The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 31, 1923, Page 36, Image 36

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Company's Pumps Have Possible Capacity j of Almost .10,000,000 Gallons Daily, or 600 Gallons Per Capita Water
Is Pure and Exceptional Safeguards 4jainst Breakdown Are Used Three Sources of Power for Huge Machinery
i .. , ..... 1 1 . -
; A Quart er even a pint of water
"would look mighty good to the
wayfarer in a desert land under
a hot mid-summer sun; but the
Salem citizen, man. woman - or
child, has a guaranty of 600 gal
lons of v water for his or her own
private use every day in the year
; Of course, no individual , uses
' that amount.. But the Salem wa
ter company has pumped In a sin
gle day period of 24 hours 300
gallons for every resident of Sa-
of the three power . developments
of the same original source; ' the
other two being the plants at the
paper mill and the woolen mill.
The original grant was taken up
by the Willamette Woolen Manu
facturing company, almost 70
year ago. i
huge well on an island out in the most modest beginnings, tp an
river. 2000 feet from the pump
ing station; and the whole volume
of water Is raised by the pumps
to the reservoir, 176 feet above
enterprise of great magnitude
The purity of the Salem water
supply and the plentiful supply.
with the great reserve of' pump-
tiie pumps. This gives an ade-jlng ability in case (of any break
quate pressure for most of thejdown or interruption has j made
city; more than I safe for ordi-j the Salem water worfs a muni-
The steam plant is a reserve or ; nary fixtures at the lowest levels
auxiliary equipment; the electric-of the city, and tapering off in
al section is developed from Ore-; the higher elevations. The water
gon City,' -the Great ' Falls of the! is delivered through 79 miles of health
Willamette.!, The water power, city mains of all sizes. The in
plant drives a massive -vertical spector who really wanted to see
.4it.1a ; . i. -i : i . . . : . i . . .
invici. yuuiji, wnu a uaiiy tttjiac-; trwerjr oil. 01 me country serveu uy
Jem and that's some supply. Butjityv of 2,500,000! gallons; the this system, would want a fast
cipal asset of notable value. No
where is there a better or more
Plentiful supply; nowhere do the
conditions prove , the
standing of tne water supply more
adequately, more surely. The de
velopment of jthe plant has kept
pace with the growth of the city
r .
i n
w - km. -- - i mr - jiiuij in i hwji hi wi i nri mbiii ii ii ! ' '' " '
""ttlT- -..v.W --; t ' T ; . ;-- , - .
- . ' . , - - . ' - " :
(Continued, from page 1)
similar plant, but she has been
unable to produce enough gravel
to sat!sfy her needs and she is a
heavy purchaser of gravel from
the other two plants. District
road supervisors use large
amounts annually and tons of the
fnest sand and gravel find their
way every year Into the many
new buildings wh'ch are "being
erected in Salem and her tribu
tary country. '
Enormous outputs of concrete
and br'ck buildng materials are
also being manufacture! 'n "Sa
lem every year. The Oregon Gra
vel company has recently perfect
ed a concrete building material"
j'lant, In which concrete hollow
t'le, faced and hollow brick, drain
t ie and the like are manufac
tured. The Salem Brick ' & Tile
company does a tremendous busl
ress annually In build'ng brick
and drain tile and givea employ
men to a large umber of work
me. ! ' '" v
A Salem institution -whicbr Is
still In its youth but which prom
ises great development, is the
Capital City Bedding company, at
North Capitol and Market strets.
ThLs firm manufactures mattress
es d! the highest quality and en
joys a large patronage, among the
furniture dealers of the Pacific
coast. It also remakes old mat
tresses as good as new. It main
tains a considerable payroll and
keep several travel'ng representa
tives on the road all the time.
To keep abreast of the demands
cf the constantly Increasing Si
lom population, there are five
large bakeries ;which turn out
thousands of loaves of bread
daily. These are the Cherry C ty
Baking company, manufacturers
of Butternut. UHlman and Hol
sum brands; the Salem- Baking
pompany, makers of Dixie bread;
the Bake-Rite Bakery, makers of
the brand of that name; tne
Mistland Bakery, which puts oat
tet famous Better Tet bread and
the Peerless. . These concerns
give employment to many work
ers In the aggregate.
Several millions of dollars are
brought into Marion -county each
year by the creameries. There a
scarcely a town in the county that
does' not have one and all of
them .are successful. Because of
the high character of the milch
cows in the county, these insti
tutions have excellent raw mater
ial at the start; and ths advant
age, coupled to the fact that each
creamery has butter-makers - or
;mi usual ability, enables the in
stitutions to put out products that
are sought in the large city mar
kets at premium prices. The de
velopment oC this act'vity has
teen tremendous. Besides giving
the farmers a monthly pay check,
it has awakened interest in
dairy farm'ng and dairy farm'ng
is sustaining the Marlon county
farms at a high degree of fertil- j
'ty. --: 1 "-
. A careful study . of sun ana
shade should be made before the
vegetable garden is planted. How
many hours any portion of the
garden! is in the shadow of treev
houses or fences has an import
ant effect upon the vegetables
which are to be planted In these
vbadows. The greater portion ot
the garden must have at least
five hours of sunl'ght during the
day. :i
Crops which will do fa!rly well
in partial shade are the leaf crop
such as spinach, lettuce, kale aud
the salad plants with the excep
tion of those wh'ch ripen tra't
such as the tomato. These matt
have all the sun possible. Ljaf
r.lants must have two or three
hours of sun during the day o
give a . fair return.
The garden shoi!d be locatol
In full sun wherever possible anl
this factox- should receive fret
consideration who i the location
of the plot Is bein? selected.
Manufacture of Liim'or Is Chief Industry, Thaugh Farming Is Successfully Followed Location Is in
Charming Scenery and Hunting and Fishing Is Excellent Small Fruits Forging to Front Rank in Ir
Midst of
Falls City a thr v ng Industrial
town, lies in the foothills of the.'
Coast range, in western Polk
county, about- nine miles west or
Dallas. '( i Manufacturing of lum
ber is its chief industry, although
ranching and fruit growing Is
(carried on to a considerable ex
tent to the east and south' All
mg the fall season there are; typical logging community, such
abundant deer to draw the atten-ja one as affords a delightful
tion of the hunters. ichange for the man or woman
fans city is well equipped to v.-ho is fed up on the convent'on-
care for all her v'sitars, whether
they be on business or pleasure
bent. F. W. Pieren conducts
the Falls City hotel, which Is a
comfortable hostelry, where
alities of big town life. Noth ng
could be more pleasant for such
people to visit it during the sum
mer months, revel in its wealth
of outdoor opportunities and find
rooms are airy in the snmmeririnvnittinn in t) rB unav
lines of business, incidental to land warm in the winter and ,'comraderia of Its inhabitants.
- .. ' . v - Office of Salem Water Works
!v d9uate. ,9itsheicomPany's plant ; steam drives a compound duplex car and a kitchen attachment and
m . Mmt su Duuui w u nil uim i ii i i Kill m n w n n w w n rnnra a v ( ii ii rwi . a . . . '
tremejidou, amount, it 3 i 1 .1 iwho'lr 7or uTood titer"
muiit? j..0. f " ff Uy' f and the twice each month an accurate could be a city, here or anywhere
B!5l : L N th.lf ?-!:lnfh'i VrrU8e ?" bacterial count is made from wa- else. I
Ten 'million gallons everyv 24 trifugal with direct electric drive Jter mnlP tkn . ,Im .
honra is the Salem Water rri. ' that delivers . 3.255.000 rSlm,:!! P...ike" raadm When the paper mill was built.
pany's capacity. A JJf daily. The total rated clnacitv y"?m 'e8iW the company that, for years.
- f
. "
rwwiM i -.---.-v wnu peuyjoi aiem, were iney to South Commercial street nn the
ualaue in. more than one wayi It .an estimated 18.000 population, actually seethe bacteriologists's a"e5 h allrtl f,W rn,!
haathree sorts of motive power this would give a pumping capac- reports. It might suffice to say tZ nn ' Tnt .Ttn
nter iun , .t..m -- ;nf .)..,( cut .,nnn. ... . " from the pumping plant, had to
- r-?i i.ui, uu eiev-; t""""" u- luu iue uay 01 private wens -is , . ,
tricks Tho M.....n.Jna(lty M irh r- .1 iT. A'. ' rcild Its own office and give
. - : . . -u.w . - . - iaai, iu oaicw, iue waitr the older nlarp for tho nanpr mill
from abater right granted by the firown-up bath what? service baa proyed so satisfactory se The Resent ouarter. ri
l6ral -ieSUlatUre; " TWs at P"Pd through'that the well-rope business is Tn a8 comfortaoL a JIw oftSce
realty Jhe.determJningr factor inthe two 24-inch A suction mains practically a lost art. i ibi,S S own thirl i!
the location of Salem. It is one drawing from tbe.bottom of a. The svatem has own frnm jf" dJ,!if thelr Wn' M there
Ray "JU Farmer in Business
Here More Than 37 Years
For 37 years Ray L. Farmer,
Sa'em's; pioneer' hardware merch
, ai;t,v has been engaged in business
at the same stand. He was as
sociated with R. M. Wade & Co.
and. with' Wade, Pearce & - Co..
as part owner until 1912, when
'.he purchased the hardware stock
of the concern and has been con
ducting the business successfully
ever since.
Mr; Farmer states that never In
h!s "long career has he been so
fortunate in his purchasing1 as he
has this spring, having obtained
practically all his spring and sum
mer requirements before the rec
ent, rise in prices; and in con
formity with his old policy of giv
ing the buying public the benefit
of hi foresight has priced this
lrge' Volume of merchandise at
prices, about the same as present
day costs. . A. v '
The -irra has always enjoyed
the -, reputation ; of sellina high
valley is housed in their. estab
lishment, to consistent work tow
ard a specified objective, honest
and efficient handling of patrons,
givingl lower prices then other3,
and correctly applied advertising
methods, j A
now much si:ki?
Oregon Adds Complete Line
cf Concrete Building Units
terlal boasts. Its real value Is
its power, of resisting the action
of the elements, a power which
makes the concrete .structure
stand practically for all time.
The drain tile is manufactured
in all sizes up to 12 inches in,
diameter. The sewer pipe is
Afterperfecting its , complete ! made in sixes from four to 36
the support of a payroll town,
are represented.
The Falls City Lumber and
Logging company holds an im
roense area of excellent Douglas
fir i timber near the city, and
when it operates, it gives em
ployment to several hundred of
hands. The Griswold-Grier Lum
ber company is another large
lumber industrial i of Falls City,
giving employment in the woods
and in the mill to a large num
ber of people.
Attractive in the extreme is
the scenery round about. Short
excursions from the town bring
one tnto charming nooks and
glens, where rivulets and water
falls bound. In the' Luckiamute
river hard by there Is excellent
trout fishing and ip the hills dur-
Thl3 is the tm b scan the line of concrete building units
seed advertisements and wr te n a per od- xn! one year, the
for catalogues to study the de- Oregon Gravel company has
sired varieties for your garden it jieached a point where it is ready
you have not a'.ready done ro. (to place its product on the mar
This table is given more as a. j Zetland institute an aggressive
suggestive guide! than as a hard ;paIes campaign, improved mach.
and fast rule to' be. followed, Va
rieties are left to the selection of
the gardener as j there s such a
vast field in some of the vegeta
bles that the Individual fancy
can easily be gratified: . . '
-Bean: . ' ':-.-.' A. .-
Bush Limafv. i ....... . s 1- pint
- Pole Lima . . ! . . . . . . I pint
Snap . . .
Beet A
Cabbage: I
Early . .
Late . . . .
Carrot . . .-.
grade merchandise cheaper than 1 Corn, Sweet
. any one in the valley and will Cucumber .
continue to merit this reputation. Eggplant . .
A-any people do not understand . Kale . .
why they are able to do this. The lettuce
answer is simple. Requirements
are - anticipated and large order3
are, placed with factories Instead
of; Jobbers, thus effecting a large
saving; which saving is in turn
passed on to the customer in the Parsley
; . l to 2 quarts
. . . i . . t ' qunces
. . . .-. 1 package
. . ons-half ounce
. . A . . . , 1 ounce
. i f. ; 1 p.ick-1
A 1 packet
. . 1 to 2 ounce
.;. . . . . . i ounc
. . .1- packet
. . . 1 ounces
..One-halt ounce
. Musk melon .
Cn'on sets ...
Pea, garden
shape of lower prices than, can
ba obtained from other source
on the same quality of merchan-
dise.,-',' ' , j -.
Mr farmer" and his three sons
'sr a if actively engaged In con
ducting;' the business,' are all tax
payers and' loyal and enthusiastic
booster , for Salem and .the Wil
lamette i Valley. Besides them
there are six other employes at
all. tirces and in the busy season
two'' and sometimes three . more
ae employed. ' '' ''J '"A
Mr. Farmer a 1 1 r i b u t e s his
Parsnip j . ...
Salsify ....
"pinach: :
In spring.
Squash: , ,
itubbard .
; Summer
Turn'p :. X .
1 ounce
J . . t.2 ounces
,4 to 6 quarts
. 4 to 5r quart
. . . .A . . 1 packet
. . .one-half oun;"
. . ... . ', . . 1 ounce
. .one-quarter -pour
. . .j- . . -A . , . t ounce
. . .' ) OUl r
:!;;; ; ' "' '
. . I . . i 1 . . '. V pack-i
A .one-quarter ounce
. . i . .2 io 3 ounces
Salem is an ; educational cen
ter. The young people will fna
opportunities here that are .not
sucdess to the fact that the larg- surpassed in any city of the
est and. best 'varied 'stock In thej whole coantry. v yA ;-
es and.
inery, of the latest type and ex
pert" technical knowledge have
combined in making a quality pt
permanent building materials of
which the company' has a right
to feel proud.
This Tne of activity is a com
paratively new one for this1 es
tablished concern. Until a short
time ago it confined its sphere
to the 'distribution of gravel, in
wh'ch it has always done a large
business. But of late It has gra
dually been embarking on the
rianufacturing of concrete build
ing. units of all k"rids, such as
concrete drain ile concrete
sewer pipe, concrete faced brick,
concrete well curbing concrete hol
low bu'lding tile, concrete road
culverts, concrete' hearth tile and
concrete burial vaults.
T, . . . , t ,i3aa :n DU laing up a sieady pay
If n a VwleAlv fnlMnra . V. A vl A w
icy of thoroughly mastering the
technical side of the bus'ness
to insure a product of the high
est quality before launching ex
tensively on' a sales campa'gn.
1 , has been conducting experi
ments to test the soundness; ot
f s product and ; it has succeeded
'n standardizing on a line ; or
building units that will prove
Ibelr worth after they leave the
For Instance, building experts
have pronounced the strength of
the faced brick sufficient to bear
the weight of a building a quar
ter of a mile high. Such a
strength has. obviously, a re
markable pressure-resisting pow
er. But desirable asTthis qual
ity is, It is not the chief advan
tage which concrete building- ma-
inches in uiameter and In lengths
of fio:n two and' one half to four
feet. Well curbing, Is made in
two foot leniths and road cul-j
veri in iz to 136 men sizes. New
and improved mlchinery, equip
ped with the most modern molds,
has been installed. It is all op
erated in a most efficient man
ner, the material being elevabeTl
injto large hoppers and then run
ning by gravity under automatic
control into the mixers thereby.'
insuring a uniform mixture.
The faced brick is made in 15
face finishes of different color
an design and the hearth tile In
about 10 different face3.
. Curing the green products Is
done in a curing room, by thor
oughly saturated steam,.' which
reduces the time needed to 'nsure
maximum strength from 30 to
three days. The plant has a
curing capacity of 6000 feet, or
more than a mile of t'le placed
end to end.
The company gives employ-
uent to a force of men, vwhich
Dr. C. P. Horn
Physician and
Falls City, Oregon
roll for the communty.
Salem; district first grade wal
nuts have for two years sold two
cents a pound higher than Cali
fornia's liest walnuts. The Salem
district is the best walnut country
in the world. Quality counts, as
bipod te!ls.
When John Sherman said "The
vay to resume (spee'e payment
of debts) is toVresume," he had
in mind business condit'ons of to
day. The way to be prosperous
?s to cut out the grouch and 'pros
ier. V
If you can build this year, do
it- Salem needs more i homes. . r
.Prosperity is hatched .from the
cgf, of Individual effort. r
Mc & Mc
Pool and Billiard Hall
Bowling Alley
Lunches Confect
Cigars and Tobaccos
: 1 " y
Falls City, Ore.
where there is an excellent cui
sine. General merchandise stores,
the Thompson drug store, A. F.
Curter & Company's 'hardware
store, the C. . Bruce grocery and.
feed store, Mott & Mott's furni
ture store, confectionery places, j
garages all combine to satisfy !
the needs of all. The Falls City j
bank satisfies the financial re-1
quirements of the people.
Falls City has communication
with the outside world by means
of the Southern Pacific railroad
west from Dallas. This line op
erates several passenger trains
daily and is the route ever
which the timber is hauled to
the Willamette - Valley Lumber
company at Dallas. The loggers
who cut the timber for this lat
ter company are tributary to
Falls City and are an important
factor in the city's prosperity.
This little lumber center is a
Falls City Hotel
The Best Place to Eat in the
Willamette Valley
Excellent Fishing and Hunting
Round About
Splendid Rooms Courteous
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Pieren,
Groceries Feed Hay-Grain
Highest Price Paid for
Cascara Bark Bought and
' Sbld p
M. L. Thompson
Drug Store
Drug Sundries of all Kinds
Prescriptions Expertly. .
Kodaks and Kodak Supplies
Stationery and School Supplies
E. P. Stone, Mgr. y
Falls City, Ore.
General Line of Bakery Goods
:- - " - '
A. R, Meyers, Prop.
A . ' ' .. . . ;-
Falls City, Ore.
A. F. Courter &
yy ' Co. '
Hardware- Furniture- ,
Fishing Tackle -Logging;
; Supplies a ,
Falls City, Ore.
i ' - . ... n
G. A. Griswold
W. T. Grier R. L. Griswold,
Vice President Secr.-Treas.
The Griswold-Grier Lumber Co.
Highest Cash Prices will be Paid
ReparChISe7.f,,nlJ00,a s!d on Commission. All kinds of
BrtK them t " before 8"S your goods. , Quick Result