4 I 4 ft I. ii if FOURTH SECTION AGRICULTURAL 4 PAGES SEVENTY-SECOND YEAR 4 r7 ft 4 k if I. r 1 .uiaa uxroru iass, grana enaiupioa je?r toW,Uigoirsie Fair; 1922T mned by D. W. Ufpltm, V Ciersey bull. Oregon State Fair, ; 1022, owned by 'O. F. Batea, Kalem Ore. 4 One of the hundreds of 1 tiriTo iwr wm m.u w tew rirjr irm wu. inp rewT fjaitTn uiwict i, pcdMiariy fwapieo to ums type i larnung. o f our Kreac Jersey cows, ownea xy ficvara uros., jarion. : rrom ien to rijni ixiey, arei uaay uiiKen uovt Duller Vduction lt38; Vive La France, a former world champion, 1O30.29; Old Man's Darilnj? Second; j3; IarlMig Jpllla laws jns crowned world Champion.' 8 Mears Juliette, Grand Champion Ayrshire-cow, Oregon State Fair, 1922, owned by Busell CatUa, Salem." ! . lota, former world's record Jersey cow, 1048 pounds butterfat, owned, by 8. J. McKee, IndependendP, Ore. JjO The Maori, tirand Champion Jersey bull, Oregon State Fair, 1022, owned by Harry. I Hiff, Independence, Oregon. - T ; , r :-3ENS RETURN tARGE PROFITS iii, 'Poultry Raisin in Greater Salem District Affords Opportunity for Immense Yiel4s from Small Investments Many; Persons Hare Grown Wealthy as a Result Climatle Conditions: Bis Aid in this Lucrative' Small Farming Business . .---u;r--.-- . By 7. C. CQXXEII, Editor, I Northwest Foultry Journal', I More ftan ever before daring Cth past two or three lean years for tLe farmers, have rthey - come J tUL reaJite the "ralue and Import ance of poultry business as profit i. able side line, if not an exclusive business. Had it not - beea for their poultry flocks, many; Oregon and Washington -farmers daring the past few years would have been deprived of a regular avail . able income, supplying cash, for the neccessitles, . that .otherwise would not have been forthemnfne. i This revenue, althouh-llmitedinl many cases, has aided materially v a riastng over uus period or ae-j r presslon in this agricultural field. Tfce breeding of high producing, standard-bred poultry isjrowing in Importance, because the market ' for that, class bf . stock is, growing ' t a rapid; rate. Poultry culture ",U getting oa a better basis than It was a few years ago when plum age and fancy Dolnta wern rocarrl- ed as of better value than capacity to produce eggs. That poultry should conform - to established standards with reference t6 color, con formation, j type, etc, Ig.-viust as necessary as ever, but coupled wita this the practical producer now; demands production quality. The call Is for bred-to-lay birds birds that will yield a profit as producers of market eggs. - Our most progressive breed ers h are successfully I combining egg production and tnATA quality. It is more difficult to secure these two characteristics combined in one bird than either one i of them alone; and it costs 'more, but breeders are finding a v strong . demand for that kind of birds and at prices that will Just ify J producing them. Just as t fsrmers," are. learning that it doesn't pay to millc cows , whose product, barely pays for the feed consumed, even though' they can be Burchased at a low C also- are farm women learning . that tne best available, chickens, cacKea or men lavins miM(n must be secured to make poultry culture worth while. ' r ' ' ' Since commercial hatcheries tare come Into existence and r- " -1 i - l.v day-old chicks can be purchased in any desired. Quantity the prob lem of building up high 'produc ing flocks has become very much simplified.. These "hatcheries are rendering a great service, to .the poultry- industry as a whole in supplying higher grade stock than it has heretofore been possible to buy in large quantities. ' It is claimed that! four times as many day-old chicks will be produced In Marion ' county and : in the state ofQregon; this year than ever he- fore,, and still there is no fear of overproduction;, as through an efficient state co-operative mark eting . association, the surplus stock' and eggs find a ready and profitable eastern ! market. : i Commercial Hatcheries , .' In the great majority of cases commercial "hatcheries are being run by conscientious men and women, who are anxious to satisfy their customers and help them get a class of birds that wtyl yield good profits.- These, same hatch eries are constantly in the mar- 1 i ' ' ' , S J ; ' Iady Jewel . The goose! that laid the golden eggs had . nothing on Lady Jewel, White 5 Leghorn hen ; shoT7n'. abqve, owned by H. Ml f Leathers ot Woodland, .Wash.'; . For Lady Jewel has been " proclaimed world's champion egg;layer,": hav ing laid nearly an egg ,a id ay for the last year, or a total of 335 eggs, and Is valued at 12000, or 133.90 an ounce. '""Besides, 20" of her, eggs recently gold at 25,QU apiece. - - - T'" 5 ) It - - . ? :. --. - ? ket for eggs ' from high producing stock ' as well " as for breeding stock -that will continue t5 bnild their own flocks and those of their neighbors who produce eggs for, them. Thus the oppor tun ties for the market poultry producer a the high class breeders - are greater thah ever. ' Skill in, the breeding and feeding of poultry is at a! premium .'today as Jit"has never been before. ;, ' "f : X . More Efficient Management t , The increased Interest in, poul try. In i Oregon and v throughout the country; is due - largely,, be cause, through better management " .7 "..'t t-t l',r-- Scene on Typical Willamette, Valley Poultry Farm. anu better stock, poultry raising has jbeen made - more " profitable. In Oregon a very large number ot poultry culling demonstrations have been held in every county and that feature alone has saved the producers big sums of .money.. Similar' demonstrations 'have been held In practically every state In the Union and , everywhere Hhe knowledge of how to separate the good from "the poor, 'layers iha meant a (bigger balance on the right side of the ledger, , ' In addition to this, the Oregon Agricultural, College i and . Puyal- lup, Washington, Experiment Sta tions ; have : done an . Immense amount of investigational work In . the" breeding, feeding and housing - pC." poultry,; i which ' ha,s been popularized-- through the SALEM, OREGON, MARCH 1923 1 , ( - - i 4, 5 ' s Aurora, Or. 2 DarllnR's Jollle Iade, owned by Picbard Bros., Marion, Ore,, world's champion Jer cherry orchards of the Ureatep-SaJem district, in full bloom, which have eiven riae to the observance farm and poultry - press ,as well as through bulletins distributed by the experiment stations them celves. . In short, the poultry in dustry is rapidly being - placed on a good, . solid - business .foun dation and is being considered as important' as any other . en terprise on the farm.! The poul try business ' in Oregon and Washington,' according to the opinions f the big - trade jour nals,' has developed Into one of the big : profitable industries of the Northwest. . Small Investment Itequired. The , poultry i business also has the advantage, the importance of which Is overlooked by many, of being' a 1 business that can be cieveioped to relatively.; large: pro portions : In. a . f aw, years Qn. a rel atively -small., cash . investment. (Ve.-have. only, to refer, to a .few successful Oregon poultrymen to substantiate this I fact, lor it is well saiQwut that Harry Miller with less, capital than , $ 100 -has built 3up one of ,the largest poulr try plants, in Oregon at Newberg in the past eight years, and his annual -. receipts now run, into many thousand dollars. J. A. Hanson -at Corvalljs, .who .today enjoys an international- reputa tion as a poultry, specialist ..has built up a, , Z 5,0 0 0 S plant and a large annus), income ; la t less ' than (Continued on page 4) : ;:.Vtfe;si,A::j;;i MARION Best and Most Complete System in a State that is Supreme ,, Roads in Addition to State Highways Road Money Here Marion county is . working on .a market road ' program that was sanctioned by- popular vote, au thorizing bonds to be issued in the sum of $ 850,000. It is a five year program, with two years more to run this year and next. The original program caled for 100 miles of payed market roads and 'SO miles, of graveled roads connecting with them joining kll the..-principal towns : of Marlon county ..together with highways that ? can j be traveled, every - day Jn the year In comfort. ' ? Pavings Work for This Year.' The following Is the program for the paving work of this year: - Finish J the Salem-SIlverton road,' about a third df a mile at the Pudding river bridge, : Finish two bridges and paving In connection 1 on the road from Mt. Angel . to Woodburn. , Finish the road from'Silverton to Plne Tree corner , on the Mar quam'road. ". . , ; - - . , Continue paving from Silverton to Wlllard. - ' Pave : some road between Mt. Angel and Bethany. v . ., Continue, paving on river road from. Kaiser school house towards Wheatland. . k N tJ Continue paving from Segle school house to Pratum. Continue paving on the Ceer road from the 'Wilson place to wards Ceer station. Pave road from Macleay to Shaw.-':i. .- :, c!: , ; j';- ' Pave from Stayton towards West Stayton". Complete - paving between Sub limity and Stayton.- i s Pave from Jefferson towards Green's bridge. Pave from Looney school house on the i Pacific highway towardaj Sidney. ( . : . ; : . A ..: -Pave from Cervals towards St. LOUIS. 4 , . . . - - Pave from Manning's corner on the Pacific highway towards Park ersvllle.. , , . k , , ' Pave from Hubbard r towards Broadacres.' Continue paving . from Aurora to Donald. - : JFive Paring Plants. There are five county paving plants located at different . points throughout the county, as fol lows: '. :.. ' " ' . . i i ''t' rfi Stayton, under the direction of I. 8. Lambert. Salem, under the direction ot the Salem office. Scollard, near West Woodburn, under the direction of, L. A. Van Cleave.v--CT -LV :. Mt. Angeif directed by F. O. Johnson.' -if - j ' . : -Jefferson, director not yet ap pointed. - --.;" ;i' The paving work planned for this year will total 15 to 30 miles. It will be the largest year's work. The three-first years netted 64 miles of hard surfaced road, with a great deal of graveling and pf grading for future hard surfacing. Five Years Work In Four. So, at the end of the season , of work now opening, the five year program will have been practically-finished five years work in four, years. , :?The" work of next year will be largely devoted to finishing up; closing up; Joining the pieces that were seasoning under travel in order to make them safe to pave. The 64 miles'1 payed In , the .first' three years and the 25 to 30 miles to be hard surfaced this year will make almost 100 miles. Add, to this the 36 ; miles of hard sur faced road on, the Pacific highway In Marlon county, running north and south from Jefferson to Au rora, and Marion county will have the best paved road system in Oregon outside c of f Multnomah county. Toi this must be added many miles of paving in Salem and' the other cities and towns: pot far from 100 miles In Salem alone. r After Next Year, What? Then add several miles in the program for next ' year - the fifth year. There ytill be $105,000 bonds yet to sell for next year's work.' After that, what? i t Well, there will still be some income. Marlon county gets anr nually over $50,000 for Its share of the state automobile licenses. She gets $0,000 to $100,000 a year from the market road funds. Against this, there will be npr. keep and interest and payments on the serial bonds. ; Sut the fire plants will be all paid for; and ill the road ma chinery, ; and. th shops In. Salem. All these costi will hare been ab- 1 ' Jy' M" I ,-: . ' - t J "M it - K"fmjt ' " ey cow, all 1 ages. of Blossom Iday ti 3 Gertie's througliout the in Highway Building One Hundred Miles Paved County Made to Perform Full Duty- County Does Its Own Wofk i '. J-. : : :.l f. :l ' . "-r ; - sorbed in the cost of building the first 100 miles' and oyer of paved roads. So future- roads in , other sections will .getpart of the .ben efit from having the plants and machinery ' and equipment, already paid for. So it is not likely that there will ever be a year during which . some new- paving on the Marion county .market roads will not , be. done; even withontthe Bale of. any more bonds.: It is llke!y, however, that the extra work for two or three years after 1924 will be largely, confined, to grading In preparation for future hard, surfacing; leaving the new er roads especially a good deal of time to pack down to season; in preparation for hard surfacing The county will match all the auto license and market road money; all the state money, as it has done in: the past. M. M. - Dushey, - county rjudge, and J. T. Hunt and J. E. Smith, county commissioners, are the men behind the program, under whom W." J. Culver, county roadr master works. . . . - . - Program -Closely Followed. ' At the close of the road work for 1922, The Statesman con tained a long review, in which the following facts were set. outt T-?$ It will Interest every taxpayer to know that the original program has , been lived up to, to the let ter. The roads are not, all built, but the costs', forr tha year just closed show that the county is living absolutely ivithin its means and . standing by it original cost estimates.. It waif ' f igured then that the roads would cost $15,000 a mile for grading and hard sur facing. They have cost tbat, al most to the cent, the negligible difference being saving Instead of a higher; cost. 1 This Is in the face of the - fact that costs have materially "increased since the first estimates were , made; they were far higher In 1920 and 1921, but even so, the average has fall en Inside of the original estimate. That cost of $15,000 a mile for the quality of hard ,snrf aced road br.ilt lu Marlon county Is believed to establish a new oyr . record in the United. States. That is about the finest part of the whole story the .best roads built . .for i th least money. . i GREATER SALEll DISTRICT WAGES T TO 4 PRICE: TEN CENTS - i 5 Royal SfcT Mawes, prize winning community. ' Thousands of vi.iir fat pro ' Pavement TotaH Ot Miles. ; The county now has -64 ml'ps of paved market roads, on r, I or the 34 Jpfficlally: designatPd jnarket roads in the county that ca-er 130 miles,: Of this paved road mile age 24.05, miles was pared this year, from- the. four ; - county owned plants at Salern. St-iTton, Mt. Angel and Scollard. This 24.05 miles of rav?ris this year . cost $9159 per raile tor the paving alone, exclusive of tlie cost of grading and draining. Grading Is always done the yecr before paving, to have the ro-dbed thor oughly settled and drained be'ore putting on the hot strr. The roadbed is given a heavy founda tion of rock or coarse gravel be fore the hot top -dressing,-the un patented , ."Topeka , mix" f o r in ul a of bltullthic concrete. Is laid for a finish. - This coating is four Inches thick, but tests running back for. seven years in Marion county show that the road standi up With the best roads laid un der, any other formula or set of specifications. J' ' Sixteen-Foot Roadway t'sed.- ' AH the roadways aro 1G feet wide. The county started a few years ago on-a '14-foot basis, but found that itwasa't sare or prac ticable. -There are some excep tions to the 16-foot rule on stees hills where there Is only a nine foot paved way, the rest befnj graveled and left nnpaved for horse traffic because horses can not keep, their footing on a steep, smooth pavement when going ui hill. Cr'---.",":- '-,.'- - No Marion county roads are buUt by contract. The county purchased all the machinery and hires the men. This Is a rathar unique . partnership. More thfu 400 men havebeen employed hy the ' county tWs summer. Every man Is a resident, and nlmost every one a property taxpayer in the county, i The roads are "our roads. It Is a matter of personal pride and personal profit to P?t as much good road fervlfo fc? every dollar, as the dollar can t made to prdduce. The t- '; shows "in the exception aT!: lo-.' cost and the superior qm'v o the work done. A man wor!;: (Coutinued on page 4)