Marion- Hotel ; OFFICIAL AAA HOTEL Salem's Leading Hostelry A: N: PIERCE, Manager Pickens & Haynes Successors to C M. Roberts TPt 4 ' Miner Auto Repair Shop We are now Located at , 1 Ferry and High Streets Where every-jofc receive the individual attention of the proprietor: ' Our service means satisfied customers: NELSON BROS. " ' Sheet Metal, Plumbing, Heating; Auto Radiator i Repairing Paul Water Systems 355-361 Chemeketa St. SALEM, ORE.' I Phone 1906 RELY ON US r f, u to make that old, worn i i auto body look like new Reliance Auto Painting Co. Over Hupmobile Agency State and Front Streets Anderson & Rupert r Real Estate, Insurance, Farm and City Loans 406-7 Oregon Bldg. I Salem, Ore. i4PPE!L TO O'NEILL 2JKi3- DHL C B. O'NEILL sTT 233L OPTOMETRIST OPTICIAN V 'V Buih Bank Bid. v0'" PHone B25 For 'Appointment HARDYJARE TOOLS CUTLERY PAINTS AND VARNISHES x;x - V,. Spring Time and Garden Time Are Here How About X , , v v . ' 1 Those Garden Tools. SALEM HARDWARE CO. lKrr f'The Winchester Store' The right size j The right price L . - i ' ! ' XJ . Wa beUava It to b. h most c aomlcal cm bnilt today ovar ft pe riod f ywn. O. B. Gingrich Mdtor Co. 371 COURT STREET v HATS BLOCKED 291 N. Commercial St. .XV (foimerly 195 Court St.) - ;..!- ' i I " 7 Men's and Women's Hats Blocked and : .: Trimnred !" , y ' - : y::xJ- : X . . ; i Buckram Frames for the Home Milliner r C B. ELLSWORTH, Prop. Bert B. Eslileman QuaKty Groceries 1 75 So. Commercial Street Phone 305 We wish to announce to the people of Salem and vicing ty that we have purchased the store of C. M. Roberts at 456 Court street. Our aim will be to maintain the highest degree of service together with the1 lowest . possible price consistent with quality merchandise. We invite the patronage of all Mr. Roberts' patrons and of the general public. ,i ' rX i -: , rtm f- l' BEST SERVICE RIGHT PRICfES t Phones 256 or 257 SEE ME FOR TIRES ; C -x AT THE RIGHT PRICES V ' i Yours for Service v Quackenbush Auto Supplies 294 N., Commercial Phone 66 BISHOP'S Clothing and Woolen Mills Store C. P. BISHOP, Prop. ; The Home of Good Clothing and Furnishings 136 N. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon i : A 1 ' ' - - OUR BEAUTIFUL FLUFF RUGS .out of your old worn-out carpets add to the CHARM OP THE HOME. ; We also make to any size 1 . COLONIAL RAG RUGS We reclean. refit, sew and re-size carpets;' and old ones reno vated and remade. New Mattresses made to order. , Feathers renovated 3alem Carpet Cleaning & Fluff Rug Works Established 1911 i t OTTO P. ZWICKER, Prop. THIRTEKXTH AND WILBUR STREETS TELEPHONE 1154 0 RADIATORS Why buy a complete radiator because the old one ig damaged, frozen or clogged up?. Simply have us install an- International Core and the radiator" will be good as new. We make cooling sections for any radiator on short notice, guaranteed to" cool as good as the ojd one and not burst when It freezes. ; ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED J. C BAIR THE REGULAR RADIATOR MAX ' RADIATORS, BODIES and FENDERS MADE and REPAIRED AO. CTRICV Factory Parts and Service Connecticut Ignition- Westinghouse Electric Systems Rayfield Carbur etors Robert' Bosch Magnetos r Splitdorf and Dixie Magnetos ROBERT BOSCH The Original Bosch Magneto, Unex "celled Also the New Type Spitdorf Expert Attention Given to Ignition and Wiring Troubles Painstaking, Careful, Accurate Service ' 238 NORTH HIGH STREET ; j ' Dr. L. IU Burdotte Dr. Carl Wonnerx THE BOW OPTICAL CO. .325 State St. ' Y T SALEM :: OREGON Call for Appointment Offices. Portland, Salem - Phone" 327 j X- . i . 1 V ' ' . J A QUICK LUNCH 1 341 N. Commercial Short Orders Lunches Chili Con Carne at REAL K'" ' Popular Prices s ' Soft rinks Ice CreamCigars Try Us Once Y o u'l 1 Come Again W. E. ATKJNSON, Prop. SUI TS j20$25$30$35 ! New Styles:: Excellent Quality Just W ha t Y o u "Want for E a s t e r BATES-STREET SHIRTS ' '. ; None Better ED. CHASTAIN CLOTHING CO. i j 305 State St; ; -V M ayor rays .. Jin mi tut it'i iiti w mi tiiuim it.: w: uu u ri A, s: wiamwi;ii:ii!iinm;;nmii'ii'fy.iitniiiiM'ff? T t have been requested, as Mayor of Salem, to say a few : presents itself to extol the virtues of our city, I have to c those who might accuse me of deliberately being soci life iit Salem and during that time the word "Salem" lz to be home to me in every sense of the word. y v j The pioneers who laid the foundation, so to speal;x Our wide streets and spacious public squares, located k occasion, to visit us. Surrounded by a rich agriculture! u her continued growth and prosperity. Through hei is promoted and a wholesome influence is exerted th: Our people are prosperous and contented. We are fortunate irX the cities of our nation and which are brought about on account of tl? family, the members of which are contributing their share towata man liveth unto himself !" Our lives and fortunes are inseparably drh Salem is in our hands. We must be held responsible for her failure q: the upbuilding of our city? Are we trying each of us to unselfishly i just pride to the various business, civic and social organizations whiji -that space woulcTpermit the individual mention of each one of thescc fluences which they are exerting throughout our community'.: Lethize our city. Whether it be along the line of the promotion of some ml lie institutions, the encouragement of higher moral standards of llyik day's work unless he has contributed from his heart and mind towath Let us in our development make Salerno a symmetrical city. Salx everyone who comes here is immediately made to feel at home, dnh we are to properly support and improve our homes. Nor is it eiiouil short of what is necessary to make an ideal city. With this matcri progress, for these are essential elements in the development of a c.Vj have endeavored, thus.brielty) ,tb express to you some though ; ourcity. c ' ix K Let this be our goal, fellow citizens, and may we one and alliwi J Y Not Eat at the VALLEY GRILL Open at All Hours Corn Corn, Props. 156V& South Commercial St. The Oregon Fire Relief Association of McMinnville, Oregon Is the largest Mutual Fire Insurance Company In Oregon: Vf5nx?o?nw8 a greater Proportion of business in its HOME STATE than any other fire insurance company Issues NON-ASSESSABLE POLICIES at LOW RATES Fio tection and Service unexcelled . Sre us about .your next' auto policy too STANDLEY & FOLEY, AGENTS Rooms 1-2 Ladd & Bush Bank Bid. SALEM OREGON - -Phone 347 , r y THE WELCOME REAL ESTATE OFFICE II. E. Brown :: Ym. V. Powell City property Farm Property Notary Public, Fire Insurance, Loans, Exchanges ' Licensed and Bonded under Oregon Laws Murphy Building 109 South Commercial Street Phone 559 EMERGENCY PACKET tit it lHtU Arag store is itself. Compact and ronTeni-nt. Contain just what you nrd for ta B(rfenci, tnat so ften aris wlfa dnxj" Horn are far away Cotton, Adhwire Plaatrr. Iodine, GaQia Baa-: dao and Oaoze. j Etmt varatianirt Xourirt and trareler ahonld own oe. PEEEY'S DETja 8T0EB 11S S. CoaunareUt KENYON Duro Cord TIRES Self Pumping Tank for Fords and Chevrolets. Good Vulcanizing Service C; M. Carlson, 349 N. Commercial St CAPITAL j EXCHANGE Men's Furnishings, Shoes and Clothing f If you have used clothes, see us. We buy and sell goof used clothes ' ' P. STEINBOCK, Prop. 342 North Commercial Street' - SALEM, OREGON I Call if you need 136S-W- Established 1880 Thone 535 SALEM ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Marion County 212-222 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg. SALEM, OREGON ' XJ&: Tero M. Ilicks, President Walter B. ilinier, Secretary E. H. BURRELL Quality Batteries for less ' WILLARD SERVICE STATION 238 N. High Street - . tL mi in i in ii 1 1 ii niiiiiiir""""' mi niiniiiiiiiini niiiiiiiiiii;;;:-r