer. Adv.
Tyler Sells Building C. Per
ry is purchaser for $15,000 of the
building at 129 South Commercial
street which was owned by JF.
TylrJ. . A cigar store and billiard
hall now;.occupy the: building, and
Mr. Perry said that nd change will
be made - immediately. , The deal
was mad thnnigh the W. H. Erab-
enhorst company.' ' 4
Salem Near
Rofarlan who have leen figur
ing to dine bn the pound of flesh
nearest the Klwanls heart In the
attendance .contest now 'rhnninf
may need to - grip their ! courage
with both hands and wrap a grape
vine leg around It to-boot to hold
It from ducking under the bed or
shinning up'a tall'tree. The sec
retary of the local , Kiwanis club
has ! just received Vord from the
Klwanlj International that the Sa
lent: lodge Is within IM per cent
of the hizhest attendance record
in the United States for their own
lpi&-z.Zz v: niembershlp ,; contest
Rotary match. This is within the
"Sliver Diylslon" tor lodges with
a membership between 75 aod
lSD.'and there are more than 200
ot such lodges. Salem is actually
third in the list, but 1 per cent
more would make Salem ' the
champ. It is. understood that the
Kiwanis attendance has run close
to : 97 - per cent at some of the
meetings. , - . i . -
Birthday "Cake . Received In
honor of hr
birthday; Mrs. Har
gelman, 940 Mill
rlet Jane Re
street, received a dainty cake from
her chum of fold school days - who
is living In Union City, Pennsyl
yanla. VMrs.- Reigelman was agree
ably surprised to receive this del
icacy from her : old-time friend.
Mrs. J. B. Scott, and ft gave an
added zest to her " recent Ibrthday
celebration. ' ' '
Women Will Meet The Repub
lican, Women's -r study ' club will
meet for. a special session Monday
afternoon 'at 2 o'clock with Mrs.
C P. Bishop. ,
aiww UKTiNi i new ruwo i,r
H A if: i , iyryj yyrfJUy :-,:, y
I need not have feared for Leila.
As her mother-tn-law threw open
the. door of her room, with a, tri
umphant childiBhi gesture that
said plainly," ."Just see , what I've
donel 'V the pretty bride stood still
for ' a minute. ' Her eyes roved
over the exquisite room vwith ; Its
rose draperies, its every r detail
worked out In her favorite color,
while . the; air ; was deliciously
scented with the perfume of -the
roses which completed -the decora
tion. ,Then she turned with a
girlish squeal of delight: ' .
"Oh. Alt r f Look at what moth
er has douel'f she called, then she
put her i arms tight j around her
mother-in-law. ' - . i V ' -' v
; "Yon precious- darling". - she
said ;lovlngIyi ;; I neyer; had such
a beautiful surprise f In my life.
Andj everything , in my favorite
color, tcioi How . yon must have
worked, to;
accomplish It.
Mrs. Durkce's . face
plteously. I " saw her
glance furtively at Edith Fairfax,
wtiKi w i rAfirafdine ' her With a
of cool detached appraisal.
appallngly at Lillian and
Standing together a few, feet
I knew of what sne
m I afraid. ! that Edltb Fairfax"
would tell Leila: of the original
decorations which bad been In this
room, and would paint the prep-
Are stubborn and hard
to cure.
r ' t
imin cTnnr
t r"
135 N. C6m,l. Phone 197
f --r"
Is with US' once more.' Did
you :! ever . stop 1 to consider
that1 NEXT Easter you may
be BLIND? ' This is not be-
' yond possibility If you ne
glect your eyesight.
- Think tt Over.
801-S Oregon Bldg. , ,
Oregons Largest Optical
i; Institution , ,
-- -1- - ? - - .. , -. . ... - -
Phone 239 for appointment
I , .... ...t 1
aratious for the brldet'f reception
la far ; different colors than the
rosy ; hues through Which '. Leila
was now surveying them.-- a -
'I I " she stammered.',? .
I struck in Impetuously, anger
ed beyond discretion !at the look
on Edith Fairfax's face. ; ft
I Mean Just That.",
This doesn't- begin to express
half the work. Leila," I said im
pressively. ''When you. know
what , this little 'woman really has
done,' you'll, hug her tighter than
ever. 'You know of course, that
she's really only about '. 1 0, years
ofd."; I laughed fondly at my
little friend whose eyes were fixed,
on me with .the expression of a
child! who inadvertently has. been
Imprisoned in a roo,m and sees a
rescuer approaching. - , '
"You do her wrong," Dicky put
in. Seven and a half.t--t-,
"And she got mixed up on your
favorite colors." I went on Ig
noring Dicky's interruption. 'This
roont was the most exquisite thing
last bight, hut it wasn't In your
colors. . You'll have to look in her
own room for . the. color-scheme
that was here as late as this moN
nlng to the last detail.! , . . . :'
V Tou . don't ' mean she ; changed
It.; with all this work? . Leila ex
claimed breathlessly, , S ' r
"I mean Just that,' I returned
steadfastly, fortified by the slight
curl of Edith j Fairfax's lips, and
the flash - 6t Exasperation which
I had seen In her eyes as she
turned them on me. for a sec
(Continued on page 5) ;
pit. IftUoytj
. t r. i .-
Vrah22iLxncc!a farrt jdhcb vicl' .pi ., il J
powers wnila cddrcirinsr ths crt!icr - trircl cr ; ; j
arbrincl Hit 'il6i;iii ILb.'attir; bf :3,jtuI " .: : -
- - . In "those'days" a storekeeper ''iBQulI ';rt.y V--"
i;, on this sort of personal contact aa a means if
' advertising his service , and what he had to
sell. But the cracker barrel days have f2t.:.;.:.r-
Crackers are preferred in clean; sanitary, Ia-
dividual packages and Incidentally: aaverUa-c: -y?.:. rr:
. ing has-been the. means ef educating the rb- ; -.
lie to demand the improved methods ot mar-
; keUng that protect health. . 5 . j- f- yj . , . . . .
fs We Ant UXi to060o'lplejiroifidi cracker
barrel, and that's why , we tell ; you about modern im
proved methods of dentistry through ; the newspapers.
We want ycu to -know: more about the method of
removing the pain and suffering from dental treatment
It CAN be done. And it is being dbhe right here in our
office every day. '-. - - - i : . ' -
This is a condition .we -produce that takes avrny C
feeling from any tooth or teeth bein? worked on, and it
has absolutely, nb uncomfortable after effects. Un! "C3
you try this paiiiless way you will never know tha rc'.-cf
our method can jgive:y6u, ahd unless -we tell yoii tL-ut
- it- ;Vif laf flhtt fivood nf tViA rlprital rfiair stand
u, jruu uu6 f ."vJ!'..''' --"7- ..r,,,.,
Way of good heailtn ana gooa xeein ior years. s x axj-,
IS ZiU xiUttT.
I I Hctdi uohr Tet th ExzEzzzd Fres
V Ptdideu Dentist
f NSalemT Portland Newbefg, j
f Salem Officje, Salent Bank of (munercc B23.
: yy
in 1C7 N.
1 WUi I -lL-
m m.
1 1 111
hzZ I St, Salcn, Ore.
W- 41 '
- ; :- i -
The .day that, to all
Christian, peoples the world
over, stands for new hoes,
new aspirations, new possi
bilities. Why not apply the earns
principle.." practically that
you do spiritually? Start
out, this Easter morning, to
learn, something that will ba
of practical benefit to you In
any walk ot life, '
4 i . : .. r . ;
Such Is the course we of
fer; and you can commence
right NOW Call and talk
It over with us.
k4 f m-. -mtm-S
.V:';itijh&. Ferry
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