f - 8; v THE-OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM; OREGON- SATURDAY, MORNING. "MARCH 31. 1923 -1 0 HEART BALM ISltOWED GIBL Jury Returns Verdict Against y Plaintiff in Dornberger Frank Case It only -took the jury which Judged the ease of Mary Dorn frerger against Albert frank In . the circuit court yesterday after i noon for alleged breach of prora f. ise, about one half hour to de cide that Mary was not entitled to any damages. She asked 6, ( 000 heart balm. ! According to testimony Mr. Frank at one time had announc ed his desire of wedding a Ger man girl. At that' time . Miss Doru&erger was residing at Eph-; rata. Wash.' She 'learned of "Mr. Frank's matrim oni al hopes through a. mutual friend and im mediately moved to Marion, coun ey where she became' acquainted with Mr. Frank. A whirlwind ' courtship followed, she v alleged, during the course of which she inferred that she was. about to become his wite.r Wlfen the rosy bubble hurst : however and she learned that Mr. Frank did not Intend to marry her she brought sujt for "breach of promise.") Mr. Frank steadfastly denied that he ha eTer asked Mary to become "his wife. The case was triedt before- Judge i Percy -Kelly, : - Radcllffe, one-half barrel flour; third, Mrs. Ed Wright, one-fourth barrel flour and 10 pounds pas try flour. " Pie baking contest First, Mrs. J. P. Herbst, 5( pounds pastry fjour and 50 pounds Crown four; Becond Mrs. Mateofstof 25 pounds pastry flour and 25 pounds Crown flour; third, Mrs. Noot, 10 pounds pastry flour and 15 pounds Crown flour. Cake baking contest : First. Mrs. D. D. Olmstead, 50 pounds pastry flour . and 50 pounds Crown flour; second, Mrs. C. W. Sawyer 125 pounds of pastry flour and 25 pounds Crown flour third, name not reported1 as yet, number '68, 10 pounds pastry flour and 15 pounds Crown flour; fourth, Mrs. J. C. Campbell, 24 1-2 pounds Crown flour. The five women who acted as judges were: Mrs. A. Bailey, Mrs. Edith Toiler Weatherred, Mrs. M. Gardner.. Mrs. Ed. Hartley and Mrs. E. Rocque, all of Sa lem, f : ' - Wore Than 200 Entries ; In Busick Baking Contest '- More than 2.00 entries were made for the. pie, cake and bread baking contest which was put on at jthe Busick i store this week. The youngest person entering his i handiwork was Joseph Rogers, a J10 year old boy of independence. He had a cherry pie tfndil choco, late cake.' v - :.t The, prlae winning entries were ' sold at 1 auction following the judging- and the; money . wjll gq to the Children's' Farm home at Corrallls. , The prize winners were as follows: Bread baking contest First, Mrs. :E. . Aufrance, one; - barrel " Crpwn flour ; second. MnJ dhartes FLOWERS EQUAL , ffllf IN WORLD rooms, until just recently; when they . are put into the forcing room, and are given about 90 de grees of heat. This shoots them up like magic, and brings the blooms out in time for the Easter display. Some lilies are still held in the cool room, for Memorial day. The carnations have been producing almost by the bushel. They are of three standby vari eties, the pink preme. the red1 Much Activity Seen at Local Greenhouses at the Eas : ter Season Easter betokens flowers and all kinds of j floral beauty, and the people of! Salem are privileged to see as fine flowers as anywhere in the world for this'season. Flower raising Is a business, but it is also an art jn it producing the wonder f ul blooms that are being shown In the Salem florist, stores. A Statesman representative went out this week to the Breithaupt greenhouses east of town. There are 12,000 carnation slipa growing for the fall trade, and almost as many of the older plants for the trade at! this time. They are blooming- prodigiously under . the genial influence of the hot water heat and the" natural heat of the last . few days. There are 600 Easter lUy plants. Each one bears from three to seven blooms. These hare been held back in coel Enchantress Su Aviator, and the white Thomas Joy. There are many varieties of bedding plants that are staple; geraniums, marguerites, trailing fuchsias, heliotropes, coleus, cal cillaria, lobeliam and sweet alys sum. Just now, they are rooting thousands of "mums" (short for chrysanthemums.) These wonder ful , fall ' flowers are started in doors, and finally transplanted outdoors. It takes 200"cubic yards of fresh earth to fill all the standing beds of the greenhouse each year Some of this earth goes out with the potted plants that are sold. The rest Is wheeled out into the field, to be replaced by fresh clean soil, and it is not again taken into the greenhouses for foiir years, by which time it is free of all possible plant infections. Only by the use of clean, fresh soil can the" Stand ard of plant quality, be main tained, t : ' 1 GOODS IDE HERE TO BE DISPLAYED Elaborate Display to Appear Monday at Light and Power Offices V Transcripts Filed at T Dallas in Fruit Cases DALLAS, Ore., March 30. (Special t'o The Statesman.) Ten transcripts of judgment were filed in the circuit court for Polk coun ty this week from the circuit court of Marion county- in the suits brought by The Phez company of Salem against members of the Salem Fruit union. The transcripts were filed here that the judgment may become liens upon property of members of the fruit union re siding is Polk county. Van Duzer Accepts Post On Highway Commission -'i Henry Van Duzer. of . Portland yesterday, telephoned the office of Governor Pierce that he would accept the appointment to . mem bership on the state highway commission. "Made-in Salem' week isto be observed with an "elaborate display at the office of the Port land Railway. Light & Power company, '237 North Liberty, be ginning Wednesday. The company has signed up 38 Salem manufacturers who have agreed to exhibit their goods and several others have verbals ly offered to contribute, so that they are sure to have at least 45 exhibitors. There are 25 others who might become inter ested before the week jls over: A wide range of manufacture will be exhibited. From vinegar to perfumes, from cascara to mush, from toothpicks to wooden toys up to giant mill timbers, they range in bewildering pro fusion. There -' are clay bricks and cement bricks; gloves, boots, shoes, clothes, cheese, bedding, furs, iron and brass castings, heavy lathe work and watches, prunes, printing, candy, broom handles, steel fences; almost everything that one can eat, wear, smell, play with' or , hear. The company is preparing to clear out all the sales samples from its spacious salesroom, and open It for this "Made in Salem" exhibition. There are industries that not one person in 10 knows exists; so oie of them have grown to real magnitude right under the city's nose, and only , a' few peo ple' are aware of their presence. The object of the campaign is to interest Salem in , its own re sources, and to acquaint every body with his neighbors. , The "Made in Salem" cam paign begins Monday, when the Chamber of Commerce serves a straight local luncheon.; REALTY EXCHANGES Reported by Union Abstract Company ... , ' i ' j - -: PHONE 11 Court and LiDerty Streets EIGHT STORES 66 Mil ,TEX" SPORT COATS ; and surfs. THE SEASON'S GREATEST TRIUMPH CAMEL'S HAIR FABRICS KNOWN AS kv-. Today we launch a sale on Camel's Hair Coats and 'Suits in the new natural color tati. Apparel that just came to our store fresh, crisp and new. , ICantelure win appeal to you, its adaptabil ity to sport and motor wear as well as street and utility service makes them the popular garments of the spring and summer season. See the new "Kamelures' today in all their different "trimmings. v Gbnect Special $ i 24-75 Wearing, NEW ARRIVALS! V PEACOCK NOVELTY FOOTWEAR $750 $g50 $000 $g50 , For Easter we present the new satins, swedes, kids and patents. Low, military, baby Spanish and Louis h dels. The new French toes or lasts slightly shorter and broader than usuaL Straps cut-outs and sandal effect are shown here in all their splendor. WE FEATURE ARCHrO-PEDIC HEALTH SHOES J. W. Parker to H. R. Craw ford, lot 2, block 4, Fafrmount Park addition to Salem, $10. ; Exie Harmon Parker to H. R. Crawford, lot 2, block 4, Fair-; mount addition to Salem, $10. j Eleanor "R. Lamport and hus-j band to H. lu Cook, et al, part) of lot 1 and all of lot 2,Garden' City addition to Salem, $10. ; C. J. Brown and wife to O. W,' Newman,- part of lots 2 and 4.i and all of lot 8, Cochran's addi tion to Woodburn, $10. j Clara E. Dopp and husband to; til. E. Isenberger, lot It bloek'i 1, Yalnut Grove addition to! Salem. $10." ' j E. McCornack et al to B. L-j Steeves, et al, lot 1 and part) of lot , block 33, Salem, $1. D. M. Stevenson e al to B. I.' Steeves et al, lot 1 and part of, lot 2. block 33. Salem. 4$ 1. E. B. McCornack et al to B.i L. Steeves et al, lot- 1 and part of lot 2, block 33, Salem $1. Simon. Phillips and wife to City of Salem, part of block 2, Nob Hill aition to Salem, and land in claim 45-7-3W; $1. Delina Barhes et al to Levi Wlty and wife, land, in claim 70-4 XW; $1. T. j. Clark and wife to' P. A. Myers, land in claim 37-7-3W $10 J. F. Ulrich and wife to ' City of Salem, land in claim 61-7 SW; Marion county, $1. M. E. P. Morris to J. G. Pate land in claim 27-9-3W; $1. John Grossen and wife to H. Sealfield and wife, land in CI. 32-6-2E; $10. Donald K. Young and wife to Albert Young et al. part of blk. 39. North Salem, $26. H. R. Miles et al to Fred O. Baker, lots 6 and 7, blk. 75, North Salem, $2100. FT. L. Poujade to Ruby D. Pou jade, lot 16. blk. 2, Glenn Oak addition to Salem, $10. , Leo N. Childs and wife to William Dietzman and wife, lot 4, blk. 3, Oak Lodge addition to Salem, $10. J. L. Quinn and wife to Chas. H. Flynn, lots 1 and 2, blk. 3, Geo. Holllsters addition to Stay ton $10. " . Chas. Ransom and wife to A. P. Speer and wife, part of lots 3 and 4, blk. 6, Turner, $10. Chas.- Ransom and 'wife to A. P. Speer and wife, lots 5 and 6, blk 10. Aumsville, 10. C. F. DeGuire and wife to Murton E. DeGuire, land in CI. 47-6-1W: $10. Chas. Flynn to J. L. Quinn and wife1 land in section 10-9-1W; $10. James Keller and wife to A. E. Phelps and wife land in CI. 65-103W; $10. - , f . Cut This Out It Is Worm Uoaey cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley & Co..' 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago.; III., writing your name , and ad dress clearly. You will receive in. return a trial oackaze con-' tainihg jToley's .Honey and Tar' Compound for coughs, colds andl croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pains in sides and. back; rheuma tism backache, kidney , and blad. der ailments: and Foley, Cathar tic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing - cathartic for (constipation, biliousness, head-' aches, and slugeish bowels. Sold Big Easter Cantata Will Be Presented at Sitverton srLVERTOX. Or., March 30 (Special to The Statesman.) The last practice for the com munity Easter cantata will be held Saturday night at the au ditorium.1 This cantata which contains 40 voices will b one of the musical events of the season at Silverton. Those who have been present at ; re hearsals speak especially favor ably of the women's chorus and of the solo 'work. There are 13 solos in the cantata. Those, tak ing the solo ; work are Mrs. M. G. Gunderson, Mrs.j N. K. Hitch ens, Mrs. Mary Hoge, Mrs. Gor den McCall, . Miss SMarie Cor house, ; Miss Esther B. Larson, Miss Gladys Smith, Mrs. G. B. Bntson, Mrs. D. J. Murphy, Tom Corhouse, Gorden McCall, E. A. Booth, Rev. J. At Bennett. -" Mrs. Edson Comstock is pian ist and Mrs. Veda Bennett " di rector. No admission Is to be charged as the cantata is a community affair but an offering will be taken to defray the expenses. , The members of the cantata ; BOILING BEEF 1 MEW MEATiWA&KGt I NOTE OUR PRICES Quality the bestcome and pick them out ; i Boiling Beef ....... .... Roast Beef j ; Shoulder Pork :: Barton's W Hams ... Picnic .......... ........... ; ; Barton's Lard, lb. ... ! ! Bacon, lb. X Weiners, lb. ..................... ...6c to 8c i: , ..10c to 12c ...14c to 16c :; .............. 28c : : ... .... ......17c . . 18c :; ...22c : : 15c I Z Beef Hearts ;. ...7c I Street Car Junction 264 State Street 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II M M III M I II 1 1 Ml I II M 1 1 1 1 1 ill! II 1 1 1 it have expressed their desre for permanent community choral society and it IS thought prob able' that such a society will be formed. If f so, it is the plan of the leaders to secure a great many more voices. The voices for the Easter cantata were chos en from the various church 4 choirs of the city. There are j a great many other vocalists at V. Silverton who are not affiliated ' with any, church. It is the in tention of the society to induce these to Join if the organization is perfected.,.- , , ... . , Npwly Patterned GINGMAMG For Spring arid Summer Both the quality and the patterns of . these beautiful ginghams will prove interesting to -. women who want sendee able dresses t for " chil dren's school wear. Also for their own satisfaction in street and afternoon dresses. Apron Check Ginghams 16c yd. Plaids and Fancy Checks 19c, 23c and 25c yd. GALE Commercial and Court Streets .Easter occ Gloffies Worthy of allS 818100 Suits in a Variety of Fabrics and Models which will make your selection easy and pleasant For "The Services," "On Parade" or just your natural desire to appear well clothed there are suits here , to meet your particular requirements. You'll like the new one, 2 and 3 button sacks- -the Norf oiks. Also the conservative models for the man of matured years. . . x . . . The Qualities at these Prices Assures . Service-Satisfaction i . r1 . jf 'p-, .11,, " ' fs ( IfeC, mm -y" .. mm:, lil x-:'X-x-:-:-:-xw-x:.-::-.-. ASAi.A:?A:v. lilllAiill frA-:::x'Xv:-x-A-:-:-::-:::-; ft-A-x-WvXv:-:::-:-:-::;-, v $::A-AAW:"-: ,&:-:Ax:-:-A-:-n,-::-:A . ...... v mm mm YouHI find no better clothes than those sold here. 'iv. h. -:- i. - . . ' A Complete Showing of Select Accessories Which 'Will Contribute ta Your Correct Easter Atos-S' i I .if "- s -i -' The "Haig" Priced at $8.50 An ultra smart Russian calf Oxford with the plain toe as illustrated. All, sizes and widths. One's shoes, "makes" or "mars" the general well groomed attire. Give thot to yours now ) Other Styles Priced (5 to $ 13.00 . : ' ' . : We are Exrlnive Agents for the Arch PreWrrer Shoesi-'They Keep Good Feet Good." New Shirts Spring patterns, collar attached o r neckband . styles. Priced $1.50 to $4.50 New Neckwear The newest i n Pastel Shades, diag onal stripes. - Special values $1.00 Silk Socks 75c "Interwoven" pure silk Socks in Cor dovan, pearl, black; also heather ribbed. Mallory & Stetson Hats The New Spring; Shades and ' Shapes $5607020 : Others at $3 and $4 id) a 0 rBT 1 "V. . t X Terywher$-"AdT.Vt: " " " "vv V