The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 31, 1923, Page 30, Image 30

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R. E. WILLIAMS, President
Vice President ' Assistant Cashier
Cashier Assistant CasJuer.
Dallas, Oregon.
Capital Surplus Undivided Profits
'7' . ;
Conservative Banking Service V'
A. 1 1
New and Second
J Hand
'Kitchen Hardware
Paper- ;
Paints, Stoves; ;
Ranges Vt ; ! n:f
rFiniiiture; etc. . .
That Laot"
' ' ' ;". ! i ' A, - .'-
Age enhances the value of the
Goldsmith's art. Gifts of jew
elry areTtnore easily preserved
than any other that carry the
i Bame' sentiment
JawelDr 6 Optician
One of Willamette Valley's"
Finest Jewelry Stores
.:;- t ?
U-- . v; -.',-.V ,
- ' " " v ' . , . 1
' - Reliable
.- of TiUe
, - ItTO "m : ,
- - '
John R. Sibley,
610 M01 Street
Dallas, Ore.
Automotive Supplies
i i
Clctrac Tank Type
: Tractors
. - .. i. ":' .' '
Farm implemsnts
Dallas, Oregon
Polk County, Oregon
-4 t'
... 'l . . . .... . ; i t
las jana oi opportunities wnera weiuaer suu iui
paid a net income .of Z5r,i. this-year, after hiring al! work done and
bas paid 107 tor the last T years, on the price asked for the prop- ;
erty Bargains In fruit, dairy, dlrersif led, grain,; and stock farms
also timber .tracts and city property. V) ;
10 acres all in cuiuTatioD. 1 acres In loganberries, family or-
"chard, balance In -year-old. prunes with gooseberries between,
7 -room house, bafn and outbuildings. Price., . . . .4500 ,
lo acres all In cultiation. i4 -acres in prunes, 5-roon house, barn .
and outbuildings.- IM-ice. . . ... ... . . . y . . . flso
167 acres. 40 acres In cultiTatlon, 20 acres Tery best of bottom
ground, balance best of fruit soil, on .good road. Price, per acre.
only . . . .... . . . . . . . .23
1,000 acres. 450 acres in cultivation, 10 acres of good fir timber,
balance open pasture; large farm house and. tenant house. 3 barns
and out buildings. Near railroad station, tore,r school, and church.
Price; $40 per acre. ( - ... VA 'i- -' -'"
. ' -
--'"7'- V v".;v":'-; i-t . .; -;
- - i
1 Sporting Goods
Cutlery, Silverware
Simplex Separators
Steel Ranges
American Fence
Paints, Oils, .Glass
! O Qj I
Dallas. Oregon
Clayton's Grocery
f jviost 'intngs Keaiiy
pi Worth Having are gf
'ii..'.. ii . . . i- .
-wmt 1 1 ill n T na to a . rm n 's .
all when you learn it
pays to pay cash at. gf
(H (H
An organization that , is
growing rapidly because
it sells honest merchan-
f dise at honest prices.
C. L. GELL, Mgr.
Dal las, Oreg on
1 1 11 1 II 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 111 1 1 I ! I I I '
i . " "
1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
A. W. Palmer
Polk County
Electric Wiring
Fixtuiies -
Supplies r
Radio Outfits
mommm wwm mmmmmmmmmtwmimm mmm
Mazda Lamps
Fred B. West Prop.
, ' - . :-
Dallas, Oregon
mi mi mxi-m
.y Seat of
PdlK. Goiinty
iter of i rsis;
(Sec., Dallas Commercial Club.)
Dallas, the county seat of Polk
county,' is a ity' of ' 300 w inhabi
tants, located on the eastern slope
of the Coast .Range mountains
about 60 miles southwest .of
Portland, the metropolis of Ore
gon, and 16-miles west of Salem,
the state capital. Dallas is the
community center for a rich agri
cultural territory with a minimum
radius of 10 miles, and in many
directions for a greater, distance.
. Ours is a town of Industries,
with a payroll of more than
million dollars yearly. Some . of
the Industries. here are: One of
the largest sawmills in the Wil
lamette ralley, a' fair sized shin
gle mill,: a well equipped South
ern Pacific .shop 'where the -com
pany's engines and' other equip
dent Is repaired, as well as bad
order cars pot In running order;
end one of the best equipped "can
neries in tlie ralley, in spite of
the fact that this will be its sec
ond season.-- -
In the Dallas Machine & Loco
motire Works we hare an indus
try that cares for the logging ma
chinery which is. so necessary to
the' welfare of our country.' This
la also the factory " which turns
out the famous Gerlinger lumber
carrier, one of three of the class
in the world-, There are three
prune packing plants here', a flour
mill, as well as "several smaller
concerns, which add to the yearly
payroll. " .:
, All Basin ess Represented
"Eight grocery f stores, three
hardware stores, two second hand
stores, six dry goods stores care
for the several needs of our peo
ple,, while two weekly newspapers
keep .us posted as to 'the happen
ings of our community and coun
ty. Two' hotels and one restaur
ant care for the travelers - who
come our way, and two tailor
shops keep ua well clothed. We
have one theatre which Is classed
with those of the much larger cit- j
ies. ' Our one bakery makes bread
"like mother, used to make," and
the two butcher 'shops supply us
with the best meat . obtainable, j
Two1 bank g care for" the financial
needs of our community. Two
feed -stores supply the termer with
the grains and hay which he finds
It necessary , to buy.
The religious ' life u very well
cared for here, there (being some
12 different denominations, chief
among them being the Methodist,
Presbyterian, Christian and Bap
tist. - The social aide' of life is made
far more pleasant by the several
fraternal, societies, chief among
those here being the Masons and
Eastern Star, the Odd Fellows and
Rebekahs. the Knights of Pythias
and the Pythian Sisters; the Mod
ern Woodmen of America and the
Royal ' Neighbors; ' the Woodmen
of the World and the Neighbors
of ...Woodcraft; .ilhe Artisans, the
American Legion - and its . Auxlli-
Lryy Alt are active' organizations.
v - Bcnooia Are Excellent
TOur .school, enrollment is, over
00. About 175 otV these attend
the high school, and the remain
ing 600 the grades. There ar
18 , teacher employed in the
grades, , and nine in the high
school. The faculty is 'composed
of some of the best teachers in
the state. The course offered in
the high school gives the student
considerable range in the choice
of elective subjects. -The basket
ball team of, the high school has
had a very successful season, hav
ing lost bat one game.
'.The health of our community Is
cared' for- by four able physicians
and surgeons, v One -to the exceed
'lngly healthy condition of .our
people, these " men' seem to keep
us in very good health, but when
something serious befalls one. an
This hospital is modern, and has
an excellent surgery, as well as
other things that go to make np a
hospital. . , : ' ;
Dallas SoJ of Highest Fertility
' Much of our wealth lies in the
fertile soil of the adjacent coun
try, where fruits, grains) vegeta
bles' and stock are grown.' This
territory is particularly . famous
for Its prunes and berries. Dur
ing the prune harvest every one
la put to work doing some of the
necessary tasks incident . thereto.
Many children of not more than
ten -years' of age., earn enough in
-picking: prunes- to clothe them
selves -through . the . school' year.
The great value of this Industry
to our community is readily seen
when one , considers . that fmore'
than. 9000. tons of . dried prunes
scheme so generally followed.
Here; no farm is complete with
out its cows, hog's, chickens, and
other usual farm animals., as well
as its, garden and berry . patches.
In fact .each farm is more than
self sustaining. Hence . the . cow
plays her .part, anil many .of the
farmers make milking quite a line
because they vfind it pays them
to do .so. The county veterinarian
whose duty It is to test yearly
every milch cow In the county,
finds that . there are .more .. than
1700 cows within our,communlty,
many of them being purebred,
most of the remainder being well
bred animals.
Along with these principal oc
cupations there are many others.
Our soil and' climatic conditions
are such that we have a wide
range of products and activities.
The ' farmer, the farm and their
to the community well worth not
ice.- . ; '
Railroad Center Is Dallas
The Southern-. Pacific company
has here one of its roundhouses
and machine shops. Here much
of the main line machine work is
done, which employs about 60
men in the shops with a monthly
payroll of $9,000. Dallas is also
a railroad, terminal, point. About
12 families ' are 'dependent . upon
trainmen for supportUand receive
each month, some $3,000. ' The
maintenance of ways' department
is located here also, and employs
,14 men and distributes to them
each month about $1600. The
bridge and building gang has its
headquarters here, is composed of
about six men who each receive
arbout $1,000 monthly. The sta
tion force consists of e.'gbt men
Birdseye view
Machine ;
and -Locomotive
r:4 " ?-rvwAraA-.v
. " V I . ;
' . mm mm m "L J
Polk Cc
were processed last season in the
local prune plants, besides those
that were sold green to. canneries.-;"'
. . ' ' ' ; ' .
Brry and Nut Culture Extensive
Berry culture is a very profita
ble occupation.. Yield of two and
one-half tons to the acre of Ever
green blackberries is not unusual,
and this year they , cleared the
grower over three cents per
pound. ; . ; - V
Walnuts is a profitable crop
here.? The Oregon r walnut tops
the market, which, of course, is
absolute evidence of its superior
quality. Our community harvest
ed over 100. tons this last season,
and due to the fact that the groves
are just coming into bearing, a
much heavier yield is to be ex
pected in the near future.
Many farmers have large orch
ards of apples, pears, cherries and
plums. In the fall a large num
ber of persons are employed in
the harvest of the pears and ap
ples, the fruit being packed and
shipped to eastern and foreign
markets. The quality Is unex
celled, a factor Which creates a
good market.
Dallas is "Prune City"
.The largest, crop of this com
munity Is the prune crop. Wher
ever one looks be sees prune orch
ards. The view, from the moun
tain sides in blossom time is a
sight never to be forgotten. From
many points one can get a birds
eye view of town with these orch
ards in the fore ground, which
gives one the feeling that 'Dallas
Is securely nestled In the midst of
one great orchard. In prune har
vest every one' is needed to care
for the crop. Women and child
ren, do most. of the picking, while
the men are employed' with shak
ing trees, hauling to the dryers,
and doing the heavier work about
the 'dryers'.
Dairying Complements Other Ac
' -'.. Y'.'' tiviUes . - -'
; Dairying is also a very profit
able occupation, and' works In well
with the diversified , farming
products constitute the backbone
of this community. Without them
the town of Dallas would not be.
Timber is Big Industry
In the mountains to the west Is
to be found another virgin re
source of our community, the
Douglas Fir timber. - One of I the
largest saw mills In the Willam
ette .Valley is located here, being
the plant of the Willamette Val
ley Lumber company. , This mill
employs 200 men and has a dally
capacity of 150,000 board feet of
lumber, which entails a' monthly
payroll of $21,000 or 252,000 an
nually. The output is found in
every market of the world, much
going to Japan. England and other
foreign countries, as well as sup
plying many demands in our own
country. - j ; . . .
Besides the . sawmill this firm
operates a shingle mill which has
a capacity of , 70.000 shingles
daily. These shingles are made
of cedar, and like the lumber, are
found In f -the markets of then
Locomotive Works Highly
Dallas has the distinction of
being the home of the famous
Gerlinger . lumber carrier. Mr.
Gerlinger. the inventor of this
wonderful" machine, is also the
proprietor o.f the Dallas Machine
A Locomotive. Works, a machine
shop equipped to handle all kinds
of heavy machine and locomotive
repairing.' At present this con
cern Is busy repairing the huge
locomotives used by the ' Seattle,
Portland &. Spokane Railroad Co.,
besides building the carriers. This
institution is but three ''years of
age. and in view of the tact that
the locomotives that are being re
paired there were awarded-to the
local shpps In preference to many
older . and larger - shops' of the
northwest. Is In itself a recommen
dation of the local works.: Sixty
men are -required to keep these
several wheels rolling. - A payroll
t.f $7,000' monthly as : well as
much. ; m eVeh & ntflse " and " materia I
bought here constitute' an asset
who draw about $1800 monthly
Tons of Prunes Packed 'Annually
Due to the large acreage v of
prunes Jhere, three prune packing
plants are found within our town.
One is owned by the California
Packing Corporation and is the
largest here. One" Is owned and
operated by the Oregon Growers,
which is a co-operative concern,
and is the second in size. The
third is the Mason-Ehrman plant.
The California Packing Corpor
ation handled this last season
more tnaa 6000 tons of dried
prunes. Of course the season of
a plant of this nature Is short, be
ing about five months, but during
that time this firm employs seventy-five
or more persons, and
pays out to the employees about
$6,500 monthly. AH Its product
Is put out under the famous Del
Monte brand, and sells as all pro
ducts of that brand sell. Several
persons nre employed the year
round In this plant; which makes
another noticable payroll indus
try.; 1 . V
The Oregon Growers plant here
is a typical prune plant of the
kind operated by this concern
throughout Oregon and consists
of a 32 tunnel dryer and a proces
sor, but when In full swing em
ploys 55 persons and pays to these
employees in the neighborhood of
$4,500 per month. These people
put out theirproduct under the
"Mistland". trade name, products
which are fast becoming famous
the world over. ' The firm is a co
operative concern and affords the
grower an opportunity of 'market
pricey with a sufficient amount
paid upon delivery of his product
to pay for harvesting, and the re
mainder Is paid him upon the
sales of the co-operative sales.
Usually this nets . the, grower
somewhat larger prices for his
products than are paid in the
open market t
Power Plant Big Asset
Mountain States Power company's
power, plants. This plant is of
sufficient size to furnish the pow
er for the sawmill, the planing
mills, and other industries in Dal
las, as well as furnishing light in
Dallas, Monmouth . and Indepen
dence. Both of the last 'named
towns draw heavily for power
also.. This . Industry employs 24
persons, regularly, and pays them
$40,000. each year. , ,
Another industry that adds to
the payroll of our town is the can
nery. This institution is but one
year old. and . is one of the best
equipped fruit canneries in the'
Willamette valley. This plant
employed on an average of 60 per
sons during the, canning season
last summer. an,d the management
is "adding more machinery prepar
atory to handling more produce.
.Dallas boasts of one of the old
est establishments In , the valley,
the flouring mill. . This mill 'was
first built by John Waymlre In
1858. The . original '.mill was
burned, and a new one onilt on
the same site, which still stands
and is operated by Sweeney Bro
thers. Tbe mlU has a capacity of
60 barrels of flour daily. The,
power Is derived from the LaCre- j
ole river.. This mill Is not an Im
posing looking structure but when
one learns what an important part
in the pioneer life it played, it
takes on a new aspect of
est: ' ? ' ' "
;. Planing Mill Another Pioneer fapldly being
next door neighbor to the famous
flour mill, and like it is rather a
pioneer In- the industrial life of
our town. .This institution Is do
ingmuch of tbe planing work of
our. town, but goes much farther
as well lor suitable markets for
their materials. - It is known 'in
the entire northwest, having filled
many large and diffuiciDt orders'
from California,. Idaho, Washing
ton, and all parts of our own state.
Its wheels turn the year round,
being employed just now in mak
ing several carloads of doors of a
particular pattern.
As already noted, our little city
is a rural center of high class. Our
principal streets are paved, and
many of the residential streets are
also hard surfaced. Our town
water supply is absolutely pure.
proclaimed so by numbers of
tests. Our houses are mod
ern in most instances.' hav
ing hot and cold water, bath
and . to'.let and 'most of
them heating plants also. As a
proof of the steady growth some
30 new,, residences were erected
last building season, and many of
the older ones were remodeled,
which gives to the town a very
up-to-date appearance. Further,
many more houses are scheduled
to be erected this summer
7 1
Polk county, which botlr i
and the channels of tr&i .
linked with Marion in the '
tr Salem District, Is pret
ty an agricultural area
mendous fertility and
ducing .ability. Althoug!
western Blopes touch thi t
belt of the Coast Range
tains, a fact which Intitc
berlng Industries to such (
at Dallas and Falls City, j
tbe' whole, the county' ',
Mecca for the farmer. '
Since, early settlement
Oregon country. Polk has i
stood in the van as an'-t
ture.1 community. She h& .
been . a contender to be f
with ' at tate fairs and
public places 'jWhere f-he'e
of the Northwest have v;
honors. And Just as h
always enjoyed leadership i
eral farm'ng . actlvltias
past, so now she is in tk
line of counties,' whose
have caught the vision t
sphere of . farming for w:
k'nd and bounteous nature
endowed her a sphere in
the larger farms of the rs
broken tup
intensively cu!.
fruit farms, and those wbic.
retain their Bize are belag t
ed to dairying and purebrc
tie a development tha h
ing rapidly to her popuUU
that is making two dollars
where but one grew before.
dollars have always grc
Polk county.
A study ot the reporC c
numbers of acres devoted t
ious crops in Polk county
hew rapidly this develops
growing. For instance, the
4049.25 acres of bearing
trees and 3316 acres of
bearing prune trees. Wjtl
year or so, many acres t
yet unfruitful trees will cc
to bearing, which will t
total acreage of over 73CD
This large acreage wjll i
tremendous Income, for the
as a crop is rapidly com!.
Us own. with the great is
in - consumption that have
across the mill -pond from the
sawmill is located one of the
Dallas Can Care for All
With our industries.' we are
able to care for the laborer, being
particularly free from unemploy
ed the year round. With our
schools to care for the student un
til he is prepared to enter college,
with our physicians and surgeons
and hospital to care for the sick
and afflicted, with grocery' dry
goods and hardware stores to care
for those desiring , merchandise,
with the garages to care for the
motorist, with the park a free. as
well as an inviting camping place
with tables, stoves, etc., for the
campers' convenience, and a
swimming hole within a;few hun
dred yards; with a good, clean
wholesome town with all the fore
going advantages, and more,' we
welcome the homeseeker, vaca
tionist, and' any others who are
looking for location or pleasure
assuring each and all that all that
To the south of town, and justi Is claimed can be shown and that
every citizen here
show the enquirer.
is willing to
The NeedLn
v Shop
MRS. K. K 111: Tl
COG Court
J. D. or, 3
Manufacturer and
Harness and Sad
'Accessories of t
302 ilain-
t 3-
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