MONMOUTH SEAT OF STATE NORMAL SCI-ICC7., Also Center of Rich Agricultural Community Where Farm injj Frail Culture, Purebred Cattle and Poultry Farifting Thrive ETducational Institution Makes' It a CUui To?, a of Qean, Healthful Influences Great Building Improvement of Past Year Adds to Appearance New Business Homes Are Noteworthy Has Number of Important Industrie i 1 Anything in the - j drug Line PERKINS PHARMACY. : . - j. ' , ' - MONMOUTH, OREGON If we haven't got it, we'll get it MONMOUTH HARDWARE CO: . Hardware Furniture :. Plumbing mr?-::i.y::r -r t , j Joftn Deere Farm Implements 1 E. WINEGAR, Prop. CENTRAL CLAY PRODUCTS CO. Manufacturers of DRAIN TILE BRICK ; BUILDING TILE Plants at Monmouth,; McMinnville, Monroe Home Office: Monmouth, Oregon T. J. WE D E KI N D -10 and 15 Cent Store Also Tailoring, Cleaning, Pressing ':- '" ( n V MONMOUTH OREGON Tires . r-fe'-AV; :,!;; - j ; Tube . '. STAR CARS Samson Products j 'T Accessori c s S e r v i c e Gas and Oil s "GRAHAM & SON GARAGE Phone 2003 IRA YtlLLJAMS t' General Ulacksmithlng and Horseshoeing V! Manufacturer ot the ' YiIKanis Scissors Tractor Hitch Ask for Demonstration ' rIoninciitIi Ore 7 Coffin & Egletton Transfer, Trucks and j Teams ; licm g Distance Hauling Headquarters at GRAHAM & SONS iGarage Monmouth : : Oregon MOIttJOUTH HOTEL Excellent Dining Room s Service and Well . - . . Furnished Rooms Normal Bookstore Headquarters for Normal School Studenta' Text Books, 8tationerY Hchool Supiaies, , Coufec-tioiM-ry, Fountain j Drinks P. H. Johnson, 1 Prop. RICHARD B. SWENSON Editor Monmouth Herald Monmouth. located 14 miles southwest of Salem and two miles west of the Willamette river, la a city with a past and a future, both of which are more or less closely linked together. It was a memo ry of its past with the record of sacrifice by, pioneers to establish and preserve education in Oregou that was largely instrumental in giving Monmouth the preference as the site of Oregon's only nor mal school in the popular election of ItfoYember, 1910. That elec tion demonstrated the hold which Monmouth's claims have with the voters of the state and stands-as a guarantee of its permanence in the future. , In the course of litigation over local affairs in 1918. Attorney Os car Hayter dug up the fact that Monmouth was platted and the documents recorded before the main traveled roads of the county were established and that the early roads passing through Monmouth were described as occupying spe cific streets. Early Settlers from Illinois The story is told that in the early fifties' a group of men as sembled in Monmouth. Warren county, Illinois, and planned a jonrney to Oregon for the purpose of establishing a town and a Christian college. They were a portion of a company who arrived in Oregon in August, 1852, and Bpent the first winter at Bethel; near McCoy. The next year they moved to the site of Monmouth, and in 1854 founded the town. Rev. John E. Murphy. Elijah B- Davidson, J. B. Smith, Thomas H. Lucas and Squire S. Whitman do nated 640 acres of land for the purpose. The square mile was subdivided, lots sold and the pro ceeds used to build a church 'and college. School and town grew by slow degrees. The school was known as Monmouth University up to 1S71 when it was called Christian College. In 18S2 the state legis lature ..accepted the gift of build ings and site and the school be came the Oregon Normal school. A long line of distinguished men and' women have graduated from this school under its different names. P. L.; Campbell, the pres ent head of the University of Ore gon, was president of the normal from 1890 to 1902, and his father. T. F. Campbell, was one of the beacon lights of Christian Col lege. ' ' . 1 Permanent Site of Oregon Normal Since established permanently by the initiative vote of 1910 the Normal school i has prospered steadily. For ten years the school was directed by the late President J. H. Ackennan and his organ iz- iag power ana wiae acquaintance In the state gained it positive rec ognition. ; ' J. S. Landers, who has been president of the Normal Bince Sep tember,, 1921, has proved himself a fitting successor to Mr. Acker man. His talents as an educator and his ability as an administrator are making sure preparations for the work Oregon is demanding of its Normal school. Mr. Landers is popular with .students and the public and has the confidence and good will of the faculty. The school now has 500 stu dents. Not all of these are in school at one time. . Constantly there are some students in the ru ral centers doing practice teaching work. The centers are located at Kola, Oak Point, Mountain View, Elklna and Rickreall. About 50 students daily ret their nractlce teaching in Independence, and the remainder in the Monmouth training school. ' The varieties of training thus afforded are of high value, as the student is enabled to practice under all sorts of condi tions with the eye of the experi enced critic upon their work. Since the Normal fits teachers especially for rural work its loca tion is especially valuable. With few distractions the student is able to concentrate all her energies on her work. . 1 ; :' ': Town nnd Gown Fraternize Townspeople share with the stu- Hanta in fhalp fflvArslnna Thft nnK. lie' Is welcome to the different, platform attractions which come to the school and at the weekly moving picture night the public attends also. All of the better attractions are shown here about as goon as in any of the cities of the state. At the dancing parties and social affairs of the student body, eligible people of the vicini ty are welcome. The two literary societies of the student body, the Vespertines and the Delphian, give programs in die chapel alternately every sec ond Friday evening to which the public Is welcome. : By Invitation distinguished cit izens of Oregon or visitors to the state appear before the student body at its assembly period. The enlarged dormitory pro vides room for 155 girls, 26 are fruit culture. Monmouth Or chards, owned by a stock com pany and located six miles to the southwest of Monmouth, ia one of the best orchards in the state. The soil of these hills is deep and productive. They have in them the possibilities of large wealth for thi3 section. Blooded Stock liaised Successfully Stock growing and the breeding of purebred cattle is a noteworthy feature ot agricultural life in this vicinity. Some years ago John B. Stump astonished the natives by sending to the Island ot Jersey for a carload of the cattle which have been famed for their dairy quali ties for centuries. Such. men as Frank Loughary and O. G. Hewitt are acknowledged as leaders among Jersey breeders of Oregon. Every little while some new rec ord Is taken in Jerseydom and held in . Polk county. Lad's Iota, owned by Sam McKee, holds the world's record for Jersey butter production. , The world also was startled last year when a goat was sold for 11750 at a fair in Texas. It was not sold for its gland3 either. The goat which brought this record price was owned by Wm. Riddell &Sons of Monmouth and was an Angora". The Riddells are famed for their goats and "sheep and 'it .A k Group of Buildings of Oregon State Normal School at Monmouth Where Oregon Teachers Receive Their Training v taken care of Id, the Senior cot tage and 18 in the Junior cottage. The remainder of the students are residents of the city or live near t hand, driving in daily, or are In the various boarding houses of the city. : - possess medals and premium rib bons by the bushel. Wm. Riddell Jr., is specializing in Lincoln Sheep with notable suc cess." x- i Poultry Farming Thrives Chickens also engage Jocal at- houWToVVhe ;c.dta is the" kind tenti0n nd ere are a number In which the student is provided with light, heat and a small cook stove at which she prepares her own meals. These are known as "honsekeepln g'rooms" and through them board is very eco nomically obtained. v . " . Many families move - to Mon mouth during the course of the school year and rent small fur nished houses as long as . the school lasts. There is always a demand for these houses. Monmouth a Modern City The population of Monmouth, exclusive of students, is estimated at 800. Electric light and power are furnished by the Mountain States Power company. City wa ter is municipally owned and comes in a six-inch pipe line from Teal creek. 11 miles to the west. The quality of the . water is uni versally cdmmended. As an aux iliary we have a deep well, and a power pump' with capacity of 60 gallons per minute. The city is exceptionally well lo cated as regards natural attrac tions. To the southwest is the Luckiamute valley, said to be the best and- most fertile soil in the state, its only rival being the fiver bottoms to the south of Independ ence. To the west of us, is a range of hills which have proved them selves unusually well "adapted to of fanciers whose reputations have gone abroad. The Normal City 'poultry yards and hatchery hatched fifty thousand chicks last year and will do better this year. Two men are kept constantly at work attending1 to the Incubation; welcoming the young strangers, packing them for their travels to new homes and making ready for future hatches. J. M. McCaleh is the proprietor of this flourishing business. ' i , During the war the Monmouth warehouse had to enlarge its ca pacity tox accommodate the in creased harvest of wheat, oats and barley. It has a capacity of 100, 000 bushels. A great deal of wheat is still raised in this sec tion, although dairying Is . en croaching upon the wheat land. Red clover does well here and with seed and forage as by-crops is highly esteemed. Walnuts orchards in, the vicini ty of Monmouth are now coming into bearing. Last year was TT prosperous year for the nut men. A great deal of the local crop of prunes is dried in the Alsip dryer in Monmouth which handled over ten thousand bushels of prunes last fall. . Creamery Big Asset The Monmouth Co-operative creamery cares for the product of a circle of dairies reaching over Polk and Lincoln counties. This creamery which has been In busi ness for the past 15 years was taken over seven years ago by the farmers. F. E. Murdock is the present manager. The creamery has grown from small beginnings until last year it churned nearly five hundred thousand pounds of butter. Gradually it is ' working into all sorts Of co-operative work among its patrons, selling them feed and dairy supplies and tak ing in and disposing of their eggs. The creamery has two trucks, one for the delivery of goods and the other , for the gathering of cream from patrons. ( Tile Plant Important Industry The Central Tile plant Is one of the flourishing institutions of Monmouth, and it has climbed up fast in the scale of importance since G. H. Partridge became con nected with it five years ago. Pre viously they had been hauling clay from a distant deposit to make tile, but Mr. Partridge discovered the clay on which the plant was located made a superior product. The tile and brick produced are hard, have a smooth, lustrous fin ish and the building; tile, being hard and tough, rank. among the best. With R. U. Steelquist at the business end and Mr. Partridge as manager, the concern is incorpor ated as the Central Clay Products company and is growing each year. They have acquired brick plants at McMinnville and Monroe. Lo cally they have bought several acres of clay yielding soil and have material for many years of business."- x ' Building Record Notable Last 'year , over a mile of con crete sidewalks were built in Mon mouth. . Several fine residences were ' built during the - year, : but the most notable' addition to build ings of the city was on Main street, the new bank ' building - and Odd FellowsXhall. both of which were finished during the late summer. Each building cost over $20,000. The bank is a model for rural bus iness, and as a special feature had a community room where small public meetings may' be; held. Its ceilings are high, its floors of ter razzo, its furnishings of Columbia marble. Its vault Is made of 18 inches of concrete and iron and the whole is protected by an up to date burglar alarm. President Ira C. Powell of the bank has been with it since he was a young man, starting in as clerk when an im portant part, of his duties was sweeping the floors and bunding tires. J. R. V. Butler, vice presi dent of the Normal and son of the original pioneer merchant of Monmouth, is chairman of the board -of, directors. i. The Odd Fellows building occu pies a ground apace of 80x150 feet. The upper floor is occupied by Normal lodge No. 204 and oth er organizations. They have a large lodge room and a large din ing room with suitable anerooms and rest rooms. The lower floor has two tenants, one-third being occupied by Bowersox pharmacy end the remainder by Pember Snell, general merchandise. Nor mal lodge has 140 members and with its auxiliary lodge of Rebek &hs is a power in the social life of the city. City Meets Religious Needs of - People There are five religious socie ties in the city, first being the Christian church, founded by the first inhabitants and which has been the leading church ever since. The Nazarenes are newly estab lished; the Christian Science holds regular services in Odd Fellows hall and is in a flourishing condi tion. The Evangelical congrega tion recently moved its church building to Monmouth avenue, put a basement under it and enlarged the structure at an expense of SIG N OF THE ROSE BAKERY AND LUNCH HOME-MADE C ANDY BUTTER-KIST POPCORN E. B. ARNOLD Proprietor . . - i Main - Street r MONMOUTH, OREGON WEBBER'S GARAGE Union Gasoline and Oils Repairing a : Specialty All ' Work Guaranteed JOHN X. WEBBER C. C. Mulkey & Son Groceries and Provisions MORLAN &SON School Books, Stationery, Confectionery, Cigars ; Tobacco, etc. v KODAK FINISHING : In at 6 p. m. today out at . 8 a. m. tomorrow . - , 1 - ' i M0NM0UTH,0REG0N G. T. BOOTH BY REAL ESTATE Specialty of Farm Land ami City Property Garage Building . . -X $5,000. It Is an Important factor in the 1 religious life of the com munity. The local Baptist church in keeping with up to date ideas of service has mado its church , the chapel o' a community house. This building known as "The house by the side of the road," stands at the corner of Main street and Mon mouth avenue. The pastor. Rev. E. B. Pace, who conceived the Idea for the building, with Mrs. Pace occupies the house and looks after callers. The house is open at all hours of the day and evening. It has. a reading room and social room used by visitors and in the basement below is a play room for the younger folks and a kitchen in which the Normal girls entertain small parties of friends- and is nsed by the activities! ot the church when they take this form. Living Conditions Ideal It appears now as If the long controversy over the west -side highway is finished. This . thor oughfare has already given to Monmouth a paved road south from Rickreall and east t6 In dependence. The contract 1 been let for the paving with c crete of the road south tr; MomoUth to connect ' with tl road to Corvallis a few c; south of. the Lucklamute. Ci : ing:for most of this lnir:-,. ment -waa done two year aS0 Monmouth has long been a c' that attracted -people seeklsj t Place to retire from actlvt v The first, city charter forta2d t -loons and gambling houses t none such has ever existed t It has seemed an attractive tc to many "fine people and 'its c zenship Is of the best. Its c':L have always liad confidence la i. future and never more so fhaa this year 1923. : For the person who desires a home where , the higher things c! life are possible of attainment t. no sacrifice of opportunity f . . financial achievement, Monnc: , provides an Ideal home. To y persons, and to all newcomers, : r citizens extend a hearty and t. . dial welcome. .t - , IRA C. POWELL, President F. E. CHAMBERS. Cashier J. B. V. BUTLER. CLARES C. POWELL. Vice President Asst. Cashier Surplus and ; nndivided profits $22,000.00 Capital Stock ..,.$30,000.00 f.ior,r,:ouTH, onEGon Established 1889 V 1 Dxrectcrs: J. B. V. Butler, Chairman I. M. Simpson Wm. Riddell George A. i Conn David R. Riddell Ira C. Powell Savings deposit Safety deposit boxes for rent. THE NEW BIG PEIV1BER & SW ELL D EP ARTMEN T STOR E Complete Lines of Groceries ' T Fruits . -.r ' :. ' Dry Goods r' Shoes - -fv-' - Men's Clothing Supplies Qadity-ervice-jCotartesy i n 1 1 1 m 1 1 i n i in mini MONMOUTH, OREGON l, r i In the Best Section of the Willamette y Valley Famed for its. Fruit, Grain and Purebred Stock With Climatic Conditions fllnsurpassed and an Enterprising,- Progressive .. People - THE MONMOUTI-; HERALD Richard B. Swenson, Editor and Publisher B - JOB PRINTING 1 Meals at Regular Hours E.J.SIVIAR r.Icrncutlr : Ore. Monmouth Ore. Monmouth MONMOUTH : : : : : OREGOI Monmouth Ore, Oregon MONMOUTH, OREGON