THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON THURSDAY MOKNINf., At ARCH 20. 10:2:1 ! U . bhuaxsim xdyertisemints f . Se . fie 8e 20e Rate per wor4: I Pee Insertion ' Three isserUoae i .. One week, (aix Insertions). One coon t a. Six months' eoatraet. per no 15o la anoatna cob trad, per mo,. ... ,12a Mimiaaaa for any advertisemrnt 25e U. NORWICH UNION F1RB INSURANCE SOCIETY ' j J '-Wi H. Burghardt, Jr. Resident Atent 371 State St. v.,k MONEY TO LOAN " V V Oa Real Estate , Ti K. FORD v . tu(Orer Lejdd A Bosh Bant) MEW. TODAY- FOB UKXT i-jtVE BOOM IIOUSE. NO eh'iarea. Furnished. 1435 Xortfe Ham mer. ' - ; , : "-v-V . . '? ' v . . . . P.UNTIXO, KALSOMINIXQ AJTD " PA-periac-7-rhoaa 126SW. Brow a. - . - Ji PERSQX WHO TOOK ROBE FROM baby baggy , recognized. Return to 1795 J.'. fifth St. or Capitol Hotel and aa question a felted. . , i : ; : A TQCXG" HARRIED COUPLE, OR A disabled veteran entitled to help oa aa ' agricultural project would do well to Investigate this: 11.6 acres, nice 5-room bungalow with, fireplace, - nearly fin ished; email barn and other outbuild ings; exceptional View. Excellent land for fruits, huts, berries or poultry; 8 aiilea from Batem, halt mile from elec trto station. , A. C. JJohmstedt, 407 af a aonie Temple, Salem, Oregon. , FOR REXT-TWO FURNISHED HOCSE leeping .rooms. Call , at 1088 Canter, or phone 1054 W af tar 5 p. . JACK. ... CLEM EXT, SALEM'S PIANO toner aadr player ,mechaaiab MssiciaD solicited.' Call for bias at TaUntan Piano 3 tor. , 35 . Sou J.?Ut . St- ..Phone J695, 'Oil BOY! PEDIGREED WHITE COL la papa, aowmont etoek. Eastet specie, only 25 each. Flakes PeUand, 9 73 State. " It ft ; h,1; " ' I FREEMAN 8TRCBLE, REGISTERED Architects, 510 Bank af Commerce ' Building. BEARING PRUNE ?1 ORCHARD 40 cra bearing prunes, right age.' condi tioa and all above; iecatioa.1 On paved highway" elosa Salem. Most be moved bow- for fia.OOO.? Soma terms - If de-. aired. eBcke ft Hendricks, C. S. Bank , ' 3aild1n. '; . " " V .' I Woods Bargains fonrtroeni house, $8004. four-room house, cliae in. $1800. Dandy 5-room bunga doer, 92500". easy terms. Five-room new tmnralow, $4300.' Want" to bay a farm, 80 to 160 acres. Want a bonse as pay . 1. aaeat on 50-aerer farm. V SU-room boose - far rent; also ground floor apartment, close in. 1ft-acre frait ranch to trade' for house or will rent. Money to loan. Want to buy bouse for $1300, on terms. g. u: WooaW 341 ;Sjato atreet.; . LITTLE COTTAGE 5 ROOMS. BATH, plaster, hot water, paving. Price $1950. aad) $400 down wiU handle. Becka Hendricks. U. S. Bank Bldg. , $300 DO W BUYS 1 5 ROOM BUNG A low oa South Church street. ' Price v'"" $2500.-,: ri-zri ;: ' -Xryr, j - ! Kriicger Oregon Bldg I , ., ,Pboao 217. 1 BKSIDEXCE ROOMIXa BOUSE POK sale Will ive yon home and income; $1200 will ; handle. Quick, posaessjoa. " Becka Ueadricks..U S. Bank. Bldg. Alt CLOSING OUT ALL MY HOLDINGS in Salem, therefore will aU the remain der of my Nab Hill addition Iota singly, "or in a baacb at a price that would surprise you Seo my agent, Mr. Rob ' insoo, 229 Oregon Bldg. Phone 1013. FABMS WITHOUT BUILDINGS WE ;s aeaoral owned br" non-residents '.thai.' meat be aelft, so prices are right. , IS.. 40, 5, 130 and 50-aere pieces. ' Backo Hendricks, U. S. Bank Bldg. THE OREGQH WOOD PRODUCTS OO v - West Salem, Ore, haa for sale and ' ready for delivery hop stakes at aeven-ty-five eeata and oao dollar per thoua aad. according to length. First to come jwiir f et first delivery. ! . FOR RENT PRIVATE GARAGE.' 890 jN'erth Commercial. - V FOR SALE SODA POP. 899 NO .COM- marciat. j ; r FOR RENT MODERN 5 ROOM, WELXr faroUho hoaso. 1 X. slat. - i Wf have a good 5-rooa hoaaoj on paved street, "te trada for small tract of Um ber -near 8alem. i ; j i - . v- y A nice modern a-room home, close in ea ei. WBorcaj. ict . Aas been radaeod from $4500 to $4000, and it's a good : bay. .. ,.:.' $3000 nwtgsge Trada for hovse. ' 7-. I Thomason : '; . " 831 State St. ' THERE IS XO GUESS WORK ABOUT A firo or accident, ;and ,yoa saever,: know what hour may bring tremendous Joea to yoa. Preparedness is good business policy. Standley Foley. Agents. Phoae 847. - - FOR SALE GOOD 5-YEAR-OLD JER sey cow with calf 10 days old; heavy milkeiv of ery gentle. Reasaaablo price. 2005 Ferry street. - - - .- . FOR RENT 5-ROOM MODERN COT tsga. at 035 Center atraet; partly far aisbed. Inuaediate poaaaaaion, $30 ' a month. Call at Statesman business pffica, or phoaa.23,.. . . v CRAPE PLANTS CONCORD, WORDEN, Campbell'e Early, Klagara and Sweet waur. v Choieo atrawberry plaata - aad other dmalt fruit, any quantity, dellv ared. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 North Front. Pheaa 44. .'. - HALF-ACRE. ONE-ACRE, ' TWOACREf or larger tracts Unimproved, high, ' woadarfnt iew, near eity limits, south; 3PQ.JSCTO ap1-Harria.:Jl4M. , I VOUi HAVE AN(-' f ABSOLUTE L"Y rirst-claas grsde of Gem or Barbank potatoes, we can asa them.' Pheaa 717. Vaagis Bros. - WANTED A GOOD SECONDHAND CAR : Price mast be right; Apply at 995 Cen ter street. f SOME GOOD BUYS IN. CITY Suburban and farm properties. Bungalow, 5 rooms. nl&Lr.l ain i'i. : baagalew,, tlioo. p rooms, $3500. ., Easy, terms on any of them. Beautiful one acre tract with mod r baaaalow, close In. $2SOO. Choice 20-cra -tract, fair improvements, $2500, ily $500 dwn.i Extra; fine 20-acre tract. Coed inomuuiii, ti-.nn I 00 Pad road. east. Fine 70-sore , wen rapreveov BO acres, seeded to clever. $7500; Uka part pay meat in iy property. 48 acres of fiae land in Mueeoaio d.striet, . eaty f5 per - aero. All of the abava properties priced t siderahle below value. ; Cbilda Bach t tel. 540 State street NEW TODAY FttKsJH JERMEV'-COW.- 3 .YEAR OLD, good milker; $75. D. &. Pearson, aeven ; miles south of Halera. Phone 107F?3. 4 tfirwr. r,ftPiTii?r, fit ap 11. a irrv , well cared for, bought for a small cash payment, rest on liberal , terms. .This cac i. in gitod roaditioa '. an'tl ready to take you where yon want ; to go. Phone 6li8. , WANTED .' fOOD rHIPPIXO POTA . toes. Will. buy a limited amount and X pay rash market price. Phone 994. , People's Meat Market, 155 X. Liberty. E. J. CURTIS, BCILDER OF UPTO- date dairy hums and fnrni building. Par; or -contract. : 1191 Oak street. Salem v EMPLOYMENT MALB Wanted boy for milk wagox. , Inquire Fairmouat Dairy. FEMALE. WAiiTEEJ-rWOMEK TO SELL EXPRIT d' Amor-Toilet articles. Inquire Mra ' Belott, 115 N. Liberty. MALE AVD FEMALE WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO - take fans paper subscriptions. A good proposition to the . right ' peoplo. Ad dress the Paeifla Bomastead. Sta teaman i Bldg Salem, Ore. , -RERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMOXIAL paper published. Free for stamp. Cor l respondent, .Toledo, . Ohio. j i UP TOU WISH A -WEALTHY. YOUNG wife, writs, enclosing envelope. Violet . Ray. Denniaon. Ohio. JOHN SCHINANMAN, AGE 50 YEARS. -, 51s. : feet, weight . about 160, escaped I from the State hospital about 5 years age. Js wanted by hie mother. It Js ,te his interest to see her. Elizabeth I Shinanman,. 566 - Vancouver " avenue, Portland. .' - - FOR SALE v 2IRDS, FLOWERS AND PETS CUT FLOWERS. ' FUNERAL. PIECES, potted pUata. Flake's Petland, 378 Stato St, Phono C58. XaXVESTOCX ; PUREBRED REGISTERED PIGS Eight purebred registered pigs will be . gives free to eight boys, girls or grown ; apa - interested - in developiag tho pore- bred registered pig industry in the Pa cific Northwest. Cat oat this.' announce ment aad mail it to The Pscffic Home- stead, Salem, Oregon, with, your name , and address, vnd full information about tho purebred reigstered pigs will bo sent you by -return mail. - ,v- FOB . SALi: HEAVY DRAFT BELGIAN' t - cati, ' a a-year-oia ana - oaiier crone. Call 110F11 or address -Albert Eggi man, Silverton, Ore., Route 2. FOR SALE PURE-BRED LAS CABRI- taa Togganburg buck, $80. Dees fresh now; also April. June, $20 up. Eliaa . bath Miller. Ashland. Ore. PHONOGRAPHS. , PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. $125.00 Victar ..$ 95.00 $150.00 Victor 115.00 $150.00 Patio 67.50 110.00 52.50 $165.00 Columbia ?5.0fl Terms as low as $1.00 per week ; IT. L. STTTP FTTRXTTtrRE CO.. Phono 941. .1 404-450 Court St. 1 f FiASoa GOOD USED MAHOGANY PIANO. $150. Teresa if desired. H. L. Stiff Furni ture Co. - j rOR SALE GOOD USED MAHOGANY piano left with, aa to aalL Price $200, terms. H L. Stiff FuraiUro Co Ma sie department. 1 HAVE YOU SEEN THAT BEAUTIFUL piano for- $198,1 $5 down, $1.50 per week. Tallman Piano Store, 395 South Twelfth street. . , A WVJNDERFUt. $750 PLAYER PIANO. Lko new. -with rolls and, bench, $325; $10 down, $2.50 par week. Tallman Piano Store. $95 80. 12th street .PQTJLTRY PUREBRED- CHICKENS .. . Seventeen pena aad trios of tho best breeds of chickens from tho .world's . mast famoaa poultry, plsats -will be given to 17. people , Interested in de- veloping tho' purebred .chicken industry. Cut out thid announcement and mail it to tho Purebred Chicken Editor, North V west Poultry Journal, Salem, Oregon, with your .name and address, and full information, will be sent you by return ' mail. FARM TAPES IF 'TOU , WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15e - to tho Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three mentha . trial . sabacription. , Mention this ad. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO- 1 eeat atamps for special three 'months' ' trial tor tho boat and oldaat journal la . the west. The articlea ad advertise ments are of special interest : to the poultry breeders, of! the Northwest. . Northwest Poultry . Journal,. 211 Com . saarcial atrast, Salem, Oregon. , , . WOOD WOOD FOB SALE PHONE 175$. FOR DRY WOOD PHONE 152J. WOOD FOR SALE GOOD PRICES. H. - A. Kuonii, 8ilverton, Oregon. Best Grade Mill -Wood Fear ft. aad 16-inch dry mill wood. FT ft. and 16-ia. grefta.miU wood..,. . Prompt delivery and raaaoaablo prices. Fred ' XI, Walla, 805 ft. Church. Phone . 1442. . . . . - KISCELZJUrEOTa FOB SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 seats m handle. . Circulation department, Vregoa stateamaa , . HEMSTITCHING ' AND PICOTINO AT tachmeat Fits any sewing , machine. . Price $2. Economy Sales Co, Billings, j Beautiful Oregon Rose and eleven other Oregon songs, together . with a fiae.eolleei.lea, of patriotic aoags, - aaered songs and many eld-time ,favor- j tea. - m i . -,. ; ALLT0B S5s) (Special prieea in quantity lots) Especially adaptable for school eommaa ity or home singing. Send for Western Songster 18 pates, sow la Its third edlttoa; Pablishad by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY SIS B. Cemmtrcial St. Salaav Ore. t . 1 t- - : .ft , . FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED APARTMENT ) AT 1132 i Center. - ' FURNISHED APARTMENT OIXSB IN 3 roomo aad sleeping porch. Call 1078. APART 1VENT FOR RENT. 891 NORTH Commercial. BOARD AND ROOM J0ARD AND ROOM J-'OUR BOARD era wanted. 195 North Front St. y HOUSES FOR RENT MODERN 6 ROOM HOt:sK. 1096 Marion street. 1544W. ROOMS FURNISHED ROOM. 2. BLOCKS FROM State House, 253 N. 13th. I'hone :l.. suite op nou-SEKEErixa ufxnis Modern, no children. Call in after noon. 715 Centi-r street. FOR KENT APARTMENTS AND sleeping rooms. Leonard Hotel, 254 N. Front street . FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM, MOD- era. Mrs. Henry Kowo. aau worm i-ui atreet. . - PIANOS NEW PIANO FOR RENT $6 PER MO. II. It. Stiff Furaiture Co. i V LOST AND FOUNg, LOST DOG IX)ST LARGE, ARK YELLOW collie. Name ,Shep." Collar No. 80. Call Herbert Looney, Jefferson. ; Re ward, r . v J, . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED FURNITURE, TOOLS, ETC. Phone 511. : 1 OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capital City Bedding Co, Phono 19. WANTED FURNITURE, TOOLS, MA chinery, stock, etc. Will bay for; cash or sell on-. commission. . - Phone , fill. Woo dry, tho auctioneer. WANTED EVERYTHING1 IN HARD- waro and furniture. Beat prices psid. THE CAPITAL HARDWARE : FURNITURE CO. -385 N. Commercial St. Fhona $47 BUSINESS CARDS ATJOTIOHEEBS O. 8ATTERLEE, AUCTIONEER, PHONE 430-1211J; 180 N. Coin's St. Room 2 L AUCTIONEER F. N. WOODRY, THE . livestock, furniture, real . aetata auc tioneer. Phono ' 811 for sale dates. Res. 1610 N. Summer, ACETYLENE WELDING IRON. STEEL, BRASS. ALUMINUM Bring the pieces. Oxo-Gaa Heating Co, 837 Court. : AUTO DIRECTORY AUTOMOBILES GOOD USED CARS GINGRICH MO- tor Co, 871 Court. . BERT L. JONES MOTOR CO, HUPMO bile dealer, State St. at Front. "The , ear of the American family." AUTOMOBILE PAINTING AUTO OWNERS LOOS I TIME TO nave that car repainted. Come ia and look over our work. On account of the auecesa of our Ford' Special Job, it will bo continued. Reliance Auto Painting Co., 219 . State, cor. Front St, second floor, Phoae 9371, , ., ,1 lt AUTO TOPS 4- AUTO TOPS Curtains to order, prices reasonable. Anderson-Teed, 171 S nigh BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN A CAMElelZED BATTERY NEVER aeeda a drink. C. M. Carlson, 249 N. Commercial St, Salem, Ore. . R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES, starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. PRESTO-LITE . .BATTERY , - SERVICE Station. - Expert battery aad electrical work. Ferris Bros. Phone 1803. 418 Court, , V., . , . AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TKOU ble ahooting; 238 N. High. Phone 203. BICYCLES AND KXTPAXBXBQ LLOYD E. BAMSDEN DAYTON BICY .elea and repairing; 887 Court TTBES AND ACCESSORIES USED PARTS 13 te 1-2 OFF. MIKE'S Auto Wrecking House; 424 North Commercial, phoae 528. , . . x .. BADIATOB FENDER KEFATRS RADIATORS FENDERS. BODIES. .made or repaired. J. O Beir. 849 Ferry. TRACTOSS - 0. HAAG' A CO, 444 FERRY STA Phone 210. Cletrao tractofM Oliver im plements, f -.g l; USED OARS v USED FORD CARS. from an authorised ear dealer--. . $165.00 M 185.00 1917 Touring 1918 Tounag 1919 Touring 1920 Touring 1920 Touring 1920 Touring 1921 Touring 1920 Roadster 1922 'Roadster 1820 Coupe 1920 Coupe ... 1921 Ooupe 1921 Ooupe 1921 Sedan 1920 Truck Liberal Terms. , VALLEY 160 No. High, . -, . , 270.00 230.00 ,., . 265.00 : - 275.00 , . 300.00 ; 265.00 . - ' - 845.00 460.00 . .. 885.00 , . . 425.00 ' - - 500.00 ... : .- 475.00 ; 865.00 Open Baturdayr MOTOR CO., , - i - E Phone 1995. - ' VI CK BROS. . t USED CAR BULLETIN 1919 Dodge Touring 1917 Dodre Toarinr .$475 . 800 1919 Oakland Touring, .new paint 350 1918 Chevrolet Touriag 150 1921 Ford Ooupe 45o 275 800 200 200 500 850 850 125 800 200 100 125 1921 Ford Touring , 1918 Studebaker Six, new paint- 1918 Studebaker . Four . , Fordsoa Tractor , Samsoa Tractor ...... Samson Track ,. . ' ,' , 1921 Iludsoa Super- Six. Baick Roadster Overland Four Toariag Overland 90 Maxwell Touring v. 1916 Ford Touring Ford Truck with new tires and com pletely overhauled with body aad aab, , ,,, ; ,.,.. Ford Track with body and full top. 800 S50 urease - VICK BROS. High Street at Trade. . AUTO DIRECTORY lrSKI CARS. USED CARS , l!21 Dodge Roadster- '.. ....TiO 1921 Ttodaa TouriPK iM 1917 Doilgo ToiirinR I92t Keo Touring i. "' 1917 Ford Roadster 1917 Ford .ivlivery 1.0 1919 Chaisis Ford llMl 1919 llepuhfic I ton tril.-lj t'. v BONE.STEELE MOTOR COMPANY Phone 4 BUSINESS CARDS CARPET AND RUO WEAVING. RAO CARPET AND RUO W RAVIN 0 . Call before 9 a. m. 84F2U 4- SAI.Kil -CARPET - CLEAN1XO ,, AXV Flutt Hug Wirt Uaf? and fluff rair . woven" any iie wilKont . si-aius. . b-'-ir iimltresses nintle to order. fld aiat tresses remade. Feather renovated. 1 buy all kimU of M arje!s for fluff Tnss. l.'J Vi untl Wilbur ntret. I'Iioiim 1154 Otto F. wicker. Trop. CEMENT CONTRACTORS CEMENT CONTRfmK AND FINISH er. F.siuiates furnished. O. M. Oglesby. Phone 19C0J. CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING F U R N A O K cleaning., F. Cquncllmsn. Salem Hard ware Co. CLEANERS AND DYERS SPICK 'N SPAN . CLEANERS AND dyers. .Phone 195. SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS : Saita cleaned and pressed, $1.50. Suite sponged and pressed, SOe. 1215 S. Cont'l. , Phone 1868 DEUO STORES WM. NEIMEYEB "JUST DRUGS," 175 N. Commercial. Phone 167. FINANCIAL GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS 5' , per cent, 303 Salem Bank of Commerce FARM LOANS AT 6 PER CENT and 6ft PER CENT ANDERSON RUPERT Oregon Bldg, Salem, Ore. LOANS ON THE EASY PAYMENT plan, can repay at any time without , extra charge; 417 Oregon Bldg. . FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES. Delivery.- O. F. Breitsaupt; florist, 123 . North Liberty street. Phdne 880. FURNACES SEAGROVE FOR FURNACES PIPE aad pipoless; 198 8. 12th St. Phoae 885W. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECT RIO CO. MASONIC . ball-ling. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934. 222 N. Liberty.! . HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP ELEO trical machine repairing, . contracting, i 837 Court. Phone 488. ARCHIE FLEENER, ELECTRICIAN 1 House wiring by hour or contract. Es timstea furnished. Phone 980, 414 Court St, ..'; FURNITURE STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY farniture for leas money. 878 Court Phono 464. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hand furniture; 271 N. CommerciaL Ladies' Wearing Apparel DRESSMAKING SPENCEB CORSETS TO ORDER Dressmaking. Carrie Fisher, Me Cornaek Bldg DRESSMAKING TAILORING. 771 N. Commercial. Phone 2002M. Good work; 18 years experience. HEMSTITICHINQ S A L -E M ELITE HEMSTITCHING, pleating, buttons, stamping and needle work; 328 Oregon Bldg. Phone 879. MRS. O. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler's store. Phoae 117. ' LADIES TATLOBTNO W. J. MAYER LADIES' TAILORING; ' Ions coats, and suits. Room 7, MeCor . Back Bldg. Phone 692. BUSINESS CARDS MEN'S STORE ED. CHA STAIN CLOTHING CO. SUITS : and overcoats. Use my stairs; It pays. 805 &tete 8t. JUsUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. M S. Liberty street, Pheaa 25. Oldest largest best, Established 1889. YALE LAUNDRY IS AGAIN IN A po sition to render you the same efficient service aa before the fire which de : stroyed oar old building. All kinds of 7 laundry work, also cleaning and press ing. Phone your wants to 195 snd we will eaU. CAPITAL CITY STEAM. LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt service; 1264 Broadway. Phone 165. MACHINE SHOP THE, CROSS. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Steam boilers, vuloanisers and tube platea. Perry C. Campbell. 817 N. Liberty. H. , AND M CO. SPECIALTY GRIND era and welders. Automotive service. " 490 Ferry.. Phone 864. WEOHTER SMITH MACHINISTS, engineers, welders, Heald cylinder grinding service. Phone 662-245 Ferry. MEDICAL 1 T MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Pheaa 517-W. , , , MUSICAL SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All breaches taught, diplomaa granted. John R. Sitae, director; 1237 Court Phone 626. ' 1 A- COURSE ; : IN . BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated standard aaaaio. Semi-classics aad ballads; 12 lee sons. Waterman Piano SchooL Me Gomack Bldg. MUSIO STORES TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW . Victor or Brunswick. H. L. 8tiff Farni : tore Co, Masio Dept....... , GEO. O. WILL PIANOS. PnOXO graphs, aewing saaehiaes, sheet mpsio, and piano , studies. Repairing phone grapha aad sewing saaehiaes; 42 Bute, Salem,' : BUSINESS CARDS MUSIC STORKS SHERMAN CLAY tt . CO., PIANOS Steinways, luo-Art and others. Moor. I : 1 .. . . . ........ 1 P PIANO TUNERS EDWAKD WFXP EXPERIENCED PI ana taaer l,eave . ordare Wili'a Mssfe , Store. ' m ' ' . NURSERY STOCKS l.XK! LOOK! .KTTK11RKIM1 121, trlMrry irlaiil; , inspei-ted. l'linue H.1F12. COMPLETE LINE TREES - SMALL fruits, ornaments. , Capital City Nur aery Co.. 426 Oregoa Bldg. I'hone 7.1. fkuitlAnd nuksIky JIAS A FKW more Italian prime trees, 4 to O feet, aiso kiii;iIIit grailes. I'ltono 1I4D.M or - ' FOR SALE Fi'HJU TO , SIX PRUNE 'trees Ilione 112TM. ". FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TliEES Pearey Bros., 237 State. ATTENTION , FRUIT OROWKliS Choirs Bartlott pear treea for sale; re duced prices. R. W. Mathia, Salem. Phone 111F21. JOKES- NURSERY. NE.VU AUBURN Halt, Rell fruit tri-i's, slirubliery, roses and small fruits. Prices reiliueil. Somr Italiun left. PI11.110 lllFU.. .. k , - , . SECOND HAND OOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND sells second hand furniture, tool and lank 320 N. Commercial, phone 492. WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOT fl ing and shoes. s Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange; 842 North Commercial. Phone 1868-W PAPERHANGING AND PALM TING MARTIN "PAINTER." Phone 704. PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. TEN CENT KALSOMINE IN BEAUTI ful colors; $1 does room. Max O. Buren. !78 N. Com'L PLUMBING GRABER BROS. PLUMBING AND heating; general repairs. Phone S50, 141 S. Liberty. PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL , work. Phone 1397-J. Shop 127 Union street, A L. Godfrey. , STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, sizes 20 to 28 in. high. Paints, oila and varnishes, etc, loganberry and hop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124. SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE (SUC ceasor to Neal Scavenger) Garbage and refasa of all kinds removed by the month. Reasonable rates. Phones: Office 629. residence 2058. SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, refuee of all kinda removed. Caapoola cleaned. Phone 167 or 1007J. TONSORIAL GETSHAVED AT THE MARION BAR ber' shop, 156 S. Com'L , TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES J. W. Parker, General Manager Central State Terminal Salem, Oregon SALEMVSILVERTOX DIVISION Leaves Salem, Central Stage Terminal : ,7 a. m., 11 a. m, 5 p. m. Leaves feilvertoa, Newa Stand: ; .8 a. si, 1 p. m, 6 p. m. Salsm-Independence-Monmouth Division; Leavea Salem Central Stage Terminal: . 7 a. in., 9 a. m, 11 a. m, 8 p. m. 5 p. m. Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: i 8:15 a. m, 1 p. m, 6.15 p. m. Leavee Independence, Beaver Hotel: 8:30 b. m, 10 a. m, 1:15 p. m 4 p. m, 6:30 p. m. We make eonnectioaa at Satam to all parts of the valley.Extra tripe. by ap pointment ' J. W. PARKER, General Manager. TRANSFER HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER do 220 State St Phone 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. WE MOVE. STORE AND Snip HOUSE- X hold goo da. Our specialty ia piano and furniture moving; Wo alao make coun try trips. We handle the best coal and wood. Call on ns for prices. We gie good measure, good quality and good aervice. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 93u WOOD SAWING WOOD, SAWINO. Phone 1181. ED Spread. VARIETY 8T0RES SALEM VARIETY STORE. CHINA ware, glassware, toys, notions, and mil linery. . WATEB SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CO. Office, 801 South Commercial St Tea per cent discount . oa domes tie flat rates paid la advance. No deductions for abeenee or any eauae unleaa water ia abut off your premises. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH . WAR VETERANS. Camp 5. Armory, First third Mondays. PROFESSIONAL AMBULANCE SERVICE SALEM AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 666; 173 Sv Liberty. , . CHIROPODISTS DR. 8. F. SCOOT, GRADUATE NA tional 'University Sciences, Chicago. Maaonie Temple. Phone 640. DR. WILLIAMS CORNS. CALLOUSES, ingrown nails; all foot trouble. Price Shoe Co. Phone 616. CHIROPRACTORS DR. LENA A BOONE. CHIROPRACTOR. 475 S. CommerciaL Hours 10 to 12; 1 .to 8. Phone 1415. DR3. SCOTT A 8COFIELD. P. 8 0. Chiropractora. 414 19 U. S. Bank Bldg Phoae 87; raa. 828 R. CHDXESR PHYSICIAN ' PR. U T. DICK TDRESf ANY KNOWN disease. 153 S. High St. Phono 283. DEUGLESS PHYSICIANS MAONETIO HEALING . DR. A L Fraata. Acute , aad " 'chronic diseases Phoae 780 over Peoples Cash Store. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREC tors. 210 Center. Phone 1656. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronie diseases; 415 Oregon Bldg. Phone 110. ; PROFESSIONAL :jns 1' OPTICI MORRIS OPTICAL CO. BUITK SOI, 804 Oregoa Building.- - GLASSES .FITTED, BY. THE BOW, Of. .tiitl Co., -325 State atreet. opposite Ladd A Bosh Bank. "Use Quality Proven Shur-oni." ; 1 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DbV FOSTER 404 OREGON BLDG Phones 756, 2024 J.i , DR. W I.. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC physician and aurgoon. Kirksvillu graduate, 404-4051 U. H. National Bank Bldg. Phone, office 919; res, C14. . PR. JOHN U LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon, 40:i-4i)4 Ore goa Bldg. Phones, office 1394; tea 58 F5. REAL ESTATE A. W. ESTES REALTY CO. . 327-28 Oregon Bl.l. , Plione 98.1 -UF.AL ESTATE. l-OANS. FIRE ANI anto insurance, f in proper ty exchanges anywhere; We .snay have just what yon warnt Call and seo us. A. W. ESTF.S REALTY CO, 327 23 Oreson TiliiK. Phone 9S.". li.ii estate, loans fire and ant. insurance, special ! nranrrtv exchanges anywhT in U10 V. S. or Canada. We may have just what you want- tTail or'wrue A live office witli four salesmen to serve you. 10 ACRES, 6 IX BEARIXO .PRUNES. 3 in lozans: (i room house, garage barn, two chicken coops; 4',6 miles out Jefferson road. 84800. Trade for house in Salem or rent after April a M.J, Hunt Tadd & Bush Building. $000 beautiful diamond, for $500, today. Diamond Earrings, :$3'50, for trade. Five-room house, fireplace, basement $2500. Six -room house. North Cottage, $3700; f close in. ' ' Seven-room house, Chemeketa, close in. $1,500. . Business building, close in, $15,000. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 North Cottage. A BARGAIN. 7-room modern home, basement, furnace, three lots; $3700, good terms. Must be aold soon. Owner leaving c Salem. 7-room strictly modern home in East Balem, $5000. Pettyjohn & Mouser 216 Oregon Bldg. 400 ACRES, TWO SETS OF- BUILD ings; $35 per acre. Trade for valley. Route 3, Box 92, Salem.. SEE THIS 8-ROOM SEMI-BUNGALOW, large lot with fruit trees and material for garage, paved street, .cement walk and terraced' lawn; built-in practically new. partly furnished and easy to buy. $3,750, $500 cash and $25 per month. And this 6-room bouse, fair condition, two lots and two garages, $1,100, $500 cash. See Mr. Wheelwright with A. W. Estes Realty Co, 328 Oregon Bldg. Phone 985 . MODERN BUNGALOW, FIXE LOCA tion. Priced right.. Address Route 3, Box 92, Salem. Good Buys & Exchanges Chandler Six to 'exchange for real estate. 100 acres, buildings, stock and machin ery near Airlie; price $5009- Will take property in SaleiS, Toledo or Newport in exchange. - ( New 4 -room plastered house, with- two lots, chicken house and" wood shed. Price $1500. Easy terms. Modern 5-room bungalow on S. Commer cial street. Price $4200, .terms. . Modern 7-room bnngalow. at 800 Xorh Church street. Price $G750, terms. Building lots on Fairmount Hill cheap. Real Estate and Fire Insurance. W, H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State St, U. S. Bank Bldg. FOR DESIRABLE ACREAGE, IMPROV. ed orVnnimproved, I'faoue owner, lilotin Ij. Adams. STOCK RANCH SALE NOTICE 19 hereby given that the Win. Dnrroiih ranch, consisting 01 2(o acres in un coin county,' mile from Nortons, will tf. sold to the highest bidder. April 14, 192.1. at 2 o'rloi-k. at Court Honse at Toledo, Otegon. Clear-of all eneum liranees. , Special A nice large lot on 19th atreet, lock south of Center, ' for $025; it's a good buy. Cood 7-room - modern house in Portland; trade for farm near Salem We have a cash buyer for a small house not over $1500, also a buyer for a fi-room house, with $:iOO .down. -Also a buyer for a 20-acre fruit farm; must tun on paved road. We have a 5-room house that's a good buy for $1500, with $300 down and $15 per month. Thomason 3313 State St. FOR SALE 10 FIXE LOTS OX NORTH 14th street, two blocks from Washing ton junior high school. $525 apiece. These hta will double in value in one year, 5-room cottage, lot 66x123, well located. $1500, $500 cash, balance monthly. 5-room cottage. lot 60x125, well, located. $1400, cash or terms. These are good properties. w McLaren realty, co, , , Phone 430. 180 N. Com'! Street , Best Buys ; 5 acres, 8 year old Italian, prunes, in first class condition, house,' barn; four miles outK $2850. -:. 10 acres ,20 year old Italian prunes, on rock road, 6 milea out; $3500, $1000 cah.s " 3'. ' 15 acres', 5 acres bearing prunes, 6 acres cherries, 1 bearing llogans, some lUor mixed orchard; chock house, bar - coop, tools to work the place, 1-horse; $6000. This is only 4 miles 4rom Salem center. Make -easy terms Or sell to a - soldier. - - 50 acres, 26 bearing prunes, "3 timber, 21 grain land, all fenced; price $7500, $3000 cash. 240 acres, 20 bearing prunes, 157 cleared. 90 timber, pasture, water power on place; horses, cows,! chickens, 70 . sheep, all tools, tractor, 5-room house, tiarn, drier, l'.i miles from town, at station; $45 per acre, $5500 cash, balance terms. Socoiofsky: i 311 State. 1 BARGAINS. TnREE-ROOSC HOUSE. LARGE LOT. paved street, $1200; $300, down. Five-room house, nieo east front, city wster, electric lights, gravel street $1500; $500 down. A $4500 house for - $4000, all modern except basement, beautiful lot, paved atreet, 7 rooms. We have iom lovely lots, very desirable, $400. $500. $GOO, $7pO, $819; tid a lovely corner near the Stato Honse for $1800. We also have the Old People's Homo on 12th street for sale or lease. Come and see me about this. It can be made a money-maker. J. A. Mills, 831 State! street. FOR J RENT FARMS FOR RENT 16 ACRES NEAR SALEM Good . grain or potato ' land. Phon JWF5, . . .. REAL' ESTATE 5 ROOM MODERN '.BUNGALOW.1 GAR- age, in first, class s condition, " fur nished trilOO, unfurnished fitfoO; 00 rash; balance monthly. . i Two fino 'lota, pavement carline; $800 for both; $ GOO Cash, balance to suit at C pe cent. Socoiofsky, 3 tl State. PUBLIC NOTICES -t NOTH'K OF 1.1IIi:OVKMKNT OP SOUTH W1XTKR ST!U'2KTBK TWKK.V STATU STIiEET AND OAK STHKKT. ' - " Notice i.s hereby given that the Common Council of trie City of Salem .'perns it . expedient and hereby lclares its ; purpose and intention to Infprove .South Win ter street from the south Hne of State street to the north line of Oak street at the expense of the abutting and - adjacent , property, except the street and alley Inter section:?, the expense of which will be assumed -by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion of South Winter street to the e.stablishsa grade, constructinR cement con crete curbs and paving 'said por tion of South Winter street with a three-Inch bituminous, concrete wearing .surface pavement in ac cordance with the plans and .speci fications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council March 19th, 1923, now ( on fila In the office of the City Recorder and. which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby de clares its 'purpose and intention to make the above described im provement by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. By order of the Common Coun cil the 19th day of March, 1923. M. POULSENV City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof is March 22, 1923. . . STOCKS INDICATE FUTURE INCREilSE Speculative Fear of Increase in rediscount Rate Is . Influence - XE WORK, March 28. Elimination, of speculative . fear of another increase in the re discount . rate by the federal re serve board's statement yesterday brought about a further recovery of prices in today's stock maket. Gaine of 1 to 3 points were quite common during- the morning but many of these were cancelled or substantially reduced later when professional interests disposed of stock purchased , at lower levels to support j the market. Speculative interest n the rise was dimmed somewhat by the failure of the New York Central directors to "increase the regular quarterly divIiTend 'as had been expected. New York n Central closed one point loweT at . 96 with most of the other shares in the raalroad group moving ir regularly within narrow limits. New high j records were made by a number of stocks. . Call money opened 5 1-4 per cent, eased to 5 1-2 at noon and to five in the last honr, closing at that figure. The time money market was quiet with loans In limited volume being made at 6 1-2 per cent for two and four months maturities. The commer cial paper rates were unchanged with prime names commanding oper cent. More activity was noted in the foreign exchange market with the principal ; qtio.t a t I ons showing slight irregularity. Demand sterl ing eased slightly to 4.6S 1-8 and French francs, after advancing 5 points to .6.62. cents, slipped back to 6.58 3-4. 1 Adele GeUTisofTa New FIuue of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 273 HOW L11.LT AN SWIFTLY MADE HERSELF "FIT" AGAIN "Lillian, Lillian, dear!' I bent above the bed ..where rny friend had thrown heir me ten miautes reiaxai'on 1 had prescribed J or her. Witn an i iixiety which . X dared not be tray on account of Marion, who also bent oer her mother, her tildish facei sharpened with worry, I scanned my . frl?nds face which wa3 still flushed, and 'stened to" her uneven brcati:- fng. - - . "Yes. What Is it?" Her eyes flew wide open, but for an Instant" there was no re cognition in them, only a vague bewilderment. She raised her self on one elbow, looking around the room wonderingly until her eyes fell on Marion. Then 1 started at the sound she laugh ed lightly, sprang to her feet and stretched her arms high above her head. Those old Seven Sleepers had nothing on me, I fancy," , she said. "How long did I sleep?" "Only the ten mlnutea I gave you," I returned. "I didn't dare let yoa stay any longer with the image ' of Mrs. Durkee in the background. But are you sure Fou're all right?". Marion echoed my words, her HUSBAND arms clasplitg her mother's waist 'You're not sick are you, Mum. sie?". - : VSick!" Her mother echhl th words - Indignantly. "Whatever', put that- in your r head, sweet heart?" She Hashed an inquir ing, almost suspicion, glance at me as she spoke, and I had hard work to keep, what Dicky cam a "poker face." lint Marion is a loyal little soul, and she di verted hVr mother's attention from me promptly and cleverly "Why, you went out of the room so quick; .and.; your,' face was all red. and jou went to sleepy so' quick, andI was afraid we couldn't wake you, and I am so sorry I was naughty about my h3ir, and I never will be again." "Vm: Perfectly All Right," "Mother was naughty, too." Lillian" bent over her child with paionate tenderness. "And don't worry one bit more, 1'ra perfectly all right. Now I. must hurry or Auntie" Durkee will be over with a-rolting pin. Marlon laughed merrily,,and i saw Lillian's face relax with sat isfaction. There is nothing which causes her so much - uneasiness aa a shadow on the face of her idolized little daughter. She looked" anything but. "all right," as j she had assured us. ,however. Her " face held the 'deep Jines which betray excessive worry or fatigue, and though the flush was rapidly receding, it was succeeded by a' gray sort of look which I liked still less.7 She caught me watching her "I and made a little moue at me." , ; "" , "Oh; Paragon of all House keepers!" she mocked. "Do you happen to hare such a ..thing as a piece of ice in this house?.",., "I ordered some put in the re frigerator this morning," I re tuned quietly. "Then flt's there." she returned jubilantly, "I believe if I asked you for wild roses in December you'd produce them. I know the water in the tap is almost boil ing, and if you'll permit me to commit petty larceny on your ice box I'lJ show you how to turn a .'wornut invalid Into a healthy looking epectmen." - . The Result. "I'll bring the Ice up to yoa myself,' I said, starting for th& door. "In that gown?. You will not!" she retorted, starting after me. But I 1 had reached the door and whisked the key from the lock as she spoke. I pulled the door shut and locked it from the outside, even as . she tugged at it from within, laghing trium phantly , at . her, 1 hurried, down stairs, and soon returned with some pieces of Ice in a dish. , "If you've Jiurt that dress 1'U thrash you if It's the last thins I ever do." -she threatened, as I entered tAe room again. ; "I defy you to find a singla spot." - I returned. "Lucky for you," she retorted grimly. . "Now for a lightning toilet." . I had .witnessed her marvel lous powers of recuperation be fore, also her speed in dressing, so despite my worry I was not surprised when she came back Into my room fifteen minutes later to see a most wonderful transformations I knew that fi'e rrvinutes of her time had been spent in applying hot, wet cloths to her face, following the treat ment by . dashes of cold water, and finishing by rubbing every portion of her face lightly .with ice. The result was a glowSng countenance, which, toned dowa only by, a little cold cream and rice powder, looked twenty years younger and infinite . degrees healthier than the face which she had worn out of the room. Her abundant nilver hair, always wavy, was knotted carelessly loir on her head, her most becoming coiffure, ' and . she was dressed with her usual modish exquls iteness, except; for the lasf fas tenings, iso hard for 'any woraa to achieve alone. ' "There.V lady IT she said tri umphantly. "Aren't I nifty? Now if you'll-just help me with thes plaguey fastenings." "You're the eighth wonder of the world," I assured her, as I bent to the troublesome snaps; but my own heart was far. from assurance. There were limits, i told I myself, even to Lillian's wonderful will, which, so far, had enabled her to triumph over really- serious ills, both mental" and physical. , (To be continued) WHEAT MINNEAPOLIS, March 28. Wheat: Cash No. 1 northern $1.19 1-4 at $1.27 1-4; No. 1 itartr nnrlhorn tonnxr 1 1 1-4 v m w a, aa a a atiuv , m. m at $1.29 1-4; No. 1 dark Bprth- ern i.z 1-4 at 51.40 i-4;;Aiay $1.19 1-4; July $1.19 1-2. BITENOS AIRES. March 28. Opening: Wheat April $1.18, up l-4c; May $1.20 1-4, unchanged. LIVERPOOL. March 2 8. Wheat: Close March 10s. 1 1-4 d. up , half d; May 9a. S 7-Sd, up l-4d: JnlySs. 7 3-4d. up 1-Sd. Roautiful Ruby Grand Tlano Must Re Sold will sacrifico fine baby grand -J piano, only three years old for cash. Must be sold at once. For full par ticulars , address "ElS" Statesman, V?.