The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 31, 1923, Page 29, Image 29

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V t
'.ttd celery there Is no limit
4sder the shining iiin. ; f -:
The pioneering, has been ' done.
It proofs i are , aC band.' ' V Our
growers eaa . produce celery and
make Ita. profitable crop ; on
vide areas ahdj what; la'- more
Ie; extant, they 'can produce cel
ery of the best quality growa in
the United. States; which .mean
the best in the world J. V
They sent three cars of It to
Califoraia last ' year, and sold It
it dollar a crate above the
price ot Calif ornia'a best. s
They can beat even Kalama
100 on celery. "-
This - Is another case of ' tak
ing "the 'line of least resistance;
ot getting above competition; ot
producing the things we can pro
duce better than any other dis
trict, or at a lower coat, or at a
greater., profit; ot - doing the
things at which we excel. L
A J-
, i One concern Is asking for con
tracts tor .500 or more tons of
spinach to bei anpplied by Salem
district. growers the coming. sea
son - , I V'-i ' - - ..
. This f for i dehydration at the
Salem plant v V :.j ": '., ''
"And the King's Food Products
company managers say they bare
sever had enough spinach;
that It. has been sold out every
year, within 60 ; days after, Ibe
price was announced.
- 7 There 1s nio telling bow - 4ar
this thing may go It may ex
tend to gigantic proportions. And
because better. Quality of . spin
ach ' cin be produced here than
lcewhere, alem is due to be
come the world center of a great
spinach Industry. v
;For the iron In It. and for the
vitamlnes and other requisites in
dietary schemes, spinach la com-
r . V lig into more and .more, general
use not j only In , the hospitals
t bat alio . in ' the homes of ibis
country; of the whole world.' Our
, iplnach has 10 times as much
Iron as carrots.
( There should be no question
' whatever of the supplying here
2 by ' our growers of all the epln
' ach that the manufacturers and
( .Tuckers will take and pay for.
It, la one of our best leropg, tak-.
I lag Into account that It may ae
; followed by. another' profitable
vegetable crop; or eren a third,
on the same land the same year.
: Spinach is nearly as important
la the dietary as milk; and every
tip-to-date man ana woman now
knows that a. virile race cannot
be sustained without milk, nor,
healthy children raised, nor old
people kept in proper condition.
One of the greatest arguments
la favor of spinach growing com
mercially. In the Salem district Is
the fact that the spring crop
tarnishes a cash return early in
' ' - V
Factories: '
Portland, Oregon
Salem, Oregon
'-..I .
the season . when money Is need-
eu xor ima i cultivation of other
crops. And; In the same way. it
adds .materially a to. the net re
turns from any given .number of
acres of land under cultivation.
; Hie Onion Industry .
Salem la the market; and man
ufacturing .center of a great on
ion Industry; tbe world does not
grow better onions. On our
leaver dam land?,' 400 sacks; lUv
pounds to the sack, can be raised.
The market for ten years has
averaged $1.75 a sack.. A net
profit of $100 an acre and up
ward can be made. Dehydration
lends an outlet, for any surplus
crop. So Salem, with her'bea
verdam lands and her great de
hydration plant, will always be
tbe Oregon onion center. -'" -
; Thd Potato Industry r..
The Salem district leads Ore
gon ; in . potato ; growing. Our
growers should pay no atention
to the thousands 'of possible new
varieties. j They should confine
their growing the B urban k. Gold
Coin and Peerless for late, and
Early Rose and " Earliest of All
for early varieties. ',, And they
should attend to seed certlflcat
tlon. Washington, I California,
and ,. 'some other : nearby states
cannot grow their , 1 own seed
stock. Oregon growers can dou
ble their Income by. growing feed
for these states. With good seed,
and proper cultivation, grading
and packing, our - growers " can
compete with any : market in the
United States. In fact, we may
lead the world in the potato in
dustry, f
- Bee Keeping1
Salem is the center of a poten
tially great bee keeping industry.
Average yields or the Willamette
valley will exceed those . of any
known region excepting southern
Oregon.' This can be made a
veritable-bee. paradise; by pro
viding bee pasture .for the late
summer, which can be done; by
raising ' more sweet clover, and
scattering Scotch' broom every,,
where. Every farmer here ought
to have bees;: every orchardist
must have bees, to be . sure ot
proper pollination. And there
will he big! money in, bees. 'for
themselves , alone, when plenty of
late bee pasture is provided. The
early bee pasture la abundant
now; ; bo j better In -the wide
world. .. 'I l
... , : - j Mining
i The great undeveloped Sant
lam mining district la Just at the
back door I of Salem; "the Butte
City of Oregon undeveloped,"
and "one of the best undevelop
ed allverlead , prospects fa this or
L. M. TARR, President W
IL C. FROST, Vice-President
C. D. STARR, Secretary-Treasul r
. (Maraschino Type)"
F rait Prodi ue
Manufacturers of
Packers of i
any other country, say good
mining : engineered. 01 T f : i
Great : developments are on the
tapia in that mlnins: district.
where there are yerilable- moun
tains of rich copper, gold, stiver,
lead and other ores, s.
- Cioata
Our breeders have developed a
higher type of tbe Angora goat
than Asia Minor can produce;
larger, longer fleeced; finer ? ttb
ored mohair. The Angora is the
great standby, in land clearing;
but he Is more than' worth his
board on. any of our lands. Prac
tically v all the ''chaps" of North
America are made from Angora
KOat . skins tanned in Salem, Ore
gon. , And "' then, too, Salem is
loading in mfik goat , breeding,
which Is " an industry that' Is
growing all over the country by
leaps and bounds.
Beans. ; -h
'During the picking ; season,
5000 bushels and more a day of
stringlesa beans come to Salem,
to the canneries and dehydration
plant. Tbe big thing In the Sa-1-m
district in the line of beans
is goisg to be salad beans. : Sa
lem is bound to be tbe green
bean center of Oregon for all
time, and there is and will al
ways be money in growing beans
here;, and some farmers have
made money here in the dry
bean industry.
vy Paved Roads
Oregon is being made, over by
payed roads. Oregon's paved
road building system is the beat
in the world itl rests, upon
money received from license tax
es paid on vehicles using trac
tion other than horse power, and
upon gasoline and distillate tax
es. These taxes will retire all
tbe road bonds and flnally pay
for all of the payed highways
and for extending them : and
keeping them in repair. There
will never be k direct tax. j The
State Highway department' repair
shops are in Salem, and the sur
plus equipment, and will always
be; to say nothing of the admin
istrative, forces of the State High,
way department making a large
and ' increased annua expenditure
of money here from that source.
And Marion county is , building
county market paved roads, with
the county shops here. There
will soon be 150 miles of these
county paved roads here. So
Mrion county is beng made over,
toot with paved highways -getting
out of the mud. 4 .
Broccoli Industry ' :
Western Oregon raises the best
broccoli in the world. There is
an increasing demand for -the
EAST 0194
it aurr
i - . f"
I ' , i .
! Main Offices: f
: Portland, Oregon
produet. which can be supplied
There is a" arood net nrofit In
broccol growing. Broccoli, grow
ing win exiend ue woraing sea
son, which Is an important mat
ter, in keeping ; labor on our
farms and furlt tracts, and. la
having money come In all the
year through.
Silo Center
. Salem Is the silo center of Ore
gon. The Chas. K. ., Spaulding
Logging Co., la manufacturing
here and shipping silos to all the
States of the Paeifc coast.. Every
farm having1 livestock ought, to
have a silo; a pasture under cov
er; an Insurance policy against
loss. The farmer with .live
stock paya.ifor a' alio "'-every year
or two whether he has one or
not. There is a campaign on for
a silo, on every farm, and there
are two or three on some ot our
farina. We. will not have enough
silos as long as there Is a farm
with livestock without one.
' Legume rT.
The legumes do wonderfully
well here, No country can grow
better red or sweet clover, ' better
vetches or field, peas.- Alfalfa
does well on some soils. ; The
orchardist can grow the finest
cover crops In legumes; the
dairyman the best legumes
his uses; the apiarist may raise
sweet clover galore for bee pas
ture in short, the farmer Si
this district now has the know
ledge In his noodle of the great
value of the nodules on the root
lets ot "the legumes and the
more legumea the more life and
love and light. .
e , ( Asparagus
The"-, -best asparagus produced
In the" world has been hud can
be grown In the Salem district.
It can be grown here on almost
any kind of land that Is rich and
well drained. A great - commer
cial Industry can be. and ought to
be built up In asparagus grow
ing, and no 'doubt will be In
time! It is needed in canning
and dehydrating. v White or
green, we can beat the .world.
There is money here in asparagus
growing. We need more aspara
gus; growers, and they can get
started easily on our low priced
lands. ' ' , '- ; V '"
j 'GrapoM.
Salem should become the
Westtield of Oregon, and this
district the Chautauqua grape
belt of the Pacific Coast. The
Salem district is a great grape
country for tlte American, native
varietes ; for the kind needed in
the making of Jellies , and Jams,
and for grape Juice. Our peo
ple should raise more and more
t s
grapes, of the Concord . family.
There is ',: good 1 money in grape
growing here. One of our moat
successful s grape grbwera aya
that if he had ,to glve up all
fruits but one, he would keep bis
. ' Crude Drugs - A 4 t ,; :V
Thls s a big subject.- This dis.
tiict . is the native home: of cas-
cara si grada. The t world must
have it. There is no substitute.
So with the Oregon grape. So
with mint,, treated above 'under
Its own heading. We can pro
duce digitalis to heal the broken
hearts of the world. Prof, A.
Zief le, dean of the School of
Pharmacy of the Oregon Agricul
tural College, says, "drugs can be
grown here at one-tenth the ex
pense and twice the. yield that
they can be in Michigan and Min
nesota. The great drug gardens
of the United States are in those
states. The list of drugs we
may 'grow ' is long; almost all-in
clusive The subject deserves
wlde attention; there's millions
In the industry. Salem has the
greatest crude drug buyer in
Oregon. Dan. J. Fry, the drug
. . Sugar aW Syrup W
The Salem district will grow
good sugar beets, as high, in su
gar content as the best districts
of Germany. Salem ought .to
have a beet sugar rfactory; t will
complement our fruit and? fruit
juice industries. The Utah sugar
people J before the war, planned
a beet sugar factory in Salem.
They had tested the country for
sugar beet growing, and pron
ounced it highly suitable.
Our farmers, with warm, sandy
eoils, can raise good sorghum
here. The "industry ought to fbe
developed, in.-the interest of
making us more nearly self-contained;
and for the money it
will keep at home.
Every city gardener In Salem
knows this is a good cabbage dis
trict; j for he knows that, in t a
small plat; he has raised cab
bage that would go 18 to 25 tons
to an acre. We should Talse
more ; cabbage, and re-establish
tbe auer y krauts industry,' that
was largely, discontinued here on
account oT high wages and high
prices incident to war times.
. ,-v. - ...... .-.'..
- Yf; - 1 -
Poultry " ;- ' -";
;The Salem district Is ideal for
poultry and pet stock, r The , 14
greatest hens In the world are
here, at the farm of the asylum
for the Insane. Many small poul
try breeders are doing well , here,
in-; - . . . -. i
and some large plants. We
should '. have great ' commercial
poultry plants in this district,
like they have In the Puget
Sound country, which' Is -not as
well adapted to poultry raising
as the Salem district. Tbree-st ry
rarming ; , means poultry, bush
Irulta and tree fruits; with bees
for the attic, and that is the
kind ot farming we are coming
to. Salem district, breeders nave
tecently taken several first prizes
In world laying contests.
-Salep Is the manufacturing
and marketing and shipping cen
ter . of' the , richest lands In the
world Her fortunes are tied up
with the land and if: she does
well her part, the city and the
country must grow great and
rich together." M"ore acres" and
more to the acre Is the slogan
for the country; and better ser
vice -for the , men who produce
on the land should be the 'watch
word for the city. This program
wilt make Salem the Fresno land
San Jose and Anaheim ;and Peta
luma and Belfast of Oregon all
rolled into one; with a lot of
others to carry for the range of
basic Industries here is . wider
than that of . any other city In
the country. Our soils and oar
factories and marketing, fatui
ties working together are draw
ing new money every month of
the year tfrom the four corners
of the world, with an ever widen
ing range and: such team work
cannot mean anything ' but a
rlsins and ever rising prosperity.
Ij; is new money all the time, and
in a stream that grows all the
time and will never dry up or
pinch out
Dehydration A
This Is the biggest thing in the
world in .food conservation, a The
subject is covered In an article
In this . ssue. Salem is fortun
ate in being ; the - dehydration
headquarters. It means millions
to this district millions and In
creasing millions annually. -
: Hops ; ' . s
Salem bas been'for a long time
the greatest primary hop market
from first bands in the world; is
yet. Perhaps will always be.
Hops, have "been during many
years a bonanza crop here The
industry will persist as long as
the world has a taste . jor malt
drinks; with, either a "high or
low per cent of alcohol.
Wholesale and Jobbing
Salem has seven or more
wholesaling and jobbing con
cerns.' -There is room for a nnm.
ber ot ' unoccupied lines. Our
paved roads systems are making
An Organization of 2300 growers, owning or
controlling 35,000 acres of fruit dedicated to the
following tasks: " V .
1 Standardizing Oregon Farm Products '
2 Adopting a Planting Program to Meet
' Market Demands l i r ;
3 Secure better arid uniform returns for the
growers through increased consumption of
Oregon grown foods by1 the following sound
merchandising methods: .
(a) Improve Quality i :
(b) Maintain a fair, but staple price
(c) Giving Publicity to Oregon Quality
Fruits ' a-i:
( d ) Increase Marketing Outlets
(c) Establish new and more attractive
methods of package
General, Of fices:, :SaIem, Oregon
VA . " A A A A i A. A,. A A
Salem more and more of a cen
ter for a " very large and very
rich country. The - pioneering
has already been done.
- . Ciu-wnbers
There are a number of success-
ful producers of cucumbers under
glass in the' Salem district. Many
are grown in. the field and ship
ped to" outside pikle factories.
There is money in cucumber
crowing and we should have
pickle, factories In Salem. I
Swine Breeding .','.
..Prices of hogs are higher :Jn
Salem on the average than in
Chicago. We have an up-to-date
Iiacking plant In Salem. Every
farm should have some hogs, and
of course, every dairy; " and that
is the 3ual thing here. There
Is no better bwine country. ' We
have some outstanding breeders
of purebred stock, and wo are get
ling more. Two litters qf pigs a
year are . practical bere. The Up-
to-date swine breeder will find
the Salem district, the best place
n the world for n:tn righ. uow.
Salem Beautiful -
This is a big , subject, There
are fifty to 100 solid blocks of
rose hedges In Salem, and miles
and miles more on the way. Glad
lolu? is the official flpwer. -The
iris, the poor man's orchid, does
wonderfully well in Salem. - The
list might be extended, pages long.
The creeks running through the
city are worth milions, helping to
make Salem .Le most beautiful
city Iri the world, which it will be.
We have the 'largest bulb farm
on the coast. vThe subject is too
big for a paragraph. Read other
articles in this issue and come
and - see. ,The subject is too big
for words, 1 or even pictures."";
Elocutional f
Read the educational article.
There Is m.uch more to tell, but
space. Ij limited. - . ..
..: ' hecp ' " j . -.. '
This Is a great sheep district:
medium wooled sheep are perhaps
best for us. But all sheep do well.
.Every farm In the Salem district
ought to have some sheep.
' '- 4
- :i'"
National Advertising -
National advertising thas done
and is doing much for Salem. We
have three national advertisers
The PheV Co., loganberry juice
and jams and jellies; King's Food
Products Co.; dehydrated vegeta
bles and fruits; Oregon Growers'
Cooperative association, M4stland
prunes ' and other products. Oth
ers are coming. The Salem Iron
Works makes a drag saw that is
nationally advertised and soldJ
' -; r
AA A A .A a aaa.a a A A aaaa
National advertising is a great
stabilizer. It buiUs up d'itant
markets, and bring money frou
far places to be expended tere.
. . Seed Groiring
We produce the best clover seed
In the world. Ours la the only
district that can grow vetches
seed. 'This Is the best place in
the world to grow cabbage and
cauliflower seed;' in fact, ' thU
atanda for all Pf the brasslca fam
IJy. : In nearly all the known gar
den and flower seeds." this section
excels. There should be organi
sation and. co-operation here' in
this lino It can be made to bring
millions to the Salem district. It
brings large sums now. The Hub
bard district produces 1,000.000
pounds of onion sets a year This
district is raising poppy seel for
the general market. . .
Y . Livetock ''..'.'.:'
. The Salem district should' grow
more horses and cattle and hoij j
and sheep and goata and poultry.
Weahould raise "baby" beef. Tt
Valley Packing Co. has one of tt
most complete' and up-to-date
meat handling plants In the en
tire country; located at the north
ern edge ot Salem: employs about
50 men and women. Stabilises
our markets and Insures high
prices for live stock.
Amtomotive Jndnstry
There are nearly 10 concerns
engaged jn some form of ,the au
tomotlye industry in Salem- ex
clusive .of .he four big ' gasoline
and oil companies, represented
here. ' There are nearly C00 peo
ple . employed In the industry;'
wages and profits upwards cf
12000 a day, approaching a mil
lion dollars a year; not inclndii:.?
the county and. state paved road
plants. The automotive-industry
is decidedly on the up grade here,
and it will move faster 'with the
completion of the state and' county
paved roads programs.
' "' Grain Industry
V Carloads "of . Wlllametta valley
oats are constantly going .to the
eastern, breakfast food factories,
wboBe managers, have found out
the great superiority, of -the pro
ject in this section lor ttir purposes.--'
Better methods of ttU
tlon and cultivation, andcgradit
and organization of the growe: i.
Would get atlll higher pricci. T a
Willamette valley oats run hlgt r
in weight than any other; This fa
also a good wheat and barley a I
vye country. 'Better than 1C-)
bushels of oats to the acre 1. -t
been raised in the Salem distric t,
and the yields of all other grat is
fContlnued on page )
- Aaa.'a - -