The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 31, 1923, Page 11, Image 11

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does big wee:
' -
Through the Oregon Training School It Reclaims the Few Who Are Really Bad and Tends the Unfortunate Who
Have No Other Homes Average Stay of Lads at School Is 20 Months Youths Win Way out Through Merit System
Imparts Instruction in First Ten; Grade Subjects -Excellent Literary Accomplishments Blade by Students and Musical
Instruction Provided Attendance Not Large, 44 Enrolled, 20 More, Waiting Prof. J. Howard Suprintcr.J:nt
1 1
; I
Not more than one boy out of
every six who ate sent to the. state
training school for boys is really
"bad," according to Superintend
ent W. 1. Knser. Perhaps ,that
proportion of the boys are bad;
not necessarily beyond redemption,
but of such natures and training
that they Heed treatment 'of "their
own. The others are mostly out-of-Iurlc
little lads who need a' home
and not punishment; food and not
leggings: love and not law j .
' There, are now 156 boys -at the
school ; the number has . been up
as high as 165. They come and
-ga in rather ouick precession. The
average age at the time of com
mittment is about 14 years: The
average length of stay back in the
Iowa school, where Supt. Knser
J was iin -charge .for a number of
- years, was 20 : months; the rec-
i ords here hate not f been exactly
compiled, but are believed to be.
4 about, the same as for Iowa. Tbat
) would let the boys out at an aver
age age of a little under 16 years.
Most of them-go there, originally
as the Tictima . of broken homes.
Of course there are' exceptions?
but the rule Is; general, that either
one parent, or both, Is either dead
or departed. The boys are com
mitted to the school because home
conditions have been bad enough
to . foil to - give v them - adequate
training. It wasnt ever intended
tobe$a mere orphans' home; but
In fact-it- has'to be that' for many
off the luckless boys'.,
" There are ,604 acres In, -the
school farm; (about 300 acres of
. this area is Wder cultivation.. The
boys do most of .the work, under
. general supervision. They-f false
the vegetables, the fruits,' , the
stock-feed, used,. on the place.
There is a fine "herd of 2 6 Hol
stein cows; and the boys do all .the
dairying. It's . a great -place for
milk; the boysV are milk-fed" almost
to their hearts content. They take
great interest in the dairying and
- stock raising; It offers them ; rain
2 tng for their citizenship life after
, they are released. ?;.-;'- -
. A boy committed Tto the school
Is the arbiter of his own fate. By
a system of merit awards, ! it - is
possible for the boy to earn his
y own. parole. in less than a year's
time; it could be done within nine
: months-T-whereas" the average stay
I is 20 months, or more than twice
' as 4ong as 'the minimum; ; The
I earning of merit badges is " alto-
-W . wamj , -tus; iminj
rT themselves. It the boy- will but al
tow them to do so' There are a
j 'yAiA. number of responsible jobs where
i ' J extra credits can be earned: for
: y sp6"21af work on 'holidays, or for
- especially hard or '.. disagreeable
wnrV nt oti-v Vfnit ttm and A half
I la paid in "credits," and these all
apply on the record that leads to
a parole. '; . : . . ' -'" .
i It is an interesting commentary
on the character or the boysthat j
there are five or six times as many
applications tor these especial po
:sitlons. as there are. places to filL ;
. The boys yearn for the chance to
- - distinguish themselves, to - merit
trust and confidence; to earn their
own release! from the school bond
age.. . They are willing to. pay the
price of extra 'service, tor this dis-
.Unction; -and under the system in
; vogue at the-school, they are en-;
couraged to accept all the respon
sibility thar can be . given - them.
Some of them -have an executive
training, in these jobs, that a col
lege graduate ' might ; envy. '
As most of the boys come to the
school well behind their normal
school grades for their ages, an ex
cellent school is maintained for
their benenti 'This comprises the
full - regular eighth grade course
as laid out by the state board of
education, and an added year of
high . school work. ' The ' eighth
grade graduates are examined by
the county authorities1 ,and receive
their certificates as do the pupils
of any other school. 1
As there are not ' a ','tew , boys
there from homes where love and
family responsibility were lacking,
this mark of defective rationality
Is noticeable In the boys them-
i i -selves from these loveless, fly-by-
i night homes; there are more .slow
I - . or slightly warped mentalities
I I, there than in the average group of
boys from good homes. But the
1 . nJfchoOl brings most of them along
f : m ... .m.
in an. aamiraoia way. mere are
At this season of the year there
is an especial demand for boys who
can be paroled out for the season's
farm work. The parole officers
take .particular . care to Dr event
the exploitation of the boys for
brutal servitude; it has to .be a
real home, and not a slave gang,
that receives one of these warda of
the state. The old days o! the
bound boy" : are gone : so f tr as
Oregon is concerned; the Joys.go
out . only. to , places where ;they
can . have the ; advantages a self-
respecting boy should have. They
havej, earned their parole, have
paid their debts, and start In with
a clean slate; no one can expect
to browbeat them itlo slarery.
for any past v mistake .or misfor
tune. There are very few who ever
have to be sent back a . second
time; most of those who are par
roled are cured for keeps. . j
A- number of trades are 'carried
on in the school for the two good
reasons. of school economy and for
peracal Jife-tralnlcgj yarpontry
, - 1
j -. . ... '
' . ' ir. ' 1
,s- t
-:.:.' W. Ib.KUSER ( .1 '
Saperinteiidont of Oregon State Training School for' Boys'
shoemaklng, dairying, machine
shop work, "printing, baking, laun
dering, tailoring,; are taught un
der competentjnstructors; the boy
who gets all the school can teach
him in any one of these branches
State Has Equipped vSanitarium at Salem, Where Great "Work Is Being Done in Res
cuing Victims from Clutches of Tuberculosis Permanent Cures in 25 per cent of Cases
A more or less popular founda
tion for. a sob story Is the picture
of mother orrttftif er orchffdT wast
ing away in the grasp' of tubercu
losis, when a little money would
take the invalid to .health and
strength; and gladness. -It f may
stand tor any one of several bas
ic plotsthe crime ot wealth , in
which not all may share; the self
sacrifice ot the hero or the heroine
who makes a way for the victim
to escape the impending fate; the;
callousness of -the common -public i
that "does not knowor perhaps '
care; and various other ; heart-'
rending propaganda. .Most fre-;
quently It really represents 'the
author's desire to sell a story, and
he lean play a sounding tune on
the string of human -sympathy.
Heal life in Oregon gives a
curious and hopeful denial to this
as a necessary or even- a usual
condition. The state tuberculosis
hospital near Salem Is the living
proof that the world is far better
than the pessimist would believe.
The hospital Is crowded, witn a
few. more patients than its highest
rated capacity ot 120 inmates;
and there are 30 or '40 applica
tions in J for other patients ; for
whom there is not how room." The
legislature this winter appropriat
ed $2M0 for a new rbulldrng,
which is to be built ar toon a?
possible this sprfng; this 'Will caro
for 32 more patients, and practic
ally; clear up the waiting list;
The service is tre' to f any one
who has lived In the state for a
year, aixd Is so a, lawful state
charge. ! This . service covers
everything board, ' room medical
care, nursing, the patient Is asked
only ; to ; provide ' personal belong
ings, such i as clothing and trans
portation. There is no distinction
as .to sbcial standing, or, wealth,
or on any other basis; the one
fact that- is considered is the act
ual physical need of service.. One
exception might be made in that
those who are known to be able to
pay . for private sanitoriuras, are
dismissed 'with a great ceremony;
the hospital. . while . net i carrying
with It even the snggestionot a
poverty oath, is nevertheless in
tended : mostly i for those ; who
might not have the means to-take
the - necessary - treatment. '
Dr. Grover C. Bellinger, in
charge says that Oregon Is as
good a country for the tuberculo
sis patient as in the highest -and
dryest and hottest ot the south
western ;'tates. "There is . one
class; those wllh asthmatic ten
dencies, where a dry climate la
better:' "but . these he finds to
comprise1 not more th'fcii-ihree per
cent of the total number affected
by. tuberculosis cK(:ig for' treat
ment. Some have belfeved that
there was no real cure' except in
the oven-like; desert of tho south
west: !Tho figures of the Oregon
institution, compiled over a num
ber of years, seem to show, that
health reigns . in Oregon where
nature always smiles. as truly as
where the mercury boils and all
humanity hates Itself and alt cre
ated 'things because ot the temp
estuous heaty-v .-.'
" ' .
- 4 t
t , I ; t - v - -
- v -',
. J - - , , i : i
:MA i Jf-'.
- , j -.
is practically a pourneyman grad
uate by the " time lie finishes the
school, and has a trade for life.
This the school authorities con
sider the surest means of reclama
tionsto give ; every boy a trade
"The average the "pa
tients 'in the stated , hospital has
been about f 8 V2' months.i This is
of their own choosing they could
stay longer if they so chose. Most
of them would be better, say the
doctors," if ;: they did stay a ' little
longer. As it - is, about 60 per
cent are discharged ' appreciably
improved. Fully 25 per cent of
DR. O. C. BEtlilXGEK
- "
Superintendent of Oregon , State
. " Tuberculosis Hospital v i
all who come, are eventually en
tlrely cured, according to the fiTe
year reporte tabulated covering
the former patients who have gone
back to home life. - !
In one sense, these 'figures are
a bit misleading. Some states
have two grades of hospitals: "The
local, either city or county, where
the aggravated cases are held, "for
which therelis less hope; and then
the. state, to which all the pat-
Jenta who seem susceptible of
either maTked Improvement or
a .
cbmpiete cure are sent, Oregon
does not make this distinction ;
all cases go to tho state hospital
To- figure" the total number of pa
tients in the two clases of hospi
tals, many i other states show a
noticeably smaller percentage of
cures ' than does the Oregon in
stitution. This Is - its own com
mentary ori ' the - bealthf ulness of
the. Oregon climate, and the ef
ficiency of .the Oregon, hospital.
The tuberculosis hospital does
not i'run into money" -as do most
ot the other : state institutions It
is largely an out-doors home;
with good floors, good roof s but
with , walls that . may be mostly.
glass or screen and not expensive
brick and mortar. The outdoors
is the great ! cure-j the wind , and
the sun and the Jclean ' rain and
the balsam , of the v evergreen
woods. : The averuge temperature
of the hospital rooms is nrt great
ly in excess of that of the real out
doors: there is ndne of the steam-
heating that some kinds of Insti
tutions need." T'':';-'
"They accept the cold treatment
with . anrnrl&inely good arrsce
said -Dr. Beilinser. "It is Pveryihow be did it.'
that will encourage him to settle
down and become a good citizen.
While the present building plant
is not at all what the modern
school practice demands, there Is
still much j opportunity for enjoy
ment. There is music fof every
body who cares to sing or llay
The 'Progressive Business club of
Portland came down last year with
a magnificent set of new band in
struments for the school, and the
band is now working up to a good
degree of proficiency. Thera
tennis and baseball in the sum
mer, and basketball in th-a winter.
There ij a voluntary Blblo class,
that Is, very , largely attended.
Every week there is a good movie
show; and a number of the Sa
lem musical and dramatic organi
zations have given entertainments
during the year. . The last was the
big Lions' mfnstrel show a i week
ago. - ; fr: ' . ;L,.
The school is maintained with
the view of giving to the luckless
ones a home, and to the; mischiev
ous ones an ideal, 'and to all the
hope or a restoration to rood citi
zenship.' In some cases, tha state's
bes: efforts fail; but theso t cares
are negligible, and the net result
of the school is a splendi-i restora
tion Of an element that, neglected
and maltreated, , might become . a
deadly menace o society.
There are' - many unpretentious
Salem , enterprises that . neverthe
less, represnet a ' really great pay
roll. The Statesman Publishing
Company alone, with Its various
publications,, its carriers, its com
mercial printing business, has an
annual payroll of close to . $120,
000. " This goes into every, ave
nue of local business, and It brings
in money from all over the North
west to be spent in Salenf, the
home town. . It : would be worth
while to - see more of these busy
local "industries. ! ? r '
rare Indeed than' any patient com
plains of the cold which would
seem intolerable;.' perhaps. In' the
ordinary home or In other Institu
tions.! They come for help; they
accept the treatment as the very
best that science has yet i de-
viBed, and ' they "help to make ! It
gocd. If more -of them would
stay longer, there would, be a lar
ger percentage of complete cures.
The results however, are tmost
"Threefif ths of the : patienets
cared f for at the . hospital, j are
men. j This, however,5 does ! not
represent -any such proportion
of cases in the state; about equal
numbers of men "and "women are
affected. But the hospital auth
orities iind that . more . women
dislike, or fear .to : leave their
home; and more of them go to
home; "and more of theme go to
the v private sanitariums. v More
frequently, v when7 the man is
laid up, the Income stops: and
there is no money left for private
hospital service, so the state is
the' necessary- Big -Brother i to
step in And ' take ' charge' ot the
case. The proportion off cures Is
about the same for the two sexes.
The new hospital building
that is (o be 'erected" this year
will provide accommodations for
practically all who have applied
fcr admission. It there :are oth
ers to tome later, more room will
have to be provided.
Figured on the present atten
dance, and the average length
of stay, about 1 B0 patients are
served - during a year; of whom
at least 40 .are restored to com
plete health. ! Even from a sor
did utilitarian standpoint. It
costs so much, to grow a "child
to maturity, that! the -saving of
4 0 mature lives, ready-grown
and restored to commercial soc-
ilty, Is : a great financial invest
ment. Insurance land industrial
tables estimate a life to be worth
from $10,000 upwards, to socie
ty as i a . whole, i To restore O
forfeited lives every - year, and
to repair many 'others so that
they will serve for at least a few
years takes this hospital entirely
out ' of the : realm ' of charity or
paternalism, if one v wishes to
consider It solelyXrom that stand
point, and makes, it a factory
that .pays 1000 , per .cent ever
year on its money cost. ; j
? And yeteven4 the money saving
pales into Insignificance . as one
considers the sweet spirit 01
charity .and btotherly. love f that
such san Institution -"exemprifies
The "restored ' homes, the family
ties that are saved from breaking.
the -: decent - self-reBpect that .
state should feel in serving the
unfortunate - ones In its1 midst,
make it more than a financial
Investment: It is the soul civ
ilization that lives "because H
loves, r - ' ' :t,i
Col. Bryan , no doubt dropped
in on Senator Harding to learn
For more than 50 years, the
Oregon School for 'the Blind has
been in operation,' performing ' Its
merciful -work of i giving light to
the lives that are darkened by
the loss of vision. ,
It is not now, (and never has
been, a very large school; it, is
even hoped that it never may ' be
large, for that implies so many
more afflicted persons ' than are
now found within the state bord
ers. ; It as at this time 44 pu
pils; there are about 20 more who
have, made application for 'admis
sion, but there is no room. Until
the .state provides accommoda
tions for all those who have lost
their sigftt, 'they are -doomed "to
grow up. in hopel333 darknes. , .
The last legislature appropriat
ed 9 SitO 00 for a new modern dor
mitory, which is to be built this
summer; this is expected to take
care Of practically all the blind
pupils of the state. There' is no
reason tc expect any material in
crease in the numbers, avo as
the natural growth of population
increases the "f number without
raising the percentage. , ; I iv
Rather curiously, the decrease
of the mining industry may bring
a decrease in (he numbfiiyof blind
children. '.Especially, "among; 'the
boys, explosion of giant-Caps used
in blasting is a fruitful source of
danger. The . mining industry ot
Oregon has-fallen to almost noth
ing at all; and there cannot be so
many boys to blow oat 'heir 'own
eyes in playing with these deadly,
shiny caps. The adoption of laws
requiring particular attention to
the eyes of new-born infants has
vastly reduced -the number ot
cases of blindness, in Oregon ful
ly as much as in any other state.
A-constant decrease In the propor
tionate number of blind to .any
given large unit of population.
may- be expected. - . ,
' - : : ' - " " " ' : 'i .? : -" ' .
n "- 1 p ... -- - - - . 1 r
Less ian 50 Inmates in State Training School Excellent ' Instruction Mn Grade and
High Sch6ol Subjects Given Healthful Entertainment MrSi Clara Patterson Su$U
When the dormitory at the'
Girlsl.TrainIhg school burned.
iastryear; it- came -near putting
the institution out ot business, for
lack ot a home tor the girls. The
recent appropriation of $42,000
for" a new building and for some
repairs6n the old, is already well
at work; so that as soon 'as the
construction can be finished, they
will have -fairly adequate accom
modations 'tor the school. .
Either girls are - naturally ' bet
ter than boys, or else the parents
of : girls stick . together and main
tain hotnes better fc&an'doethe par -
ents ot .boys jar ,elseimore ..girls
than, boys are taken directly from
broken homes and put Into new
homes '.that : care for ' them; . for
there- are only about one-third as
many girls in the girls school, or
eligible' to -such a school, as thef e
are -boys ot like age. . All; may
have some bearing; the net 'result
is as stated, for the girls' school
has only ' 47 inmates, as against
about.-. 150. '.boys In : the boys'
school. " ' ..,'
They come of all ages from 12
years upwards.! They come under-
commitment from ' the juve
nile court, before the age of 18;
from the justice court above the
age of 18.-Thejrmay be paroled to
legal guardians, to any responsi
ble friend approved by the courts;
some are paroled back to their
own homes ander conditions that
make It possible to return them
to the school at any time,-without
long-drawn-out legal procedure.
A ' tull high school course ot
study is provided, and the work
starts at the fourth grade. Music
is encouraged, though it is not a
specialty as it is in the school for
the "blind. Prof. John Sites of
Salem has a few special pupils in
the school, who show- especial' tal
ent. :
- Basketry and. rug-making are
taught; and" the farm rwork gives
employment to a number of girls.
Dairying, gardening and house-!
keeping are carried tm by the
girls. ,J-'.- - '-..".
An especial effort Is " made to
give the girls good - social oppor
tunities, j There is a movie every
week, of the ' best ' films d that can
be secured. .Various entertain
ments are provided from "Salem,
through the civic clubs-that make
a specialty rot uplift and social
improvement. Recently an espec
ially fine musical and literary en
tertainment was. put on by a- dep
utation from the State Normal at
Monmouth. Little entertainments
of theiri own- making are encour
aged all. through the year.
The new buiidlngwhich is to be
finished for occupancy in the 'near
future, will allow of the Segrega
tion of the" large j and the smaller
girls.; Some come there merely
as "the victims : of hard financial
conditions; 7 with parents dead,
and no' otner home open, they are
not in the remotest ; sense sent
there fo waywardness, but" mere
ly. f or. Ea home. .There may be
T--; tt"- are determinedly way
ward; the'-' are the rare excep
tioa. ' Early training, however, is
A course covering the first ten
grades of the pubHc and high
school system, is, given In the
school. Some very excellent lit
erary - work Is being ' done ? here.
More -attention la given 'to music
? s s a
Snpcrintrndent Oregon State.
School for Blind
than to almost any other study;
it offers a better possibility for a
livelihood than . almost any other
work that can be taken up. Piano
tuning was made to order for the
person whose ears must be ?both
eyes and ears through life. ' The
ear, trained to distinguish sounds
where the eye ot the normal per
son s would see and supply part of
te facts, becomes abnormally
keen; one could readily believe
that . the- blind piano tuner will
have the 'finer sense of tone val
ues, and-If properb trained that
technique of the business, will be
the better-ttmer. This industry
frequently such as to have hidden
the native good under a deep lay
er of wrong. .' ' The place is aimed
to be a real home suchas-shall
bring out the best in every , girl,
and send her out into the world
with .a clean v start and a good
c.hance f oi respect and whatever
career she may wish to choose. It
Is perhaps. the most "homey" of
all. the state institutions; perhaps
it needs to be so, to meet the es
pecial needs of : the case. I-
Mrs. Clara C. Patterson "i has
been the superintendent for the
'past three i; years. The school it-
seii is not very old; it was estab
lished in 1913. . Before that time.
the"girls who' were ln the hands
of , the courtsrwere sent either to
' V..S
' . . II
Oregon's Asylum; Like Those of Other States, Holds'
Many! Who Break Down Mentally During Life's Stress,
Just how large an Institution
theVOregon State ' Hospital is - may
bo gathered from the fact that
3171 patients were received there
during the blennium 1921-22; an
average of more than four persons
every day. The report for the two
years shows that 1845 were actu
ally in the institution on' Septem
ber 30, 1922, the date on which
the, official report was made. j
' These unfortunates "come from
almost every country on the globe.
The larger number are of Oregon
birth. r; Following this home state
follows Illinois, and close after
that" is' Germany. They come from
black, white, yellow, brown, red
races; everywhere " there is - the
taint of heredity, the "disaster of
accident. Two of them are ot un
known parentage; there is no way
to- identify them physical and
mental waifs with no hope of a
The tragedy of sordid drudgery
Is ' told In the occupation of the
inmates. The laborer .class con
tributes 222 menr and the house
wife classification shows 291 wom
en. There are 108 farmers; the
farmers wives who let slip their
inental ' moorings because of the
ceaseless grind and overwork are
included' In "the 'housewife class.
It may be good, for manlto labor
with his hands; but the records
do not Indicate that It is well to
slave away too long hours on too
slavish - work. It is a fair guess
that -the automobile Is going to
relieve many a farmer's wife from
the black cloud of a lost mentality
-though paying for it on a labor
er's wage may send more laborers
to the wards j for financial treat
ment. ,":.";'- ;;;?-'-r'
.Few from the V00ds . ' '
Only 21 men appear in the
whole list as connected with Jlhe
whole logging and lumbering in-
appeals ;.tpa, gocd "many of the
school graduates.
Leading up to this, , they are
given a thorough ' course in mns-
ic; instrumental. ; vocal, -theoretical.
1 There - are coining to -be-ao
many.openings . . for .professional
organists and pianists, in the mov
ing picture shows especially, that
there seems to be a continuing
market for all the good musicians
that the blind - school can turn
out., Prof.T. S. Rohcrts, for .the
past. -17 years the organist at the
great 'Firsu Methodist church in
Salem was,' for years in the Ore
gon school for the blind;:"he has
become famous z a ' teacheT'and
as a performing artist. ; :
Not all those .who are in the
school are totally deprived -T of
sight. -Especially .among . those
who are the victims of accident, I
?uch as explosions, there is usu-
ally a limited ability to see; but
not enough to carry on ' School
work, under -usual school condi
tions. The common school where
asthe' teachers in 'the '- Salem
pcfidols have aa 'arage 'of SO pu
pils v each, they - have classes only
one-fifth ? as large , in , the blind
school. A bill before the recent
legislature called for the appro
priation of " 500 per pupil, to sup-
ply individual readers '.and tutors
for the blind students In the state
universities; this gives a fair idea
of the indtvidualojiervlces that a
teacher In such 'an 'Institution
must perform. : - . -- 7
Prof. W;'A. Howard, who came
here from s Lansings Mich., is the
superintendent. He has been In
Oregon a number of i years, and
the work of - the school is above
criticism. He - has anieffident
corps of teachers,, who are devoted
Ito their work,, The school has a.
delightful home, so far -as location
goes, though' the buildings" are at
present, inadequate. - The . new
building that is Co 'be built this
year, to be - ready .for . occupancy
by the beginning "of the school
private homes, or. to the Louise
Home, -or- the - House of the Good
iShepherd, or the Salvation Army
Kescue Homes. These lnstitu
tlons do not meet' the need of the
many sad cases where 'there is
nothing .worse than orphanage
watch Is not a crime and demands
the tenderest home; care. With
the growth of a public social con
sciousness, that aims-to find real
homes and. hot.Instrtutlonsfor the
out-of-lucks of society, there may
be even fewer girls .and -boys In
all these state institutions. But
while things are as they are, the
two'- Oregon' schools -are being
maintained -on -an -exceptionally
high standard, and the state has
reason to be, proud of thenu
Supcrintcrident Of Oregon, State
Hospital , .
dustry. : The shortening of the
working , day through the -northwest,
and the clean, Tlgorous lives
that are lived f out Hn the great
woods seem to show this industry
-a safer occupation than many oth-ers.-
-t . ' f' r ' -
-The causes of Insanity have
been carefully tabulated, and-the
table makes a profoundly interest
ing study. -Syphilis in some form,
either contracted or hereditary, is
given as the causes for S3 cases.
This Is. third in the list of causes
for Insanity ; "worry and trouble,
which , is a wide - and Inclusive
term, has 83 patients, and senility
has" 76. The last, is of course
hardly avoidable, save byOaleri
zation. The worry and trouble
classification might - be remedied
in many ways; . but the syphilitic
cases, according to scionce, are ul
timately eradlcable, . down to the
. in 1
year, -September 1, will ;give tta
school adequate working -facilities
and make it even more of a f'.ita.
credit than it has been , .in tL.a
J. "SI. 'McCaleb, Monncuth,
Saves Life and Succeed
, J.' 'Mf McCaleb, proprietor of
the 'Normal City Poultry a.d'
Breeding . yards, exemplifies the
opportunity that exists here for
the man orwpraan who 'wUies to
enter this field of activity. !Ir.;
McCaleb was formerly a profes
sional -man, . living at .Independ
ence.. His health, broke down
he was forced to get out into the
open qr die. ; He took, up poultry
farming, made a success of it,., a
tremendous" success, so that tc lay
he I3 one of the important bre-d-ersaBd
batchers ot the north wt t.
McCaleb was intelligent, and he
knew lb at Jie didn't know s
thlng about the business. . . -
fore he availed himself of tl 3 1 e
nues 'oL knowledge- lie consul :1
the OAC experts," chose ths fc -z-.dation
birds from highly, pre; .:c
Ing strains and by proper brc cY.
he"lias"lmproved"Bl3 "flock until
today It is acknowledged 'to "!. :
ope of the leaders of ,the north
west.' ;:.'.': ' - ' ' . ,
Mr. McCaleb also hatches ci!
for the trade commercial!:-. T'
plant has a capacity, of over 17,',
chicks and lie finds It 'difficult :
keep abreast of his orders?,
To make every acre of its I
ritory produce . the returns'; w!
nature intended It to prow... :
the objective of the 'Sale n j
gram,' This development is "; . ;
ings w. canneries . and t ' '
plants and people.
last case. ' " Plain xlecency v. ..1
eventually wipe' thb .black Ila- ae
off the list; and with it ral;-t o
many of the other alleged cau?-?s
that without doubt have their cr
igin ' In this . one sinister soar - 3.
Alcoholism' and 'drugs each-clalin
13 -patients, according to the :.!
legedlcauses as recorded la, t'-'j
record; there may be many ctL .rs
that , spring 'from ; these .prir.:- ry
causes. -One. patieat is tl. ra
through frenry- for the .cu!'!
board j six" because Of furious, xia
governabte 4empr; J.9 'ttrov h.
some.form of religious dementia;
one through "probable stre3 cf
armylife;" two from sunstrc:.?,
and a startling variety of apjar; r.t
causes. -- "
Many Employes 1
Naturally, it takes x large hu 1
ber of "employes, nurses, I atte 3
apts, doctors, to care . for this 5. a
fertunate army. Some Of tt m.
cannot be left" with safety, eitLer
to-themselves or to their conr' n-
lo'ns, for even a moment. Some tre
incapable of caring for them sel v r 3,
nnrl mnat have thpfl 1 1 i t :t.
physical needs attended to' by cth
efsL.l'he blennium payroll in;-:;; .t-'
ed to $368,436.81, apportioned to'
559.employes, or an average r 7
of only a little more than $33 r r
year. It .1 signitican that c .
a. few of those who are' ift" tie i
slitution draw pay for " fall .to
years; it - is ill-paid work, t..X
rsometimes -dangerous and alwsj 3
heartrendiag work, and net many'
employes stay on steadily. The,
p"ay. ls the poorest of any cf the
state Institutions, and the wcrk
Is thehardesr onthe nerves.
The OregOfluhogpltal lias e'irr -d '
the reputation of being one c-f
raodef hs'tltutlon of the whole
United States; as it Is also one cf .
the larsrest It has made the dace
a wonderful horticultural "the ?
ground; the gardening and flowers
have been real ; curatives as w .I
as ' public beauty spots, "help! - ?
the inmates as well as the eenenl
public. - The Cottage' Farm "I-3
produced vast quantities of fc:I
for the use of the Institution; U
could not possibly be made :
supporting, with so vast an ar...y
of incapables who are not
unable to work, but .require ex
pensive supervision day and cigt.
But the 'poultry yards, the 2a-y
barns, .the fruit and garden epcla,
do go. a long way. towards keep! 2
down -expenses.
Help Tliemselves by "Work
The place 14 run with the II:a
of utilizing every physical a-J
mental resource of .the patients,
both to help pay their.way asd to
restore the fine equilibrium cf tl-e
now, jangling mentality. - Outdc r
work is One of the best thlnt3 f r,
many people, if carried oa cad .r
favorable conditions such as .pr-
yau in me urejon Hospital. Gar
dening and the care of flowers L - 3
no superior as a medicinal tre
ment. As" much music is utUii I
as can be used; this, too, is a re ;:
ognized mental curative agency.
"According to the report of tho
superintendent, Dr. R. E. I teir
er, ; the hospital la already ovc r
crowded.' This is recognize J .3
an' especially harmful coadltic :,
for the treatment of mental trc -bles;
they call for orderly cocir.i
and . mental and physical rest.
Salem la the state'- car Hal
Oregon and the stato'3 ec-crr. I c
In size. .