The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 31, 1923, Page 40, Image 40

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iW :rPfoccssed Vruits and" Veiretables, Saving Freight Charges WithoutCetracting from Quality
PlanV Largest
were as easy to earn ten
nara. as it ia to earn ni" if
It were aa easy to carry ten guns
on a hunting trip as It Is to carry
one; It? it cost no more to haul
a ton of freight from Salem to
Chicago than it . costs to ship It
to Pendleton, and it-took- no' more
time-i-lf . the whole fabric of phy
sical ind spiritual law could Bfe In
verted and neither time nor clim
ate, nor labor could cost any more
for the greater than they do for1
the less even tbeitlthero would
bo a field for King's dehydrated
product.- Fort-they j would keep
longer and wouldn't, ever decay or
even deteriorate! y f v.f '
Bu nE veg market
of Oregon or other coast fruits
and meats and vegetables that the
tate can sell beyond its own city
lines.iisO 00 miles away, at Chic
ago, and every pound. of perisha
ble frelghractnalljr costs more to
ship than an equat pound of im
perishable - product. J and every
pound of King's, products repre
sents 1 a freight saving of nine
pounds, then the field for ; dehy
drated King's products Is enorm
ously'Increasedf' Indeed, it is al
most infinitely increased : for
crops-that eoruld not be .marketed
at aniwithoutjit may; with the aid
of dehydration . go to every table
in the world.
"Dehydration" is not merely a
college-bred word for the world
$ld knowledge and practice . ot
drying fruits and vegetables. Dried
fruits have been known from the
days when the' first crop of dates
hung! on the trees in the Garden
of Eden, and made good eating
alter; the? leaves . had ' fallen for
inter. They '. have tbeen known
in every land, where there Ls fruit
to dry. ; - v ' .;.f
But ' dehydration stands for
rotnethlng. fat' more. It is like
the human relationships; there is
' a respect,: and a conventionality,:
that in. some of its manifestations
may Jook ,lik3 lovef-Mut-anybody
who has expa-ienced them knows
the difference!; , One is a shell,
a- m ?e outward f ormKthe other is
soul and -body and eternity all in
one. f v f - .f ': -
Dehydration-' is-the-patent pro
cess) of removing the water from
fruits and -vegetables, by ths rci
entific application bt moderate
heat ad air? circulation s s that
the ff art 'solids retain the quality
of being able to again take up
enough wat;r;?nd be restored 'to
practically - fresh fruit perfection.
The ; difference between dehydra
tion and common dryin? is" that
Ix'twoeh" the clay image and the liv
ing'brdy one lives and t'ac other
dots -not, thoih they look- so
mnch'a3Ike?i ?;fr':'f :;? -:
,c!enchlsjrfdr ages" sought to
itoU te"ahd 'recognise porno mys
tlous fcualltr of life1 iu all the
tMogsnhat gr:w..FThy have not
yet fncceeded eieept In Us' effects
'hey cannM. yet tell what elec
tricity Itf or gravitation, for that
ip i ttfuMiat :k y know that It
exists - They call the life qualities
of fresh fruits and i vegetables,
VI t amines. They know that with
out thf so elements, man is under
nourished; that food, Is mostly a
bulky, ehelll These vitamines are
removed, by , over-heating, by vari
ous treatments that foods may un
dergo. " ' " r -
The gentle heat of dehydration
does .not.- affect these vital (ele
ments , of, either f rnits or vegeta
bles; indeed, it fixes then In the
solids, of the product, so that they
can't get away:,;-y v.
Canning; vegetables so that they
will keep. Is murder for moat of
the vitamines-that vegetables eon
tain. ., Tho'tomperature must go
np to 240 degrees, which can be
secured only under pressure; this
is -'necessary to kill the baciltii
that would otherwiset destroy the
product. Many: have been disap
pointed atha nality of canned
vegetables:' theTBi U k something
lacking, that is none" the less cer
tain because it Is not exactly Iden
tified. It really is that thelvita
mines are ; boned to death,! as a
hnmia-lifo sUlled by the
same process and the body seem
enchanged. J'rnlts' suffer less in
canning; s they can; safely at the
boiling point, 21Z degrees Fahren
fc: f fc-r
One : of the Largest, Modern- Baking Plants in
f '': . "'''"Baiters
in World; Is Origmator of
heit: but even they lose some of
their values, in canning.
. A California city.: has made a
furious bid for a . King's process
factory. It was figured that the
fresh crop that was shipped, paid
$4,000,060 In freights. The same
products, dehydrated, would have
cost only $500,000 to market; ana
then they would have the whole
world for purchasers, for tA pro
duct could be shipped everywhere,
without regard to time or distance.
This saving of $3,500,000, proper
ly divided between the producers
and the consumers, j would . mean
prosperity for both; the Californ
ians are demanding the factory .
' The, Salem factory is already
the largest center for dehydration,
in the West. The factory has em
ployed as many as 800 people at
a time," during 1 9 22, Hn preparing
if. trcAntl Th factorv has In-
ie v www-. w -
creased its capacity five-fold with
in the past four yeaf ; yet its pro
moters say that even now it is
only ' In Its infancy, j The; agricul
tural area tributary ito Salem, is
not yet much'.more than scratched,
as to its ultimate producing pos
sibilities: there Is room' for the
huge King's factory that its pro
moters' have dreamed, ! filling ' all
the company's ' grounds In Nortn
Salem, a.3 they have pictured.
Some of the vegetable products
are reduced as t much ' as 95 per.
cent' In" weight, and all-of them
are reduced at least as much as
60 per cent. Practically all are
being; packed In airtight, paraffin-:
ed paper cartons for retail .trade.
! The
henry Mtj
Butternut ainid Holsum
Served to Your Grocer
this Highly Desirable Processing
or in paraffined larger boxes for
hotel or larger quantity use. Last
fall, the conpany shipped in ,50
cars of apples, in one shipment;
they went back out in only five
cars, r
A vast national advertising
campaign 'is being, carried on1 to
familiarize the buying housewife
wth King's products. It is a fact
that, with the saving In the cost
of freights, the reduction of de
cay and damage losses to almost
nothing-, and the far greater ef
ficiency of the factory equipment
and labor as compared with the
ordinary household labor in pre
paring fruit or vegetable foods,
that the ' dehydrated products are
much cheaper than fresh products,
especially in the far-off markets.
All they need is acquaintasce.
This the national advertising cam
paign is givng them.
"Salem Vitamines" might well
enough be the label on. every caif
ton of these products. "Eat Sa
lem Vitamines nd Live Longer,"
would be a fact and not a mere
catchy slogan; some remarkable
hospital experiments with. Salem
spinach fed to babies, shows that
the vitamines of this Salem pro
duct actually do possess the power
of life over ' the sick and ailing.
Science has developed the process
for saving these priceless food
products; Salem is privileged to
spread them'to the whole world.
"Do good and be paid for it,"
might well be the motto for the
Salem King products. They jdo
do good and the way the com
Any Time
The use of long distance service has grown to be an
indispensable part of business and social life.
To every one frequently there comes the ' necessity
for quick communication to another point, near or far
away. - The Long Distance lines' of The Pacific Tele
phone and Telegraph Company are constructed and the
service designed to meet this public need. The mer
chant needs to communicate with the wholesale houses
in order to replenish' his stock. The fanner needs to
keep in touch with the market in order to sell his crops
to best advantage. Delay to either one means loss, Ev
; ery year new lines are being placed along the highways
of 'trade. Our aim is to make it possible for anyone
to talk; anywhere at anytime. '
Pacific Telephone
Telegraph Company
of Quality '
in our Dust Proof Cars
Aietno ana uu urowng
pany has grown, 500 per cent in
four years, they seem to pay! ;
- .
Will Occupy New Addition
April 1 Adds : Ikftd tine
The new wing of the Oregon
Pulp & Paper company's large
plant at Trade and Commercial
streets will be ready for occupancy
about: April 1, according to
statement made yesterday by A.
u. weyeri, manager. :
This extension will make room
for about 50 new paper machines.
All of this machinery has arrived
and has been put in place for the
.most part.
Bond papers, both In white and
in colors, will be added to the pa
per mill's line of products,, Here
to fore it has confined its sphere
to the wrapping and glassine pa
pers; ' but from -nowion it will
make sulphite bonds for the com
mercial printing trade.
, The company Is doubling the
capacity of its pulp mill, in order
to make possible the greater pro
duction required for the bond pa
persand for the constantly In
creasing demand for its wrapping
papers. The pulp plant has here
tofore had a capacity Of about 60
tons a day. When the additions
the Northwest
P'S" f ' tl ' X
: -. . I 1
; : i
are completed, the capacity ;will
be in excess of 100 . tons. Six
months' time will be required to
complete the work.
At present the paper and pulp
mill employs about 2C0 hands.
As it extends its field, it will af
ford emloyment to a constantly in
creasing number of people. It
would not be surprising: if within
the year, the number of employes
reaches the 500 mark. - Important
as it is at present to Salem's in
dustrial scheme, the indications
are that its value is Insignf leant
when (compared , with the import
ance it will attain, when it shall
have completed its program of
extension, which is now well und
er way.
Salem's : industrial growth is
but the forerunner of a tremen
dous development.
Makes Better Homes Cheaper
rynHIS Is what we mean byiai better home. One
; that is a better place in which to live, o'ne that
perform its functons in a more thorough way.
It must be a healthful home, ree from dampness. rA
comfortable home, warm in winter, cool in summer.
It cannot burn down; neither must it deteriorate with
ageit must be permanent. A modern home that
stays modern and an attraction that has its value en
hanced by a distinctive beauty.
. The ultimate cost is the only cost of any home.
MILESTONE tile builds homes which In ten years
save you on repairs and upkeep, enough to equal the
first cost over less - desirable materials.
We await your investigation of; MILESTONE hol
low building ..tile. . . ; s,
raf:- -
: l
! - i
II I fl 111' IWIIWH
1 I """'rritiriritTu.n'iraiMiiii'"---smJ
' ( Continued from page 1 )
even a normal lefore-the-war
courage, but still a restful expan
sion and development. Low in
terest rates for sure thing bonds,
many of them on securities out
side of the community, will be de
creaslngly attractive this "year;
more of ' the hoarded money, in
safety vaults and on open deposit,
will be at work, and tho outlook
is upward rather, than down.
VThe year 1923 ought to be bet
ter than the year 1922. The mon
key in the banks and. the old socks
promises t6 do 'as did the apostle
Paul and his Roman sailor and .sol
dier friend "thank God ' and
take courage. , . , v.
'" t f ' . " ' .
We luYeqtiali.ciio m me piM& ffi.
every, buyer
WUlys Knight
service is a known quantity Abk
any of our customers ;
High Street at Trade
For American Club Canned Goods.
1 1
Accept no i "
Inferior Substitution
Corn,. Pe,: Bearish Etc.
Established 186S
Manufacturers of
Shand Centrifugal Pumps for
Irrigation j
Cast Iron and Steel Stoves
.' : . . ' and.
Circulating Fans for Prune Dryers
Modern Iron and Brass Foundry and
Machine Shop - ' vfc.
v vriVi'rfYiYi-irihiiY v viitiiii'i'i vi vm MiirtViiTiimfft i
; - Vi'v tb.
i 1
I .
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