The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 31, 1923, Page 19, Image 19

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I' J A'
Madsen Brothers, 17 and 15 Years Old -and Sons of Dixie Bread Baker, Enter Pure
Bred. Holstein , Field Buy. Top-notch Individuals- as Foundationr. for Future ; Herd
"iA Madsen Brothers, Breeders of
Purebred I Holstein Cattle, is a
new business sign bearing the Sa
lem' date' line, that stands for as
fine an industrial story as any in
the- whole valley. f ; 1
t The Madsen brothers. Theodore,
aged 17, and Clyde, aged 15, are
the sons of- M. T. Madsen of the
Salem Baking - company. They
live out on the Wallace road, on
the old Pate Stcfner fai'm, where
looked , to' them , like the way. to
Just what they wanted to do.
With their father's help they
have added more to : their herd ;
they now i have six cows and six
calves; quite a fine' Btart for a
herd. They do all the work, feed
ing, milking, 'caring for the ani
majs, along with their work in the
Salem schools; one boy is In the
high school, the other still in the
Junior high. They supply all the
milk fend f cream for the Salem
r t
t"V ' va a
' i V
' " . i i i
r-4 . .'
I A 1 -JS
a- -- .. . V-'
Collrgo Belle Mercedes, la Which Madsen Bros, have half Interest
they have 2 0 acres, of ancL , The
boys wanted something Interesting
and worth while to do; they 'de
cided that if dad would help
they'd take up cattle. . , t v
t)ad dM help, to the extent' of
financing the first deal. They
started with . two little calves;
with one of these they got a third
place In the open calf class at the
state fair, against a strong field
of : professionally, bred 'animals.
They brought the two little calves
over from Tillamook in the, back
of a Ford cart they had fed them
v,np until they had one Important
prize and the cattle business
G e n e r a 1 - Repairing
Tractor Ycrk a Special-tyf-Gai
Oili, Tirei. "
Robertson &
i " - , ' ' '
4 . Propnetcrs
bakery; genuine purebred milk,
from' gilt-edged cows that bid 'fair
to; themselves win championships
as; have their ancestors. The home
farm is growing too small for their
rapidly increasing herd; they plan
to rent some pasture out on the
Labish bottoms, for the calves and
dry stock, so that the home, farm
will not be overrun beyond its
best pasture capacity.
The boys plan to take up work
at - O. A. d. as soon as they are
through with the local high school
and go deeply into the science of
breeding -stock; It look's like a
'; ! 'Store .".
Groceries and General
t . ; 1 ,.
Gasoline, OAs, Tires,
Auto ; Supplies, ; Boots,
- i ' " . ,
Shoes, f Shelf flardware,
. Dishes, etc.
Riokreall, Oregon
good business, a profitable and a
helpful community business, and
they are making. 'their start early.
They now keep up their own herd
books, which are as well prepared
as anybody's records, j This, of
course, is merely clerical; what
they want to learn is the science
of heredity as it shows in the
breeding of better stock for spe
cific purposes. This they expect to
master. - 1 : . . ; , ;
Recently they bought a one-half
interest in a famous herd bull
from Walla Walla; O. H. Peterson,
living north of Salem, is the other
part owner. Walla Walla Col
lege, f the Seventh!-Day Adventlst
college at Walla Walla, bousht
this animal as a calf back In Wis
consin, paying $2500 for the
spindling little creature almost
before he was sure he knew how
to walk. The breeding of this ani
mal Is of, the most aristocratic: he
would be a treasure in any herd.
They bought him from the college
and will use him with their herd.
They brought two ccWs over "from
Walla Walla recently to Increase
their herd and give them enough
cows to maintain a working dairy
at once. : : ' '
. All their stock is Insured; they
are learning that "it is only the
big, rich, dilettant breeder who
can affordlto carry his own insur
ance on valuable stock;
The boys are starting In with
the belief that what done
with the Jerseys .in Oregon can
likewise be done with the. ;Hol
stelns. The state has practically
every Jersey top record ' worth
mentioning; but not yet any of
the world's records for the Hol
stelns. It is an interesting fact
most of these Jersey records come
from separateV Jersey . families,
some of which .had been in, the
state for many years; they are be
ing developed independently of
each other, .but all are surpassing
the best from all the rest of the
world. Since it does not seem to
be in the actual family breeding,
it must be in the care and the
feed and the climate. All of these
the Holstein breeders can get as
well as the Jersey men ; the Mad
sen brothers believe that to their
herd may one day cornel champi
onship honors, if they will but pay
the price of close attention to de
tail and stick to their Job. .1
covers much of the central Wil
lamette valley; . some jof the pa
trons are served by the Buttercup
trucks, as4 far off as 30 miles. The
company maintais , four trucks
and ears to carel fayr its fast grow-'
ing service. , A . ". v: ' :.
Ice cream as supplied by : the
Buttercup company is coming to
be more and more an all-year dish.
Especially is the three-flavor brick
cream service popular, even In
winter. It serves up as daintily
as wafers or bonbons; It Is-distinctive,
and appetizing, and it
meets the most exactlg taste. Sum
mer is of course the real ice-cream
season; but the business Is grow
ing steadily for the whole year,
and there is enough to keep the
factory always busy to at least a
gooA, healthy Industry.-
Maintains Fertility of Soil
and Provides Steady Income
... . i i t i .
Dr' nTJ-x 11
f X '
A ) u- J ': ' '
! A 1 1
f-;.-.:.Si'.,.r: .i.s-.i- - .
One of the Holsteins pin Madsen Bros. Farm
Doesn't Boast City Aspira
tions : But Proud of Fields
Rickreall is a thriving agricul
tural community, about nine miles
west of Salem, at. the crossing of
the Salem-Dallas and the proposed
west-side: Pacific highways. It
makes . no pretensions of being, a
town, .but it is the center of a
thickly settled, prosperous farming
region. . Dairying, fruitv culture
and general farming constitute the
main industries cf the community.
Rickreall Is the home , 'of .the
celebrated McArthur & I Stauff
purebred Jersey farm. ,C. N. Mc
Arthur, senior member of ' the
firm. Is former Oregon congress
man, having represented the Third
district" for a number, "of terms.
He is an enthusiastic farmer as
well as statesman. Mr. Stauff,
his partner, is an experienced
breeder, being a graduate of : the
OAC, where he specialized In the
livestock branches. He is regard
ed as an authority on all matters
pertaining to the industry.
Two general- stores, one of them
the Peter Cook " store, serve the
J . I :
" ..... . ....... ... . v ..... 4.. . ..fe . i -.. ..- ......... --. - ? , ' . ! ). I '. V
Whenyou buy your next bull, get him from
the herd that is making Jersey History.
. Our herd of 18 cows have Register of Merit
records averaging 658 pounds of butterfat at an
average age of 3 years, 8 months. i
- . . ; f - . ' j
you start a herd,, get a bull from this
proven line. i
j .. . - ! . - '.i. -. 5 ,
Rickreall, Oregon
4 .V.:v
temporal needs of the community.1
There, is . also the ' Robertson &
Kerr garage, which enjoys a good
business because of its location
at the intersection of two heavily
traveled . thoroughfares, 'i -:y
Rickreall people will tell you
that they never expect a big in
dustrial - development they have
no aspirations along this line. But
they do say that their community,
has the best farm land that lies
outdoors and are willing to match
it against any other section. They
will gladly leave the factories and
payrolls to others, contenting
themselves with the tilling of their
fertile fields and with watching
the rest of the world go by in its
mad career, as they gaze up and
down the highways after an honest
day'sg work.
r ;? ' .
Buttercup Firm Produces
Delicious Frozen Dainties
Reams of songs have been writ
ten on the buttercups of early
spring; buttercups out in-the mud
dy meadow, with the mosquitoes
lying in wait and the little green
snakes' 'n everything to . take all
the joy out of the dear little flow
ers. . - ' ,
But Buttercup In Salem means
just .the nicest ice cream and sher
bet and frozen dainties ever sold.
It means cleanliness and quality
and delivery and taste and color
and all the kinds of good that
can go into this hot-weather life
saver. It means home-made per
fection that fairly melts in' the
mouth, and- that puts a smile oh
the face and fat on the ribs and
satisfaction and., soft words into
the disposition. - ,
The Buttercup Ice cream fac
tory : is a true- specialist in the
making of ices; it does nothing
else,' but it ,does this one ; thing
exceedingly welU The factory has
two -50-allon freezers, where .the
cream is brought from the pre
cooling' tanks and is frozen down
to syrupy consistency; on being
draw from the freezers, it goes to
the ice room, ad there "sets'? into
the semi-solid form of commerce.
Some of this cream is put into the
larger containers, one, two, three,
five gallons; some goes Into the
quart brick moulds; and some is
given the ext,ra treatment to trans
form the plain cream base to . the
various colors and flavors for the
variegated bricks. The contain
ers and the bricks are "all held in
the ice room, which is cold enough
for them to set firmly, but not to
be frozen to a flinty consistency.
Mr. P. M. Gregory, proprietor
of the Buttercup . factory, has de
voted his "whole "business life to
this business. He. has built "the
present factory from, the smallest
beginning, up to a - pretentious
business. There is a fineVneWlce
and' refrigeration machine; the
factory used to buy its ice and' re
frigeration from the Phea com
pany, but found that it needed
more Bervlce, and so the hew 'In
dividual plant wag installed. ' f
- The Buttercup delivery service
The - breeding of dairy; cattle
leads from the standpoint of im
portance in the Salem district.
Here and there are a number of
most excellent herds of beef cat
tle, butt the dairy Interests are
much more in evidence. There is
a market, for Immense quantities
of milk at retail in Sajem and oth
er cities in this district. A number-
of dairymen living near the
cities or -having special advantage
In the way of transportation mar
ket whole milk or sweet cream di
rect to the city. Perhaps the moat
popular way of ' marketing from
the ordinary farm dairy is by hav
ing a farm separator either hand
or power, separating the milk at
home, feeding the skimmed milk
to the pigs, calves and chickens
and then sending the cream to one
of the numerous creameries to be
made into butter. . This plan has
the advantage of leaving practic
ally all of the fertility at home on
the farm and brings in a steady
monthly income. This is one of
the most dependable forms of in
come that the farmer has as there
is less fluctuation . in price and
yield than with any other product.
Again it has the advantage of be-
Ing-. uniform through the year, fur
nishing constant employment. j
,Many of those who are growing
fruit are finding It desirable to
keep a small dairy herd in connec
tion. As a side line to dairying, a
Yew hogs and chickens are; most
desirable. . They help' utilize the
by-products from the dairy and
convert it into-a product that has
a 'ready cash market. .
Salem has two up to date cream
eries that spend many thousands
of, dollars each month for dairy
products . and there are other
creameries in. the -various towns
throughout this district. K
While -dairying may not be the
largest industry in this section
from the standpoint of Income, yet
it is of great importance.
Portland It. L. & P. Co.
Installs Emergency Plant
Power troubles of Salem's : in
dustrial concerns have ; been re
duced to xero by the completion
by the Portland Railway Light
Power company of a steam driven
auxiliary plant at Salem, for use
during emergencies. " '
Up to about 15 years ago the
only source of electric power sup
ply for Salem was from the local
steam electric plant of 800 K. W.
capacity and a small 250 K. W.
hydro-electric plant at' Silverton
which could not be operated four
months out of the year due to
lack of water.
In 1907 a high-voltage trans
mission line was built from the
Portland Railway Light & Power
company's .hydro-electric plant
Oregon City to Salem, with a ca
pacity of 1500 K. W. In 1917.
due to the growth of the city and
an increasing number of Indus
tries requiring greater reliability
of service, a second 60.000 volt
transmission line was built into
Salem by the company from its
Estacada hydro-electric1 power
plant on the Clackamas river.
V; However, as transmission lines
are subject to shut downs due to
D. D. Socolofsky
Have a large list of grain,
stock, dairy, poultry and. fruit
ranches In the garden-spot) of
the world.
U- . : . : ' .:- ". :- A'-
The Willamette Valley, Kalcm,
A- Marion County, Oregon, ;
v ;' A . -A - A A
with its mild climate; no severe
winters, no cyclones, no hot
winds, no electrical storms; the"
land of Mlowers and. opportuni
ties; the home of the loganber
ry, prunes,-' walnuts, filberts'
andTj the finest cherries on
ear t hi particulars on inquiry.
ail Stale Street, Salem, Oregon
storms, farmers . blasting stumps
through the line, falling trees or
limbs,, etc. officers of the com
pany realized about ' f our years
ago the desirability of a steam
driven electric plant at Salem that
could be brought into service
when one 'or both of the above
mentioned -transmission lines
might possibly, be out .of commis
sion. : - - A ;"-: A- A - ' v.
However, as such a' plant would
be in the nature of a refinement,
and as the company needed all
its available funds tor absolutely
necessary additions and improve
ments to its system in various
places. It could not afford to build
the plant at that time. The com
pany's officers have been hoping
each year since then to be able
to install the plant, and finally
found the company, able to do so
last year and have practically
completed the installation of a
1175,000 plant having a capacity
of 8,000 K. W. - This plant will
be operated only as a relay plant
In case of failure of ' the 1 trans
mission lines, or to help boost the
voltage during the hours of the
day when the load is the heaviest:
; This plant has, therefore, been
put in solely for the purpose of
giving more reliable and , better
service, for the benefit of the citi-
sens and Industries of Salemi
This has"not been done as any
charitable act, but because It Is
in line with the policy of the com
pany to furnish the best service
possible within the limits of its
ability, for the reason that it con
siders it good business policy , to
do so.- -
In addition to1 putting in this
$175,000 'plant, the operating ex
penses per day. to' run the plant
as at present- from 4 o'clock in
the afternoon to 9:30 in the, even
ing to boost the voltage are 143
per day for labor and $66 per. day
for fuel, or a total of $109 per
day. '
The value of the old plant
which was torn down and junked
to make room for the new equip
ment and buildings was $62,500.
Although the value of the new
plant is less than three times the
value of the old one. Its generat
ing capacity Js nearly four times
as much. . A " ' ""
r V
on Our
' Six Leadinar Varieties ; l-
Postal Secures Free Catalojr
C. N.Needham,
Salem, Ore.
Former 'Assessor -of Marlon
Large Farms and Small Acreage
-A'-'A"- '.V"
I make appraisements for out
side inquirers and investors.
Boom S, 370 i State StreeT ,
The Home and Market for All
Kinds of Fruit
Gold and Silver Medal Sire; Only
eight tested daughters I i'
Tiddledy wink's Noble's Pride 742.94 lbs. fat
- ' . (senior 4-year-old) A ' - ii
Allena's Noble Lassie.!:...::....-.:...:.......1...717.66 lbs. fat
Lady Tiddledywink....- ........ ...
Tiddledywlnk Golden Fern.......l-..
-;:.-: - (2-year-old)
Fontaine's Tiddledywink ..... 1..
A (2-year-old)
Allena's Noble Lass......;......:-..
Tiddledywinks Noble MoIly.-..-..v
Ianthe's Noble Lady. ...
- . - (2-year-old) . ' . , r
All 2-j'ear records made on twice-a-day milking except
Golden Fern. We extend to all a cordial invitation t(?
visit our Jerseys Stock for Sale.
Meadow View Jersey term
Breeders of
-Herd Sire: . . . ' ; . '
Ashwood -and sired by Pogls 99th of Hood. Farm 99th,
One of our herd dams: ST. MAWESMXJESTY. BESS." Reg
ister of Merit Cow, T35'pounds of fat in 305 day test at 4 years
of age, 517 pounds when 2 years and 6 months, .
, We have three quality young purebred bulls forsale.1
Home of World's Record Jercey
Our herd has produced many show winners and
World's Record Producers
Our most recent achievement Is breedingand developing DARLING S JOLLY Ao
SIE. 11419 lbs. fat, the world's highest Jersey producer (living or dead), bhe
is. also of desirable conformation and would command attention in any show-nnsr.
We 1 also- bred nd developed her dam and
gave her a record 'of, 9S3 lbs. fat which was the
world's record for junior 4-year-olds intn it was ;
defeated by her daughter Lassie. She has won
many honors in the show ring including grand i
champion at the Oregon State Fair. We also
bred and developed Lassie's, granddam and gave
her. a . creditable record . and bred her great"
granddam. Many other examples could be given
to prove the value of our Jerseys and the euc
cess of our breeding program.
-Vw wn4 Golden Orow's Cliif t yMia.P?lt to
ImU. HU font kiskaat dsnfbtrt t iP hlsher -m.
font atfthon dngBMM of ny othot ivnmf lr aj4
tr brd all of tfeMB. FIto Ootdon Glow eow Trg 1.060
Ibo. ft... Ttiero ax aon cowa In tha Joraor m
taava kv producer 1.000 Ibaj Ut or ,ou ?
thM ar Oolden Olowa. Ia Oregon thero ara four eowa
thlrHaT. produced tm 1.000
en Olowa. I A Ooldea Glow la Ua flrn 3?nf ew to f
over Tl00 lb. la any claia. D.rltof'. J0U7
world'a chwnpion over .H 1.11 tit. ia
ddaugkur of -Ooldea Glow'. Chief, out of a 75 per cent
iZw. -.&' Iota,1.048 Iba. fat U a Krat tand
daulhter of Golda Glow'a Chief; Vive Traaee
trtgwt5i 1.039.2S Iba. fat and 'ia a -"Sj"' J0?.
Glow'a Chief; Idy'a SUkea Glow atanda 4th with 1.03S
Iba. fat and ia a. grawldaughur of Golden Glow' a Chief,
out of a 75, per cent daughter. The senior 4-rear-old U
Vive I Trance, with 1,031 Iba. fat; Junior 4-year-old .
Darllnfa Jolly Xii with 1.11. 2 9 hi. fti,01
DacUng 2d atanda .second vim " "- -" -
per cent daughter of Golden Glow 'a Chtefr aealev Sya
old. ia Lady' a Silken Glow atandlns 6th with 882.58 Iba.
fat: lunior S-year-old, Vive L Jrance atanda in 2nd pi"
wlh S92 Ul fat; aior yoartin. llu. alpha, of A'kburj
atanda 2nd with 800 Iba. Cat; ah out of a line-bre t
Golden Glow cow. '
, Wo have bred 20 cowa that average 690 Iba. fat. f
of thesa are 2-yar-old; 4. S-year-olda; 4, 4-year-olda. aad
4 Sr olda Our herd iverago la 866 Iba. fat Includi
iVeWthing thit ia old enough to have ftnlahed a Uat. , V f
I" V bred "cowa that have boca grand ehamplone at the
lilW rtoi. to the wJU they were officially oeored r
Harry Jenklna and their average aeore wea 7V: their
Sw production i 913 Iba. fU Wo hare olwaya held
our oyn ia the ahow rins. , - ,
Wo Bred Such cows aa:
Darling's JoUy taaaio.-. : -Hii
Old M&n'a Darling 2nd
Old Man' a Darling,
Sunlight 'a Glow.:..... i-
Chief Engine- a v
Stamp' a Golden Glow ... .
Vive La France zna.
riiriin, na-m JoieT'l I.Mi VlOlet.-.
Birdie 1 rrance La
Laay Olnw FiggU... :
Oregon Tomientor Olow...
Darllng'a Jolly Girl -C
Darling Glow Blondy .
Lady Glow Tiggia 2nd.
Darting Glow Bom . -
8mt Heart's Glow
Oregon Sweet Glow..
Chief a . Evening GloW. . -
60 i
" a
. s
3 .
Do you. wknt foundation stock that wiirraisc Pn?
ui ,Qf finPTTnnt so flesired? A bull from this larm win
- uo-you-wani iuuHu-u v . . A ,inl from this farm will Cj
ine same vniic-.Kc J"" . . V
it. Visitors always welcome at the farm, near Manoi
PICKARD BROS., Marion, Qreson