The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 31, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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,) QUO 1 IBB
Jdold Owriaon'B New Ptwae of
CHAPTER 2?3 ;-'""
ED HOME. ); v 1
. '"There they -are! ' I "can nee
'Fnele Alfred " pointing out the
place to the taxi man.". ;
Marlon's sharp eyes discovered
the' returning travelers 'first;' and
her. .clear voice j heralded their
coming. ' The. next rnlnuts 'the
taxt Vtnrned Into the' Durkee
driveway, and I ; heard ' Marion's
urgent whisper -to-her -mother.
, "Mother, what shall , I call
VncJe - Alfred's .wife? , I've always
called her Miss Leila before, but
she's a Mrs. novi" '
"Why not call her. Aunt Leila?
Lillian suggested, -, ?i - 7
"Oh. I'd love to! Rut, you see.
1 1 don't know, her so well as I do
Uncle Alfred, and . I was &t raid
ernaps sne woumjrt line me to.
"I'm quite sure she'd like it"
Ulllan assured her, and then the
, taxi . drew ,up to the veranda
.step?, and Alfred, springing out,
caught bis waiting little mother
j In a bear hug, while the bride,
with Dicky's proffered assistance,
i alighted almost as swiftly and
. rushed into ' her - sister's arms.
.The Right Note. ' v v
I -think both Lillian and I, spec
tators oi this reunion, were pny
ehically aware of a , certain ten
sion in the mental atmosphere.
Not on the part of the bride and
groom, one . could "see' their bub
bling, happiness with half an eye.
But that there : was both renun
ciation and Jealous "fear for a
loved one's supremacy in ' the
minds of both Leila's sister and
I Alfred, mother was .easily dis
cernible. .. .r .' S...
. I was conscious - of a' certain
tension in my V01? mind. pre
dicated upon my knowledge of
the' uncertiintyt of Mrs. Durkee's
nnwfi-; Wow wmiM iIia ereet
her new, daughter-in-law?; The
manner of that greeting and wel
come would sound" the V keynote
of - their future relations, and . I
hoped intensely that , my ear
would catch a? full, true-pitch.
j; Even as the ' thought came 1 to
ray mind Her Fluff inesg disen
gaged herself " front ,1 her! son's
arms. (' - ; : V ;.. "
r "But Where's my pew daugh
ter?" she , said . in.1- her most
charming way, with her most de-
HfrMfnl lamlla ma nrMV. TMrlrV
vl. declares would eharm the most
Hoisneviattcauy-incnned nird irom
Its i wild , freedom.", ; . .-. ;jT. ..
. 1 Right here-fAQther dear,", Le
ila Carolled, leaving Edith's arms,
and rushing up to her :mother-in-law.
. Her taller' figure stooped
to the tiny one, and the two
; women were locked in a close,
emotional , embrace, while Alfred
stood by beaming fatuously.,
Edith drew a long breath, whether
of approval or some less . pleas-
nrsitita tihnttnn 1 T xtillA ha tell.
wbuo Ionian ana x lnvoiuniamy
glanced at each other, 'and' I fan
cied. I read the same relief in
her; eyes which I knew was mir
rored in my own. :
' .It was Dicky, of course, who
turned the tenseness of the mo
ment Into laughter. J I. used , to
think that he acted the part of
the clown - from" wanton high
spirits. I am beginning to see
be 'often saves the deterioration
of a moment from sentiment ' to
i d pathos by his antics. , ' - W
A Situation Saved..
"Alt. old dear," he ; said ? sor
rowfully. "Hain't there nobody
goiv to weep over me. I rolled
TNopsia or thk' anjctcai. STA-m
r Massachusetts Mutual Life
. Insurance , Company -
f Sprlorfleld. in th atat of Maasaehoa
t, a th Slat darot PMmkr 1M2,
tuda to tb insoranae eommiaaionvf ol
to tt ot Ora. prsoaat to Uwi
Total pnmhua incom for v '
. lao ymmr S 2T,8213,
lataraat. d I T t d n d a T
t f-td dartor tbo car..' 7.M8.644.T8
Incorno from other aoureoa '
fftaWad darln tbo jroar . 8.0S4. 151.7
Total lnootno . . , , . ....J SS.S24.43S.23
j4 for , loaoeaa ondow-
-ata. ' annaltie and '
aarrcadar Taluea f 10.71O.4S9.S9
v-riticada paid to poller ;
neidcra darlac to year. J
Cornmtaalona and": aalartooi
Td darloc tbo yoar.i.',.
Uccnaea and - faos
t 682.92aOt
tud dsrlnc tho rear.
An oonl ot all
peaditarco . . .
otbor ai'
jKalf aspondltoreo 23.1T.30a7
; lutajl cspanditorao 2S.442.ltM.?
" L '. ': .; Aaorta.
Vlnrof real ootato owned.! 1.W5.22S.00
' ot atocka and bond
' aod (unortiwd 70.2V2.078.15
Loans on msrtfigea aa
cot lateral, ate .1 . S3.189.tlO.2S
"ram aotea and policy - '
. loana ..j .V.... 2S.887.M1.18
ta bank, and on hand 2,2.140.S3
Aet S aacoilocted aad de- .
Ifred premiuma t...". 4,447.241.88
Intcreat and -tanta duo aad ; J
aecraad ..... 2.918.806 I .
OtbCT aaata ot 7 2.130.1.,
Total admlttod aaaeta . .$11.17S.M7.03
V ''..UaoORlM. ' t '
Nat raaanrro 8141.218.9lJ0
iroa etelmo ter losaea ua- jf.
AH otaaV "UaVtiuiJa"
fAi liability .... $168. 175.807,49
KoilaM la Uita for tho Year. '
rin tho year 80a.W3.t
-miuma and dlvidendo -
"Jurlna- tho year , 87.00.0
"f" durlnar tho roar 98.iW0.0O
, W ILLIAM W. McCLXN'CH. P resident.
. HSKLKR H. HALL. Secretary. O
- G&ldaii. Portlaad. Ororon. atatn-tory-rMiggBt-
cuornay fr oerrlce.
nMOIWeW lnt,te before you. 1 of said river; thence north" 75 de
Did I get any tears or ki i-1 o- ....
Did I get any tears or -kisses, or
embraces? I'll tell the, world.ah
I had handed to 'me were shrieks
of 'Don't 'rumple my gown!' "
-The falsetto, with which he had
mimicked Mrs. . Durkee changed
to a deeper tone as he. added:
"if it hadn't been. for my littlo
Sweetheart here I'd have gon
forth into the croo-el world to dlo
alone." V j -. i.
1 knew that he had caught sight
of the child's- expressive, humili
ated face when he said that no
body had kissed him. and had
hastened to make amends. Her
face .changed; its, expression so
suddenly that she gave tho effect
of laughing and crying at once,
but . little Mrs. Durkee's laughing
voice fortunately took our atten
tion from her, ,
V'You may kiss me now if you
like. Dicky-bird,' she said, with
her - pretty lips i adorably pouted
toward him. (''I'm so happy now
I don't care! if my complexion
does 'come off."
- Dieky looked at her doubtfully.
then gravely drew a handkerchief
from his pocket; pretended to dust
her face, f then looked at it, and
bent , toward .her..
"I guess It's safe," he said sol
With a swift, lang'ding move
ment Her Flufflnes3 ducked the
kiss, administered a sound box
on his ear, and retreated toward
the' stairway. ,
.. "Pick ur some of those bags
and make yourself useful," she
orderedH"instead of trying to do
some poor screen comedian out of
his Job. You'd make a much bet
ter porter than you would a mov
ie comic. - Come on, Leila, dear,
I want to show you your rooms."
THckv and ! Alfred bent obedi
ently to he i bags, ' and we all
trooped up the stairs after Leila
and her mother-in-law. Indeed.
we could not have stayed behind
if we had wished, for the Impera
tive voice of our - hostess com
manded our attendance. . And , as
I had hoped a few minutes before
that Mrs. . Durkee wouia sounu
the right note of welcome, so
now I earnestly wished that Leila
would be . sincerely pleased and
show her pleasure at the surprise
her husband's mother had planned
tor her; ; ) 'l
(To be contmneai
No. 16243.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Marlon county,
Department !No.s 2.
. i - .
W.' P Hawley, and Joseph M. ) ;
Healy, I . Piainuiw. i -
- . vsJ ' . -. .-'
The unknown heirs of Has- )
ard C. Smith and Leahc. j
' Smith, his "wife, deceased. )
John W. LaBare and Cor-,
delia: P. LaBare,-; K. E. ) -Weatherford
and i J. W. . J
.Weatherford, the unknown ) ......
heirs of R. E. Weatherford )
and J. 'W Weatherford, if )
deceased, Emma E. Terrell, )
E. O. Smith; also all other ).
persons or parties un- )
, known claiming any right, ,)
j title, estate, Hen or inter- )
" est in the real estate de- )
scribed in the complaint );
' herein; ! Defendants. )
To the unknown heirs of Haxard
C. Smith and Leah C. smixn,
his wife, i de'eeased: R- E.
Weatherford and J. W. Weath
erford,' the' unknown heirs of
R. E. Weatherford and, J.- W.
Weatherford, if deceased; also
all other persons or parties
unknown claiming any right,
title, estate, lien or interest in
the real estate described In the
complaint herein. Defendants.
In the name of the State of
Oregon you and each of you are
hereby required to ; appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit on
or before "the 9th day of April,
1923. and it you fail to so appear
and answer for want thereof the
plaintiff will f apply to the court
for a decree against you ior me
relief prayed tor in the complaint
herein, a succinct statement of
such relief Is as follows,-to-wit:
(1) That aid defendants may
be required 'to set forth the na
ture of their claims In and td the
real property particularly describ
ed as follows to-wit: '
. 'Beginning on.the south boundary1
line of; Ferry street In the town
of Mehama, Marion county , Ore
gon, at a point which Is north 103
feet distant and south 87 degree
10 minutes east 272.5 feet dis
tant from the U. S. Government
meander corner set on. the north
bank of the North .Santlam; river
and on' the west boundary line of
section 18 of Tp. 9 S. of R. 2'E.
of the Willamette . meridian, in
Marlon county,' Oregon, and" from
thence running south 87 degrefs
10 mihuiea "east along the south
boundary line of said street 224.8
feet; thence north 57 degrees 08
minutes east In the right line with
the southerly boundary line of
Mill street 344.1 feet to the cen
ter of the county road ; leading
from Mehama. Oregon," to Elk
horn. Oregon : thence south 58
degrees 36 minutes east along th
center of said county road 1152.3
feet; thence south 73 degrees east
along the center of said county
road .330 feet, to the southwest
corner of a certain tract of; land
deeded by' Kate Lathrop and P.
N. Lathrop to S. E, McCune, said
deed being recorded on page 555
of volume' 4$ "of tbe! deed records
of Marion county, Oregon; thence
south 60 feet to low water mark J
grees 30 minutes) west following
the meandering V of low water
mark of said river down stream
16.50 chains to the center bf'the"
county road leading from Mehama
to Lyons; .thence north 78 de
grees 30 minutes 'west following
the meandering " of low water
mark of said river down stream
11.57 chains to a point which is
272. r feet east of the west, boun
dary line of said ' section' 18;
thence, north 1.82 chains to the
place or beginning and contain
ing 8.064 acres of land.
And that alt adverse claims of the
defendants thereto may be ju
dicially determined by this court;
(2) That the said defendants
be decreed to have iio right, title
claim, demand. Interest or estate
at law or-in equity in or to the
said real property or any part
thereof, or any right to the pos
session thereof, and that the title
thereto be-forever quieted, and
that the title of the plaintiffs
may be decreed to be a good and
valid title;
v '; -. I'.
(3) That paid defendants be
forever enjoined and barred from
asserting any clalnir-right, title,
demand, interest, or estate, what
soever in or tp the said real prop
erty, or any part thereof adverse
to the plaintiffs, and that the
plaintiffs have such other and
further relief as to the' court may
seem meet and equitable. ;
This summons is served upon
you by publication in the Oregon
Statesman.' a newspaper o f gene
The :
Black Kid
l The Truly Occasion fbir Mucli Hajppiiiess
$35 to; ?45 Grades
i included in this
- ' Selling
N a v y, r- brown
and sand color,
with tailored set
m belle K and
straight line
sleeve s. each
possess that man
nish mode that is
so popular this
syr ,?3aLA,JiZiiZiiLjaVasr
lbs. Economy d i Va
Zoffee ........ PlaUU
3 lbs. Cocoa
in bulk ......
1 lb. ground ;
Chocolate ....
1 lb. Qunpowder
1 sack Crown
Flour . ... , . .
hite &t
ap Flour . . . . . vlil
1 sack Blue
Ribbon Flour
ral circulation' published weekly
In the County of Marion and State
of Oregon, pursuant to an order
made on the ltb "day, of Febru
ary. 1923. by the lion. Geo. G.
Bingham, judge of the above en
titled court directing that the
same be published once a week for
six (6) successive weeks, and, fix
ing the 24th day of February,
1923. as the date of first publi
cation and requiring that you ap
pear and answer herein on or be
fore the 9th day of April, 1923.
Dated this 24th day of Febru
ary, 1923.
V Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Residence: Salem. Oregon.
Marion County Ready to
Go Ahead With Bridge
The cost to Marlon county to
ward the construction of the Pa
cific highway bridge over Pud
ding river at Aurora, to be con
structed Jointly by Marion county
and Clackamas county, will be
about .118.000, according to Coun
ty Commissioner J. T. Hunt. As
the Marlon county approach has
already been taken care of ex
penditure of funds will only be
necessary for construction of the
bridge halfway across the river.
Work on 'the proposed project
will begin as soon' as the two
county courts can get together,
Mr. Hunt says. Clackamas coun
ty has been hard pressed for funds
during the past year which has
made it necessary that work be
delayed to some extent.
The Truly
Pmentatioin 'of ' th'e " Moire" Newer Styles StiareV .witK the
Dress Pumps
: Regular 4.50 value, black kid
leather, one strap styles made with
medium and low heels. AH. sizes' in
the lot at this special price.
t . . . ' ' ' '
One-Strap Satin
!. ! DrePimipv t
i s $4.98
" Only through a. special purchase
.were we able to offer such a wonder
ful value. Regular price $7.50 value.
Made"VIth the Baby Louis heel.
Special Easter
i.., " . ; s; : K
v Armour's
A special Armour rep-.
resentative will be
here. See our Armour
Window Display.
Sugar $1
5 lbs.' Head
Rice .
5 lbs. .White
Beans' ......
5 lbs.' Red
Beans ......
Bulk Dates V
per-lb. . . .".
Plain Mix '
Candy. ......
5 cans
Milk . . .
5 cans'
Corn ......
- T A
. i : 1 i a
Another Effort Made'to Open
Up Union-Pliez Company
A move for an order opening up
the case of the Salem Fruit union
and The Phez company .was filed
in the circuit court yesterday by
H. 11. . Qralapp, jne of,-the grow
ers and defendants, against whom
a judgment was recently returned
by the. circuit court. .
, In his filings Qralapp .asserts
that the tr rat court maae findings
which were unjustified. He states
that during 1919 he raised 15,701
pounds of loganberries of ., which
2354 were raised -on a,. one-third
acre tract rented from one Benson.
The balance he asserts was raised
on a three-acre tract belonging to
himself and wife, ot which one and
one-half acres was under contract
tor the fruit' union. The amount
due the union, he claims', was
6.674 pounds.
. During 1920 a total of 13.058
pounds was raised, the complaint
states, on the three acres, of which
one and onehalf acres were under
contract to the , fruit , union
amounting to 6,529 pounds. The
above amounts, the - defendant
claims', -are the amounts' which
should have been found by the
trial -courts . . t - .
Occasion foir Miicli
Events like this don't just come, they are planned for weeks,
and sometimes months ahead.- .The offerings herewith quoted
are the fruits of; master buying, accomplished only with the con
stant presence of our buying representative on the New York"
fashion market. -
This occasion presents for your disposal the ' newest and the
best popular grade line New York affords and be mindful they
are at prices unobtainable elsewhere. j 4
A . Happy ' Easter to yYow arid K Yours
On account of Easter holiday store closes '8'p." m. 1 Saturday;
instead of 9 One hour earlier. -
More Grocery Advantages
Fresh Bread :
Big 16-oz.
Ixxaf made In
5 cans
Salmon .......
5 cans Pork and
Beans ....... J
' Sliced Pineapple,'
No. 2's per can
55 c
50 c
17 c
Armour's Picnic
Shoulder, per lb
Cascade Lard,
No. 5 .........
Bacon Backs,
per lb. ,
r - ?
' - ' llMnUiiliJ 3l(JUi)AUI
More Support From Public
Solicited, by Salvation
Army Workers- "
Tomorrow being, the last day of
the home service campaign of the
Salvation Arn?y in Marion county
and 'the returns not having been
as large as was anticipated it has
been planned to have a .tag day.
There will be girls stationed at
the various' places of business and
railway depots tomorrow and It is
to be hoped that the citizens of
Salem who have not yet. had an
opportunity to respond to this
worthy cause, will respond upon
this occasion for' it' ais a well
known fact that, the Salvation
Army 'can only 'function to the et
tent that it la supported, and it is
not , the desire of the officer in
charge pf-our work. here to cur
tail any of. the work, f .
. As this is 'ithi last day' of the
campaign support Is earnestly re
quested. ,
Occupy New Home
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. J Roberts
have moved Into their new 'home
on Jefferson street between; Cap
itbr and' Summer streets." They
recently purchased . the property
from A. M. -Vassal. ' - ..-.
Extensive r Reductions Effected as tlie Feature of this event
This .. Entire Line Fresh
From a Foremost
Fashion Creator
Dovetyne, Trlco
tine, Potret Twill,
full silk linings
of bright And
subdued' colors.
T.h e garments
deftly trimmed
with braids and '
"silk 4 embroidery.
. T-aj
. 5c
10 c
Lettuce .........
per lb. ... .......
per lb. ........ . . . . . .
Beets and Carrots
per bunch . . . .
Large sweet. Juicy '
oranges', per doz. . , . . .
Apples atr price's that you can
.afford a box. 1
Bananas, only a look
Is required, per lb. . . .
Star Ham
- AmoUr'S '
"Hani What Am"
per pound
28 c
' V
Sixteen-year-old William Starr,; a St, f Paul, schoolboy,. ha been
placed on probation by. the school authorities for hypnotizing htilf the
: pupils in , school. . Things came to, such a pass ;that teachers were
: giving their' lessons to embty desks' while the pupils. were under the
spell of the hypnotist; William: was Lthen notified of his suspension
from school; but was finally reinstated on his promise to practice hii
'art outside of school hours. .' - -
Unusual lucky pur
chase permits this1
sale' of '
l $$m Silk
r .$2.95 f; -
Blouses' of Crepe de Chine, Silk Antyme Crepe.
Georgette and Tricolette, hip length.and long Rus
sian blouse effects. All possessing the low neck
feature. ' . All sizes. , ; . ,
; Ladies' and Girls' Corsets
sz.oo to S3.00 values Included In -this Easter "
selling of well known makes of high grade Corsets
for ladies and girls, y if ; '. ' .
Ladies' Silk Glove .
A stock of very fine grade of ladies' ilk dress
Gloves regularly priced from- $1.50 to $2.00. Near
ly every wanted color in the lot. t .
: $2.95
Another new arrival, priced ' remarkably- InWl
The value is outstanding and priced for Saturday"
only at the above figure. , ; - .... .....
Boys' Tweed' Two Pants 'Suits
All wool two-f rouses suits for ibbygTat this price'
is indeed a value giving achievement, built for
service and stylishly cut.
White Cups and Saucers
Regular 29c values, pretty shaped styles. Cups
and saucers made of the finest grade seml-porce-lain
ware.' - " ' : -
Bots' AU Wool Caps
A splendid selection of tailored styles fully
lined and made with unbreakable visors. All
sizes in the" lot.' -'- . "' ;-
Silk Umbrellas
Fine grade taffeta silk 1 Umbrellasf made with
guaranteed rustless stems, fancy swagger and Imi
tation irory handles, j
Sisnmer Weight
. .Light weight garments of, desirable worth, val
ues from 55c to 75c Be prepared now at a low
er price for. the future underwear needs.
Organdy Dresses
l?8fc And Up
A selection of. very fine modes with large raffles
and bright colors, large collars and other effects
of Stylish character, .. ' "
Bloiists -
Go At