The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 31, 1923, Page 18, Image 18

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    1 -
Salem Country Produces Purebred Cattle of All Diary Types That Win Honors at Home and Abroad Jersey Breeders
Make Marvelous Showing Here, Community Holding Six out of Eight World Records Skill and Nature Co-operate
Situated in Midst of Region Famous for Rich Soil on Bank of Santiam RiverA Community of Prosperous Homes,
and Contented People, Where to Live is to Be Happy On Pacific Highway and Main Line of Southern Pacific R. R.
, ,.l I Ii., s i . . , . ........
The history ' of purebred stock
I breeding In ahe greater Salem dia-
r- Arid has to do with a development
'"' 'that has come about in the past
j ( 20 years. The movement tor high
, i ly improved types and partlcular
; ly,Jor purebred livestock, started
i slowly i a tew pioneers saw the
' vision and gave it - birth. Then
. ' followed a tew years of "experi
!"" meats, then news of successes and
:.then more persons, attracted by
proven accomplishments, followed
in their stens. During; the oast
"j,: jjectde,' however,; the development
I i lask teeif rapid and sure. Tree
' niendous successes have .been
" - scored, more, and more novitiates
" . Have taken up the work, until,, at
the present time, the. Greater Sa
j lem District has achieved a world
; . i'- jrlde reputation as the home of
' purebred cattle, sheep and hogs.
Hi ' 1 Breeders here have shattered old
, records, both . of production and
j,i ; typf, with such uniformity that
(,f their competitors in the older ea
j.i , iablished sections ' have come to
... regard this section either, as the
home of men of superior breeding
Nature's Masterpiece '
' rVi'-When Nature undertakes anything, she does' it well.
. .In producing milk, Nature gave to mankind a mas
terpiece unmatched. ' v ' - h "Ax
Concealed in its snowy whiteness is; found the very,
essence of life, health, and beauty; i
. v The curves and dimples of laughing babyhood ;
7" The plumprosy cheeks and rounded 'limbs of happy
'childhood; ' f
' ; -i
. The strength?-virility and alert mentality of vigorous
manhood; . .- 4 . !
The clear eyes, velvety skin and incomparable beauty
of fair women. - , ' r
As a nation we owe it to ourselves to increase our
consumption of this Miracle Food. ; t
, y As distributors' of the highest quality pasteurized'
milk we have assumed the responsibility of guarantee
ing to our customers at all times; a milk that is safe,
-rich, clean and sweet. . i
'Pasteurization.-. -
v Protects
. ' - ; ' ' .
Pistearlzedt milk is -the only milk that can be produced in
large quantities that Is absolutely safe, because pasteurisation
excludes the element of chance.
How much Is your baby's health worth to you? Is It .worth a
little ear in selecting the proper milk? The highest authori
ties everywhere recommend' pasteurized milk. ! Our milk is the '
product of the best farms, protected by. the most up-to-date
equipment and methods possible. , If you are not using our
'pasteurized milk you may not know how good milk really is
, r;.: ,,v-.. . -Phone 725. . '
Bottled Th
"Tht Tt Tat Ttm"
Two Deliveries Daily
A ' .
A Hen-Prof it Organization Controlled Entirely by the Dairymen f
V :t . -
We pay highest
137 S. Ccz-:ercial SL
talent or as a place peculiarly fit
ted to the Industry.
" As 'a matter of fact, the, reason
why breeders here are achieving
such records is partly Tdntrto both
tuese factors, i They are not men
who are engaged la the 'Industry
for the purpose of pursuing an avo
cation or of gratifying a whim, lh
the discharge of which others rely
upon the wisdom of employes for
the scientific side of the game,
limiting their participation to the
provision of the necessary capital.
They are men who are engaged in
the practical business ofj making
their farming- pay -them dividends,
and. they are intensely interested
in producing :a ; type pt cow which
will be a more efficient milk and
butterfat macbine than her prede
cessor. , They are in the gime ror
trie money there Is and they
know that the b.gger percentage of
fat a given animal produces, the
more profitable she, is to the own
er" To this end', they devote In
tense study; they do much, iu fart
most of their own .work. Thsy
learn by actual experience the sci
ence' of crossing bloodlines. And
i :
Snltrr Wr i
"Tot Toof Familr's Sk'
Wholesale Retail,
prices for butterfat and a
j ...V -.
Manufacturer of
, and , - ..v
: :F;0:u;r: c'
brands of butter.
they are Wterested first In divi
dends, second in s h o w-r I n g
achievements . - although they do
not lightly esteem the latter. ).
So much for the personal ele
ment.1 The 1 rest Is a matter of
ideal climatic conditions. For a
country to .be suited to the best
needs of the purebred stock breed
er should be one that Induces full
development of the individual and
at, the same time does not retard
the growth. Here the balmy cli
mate, with its moist, usually non
freezing winters, makes a wealth
of pasturage and feed the year
around all of it easily and
cheaply produced; cattle feed In
the pasture all winter. Thus there
is none ot the pinching cold that
cuts down production In frigid
climes, where v milch cows , must
i either feel . the Icy chill of the
north wind or must remain inside,
limited in their exercise. Nor is
there the waste in feed materials
in this milder country, that there
Is in those colder sections, where
food- must be . given to furnish
warmth -to the body besides pro
viding milk production.
Neither are the Greater .Salem
District breeders, as a rule, en
gaged In the business on as largo
a scale as are the breeders of oth
er sections. There are no large
breeding farms , but the purebred
flocks and herds are comparative
ly small. And yet these, small
herds have produced many record
breaking animals, particularly the
Jersey breed of cattle, which has
scored for this district a large
share of the world honors.!
Ail of the leading breeds of
dairy cattle' are well represented
here. Ayrshlres, Guernseys, Hol
Bteins and Jerseys predominate.
And while all of the breeds have
made wonderful records-, the Jer
seys, particularly,' partly because
ot the predominance ot the breed
and ' partly because this climate
seems to be peculiarly, adapted to
them, have come Into more world
wide prominence. -
Among; the pioneer breeders of
Jersey cattle are Pickard Bros, of
Marion, and , F,. ' S. Loughary &
Son ot "Monmouth. : ; The former
firni owns . the i greatest world's
record Jersey of an ages, living or
dead. Darling's Jolly Lassie, with
a record of 1141.28 pounds ot but
terfat In one year. , She defeated
the former world's record" cow,
Lad's Iota, owned by S. J. Mckee
ot Independence, also of the Great
er . Salem District. St. Mawes"
Lad's Lady, owned by Harry D.
Illff, Independence, holds the
world's record "(828 pounds ) for
senior yearlings. Poppy' Dorothy,
owned , by, F E. Lynn, Perrydale.
holds the world's record:. (994
pounds) for seaior three-year-olds
and Vive La France, ; formerly
owned by Pickard Bros., has been
world's record cow of all ages and
still' holds the world's ; record
(1031 -f pounds) for the senior
four-year old class. There are
many other records of note by
Jerseys;. for instance, McArthur &
Stauff- ot RIckreall have a herd of
18 cows which average 658 pounds
of butterfat at an average age ot
three years and eight months. A
new strain of Jersey blood," Gam
boge's Noble, has come to this
district from Connecticut, the
property of Meadow View Jersey
farm at. Turner. .
Russell Catlin of Salem has : a
fine herd of Ayrshire cattle, many
animals of which have won fame
at state fa!r and. International
stock shows. David Looney ot
Jefferson and C. T. Gilbert & Sons
of Shaw are highly successful
Guernsey breeders, while Frank
Durbin of Salem has an excellent
hetd of Holsteins. P. O. Powell
& Son, Monmouth; Parker Bros.,
Monmouth; Warren Gray, Jeffer
son ; i Stanley Richey of Turner,
and Brewer & Gentry of Aumsville
are other well-known - Jersey
breeders.' - ' . ,
It would require more space
Dividend Besides j
Salem, Oregon
than is practicable to enumerate
all the purebred hog and, sheep
breeders. There Is no community
that does not have a number of
farmers thus engaged. But there
Is not a county fair or a state fair
that does not 'find (.hem competing
with ' exhibits In large numbers.
. ; ; ' " , ,
Healthful, Oean Food Ne
cessity sold by , Fairmount
Many of the J old-time' vlslta
tions of Providence" that fattened
the cemeteries and ruined ' the
homes were nothing more or less
than uncleanliness in the " cow
barn and the' dairy. Milk foods
are the most healthful ot all-foods
if taken aright; they may become
as deadly as dynamite though in
a ," different way if they are
abused, To violate ".the natural
laws ot health In the, keeping and
use ot these precious foods is to
invite, to insure, disaster. Mil
lions, if not actual billions, of
people since the race began, have
gone as foolish sacrifices to the
god of ignorance of how t to keep
and use milk foods. . ' -( .'
There are no- good old days In
the milk business; there is nc) day,
even, five years ago, half as good
as the present. A reallyx modern
dairy has none of the tuberculosis
cows that used to be in every
herd, but were not even known as
a menace until only a few years
ago. It 4ias none of the uncleanly
stables, none of the odors' that
fresh milk absorbs so greedily;
the self-heat that curdles within a
minute, or at the most a very few
minutes after the milk is drawn,
the modern dairy gets rid of the
the self-heat that instantly starts
to set up fermentation and change
in the nvilk. The modern dairy
delivers Its product in - sanitary
bottles, impervious to heat,' dust,
any kind of outside intrusion. The
milk lasts two.' three, , four times
as long without souring as it used
to do; because premature souring
Is the mark of infection, or lack of
proper care, and the new, sanitary
bottled milk is free from all, these
objections. ', . ' .
The ; Fairmount Dairy, located
on South Commercial street, is one
of the . really progressive dairy es
tablishments of the northwest. The
company does not,, owaillai.pwn
cows; it buys its milk from ap
proved and constantly inspected
and tested dairy farmsnear Sa
lem, the company concerning It
self, only with the collection, -and
careful distribution of the milk
product. - ' . i i
It might surprise the house
keeper, or the ex-farm boy who
came from the farm, many years
ago under the" dairy- conditions
that then prevailed tb know that
the Fairmount company as an' In
vestment ot 130,000 for the physi
cal handling of Its milk business.
The bid days ot a - 10-cent milk
crock in the pantry, and ' saucer
to skim It, and a tin pail fo carry
the milk over to the neighbor
and sell it for five cents, a quart,
are gone foreVer.. in their place
have come the steam can-washer,
the steam bottle-washer, ) the' ice
machine to cool the milk atonce
on its delivery to the station, the
automatic bottlers, the fly-and-dust-proof
factory building where
all the work is done. ,
Maybe 'the housekeeper or: the
merchant hasn't quite realized
why all this is done. But the
mortality reports of even the
America that has held itself an
"enlightened" nation for a cen
tury and a half, show that there
is today less than one-half the in
fant mortality that there was only
a few years ago. Good milk means
Infinitely more to the babe than
to the adult; for it is the whole
food for the little child, and only
an incidental food for the adult.
The substitution of really sanitary
milk' for go large a proportion of
the children , of America, has
brought a decrease" in mortality
that the doctors of 50 year's ago
would have held Impossible. Other
things enter Into the mortuary
tables, of course, but -there Is no
other half dozen facts as impor
tant as the modern handling of
milk so that it shall not be tainted
and harmful. , j
At the Fairmount dairy the
milk Is carried from the cooler,
the pasteurizer and on to -the bot
tler in silver-plated pipes; silver' is
impervious to the milk acids and
is the ideal piping. The pipe line
Is made with slip Joints, so that It
can be dismounted In a few sec
onds and thoroughly swabbed and
scalded after each use, so as to
keepv it perfectly sanitary. It Is
bottled by machine, and the paper
.caps seal It against all Intrusion.
It goes from the bottler to the
storage' room. to cool until it Is
needed for the wagon delivery..
The Fairmount dairy is recog
nized as one of the moht complete
and modern milk distributors in
the state. A little more than a
year ago. the present company was
formed to' take over this distribu
tion system, divorcing it if rom the
production except for Its, close su
pervision of quality and sanitary
conditions on the dairy. Xajms. The
Jefferson is back on the world
map as "the place where they
have fixed the roads."
This winter, the last inch of
Pacifc highway was completed
through the town of Jefferson;
and what used to be a matter
for grievous complaint, is , ' now
supreme congratulation. It is
one ot the finest little stretches
of road in the whole Pacific
highway system; when the town
got down on the Job. it made It
the best road anywhere.
. The town of Jefferson suc
ceeded the old Santiam City, that
was washed away in the flood
of 1861. The new Jefferson
was located on higher ground,
flood proof, and is as del'ghtful
a section 'of" the "Willamette val
ley as there is from Portland to
the Slsklyous. : It is 'a constant
marvel to students, just where
all that soil fertility came from;
the soil is literally golden In its
productivity. Certainly there
ought to be a city surrounding
such a fine body of land though
it seems a waste of providence
Member Interstate Realty Association
Member Marion County Realtors' Association
S. R.
Farms and Dairy Ranches a Specialty
Oiregoini State
Your Business Solicited, Appreciated and
Interest Paid on Time and Saving Deposits
plan has worked out ideally. The
service has been undeniably bet
ter, the milk Is sweeter and keeps
longer, and there Is a quality in
spection that did not . prevail un
der the older plan. The company
Insists on ; a butter-fat standard
that must be maintained, or the
milk delivery contracts are can
celled. It might be hard to con
demn !one's own farm produce; on
a competitive basis, only the good
dairies can sell to the Fairmount
people, and their, trade gets . every
advantage ofthe higher standard
of butter value.
Capital City Creamery, Co
operative Plant, Big Succesa
For seven years the Capital
City Cooperative - Creamery has
been serving the dairymen ot
the Salem" district. The con
cern Is purely a; cooperative one,
whose mission it is to pay to Us
patrons . the highest prices ' for
butterfat and at the same time
return to the. producers a . divi
dend at the close of each year's
activity. Last year the associa
tion paid out In dividends to its
members $1300. in addition to
most favorable prices for butter,
IThe Bssociatlon gives all cred
it for its success to Its large
number of loyal stockholders,
who have , stood . by it through
thick and thin and to the Salem
merchants - who have cooperated
with it in "creating a demand for
its : products. ' The creamery
puts out two excellent brands ot
butter. Buttercup and. Four C.
which have found ready favor
with the buying public. 4
, Prospects tor a most success tui
to spend such good soil building
Jefferson has a good water
works system; just 1 now, about
two miles of new main and later
al pipe is being laid, partly Into
new territory, partly as replace
ment for older lines. The South,
era Pacific main line passes
through the town, giving the best
possible railroad service. The
Pacific highway gives Instant
and perfect auto communication
north and south, and a good
ccuntry road service gives com
munication with all the contigu
ous trading territory.
Land prices around Jefferson
are 1 still low enough to tempt
the real "dirt farmer" to Invest
in farms as a money-making pro
position, outside of their values
as homes. Prices have not gone
up quite so rapidly or so high
as In some other localities; they
offer the best of opportunities
for the fruit grower, the grain
or dairy farmer, the poultryman.
Some of the best dairy herds in
the state are clustered near Jef
ferson; among these being the
year . were never . better the
management states. It finds it
self. In the favorable position ot
having a demand that more than
taxes the producing power ot its
stockholders. 1 thereby guarantee
ing, a steady output for the
stockholders. s
Many of the substantial farm
ers of this section are members.
The officers of the association
who have to do with the active
management of the concern are:
R. N. Magness. president;. C. F.
Bates vice president and mana
v Eskimo Pie, 5c.
ButtercuP Ice Cream Co.
Salem, Oregon. Phone 1496
u In Salem we sell that "famous"
I " : - - - , ' , - 1 " -- . - -
' i 'y:m- f - :r:y-sz.: - , .;. 3..-
Weatlierly Ice Creamrii.
Out of town we furnish Buttercup
Eat it
fine Guernsey herd of Hon. Dave
Looney, pioneer Guernsey breed
or of Oregon.
Jefferson has an excellent sys
tem of public schools, including a
high school of state , standard
classification; electric light serv
ice, several small manufacturies,
good stores, a very capable munic
ipal government, and churches to
meet the wants of devout wor
shipers of almost every orthodox
creed; ' ' Most , of . ' the f raternal
lodges are. 'represented also, mak
ing the community especially de
sirable for Its social conditions.
. Climatically, Jefferson' has- ev
erything that any portion of the
Willamette valley, has. and being
a little closer to the, foothills of
the CascadeSton the east. It has a
rather better rain service . than
some other sections. If there's
anything lacking to make It a de
lightful place tb establish a home,
it must be something that simply
couldn't be had like a mountain
top right at its back door, or the
ocean waves : at its feet, or a bil-lion-dol'ar
forest a stupendous
gold mine covering Its present
site. And any of these would
Physician and Surgeon .
I Ft RmM
One of the leading General Stores of ths WHIncits
ger; M. Tompkins, secretary and
treasurer: W. B. Allen, director;
A. Wolf, director. '
Commenting on the reasons
which Justify its existence, the
management states: "Co-operation
Is a very necessary matter
for .the nalryman to consider.
We have bieen operating for Bev
en years In this community and
have made hundreds of friends
Lin the dairy business. We - are
always In a position to pay a
market price for our butterfat
and to return a liberal dividend
Pie, 5c. Eskimo Pie, 5c. Eskimo Pie, 5c. i Eskimo Pie, 5c. t
! matter 1
every day. It's good
spoil Its present charm rula ' :
fertile fields, smoke up its cle:
painted buildixigs and homes, i
bring speculators and foreign r
lives. In place ot ' its present t:.
American rural population. J.
ferson couldn't trade Its presc
fine poise .and prosperity for ar
such, specialties, without gettl.
IL D. Mars, Editor and Prep.
The Best- Advertising Median
-v- : . f In
Scuthcra'r.IzTicn Ccui7
Highest Cash Prices Paid
for Butterfat and Ergs
besides. We - are mindful . ot
the tact that success i has ' been
dun to the -lovalty of stockhold-
ers and merchants r alike and we
intend to merit their contmuea t
confidence." e - '
Six of the eight world record "
Jersey cattle are owned by farm
ers living with la a short radius
of Salem. :
,rWestern Oregon climate has a
salutary influence on ' purebred
cattle farming.
W f
for you