The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 31, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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i I
Communist Leader Admits
He Favors Workers Dicta
torship for Present Gov
"A. B. C. of Communism"
Rejected From Evidence,
Mill k DAmni4lAl
i. i
ST, JOSEPH Mich-, March 30.
(Br the Associated Press.) Both
siies In the trial of William Z.
Foster, tinder, the Michigan crim
inal syndicalism, law, rested their
ese late this . ; afternoon and
court was adojurned until next
Tuesday morning when argu
ments, o. the Jury; wilJL .begin- - 7
; The .state prosecutors - felt" sat
isfied as .to the outcome, when
they obtained! the frank, admission
from Foster on the witness stand
today that h wished to see the
government of the United States
supplanted by a workers dictator
sill in accordance with the. Com
munUtic philosophy which hj, is
a3vpcaUag. The transaction, ' he
said, probably would result in a
soviet form of government, sim
ilar to that at present in Russia,
although he would not regard this
as necessary or altogether advis
sfcle. -4; tf. I j HY - '
Book Is Allowed
. At thV close of the case ludge
Charles White stated that t he
would permit in evidence the
laok called th "A. B. C. of Com
munism, - which was offered by
tU state and which bad Tprev ious-
ly been - rejected. In this .book
t-ere are statements of Commun
is tie philosophy which, are Inter
preted by the. state ta advocate
force, and violence In overthrow
tz gOTernment. Foster was ex
amined at length" this afternoon
from " a- red covered book entitled
"SyndlcaHshV'toT which? he vaad
E. V Ford were the iolnt atthf
ors. Thitddk.Jwas published 12
years ago in Chicago and -was
withdrawn "from, circulation aftr
a tew months.. Foster -declared
that he had, since publicly repudi
ated It and Tin hl speeches and
writings he had never" since that
time advocated any of the Incen
diary methods he-preached while
he was syndicalist. -L
Adolph and Waters Buy
From McNary.and.Stolz .
Cafe Building Sold
. Announcement was 'yes
terday that" the building- and
ground at the" outheat corner ot
c.nnr ha TJtirtv streets, now
occupied by the Stiff second hand
' Etor. baa hVen sold by John H.
ITcNary and Walter Stolx to JH
r;a Adolph and ueorge r. "
tor fnc t Rft nnn: A modern build-
i-, .. ni, nt t Tin old
f :ame structure, and the, construct
ton win taVa nlace thia summer
, Announcement -also was made
tat the building occupied by the
Vfcite House restaurant has been
-M by Mr. Adolph to .Wilt George,
"ho for manyvyears has operated
tte restaurant. JThe consideration
ia taid tn hivn Wn 130.000. :
, Mr. Xdolph said last night that
the new build In e will-be used,
tirtlaly at least, by mercantile es-
t-Mishments. Whether it also win
be used as an office .building, he
ss-ll he is afpresent unable to say.
The sixe of the building has not
been decided upon.
The deals were made through
the Gravenhorst Realty company.
t . , .. .... -
OREGON Cloudy and unset
tled, with rain west portidn.
(Friday.) - . . i
Maximum temperature, 72.
Minimum temperature, 45.
raTer 4.6 feet, rising. -Rainfall,
none. -
Partly cloudy. -' ' ' -Wl;j,
"Stork5 Arrives Twice in
Same Place One Mother
Sent Away But Returns "
WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Mch.
30.FIve . tiny kittens in the
Dasement or a local meat market
should grow uni to be most ex
cellent eats If mother Influence
has anything to do with Feline
character. They have two moth
ers. The kitten "stork" arrived
twice in the same place and the
manager of the meat market de
cided there were too mm. an
sent one mother cat out to the
country club, s '
But 4 something hanDened to
mat. , motner's babes, and the
iqnesomeness in ner. mother heart
brought her back to the nt&ce
Where her kittens were born
the meat market, basement. She
Walked f our . 'miles instinctively
to the . birthplace.
TJoon arrlrinr h found the
other j mother 'cat 1 nursing a
healthy; pack 'of hungry . kittens
and she . henceforth ' demanded a
share in the brinartnr ud of the
brood.; S6me objections were
raised; but in the past day or so
derstanding i between the older
there must have been some un-
mothers,; because r the meat mar
ket cats are j now on t a 50-50
basis in coring for the 'surviving
"Disgraceful" and "Appal-
- .. at . sPh-" I
nng,v Assens near
miraLWilliam S. Sims -
Tha tnilltarv hlatorv of the Unit
ed States -was characterized a
"asigraceiuiT- ana "appaiungv,. oy
Rear Admiral S. Sims, retired in
an address before the Common
wealth club here today, - a i(
Unnecessary sacrifices of blood
and treasure as the result of tin-
preparedness for a record ol
which America . cannot be prona,
he. said.- -- ''; '
n Admiral Sims sajd there . was
great need for submarines and air-,
planes as a first line of national
Aatantim: and urged establishment
of naval bases In midrPacific, 'es
pecially at Guam. He criticuea
thA bitt denartment severely for
Its conduct in the last, war, assert
ing that attempts were maae io
handle from Washington : matters
which should ihave been directed
from nearer the scene oi nou
lies. " ' V
Need More Planes .;,
iHimtnir m (ha naval situation
at present and stressing the, need
for airplanes and submarines, the
speaker said:
The sKuatlon la much worse
than it was In 191S. Thirty wars
have been fought since the armis
tice was signed. What of ,the
possible combination of Germany
pnu with the Balkan
States? Let "em rignt n "p
say, It's none or our auair. Du
nraat Britain also should
be drawn Into this war by the vic
torias European coalition. wn
then?" " . I . ;
' i. '. Utl. j InAiiAIAe
Acquirea ay nuwn
DAULAS, Ore.. March 30.
ci.i to The SUtesman,) I
O. Ralston, local j agent for the
tnrthr.-hu securea mo
agency for the Studebaker. Durant
..j ,ti antomoDiies nu .
have a line of the new cars on dis
play In the near ruture. Mr.
ston . has . also purchased from
ri.Ar,. Ttmtbers me agency ui
the Samson tractor, and products
- . -. j nt hn "John
ana j - imii'vui""" - -
Deere company. New parts for all
an a tractors will be carried
by Mr. Ralston, who Intends to
Vita TI A of business the
headauarters ifor antomobile and
tractor parts m.tne onnw-
" PEAXsWON! mrx..
SEATTLE, March 30. Dr.
Frederick E. j Bolton, dean of the
school of education at the Univer--slty
: of Washington today with
drew a filing he had made as a
candidate1 for the Seattle ? school
boards-Dean Bolton issued a state
ment thanking those who had sup
ported him but -giving no reason
for withdrawal. ' -' - ..-
Four Buildings Destroyed at
Loss of$750,000 Many
are Injured in Fighting
More Than Thirty Engine
and Truck Companies
Engage m Battle
NEW YORK, March 30. Four
buildings a century old, lying in
the center of the city's oldest
manufacturing district were to
day destroyed by fire. , Under the
crumbling walls two firemen died
and 16 of their comrades were in
jured. . The property loss was es
timated at 1750,000. ? t
Discovered shortly after 4 a. m.
in the 26th street structure occu
pied . by a paper box . factory and
a. wet ; v wash, laundry, the fire
spread . to adjoining buildings.
caught chemicals in a lithograph
ic and printing establishment and
was raging In four buildings when
the - first fire apparatus arrived.
At the height, the flames threat
ened the Bellvue hospital build
ings, and preparations were made
to remove patients. . '
Families In tenements near the
fire were compelled to leave their
homes because of the smoke. In
fants, left in their cribs by. fright
ened parents were carried out by
policemen..' -.Vj t--p';;"' -?
Walls Crumble . t-'
Julius Spanier and William
Aiello were leading a line, of hose
to the center of the burning struc
ture when the walls began ') to
prumble. One of their comrades
waa buried in a 'pile' of. debris.
Aiello tried to pull him out, and
he too was buried. v: i ;' ,
Then there came a dull explos
ion, the entire inside dt the. build
ing1 collapsed and 3panier. fell.
Si35 of , the, 16, who .wjpre injured
suffered severe fractures. .
Aletlo and Spanier died in Belief
View hospital. , -
More than 30 engine and truck
companies, and 300 firemen .were
engaged in fighting the blaze.
, ,,.-r . , . -J. .
joe Simmons, Thief, and J.
W. Casey, Forger, Quit t
Penitentiary Farm
-Joe Simmons and -J. W. Casey,
trusties at the state penitentiary,
escaped today and tpnight there
was no clue to their whereabouts.
Simmons was received . December
22,v1922, from Wallowa county
to do one year for larceny, and
Casey was received in January
this year, from Umatilla' county
to do iwo years for forgery. The
two convicts were employed on
the prison farm, one operating
a plow and the other a tractor.
Ageti Pioneer of Yakima
Dies at Home of Daughter
YAKIMA, Wash., March 30.
William ftenry Waters, aged 90,
died early this morning at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Joseph
Ledwich of Broadway where he
lived since coming to Yakima 13
years ago. He came to the state
in 1891 and made his home in
Lincoln " county until joining to;
Yakima He was born in won
treal, Canada, and movfcd to Iowa
In 18B5. .He was the-father of
14 children of whom 13 survive.
He also leaves a brother and sis-
ter livin? in Montreal and. a
brother, in California, 50 grand
children. 17 great grandchildren
and two great, great "grandchild
ren, r : ',;.'::
NEW YORK, March 30, The
Bethlehem Steel corporation to-
day took possession of the prop
erties and assets of the Midrale
Steel, and Ordnance company, fol
lowing a meeting of - represents
tlves of firms involved in con;
summation of -purchase by the
Bethlehem Midvale and Cambria
Baby's Clothing Catches Fire,
Four-Year-Old Brother,
Carries Him to Sink
CHICAGO, March 30. Frank
Tusac, four years old, gave Ms
life today in an heroic attempt
to save the life of his brother,
Joseph, 21 months old, whose
clothing caught fire while the
children were playing with
matches when they had been left
alone by their grandmother ; who
had gone on an errand.
Frank carried his brother to
a sink and turned on the water
according to' firemen. In carry
ing his brother, Frank's clothing
Mas ignited and he died a few
hours later in a hospital. Joseph's
burns were no$- serious.
Lansing-Ishii Agreement is
Made Null by Two Gov
ernments Concerned ,
WASHINGTON, S March 3 0.
( By the Associated-Press.) Can
cellation, of the famous Lansine-
Ehil agreement of 1917, by which
ihe United States recognized the
special interests' of Japan and
China, had been agreed upon and
Jwill be announced formally by
the two governments at an early
date. ;,i . .i :: : ' :" Y "' '
Under the present plans the of
ficial ahneuncement will be made
simultaneously in, Washington and
Toklo, as anouce to the world
that the. United States and Japan
have cleared the. slate of the. last
ambiguity,, in. the . formal agree
ments bearing on , their relations
lo the problems of China and
have reached a complete clarity
of understanding as to equal .op
portunity and the open door.
From the day it was first com
municated to the Chinese govern
ment, thte agreement now eon-
signed to the diplomatic scrap
heap1 has been a source of contro
versy and misunderstanding not
Only on the part of Chinese states
men but between the American
and Japanese governments them
selves. : Negotiated In secrecy it
first was communicated, to Pe
king by the Japanese in a form
which was accepted as implying
recognition of Japanese "para-
mouncy" in China '
That - Interpretation, waa de
nied steadfastly by the unitea
States ' and ' the dispute over the
exact meaning of the document
never was settled.
With cancellation of the agree
ment American-Japanese relations
In the Far East revert to the
basis of parity laid down in the
RootTakahlrl agreement of 1908
and reaffirmed and broaden ed by
the .nine power treaty signed at
the" Washington arms Conference
by .the United States. t Japan,
Great '. Britain, .France, Italy, Bel
gium,' The Netherlands, Portugal
and China.
Jackson County Organiza
tion Tajccs Revenge Bo
cause of Appointment :
MEDFORDOr, ..March 30.
A resolution condemning thaprac;
tices of. Governor Walter -; M.
Pierce- and cbaracUrlzjng his con
duct 'as "reprehensible, unpar
donable, unsportsmanlike and un
trustworthy,"' was passed unani
mously .by the of fleers and ex
ecutive board of the Jackson
County Game' Protective associa
tion at a meeting held In'' Med"
ford Wednesday, - and the gover
nor's name was ordered"" stricken
from Itbe membership rolls of the
organization where it was placed
February 2 ; after a banquet at
which time he was elected to
honorary Jife membership -f.f
r The action has 'been taken due
to Xhe .appointment by the gov
ernor recently of ,F, pv t"D"avls.
chairman of the county central
committee of the DOTnocrattc
party; in Jackson cpuntyf tor a
(Continued on .page 2)
Fatalities Reach Seven While
Fifteen are in Hospitals as
Result of Head-on Col
Steel Construction of Pull
mans Is Only Thing That
Saves Many
' i ;- -
4 COLUMBUS, O., March 30.
Seven persons are dead tonight
and 15 are injured and in hos
pitals as the result of the wreck
ing of Big. Four train No. .11,
which crashed Into an automobile
at a grade crossing north of here
early today, Vbuckled," from the
impact and the sudden application
of airbrakes, and catapaulted from
the rails. 1
The train, composed entirely of
steel Pullman cars, struck the au
tomobile, instantly killed its three
occupants, a woman and -two
small children, and hurtled along
the wooden cross ties for a dis
tance of more than' 100 yards be
fore the engine and four tof the
coaches turned over on their sides.
. Signal Obscured. : ' ;
.An hour behind schedule, the
train, one' of the most luxurious
operated by the .railroad, was, en
tering last "lap pfjts Jang Journey,
from Boston'. to Cincinnati when
the accident occurred Its engine
er,; Andrew Green of Cleveland,
said tonight that he was speeding
at the rate of 70 miles an hour
when the automobile crept onto
the tracks a short 20 feet ahead.
He, applied the brakes immediate
ly, he said. ,
The driver of the car was un
able to see the train because a
building at the corner Land vhe
crossing is unguarded by a watch
man. i '
.... Eye witnesses of the crash said
that the engine and baggage car
left the tracks as soon as the loco
motive struck the automobile. The
train continued, 1 they said. In a
cloud of dust and splinters from
the wooden cross ties, and finally
leaped from the right of way, one
of the cars hurtling completely
over the locomotive. v
' J. Many in Berths.
Many of the passengers were
(Continued on page 2)
General News
Salem's Basic Industries
Pages 1-2 3.
Dallas and Polk County, De
partment Pages 4 and 5. , v
Salem, Great Flax Center,
Page 6.
Cbegon Nuts the Best, Page 7.
Monitor Department, Page 7-
Mistland" Prunes Have Wide
Distribution, Page 7. .
Bee Industry Important in
Salem District; Page 8.
. St. Paul Department, Page 8.
Oregon Packing Company,
Page 8.
Industrial- ,
Financial Conditions In Salem,
Page 1.
County Payrolls Grow, Page .11
Salem's Water Supply, Page 2.
Falls City Department, Page 2.
- Oregon Gravel Company,
Page 2..
Spaulding Box Factory, Page 3.
; Cherry City Mills, Page 3.
. Silverton Department, Pages 4
and S. '
What Dehydration Does. Page 6,
.Oregon Pulp & Paper Com
pany, Page 6.
Salem Huge Buyer of Cans,
Page 8.
H Salem Exchange Leads in Rural
Lines, Page 8.
t Opportunities in Poultry Rais
ins. Page 1.
Marlon County Leads in Roads,
Page 1."
Engine Trouble Develops in
Endurance Test and Avia
. tors Make Landing
DAYTON, Ohio, Match 31. r
By the Associated Press. ) -Lieutenants
John A. MacReady and
Oakley Kelley. piroting the army
transport T-2, landed at Wilbur
Wright field at .12:05 o'clock
ths . morning when their engine
developed serious trouble. They
had Covered 527 miles and flown
seven hours and 53 minutes of
what was to have been an endur
ance flight.
When the airplane passed over
observers on the 15th lap it was
apparent the ship was in trouble1
and expert mechanics believed It
due to pre-ignition. i J
At 12:01 o'clock they completed
the 17th Jap oVer the 31-mle
course and four minutes later
they landed at Wright field from
which place they took, off at 4:12
yesterday afternoon. - j
Word Muttered in Delerium
Furnished Clue .Which
. Leads to Identity
YAKIMA, Wash., March 30.-
A word muttered In delirium
formed ,the. clue .which led to the
Identification of . a man thought
to be a former service man, ,wbo
has been in a hospital here since
IHrodayr f ferng-fem- loes- of
memory, ..When the young , chap
in one of his attacks murmered
"that's all right doctor." he was
asked "what doctor?"
After one of the painful in
tervals which happens whenever
he is asked to recall anything,
the veteran replied "Rand
that's it Dr. Rind." Further
questioning brought out the fact
that the youth's physician was
one Dr. , Carl Rand, located so
far. as could be learned, "some
whore in the United States."
Diligent -study of medical di
rectories followed. It was found
that there Is only one Dr. Carl
Rand in the United States, and
that he is located In Los Angeles.
Mrs. J. Earl Thornton, secretary
of the local Red Cross at once
wired to him. giving 'a descrip
tion of the man here and saying
that he had mentioned "Dr.
Description Talliee
A This morning she received a
(Continued on page 2)
Many Prize Cows in Salem Dis
trict, Page 2.
Jefferson Department, Page 2.
' Salem Lads Run Dairy, Page 3.
Capital City Creamery, Page 2.
Power Plant Builds Auxiliary,
Page 3.
Salem's Auto Park, Page 4.-,
Starr. Cannery Makes' Record,
Page 4.
Salem, Cradle of Education in
Oregon, Page 1. , .
Salem Y. M. C. A., Pages 1
and 2.
County Y. M. C. A. Page 2..
N Y. M. C. A. Summer Camps,
Page 2. " v:-r ' "
. Salem's Churches, Page 3.
Musical Organizations in Salem,
Page 4. " v ;i .V ;
Women's Clubs of Salem,
Page 4. :
Oregon Normal School, Page 5.
Monmouth Department,. Page 6.
Salem and
State Institutions
Salem Enters New Epoch,
Page 1. .-w;. . -V -:.
Climate of Salem Balmy,
Page 1. -, v';
Big Building Program for
Salem.! Page 1;
SUte Institutions, Pages 2
and '3.
Mayor PaysiTSalem Tribute,
Pages 4 and 5 : ' . ' '
Chamber of Commerce Activi
ties. Page 6. "
Company F, 0K. O., Page 6.
Salem Civic Clubs, Page 6.
Classified Advertlsing; Page 7.
Oregon First In Roads, Page 8.
' Independence Departm ent.
LOS ANGELES, March 30 Herbert; AVilsbn, former
Evangelist, alleged mail robber and convicted murderer, has
told postal inspectors he can solve, the. bombing of the J.
Pierpont Morgan offices in Wall street, New Yokk, Septem
ber 17, 1920, the Los Angeles Times will state tomorrow.
The. explosive, which filled the bomb which killed thirty
nine persona and destroyed property valued at many thou
sands of dollars was manufactured by Wilson, according to
his own admissions, the Times will state, and sold by him to a
man who has been charged with guilty knowledge of the
crime. ; , , . ..,- ..;
Wilson, a prisoner in the Los Angeles county jail, who
formerly maintained strict silence concerning, all of " the
crimes attributed to him, has changed his attitude. and "has
talked' according to jail officials. -
"Men are likely to make mistakes in life," Wilson is
quoted, "and afterwards to regret them. I believe I. will be
rewarded if I assist in clearing up activities of criminals."
Detective Characterizes Re
port as "Bunk" But Plans
to Investigate
MIAMI. ; Fla., March , 3 0. Wil
liam J. Burns, - director of the
bureau , of Investigation, depart
ment of Justice who arrived here
today from Nassau, Bahama is
lands, denied late tonight that he
was on his way to Los Angeles
to look into the mystery surround
ing the Wall street bomb explo
sion two and a half years ago In
which 39 persons were killed.
Mr. Burns, shown reports from
Los "Angeles to the effect - that
Herbert Wilson, convicted mur
derer and former evangelist, had
confessed he helped' to make the
bomb, characterized the reports
as "bub." V ,
r "This is my personal opinion,"
Mr. Burns said, "but a five min
ute talk with this fellow Wilson
(Continued on page 2)1
Salem Featherweight Loses
Close Decision Bill Hunt
. - Loses to Yeager
PORTLAND, Ore., March 30.
Frank Farmer, veteran Tacoma
heavyweight, ,won a 10-round de
cision over Rocco Stramgolla of
Cle Elum, - Wash., here tonight.
Farmer won practically every
round. In the six-round semi
windup Billy Wright, Seattle wel
terweight, took , the decision over
Freddie Hart of Los Angeles.
Phil Bayes, Salem feather
weight, lost a close six-round de
cision to Benny Dotson, Portland.
Dotson landed the clearer punches
and dropped his opponent with a
hard right to the chin in the first
Dick Yeager, Portland heavy
weight, defeated Bill Hunt. The
fight was stopped in the third
round to sayo Hunt from further
'Kewpie Riley of Vancouver,
Wash., won 4 four-round decision
from Soldier Archer -of Portland.
They are featherweights.
The Statesman carriers wilL call to make their
monthly collections today. -
Your newspaper boy is just starting; in business for
himself. This is his first effort to. learn business and
his success or failure depends to a considerable extent
on your good will and co-operation. A pleasant smile
and a cheery word will encourage your, boy and help
him make a success of this; his f irsfrventure in business
life. lie will appreciate jt and show his good will in any
way he can. . . '- . . . . : - . ; .. -.
If your subscription is already paid, ignore this no
tice and accept our thanks.
He is said to have decided some
weeks ago -to "fall in line with
law and order" and Sheriff Wil
liam I. Traeger took him at his
word when notified of the re
ported change of .front, '
Tben, although Wilson was
watched with no less vigilance, it
is said, .. he - was questioned at
length at various times.
Wilson, according to federal of
ficers, is believed to have knowl
edge of mail robberies in New
Tork, Buffalo, Detroit, Toledo.
Columbus and Los Angeles, al
though , it was only for one cf
these, that in Los Angeles March,
3, 1921, when securities value!
at more than $l,O(T0.00O wera
stolen, that he was arrested.
Recognizes photo, ;
Wilson, Ithe Times will state,
has. told federal officers he reco?.
nizedtheTjhirttygrap'ir.-er"a ' man
arrested in: Warsaw, Poland, un
der the name of Max Wolfe and
charged with having instigated th
Wall Street explosion as the pur.
chaser of a large quantity of high
explosives shortly before th
crime was committed. ,
At that time Wilson is said to.
hare stated he was In . Detroit,
"preparing for, a series of raids
on bank vaults."
The details of the conspiracy
were not known to bin. he is
quoted, and he had no idea as to
how the explosive was used.
His first intimation that h4 bad
a possible solution to the crirno
which has puzzled operatives of
the department - of Justice Tor
many monthsjwas when he saw
a published photograph of Wolfe,
the newspaper will declare.
, Designed at Home.
The bomb which caused the
Wall street explosion was design
ed by Wilson at his home at 158
West Santa Barbara avenue, Los
Angeles according to the details
of the confession credited to him,
the Times will state.
" The more intricate part, in
cluding the trigger and the time
set, were said to have been man
ufactured at that place.
Wilson was said to have slated
he thought the bomb was wanted
by a criminal "mob- for a "cover
up" Job, on a bank vault.
Statement Confirmed
Afterwards, Wilson was quoted,
he learned from friends in the un
derworld the details of the catas
trophe and the names of men in
volved In its perpetration. "
His statements were said to con
firm the reports of Instigators
that the bomb composed of
about 200 pounds of T.'N. T.. ball
bearings.', window weight and
pieces of Iron and was loaded on a
wagon which was driven to a point
opposite the ..United States assay,
office, where the blast occurred
premalurely because of failure of
the mechanism to work properly. .
Burns to Investigate.
NEW YORK .March 30. W. J.
Burns, detective agency employes
indicated tonight that the founder
(Continued on page 2)