i GREATER SALEM .DISTRICT, NUiIBER, ,3IARCH :i923 COMPANY F IS SALEM'S TRIPE ILocal Militia Unit Ranks WaySp in Eft IciencVIembership Includes Many Soldiers Who H iv: Seen War Service New System of Paying Members for Drills Lends Zest to Observance of Requirements Soci l Stunts Hold Appeal ...j BER Salem Civic 'and Business Organization Puts Real Pep into City's Affairs Sponsors Movements for Municipal and Community Advancement Organized County Federation of Community Clubs with 26 Towns as Active Members , "V r-9t CHAM x 1 3 : j I! 1 1 Salem has one of therltvest mili tary organizations of the whole Oregon National guard Company F, Infantry, Capt. Paul Hendricks In command. :'.",-.;. ,-,;.r V"' There's always been a military company In Salem, from the "days "wfien the Rogae River and other Indians called for military; organ lzation. There was a Salem : com pany in the Spanish-American war a Salem company fn vthe,:Mexlcaa border dispute; a Salam -company inths World trarn on in the days after the war. with t all the enthusiasm of a clean. fine patriotism. - -a-...-V Company F bas ' made tra Company F bas ' made t rather more of a social development than r some other military. organisations; : that is tone of u its ? elements -of strength "It has a little ifeed! - every drill night; star ting atf6:I5 the boys are served vwith the : es- ' sentials of a; genuine man a meal, a help-yourself, come-and-get-it ioneal that lasts '.up ' till drill hour ' at 7 30.' This1 was adopted tomM the nceda of the many boys who find that by the time they go home from ; their v day's werk and -pick bp a meal' there they are too late for'drilI. Th: attendance records since the meals-furnished plan' was adopted, has been gratlfylngly iri- creased.: !- ' ;iHV"-t :V h; . There; are- 20 -Salem high: school boys in 'the:preseat'eompanyrros ter, 'and 10 'from' Willamette uni-t versity. 'The 1 present pay iof the national "retard ) makes the "work, i nottnore physicatlyfattraetive.for x boys never - needed much encoar- - agement to'like'army rdrill ; " btft it does make it a werth-whlle ' f 1- 1 Haneial considerations The base pay 'for an enlisted man -is $1.00 , per drill. Capt.-Hendricks figures I it 'that a' private in the' ranks, say a hoy In high school,; could carry tra -'"his drill through 1 th high school and .: on through the - uni rersityand even as'i a private -for - -seven years, he could havia $500 ". "bunding' and loan policy ypatd- for and a cash asset at the time of his cohe'ge graduation.-' It he became a corporal for most of the timer he would add practically -60 per "cent to bis cash capital; as a sergeant, which", any earnest" man would jrufely be for part of t nia seven S21LS 'QUALITY CARS Vlck Bros. Do Big Business in AntoCTrosTfeUors r Vlck " Bros, have adopted ,;aa thelr slogan "Quality Cars. sCThia explains ia short their-business, thit ' of selling " quality tears and then giving their customers qual- ity service which they-deem as Im . pdrtant a phase of their business as the first sale. . Vick (Bros., vol ume . pf business ' has reached -its present size largely; because of . their interest in their customers ; after the day the 'car was sold. j The ' VIcks -; make it --jkaowa ' jlhat they stand back of everything sold out! of their place of business., " Vick Bros, have a strong aales organization consisting of George F;-r Vick, sales manager, and six 'salesmen:. Morris Race, Byron C. 'Wright, Goodrich CsMolr Robert H. Savage, Carroll, pk-Va ;Slyke, and Ernest O. Hawes. Chas.. H. Vick haf charge of Hhe,nhsed 'car department.1 T' " - :, ,'-:.; : -,lhljs a firm has ; automobiles 'of , every . price class." Including the Qverlaadi i Willys Knight, Jewett, ' Paige and Oakland, t Their time payment plan of selling makes it easy to buy cars of them Vlck ! B ros. ; also sell ; the Barn son True tor r and Samson and Federal trucks. ' n 'J :Vy:"'l"r:i: A .battery -department has re ' cently been added In order jtd give complete service. t It Is prepared to f tike care of all trouble in starting, ignition systems, and is in i charge of Chester ? F. Way, a competent man in his line. ; i - The - parts', accessory and tire -departments are presided over by Rnsael Smith; who takes pleasure . in acconmroda ting all 'customers in his departments. . His motto is "Service with a Smile." ' Wlllard Tinker, shop foreman, is a Tinker by name as -well as -by nature. This is another depart ment which believes" in "Service 'with :a Smile.".. ... .; 'rvM j 'Vick, Brothers .have a garage ; building which is second 1 to none in the state. They own their own building which was built at a cost or aoout sxoo,ooo.oo. Every indication for 1923 points 'ta the best, year yet. In the motor car business. We are selling bet ter than, two icars , per" day,V says Mr. Geo. Vick, "nearly half of which are enclosed cars." - 'The Willamette ; .University, -around which Salem was built, is -the oldest educational institution -' of . collegiate grade, established west of 'the Mississippi river. And one 6f its-students, Uncle Joe Ba ker. of Salem, is still living, after having attendedo the venerable oid school in the year 184974 years ago. I ' . ' There will be work for at least 2oOO.pecxIe in the -Salem cannerr Is, when, the fruit season is at Jts best, during June and September. years, be might; make -his endow ment up to $1000 cash as gradu ation present. , ' '.. .The . pay is made in cash every quarter; one could take it and torn It in to a building and loan policy or into a- home, letting his time stand as a pleasure and phys ical benefit and not -as earnings to be spent; and It would ran into a worth-while capital. Not one col lege graduate . In 100 has $1000 of his own earned money as ca pl start in life at the time of his ? rraduatibn. " The national guard offers the i physical exercise as itsown .pay; it offers a splen did patriotic opportunity for every young man to get ready to aerve his- country in time of need and it ,can be- made to provide every young ;man ,wlth working capital the minute he is ready to leave tor good. . : A -V--;v 'i -'---'i-' - There -are - some Jf Interesting characters fa Company (F. f There Is one soldier, who might be legal ly: '25 ; years bid," but who has had all the experiences that other men ot $0 years ; ever - have. , He served- In the Canadian cavalry, and knows army life under more than one flag. There are 1. ser vice men from the late world war. There are others -who lhave - had various national guard and other military - training. Two members have served on the rifle teams that have competed to the "nation al. rifle championships, and have made -conspicuous records. . One can get almost .everything of life in the company personnels -''- i There is no - target range neat Salem, and the boys are - anxious to do a lot of target shooting this seasons It might be possible Uo go -overi to Dallas, : where there is an especially attractive 00-yard range, though there are only wo targets, not a very large number for a whole company shoot. They may -have to drive down to , the official Clackamas range, 35 miles away; there they iil have ranges for. "every distance, and enough targets to stage a match in short ; time.-. .:Vvvv- ; '.' V The ; company, drills on .Monday nights ; on oceasl ons when It may be -cecessary.; to change the date r the drills are held t on Thursday IMMBR0S;M Recent Improvements ' Give Jewelry' Store -Big City Air One of the -most modern retail establishments; in : Salem la the jewelry store tot Hartman . Bros, company, 'it is decidedly metro politan in ' its appearance, la its equipment and in its arrangement and is worthy of a commanding place ; among the large establish ments of the leading cities. - - i It was last December when the proprfetors put . the ; ' finishing touches on the interior., of : their store, although,; the , arrangement and the finishings were, very at tractive previously. . V. a t The store i ;now . occupies a; ground floor space with a 'deep balcony over the. rear and along the west side, i One of the impor tant additions was the, continua tion of this balcony from the" rear end to front- of the store.-. Other tmportant '-changes were made .In the arrangement of the I floor spaced T :.:''J : "''''"- ' Intthe new "part or theTbalcony is located the watCh repafring de partment in which the firm does a large business. '. A number of expert-workmen are kept busy there, but' the head watchmaker has1 his compartment on the ground floor directly underneath i and t at the doorway, where he can come - in contact with the customers. . ' Beautiful show cases in three main groupings, one along each wall and ; the. : third,.; a horseshoe shaped one In : the ' center, adorn the store and. contain the Jewelry, watches and cut glass stocsks. ; On the ground floor opposite the head watchmaker's department, is the "diamond room" where purchasers and prospective ' buyers of these precious "gems can examine the large array and make their selec tions in privacy. ' This feature is highly appreciated, by the buying public, many "people desiring ; to maintain privacy in their dealings. 1 O. A.' and R. W. Hartman are the proprietors. ?The latter, waa associated with the former owners. who established the store years and years ago; and after the death of the founders, lie availed himself of : the opportunity to be come. its owner. He, obtained the asscociation of his brother, who had been in -the -jewelry business at' Los Angeles tor years. These two men have been sole proprie tors for the . past' eight years and are making a big success of their undertaking.' , Standard - quality goods." rightly priced and guaran- teedr are bought when - purchased of Hartman Bros, company, ; . tSaTem's population-1 is estimated at 20,000 and it's rapidly grow tag. Salem'a pppulatlon is estimated at 2 0,00 0 and it's rapidly grow. ing. nights. A The company has main tained a regular club room ser vice in the armory basement through the winter. During the spring and summer, while every body is busy the . club room ser vice will be given only on Mon day nights. 1 i f Company F is recognized by the Salem boxing commission as the only authorized promoter for box ing and wrestling events. Some whirlwind events have been staged here this year, that have attracted much att t.e n t i o n from outside sportsmen. Through, the Company F. smokers ."Phil Bayes of , Salem has-been developed intd, a legiti mate .contender for vthot-feather- SALEM CIVIC Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, Kiwanis and Iiions Vie- to Keep Community on Forward Path- It's a good thing that the vari ous dinner clubs of Salem are ex clusive in their membership, so that no one can attend all of them and founder himself. There are fife . regular dinner clubs, all of which have established - reputa tions for their : cuisine and their good fellowship that tends to over indulgence. He would have to be a -grim ascetic or an ostrich who could stand all these good things, and live to tell the story. On Monday the Chamber of Commerce serves ls weekly lunch eon, at its own rooms. ' These din ners run the whole gamut of food; chicken dinner, ' baked salmon, ham-and, boiled, dinner, Swiss steaks, and the whole range of flesh and fowl foods; honey, mince and pumpkin pies, .fruits, cakes. ice cream, fruit: Juices, and all the trimmings. The dinners, however, are only a part of the attractions; a widely varied list of important public matters' have rr been discussed- schools, Easter observ ance, good roads, obedience to law. fish and game, ana many tnmgs oi vital importance to the community life. Some notable outside visit ors have appeared to address the diners on particular topics. The Chamber of Commerce has aimed to make all these speaking en gagements interesting and instruc tive, and has succeeded admirably ln'st) doing. : . ' n,4.;!j" "; l . On Tnesday the Kiwanis i club meets' at the Marion hotel. This club has a membership approach ing 100, and it is a shouting, fight ing force for civic betterment, The club has taken lip a number of es pecial community needs during the past year, and devoted itself whole heartedly to service which is its' motto.: Some. excellent music has been presented by the . Kiwanis club guests during the year; al ways something, well' worth the hearing. But always before mu sic or speech, they eat; eat hearty. men's size meals, regardless of dyspeptic or nltra-dajnty restric tions. The Kiwanis are hearty men; and their dinners are hearty and wholesome and nothing ' lack ing to make them memorable. The Rotary club, the oldest of the regular dinner clubs, dines on Wednesday. There are more of the older med here; men who have come to 'the executive Btage of business, life,-., where the ; swivel chalrl and the . lengthening trous ers' belt and the slower, heavier- footed step marks the man who has ''arrived.' r -There - are some of: the youngest middle-aged men who ever saw a good lIme;j.iV royal, loyal . good, community bunch, and its 'programs 'fairly groan with good things. Big prob-i lems of state' and nation, broad matters of r education, vital mat ters of local ' concern, - are ; dis- rrRH man in man mnA manv st mlarunderstanding has been cleared up at these dinners. ; 'Also, - they clear np . their , dinner, plates of Bome wonderfully 'good meals; but they'd give a lot to be able to eat np the last of their pie as do the Lions or as would a bunch of news boys.. F That's one of the penalties for dignity v. . .. The Marion-Polk County Real tors hold down the Marion dining room on Thursday ' noon. : They have one of the livest little, trade or professional i organizations on the tjoastend the regular lunch eons always have something of. in terest in a citizenship or business way. j They have an occasional musician, but usually the program Is sober business; the attendance and. Interest is remarkably good, considering that It is "a'stralght professional, organization. This ctub i opens its luncheons to all comers who may, be Interested in the 'subject announced for the day's discussion; some wonderful ly interesting programs have been given, on subjects that are of genT eral appeal. ; On Friday the Lions club dines. also at the Marion. The Lions are the youngest in point of age," as well as in actual years of Individ ual age; , they,, are,, the, younger. more restless, -more volatile busi ness men of the city,,, and, they certainly, make the most of their opportunities. ' When pie appears weight .Championship of the north west, wLen he gains a little more experience. Bill Hunt,' also of Sa lem, has yestablished more than a local reputation as a heavyweight; through tbie start and the support lie has had! from the local soldiers. A number V of basketball ? games have been rJPayed during the win ter. V J - ' V i Paui HenAricks, ' Its captaia, is showing a pta'ttcular ability as a commander, aU d the company mo rale is said toK be about the best la. the whole st te military prgan Itation. John Elliott is first lieu tenant, Paul F. Burris is second" lieutenant, and A. Rings first ser geant. All are ei t-service men. CLUBS -Members Dirie on their bill of fare, they eat it, ajid dare old Oyspepsia' to touch 'em',' or even to look cross or they'll eat a whole pie apiece and show him who's who. They have, had some remarkably -interesting local business talks, where , local manufacturers, or J professionals men with some fine, unusual spe cialty, have explained the process and told what can be done with it. These local business lectures have made a great hit. ' They usually put on some special music, invited in from the outside. Recently the Lions1 put on a great minstrel show for the benefit of the Salem Boy Scouts', , bringing in several hun dred dollars net proceeds tor; the Scout fund. The show was repeat ed for the Turner Scouts, where It netted almost $100 for the boys. One speaker, appearing before one of these dinner clubs, thanked God for their coming. He said that they, marked the. dawn of an era of friendship and cooperation and community understanding, that the sordid, individualistic American didn't know existed. They pave the way towards the universal brotherhood of man, ac cording to this speaker; and he would be a foolhardy and perhaps a criminal missntbroDe who nhmilrt trv fn' dlanrnra tha. at a oi I ment. ' - - -.- - ' - - - " " V ' - "-- . x : v . .-. .. - , KSBIWBBIBBmilH!lliiaiM HARTMAN BROS. Cb; Diamon ds Wa t c he s; a n d J e welry The Store of Gifts That Last : Visit our newly remodeled store. Our. prices arc very attractive. Sterling ware, Sheffield plate, pearl neck pieces. Platinum and white gold ' . jewelry HARTMAN BROS. COMPANY " -S-erviec a E f f i c i e ny :3ALEM, OREGON I iiiiiiiiihilfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiitiiiiiiiMiiiiiiii Atsm&mtfM ' mm ii iimwi m i a Z ,,i?nir - KOPRAC TM DOOR T a ?nMMHIIIIHMillllllll nMHMIhMIHmHimiHIIHMMHIIMllllllHM It is a common saying that the average capital city Is prone to sit around on its hunkers and wait for "George" to do it, whatever it is that needs doing. Politicians, ex-politicians, ' short-hour 'clerks; retired people, climbers, flock to the average. capital city; and, they blanket its industries . and ' they smother Its aspirations and yowl about, its' taxes while they wait for the state to make them per sonally prosperous. An average capital city is about as progressive as a broken-legged snail chained to a stump, i - . - - v ' '- ' It might be hard to prove that even ' Salem wasn't one of T these waiters for George States to make it prosperous. But "them days ia gone , forever," with the Salem Chamber of Commerce and the ac tive industrialism that it stands for. :l . ,f '. .. . .. ." ... ;; , '". . The Chamber of Commerce' has done as good work as any similar organization in the northwest; better than any but one or two others .that might' stand near the head of the list. It has thrown off the old, snail shell; girded up its ' loins,' spat upon Its' capable hands and started out to do real things ia a ; spectacular way. ' , The Salem Auto park, that is known all over the west as one of the finest municipal camp grounds anywhere, .Is the -work of .the Chamber 'of . Commerce. More Americans' I have stopped there than ought in the Revolutionary war; and they were a lot better treated, and went away happier, than , the Minute Man with his flintlock rifle and a ' handful - of oCntlneatal i currency and a red coat bullet through - his leg. . The service is the best anywhere on the coast. The Chterrlansv the dress degree, of the Chamberpot Commerce, make this their, espe cial work during the summer.: -. I The Chamber of. Commerce repenty put over -the - big cam paign for the city:rschools,TWith its authorization of bonds' 'for half a million dollars for school building purposes. v SA far smaller bond issue proposed by the school board, two years ago, failed, and the schools have been terribly crowded because of ? this : failure. fThis year the Chamber of Com merce took tap the campaign; and put it over. The Salem school system has1 always, been the envy and the despair ' of rival cities; ROPRACTIG FOR THE SICK Of all drugless health methods, Chiropractic leads. From nothing a few years ago. it exists today with' 18,000 .practitioners and millions of followers. Why! Sim ply, because it is based on merit. It is-logical, reasonable, and produces results. RESULTS As Chiropractors we know that; our greater service to humanity in the future ( depends on our ability to restore,, health to the siclft of this community. .That we can be depended upon to do this is vouchsafed by our satisf ied'patienti. Ask them "about W' " . . - 1 U . ' - DRS. Resolve that you, -too," physical troubles. TO 3 Office hours: 10 to 12 this new service by the chamber put 8 it even farther in the - lead than ever' before. ' The Marlon County Federation of Community clubs) is perhaps the. biggest and finest thing that any chamber of ' commerce inthe northwest has ever put over for a purely unselfish motive. This is a federation of all the communi ties in the county, 26 of -them now being members,1 for the pro motion of business and society in terests land the establishing of friendships to make for happiness and progress. Th Idea started with' the Salem bocr, and was put on with real enthusthrsm.1' It' func tions precisely as ft was dreamed out in the beginning; it is the finest big club of the kind any where. "- ; '- . 1 1 - . They of fleers are passed around from one community to another, to promote 'Interest- and to pre sent new problems, and solutions for the general notice. The meet ings are held once a month, on invitation from the various, com munities This year, a "definite On Steep Side HiU$or in Cram essajy or in Iaw Beaver Dam So ZL Hillsides, no matter how steep, have no terrors for the. Cletrac owner. Built on the plan of the famous war-tanks, the Cletrac can work and work most ' efficiently wherever man can gain a foothold, without danger of overturning: : Or, if the field he small and. constant turning be necessary, the 'Cletrac owner has no worries. He knows his tractor can turn around in less space ind 'he smiles as. he twists his way around corners and trees and, as he turns at 5theend of the field. No matter where the Cletrac 's job lies, the: Cletrac will proceed to its task and in jts -'.regular, efficient, matter-of-fact way will do its work to the complete satisfaction of the jpwner and the envy of the neighbor. ' . 1C A. ' TANX-TYPB 'liiW'.Tfif:Stl .feto-i'i-T--J The Cletrac is most happily adapted to use in the "Willamette, Valley. It is ideal for the general farmer the Standard size is large enough for-11 his :needs and jret not large enough to. be extravagant in its cost and upkeep. It is ideal for the orchardist, for the truck gardener, for the hop yard, for the dairyman. i does the work and it goes where other tractors do nottread. In the BABY type, th.erelis.a tractor especially designed to meet the requirements of the sail acreage tiller. ; ' And don't forget this important item: ; $ : The : small : farmer and orchardists cant afford to feed ihorses' iy Jthe :year, nor can they afford to hire, teams during their Jmsy seasons. The Cletrac doesn't eat when .it's not in use I -'V:'"-:- - ' '-r A. ..' Service is a most desirable faetor and; we give almost complete, efficient kind of serv ice. The Cletrac owner knows that whatever 'needs he may 'have, in this line, are .adequately met" by ms. Our mechanics are the best and our whole organization stakes its ultimate and continued success on the maintenance of able,-courteous, smiling, wel come service. , . ' ' 1 ; . . -May we; not tell you anorc about the Cletrac! 1 i' - ? . , 44 Ferry. St. SGOTT & 1 Palmer Chiropractors COUNT will have, your spiue analyzed to find the cause of your J.MS'!5j3Wi3 -J5j r. 1 Telephone 87 for an appointment. 2 to 6. program , has ''been promulgated, covering a number of Important subjects for public Interest roads, taxes, potato Certification, fruits, and many others. The an nual:1 corn show, that promises -to become a state wide farm exposi tion Is supported by the federa tion. j - The Chamber ' of Commerce maintains its rooms for the gen eral public benefit. Hundreds of meetings and conventions are held there, every year .covering a vast number of social, business and charitable subjects;. The weekly club dinners', served -every Mon day, bring together a fine, body of men who are keen to get-acquainted with the big problems of the day, and! to realize on the biggest asset " In ' the world personal friendship. Some noteworthy ad dresses have been Jmade : In this luncheon series. : , r There is a reading and game room at the club quarters, and the place is wide open, to all visitors. It is. the headquarters; for indus- ( trial and social information of the i 7 Tanktype ; Tractors Excel Them All Cletrac Sales Service I Farm Implements . in Ctfti .C- 416 U.;S.;Bank Bldg. Salem area; some strllcing new lit erature Is to be Issued soon, to be ready for the . armies- of tourists who will soon be traveling through and stopping over in Salem. Salem sees i year-.of;duildi::g .(Continued 'from page 1) which the building boom contin ues. Lumber, labor, plumbing and electrical supplies, every' item in the construction of buildings, has gone'up under the pressure of de mand; and still the demand holds, and grows stronger. The call for homes has had no let up; there are still' not enough good homes to care- for. the people who want them. The -: -schools are beins crowded, "the Churches are "filled to - such limits as they never . be fore knew, the lodges and the streets and the theatres' and the stores never before' knew what it was to be crowded, but they prom ise to Ttnow ft this year. It looks like the record year cf all time for the city of Salem. : : a Made in two mo'Jch :. STAliDARD: For the avera-e fzmcr. BBY: JFcr ihs mall acreage Phona 210 iiimmniiuw m a orlrose tO suTer- 5 f . f . v7' urj 1 i i " 2 .