7 r OWE II H. . nuGii . . II'ppodrone Vaudeville ' road tliow, four acts. Mar ' tin Johnson's 'Jungle Adven tures." ' ... '' . '' Crowd In Slum Scene ,. Can sheets at me-tion "picture ' studios are funny things. For Instance, here's one for ""Kick 13.' new ; George FlUmaur'ceJ I'aramount picture, reaturlng Bet ty Compson, Bert Lytell and May SIcAvoy, which eomes to the Qre- 'gon theatre Wednesday.- It calls for the following: i. -.: -.C$.V,X Three Flip ' girls, . six Typical Jewish -women.; 10 Irish women, 1 29 women all agea and aes (!),. one hroom peddler with brooms, on Tee-wagon, fUjll, and yl driver, one streetcar totor- man, one typical Italian - woman, able to - carry, basket on . head. - one ; umbrella mender, one Sab; k vatlori, army lassie etc., ad infin itum. ; Th's motley group was .gathered to portray a New York jslum scene. ' Though Miss Dorothy' Mackaill . was born and bred in England, 'she declares that in the two years she has been In America she has .become a real American and does not like to De called an ' English '.actress,.' In fact, she likes Ameri ca so well that she 'has Drought iher mother over, to' live with her. .Miss f Mackaill' has .the Heading role in - the forthcoming ..Edwin Carewe production, "Mighty Lak ' Rose," a Ffrat National ' release t to be 'shown at the Oregon tbea tre" next week.' w , 1 In addition to . enacting ; the stellar role in her latest Tiffany production; "Jazzmanla, present .ed by. Bobert Z. Leonard through Metro at the Oregon theatre, ( Wednesday, Mae Murray took an active part in designing 4the un usual settings for the picture. 1 Miss Murray's Interest, in In- terlor decorating has led , to her 1 taking an active hand in deslgn Ing .the - art'stic - v backgrounds which .have ! been, 4 so : favorably commented yipon fn vher recent ' photoplays, distributed by Metro. OHEGOIJ Robin Hood 99 LI3ERTY 'TBsSuEful and Dammed" M3 "Robin Hood" V VAUDEVILLE R OAD BROWN-JEFFERSON AND HUNT v In "DARKTOWN CAFE MARTIN JOHNSON'S The Most Unusual Coniedy arid TODAY- BLIGH THEATRE L CORD IT O T7 Q : , 30x3 $12.80 Lliii-sJ ; 32x4 ;JL$24.00 Our Guai'antea is back of SSIP "Jawmania" gives Mlsa Mur ray a wide range for her artistic deas. tThe action of the picture laaes place partly in a tiny king dom In Europe, and thus novel ties in setting ; and in costume were to be expected- The scene snitts to, Nsw York for part of the time, and I here, too, lavish sett ngs are seen. . The photoplay was written by Edmund Gouldlng,- and directed by Robert Z. Leonard. The set tings were , .executed by Cedric Gibbons, M. H. Hoffcnan Is vice- president of Tiffany Productions. Inc., producers of M'ss Murray's photoplays.' ' Another i four act vaudeville road show opens at the Bllgh theatre today featuring "Todes ca and v Todesca." sensational trick cycjlsts, "Brown. Jefferson and KunC a singing, talking com e d jri "Darktawn C a fe," "George Hussey," "Huckleberry Finn" j and "Wally and Edttn Ryan,' in Tickles, Tunes and Taps. i .-Bessie the Orang-outang cap tured ; by Martin i Johnson whMe he v was in; the wilds . of i JBorneo making bis motion picture "Jun gle Adventures," is, now, in a New Ybrk" soo.: This remarkable an'mal was easily tamed, and be came a great pet. . Bessie showed great interest in the motion pic ture camera, and appears in many of "Jungle Adven tures," which will be shown to day at the .Bligh theatre. I NEW CORPORATIONS I , 4 The following Oregon concerns Med - articles of incorporation her yesterday: f ' : : ." V V s7 Lamm Lumber company Kla math Falls; : Incorporators, W. 13 Lamm, Joseph. S. : Kent. Edith Limia; capitalization 1500,000 Homebuilders , Service. ' Inc.. Portland; I incorporators, G. :, C. Friable. Wiiram Palmer, Marvin K. Holland; capitalization $1000. , Notice of increase In capltall rat'on. from" $2 6.000 to $100,000 was filed I bv ; the" Oregon Milk company of Portland, e. ...,; 1 si ' . Notice of : decrease in capitali zation from $1,500,000 to $1,000, 000 was filed by the Buehneti Lumber company -of Med.ford, and from $10,000 to. $5000 by the Orchards Water company of Port land. ;;..";,;;..:;-;.-: , . v ,.-;-- 2 'i Notice of d'ssolutlon was filed by the Pacific Malleable jlron company of Portland. ! . A nermlt to sell stock in the sum of $24,000 was Issued do tin Smith Long Laboratories-of , Port land. . - , . Valley Packing Company Buys Dallas Establishment DALLAS, : Ore.1, March 3 6. (Special to The Statesman.) The Dallas Meat company has;, been purchased by the Valley Packing company of Salem, the new pro prietors taking charge April 1. Ed. Shaw, who ha been' em ployed by the old company, will be the -new manager1 for the Salem j concern. , - TODESCA & TODESCAi - - The -,r SENSATIONAL CYCLISTS :?;GEO? HUSSEY " And HUCKLEBERRY Z f FINN . JUNGLE ADVENTURES Romance Ever Screened Western Feature Too -TOMORROW Evenings y r 40c Spring is here and you will begin to buy tires. Make no mistake in this re gard. Get your : money's r worth. Give you full value and more for your money Out of nearly; 1000 tires .sold only one tire returned for replacement We ; invite comparison of this record. , ' . r" V ( PP KENNETH . HARIAN in ths Beaut i fin. and Damned- WARNER. BROS, PRODUCTION ROBIN HOOD. ' mm film Every- Jnch of Spape Taken ax Local ineatres tor ; Crusade Story The Douglas Fairbanks ."Robin Hoqd" picture, showing at the Oregon and the Grand, has ap proximately 12,000 feet- of film It has 1000 actors; it cost, a' lot of money to stage, and it takes almost two hours to run. It rep resents a time about 700 years ago in England. Quite thrilling; sn't it? : vr r - But It is the story of the Cru sades, when men clad -in steel mail "set out across Europe to wrest from" the infidel Moslem the- tomb of the Ho'y Lord Christ and the . Virgin . Mary, j Brutal, raw meat eating men," swearing. man-killing men, , took their . oath on their cross-hilted : swdrds to serve the Master In this pitifully misguided but - sublimely earnest way as If the God : himself had not the power to save his own! There never was such a marvel ous picture of life on its way up out of , the darkness, of love, that dies not. of brutality that tri umphs for a ' whi'e and is then overcome by "good. ; ! Richard the lion-hearted reach es down through the 700 years of the Dark Ages, of the Renaissance to the; real ; Christian era and touches with the arm and soul of nower the life of today. There is nothing finer than courage, and strength, and honest friendship: the lion-hearted Being -w3th - Ws -inscles of flint and'hls heart of 'ire is as much a king of today as he w(s of Sherwood Forest in the days of the Crusades. Lady Mar fan floats down on the wings of love as pure, as beautiful, as in spiring as When her scarf bonnd her true knight to her service in the wars for the Sepulcher, and her prayers and her love brought him home. - ? - ' 5 I Robin Hood is as real a char acter . in the spiritual eye of the world as George Washington: or Napoleon. He stands for the re volt against kingly wrong, against S HOW i .-ft -if": WALLY-EDITH RYAN 1 With : TICKLES. TUXES AND TAPS . , ; Bargain , ' f . . . : Matinee 33x4 1. 35x5 .... $25.00 $39.00 every itire. the rule of I ; assassination . and treachery and' greed. '. One," does not quite see Robin Hood,' or the Crusaders, or ' the ' lion hearted king as figures on the screen; one teels them as the soul within and the soul leaps to meet them as on the wings of tight.' . - The real mechanics of the pic ture are truly magnificent. ' No such play has ever before been produced. And yet the lmpres-sion-is not of "art" In the presen tation; it Ms that of a, moral at mosphere that grips and will not let go. A whole nation has ob jected to the Arbuckle pictures, and wished fox something fine and I clean. - Here it ; f s as. cle'an as the heart of valor and the soul of love. v '-? t -..iCk Organist r Charles W.. Hawley, Jr., ? presented the audience an audience . that Jammed the last jnch f (the . playhoase with a magnificent new military march of his -own (composition.-. It is not yet even" named. But those who heard it would stand for something big, as for the coro nation of Jhe American army from the 'fields of France four mil lion men, some wounded, some on stretchers, some present only; in the spirit while their bodies were under the sod In j Francefbut; tri umphant ih the Job they" set out to do, the making or a world safe for common men and5 women and little children. S l Take . Tablespoon! ;ul : of Salts If Back Pains or Bladder i la Irritated. - ; Flash your kidneys by drinking a .quart of water each day, alsc take salts occasionaly, says not ed authority, who tells ns that to; much rich food forms acids whicl; almost 'paralyse -the kidneys their efforts to expel it from th blood. They become sluggish and weaken; then you may suffer with a dul misery In the kidney region sham pains in the back .or sick hA9rh dizziness, vour stomact1 sours, tongue Is coatedl and whee the weather is bad you have rbeu matlr twinges. . The nrlne get clohdv. full of sedimentthe chan nels often eet sore and irritated- obliging you to seek relief two pi three times during the night. Td help neutralize these irri tat Ing acids: to help cleanse the kid neys and flush off the body's nrin ous waste, geff our ounces? of Jad Salts from any oharmacy here. Take a tablespoonf ul in "a glass'pl water before breakfast for a few days, and yonr "kidneys may then act fine. This famous . salts made from the acid .of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthia and has been used for rears help flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys ; also to : neutralize the acids in the system : so ' they nc longer Irritate, thus often rellev Inr bladder weakness. .. , . -Jad Salta Is inexnensive: cannot Injure and makes a delightful ,ef fervescent lithla-water drink ' Bv al means have your nhvsician ex amine your kidneys at least twici a Tear.v. ; -Adv 'The Beautiful and Damned' With r.larie Prevost Supported by. Kenneth Harlan; Harry Meyers, Tully Marshall, "Walter Long, , Louise - Fazenda, Cleo Ridgely and many others. . ' A - powerful story of two souls adrift on the shin ing sea of luxury.- ' DBIi!!Sbotiibi mm Last Timks Today BUILDIL'G BOOM OfJ AT DALLAS One Business : Block and Large Number of Resi dences. Contemplated DALLAS, Or.. March 30. (Special to The Statesman.) Last year Dallas underwent one of the biggest; building booms In its history .when about 20 new homes were erected during -the year.- This-year, from all appear, ances, will be a better year than last for building, and already a number of new homes are being contemplated and at least one business block may be erected.: .Mrs. ,B. Hr McCallon, owner of the property on Main street, for merly occupied by the Mott sec ond hand store, is contemplating the erection of a modern business block and the figures on the building are now being prepared by contractors. ' V " C. L"CrJder is remodeling the tnterior of his store building and HEAfc EVANGELIST I HUIJDERUP Tonight at 7:30 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Topic "Being the Goat, or a Hard Thing to Say.". DO YOU . , - Think of This v ;, u Guaranteed F1SK Tires at the low prices - . For Example, :,x . .. 30x3 No. S6 Fabric $9.50 ; f ; 30x3y2 Premier Oversize Cord $12.65 See These Tires "JKI" "''"!' "BILL" SMITH & ' 125-147 N. Use Our Service Flivver j W1AGNIFICENT - STUPENDOUS: - GORGEOUS!! 1 OREGON : Shows Saturday and Sunday f 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00. 9)0 , Prices: Adults Loge3 . Child's moving the office up in the bal cony In order to make more room for the display, of goods on the main , floor. vThe Dai:a Cty bank expects to start next week the work of remodeling the b&nk ing room at Main and Mill streets. A new vault will be built to. take care , of . the increasing business, and other improvements will be made to the buildtncr. Among the - residences' to . be built wil be one of the most modem; in the city to be built by Mrs. A. J. Rhodes of Se.ittle for her sister, Mrs. Ethel Woods. The home will be of brick and will be located at ; Court and ; Church rtreets, on the site of the old Wil liams home.5 The work on the new residence - will begin about May 1. The old Williams resi dence will be - moved to a lot on Levens street just west of its present location. ; r ; i P. A. Finseth of-the Bee Hive store has purchased pronerty . on Main street and may build, a home this summer.. Several new houses In , various parts of the city are now under construction,, and the outlook Is that carpenters will be busy the entire season on new homes in ' Dallas. Jury Finds Mitchell ' : . Guilty in 5 Minutes WACO,' Texas, March 30. Out five minutes the Jury in the case of Roy . Mitchell, charged with killing Harrell Bclton, convicted him late this afternoon and gave him the - death penalty,." the fifth 01 its Kind returned against mm in a little more than two weeks. As" District Judge , Monroe came down ; from - the bench Mitchell told him that he wanted to ap peal the case. Judge Monroe re plied that court was not In ses sion, would have to take up that part of the proceedings later.- WEED. TIRES? in - WATICINS . Hifrh St. - , ; 'Phone 44 irTinfn 1 IN 'TWELVE GREAT REELS DOUGLAS How Showing to ......55c ......75c CUT SWORD LEXOTII ' HONOLULU, - March 30, (By The Associated Press. ) -The su perintendent of police ; of Tokio has Issued an' order making it WAN TEE The three things wanted by the modern t::ycrs are quality,, cleanliness and price. Tho Pr-Iy carries a stock of groceries thdt ennn-t L 2 excelled in quality or cleanliness and sold at a rr.-r-gin of profit lower than the service store can c:r-ate-a few Piggly Tfiggly every day prices : liartonV W Hams, Ih.-i...i.i2.:..:...,......;27c Swift's Picnics, lb. ... Swift's Premium Bacon, lb. '.;;...;;;...r..........'.42c Swift's Premium Sliced Bacon in cartons, 1 lb. AZz Pels Naptha Soap, bar ....j....... ......GM:c Crystal White Soap,.bar 4Y2z Royal Club Maine Corn, per can ... ..17c Del Monte Extra Special Sugar Peas, can ..ZZz 2-in-Ji Shoe Polish, each ....1.;.....;...... ...12c Shinola Shoe Polish, each ........ Horlick's Malted Milk, : Large size,' each ...r........:............ Ttr . a wesson uu, pmt. eacai.:M? 1 c : Quart .... ........ ..... ;; V-2. gallon, ach Gold Medal Flour, 49 lb. sack, each ......1. '..5 l.C 2 With each sack of Gold Medal Flour ve will nr. " a post card entitling you tq enrof lha fan:c;:j CM Medal cook books. '- - ' ' .. v i Free delivery on orders of five dollars cr. ever. Orders of lesser amounts we will ma!:e a cl."rc- el one dime. This applies to all parts cf lLs clly. 456 State Street .n.n FAIRBANKS Enthusiastic Crowds '::GRA3D Shows Saturday and Sunday ... 2:00,4:00,7:00,9:00 , Prices Saturday-Sunday-Matinees: Child's Sat -San. Evening: Child's ...'...:.. Adults, down stairs, .....-...r;... (Prices Include War Tax) unlawful for Japanr.se to j swords exceeding time a.l ( half Inche In length, accord. to a cable dispatch to th .Ni; ; i i Jiji. The : iolatioit of th.' era If punishable by fini or Ir s; ri-(. r mertt frT)oth, the d'spatch Btatf 1.: hospital size. 'each-; r5 n r 1 ...... w r ? 1 Ifc.- tl ..If; r r r Serve yours ell znl cr.o (Prices Include War Tax)