f : - 8- THE OREGON STATESMAN; "SALEM." OREGON GREATER SALEM, DISTRICT NUMBER, MARCH 1923 Co-operative Method of Selling Pots Greater Salem District's Fancy Fruits into Markets of Far-off Lands Wideness of Distribution Held Justification of . System Eastern United States and European Countries Furnish Ready Demand J. M. NEWHOUSB Assistant General Manager Ore gon Growers Co-operative Association ' i -Few people realize the tremend ous distribution already secured by Oregon's sole, statewide, grow- er owned and grower controlled . association. ;Far and " wide the fame 'of Oregon's fruit 3 under the splendid trade name of "Mistland" is becoming established. The state of California .may have' a good start, but the Oregon Growers Co-operative association, having overcome the last three years of adversity, is. now -making itself felt, , j f;: The distribution of the "dried Italian prune for 1922, will long stand as a great tribute to the. ef fectiveness of this organization. The following markets, were sup plied 'with, large quantities of this fruit direct from the association's nine large packing plants: I Los Angeles,' California Sari Francisco, California Fresnrf, California m Boston, Mass. : Baltimore, Maryland v Detroit Michigan New Albany, Indiana Louisville, Kentucky , Owens,boro,s; Kentucky . . ,Kew; York: City, N. Y. i . Omaha, Nebraska . Philadelphia, Pa. Pittsburgh. Pa. -; Charlerol,- Pa. New Orleans, La. - . Shreveport, La. ' .Alexandria, La. ,: . h St.-Paul, Minn. '"; . ; StV Louis, Me. '. St. Joseph, Mo. Kansas City. Mo. - ' , Trenton, Mo. Carrollton. Mo. EM DISTRICT NEEDS BEES Thousands of Openings Here for Men Who Understand Beekeeping and Those Who Desire to Learn -Such Folk Can Do Big Service to Fellowmen Here in. Salem District There are excellent openings in the Salem; district: for beekeepers ; . who . thoroughly understand, their business, or for Intelligent, hard : working 'and ambitions men who ; will master the business , Here are : the reasons : rAH np-to-date fruit growers save come to realize the absolute necessity of .honey, bees. In order ; to insure . the pollination, of their - fruit- blossoms -.- -...y.: i . So there must be . literally, bil lions more bees kfpt here in the widening orchard districts The "Tlrgin danghters of toil.' . the worker bees, are the original "workinr 'fool8,.the Uterallv i work . themselves to death in . six weeks daring the honey season- And a good queen bee will lay i Croza 2000 to 3000 eggs a day So that In each hive a .working .".fool Is born every minute and : ' then some. C - ; And a good hive of bees will at the height of the season contain . 30,000 to 60.000, and event 100,- 000 -bees f 'y -..-rr-'- 1 So that, though there, may; be - torrential rains all through the fruit blossoming season here, with , only an occasional breaking of sunsmne tnrougn the weepy clouds, during those few hours of sunshine-' the bees win carry the pollen and make- the x blossoms fruitful : 1 r:-:-.-:-V For the bees work and literally "improve each shining . hour." They have the urge of their an cestors back through the ages for work; that is the life of the honey bee. and that is her death. , Slight Subsidize Beekeepers It would pay the fruit growers of the Salem district to subsidise the, beekeepers, with a money subsidy. . But they do not have to. Here Is a better. way: They can raise more white, al sike and sweet clover, and scat ter more Scotch broom, and in other ways provide more late bee pasture'. . .w.,: v. -r. And encourage more beekeep ing; get better bees. and. see that bee diseases are stamped out . And In that way. the orchard men will subsidize themselves; they will Improve the fertility of their soil, and they will get three crops for one the ; clover,' the honey, and the fruit And they will make sure the fruit. A Coming Bee' Paradise , ' There is no-section in the world that has a b tter honey flow than the Salem district - In the late spring and early summer; Ex tend this," by providing proper bee pasture, throughout all the sun shiny days of late, summer, and fail. and. this . will a Teritable land flowing with milk and honey and money. . The "honey; ' crop will be a money crop- an essen tial story of three, four or five nd sljf story agrlcuUnre i -.Y ' ' Hence' the Opening ' - ' -The. ahovj etatement, ' oC facts, ?rVtr Ccoveriif an J conclu ;w prunes"' smm Marysville, Mo. . . Birmingham, Alabama Chicago, 111.. -. ; Cincinnati, Ohio - Cleveland, Ohio 1 Portlands Oregon ; El Paso, "Texas- ' Buffalo, N.iY. ; Oklahoma City, Okla. Clinton, Okla. i . Cushings. Okla. Er Reno. Texas Altris, Okla. Norman. Okla. - .... Shawnee,, Okla. Little Rock, Ark. Helena, Ark. Marianna, Ark. Wichita, Kans. , Memphis Tenn. Dyersburg," ITenn. Jackson, Tenn. Humboldt, Tenn. Seattle. Wash. . "5 Bellingham,' Wash. Everett, Wash. Spokane, Wash. V Tacoma, Wash. . Yakima, Wash. . ' Wenatchee,i Wash. Wallace, Idaho Pipestone, Minn. Detroit. Mich. ' Lawrence, Kansas. Des Moines, Iowa Baton Rouge, La; Norfolk Va. Salem, Oregon " .'Marshall, Texas Houston, Texas San Antonio, Texas Vancouver, B. C. Montreal, Quebec Shcrbrook Quebec; ' Quebec City, Quebec Winnipeg. Man Toronto. Ontario T Saskatoon, Saak. Calgary, Alberta Medicine Hat, Alta. dons of science and of all up-to- date fruit growers will explain and give force to v the invitation that is extended In the first paragraph of this article. , The thoroughly posted beekeep er, or the intelligent and industri ous . man looking . for. a profitable opening, and willing to learn, will find a welcome here. He win be received with open arms.' - He will find customers for his surplus J bees, and ; he will find everyone willing and. anxious to help him, in' aiding in providing late bee pasture for his bees. This latter is", the outstanding requisite tor 'making this a . great bee dis trict. The. early honey flow Is al ready her in the billions, upon billions of blooms on and bnsh ; fruit, trees and on forest trees and. flowers." The growing of the white and sweet and al- sike clovers and other crops and the spreading of bloom bearing bushes and trees and other growths for the late bee pasture Is only a matter of education;' of constant propaganda that would cost nothing, by men who-would from intelligent self interest work along these lines. s From the College ("Beekeeping for the Oregon Farmer" is the title of Extension Bulletin 282 : of the . Oregon Agri cultural college extension service. It is by A. L. Lovett, professor of entomology, and it is dated No vember, 1919. Following are a few brief . exeerpts: ) " : ' "NO FARMER SHOULD BE WITHOUT. A FEW STANDS OF BEES: for with proper care and manipulation, enough honey for home consumption can be secured 'i om one or j two colnies. A. fruit grower can secure a DOUBLE PROFIT from his bees in the "' honey and wax obtained and In the added value gievn his fruit .through cross-pollination. The pollination of fruit trees Is an important consideration in the west; it has many times been shown that Insects furnish the most Important means of distrib uting pollen I to' selt-sterlle plants, and- that of these the honey, bee is probably the most" important Though it ia probably the excep tional season when honey bees are of much service in pollinizing red clover, many, other field crops are benefited. As the acreage of al- sike clover increases there will be a real field tor the bees, both for pollination and for the collection of- fair excess of) excellent, honey. Honey Is a product wh'ch occurs In nature in the! shape of nectar in the flowers of plants, and Is made available for , our use only through the aid of bees. Wax, a secondary, consideration, is a pro duct of the bees themselves and is produced ! from glands within the body, of ;the worker bee. "Until a few years ago commer cial; beekeeping was considered generally unprofitable in the Wil lamette valley and coast districts because of excessive spring rains. A few men here and ; there were succeeding.- but many were hard, ly holding th if own9' ' , Edmonton. Alta. Weyboirn, Sask. Regina, Sask. " Swift Current, Sask. Moose Jaw, Sask. : Liverpool. England Bristol. England Manchester, England London, England Glasgow, Scotland Amsterdam. Holland Bordeaux, France ' Havre, France Hamburg, Germany Antwerp.' Belgium . Rotterdam, Holland Copenhagen, Denmark Christian ia, Norway V Gothenburg, Sweden. : Although still in its infancy as far. as its canned goods output ia concerned, the : following; are among the districts reached: London . New York j ; Baltimore , Jersey. City Hull , -. ' Liverpool Los Angeles . . San Francisco Philadelphia, .-.!.- Cleveland " : Des Moines Chicago. ' Denver Kansas City St. Louis , Avonmouth Although apples In .western Or egon, for. shipping have never, as sumed large proportions, the fol lowing distributing points were reached by the association: Cheyenne, Wyoming. J Chicago. 111. y Cincinnati, Ohio Detroit. Mich. Exported ? " ' ? Gastonia, N. C. : "Due principally to tnewl honey plant3, out partly to Improved methods In handling the bees, this condition is rapidly changing and. particularly in the Willamette -vat- ley, the average yields, considered for a period of years, will exceed those of ANY REGION EXCEPT SOUTHERN OREGON. Im proved methods of : handling will Improve the conditions In the coast region as well. Honey plants are plentiful, ' Including maple. Vetch," fireweed," French pink, alsike clover and-white clo ver The development of special manipulations to : get the bees in condition ; tot; harvest the maxim um yields from the numerous nec tar flowers will transform theee questionable districts into 'profit able apiary sections. . Hontey As Food '-; Honey: is a; most delicious, wholesome and nutritious , food. It should cease to be regarded' as a delicacy, and, become a staple article of diet. It is more readily assimilated than sugar and -can be substituted, for, sugar in cookery and on the table. ' Excellent re cipes for its use may be obtained by writing to the Oregon Agricul tural -college, or, sending to the United States department of Ag riculture for Farmers ' Bulletin 53." . - , .. ;- t i Made m Lot of Money ' M Some of the men" acquainted with the methods of commercial beekeeping In the alfalfa districts hare operated here in the Willam ette valley, and have made a lot of money, big clean-ups with not very large Investments. ' t Some beekeepers down in the St. Paul, Marlon county, district have been making money in the industry for years." J. W. Beck- ley, 166 North 21st street, Salem, has made a success with bees at five different points around Sal-J eui. vr. a. miner, tv Marion a r . . . mil..' . r . i i street, Salem, is. a successful, bee keeper, in, connection with his or chard Interests. R. W. Hogg b. Sons, Route 2. Box. 172. ; Salem, who have a fruit farm and are breeders of Poland China swine. Registered Angora goats and White Rock chickens, a couple of miles above Salem, on the Polk county Bide of the Willamette ri ver, are Successful beekeepers of long standing; ana tney market their,honey under their own label. The list might be extended very materially showing numbers of successful beekeepers here now. But the idea the writer hopes to put over is that there, is room for a great ' many more beekeepers here; -- room and a welcome and opportunities for great profits in a line that can acarcehr.fae over done " here, and in' a branch 'of work on the land that Is one of the most Interesting of - all. And, above all other considerations, an opportunity to be helpful, to their fellow men; for that It what, we are here for. That la the only good reason for existence by any man or woman In this country, or any. other country, . ' &FJS& Houston, Texas, Indianapolis. Ind. Washington, D. C. Jamestown. N. Dak. Lo3 Angeles, Cai., Memphis, Tenn. Milwaukee, Wis. New York City Norfolk, Virginia San Anton'o, Texas. San Francisco,-Cat. Oregon pears marked as coming from Oregon, were shipped to the luiiowing mam points: New York . Chicago 4 Washington. D.JC. Detroit, Mich; f : j Baltimore, Md. 1 Birmingham, Ala. , ' Los Angeles 1 ' - 1 . San Franeisco j Tulsa, Oklahoma Bichmond. Va. - . Havana, Cuba 1 i : Dmaha, Nebraska - Toronto, Canada Memphis', Tenn. Export s ! Cherries, peaches and berries reached Los Angeles,- San Fran cisco, New York, Portland, Omaha, Butte, Pocatello and Everett. In vegetables and broccoli our products were shipped as far east as Chicago and New York, and as far south as Los Angeles. Every true, Oregonian should dedicate himself or herself to the task of making our quality fruits and vegetables known the world over.' Only, in this way . can we reap the full benefit of ' our cli mate and soil conditions In more and satisfied settlers. PLANS FOR BIG SEASON Oregon Packing Co. Gets Ready for 1923 Business "Every fruit cannery in Salem is preparing to put' in additional equipment .to remodel its plant wherever little short-cuts to larg er production and efficiency can be. made, and generally, to make the most of what now promises to he: a banner fruit year for the whole Willamette valley. Practic ally everything, from the tallest cherry tree top down to the lowli est strawberry ' nestling cheek down to the ground looks like a record-breaking crop. Salem may have to borrow cannery worker and fruit pickers and truckmen to haul the stuff from the farms to the, factories and away from the factories after it Is canned;, it looks as if the demand for help is going to be like that for money and for, love .there's never enough of it anywhere in the world to quite go 'round, j , ' : : Last year' the company practic ally rebuilt, or rather remodeled the entire working arrangement of their whole plant. By adding a system of conveyors and rear ranging their cannery department they were able to double their fruit preparation room space, and to Put In more canning machines. They now have a complete five line cannery equipment, with a capacity of 180 cans of fruit per minute. Some of these are the bit 'uns. the No. 10 's; though these do not fill and handle as fast as the smaller Cans; but the whole series averages 36 cans per minute for each machine. j . It is. a real problem to find and to keep profitably busy as large a force as a big establishment, like the Oregon Packing ; company em-' ploys. Last year they had up to 400 employes at a I time, during the strawberry!, and pear seasons, ana. tnelr payroll has run up to sii.uoo a week,; for labor alone. Their total, labor payment last year was 3148,00;jit has meant FRU1TLAND NURSERY Highest Quality ( -r- - Fruit Tree Berry Shrubbery j Large stocks of home- , grown trees, 'all wanted : varieties ; A. J. MATHIS, Prop. a living for hundreds of families, and comforts and . luxuries for many part-time employes ' who wanted a little extra money. This season 'the factory expects to; be able to show a . good - in crease , in production ' over, last year ; and last ,- year was t between 25 and SO per cent ' better than any , previous year, because of the better factory arrangements and the added 'machinery : . The Oregon,' Packing company plant was built 10 years ago, and has grown steadily until it' now stands as one of the most impor &?t:::m&Mh. HAS: -HfStQ&Y: First Church in Oregon Erected There in 1846 by Catholic Missionaries SetMement Dates Back to 18384s ; Flourishing Community Backed by Rich Agricultural . Section Numerous . ; noteworthy . histori cal events cluster about St. Paul, an. old and- thriving, little city, located in the northern part of Marion county in the well known "French Prairie" district, a verjM productive and prosperous farm ing' and dairying"; section of the valley. The founding of St. Paul and settlement of that, section of Marion county date back to 1858 and to this little city, be? longs thei distinction of having the first large; and beautiful brick ; church . edifice to be built In I Oregon, If not- in the north west, the cornerstone? for which was laid on May 24th, : 1846, and thla church was dedicated No vember . 1st. of - the. same . year. In those days lime' and building. ma terials', were, scarce, and- therefore clay mortar ; was - substituted for the, usual lime, and, sand mor tar in lwhlch to . lay the brick in the walls ; of. this church andf to this day this . Urge briek struc ture Is as solid and . substantial as the dajrit was completed, and Is in! a perfect, state of preservation. Many noted Catholic mission aries and pioneer' priests who figured, prominently In connec tion with Oregon's early history served- this parish, in those.. early days and it. would require sever al volumes to relate the . interest ing narratives of - incidents en- I Historic pioneer Cathelie church at St. Patu, Orecoa. First brick church buut ia the raciTie Verthweav - acted in, and around this his toric little city since the early settlement of that community. St. Paul has now grown into a thriving nd prosperous commun ity and Rev. Father Chabot, at present officiates in the St. Paul catholic church and academy. Space forbids delving . deeper Into the most interesting histor ical events ana pioneer activi ties - centering in and about t't. Paul, at this time, but we wish, to say that while this little town has been ' deprived of the advan tages of railroads and modern highway facilities, the Oregon T. A. LIVESLEY & CO. . ' -.; hops II Salem Bank of Commerce Buildine i 1 1 eh j , m " . .1 : i T - : j ' - I I ill V- r- .. - . ... ,v .: H tant , of Its kind, in Salem or in deed In all Oregon. It puts up a J full, line of fruits, beginning with the earliest gooseberries and run ning on to the close of the stored pear season It has ideal track age, facilities.; so. that' it can get its stuff in, for treatment or out for delivery after canning. Dur ing the past season it used the old Southern Pacific wool warehouse, east of the S. P. depot, for stor age in addition to its own factory capacity. The company made', an especially heavy run of loganber ries and of pears, its equipment Electric, Southern.; Pacific and, Pacific highway., having missed the town by about ten or twelve miles, this little city, has kept pace with the times' and can boast . of - a . bank, jgood schools and modern mercantile estab lishments, together with a large number of other similar business institutions. An enterprise which is worth much' to the community, is the large and modern cooperative creamery located at St. Paul, . of which 1 cooperative organization C. ! S. Mullen is president, and D. L. Vandelweile, is secretary treasurer." The excellent product of this creamery is known far and ' near and only ! recently some valuable prizes were won on ; an exhibit of : the butter pro duct of this creamery in general competition with the products of some of the country's larger and beat" creameries.' The community, as a result, is rapidly developing into one of the large ' and prosperous dairy ST. PAUL HARNESS AND SHOE REPAIR SHOP Ovid V. Blanchette, Prop. St. Paul, Oregon All kinds of repair work. Including auto tops and side curtains Prompt Work and Satisfaction Guaranteed tMUMII MIMIII IB CT A iTCJ iJ Mr I Mm ST. PAUL J. E. SMITH, President LIABILITIES X Capital Stock a". j - tt i:..: Surplus and ; Undivided Deposits Total Resources Loans, Discounts and Bonds.. Cash . and. Due from Banks, Other Resources..... ... . .. Correspondence solicited concerning the advantages, business opportunities and real; estate and other in vestments afforded in this community. Growers and Brokers 1 .HUBBARD C RE A ME RY Manufacturers of MOTHER, HUBBARD BUTTER " This brand always a guarantee of quality ' Distributed In Salem by State Street Market, 12 5ft State Street. t Highest Price, paid for; eggs. Commercial Feed; Grinding, . Manufacturers of Mother Hubbard brand of Scratch and Egg ' Laying Mash , ' Octav Voget, Mgr. i- being well adapted to these prod ucts, and Its contract supply being easy to get and have delivered.! districts of Marion county. General farming, . stock rais ing, fruit and berry, growing are among, the. other, important pas toial industries of the commune ity. With good : macadam roads radiating In every direction from St. Paul and the comparatively cheap farm lands of that com munlty, the growth and develop ment of the town and district is sure to be much more rapid in the next few years than It has in the past decade, especially with the coming of the automo bile stage and truck lines, which will afford the town and com munity with transportation ad vantages and communication With Portland . and ; Salem almost as efficient as by rail or water transportation' facilities. Here homeseekers will find excellent opportunities for Investment, and will establish their homes among a thrifty,; genial and progressive people, if they cast their lot in or about St. Paul. MMMIIH tllll ANK O F ! S. J. SMITH, Cashier, .$15,000.00 . 9,86a38 .136,910.03 Profits... $161,778.41 ..$109440.63 42,084.27 .. 1053.51 ..$161,778.41 J M E SQUARE DEAL QUALITY E3 H E31 R SEEDS- .... ... r . . . ( ( Above is the emblem of , LEE L. HERSCHBERGE?. the Hubbard Seed Merchant ' Although Mr. Hubbard deals la eeeds of all kinds, he is particular-1 ly. interested in. CLOVER and VETCH SEE D This is Mr. Hirschberger's lti; season. The popularity of fcu warehouse with buyers is the re sult of square dealing and a tier- -oughly equipped plant for. re cleaning seed. Because of the ex ceptional. quality of .Ms work, receives a , premium price for 1 recleaned seed, a premium virLJ, he passes on . to the growers. 4 a. result farmers ' from mi: around take their seed to him. II ships several carloads of seed eac . year." . ' " Mr. Herschbe?ger, plans on ad. Ing another cleaning machine t: his already fine battery, of clear- rs. His slogan Is: ,Our Claim Best facilities fo? ' recleaning clover seed.- "Our Aim A- better stands- of seeds than your law requlrrv CREAIBYJELSIII Hubbard Institution Mal;c "Motlier Hubbard" Buttcj , One of the valuable bus!;- j concerns of Marion county, is t! t Habbard- Creamery, at Hubari. This place serves a vital if 1 among the farmers as it furor es them a ready cash markc', right at home for their -crean poultry and eggs and also becau'j it is equipped to do custom grind ing at grain and to supply feed. It. manufactures the famou; Mother, Hubbard" brand of bit ter which, commands the top prlc ' on the market. This brand, is a leader in many of the. towns in tt state, in Salem It Is retailed ac jobbed by the State Street Market. i 125 9 SUte street. The- creamery' spends lari , - amounts of money each year t:r poultry and eggs. The average price paid last yesr for' select eggs rw'as 30.67 cekti per dozen. , The amount of . money paid czi each, yf ar Is a'. blgt; factor . In . ti total income of the. district -The creamery's feed, grind!;: equipment-is modern and of vV ue to the farmers. It also se'.'.j various kinds of , f eed . and mac facturea several, excellent kla Is of poultry; feed such as. scratch, egg mash, 'etc., all going out un der its . own - ."Mother. Hubbard brand, which Is a, guaranty ct first class quality. ' . ' . ' Octav Vo get Is : manager. IIS also: owns a farm near town. C.v the farm, he keeps avaluiblo he: I of purebred. Guernsey, cattle atl. White Leghorn chickens , lly Guernseys carry a heavy nercert- age of blood of the great VZj Rose family. White Leghorn bt:by chicks are among the leadirl' sources of revenue from the farn. i i M A