STARR Cannery Proves in First Year in Salem That It Is Con trolled by Real Business Experts Made Building Record ,:; No more remarkable - construc tion t record Is reported from any manufactory in the Willamette -valley than that of the Starr Fruit -Products cannery In I Salem. - After it was decided that the company should build in Salem last spring the r company agents got' busy and picked out a site, and engaged contractors to -start to - building - almost before the plDs were complete. It was only ; 3 5 days from the time the ' first' , Bpadefut otdirt,. was dug4 oathe faetory, site "'until the cannery was running full blas on . canning gooseberries, the first fruit of the season.. ! The building - itself was. built, , the. ' machinery assembled, and set up, tested and sret to work within.. five weeks, ; x ' , People used to stand around and sty, ..If Well, ti now, - wonder what they're goln' to can this" year, .so late a a, they are gettin' started? Cain't get done in time for THIS year's, crops!" But they did get through for everything, including gooseberries. v . : ' . They, figured that they, ought to put up nearly 90,000 cases of fruit for the .whole season, running up almost .into the winter. " .They didn't v quite make this record, though they ,did put "out 80,000 cases ot,'alJ kinds. There is left ia the warehouse today only about 6 0 cases of this total , pack,i less tianf one-tenth ot onei per . cent; the rest 19 marketed all over, the ,WOrld. iC'l t It-;:";,, i The company employed "up to 175 people at a time, in the height of the strawberry season; which requires more hand eabor than any other, fruit except - pears.- ;- fo r ?ars were, canned in the Salem riant; all the pears that the com pany bought to fill out its line of fruits' and to keep its canneries busy were handled in the Portland plant. - They put- up In -the Salem riant all fruits grown in Cegjjn, except, pears and raspberries'. ' I The factory, thenewest, Jn Sa lem is especially well ventilated and lighted, and has. been, a vsry daslrahle. place to, work. - The fac- jI 'OUS JERSEYS HERE Meadow Tiew Farm Boasts Hcst of. Purebred Animals ' tieadow Yicw-Jer&ey Farny si Turner. Mfion (cpuntr, ls , the tome of the famous Tiddledy-' wl&k's Noble family. Like other tudssts Qf gfneologyIt Is proud cr its "family trM. Tiddledy vr Ink's Noble's sire was the illus trious Nob Id of Oaklands, whose tons and daughters are writing present day Vhlstory; ii tHe Jersey world. Very, J Tery' few 6t his daughters aver- "had e chance," t :caBS8.thjc. owjiers were not sm t itious for register of - merit- reo crds. jaot because they .could .not have QTialitled,-it thy liad been r j-i on xesc . uajU,fon yoiaen I'ern's Noble, is a recent gold me ds.1 sire. so. no w.TQbla ot Oaklands toaats of being the only Imported Jers ey sire wltl wo cold. . me.da) t;-s, -' " " , . J : ' - - One of ridledywink's r ; at Meadow TUdledywlnk's Noble's dam4 Is V 3 greatest daughter ot Gamboge X isM, who, T. S. Cooper, says, 1. one of the best sirea ever im X .rtad. One of . his sons is the C eat Oxford YouUl Do, -a gold j i sire, r Knight had a very ; e art .career at' White Horse ! - r -ms, PaolL'.Pa., hot the dauglt t ri he left were of excellent Jer r 7 type and rich testers. The I iy .l is. there was little testing t at White Horse Farm, This t sat .eow was grand hampioa at t 3 national dairy show in 1912 c : i made a register of merit test c ! S5 popnds of " butterf at - al t: oush she spent twoT months on i t: a show .circuit. - She Is still t 7 1 I: t r t I t 8edlnr at . the ripe.ige. of ll ars. She has the disUnctlon of !ag the only Jmported cow hav S tro allTer. aee.aoaa,'I w .Tiddledywiak'a Coble's daugh rm .have been .champions on both -tsts and. as a dairy herd (fire sshters) haye, nerer been de ated la the show ring.'. Besides ay are able to. qualify tor gold i silver medals. These medal t c' r i ' la ugnters cave had a unique ca- r having been born and raised the beauUIl.Ccanectlqutt RIt valley In Connecticutt and later ; ; ii to the "Willamette -valley Oregon. These cows were all iTy ia calf when shipped but. THE OREGON STATESMAN," SALEitf, OREGON ACTIVE l -- -.- - . -": j tory equipment jwas laid out to save time and labor, and the labor cost is unusually low t because of the labor-saving machine arrange ments. :: f : y i One of the specialties was the preparation of cherries, for, maras chino use. About 70D?rreU f this fruit we're put up In Salem, in the - acid -'preservative, to v be finished at4 the jStarr factory in Portland, There is S. great, deal of hand work in' the final prepar ation of maraschino cherries, and the finishing means a payroll all the winter long. Up to the. pres ent, there .has been no one to es tablish the -maraschino finishing work: In Salem J There will, be. some Improve ments and extensions in the plant this" year; but the greatest gain will be the tact that the machines have beep tested, ; some - at 'least of the help is experienced in hand ling the work, and ' the channels tor constant delivery, are already opened wideC- It should be easier to make the full rated capacity of the factory, this ' year, than .to come within- 10,000 cases of it last year. ' ' i - - Louis M. Starr is president and H.; C. Frost -general manager of the company. ; D. i C. Roberts' is the local manager, and. P.. C Pat rick the field man for the hand ling of the outside business. The company bag put out an attrac tive line of goods, well labeled and canned) in the very latest, most:1 approved methods for- the safe preservation ' of its fruits. Some Plant, improvements are to be made, this year, and with the present promise of a bumper fruit crop the factory is erpected to run to' its full capacity. ' It ought to put out close to 100,000 cases of canned goods during the season. No vegetables are - handled, as : is done in some- of the other Salem factories; they touch only fruits. In connection "with 1 the Portland cannery.the , company has a com plete line of all tye fruits of , Ore gon, so that it' can fill every de mand. . . ; . . x.',: in spite of their journey, suffered no. ill effects but commenced, on arrival at Meadow View Farm, a year's test which ended in mak ing their sire a silver medal ani mal. : Last year', three of them made gold medals. . giving their sire the additional distinction of being both a silver and ,a gold medal sire. - r . vAlI these1 daughters are young aid. will probably increase their records as time goes on. liEWJERSEYiBREEDERS Parker Brosi, i Monmouth, Are Determined to Win Three, years ago next fall, two brothers,,-H, and. S. 3. Parker, started- breeding, pure-bred, Jersey cattle at Monmouth. They had recently emerged from the ship yards ; at Portland, where they. had been helping the . government turn out ships during the war. Noble's Fine Daughters View Farm and resumed farming, near Falls City, when they caught the pros pect ' ot the tremendous. .possibili ties in raising, purebred -cattle, in this part of Oregon. . Accqrdingly they disposed of; their holdings. moved to Monmouth, where they bought, a - farm on. the outskirts of the city and where, they nave been since the fan of 19?0. L..t-. , 1 The brothers if ere not new to the farming game, although, they had helped, build ships during the war. They knew.the. lnss and. outs of farming from long experience They appreciated the Importance of obtaining. as a requisite - for success in breeding, popular and proven .blood lines. .Deciding; . on the Jersey breeds they chose for one of their dams a worthy dau ghter of the SL Mawes strain and for their herd sire a descendant ot the famous Hood ' River , line. Starting with a comparatively few head, and, studying:, air sides of their business carefully, they have been meeting with wonder ful success and have had the sat isfaction of producing some : ex traordinary young animals. .Both men are thoroughly in iove w.itn.their .work and are. giv ing ineir cattle devoted atten tion.;. They, are la. the. game f to make a big success of it and they are coins to - achieve their am- bition. - Already they have severi al animals, to pell, .among their offerings being three young bulls, which will make 1 their buyers irofeworthy sires. One of these Is out of; St. Mawes Majesty : Hess and .Is sired ; by Sophie's Oregon Tormentor. ' A , ' " ' i i i ' ) - " 1 HENS. RETURN . ; LARGE PROFIT i (Continued from page 1) ten years on an original invest men t, 'of $1000. ( Russell 4 E.; But ler, a Portland policeman, " with only $100 available .secured a cheap 5-acre IoggeLoft tract I of land at Jennings Lodge, near Portland, about ittve years ago. " -'-- w V- . " 1'?- ir i A ! - ! ... JS - nit-,.- f i i , . . ... f . . V . - A Small Combiiiel Oien Trdnt lirooder and -ISiying House. A Cur tain, Is I)roppl Over; Open ' Iront on Cool Days. " and today, has Increased This ac reage ,.to. eighty .acres, and has thereon- a ; nlant Valued v at ' $2 5, 000 and, together' with his leased S2nd street .plant near Lents, .en joys a large annual income.' We might 'go on at. length, and. . relate a similar ' story regarding , the' success of "vire &. Sonj .Newberjg; C.v E. - Armstrong i Corvaiiis; Hand. &t Son, Cpttage , Grove, Grlbble'a- Poultry Farm, Canby,. and ; scores of . others, , but space. will not permit. ,; . 7: s f Profit Per Hen : :'ir- -'.-if ." - - i It is not.'common for poultry- men to. secure a net income of $3 to $4 per ben when dealing -with f 00- hens, and upwardSf With smalls flocKs,. where i. meat . and bone feeds can be secured from waste materials a-snch as - table scraps, or -wjhere : a wide , range ; is available durihg the , summer months, a larger income per. bird may be obtained.. A .flock ot i.,000 hens .will easily bring a net annual income,, after ; paying for feed, :- care and housing, of t nnrt in :A Ann Tn tart Tt know of a number 'f -poultrymen who have, netted the, larger figure after paying., for .all labor in ad dition to the other expenses men- A Cheap and Practical Poultry tioned This1 looks : Inviting to many, considering the relatively small Investment required for a business otf that size. : - Advantages Over East Last summer, during' the tour of the west by wa r company of prominent r eastern : 'poultrymen, theyadmiUed thafthe eastern and middle western r poultrymen would 'never be able to produce as heavy laying strains, of 'poul try,, nor could they compete with us In production owing to the ex treme, .weather, conditions, of, that section , of the United States, and more even climatic conditions of the Pacific Northwest, Cheaper housing and- an abundance, lot green - feed, the year,, round L. In Oregon and. . Washington, were also .two big i factors tin ' .'favor, of t ne nortnwest .. poultry . prqaucers. Our, e wn Marion . coiitjty with only a' beginning in the poultry business has already demonstrat ed that the conditions here are ideal, and that' no Investment of fers quicker, and surer reto" to the industrious ' rain or, wom an, and, of, limited jmeans.l than the .poultry' industry' and 1 there Is room for many large, profitable poultry .plants to be established and: maintained . In this favored eection ot the Willamette val ley.' ' :; ; v.;.: . - --- v . The total Value of poultry and eggs in the United States in 1920 was $959,53,900. Thus, the an nual Income from poultry, ? and their .prodpetSi is - greater than that! from the - entire crops of wheat . and , tobacco and : nearly equal to. the annual Income from beet cattle. There's . always . a market for dairy products1. This Is particular ly, true of the Salem country. Sa lem's consumption of milk and butter is growing day by day; the big , city of .-Portland is only 50 miles distant; and if there be need of farther extension of markets, there's Seattle and Tacoma to the north. ,- MARION COUNTY . i ROADS LEAD n w-. n -i -;,.v-rv:ir -i i tCnntinned, from page 1 ) ter for himself, than for a foreign l.r IlantA I'wmI. . The county has about $75,000 invested In its four paving plants, about $100,000 . in trucks" and fully $75,000 In other road ma chinerytwo huge "caterpillars" and" giant pcraders and levels and other road machinery. All tn mafktrf'roaa,s are built directly by the county, from county funds. nd hs machinery is used wlii no charge. But thefe--are . many of -the districts and Incorporated cities hnd towns that haveihlr t" . own 'special road . taxes and road quilding programs. ' The county leases its outfits to these for a fair, rental, so that' a. proper bal lance is maintained on the county funds.. The county operated, on a rental basis of, 1 5 cents a square yard for the paving laid, some oi its; ' paving , plants, for stfch special rdad construction, such as. the paying here in Salem,' and the strip on the Pacific 'highway Just north of Salem. This rental fund amounts to several thousand dol lars a year, paid by the local dis tricts that' vse the county outfits for local needs, v ' Special Taxes Voted. Last year ; special 'taxes were voted In individual : road districts amounting to. about $75 000. These .taxes are submitted . to , the electors for vote at special elec tions the falL If they 1 an- tYi a a1 Anil rtn vnDiilf ' fa Aaw titled to the county clerk, who adds the special., tax assessment pro rata to all the property iu -.he district", and this goes to the s sessor and tax collector for set tlement. This fall only $43,671 was voted in special taxes. Thepr will "not build as much commun ity road mileage, next year as they did this.; ; - : House for City liOt or Small Farm. The cost of grading and drain ing Marion county roads has run to about-$5,000. a mile. Some have costi less; some , have, .cost a great deal more. Good drain age , has , been, one of .the. pojnts that Roaflmaster, Culver , and the county court have insisted, uppn They want .foundations under the roads" "that win last r unde the heaviest traffic in the wettest weather. They have succeeded admirably,' in their gefferal plan, and the roads have stood the gaff at all times. Record, of Year Shown. During the. past year the. fol lowing market roads have . beea served for a new mileage of 9.30 miles, from the Salem plan t : The road to the feeble minded insti tute, the Hall's Perry road, the Rosedale. road Macleay-road, the Geer road, the Pratum road, the Wheatland road and the .Turner road The Salem - plant is man aged from the court house off ice with Hedda Swart as deputy road-master.- .' " r .".;..-! The ML Aiigel plant laid 5.85 miles ,of paving onthe roads to Woodburn, to Scotts Mills, to Marquamfc to 'Wiljard, . afci be tween Salem an,d Sllyerton. The plant' Is not as large as the one in Salem, . p. A. Johnson, deputy roadmaster, is in charge ot this plant. ; , : . i " From the Seollard plant, which is fn charge s L. . A. . Van Cleave, deputy road ma tor, 5.20 miles of paying was laidr4ur!ng l9i22, qp the. roads to ...St. Paul, to Mt. An gel, between Hubbard and Needy, between Aurora and Donald, and at Gervals, to connect with the Pacific highway. : - . The St ay ton plant ts un der the command ot L. S. Lam bert, county .roadmaster. It laid 3.7 miles ot road between Aums ville and Sublimity, between Anmsville and Stayton, on ,the Mehama-Stayton . road, and at West Stayton: . .,, r : 1 Bond are Matched. -! In paying for these roads the bond Issue of $350,000 was to be matched -by an equal sum : to be raised- by direct taxation. . The two raarket' roads are so spread ut .over the "county .that tevery community gets some direct, dally good from the, system. I, There has been' nothing' but 'approval of -the plan since it has been put into op eration. . ' V . , : ' . There are many localities that want more paved roads. - With more than 1200. miles of roads In the county iand f only 64 miles p?ved ; besides the Pacific - high way, they -wpnld be Inhuman if they, didn't want, more mlle-a-nain-ute ; thoroughfares 1 pas: . their doors. ,: ' But , to get , tbe mileage N above that authorized by the) original bond issue, the county, will have t vote more bonds orHhe local districts will have , to Vote their ewn special taxes to cover ,- the cost, or they will have to wait un til the rest of the scheduled bond ro.a . plan ' Is completJ with the end . of the '' f i ve-yvar , program. - Marlon Has ll-OTCt. . Roads cost nioney-r lots of money. Marion county has" made its read , nlor.f-y ro "further than an;' other county lit iht veat, but there's" an awful ttistdiiris yet to pave out of. that ; 1S00 miles -f reads in the county. ht.H- an aver age, cost of $1'.000 . a lnile.; f-r grading, drainage, and paving, that would make a total cost of $tS,000.000 if it were all paved." Jimmy Culver nnd Jtidsje Ensht-y and ' Chairman Hunt and Commis sioner Smith would doubtless un dertake to do . it, if tha pcojile wanted it, at the same in,' rate; but .sM. it's a big job and figures are figures, AUTO PARK POPULAR Hosts of Tourists Enjoy Sa lem's' Beauties DuringYear More than - 2960 .cars with an average : of. five ; persons . In each car visited the Salem auto park during :the season of 1922, ac ccrding to figures kept by the superintendent of ithe. park. ; t The tourists -. represented more than 40. states and remained from one night to two weeks at the camp. Shower baths i with. hot and coldwaterlaundry ,fa-J eiuties, sneet iron : camp stoves, plenty ot dry firewood1, . police protection, and lighted grounds are among the attractive features of the Salem park, -which brought many - tourists back to Salem again and again during the season.- - . '- , .1 . ""- -. '""-'. Those stopping at the park, for only, a - few . b,ours are guests ot the par k. and, po charge is made. Staying over bight are charged os' ma I i II! OUR SPECIAL Hollywood White Leghorns from 282 to AlSO ' . , Tancred Strain White Leghorns, 200 to Our General Flocks are White O. A. C. i el.- a. c;. xsarrea kocks. . ;i v i . . 5s i ii . " S GREATER SALEAt DISTRICT NUMBER, MARCH 1923 CO cents for tho first night and 25 -cents Vor eai:h : night thereaf ter. ; The s small ; charge with, the unusually good camp facilities, af fcrded, J keeps out, the undesira ble -classes and makes everything more pleasant - for travelers who desire to journey through the beautiful ; Willamette, valley 1n the" spring and summer. The park is open - from April 1 until November 1 - and all . f aeilitlea are provided. Beforehand after these dates many camp within the park but no conveniences are provided. V ' , V: A "free phone in the superin tendent's office is another of the. features provided by. the vcity ,for tourists. , With this , many are able to locate, work in the berry fields, or other places' where, ex tra , help is., taken . 'on;,'. at. rush times during the fruit season. A small stream,: flows through the grounds and the distance to the main part of town is only a few blocks ' while a small ,' store near the grounds is more easily accessable. , ' ' The grounds are kept up by the city -of Salem and the direct supervision 1 of the park is under John J.' Roberts member, of the park board and T. O. Albert has been for many years" superinten dent, of the park. '" . The Salem Cherrlan' band plays twice a - week - in Willson park which adjoins the state house . grounds. Notices of : the concerts are posted each time at the auto camp grounds and many times, during the laa season, tourists came back, on regular band concert . nights that they might hear the band and see : the . Leather , i - -"" " -" : "' '- ' - -; t Goods Of Quality . .... ..... , t . .. . . 26; Years In the Leather Business : Harness HorjiQ Blankets Auto .Itobes Gloves Puttees of Genuine Leather t 7LS. Commercial St. and. HatcEiery BABY a. a. eleVsVeBisVsVtk, A- HATCHING 18,374 VI "' ' T . ': - r Baby chicks for delivery, ;-v iVi on mouth , O regoiri water, play in the great? fountain In the park.' . ' The Greater Salem District abounds with cultural- Influences, and Salem Is ,the center, ORCHARD -FARM Breeders of St. Manes-Rosalre Olga Lad Bloodlines Herd headed by w. Gfrndota's Poppy's St'. Mawes, sired by .Gertie's Poppy's St. Mawes and "out of Gwendola Rosairie, Sl&'poundi of butterfat, i. the highest record, daughter of R09aIre Olga Lad uoia meaai cow, roppy s uiga, s pounus uuuei auu uiun high record cows . V : - - X - - - - -". -.- ' :.-'-"'' : ; - :" ; '- '." : V " ' ' '" .. ' Every cow in herd In a Register of Merit cow or is on test. Breeding Stock from these, bloodlines tor sale, P. O. POWELL & SON F.E.SHAFER 4-n T" ALE AAA , : ; 309 egg females mated with male of 307 egg strain. , r?t V 250 egg females, mated with male of 304 egg strain. mated with Hollywood or Tancred cockerels. Also - CAPACITY EGGS- - V y every week during season w- ... 4? dfryour. capital is' small and'yoi wlsh.ta get 'into a real enjoyable, healthful money-making businei??, then enter the poultry-breedin game, in ? the. Greater Salem - Pis- trlct.' '.' ". , . BRjED JERSEY CATTLE v. Hand Bags s Suit Cases '"; -I' .' Brief Cqscs Trunks salem, Oregon n I I i , 1 i A . - f