The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 31, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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I Issued Daily Except Monday by
115 8. Commercial St Salem, j Oregon .
(Portland Office, 723 Doard of Trade Building.! Phone Beacon 1193)
Tr Associated Press la exclusively entitled to the for publi
cation of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited
In this paper and also toe local news published herein. ,
R. J. Hendricks
Stephen A. 8ton
frank Jaakoakl . .
i Business Office, 23
Circulation Department, SI3
Job DO-rtment, S83 ! '
Society Editor. IOC
Entered at the Postoffice in Salem. Oregon, aa second class matter
This is the Greater Salem District Edition of The States
man; the .annual edition. It is printed .mainly for the pur-
pose of making-a record of the progress of this district for
the past year, and Inviting and encouraging greater progress
for the next year .' . . j
. It is dedicated to the idea that this is the country of di
versity, the land or opportunity, rand to the ideals of full
: development of the . great resources of this district and the
; consequent Gibraltar growth of Salem and all he progressive
Nr cities and town3 around Salem. .
The" Statesman i3 now on it fourth year of a Slogan
I campaign, calUng attention to the basic industries and oppor
tunlties of the Salem district; calling attentionto the crops
we, may grow here or the things we may do here to better
?. advantage or, with greater profit than other sections pleas
lor iouowmgme lines ot least resistance; for getting above
the dead level of rommon competition ? thp ornwino' nf v,,Vr,
. and the doing of which will make for an enduring prosperity
4 lasting aH the year through and through all the years.
r n,J J1?, slogan pages' are carried in the Thursday issues of
, The Daily and the Friday issues of the Twice-a-Week States-
I?a?VTflere is a summary of the vast amount of matter
,4 that has been printed in the Slogan editions in the second
- section of this Greater Salem. District Edition; to which the
v. .reader, and more especially the reader in some other sec
;J tion looking for a new location, is invited. 1 V'
I Jher? s -5. section 6f the United States1 that has so
, many outstanding advantages; such a .diversity of crops
Y that may be grown to perfection; sotmany cash crops brino
r, ing each year and all through the years, new money from
1??,. .iafces-v4?r. ,ne L?f these crPs developed to the
1t lull limit here in this, district, would justify! the reason for
existence of a central city larger than the present Salem and
P of surrounding cities and towns larger .than are found in
'J this section now - ) '
rd!rfT : loganberries, prunes flax, walnuts,
a filberts, celery, strawberries, raspberries, mint, cherried
evergreen blackberries, pears, apples of the right varieties,
- spinach, seed potatoes, stringless beans, grapes of the right
f varieties, seeds, drug gardens, .This is also potentially the
potest dairying country in the world; the best goat coun
J try; a-good swine and live stock country; potentially a great
honey! land. Sugar beets are produced here with as high
. sugar content as the best German districts. This district
shines as a poultry country, repeatedly taking world prizes
. in layingcontests. The greatest hen in the world is within
80 miles of Salem; the greatest cow in the world is 12 miles
away..- - 1 U' . : ' -r. jt;:: ; 1. v --
, This is the world's greatest wood pulp center. One paper
r aFOBXi "
Copyright, 1023, Associated Edit
For Boys
n '
'. - J tThis Is I he third . articles
lr v hlcJi Villiam J. McCabe the
' National League's youngest utility
man, tell the big leaguer's. way of
: playing each position. Mr. "Mc
' Cabe. although still a young man!
lias been playing professional ball
,1 for 12 years. Iq 1920 he helped
. .- 'tbe Brooklyn Nationals win the
, ; pennant. At present he Is utility
man on the Los Angeles Angels.
Having played every position on
; .the lfield. Mr. McCabe is able to
: ti lt anyj boy who plays baseball
exactly what and what not to do.)
. , To be A successful pitcher you
" must practice accuracy. Ton must
. rractice until you can., place-the;
r ball Just where you" want it : to go.
; Accuracy is called control by pro
fessional ball players. You may
, be' able to throw all tbe curves
1 imagrnabe,. but if you cannot nt
the. ball where you want it, ymr
- f wlll never win j any games, j -To
,;. learn control, v practice throwing
.ithe ball high on the Inside of the
t plate with one throw, and low
. v tjver the outside "on the next. Af,
' ter .you can do this. jro will .be
- on tbe. road to becoming a good
pitcher.' .
' t ; liPttrn to Throw Curve
:.V. ',If a balll grapped tightly' and
then thrown with all the speed
MoMibl off the ends' of theff'n-
, gers the ball , win curves " ; This
style of ; curve Is easy to accom
plish, as It' is a .mere matter of
s ,Feed and letting' the hall slide
straight off the ends of the fin
rers.; This " poilt ion the mort
natural way to throw it ball. It
'.I not require any snap of the
. r ; a 3 : an Tontnirvp-i. 1 1
"yon" ail d "a tnap of the" wrist" to
. . . . .Manager
, . , - .Managing Editor
v.. Manager Job Dept.
The- Biggest little
and Girls
i ThIRoW ..through
How to'ntch ' ;
. y , . . (..., :
one of - the; ordinary -curves just
described, you ,pitch . an outcurve,
"but. as wrist control is "difficult
to. learn, it would be; better to
practice only control at first. -
To throw a fadeaway turn the
wrist down over tbe band, so that
the bill slips off the thomb with
a twisting motion. "Because the
wrist, is reversed in this; throw,
the hand,1 and- the thumb are
turned toward the body, instead
of away from the body,' " as in
throwing .an outcurve. .
- Turn Ialm. Toward Groand -'
When you thrdw a Tadeaway
curve the hand is turned over un
til the palm is toward the ground,
instead of,: as In the usual throw;
toward the sky.' In this position
the ball is permitted to twist off
the, thumb with a peculiar snap
of the wrist. You grip the ball
In exactly the same position as
von do for j an outcurve, but the
band is in an unnatural position,
antl it is this that gives the curve.
Patience must, be used in. mas
tering all curves but especially
the fadeaway. : . The ". secret of
curves lies! in the snap of the
wrist. With the fadway curve
this snap 1$ away; from the. body,
and not, as in an, outcurve, to
wards' the I body. Only practice
will teach you the art of throwing
(Next week: .'Hpw to Improve
Your. Pitching.') ,
Norine , was " cast down , with
-i . . -
mill of large capacity 13 in Salem now; two more knocking
at our doors. There is water power running to waste near oy
and easily and cheaply developed, up to perhaps 150,000
horse power. Parke Channing,the eminent copper expert,
says that "unless new deposits of the red metal aret found we
shall be threatened in fifteen years with a shortage 'of cop
per' The mines of the Santiam region, at Salem's front
door, have enormous stores of copper, silver, zinc, gold and
lead oresenough, developed, to justify a city larger than
the present Salem, and numerous mining camp towns. There
are vast opportunities for irrigation here, promising im
mensely increased production of many crops ,
1 And the fact is that, outside the range ot citrus fruits
and tropical vegetables, this district is all but self sufficient
in its possibilities. .
t We need a larger Salem and larger surrounding towns
tp aid in furnishing seasonal help on the land in harvest
times; ancf, indeed, there is practically seed time and harvest
here every month in the year." The cry is for more people,
in the cities and in the country; people with brawn and
brains; men with vision and i capital or who can command
capital. i: '
. i .'. . " . . ' "
Thisjs also a sort of Birthday Edition of The Statesman.
On Wednesday of this week this newspaper entered upon
the seventy-third year of its publication. It was first printed
as a weekly on March 28, 1851. It was established as a daily
in 1861. . r ; ,
Besides the Daily Oregon Statesman and the Weekly
Oregon Statesman, published in two sections, Wednesdays
and Fridays, there now and have been since the opening of
the present century, published by the Statsman Publishing
Company from this office the following:
The Pacific Homestead, weekly farm paper, with over
21,000 circulation. '
. The Northwest Poultry Journal, monthly, with nearly
15,000 subscribers. 1- .
The Oregon Teachers Monthly, the only magazine of its
kind in Oregon.
The job department of the Statesman Publishing Com
pany prints for other? a number of papers and magazines
and has a growing business in printing of various kinds.
. All the above is aimed to be set forth as a plain, unvarn
ished tale, without vainglory or boasting.
Salem and the Salem district have much to-of fer. The
opportunities are to a large extent unique; exclusive. This
is also the city and the country of welcome. You will find
a spirit of encouragement and helpfulness here, if you ,have
honest services to offer; if you can add something towards
the development of cities and townsjr country.
As for the Statesman publications, they are devoted in
full to service; dedicated to the highest and best interests of
this city, this district,; this state and this nation, and the
wide world with high hopes
72 years than the past 72 years have brought,; though that
span covers greater achievements in many respects than' all
the years of history that went before. .
Greater Salem District Edition
U is a public Invitation Tor new
people to come to tne land of di
versity, the , country of oppor
tunity. ' " ; i ' .
' ; .
This la also a city and a coun
try of welcome. J Ton will be made
to feel at home here, if you are a
worker and a doer.
Paper la the World
' despair; " j
Her mother didn't like her : red
hair. ' 1 ;
"Your father," shed say,
"Looked exactly that way;
That color samply can't bear!"
ri ..:
Norine tossed her hair out of
her eyes.; "Look, at your hair,"
scolded her mother. "You look
like some wild thing. It's bad
enough to have your hair ' red
without having It look such a
metes all the time." M A .'.
Norine went out ot the room,
her lips tight together, t It was
sometimes pretty hard to keep
from "Ulking back." It wasn't
her faulty that her -hair was bo
red and curly." She knew , that
the1 main reason her mother : dis
liked her hair was because it was
o much like her father's her
father who bad died' when she
was a tiny girl, and whom her
mother always spoke of as
"shiftless." . . ;
"Just like your father," she
nagge'd, day after day, whenever
Norine did anything that d!s
pleased her, which was very of
ten. Norine sat on the steps, her
chin In " her hand and Rooked
across the wide prairie. She
wondered -if she'd ever suit her
mother. It was plain J enough
that, her father neveT had been
able to.; Finally, she got up and
gave a low ., whistle. . Her : big
sheep dog came 'rushing V across
the yard. ; Together they ran
across the road and over the
prairie, , into the gathering dusk.
There - was nothing like a race
with "Shep" to bring up the cor
ners of Norine's mouth.
Norine wished : she could just
run on and on forever, but she
remembered that her mother ex
pected her to sprinkle some
clothes for ironing, and so she
trotted . back.
As she was about to cross the
rOad again, a. big car "swerved
around the' corner, its headlights
shining full upon her. almost
blinding her. She stopped. short.
So did the car. f -
"This is the road to Liberty
ville?" called a man's voice. : ; .
"Yes." it is." " -'f ; ;
. ThankSi , Do you mind stand
ing still Just as you are, .for a
minute?" ? Norine' stood still,
startled. The man turned to the
woman at' his , side. '.'Did .you
ever see such glorious hair!" he
exclaimed. "And mu h Un Plf
'-..-' . . t I tooked." wrote the robber, ."ale )a!
like face. The hairs almost orU, acnw. vithv&os baw. - i w
for better things m the next
If yon want to excel in dairying
or breeding world record cows, in
producing world -.record hens or
goats, or in any one of a score and
more of agriculturaletaoin aoin ao
more of the products of the soil,
this is the country for you. You
will find the opportunities and the
congenial rivalries here.
There will be about' three miles
of -new homes 'built, in Salem thi
year and there -will not be too
many. , There, will be about 50
blocks paved in Salem this year.
Edited by John H. Millar
ange. f gleams likfe a' tVilro"
the Wisp. I'd give anything
to "Me turned again tq Norine.
"Do you live In the, house Ah ere?"
She nodded. "Don't looK bo
scared. I'd like to paint you. If
you don't mind, I'll go In- and
speak to your family, about com
ing out tomorrow. That ' is. It
you're; willing to pose."
The check Norine received for
posing was nothing to the joy
she felt when a few months later
she received a magazine on the
cover of which she saw herself
racing across the prairie. The
picture was called "Will ' o the
Wisp." .
"I'll have it framed right
away." "I always did think you
were handsome just like your
father." V- .
' fnterlyi"Yor is
1 1 11 ;
I .1 I . I
Tbe 100 miles of paved market
roads in Marion county, that was
on the five year plan sanctioned
by the vote of the people will be
about finished this year in four
years. The fifth year, 1924, will
see some extra mileage thrown in
for good measure. All the priu
cipa market towns of the county
wll be joined together by paved
highways. We wil be up out of
the mud of winter and the dust
of summer, with a chance tofeon
nect with the markets every day
in the year. Come to the Salem
district and enjoy the paved roads.
Salem, la to be the- Belfast of
America .when the flax industry,
now wel: under way, is thoroughly
Salem wil be the Tetaluma of
Oregon the Fresno, plus; the
Westfield; the Anaheim; the
Butte and a lot of things on her
own account, peculiar to" herself
and her land of diversfty-that
makes her unique' among cities
with Gibraltar qualities of solidity
Tone' Up the Kidneys
"Symptoms of Kidney trouble
are all gone. ' Water is clear
and does not burn. - Foley Kid
ney. Pills certainly do the work."
writes W. J. Grady, New Orleans,
Louisiana. Backache, rheuma
tic pains, tired feeling, are symp
toms of distressed, kidneys, "Fo
Lvy Kidney PUls tone up the kid
neys and quickly relieve . kidney
and bladder trouble. Refuse sub
stitutes. Insist upon Foley's.
Sold everywhere. Adv.
A historian or statesman -JwhoJ-
Teels only contempt for ages , and
generations that have passed Is
a child who denies his awn
father. , 1
- !
March 81, Saturday State fair board io
Apc'il 6. Friday ."A Nautical Knot,"
operetta by music claasen, in Suleui
- High arhonl auditorium.
April 7, Saturday Shrine YaudeTiHe' De
Iixe at Armory.
April 2 to 9 Music Week.
April 2, Monday Olerenre ;C. Hamilton.
field" aecretary United I Society of
Christian Endeavor, to speak in Salem.
April 2. Monday Made-injSaIem week
x begin. - i
April 3.'. Tuesday Septic tank and water
bond election at Dallas. .
April 4, Wednesday Willamette Tent.
.Maccabees' district initiation Degree
.work by Mt. Hood Tent. Portland.
April 13.. Friday Willamette Men's Glee
club concert, at armory.
April 1!. 20 and 21 Cherrlan Cherrinro.
April 15, Sunday, Salem Automobile
Tourist camp to open. :
April 28, Saturday. Whitney' Boys
chorus at Armory.
May 5, Saturday Al Kader temple
Shrine ceremonial in Salem.
aay o, ounasy oiosaom umy. , (
May 18.T Friday May Featiral. Haydn's i Deen no trouble Since the shut
ratorio. "The Four Seasons. - . L i, . .
May 28. 29, 80 and 3 1 Oregon Jersey
jnbilee. .. .-.
Sj, v
There are no strings attached to this unique "auction sale of a high grade Eden' Electric
Washing Machine. Simply fill in the coupon bekiw and mail, or bring it to the Salem Electric Co.,
Masonic Temple, Salem, Orjon, and. when the contest closes Saturday, April 14, if your bid is the
highest, you will receive the Eden Washer pictured above. , i
You are cordially invited to call at our showroom in the Masonic Temple and inspect the
machine before you place your bid. ; K
Remember the contest is now open and your bid must be in before April 14.
Gentlemen: I bid...
for this lideii Electric Washing
ue fiujt .ijj. i.iiu. ii 5 ii vroi, uiu m
Hon sale by uiaiL"
NAME .i..
New Body Will Leave That
Duty Entirely in Hands
of Governor
The (state parole hoard at its
meeting Thursday adopted a pol
icy of having nothing whatever,
to do with the pardoning of pris
oners in the state penitentiary.
Heretofore, particularly under tbe
previous administration, the par
ole board has freely accepted the
responsibility of i recommending
pardons to the governor.
The decision of the new board
to keep its Hands off of pardons
arises out of the wholejsa'e par
doning and paroling of prisoners,
the commutation of sentences and
the restoration of citizenship by
Acting Governor floy W. RItner
during the month of December
fast while he was acting governor
of the state. A very large per
centage of the pardons granted
by Ritner were; on recommenda
tion of the parole board.
While the law does not express
ly inhibit the parole board from
recommending pardons, j there is
no provision in the law extending
to the board that authority.
Ward "A. Irvine, secretary to
Governor Pierce and a member
of the parole board, said that it
would be the policy of the new
board to keep within th'e law.
Mine Guards Blamed for In
stigating Herrin Riots by
MARION, 111., March 30. (By
tbe Associated Press.) A rain of
lead, suddenly poured on a peace
ful countryside from a hidden
I machine gun and high powered
rifles by mine guards. Killed tne
first man, an unarmed union
miner, slain during the outbreak,
witnesses for the defense testi
fied today at the Herrin , riots
trial. .
Until the Importation of armed
guards about June 15 last to pa
trol the mine of the Southern Illi
nois Coal company while It was
being operated by non-union men,
witnesses declared that there had
aow7t APr"
"We have come down here to
fill OF LEAD
Machine" to
juui t ouv
'y i
w I
MARCH -31. 1923
1 i
work ths mine, union or no
union." Lucien Tucker, one of the
18 witnesses who took the stand
during the day, quoted C. K. 'Mc
Dowell,., superintendent of the
mine as saying to him. "We're
going to work it If we have to
work it In blood. Tell the union
men to keep away."
'Other witnesses accused the
guards of holding up, assaulting
ahd robbing persons passing near
tbe mine on the public road. Some
said they had been threatened
with death unless they kept away
from the mine property. -
Otis Glenn, assistant attorney
general, objected to much of the
testimony relating to the activi
ties of tbe armed guards prior
to the outbreak but was overruled
by Judge D. T. Hartwell,' who de
clared that the testimony was ad
mitted not in justification of the
slay.lngs, but as mitigating circum
stances and the grounds of con
spiracy v ; ' . . -
PlayWDoufjIe Role
For Easter
pERHAPS the most definite note
in the mode is the three-piece
costume, . with its harmony of
design and versatility of construc
tion. ..Here you will find them in,
all their glory , and simplicity
which ever you preferserving
both indoors and out' with equal
grace. Of cloth,' silks or novelty
fabrics combined with 'colorful
trimmings, embroidered or tailored,
to perfection. Choosing'1 will be a.,
pleasure. V ' V
. I
...... -i
Eden 'CEfect'pIc
" - . -
Masonic Temple .
i ; ;
Henry Woods Bound Over
? To County rand Jury
Henry Woods, charged with ob
taining money under false pre-tenses,-waived
bearing' when ar
raigned before Judge Glenn Un
ruh in tbe justice court yester
day afternoon and was bound over
to the grand jury under $30
bail, which he failed to , furnish.
Hewat immediately committed to
USeiounty jail. j
u?WoOds, who was brought back
to Marion county, from Tillamook
a few days ago by Deputy Sheriff
Sam Burkbart, Is accused of hat
ing fraudulently misrepresented
an accident February 13 to the
industrial accident commission,
thereby obtaining $41.67. Heha
been held In the county jail for
the past two days. .
Read , the Classified Ads.
. . ! .
. . ' . 1