THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON GREATER SALEM DISTRICT NU21BE1V: MARCH 192? V X 4 X .J I r i CIASSUIED JLDYEETI8E3UNT8 7 Rste per word s lasertioa . i fie . c -20c Three Iwrtteu ...i One week (six insertions). Ob ateoth Six months' eeatract, per mo.. 19 asoatha contract, par m y imtiM for aay advertisement 25c NOKWICH UNION niUS INSURANCE SOCIETT W. H. Burghardt, Jr. . Resident Agent S7t Stat St MONEY TO LOAN j Oo Real Estate T. K. FORD (Orer Ladd dV Bush Bank) NEW TODAY FOR BENT 10 ACRES. ALU IX CHOP. Good buildings, good road. close la : rent reasonable. Sea Childa ft' Beeh , 540. State atreet, , 4 FOR SALE NEAT LITTLE! 4 ROOM - bungalow, with electricity, garage, fruit aad ehrobbery. Only 91890. i 6 room cot tag a. feat a and toilet, store room; well located. Close ia. 92040 Xew strictly modern bungalow of 5 . rooms, fuU basea-eat; $3650. See S. A, Wheel 's wright, with . A.W. ESTES REALTY CO,. ; 837-8 Oregon Bid. Phone 985. 100 ACRE FARM BARGAIN 30 ACRES - cleared, balance timber and pasture. House.! 6 rooms, Tarn. Price , f 5000, a terma. j Fine 70-eere farm. Rood build ing. 80 acres in crop. Price 97500. Dandy 20-aere farm, all cultivated,1 part ( in crop, small souse, barn, fruit; only $500 down. Price 92500. . Childs Bechtel, 540 8ut street. 1 K SHOULD , A . TOTAL. LOSS OP - YOUR ' busiaeaa or borne by fire occur today whst would be the result to yont We -welcome consultation about your insur-- a nee problems. St andley Foley. ? Agents. Pbona 847 ' ' Q, ?ERY flXEST SUBURBAN RETREAT . Adjoins city, on two pared roads, large (i attractive modern house of finest eea ttruetioa j i beautiful oak -grove; orch- ft.'- arda of frnit and site; will. auDOiviae to sdvaatage. A, real opportunity. Harris. 1942 J. ! BLACKBERRY PLANTS CORT AND Burbank. Thorn less." Himalaya, Katta- tinny and Evergreen Cboica strawber ry plants and other small traits. Any quantity, delivered. Ward K. Richard' bob, 2395. North Front. Phone 494. c"mjrocery axdgexeraiTIbtore"- Sell or exchange grocery store In good ( valley , towa. - Low interest and paying business, value 94500. Trade for house and lot in Salens. - " Grocery , in ; SslemBaildtns 94500; -i stock. 2000,. Good terms. ) furniture and hardware in one of the best towns in the valley. t. Well-established . t and paying business Long-lease and i low interest. 913. OOO, terms, --v General store. Washington - town, carry- li nr an to accessories and flllinr - ata tton; including store building, 7-room 'residence and two acres' land: 9 15. OOO. 1 1 clear. : Trade for small Valley ranch 'near town with high school. - --4 . A. W, ESTES REALTY CO.. 827-8 Oregon Bldg. - Phoao 985 j P Rel Estate, Loan and Insurance. 1 f . Vmm ImnAm f mm SiT& ne sat, an. lAppraiser of property for- non-residents ).'sm investors. , f v "Vfrite for-'anything Torn' want.- . 1 i HKoom 3, 8704 Bute atreet, Salem, Ore ' mam- -BUSINESS CHANCE A PAYING. COS feetionery 'and rrestaarant. stock and fixtures; 10 -room upstairs rent well, ; 4d living rooms, for sale with lease. Cheap rest. Owner going away. .Will rrlflra Prix nanfWt tnmrtlrn ' tars aee Childa Bechtel, 540 State " atreet todmr . r i - -. ' IP YOU CAN'T SELL, TRADE yrat car for good Salem lot. Worth - 8800. ' , , - Want Salem lot even up for 40-sere ranch, i New house nd sUblea; 13 seres la cul U. tivstioa. t i. -; , ; Want Prune or cherry orchard for new 5-room bungalow; sleeping- porch, built- Ins, garage; clear. Will pay cash and assume. ., 4-aere choice ranch, close In on high way; fruit and walnuts, equipped for - ahk-kanw Good house, 6. largo rooms and bath; barn and garage; well and . ity water. Could - be aubdivided. Wants smaller place, value 95000. See ;S. A. Wheelwright, , with .- m rvrca.Di'ifmr t 837-8 Oreron Bldsr. , Ptinn. on BERt L. JONES MOTOR CO HUPM f bile dealer. Good need .'cars.1 State and Front streets. Phone 937 .OST LADY 8 BLUE CROCHETED , handbag, with steel besds and steel i chain. Contains small black puree with currency and silver. Liberal reward. Return to 558 Stats, atreet. , TRADE NEW MEXICO IRRIGATED ranch vfor Western Oregon, within 200 . miles of the coast. The entire 160 t acrea aader irrigaUon. Srith plenty of water and sunshine and a money maker. , Fenced and cross-fenced, a lot of good buildings; two miles from good railroad 1 town. Price 9115 per acre; mortgage fiS30. Will assume Owner must get , .-.near coast. i j f A.i W. E8TES REALTY CO, 827-28 Oregon Building. Phone 983 , 1920 ,.FORD. TRUCK ; PNEUMATIC , tires; perfect condition. Phone 937. Larre list to trade for property In the f X- e exceptional bargains. Uu 'J' .,1th, ""d fTom r"iB C"- in nnd W talk it over with us. , - . . W- E8TES REALTY CO, - 337-28 -Oregon Building. Phone 983 f aj CANADIAN WHEAT LAND I 'Largo UM to trade for propertr in ,he Htates. Some exceptional bargains. Go t f tnw r,B- ' and i Ulk it over with us. ; A. W. ESTES REALTY CO, i 8'-7-38 Oregon Building. - Phone 983 tOR BALE NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. Breakfast Book, faraace fireplace, full v clnMt hasement, wash travfc, cement . walk and paved streets. Price 93900. Terms. ,((..- t " tH r-,yW.' g; Krueger .: Oregen Baildiug. ; - Phoue 217. OR RENT 4 ROOM KURN 1 8 11ED ! V; l' fM fWT Phone 1316M. 2o4 South Cottage. . W iii-sntassaaaaiBBBiBsBasBBT v laRGlj PRUNE ORCHARD (JO.WKI cash wUf handt one of Polk crtuaty'a largntt pruae and cherry r j rb.rd.. . S40 acres rhoi ,10 ' fr b"-n .ad cherries; A fine timber, balance, farm land. Well . equipped with good buildings, fences. etc. L. On. gtfHl. roads and near Salem. t Pr.r. 90oo Seee Wheelwri - With.- - - - - -K- - jl' , -. ; A. W.ESTES REALTY CO, f, 28 Oregon Building. Pho. M5 i WOOU CUTTERS. WANTED ennnn timbor.- earSalem."-Thoa 152 J I t call 1231 Howard .Uest. 2 "I NEW TODAY FOR SALE 8T CMP LAND, NOT HARD to clear, 'located la a thickly-settled community, near school; 8 miles from , Salens, a milea from Turner and pared t highway, for 950 to 975 aer acre.i on very easy; terms. John H. Scott, 208 Oregon Bldg., Salem. Ore ; , 18 ACRES, 7 IX PRUNES, ALL PRUX ed and plowed ; 8 in logaas. all trained ; 7 acre new land and in V.bay.;V fair V house, good barn, family orchard; 6ts milea opt Jefferson road, 96500. Has 91150 federal loan. Trade my equity for home in Salem. M.J.Hunt Ladd Bush Bldg. EASTERX OBEGOX WHEAT RANCH. 158 acres, fenced and cross fenced, greater part in cultivation. Good wells of fine water. Two sets of good build iogs. A let of stock and machinery of all kinds to run the ranch. This Is a high-class ranch, and producing good income. Price 95 per acre Take 960 Dairy, fruit farms or income property. Many smaller wheat ranches. ; A. W. ESTES REALTY CO.J 327-28 Oregon Building. Phone 983 75 ACRES NEAR 8ALEM. On good mscadam road, all in cultivation. just slightly rolling, fine soil; 12 acres clover, balance contracted to Kings Co. for beans.! Good new house, with full basement; new barn; ideal place for a home and worth the money; 95500. terms. See Moisan. with . A. W. ESTES REALTY CO, 327-28 Oregon Building. Phone 985 FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE- keeping rooms. Light and water fur nished free.: 1695 Saginaw.'1 Phone 1T39J. : ; WILLAMETTE VALLEY RANCH 228 acres, 11 tniles north of Salem, just off the Pacific Highway, 2 miles from country town and ' ahipping point, stores, high school and eharches; 200 acres in cultivation,' balance fine oak timber and; pasture. No better land in the valley. 1 Good drainage, good build ings, fenced and cross-fenced. We con aider this property well worth 9150 per acre, hui in , order to! close an estate ,is offered! for 990 per acre. Terms. See Moissn, with j A. W. ESTES REALTY CO, 327-28 Oregon Building. - Phono 985 f ORD ROADSTER i-BERT L. JONES, 217 State. - FOR SALE SODA FOUNTAIN. CHEAP. , Phone 652 V -. FAMOUS HOWELL PRAIRIE FARM 9TM acres. N. E. of Salem in Howell Prairie;1 75 acres in cultivation, 15 acres of which is beaverdam, 18 acres fine fir timber estimated to rut 3000 cord of wood. . All fenced . with woven wire; good well, 7-room house, good, barn. Is sll equipped with stock, im plements and farm equipment, including tractor.' The beaverdam Jand makes this place a bargain ; . 930,000. with good terms.- Take ' Salem or Portland residence to 810.0U0. See Moisan. with A W. K8TKS RKALTY CO.. 327-28 Oregon Building. Phone 985 READ CAREFULLY AND ACT PROMPT - IT eat room cottage new, and 8 lots; finest kind of garden soil, close to good school. . Only 91350. 9250 cash down, balance terms.": This is a fine little house for some couple. ' W. McLaren Realtv Co.' Phone 430. ; U80 N. Commercial street. BUMMER TAX, AND FRECKLES MAY be prevented by Espirit d'Amour-Cu-cambor Lotion. This lotion when used with Denna-Night Cream and Dry Skin ,: Cleanser produces . youthful lines and and fresh nessr Id "the "skin." 113 "North . -1 .iberty, atreet. V -ki ; FRUIT RANCH. EASY PAYMENT 31',4 acres, bordering on Santiam ' river, all river bottom land and could be ir rigsted from the river; 14 acres pruues '- planted 3 years ; 1 acrea -logaas. 8 acres strawberries, . balance open farm la ad, but plenty berry plants to set remain der of ground. Small house, located 5 miles from Stayton; 9225' per 'acre, .with very 1 small payment down j and .; easy pay meats. ' A. W. ESTES REALTY CO, -37-28 Oregon Building.- Phono 985 PHONE 431 F. A. THOMS, SELLING . Rickenbaeker stock. Office where yon see Rickenbaeker motor cars; 349 North Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE ISO FILBERT TREES. NO cash needed.,, 304 North 21st atreet , LARGE PRUNE ORCHARD " 910,000 eaaV will handle one of Polk connty'a largest prune and cherry or chards. 240 ; acres' choice- land, 110 acres ' bearing prunes and cherries; some fine timber.' balance farm land. Well equipped with good buildings, fences, etc. j On good roads and near Salem.' Price 9oO,OOU. bee - Atr. Wheelwright, with ; " ; - t - A. W. ESTES" REALTY CO, 327-28 Oregon Building. Phono 985 HAVE BUYER FOR 5 OR 6 ROOM BUN- galow, close in. . To sell, your house. " call 983, or. call at our office, 327-28 Oregon Building. . , ' A. W. ESTES REALTY CO, TRADE NEBRASKA FOR WESTERN vegoe raacn 4ou acrea. well im proved, witaf good buildings, etc. Mort gage 95000 runs four years. , Prire 933 per acre. Will assume. Other Nebras ka farms to trad. Okanogan County, Wash, 160 acres 120 j wa do irrigaieo. u?in cultivation; is ; near irrigation ditch. Will grow good i-rvpa wuuoui irrigation. All tillable and well worth 9300O clear Will trade for house add lot in any good town In th WilUmotUi vall.v . n.l Minnesota for Oregon or WashingtoJ farm siuaii piace near some good town. 80 acrea all in cultivation and highly im proved with good building, good roads and near town and shipping point: Ouod ranch.! but wni mil. f Wet. Price 9oO per acre. Will assume. A SURE CURE n FOR WALKINO. i v TRY OUR USED CARS. . "' 1820 Dodge, , 5 ' good tires, spot" light, bumper 9595. 1920 Chevrolet, spot light.' shock absorb ers: i-jO. - License free. 1921 Ford louring 4t9 worth of extras, - cord tires: 9375. License free. 1920 Dort. good rubber, good paint; runs like.. new; fqO. i V 1921 Ford Sedan, 930 worth of extras; 9350 taktw it. l.i-eniMi fr - 1920 Ford, touring, good rubber, good paint, shock absorbers; 9220 1 License free. . i ' . v Every day i targsin day at the Marion Auto to. . Hi give terms. See Ack- : j . ","' -"r;"'; ;"..' Marion I Automobile Co. ; t 235 South Commercial Street. Phone 32. j Oven alt the time. rii.DE SPOKANE HOUSE AXD LOT, ; well lwaie-1. valued at 91t0, for . Halem city jur u..ll :oit ranch, and iwme, , 1 , t: - ; j - KM ".' Trade Twin Falls iannae rperty valaml at 910,000 for. Salem residence, and assume.- 1 , Trade Payette, Idaho. 5-room bun. . right in heart of city, vslned 9360t sad 10 acres irrigated, just outside of city, with 3-rooin bouse; loU of -fruit r and berries.; balance alfalfa, valued at 940UO. for small farm la valley, near ii Salen or Kihrertoa preferred. A.; W. T.STES REALTY CO," " f 837 28 Oregon Buiiaius. Fbvue 9S3 i ' NEW TQDAY i USED FORD CARS from aa authorised cat dealer, .. ; U ' . 9 85.00 ". 150.00 " " 165.00 ; '325.00 .. 205.00 ZZZ.. - 300.00 Z S85.00 , 433.00 "11. 500.OO 265.00 335.0O 1917 Touring '.. 1917 Touring . 1917 Touring . 1920 Touring - 1920 Touring - 1921 Touring -1920 Coupe 1920 Coupe - 1921 Coupe 1920 Roadster 1923 Roadster 1920 Truek S65.00 Liberal Terms. Open &nndays.. , VALLEY MOTOR CO, i ; 260 Xo. High. Phone 1993 FARMS FOR SALE OR TRADE 70. acre farm, well improved, 85 acres in clover, some timber. Price only 9T50O, only 92000 down. 54 acres, part cleared, running water. Price 94500; sn ip. 4l acres in the heart of the fruit belt, 965 per acre.. The best stock and grain farm, 620 acrea. two good sets of buildings; suitable for two families. ' Price only 943 per acre, good terms. 330 acres on Howell Prairie. 955.00O. terms. 380 acres. 98jOO; snap. Ij acres in South Dakota for Oregon farm. 105 acres, 94500. 130 acres, Tillamook county for Salem property; pay cash difference. 80 acres Minnesota, for Oregon. 52 feres. 24 acres in -bearing prunes. 98000. terms. 42 acres, 9380O, 42 acres. 92000, well improved. 25 acres, 98500. or trade for Idaho prop erty. . 20 acres good land, fair improve ments; price 92500. ' Daudy 10 acrea. .well unproved. 93500. Some choice 5 acre tracts 92500 and up. Beautiful one-aVre tract, close in, good improve incuts. 9251M); terms.. Childa A Beeh : tel. 540 .State street, make a specialty of farm property, large ; and small .acreage. QUALITY. USED 1 v CARS 1921 Nash Pink of condition. 1920 Maxwell. I 2 1918 Oaklands. . t 2 Model 90 Over lands 3 490 Chevrolett. 2 Maxwella. Stsndard Eight, Liberty Six. Mitchell. ; 1920 Buiclc. f 1920 Ford Roadster. Thia ia only a partial list of the csrs that we have in stock. Come and see them . Learn our prices. Then scour the town and aee tf you can duplicate our prices Oleson Auto Exchange 173 South Liberty. : . Phone 666 GOOD BUYS AND EXCHANGES LOOK" THEM OVER. 320 acrea. 10 milea from Salem, 85 acres of fine fruit land, balance timber, es timated at 20,000 cord; old house. barn, fine spring; price 921.OO0. Will 1 accept city or country property for part in trade. 10-acre tracta, 8 miles out. all cultivated, fine orchard land; price 91250, ; 925 down, balance 9 10 per month, interest 6 per cent. One-half' acre tracta in city limits, near school. oak grove or in cultivation; price 9600, , 950 down, 910 per tuonth, interest 6 per cent. " " i Portland apartment, house, good income. to exchange for property ia or near Salem; price 98000. . - . 87-acre farm ia Lane county, to exchange for good residence In Salem price 95DOO, clear-of emcumbrsnce. Fine lOO-acra farm, with stock and im piemen ts, all in . cultivation, 1 buildings well located.: Price 13,000. - 101 aeres near Shaw, good land. ' Price 97500. . Will consider Yakima proierty 1 lu-acre farm, , all plow land, all aeces ' sary stock' and machinery to run place; 49 fine buildings,1' 10-room- modern house, with fireplsce, bara 60 : x ?60. i Price ' 920,000. equity 98000, to exchange for income property.' ... . i " . : 1 . l3-acre uop ranch, with two aeta of buildings, well located; hope contracted for 1924-25. Price 940,000. . - 124-acre farm near Jefferson, 90 acre plow land, fine prune land, buildings. Price 913,000. Will exchange for prone orchard, dairy ranch or acreage close to . Salem." ' - . s " ' 200 acres of fine fruit land, near Salem, . Price 9125 per acre. Will accept. city property for part; balance mortgage, to be Assumed.--. v ;- ? 1 Real Estate and Fire Insurance. '- W. H. GKABENHORST ,CO, ; '". - Realtors. -v 275 State street. U. S. Bank Building EMPLOYMENT mit.r EXPERIENCED MOULDERS AND PAT " tern makers wanted for work in Port land shops. Apply ; 520 Oregon Bldg, Portland. Oregon. . :- ui: YOUNG MAN WANTED GENERAL - work. ; Oregon State School for ' the Deaf. ' ;" ;'" , KALE AND FEMALE ANTED MEN AND WOMAN lu . tale farm paper subscriptions. A goon proposition to the right people., Ad areas Ue Pacific Homestead, dtatoamee BMg, Jial-ia. Ore. PERSONAL i 1 CATHOLICS WISHING TO MARRY, Booklet Free. Address Home Club, , L-Box 23, Grand Rapids, Mich. ' i - GET MARRIED BEST, MATRIMONIAL paper published. Free for stamp. Cor s respondent, Toledo, Ohloi FOR SALE t as-gMsaat8Js-- nil I M V1X !.r,VX,1,vaBfmmWmmmm BIROS. FLOWERS AND PETS ; OH BOY1 PEDIGREED WHITE COL lie pups, Showmoat stock. Easte. special, only 925 each. Flakea Petland, 273 State. ; : " , . i '. :i LIVESTOCK FOR SALE GOOD FARtt TEAM. JahFruit Farm. Plioae 52F11.'. IM- r OR SALE GOOD 6-YEAR OLD JKR scy cow with calf 10 days old;' heavy milker, -very gentle. Reasonable price. 20O5 Ferry street. .. PUREBRED REGISTERED! PIG8 J Eight purebred registered pigs will be gives-free to eight boys, girls or grown ups interested ia developing the pure bred registered pig Industry la the Pa cifie Northwest. Cut out this announce meat and mail it to The Pacific Home stead. Salem, Oregon, with your name . : and address, and .full laforiftaiioa aboui the purebred reigstered pigs will be sent you by retura mail. !...'-; f;, V FRESH JERSEY COW, 8 YEARS OLD. good milker; 975. D. S. Pearson. Seven miles south of Salem. Phone 107F33. POULTRY v, PUREBRED CHICKENS. ,f i Seventeen pens sad trios of the best . breeds of chickens from the world's annat. famous poultry plants will be glvea to s 17 . people interested im de velopiog the purebred chicken industry. Cut out this Bubouacement aad mail it to the Purebred Chicken Editor. North west Poultry Journal, Salem. Oregon. - with your aaao and address, and full information will be seat you by retura MaiL FOR SALE PHONOGRAPHS. PH0X0GRAPH BARGAINS. 9125.00 Victor . ... 9 W OO 9150.OO Victor . 115.W0 9150.00 Paths . 7.50 9163.00 Columbia-.- . 110.00 9 75.00 Victor r.. . 52.50 Terms ss low as 91-00 per week .H. L. STIFF FURNITURE CO, Phone 941. 404-450 - Court St. LIVESTOCK. FOR BALE PURE BKED LAS CAB Ri tas Toggenbnrg buck, 980. Does frsh now; also April. June, 920 up. Elisa beth Miller. Ashland. Ore. PIANOS GOOD USED MAHOGANY PIANO. 9150. Terma if desired. H. L. Stiff Furai ture Co. FOR SALE GOOD USED MAHOGANY piano left with ns to sail. Price 8200. Unas. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co, Me aie department. . . t FARM PAPER " IF TOO WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, sead 15c to the Pacifi Homeatead. Salem. Oregon, for a three tDoatha trial subscription. ' Mention thia ad. P0ULTRYM EX SEND EIGHT TWO . cent stamps for special three, months' v trial for the beat aad oldest journal ia the west. The articles . aad advertise ments are of special interest to the poultry breeders ' of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Jourasl. 211 Com . taerciaj atreet, Salem, Oregon. WOOD FOR SALE 16-INCH OIjD FIR AND second growth 4-foot. Phone 1467. 1 FOR DRY WOOD PHONE 152J. ' - WOOD FOR SALE GOOD PRICES. H. A. Kuenxi. Silverton, Oregon. - Best Grade Mill Wood Four ft. aad 16-inch dry mill wood. Four ft. aad 16-in. green mill wood. Prompt delivery and reasonable prices. Fred E. Wells, 80S 8, Church. Phone 1541., . inSCELLANXOTJa FOR SALE STEEL RANGE LIKE XEW without or "without-Oxo gas burner. Household furniture and home. Owner leaving state, so must aell immediately. 130 Owens street. WOODEN WATER PIPE FOR 'SALE Several thousand feet, four and six inch, ia good condition. Address S. K. Tandy, Jefferson, Oregon. FOR SALE SODA. FOUNTAIN. 899 North Commercial, , v , FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 cents a buadle. Circulatioa department . Oregon Statesman. THE OREGON WOOD PRODUCTS CO, West Salem, Ore, has for sale and - ready for delivery hop stakes at seven ty-free cents and One. dollar per thous snd. according to length. First 1o come - will get first delivery. . Beautiful Oregon Rose and eleven ether .Oregon songs, together wita a fine collection of patriotic songs, sacred songs aad many old-time favor ites. A Lit ' FOR 35e ' (8peeisl prices la ensntlty lots) Especially adaptable tor schel com " ity or homo singing. Send for . Western Songster 70 pages, now in its third edition. Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 3 16 8. Commercial 8t Salons. Ore FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED - APARTMENT AT 1132 Ceater. FURNISHED APARTMENT CLOSE IN 9 rooms aad sleeping porch. Call 1078 APARTMENT FOB RENT. 991 NORTH Commercial. ' BOARD AND ROOM BOARD AND ROOM FOUR BOARD era wanted. 195 North Front St. HOUSES 1 : k- 1 FOR ; KENT 5-ROOM MODERN COT" tag at 633 North loth street; partly furnished. Immediate possession. 930 a month. Call at Statesman business office, or phone 23. i. 1 .. FOB RENT FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. NO children. Furnished. 1433 North 8um- FOR RENT MOPERN . 5 ROOM. WELL- furnished house. 910 N. Slat. ROOMS lSUITE OP HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Modern, no children. Call in after noon. 713 Center atreet. FOR RENT APARTMENTS AND sleeping rooms. Leonard Hotel, 254 N Front street i . -4 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. MOD era. Mrs. Heary Rows, 580 North 13th street, 4- FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms. ' Call at 1086 Center, or phone 1054W after 5 p. m.. T GARAGES FOR t RENT PRIVATE GARAGE. ' 899 North Cummercial. ; t'-- PIANOS NEW PIANO FOR RENT 18 PER MO H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO RENT GOOD SIZED room, with or without board.! Cen trally located it passible gentleman.. Ap ply .'E-47,"; Statesman. WANTED FURNITURE, . TOOLS. ETC. Phono 511. OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capital City Bedding Co. Phone 19. WANTED GOOD SHIPPING POTA- toes. Will buy a limited amount and pay cash market price. Phone 904. People'e Meat Market, 155 N. Liberty. WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS. M eaiaery. stock, etc Will bey for cash or aelt eommissioa. Phone, , 811. Woodry, the anctioneer. . 1 IF YOU . HAVE .AN - ABSOLUTELY first-class . grade of Gem or Burbank potatoes, we' can ase them. Phone .717. Maagis Bros. - 7 , . .. ' . WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD ware and furniture. Beat prt paid, - the-capital Hardware -- furniture 00. S8S 7t. Commercial St, - Phaao 847 Read the Classified Ads. BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIOHXBBS 0. SaTTERLEE, AtJCTIONEER, PHOKE 430-1211J; 180 N. tkus't St. Room 91. AUCTIONEER T. N. WOODRY. THE livestock, furniture, reel estate aae tioaeer. Phone 511 for sale dates. Res. 1610 N. Summer. ACETYLENE WELDING IRON, STEEL. BRASS, ALUMINUM Bring the pieces. Oxo-Gas Heating 0o . 887 Court. . AUTO DIRECTORY AUTOMOBILES- GOOD USED CARS GINGRICH MO tor Co, 971 Court. BERT L. JONES MOTOR CO, HUPM0 bile dealer. State 8W at Front, "The ear of the American family." AUTOMOBILE FAXJmXO AUTO OWNERS LOOK! TIME TO h,n tkat ear ranainted. Come ia and look ever oar work. Oa aecouat of the sureeaa of our Ford Special job, it win be continued. RelisAre Auto Paiating Co, X19 State, cor. Front St, second floor. Phone 937. ARCHITECTS FREEMAX A STRUBLE, REGISTERED Architects, 510 Bank of Commerce ; Building. ( AUTO TOPS AUTO ' TOPS Curtains to order, prices reasonable. Anderson-Teed, 171 8 High BATTERY AXD ELECTRICIAN A CAMEL-IZED- BATTERY NEVER needs a drink. C. M. Carlson, 849 N. .' Commercial St, 8alem, Ore, R. D. BARTOX EXIDE BATTERIES, starter And generator work; 171 South Commercial. PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery aad electrical work.- Faxria Bros. Phone 1803, 418 Court. AUTO ELECTRICIAN ; EXPERT TROU ble ehooting; 938 N. Hlghi Phono 203, BICYCLES AND REPAIRING. LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON B1CY ; eles aad repairing; 887 Court. TYRES AND ACCESSORIES USED PARTS 1-8 to-1-2 tJFF. MIKE'S , Auto -' Wrecking House; 484 North Commercial. Phoao 823.. i RADIATOR A PENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS, BODIES, made or repaired. J. O Balr, 848 Ferry. TRACTORS C. HAAQ CO,' 444 FERRY ST. Phoao 310. Cletrao tractors. Oliver' 1m plooaats. .-. USED CARS VICK BROS. USED CAR BULLETIN 1919 Dodge Touring - . . J 975 1917 Dodge Touring 800 1919 Oakland Touring, new paiot 350 1918 Chevrolet Touring ,. 150 1921 Ford Coupe 45 1921 Ford Touring . 275 1919 Stndebaker Six, new paint . 300 1918 Stndebaker Four : 200 Fordson Tractor . ,. 200 SaqseA.Tractor' . ,,. ... . , ... - 500 Samson Truck 850 1931 Hudson Super Six 1850 Buick Roadster . - 125 Overland Four Touring - , ,. 300 Overland 90 : 200 Maxwell Touring ; - 100 1916 Ford Touring . 125 Ford Truck with new tires and com- ; pletely overhauled with body, aad cab -. . 800 Ford Track with body and full top, : license 350 VICK BROS. High Street at Trade. USED CARS. r , USED CARS l!2l 'Dodge Touring' . 6O0 1917 Dodge Touring I 325 1917 Ford Delivery ISO 1919 Chassis ForoL 100 BONESTEELE MOTOR COMPANY Phone 423. BUSINESS CARDS CARPET AND RUQ WEAVING RAO CARPET AND RUG WEAVING OatI before 9 a. m. 84F21. SALEM CARPET CLEANING AXH Fluff Rug Works Rag and fluff rugs woven any sise without seaman New mattresses made to order. Old mat tresses remade. Feathers renovated. I buy all kinds of old carpets for fluff rugs. 13 M snd Wilbur streets. Phone 1154 Otto'F. Z wicker. Prop. ' CEMENT CONTRACTORS CEMENT CONTRACTOR AND FINISH or. Eaimatee furnished. O. M. Ogleaby Phone 1960J. CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING W'XJ KNACK cleaning. F. Councilman. Salem Hard z ware Go. ' - v : CLEAXERI AND DYERS SPICK 'X 8PAX CLEANERS AXD dyers. Phone 195. , ' SALEM CLEANERS AXD DTERS -Suite cleaned aad pressed. 91-50. Suite sponged aad pressed. 50c. ISIS 8. Com'L Phona 18A DRUG STORES WK. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGS," 175 N. Commercial. Phoao 187. FINANCIAL ; GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS 5U per cent,1 803 Salem Bank of Commerce . . t - :; P A li K X. O A I AT 8 PER CENT aad 64) PIB CENT ANDERSON A RUPERT Oregoa Bldg, Salem, Ore. ELECTRICIANS SALEM- Ef ECTRIO CO. MASONIC bail-tiag- Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND 8CPrLT Oo. Phoao 1934. 829 X. Liberty. ' HA UK'S ELECT RIO- 8HOP ELEO i trieal . asaohiao . repairing, - contracting, 837 Ooart. Phone 488. ARCHIE FLEENER, ELECTRICIAN . Huse wiring by hoar or eo a tract. Ea-Mmat-e fuxaished. Phoao 980, .41 Oaarl 8i,: - , ; ; -' y': rXQRISTS . ' - - ' CUT FLOWERS AND FLO RAJ PIECES-. Delivery. O. F. Brelthawpt, florist, 13,3 Ksrth Uberty iUeet. Phvae 8S. - BUSINESS CARDS FINANCIAL LOANS OS THE EAST PAYMENT plan, ess repay at aay time without extra charge; 417 -Oregon Bldg. rURXACES 8EAGROVE FOR FURNACES PIPE and pipeless; 198 8. 12th St. Phone 885W. FURNITURE STORES GIESE FURNPTURB CO. QUALITY furniture for leas money. A79 Court Phoao 464. ..' PEOPIJS'8 FURNITURE STORE KEW and second hand fuxaiture; 171 N. Co-amerciaL Ladies' Wearing Apparel DRESSMAKING SPENCER CORSETS - TO ORDER Dressmaking. . Oarrie Fisher. . Mo Co mack Bids. DRESSMAKING TAILORING. . 771 N. Commercial. Phoao 2002M. Good work; 18 years experience. ; HXMSTITICHINa b a 1. w. u rT.rrte mru aTrrrmnn - pleating, battoas, stamping aad aeedl work; 829 Oregoa Bldg. raoae bt. MRS. O. E, MILLER HEMSTITCHING, etamping, buttona. Room 10, ever M ti ler 'e atore. Phoao 117. XJLDXES TAILOBTJIw W. J. MAYER LADIES' TAII-ORING; long eoats, aad suits.- Room 7. MeCor- aack Bldf. Phoao 693. BUSINESS CARDS GRAFTING TOP GRAFTING PHONE 111F21. MEN'S STOK8 ED. CHA8TAIN CLOTHING CO. SUITS and overcoata. Use my stairs, it pays. 80S State St. IsAUKDBIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 818 6 ; Liberty atreet. Phone 25. Oldest largest beat. Established 1889. YALE LAUXDRY IS AGAIN IN A PO aitioa to reader yea the same efficient aerviee ea before the fire which de stroyed oar1 old building. All kinde of laundry work, also cleaning aad proas ing. Phoao your wanta to 195 and ws will ealL CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt aerviee; 1264 roadway, mono lo. MACHINE SHOP THB CROSS AUTOMATIO EUCTRIO Steam boilers, : valoanixsrs aad tube pUtes. , Perry C. Campbell, 817 N ' Liberty. - H. AND M CO. SPECIALTY GRINf : era and welders. Automotive service. JSO Perry. Phone 864. WECHTER a SMITH MACHINISTS. , engineers. welde'ra, ' Heald . eyliader grinding service. Phone 562-845 Ferry. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phene 617-W. . "MUSICAL 8ALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC . All branchea tang tit. diplomaa granted. John R. Sites, director; 1237. Court ; Peons ' 699. A COURSE IX BUSINESS : PIANO playing. Popalsr syncopated standard music Semi-elastics aad ballads; 12 las sons. Waterman Plane School, Me Ooraaok Bldg. MU8I0 STORES TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A KEW . Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Furni ture Co, Musio Dept. j GEO. O. WILL PIANOS, PHONO grapha. Sewing machines, sheet music, aad plane studies. Repairing phona graphs' aad tewing machines; 417 State. Salem. SHERMAN, CLAY A CO, PIANOS Steinwaya. Duo-Art and others. Moore's Muaie House, 415 Court street. PIANO TUTORS IACK CLEMENT. SA! EM S PIANO tuner snd player mechanic. Maaician solicited. Call for him at Tallman Pian Store, 395 So. 12th St. Phoue 1695. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI aao tuner. Leave orders Will's Musi' Store. '- XURSEBY STOCKS COMPLETE LINK TREE8 SMAL1 fruits, ornamonta. Capital City Nur aery Oo, 426 Oregon Bldg. Phone, TS FRUITLAND NURSERY HAS A FE. more Italian prune trees. 4 to 6 feet also amaller grades. Phone 1140M 01 199. ., -. FOR 8 ALE FOUR TO SIX PRUNE trees. Phone 1125M. FRUIT. NUT AND 8 HADE TREE8 Pearey Bros, 287 State. ATTENTION FRUIT GROWERS. Choice Bartlett pear trees for sale; re dueed prices. R, Wt Mfthis. Salem Phone 111F21. JONES' NURSERY. NEAR AUBURN Hall, sells fruit trees, shrubbery, roses . aad small fruits. Prices reduced. Some .Italian left. Phone 111F3. SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE. BUYS AND sells second hand furniture, tool and junk; 920 X. Commercial. Phone 492 WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH log aad shoes.' Best prices paid. Cap . ital Exchange; 842 North Commercial Phone. lasa-W FAPERHANGINO AND PALM TING MARTIN "PAINTER." Phone 701. PAINTING. KALSOMINING AND PA pering Phone 1165W. Brown. PAPERHANGING AXD PAINTING PHOXE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSf decorating, paper hanging, tin ting, etc .Reliable workman. . IEN CENT KAL80MIXE IX BEAUTI fal colors; 91 does a room. Max 0 ,'Burea. 79 X. Com'L VLUMBIKO tlRABER BROS. PLUMBING ANI heating; general repairs. Phone. 650 141 S.. Liberty. -' PLUMBING - REPAIRING AND COIL work. Thono 1397 J. Shop 137 Unien street. A L.-Godfroy. "STOVES AXD STOVE . SEP AIRING 8TOVE8 REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' axpsrlesi-o. Depot NstionaJ fence, siies 26 to 28 4a. high. Psints, lis and varnishes, etc, logaaberry and hup Ineks, Salem Peace aad Steve Werka,. SAO Court atrwee. Pbona 134. I . Use Stateamaa Ulaiaified Ada BUSINESS CARDS aWAYJENGXHS 8008 SCAVENGES lEaJVICK (SUO- eeaaer to Naal 8oavoaaV uarbage aad refaae of all kinds swo,edby tae snoata. Reasonable rates. - Pboaea: Off ieo 529, residence S058. SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, refuse of sit kinds removed. Cos pools . cleaned. Phoao 167 or 1007 J. TOX8ORIAI1 GET SHAVED AT THE MARION BAR; bar shop,.. 156 8. Com'L TRAXSPORTATI0X ' PARKER'S STAGE LIXE8 J. W. Parker, Geaoral Manager Central State Terminal Salem. Oregoa 8ALEM-8ILVESTOX DIVISION Loaves 8alem, Central Stage Tormiaal: - 7 a. m, 11 a m, 5 p. m. Loaves Silverton, News Stand: 8 a.-as, 1 p. m, 6 p. m. Salem-Iadpeadeaeo-Monmouth Divlsioa : Leaves Salem Central Stage Terminal: 7 a. as, 9 a. m, 11 a. jb, 8 p. as. 6 p. ta. , Loavee Moamoath, Monmouth Hotel 8:15 a. m, 1 p. m, 9.15 p. as. Loavee ladepeadeaee. Beaver Hotel: 8:80 a. m, 10 a. aV 1:15 p. as, .d p. as, 8:30 p. m. Leaves Central, Stage Terminal, Salem, for Dallas 1st: ? T'a. m, 11 a. m., 5:10 p. m. leave Gsil Hotel. Dallas, at 8 a. m, 1 p. m, 6:13 p. m. We make connections at Salens Vol all ' parte of the valley. KxtiVVipe by ap poiatmeBt, - J. W. PARKER," General Manager. TRAXSPZB BAULZXa CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 936 State St. Phono 938. Distribntlag, for warding and storage oar specialty. Get oar rate a , 7 . .4- WK MOVE. STORK AND SHIP HOUSE- hold goods. . Our specialty is piaaevaad furniture moving. We also make eoanv . try trips. Wo handle the beet ooal aad wood. Call en us for priees. Wo give good measure, good quality aad good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phoao 980 WOOD EAWTX0 WOOD BAWnrO, Phoao 1181 XD Bprood, ; VARIETT STORES SALEM VARIETY STORE CHINA ware, glassware, toys, aotioaa. aad mil linery. i . . . - -WATER . . ' . SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. Office. 901 South Commercial St. Tea per eeat discount ; oa domes tie flat rates paid ia advaaeo. Xo deductions for absence or aay cause aatoas water la abut off your presnieee. - . LODGE DIRECTORY - UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS. . Camp S 'Armory. First, third Mondays. PROFESSIONAL AMBULANCE SERVICE 8 A L EAf AMBULANCE SERVICE Phoao 066; 179 8. Liberty. CHIROPODISTS LR, B. P. 8OOTT, GRADUATE MA tionsl University Scloaees, Chicago Maaaaie Tampla. Phone 640, DR. WILLIAMS CORNS. CALLOUSES, ingrown nails; all foot trouble. Price Shoe Co. Phone 616. CHIROPRACTORS DR. LENA A. BOONE. CHIROPRACTOR. . 4758. CommereiaL Houra 10 , to 12; 1 to S. Phono 1415. DRSV SOOTT A SCO FIELD, P. S C, Chiropractors, 414-19 U. 8. Bask Bldg Phoao 87; res. 828-B, ' CHINESE PHTSICIAM- f DR. L..T. DICK CURES ANY KNOW . disease. 159 S. Htgk St. Pbona 889. DRUGLES3 PHYSICIANS MAGNETIC HE A UNO DR. A. I. t Fraats Acute aad chronic diaeas-a Phoao 7BCT over Peoples Cash 8tore. FUhTERAI. DIRECTORS '' SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIKEC tors. 910 Ceater. Phoao 1658. ; NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. 8IAUGHTER ACUTE AND 1 chronie diseases; 415 Oregoa Bldg Phoao 110.. OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL CO. SUITE 901. 904 Oregoa Building. 0 LASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP tionl Co, 925 State street, opposite Ladd m Bush Bank. "Use Quality Prove a Shnr-oaaL" OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. FOSTER 404 OREGON BLDG . Phonea 756, 3024-J. OR. W L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC i physiciaa aad surgeon. Kirksvitle 1 grsduate, 404-405 U. 8. Xatioaal Baak Bldg. Phoao. office 919; res, 614. DR. JOHX L, LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC , Physiciaa aad Surgeon, 403-4O4; Ore gon Bldg. - Phones, office 1894; res. ss-ra. - - REAL ESTATE i6 ACRES OX PACIFIC HIGHWAY, 114 miles- north of Jefferson; good 7-room house, barn, outbuildings: practically all in cultivation; some personal prop- .J crty. Beady to wove, on to., Prii 9--00. Some cash, some trade, terma on balance. S. R. Tandy, Jefferson, Or. VM CLOSING OUT ALL MY HOLDINGS i a Salem, therefore will sell the remsin der of my Nob Hill addition lots singly. or In a bunch at a price that would surprise you. &-o ray agent. Mr. Rob inson, 2JU Oregon Bldg. Phone 1013. 110 d-s aud 9lO a month buys a-lot in East Salem, netar State sreet.Wby rentl - : Krueger v Oregon, Building. Phono 247. Special FOUR VICE LOTS TO TRADE FOR light car. ,. '-:',.(, Thomason S;S1 a Stale St. ROOM MOUtKN BUNGALOW. GAR a;e, in first class .condition, fur V Bished 93100. unfurnished 928W; 9G00 cash, balance moathly. : I'wo fine lots, pavement, rsrtius; 8k(rO .for both; $tiX cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. Socolofsky. . 311 Stale. 9'lOtt beautiful diamond, ror IMhi, filsy. uiamoau r-rrings. ,jo, tor trafle . Five-room . bouse - fireplace. . basement Six-room house, t North Cottage, ; $2700; close ia. -. ,.'.x ?-- , Svn room house, Cheaekeis, - close ia. - it Ron ; ..--j.- Business building.' close la. 81. '.'. , GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE t . 49'J North Uoltssc REAL ESI AIL A BARGAIN. t-ro-otn inedrTB borne, bferaent, furnxe, three lota; 13700. good lermt. MuU be sold soon. ' Owner leaving Salem. 7-room . strictly modern heme ia at Salem, 9 5 OOO. Pettyjohn & Mouser ' - 216 Oregoa Bldg. Gobu Buys.-& Exchahscs Chsndlei v' ' exrkasga for rail esUle. 160 acres, - 6v",'n!i. stock and maehin- ery near Aixlw: Pi 9SOOO. WiU take propertyj in Sals.'n. Toledo or Newport ia exchange. New 4-room plsstered bouse, with two lots, chiekra house v"" wood shed. Piice 9,1500. Easy frn.- Modern 5 room bungalow Wt "5. Commer cial street. Price 942Ut . terms. . Modern 7-room bungalow at f North Church street. Price 96750. -Irtn. Building lots on Fairmoaot . Ililf cheep. . Real- Estate and Fire Insurance.-- ' W. H. Grabenhorst dt Co. ' 275 Stale St, IT. 8. Bank Bldg. FOR DESIRABLE 'ACREAGE, IMPROV ed or unimproved. Phone owner, Glenu L. Adams. 8TOCK RANCH SALE NOTICE IS hereby given that the Wm. Dsrreuxa ranch, consisting of 260 acres in Lin cola county. 4 mile from Nortoas. will be sold to the highest bidder. April It. 1923, . at 2 o'clock, at Court lioosa at Toledo, Oregon. Clear of all encum brances. ; r Special : A nice large lot ea 19th atreet, lock Bonth of Center, for 8625; it's a gnd . buy. Good 7-room modern houe ia - Portland; trade for tana near Salem. Ws havs a cash buyer . for a small boose act over 91500. also a buyer for a 6-room bouse, with 8300 down. Also ' V buyer, for a 20-aore frnit-farm; mutt be oa paved road. . Wo have a 5 roo.o house that's a good buy for 91-(o. with . if 300 dowa aad 915 per . month. Thomason 331H Bute St. Best Buys 5 acres, 8 year old Italian prunes, ia first ' claas condition, house, bara; four miles out, 92850. 10 acrea ,20 year old Italian prunes. e rock road, S miles out; 93500. f lti cash. 15 acrea,' 5 aeres bearing prunes, 6 seres . Cherries, . 1 Vt bearing' logins, sne - mixed orchard; shock house, bsru coop, tools to work the place, 1 hnrt.: 9GO00. This is only 4 miles from Sal- ; center.' r Make esy terras or setl to soldier.' ' T ' " 50 acrea.' to" Jea ring prunes, S timber,' 21 grain land.-H fenced; price 97300, 93000 cash., 240 acres, 20 bearing prunes. 137 cleared, 90 timber, pasture, water power e "place; horses, cows, thickens. 70 , sheep,' all tools, traeter, fikiHm house, barn, drier. lVs miles from' V. st station; 845 per acre, 95500 ..cifth. ' balance terms. ; Socojofsky . 841 SUte. A YOUX6T MARRIED COUPLE. OR A disabled vetars entitled to help en en agricultural project would d well to investigate this: 1141 aeres, aire 5-rnnm ' bungalow -with fireplace, nearly fin iched; small barn and other oit!uiU- ings; exceptional view, fjtcellent lani' ' for fruits, null, berries ..or -poultry: miles from Salem, half mil from rle trio station. A. C. Bohrnrtedt, 407 Ma sonic Temple, Salem, Oregon Woods tlargalnk : Four-room house. 9800. Four-rnora bnase". close in. 91800. - Dandy 5 -room -. low; 92500, easy terms. Five-room nr bungalow, 94200. Want to buy a fsrui, 80 to 160 acrea. Wart a house as pay ment on SO-acre farm. Six-room bou - for rent; also ground floor apartment ; close in. 16-arro fruit ranch to trsdr for house or will renL Money to loo . 'Want to buy bouse for 91500, on tsrmi ' " Fi, L. Wood, 341 State strect- . BARGAINS. THREE-ROOM . HOUSE. LARGE HIT, Paved street, 91200; 9300 down. Five-room house, nice oast front, city water, electric lights, grsvel street, 91500; f50O dowa. A 84500 houne for 94000, all modern except basement. - heauUfal let, paved street. 7 room. Wo bare some lovely lots, very desirable. 9400. 9500. 9600. 9700, 9819; and a lovely corner near the State House fr 91800. We also have the Old People's Homo on 13th street for sale or les.e. : v Come end eeo me about this. It ran be made a money-maker. J. A. Mills, 831V State street. PUBLIC NOTICES XOTICK OF IMPROVEMENT OF "' SOUTH WIXTEll STREET RE TWEEX TATE STREET AXD ; OAK STREET. ' Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council of the 7 City of SaJem deems It expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to Improve South Win ter street from .he sotith line of State street to the north linq of Oak street at the expense of the abutting-and adjacent property, except the street and alley Inter sections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion of So ilh Winter street , to the establish id. grade, constructing cement con crete curbs and paving said por tion of South Winter street wilh a three-inch bituminous concrete wearing surface pavement In ac cordance with the plans and 8prl ficatlons therefor which were adopled by the Common Counrll March' 19th, 1923. now on ril-3 in the office of the dty necordr and. which are hereby referred to and. made a part hereof. ' . ' The Common Council berebv de clares its purpose and Intentin to .make the above described im provement by and through th Street Improvement Departnent of the City of Salem. Ry order of the Common C jm- cll the ISlh day of March, 1923. M. POULSENV City Recorder. Pale of first publication hcrrof la March 22. 1923. ALLIED REPLY SENT WASH INfJTON,' March 30. A copy of the all'ed renly to tb counter proposals of Turkey has ne;n Bnt by the governmfnt tu the Rrltish commissioner at Con stantlnople' with Instructlona to present It to the Angora repr.-s entailT9 simultaneously wi'h the presentation of coptee by ih-? French and I Italian wmmJssicm- ers. - s -