7, i r, i t V - w- J . . .. : 1siukI 2 Chaa. K. Spaoldlng and f t' nMfWPitny auamoM ro Ran-Jn vatijf aa i lfctTAj HVV? ,a.aa. - " M J . and Commercial streets. 13 New 1; ALEM : Adds Industrial Activities and Is Growing to Be Important Manufacturing Center Without Disturbing -Residential 'Charm of City-CIean, .Wide Streets, Beautiful Civk Center,-University Campus and. Well Kept Lawns Are.Features If .anyone should' ask"- the new comer to Salem what ; feature of the ''city r appeared predominately characteristic of Its present stage of .'development, ' the" chances are ten to .one that . he would receive as his. answer: "Tlie easj and or derly1, process ' of the " clty'a "trans formation from a residential to an industrial vcity." f Most certainly would this be the rejoinder of the "intelligent observer, who had tak en the. pains to make a compre hensive survey of the city's activi ties. ; ,: - . i ' . Salem la making such a change right now-1 Bat the metamorpho sis coming quietly, surely, not withthe fanfare of trumpets or the disorder that frequently marks Industrial invasions, but with the naturalness which; comes of mak ing the most of resources' and ad vantages that, a kind providence has put in one' hands. - There are no. "birth-pangs accompanying the entrance of the new order. . There are no throes of agony oyer plans gone wrong, ; no riotous eiul tings over progress made. " There is a quiet dignity in the new order's birth, the dignity that goes with the. right to claim ownership." 1 For Salem has the natural advantages which are the cause of bringing new 'factories, canneries 'Indus-' trials of all kinds into being if, t.e 'community is to develop to its full capacity. ; .'V: ; . ;!;-5 : jAnd that's what Salem is doing. She 'is reaching- out' and taking what is her own and that's why .she ' is bound to be numbered among the successful cities of the Pacific northwest. For the - cri terion, of success Is with communi ties as it is with Individuals it's not a question' of holding the big gest hand or of housing the great est, iiumber of people; rather is it a question of playing the hand y that's dealt to the t best advantage, of attaining the largest population ; pt happy; contented "beings Which the community or city is capable of : supporting.' There's many a city of 'more "than 100,000 souls which, though larger, has not made as ' much of its opportuni ties' as have many of their smaller - competitors.' Not every city can be a London1 or a New York or a p&lcago; but It can be the biggest F. O. Deck ebach residence-. , typical ojsiJncxiTCMonlea aHnn.ina wiii . ct.... v ... yuiursu as Old People's Home nearlng completion. - f . v - and best city that it's1 possible to be. r Achievement less than this spells failure. : Nature surrounded Salem with aces and acfes of -fertile lands, which are peculiarly adapted to berry, fruit, vegetable and nut cul ture. Some of this land' was cov ered with primeval forests..' What a tragedy would there have been in Salem's history, if development of this resource had never been fostered. Intensive settlement of the land,' which is one great rea son for Salem's Internal- prosperi ty, would ifever ' have come, the giant canneries would never have been made possible, "employment to thousands of workers in field and plant would never have been furnished. Also, Salem is sur rounded by timber resources, which are new being transformed into finished products of lumber, pulp and; paper, the work of con Version giving t employment to hundreds, and hundreds . of . fami lies. How far short of her possi bilities' would Salem have fallen, had she not availed herself pf the plants devoted to the work? . And what an opportunity,, would have been . missed . had the community overlooked the possibilities of the purebred livestock Industry? . And yet there are cities and communi ties which have these same re sources, or others, which are not developing . them and which are wondering why they do not grow faster! i . L ' rl. ; This industrial transformation Is coming without shattering in any degree the old Salem ideal of a. charming residential city of ed ucational and cultural advantages The person who . wishes, to hold himself aloof from the busy bustle of Salem's industrial activities and devote hjs time to study or, to meditation ' in educational halla can do so, without entering the to him distasteful sone. The eity has been I admirably districted, so that manufacturing plants do not encroach t on the city's residential districts, thanks to the wisdom of the forefathers, who allotted Sa lem plenty of area and-Jald the foundation ' in accordance with a plan that would t give the city plenty of room for expansion with in her limits. ? - v '- Salem homes. 3 Row of new bnigalow ja erected, op Bajflnaw mitnarr. ;o wuaawiw jpg o oungaKiw duiii. rnu winrrr amiu nunc auaauaa vn. iwiih vuujukivmi. otiiu wni V iunvliriV' uuvinirBa tniwiiuid iiiiitu uiv gcs7t j vvara i a 14 Row of comfortable new bungalows oit 'SOoth High street, 1 Salem lays claim to (the title of Oregon's most beautiful city.; - Her clean, broad; streets make a fa vorable impression in the minds of the visitors, even before they reach her interior.! As thervisitor progresses he viewa well-kept resi dential '" ; properties, ;wth green, closely cropped lawns; and well built, well-painted ; houses . on every hand, separated ( by 'streets of unusual width and: cleanliness. "SpotlesaneBs" exclaims the tran sient and'' straightway he fixes in his mind this most desirable qual ity as Inseparably connected with Salem, one of the city's striking characteristics. ' : ;V;; Shrubbery and trees of all vari? eties, both shade and fraif, row in every Salem yard, making a most pleasing effect the year around. But in the spring of the year, , when the peach, the cherry. SALEM -SEES YE AR OF BUILDING i..jy rr-r-mi "ifn i ,JULJl.ilMJ.l f i CrZEJMapiiJI-J "'-- l-gaMlzaEMgCacf3h,J Vitm B - ILL . CSttSr T- f- - -r - Tiw-n. r nrwiTMirrH1 - Many Large Structures Already Under Construction traglio Warehouse, New Cannery, Capital Apartments, Store Blocks and School Blouses and pbst of Residences Among Projects 1923 Record Will Surpass Those of '21 and '22. During the two years of 1921 and 1922 and the first two and One-half months of 1923 the city recorder, of Salem issued building permits amounting to $1,350,000.. That represents a comfortable amount of growth; but It really Is only a fair fraction of what ac tually happened. . . ; For Instance, there was the rei building 'of the big electric ; light plant, where 1 the company spent well on to $200,000 in all; this does not appear any where on the city, permit books. Much of. that was for machinery,' it is true; but the amount of labor, and the ac tual power house building , ran close to six figures. The paper mill was represented ; as $50,000 in the preirminary permit; their total new investment rung to sev eral times that much, and even that Is only a fair beginning for what Is proposed 4or this year, or the pear, the apple trees' burst forth into full bio.om, the effect is that, of fairyland. Visitors throng to Salem during those days to en joy the" vistas of rnass pink nnd white effects, visible as far as the eye can reach. ; One dayfimed so' as to synchronize with ' the , crest of the blossoming' period, is set apart each" year as Blossom Day. Salem is the state capital and its appearance is enhanced by the beautifully appointed state house grounds and by the well-kept state properties In suburb' and near-by localities. In fact, no city Is more fortunate in this regard. In the very heart of the city are grouped the Marion county ' court house, the United States post of flee build ing, the state capitol, Willamette University campus and buildings and the Carnegie , library. The (continued on page 2) the early future if not actually within thl3 calendar year. The big Traglio warehouse on Trade and South Liberty streets, was given a permit to build for $40,000; it is understood that it will cost double that sum, by bet ing much more extensive than at first planned.. Most construction actually far overruns the prelimi nary -estimate; If not th3 building costs themselves, .then at least the incidental costs, of equipment and furnishings. 1 Homes numbering 438 were built during this recorded period; these alone are believed to have actually cost more than the price listed in., the building permits. The many Important buildings add very largely to this total cost. The King's Products building cam pacajan up close to six figures. The Webb & Clough funeral par lors cost $20,000; the. Bonesteele building well along towards $30,- street near Uncoln. 4 Home of senms on nonin vnnira nirm. - completed Witbinthe past J 2 months. SALEM 'Very Few Days in Year See Freezing Weather Winter Is Moist, Followed by Beautiful Spring, Summer and Fall Air Given Spiriting Tang by Ocean No Cyclones nor Thtj hderstprms Three Floods Since Country's Settlement . uuiiu&. Lilt; wiuief jubl viuacu, there; were, only abqut 33 nights when the thermometer registered to or below the freezing point of 32 degrees. Fahrenheit. Only sev en days for the entire winter showed the. maximum down to 32 degrees "or lower. The lowest thermometer for the winter was 15 decrees Fahrenheit, on Decem ber 17th; the lowest maximum was 26 degrees on the 14th. Sev eral of the 33 freezing-point nights reached barely-to 32 degrees; on ly three nights got down below 20 degrees. "'" ' v . That's -not a cold winter? While reports were coming in from almost all over the United States of weather anywhere' from aero down 1 to 50 degrees below, the Salem country was basking in comparatively equatorial sunshine. So far as reported, not a fruit 000; the Starr capnlng company spent $75,000 on its plant, of which possiby one-fourth or more was .for 'building alone. The Episcopal church building pro gram, rectory " and church and church bouse together, cost ap proximately $25,000. These are only a part of the important buildings ., erected in ' Salem during the past two years; most of it within the last year. - The big-building program for 1423 promises to far exceed that of the past two years. The Wil lamette gymnasium will cost , at least $50,000, probably more; their i projected central heating plant will cost another $25,000. The Salem school district is pre paring to buihl an additiotfto the high school, estimated to cost $60 000 to $70,000, and a new junior high schooL building to cost a pos sible $10,000 more, this year; a total of about $150,000 for these! Pave Eyre a South Twelfth and Oak -ihotk cn- otuiuionie nomes ddui jam i f jm n rjuo i-niwuu un a. a CLIMATE MILD, bud has been injured; not even an apricot . or. peach bud, that are the earliest and about the tender eat of all the fruits raised this far north.-- Potatoes have stayed out in the fields all winter wfthout injury; they would be good to plant or . to eat today. That wouldn't happen at a' 40-below temperature. ' - The. total precipitation for De cember was 10.41 Inches; a fairly normal December. Five years ago U was 23 inches for the same period; and that did no harm, either -it merely stored up water in the soil for a bumper crop the next summer. ' For January, the precipitation was 10.47 inches, and for February 2.62 Inches. The March reports have not jret been compiled, as the month is not end ed; but the . precipitation is not large. The ground is in fine con dition for farming .and an exjp- two structures, besides any play sheds or remodelings in the build ings already standing. The Northwest Canning com pany is expected to spend $100, 000'on its project, of which about one-third will be' for building alone. The new Moore building on north High street. la estimated to cost more than $32,000; and the Bllgh buildings on the corner of Court and High will cost at least $20,000. , The power com pany is expecting to build its boiler house this .-season, which will run well into the thousands. The big Capital apartments, at North Capital and Court streets, is to cost $200,000. Other build ing plans also are being talked "of, and the total building cost for the year promises to run into impos ing figures. ' v " -( There has been a steady in crease in building costs, despite (Continued on page S) street. .;. a New residence, of . iim past year on oonm mga maaasaa. aa aa via r caaa auasaaaav a.a BAav aryAw utuuNvti ioivrni.i ai j s. v a. tlonal amount of good farm work is being done at this time. , Despite the slanderous charges of outsiders,' and the cowardly ad missions of many native Oregon ians, the rainfall in this section is little more than in most of the Mississippi valley or the eastern: states. Indeed, it is not as much, as many other parts of the east or central United States. It is differently- apportioned; - thertn is very little summer rain in Oregon ; and what does come in winter is in very different form from hat of the central states. There-is a record of a six-inch rainfall in a single day,. at Kansas City; and many others of rainfall aggregat ing from four inches upwards in a single day, for many points in the Mississippi and Missouri val leys. There is no record "of" so much as a two-inch precipitation in a single day in the Willamette valley. - " ' ' . . And there are , no cyclones out here. There is enough atmospher ic movement, what with , the sea breeze that springs up every, af ternoon, to keep the country clean and fresh; that 6000-mile ocean is a splendid little air-cleaner. The evergreen forests that the salt breeze blows over in crossing the Coast Range to get over into the Willamette valley makes a fine asset for health and comfort. The Oregon air is worth more ' per lungful than the air of any humid state In all the 4000 miles of the Mississippi and Missouri course. There was indeed a considerable quantity of water in the Willam ette valley during the month of January. -The Willamette river has had three, tremendous periods of flood since the, white man came to record its history: . the floods of 1861. of 1890, and 1923. So fare as specific records- io, they might be of approximately equal height; there seems to be very lit tle exact data by which they can be compared. But it is quite cer tain that they are the three really outstanding floods. , ... At that, the damage is not great. One farm down near the . Santiam that was overflowed so that -its owners have to take refuge in their flood-proof barns along with the cows and pigs and sheep, lost ' Prof. T, 8. Roberts, one nf t i wrect. a trcgon fxaio t, , . BALI one or two buildings that float: 1 down the stream;' but the owners say the Nile-like fertility-that tLe river left them will pay for all their losses In increased crops la ? single year. Some: 'jwer'e ka ortunate; like the hop growers c.i the lowlands, where the flood took out their -expensive . trellises and left the fields ruined for hops un til new trellises are built. Eat some of these, even, have 'gaice 3 in fertility enough to make the flood an' asset for a period . cf years. ' The dry season of 1922, that affected some of the les3 carefully tended fields, emphasized the ne j for irrigation' to spread the winter water that Is stored up la tta soil, over the pvhole growing year. The total average precipitation, for the Willamette valley for tie months of June, July and Ausj is only about t inches. This is to be compared with the ralafa!! up to as much as 10 inches it some of the Mississippi' valley states, for the same three months growing 'season-.' To install 'purer ' or to build irrigation canals an I utilize the Santiam and many cf the small streams for exteasiv I irrigation use, seems the demand." .of nature. i - Nature puts the water within reach, as she puts the soil asd the sun and the air within reach, for man to utilize. If the man re fuses to play the. soil,- or If he shades the fields so that the sun can't shine qn then, he gets no crop, however fertil the soil cr, how genial the sen; he fails through -his own foolishness." If. he fail to provide water for his horse or his auto drink, the faith ful thing Is going to curl up and die; its spirit alone' won't prevail against the owner's bull-headed refusal to give it a drink. And if his,' crops sizzle up In the summer heat, where-he could have niada them, grow . so marveloiisly through a little irrigation, it is his own fault. . The man who doesn't know enough" to come in out cf the rain,' or to go out and get a needed rain when it's waiting for him.. to come and use.it, hasn't earned the co-operation of nature. The development of Irrlgatlc-i (continued on pass 2) v -