nan who r ases and j passed is I his tiwrL cs Open " at kroat Clear v clogged and because o Elf's Cream Sore. . Apply antiseptic. m into 'your t penetrate sage of your es.j Instant Tour head lils are operv : 'No snore Head colds like magic, and miser ; Adv. DOLLAR Y 3 9; . : 'I g - f ' V. Sit Si A GIRI, 1 cajLsami advertisements Ret pr wort 1 Par ' tarttoa ' . ta 6 . So .20o .15 .12o .26 TlTM IttSSltiOU On wMk (sis Insertions )- Oh month Six moat haV cos tract, per m.. IS months eontrsct. pr m Mlatmue for aey advartisement. f . NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETT W: H. Burghardt. Jr. L Resident Asent 371 Stat St - MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate -..: T. K. FORD: -(Orsr Ladd Bush Bank) NEW TODAY 'REMEMBER CARLSOX WHEK TOUR tire , a r " tube aeed repairing. 1 Hi i. 'Ht3rrtinn an rnrmir back." . . wV.w - - SJ9 V. Cnmmarcial street. WHILE THET LAST WALDO PARK Iota' a terms. UeckS nenancaa. i. U. 8. Bank Building. . . U&8. - BROWN' '.OFFERS. 80ETMIU different .in hats- Remodeling ana a mekiar to order a specialty. 202 Ma- anie Building. UXUiM'8 OARAGE GUARANTEED r aut repairing and towing. ureases 1 and oils. - 245 Center atreet. : rnone StO. A- 0O ACRES,.' TWO BETS W. BUIUV- : tags; $35 per aero.. Trsde for vauey. Rout 0. Box 92. Haiem. 15 - ACRES, UNIMPROVED. 5 MILES Salens; 1 tail Jin macadam to pv ' meat; second growth fir; pasture, run I tting J water - and springs: finest soil. '4 $2500. Terms. Harris, 1942 J. FOR BEST MODERN 6 ROOM HOUSE. 1096 Marion street. ' Phono 1344 W, ICODEB5 BUNGALOW. : PINE LOG A l tlou. Priced rigat. Aaaress itouie a, , Bot . S3, Salem. . f' ' - .-( . - - rOR REKT-16 ACRES SEAR SALEM. ftaod e-rain r potato land. Phone JONES'. .NURSERY.. NEAR , 1 AUBVK9 aad small fruit. Prices reduced. Some Italian left. Phone 1113. VoQD FOB BALE-PHONg 1766. ; gcitS CLEANED AND PRESSED $1.10 M iPrampi sad sfftcicnt'terrlco. Belem Cloanora god Djeri. Phono llo. I , AN 'INSCRANCC "AGENT'S ADVICE 18 ssor valuable keforo tb tire or acci dent. Consott' bim' today about yom need. On motto is, "Soond Protoe twa 'gt miaimtun: eost.". KUndler Folcr, Afftnts, Bush Bank' Building. Easy Payment Plan- One half aero tracts, wall located. , Price : $O0. '. -' - ' . ' ' . W. H. Grabenhorst & Co 5T3 BUU Street. ' I s BTOCK . RANCH SALE NOTICE 18 hereby girea that the Wb. Darrougb raack, eoaaiating of 280. rea la Lin- coin- eaantr,. mile from Norton s, will behold to the kighest bidder. April 14, 2 o'clock, at Court Hoose Toledo. Oregon. , Clear of all eaeuiB branoeav ; . - v ' A - I IMALL APARTMENTS FOR INVEST- oral-todar: $1000 p to handler-Beck Hendricks. V. 8.- Bank Boildiag. WANTED TO RENT 5-ROOM HOUSE. - No children. -$35 per mokth, f ornisbed. 4 , 1433 North . Summer.. - TOR RENT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION S rooms, partly furaiahed; $30. . Bocke 4, " Hadritk,-U. S. nk Baifdiag. JOHN iSCBINANMAN. AGE 50- TKARM. - S Mi feet. : weight about 160. - escaped from the State hospital about 5 years go,' la wanted by hia mother. It is ! hii Interest to aoo her. ElisabeU j pawvanmsa. ooo t aacouTar - OTenaa, Portland. 4 RED RASPBEBRt PLANTS. CUTH k - ert 1 sad -?ptJ ' Regie everbearing. ', Gooseberry.' ear rant and legaaberry , plants, any quaatity, delivered. Straw berry plants and other small f raits. Ward' K. Richardson 2393 N. Front. Phono 494. ( .. J . s TOR DESIRABLE ACREAGE. IMPROV ed or aaimpraved. Phone Owner, Glenn L. Adama. ' , . QuarterjBlock On Fairmo4nt Bill, $800. ,H W. H. iGrabenhorst & Co. c 1 : s !275 : Sfcat Street. ' ,' ;. -t " fCRNISHEp ROOM. 3 SLOCKS PROM State Hoes, 353 N. 13th. Phone S85W I BRAKD SEW FIXE MODERN HOME ! Hardwoo4 floors and everything ' yoe waafe Iinmediate possesaioa; $8500, . aoma terms. ; Becko Hendricks, U. 8. Banks' Building.--. T , .v.-.- rA Real Buy 7-room modern bungalow, with ' hardwood d floors., firctilaea. araarji. anod Mmeat , basement, garage, paved atroet, modern I a every, way. A. Price for a abort time onlyn$s?50 Jterma; 'Let ua ahow you a. this property. . . . , . t , .. , J W, H. Grabenhorst & Co. 1-4-T--;j " ST5 Stat Street. -. i-;, i. YOU'Ui HAVE EVERYTHING WHEN it: ou get to heaven. Wo have 5-room ' ) moderm Jiome for $3750, on terms, with ot- rry thing. ull cement .base- ment; furnac. with coils. , fireplace, laundry, tubs, wash room, garage, J . cement walks, paving. Quick poaaea W aion $700 down, balance like rent. Y oecae Hendricks. U. 8. Bank Bldg f or Rent jFive-roem furnished bungalow, $45 per I moots. Also 6-room house with fir 7 Place, partly .furnished; $30. . I w. M. .urabennorst & uo. .. : ' 373 Stat Ktrt. ... .. bOME I FRUIT FARMER HERE'S"" I pickxp. jO-acre . farm. milea from oateta; pavemement usost alt - wwy. Mod ern i-rooot bungalow, new.- Price for l jprced Mle $8500 over all. Beck - Headlck. L. S.'Bauk Building. For Sale BnUH ;hooe . U '. North-, Salem. - Price iw-0 cash., v ' VV. H, Gabcnhorst & Co. . 275 Stat 'Street. - I . "" ' " l(l . ' " . i in is. inn s T ink " A tlltm amf am 1a f fliV ' 1 ' ' f al. eoufk of Crtlef, for $tJ2ii it's a good . - i.-ivuii) mvwiB noun .in Portland . J. i I' L-.l . . . . . - . w ivc- jirwMr. Dicra( f ;haVe, c4hk buyer for" a amalJ . Hirllfli a I aw . ' 1 . r no r f litw, o buyer i t)-room BfliuKa.f wtK t inn J.... , A .huler for i2pracre fruit famj must to ea psvad-road.- -We -have a 5-room hou tkafa a good bur for SI 500. wiu $3i down and $15 per month. , f ' V ihomason . S31J4 .SUU bt. i :r THE- OREGON. STATESMAN;SALEM, OREGON NEW TODAY t FOR 8 ALB Good S-rooa bouse and 3 lota at$1700 Small home atyl. 500 Fine- new - home.- well ' located-- 3900 Several new . bungalow Rooming bouae, I close' ta.- ... ..- , Heme furnished complete at 2000 Square Deal Co., 203 U. S. Bank Bldg. $3300 TAKES - 6 ROOM BUNGALOW. with full cement basempot. garage. 2 large Iota, loads of fruit; seme terms. Becks t Hendricks. V. S. Bank Bldg. EMPLOYMENT if,.- WANTED BO V FOR MILK WAGON. Inquire llinsoust Dairy. BUT WANTS WORK. WASHING CARS after school. Phone 60 8 R. rxxALB WANTED LADT WANTS WORK BY hour. . Phone 608R. WANTED WOMEN TO SELL EXPRIT d' Amor Toilet articles. latuire Mra. Beiott. 115 N. Liberty. ' ICAZJI Ain FEMALE aANTRi HCH AND WOMEN TO take farm paper eukeetiptkaaa. A good proposition to ' the nfm pan p lav aoV dreea the Pactfle Heeaeatead, aHateamaa '.. BWg, aeirm. Ore. - PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. Free for stamp. Cor respondent, Toledo, Ohio. FOR SALE 'BIRDS, FLOWERS AND PETS CUT FLOWERS, FUNERAL PISCES, potted plants. Flake's Petlaad. 378 I mat at. roea ase. UVXSTOOX 1 111 PUREBRED REGISTERED PIGS Eight purebred registered pigs will be give fro to -oign-t boys, girle or grown up interested in developing, th pttre , bred regietared pig industry in th Pa cific Northwest. Out out this announce ment and mail it to The Pacific Home stead. Salem, . Oregon, with your aame and address, aad full information about th purebred rigterd -ig will b sent you by rttars, mail. ; , 4 FOR SALE HEAVY DRAFT BELGIAN eolt, a 4-year-old 'and halter broke. Call 110F11 or address Albert Eggt man, 8itvcrtoa. , Ore Rout 2. FOR SALE PURE BRED LAS CABRI- ta TofgeabuiT back. $80. Dae freeh new ) also April. Jan,, $20 up. EUsk Wtk MUler. Ask land. Or a. - i PBONQOBAPHS. 'PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. $125.00 Victor $ 5 00 11 5.oo S7.SO . 110OO . 52.JHJ $150.00 Victor $iso.eo Path- $153.00 Columbia : 75,00. Victor I Terma as low as $1.00 per wla H. L. STIFF FURNITURE CO.. f Pkoaa' P41. , I 404 50. Court St.. ..PLUTOS . GOOD USED MAHOGANY PIANO." $130. Terma If deaired. : . H. L. Stiff Fural- tare Co. . -js '" FOR 8AI.E GOOD 1 USED . MAHOGANY ; tpfaa left with a H'IT. Pri-e 1200 trma H. L. Stiff Fmraitar Ce, Me' aie departmenk HAVE YOU SEEN 'THAT BEAUTIFUL piano for $198, $3 . dowa, $1.50 per week. Tallmaa Piano Star, 395 South Twelftk atreet. j - A WDNDERFUL" $750 PLAYER PIANO, tike trwi with roll aad beach. $325; $10 down. $2.50 -per week. Tallmaa Piano Store. 39S 80. 12th street. POULTET 1 PUREBRED CHICKENS. Seven teen pens and : trios - of th best breeds . of ekickea from th. world's most famous poultry plants will be gives ' to 17 . people - Interested ia de veloping the purebred chicken industry. Cat. out this announcement and mail it to the Purebred Chjekeu Editor. North west Poultry Journal. Salem, ' Oregoa. with yeur name and address, and full Inform alio a 'will be seat yea by ( return alaiL ' t l - FARM PAPER IF. YOU WASfT TQ GET THE .BEST fsra paper.: sead 15s to , tb , Paeifi' Homestead, Salem.. Oregon,, lor a three montha trial - subscription, , Msation thia ad. ' t ... . .; . POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO coat stamp far-special tar aaaaths trial for th bast aad eldest jourael Is U west Th articles and advertise menu are of special interest to the poultry : breeders f th Northwest Northwest Poultry JouraaL -211 Com saarcial street. Salem. Oregoa. WOOD FOR DRY WOOD PHONE 152 J. WOOD FOB . SALE,. DRY PHONE John H . Moat. 'iJl n. H9t WOOD .FOR- SALE GOOD . PRICES. H At Kuaasi,.Silverten. Oregba. Best Grade Mill Wood Four i ft. aad 16 inch dry mill wood. roar 11. ana io ta.- greea, .mm wooa. Prompt delivery sad reaaoabl pricea. Fred : E. , WeUa. S05 S. Church. Phoa 1542. MI5CZLLAJTEOUS FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. , Ifi cents baadl. Circulatloa departmaat Oregoa Statesman. ; HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTIXG AT tachment File any sewing .machine Pric $'J. Eeoaomy-. Sates 'C Billings Mont. , - ! v Beautiful Oregon Rose : Dtf lv othsr Oregoa ,'songt. tagsthei with a fiae collect lea of, patriotic eeags. sacred aeaga aad saaay(Oid-tima favor ttea. : f . . "- t -:.- '- ALL FOB t8 , J . -(Spicitl. prices iai .aadtity lets) V . Espeilly' adaptabl tor school comma My r horn aiagiatt v Bead for - - 5 - Western Songster a..aU Okeam lea a $ a. allta ' i'.V- ' . PaVlishad by- v OREOON TEACHERS UONTHLT $1$ ft "mm.rHitl 8t, Jlm Or . v . -. - . FOR RENT ' 1 APAETMENTS FUnNISHE APARTMEN.T AT ; 1132 Center. '.Vf M : V p I'Ott BENT -TC.TWtgHED APART: f mesis, 1173 X Fouf th - Phoa 8Q60M. FOR - RENT 3 ROOM t FURNI8HED apartment, heated. 143 Court Street, FURNISHED APARTMENT CLOSE IN raoaat ad alaepiag parch. Call 107S FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR - RENT DOWNSTAIRS MODERN . apartment.' partly tarnished; steam . private batn. 1133 court. , APARThvENT FOR RENT, $91 NORTH Commercial. . !- " . BOARD AND ROOM 1 VOARD . AND ROOM FOl'B1 BOARD Ora wanted. 195 North rYont St. BOOMS FURNISHED ROOMS 790 N.- COM- merciaL ' ; ' 1 ' ' 1 - SUITE OP HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Modern, no children, i Call in after . uoop. . 715 Center street. . . ( FOR RENT APARTMENTS AND sleeping rooma. Leonard Hotel, 254 N. Front street . " ; FOR BENT FURNISHED ROOM. MOD era. Mr. Hoary Row. $80 North 12th - a treat. '. . NEW PIANO FOR RENT $8 PER MO. H L, Stiff Furniture C. ... , ., , LOST AND FOUND LOST DOG LOSTLARGE. DARK YELLOW colli. - Name "Shep." ' Collar No. 86. Call Herbert. 'Looney, Jefferson. Re - ward. rOUKD FOUND AUTO IJCENSE PLATE. o. 40140, Ore., 1923. Owner can secure at this Office. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS. ETC , Phoao ttl. t , , , , OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capital City Bedding Co. Phoao 19. WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS. MA ' chtuery, etock. . Will bay for cash - or aaU oa eommiaaioa. - Phoao HI. , Woodry, the auetioaeer. . . . WANTED EVERYTHING" IN HARD . ware and furnitor.- Beet price paid, . THE CAPITAL- HARDWARE ; FURNITURB'CO. ' 285 K. Commercial 8U - Phoae S47 BUSINESS dAROS AUCTIOKEEXS G. SATTCfCLEE, AUCTIONEER, PHONE -t 430-1211J: ISO N. Com' Bt. Room 31 AUCTIONEER W. K.-.WOODBT'. THE Kvoetoek. f urn i tare, reel aetat aao ttoaoer. Phono - Sll fer sal dates. Ra. 1610 K. Bamaer. - : " ACETTUUNB WEUXH0 IRON.- STEEL,-BRASS, ALUMINUM Bring the pieces. Oxo-Gaa Ueatiag C S37 Court,. --,(-' AUTO DIRECTORY - AUTOMOBILES GOOD USED OARS ' GINGRICH Ma tor Co, U Court. BERT L. JONES MOTOR C04 HUPMO aite-dealer. State St. at Fro at. "The ear of the AaMrioaa family." AUTOMOBILB PAUTTINO Atrro -owvERS lcoki. TIME TO aav that ear repaint, com ia ana look over ur work. Oa account of the V success of our Fdrd . Special Job. it will . .be nontinued. Rliaac Aato Palatiag Co., 319 Stat, cor. Front SU seeoad flKr.- BhoB 93T. : JJL. AUTO TOPS AUTO TOP8 - Curtains to.' order, price reasonable. Anderson-Teed, 171 8 High "BATTEBT AJTD EXECTETCIAK A CAMEL-1ZED . BATTERY NEVER aeeda a drink. O. M. Carlson. 849 N. Commercial St.. Balam. Or. R. D. BARTON EXIDB BATTERIES starter and generator work; 111 South CoauaereieL , J 'I z .: '. t ' ; ' PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICf Statioa. Expert battery aad electrical work. - Farria Bros. Phone 1803, 418 Court, ; AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROU bio saootlag; 236 N. High. Pkoa 203 BICYCLES AMD BEPATBXHO LLOYD E. RAM8DES DAYTON BICT clea aad repairing; 887 Court. , TERES AJTD ACCESSORIES USED PARTS I I td 1-3 OFF. MIKE'8 Ante)' Wrecking House; 624 North Commerelsl. ' Phon 623. RADIATOR FENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS. BODIES, mad ar repaired. J. O Beir. $49 Ferry TRACTORS A. O. HAAG A CO, 444 FERRY ST Phoae 310. Cletrae tractors. Oliver tm i..plamaata. - . ' . USED OARS USED FORD CARS r from an authorised ci dealer . $165.0C I . 195.0 270 O' ' 230.0 l17 Touring 1918 Touring 1919 Touring t fteyfa Txaieia a ' . I 47 V a1WMBB . 1920 Touring . 265.0' 1926 Toartng 1921 Touring 1920 Roadster 1922 Roadster 1S20 Coup -1930 Coup ' - 1921 Coup . 1921 Coup-. 1921 Sedan - I.M-'Tnii.k . 275.0 . 300 00 -. 285.01 - i 845W . , ; 4o,o ; 385.0C 'Z: - 425.0 300O1 , 475.01 Liberal Terms. Opea Saturdays vi 1 i-v tri'iviaL f!t. ; 60 S. High. I3''3 V1UK BROS. - i USfcD CAR BULLETIN 1919 Dodg Touring .$-; 3w lla-TChTrotet Touring i5 1921 Ford Otmpe. , AV 275 rora touring -r, - 1918, Stiidebaker 8i, aew paiat.. 80 1918 s Studebaker , rour Fordsoo - Tractor 80O too 6on 850 Samsoa Tractor Samson 'Trsrk J .... . . . . 0v. C. 1831, neason ouper oa S50 Butes: ' KoaustsT ' . Ovarlsad Four : Touring Overland- 9u Maxwell TobrlAt tflld rrit Tourlne Frd Track with aew. tire aad cem- nUtalr aviarhaaled. With bodf aad Ford 1 Track with body aad fH lop. i ticens I virr bDiifi 350 High txt si Trad. ; - . j t 123 L- .; - , - 800 MAI - 135 AUTO DIRECTORY USED CARS. I NEED THE-310NEY WILL SACRI- fice 1st model 6-cylitider car ia excel eat condition .With some terms, or will take-in a Frd as first psjnieut. Phone 068. j USED ABS 1921 Dodge Roadster 1921 Iodge Touring . $600 6(M 825 .. 550 , 15U .. 150 1917 Dodge Touring .... ... 102O Keo Touring-... 1917 Ford Roadster . ..... 1917 Ford Delivery 1919 Chassis Ford J 100 1919 Republic- 1-ton truck....- .. 350 BONE STEELS MOTOR COMPANY . Paoa 423. BUSINESS CARPS CARPET AND BUG WEAVING RAG CARPET AND RUG WEAVING uau before 9 a. m. 84F31. SALEM CARPET ' CLEANING - AND Fluff Rug Works Rag and 'fluff rags wova'a any size ' without seams. New mattresses made to order. Old mat tressea remade. Feathers renovated. I buy all kinds of old carpets .for fluff rugs. ; 13 Vi and Wilbur streets. Phone 1154 Otto.F. Zwicker. Prop. CEMENT CONTRACTORS CEMENT CONTRACTOR AND FIN I SH OT. EeimaUs furnished, C. M. Oglesby. Phnn 19U CHIMNEY SWEEPS' CHIMNEY SWEEPING P U R N A C E cleaning. F. Coaneilman. - Salam Hard ware Co. CEEAKSmS AND DYERS 1 SPICK N SPAN CLEANERS AND dyer.' Phoa 195. SALEM CLEANERS AND . DYERS Suit eiecaed aad praaaad. $1.50. Suite a Doused aad araaaad. SOe. " 1215 8. Oom'L 1 Phone 1866 DEUO SIOBXi WM. NEIMEYER JUST DRUGS," 175 h. Oommerelal. Pkone 167. rXNANCIAls GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS SM per cent, 303 Salem Baak of Commerce VARM. LOANS AT 8 PER CENT and Stfe PEB CENT ANDERSON RUPERT -Oregoa Bldg Salem, Ore.- ,' Puts & Calls $40 to $125 controls 100 shares of any luted etock oa ,N. Y. Stock Eaehaage. No farther risk, ale of 5 point from option pric gives you opportunity to take $500 profit; 8, $300. ate. Write for Free Circular. ' ' : t R. Parker & Co. 60-Broad St, N. Y. . LOANS ON THE EASY PAYMENT plan, eaa repay at , sy time wiUoat air ckargs; 417 Oragaa Bldg. ; FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL. PIECES. Delivery. C F. Breitha'upt. florist, 133 Nerth Liberty strt. Phoae $80. ' rURNACSS 8EAGROVE FOR FURNACES PIPE aad plpolasa; 198 B. 12tk 8U Phone $$SW. - " .. . " ' s -. " . . .. . ELECTEICIANB SALEM EIJCCTRIO CO, MASONIC bail-Uag. Phoae ' 1200. . I ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY Co. Phoa 1984. 323 N. Liberty. HALIK'S ELECTRIC 8H0P ! ELEC ' tfleal machine repairing, contracting, s S8t-Oourt. Phoao 488. n ARC HI FLEENER. ELECTRICIAN House wiring by hour-or eoatraet. F.e timste ! faraishsd. Phoa 980.1 414 Ceart Si, . XNSURANCB DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE . but when you. aeed automobile lisbil : lty, burglary, accident or fire Insurance phoao 717. Fred E. Maoris. FURNITURE STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY farniture' for 1 aaoaey. $78 Court Phoae d$4. ' PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW aad second, hand farniture; 371 N. CommereiaL Ladies' Wearing' Apparel SPENCER CORSETS TO ORDER - Dressmaking. Oarri Fiahor, Me Co raack Bldg. DRESSMAKING TAILORING. 771 N. Commercial. Phone 2O02M. Good work; IS years experieace. HEMSTITIOHING SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING pleating, buttoaa, stamping aad aeedle work; 829 Oregoa Bldg. Phone S79. MRS. O. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, over MU- lar'e atoro. Pkono 117. - . ,1 ' LADIES TAMX0RINO W. J. MATER LADIES' TAIIX)RING; long coats, aad suit. Room 7, McCor- Bscs. bm. raone ova. BUSINESS CARDS MEN'S St ORB ED. 0HA8TAIN CLOTHING CO. SUTTP 80S SUta' Bt, ...... . - StAUNDEIES SAIjEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 816 8 Liberty atreet. Phoa S. Oldest largest bask. Established 1889. TALE LAUNDRY IS AGAIN IN A PO Sitioa to reader- you the same efficient eerviee as befer . th fir which d atroyad r old building. All kiad of , laaadr? work, slso eleenieg aad press lag. PKoa yosr waals to 195 sad we atlU ealL CAPITA! CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work: prompt eerviee; 126 Broadway, rhoue 163. - MACHINE SHOP THE' CROSS - AUTOMATIC ' EIJSOTRIO 8 team boilers. wlcsaisera and tube plate. V Perry C Campbell, 817 N liberty.' . . , ; 1-- H. AND M CO. SPECIALTY GRIND , ar aad weMr. Autometiv service 490 Ferry. Phoa 864, , WECHTER A 8MTTH' MACHINISTS, engineers, welders, 'Hesld f, eyliadef griadtag servics.- Phoa 562-845 Fsrry IMEDZOAT ! MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phsa S17 W. BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All branches taught, diploma greeted. Joha R. Sites, director; 1287 Court Phoae 626. t A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playfag. Popular' syncopated standard maslc. Semi-elassica aad . ballads; 13 leeeoaa. Watermaa Plan School, Me Oaraaak -Bldg. ., . MUSIC STORES TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Viator or Brunswick. U. L. Stiff Furni ture Co., Masio Dept. GEO. O, WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, aewing machine, sheet mnsle. aad piaa studies. Repairing phono graphs aad sewing msehiass; 42 State. 8alem, SHERMAN. CLAY CO- PIANOS Bteinws.vs. JLuo-Art sad otaers. Moore's Maaio House, 415 Court atreet. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI ano tanar, Lava ardors WUl's Masid Store. NUB&XBY STOCKS LOOK! LOOK! ETTERBERO 121. strawberry, plants; inspected. Phon 8312. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL frnlts. ornaments. Capital City Nur aery Co.. 426 Oregoa Bldg. Phone 75 FRUITLAND NURSERY HAS A FEW moie Italian prune trees. 4 to 6 feet, slso smsller grsdes., Phone 1140M or 199. FOR SALE FQUR - TO SIX PRUE trees, mono lizu. . , . FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearey Bros.. 287 State. ! ATTENTION ' FRUIT GROWERS Choic BartloU par troa for Sal; r , dueed prices. R. W. Mathia, Salem. Phoa 111F21. GLADIOLUS BULBS IN ANY QUAN- t ity . . desired. . New and standard varie ties. Our Polk Hills mixture has given much satisfaction. 50 cents per dot en, $3 per 100. The Oregoa Bulb Co.. . Salem. Ore. - Phone 463. SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN. HOUSE BUYS AND sells second hand furniture, tool and Junk; $20 N. Commercial. Phon 492 WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH- Ing and shoe. Best prices paid. Cap ital Eaehaage; S43 North Commercial. Phoa 1S6S-W .1 PAPEEHANarNG AND PAINTING MARTIN "PAINTER." Phone 701. PHONE. GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE deratiag. paper hanging, tinting. te Reliable, workmaa. .. . TEN. CENT KALSOMINE IN BEAUTT- faPeotora; $1 doesa rm. - Mac O. Burea, '79. N. Com'L; sr LUM3DIO GRABER BROS. PLUMBING AND keatiag; general repair A Phoae 550. vldl S. Liberty. ' - PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Pnon 189 7-J. Shop 137 Uaioa street. A L. Gedirey. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 yeara' axperieaco. Depot Nations) tsaeo. sisea 39 to, 28 in. high. Paints. . .wile aad .vanishes, etc- logaaberry aad bop'kooka.' Salem Fsace aad Stove WotIs, 350' Ooart street. Phoa 124. SCAVENGERS . BOOS . SCAVENGER SERVICE 8UO- cessor t Neat 8evager) Garbags aad.rsfass of all kinds removed by the aaoBtty Reasonable rate. . Phones Offio $29. rosidsaco 3068. SALEM SCAVENGERS - GARBAGE. refuse ef all kiada removed. Ceepools cleaned. Phone 167 or 1007 J r r . T0NS0RIA1 ' GET SHAVED AT THE MARION BAR bar shop, 156 8. Com'L TRANSPORTATION V PARKER'S STAGE LINES . J.. W. Parksr, General Manager Oeatral State Terminal Salem. Oregoa : SALEM'SILVERTON DIVISION Leavea Salam, Central: Stage Terminal: T a. sa. 11 a. m 5 p. as. Loaves Silvortoa, New 8tand: . 8 a. m 1 p. m 6 p. m. Belem-Iadpndeac-Monmouth Divisioa: Loaves Salem Central Stag Tarminal : - f S. sa, 9 a. m 11 a. au, $ p. m. . S p. as. ... Lavs Monmouth, Monmouth Botsl: i t:15 a. mn l . a., 6.15 p. m. Lve Iadepeadenee,' Beaver Hotel: - S:80 a. m 10 a. av, 1:16 p. a 4 p. as., 6:80 p. an. - Ws .make eoaaeetioaa at Salem to all parte of th valley. Extra trip by ap- pelntateal J. W. PARKER, General Manager. TRANSFER HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 226 Stat St. Phon 983. Distributing, for wardiag aad atorag ear specialty. Gat u rataa. WB MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Oar specialty is piano aad furniture at vine Wa also make conn try trips. Wa handle the best eosfsad ! wood. Call oa aa for prices. We gie i good measure.- good quality aad good ' service. Larmer Traasfer Co. Phone 93u WOOD SAWING WOOD SAWING. - Phoa , 1181. ED Spread, . . ; x VARIETY STORES SALEM VARIETY STORE CHINA war, glasswsr, toys, aotions. aad mil liaory. . , WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT A POWER CO Office.' SOI - South Commercial St. Tea per - eeat discount - oa domestic 'fist rate paid ia advance. No deductiooe fir abaeae or aay cause aaless water i shut off yur premise. . LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS Camp S, Armory. First, third Moadays PROFESSIONAL , AMBULANCE SERVICE 8 A L-- E M AMBULANCE SERVICE Phoao. Sr 118 8. Liberty. T CHIROPODISTS DR.' (,." F- BOOTS. GRADUATE N A finaal - University 8cieaees. ..Chicago Masoai Temple. Phoa 640. DR. -WILLIAMS CORN 8. CALLOUSES. . lrrvn a,i;s;. all fool troabla. IJCric 'Ck.. V,. m -,a . -I-.. T 9ff v I ua vac. CHXROPBAOTORS . DR. LENA A. BOONE. CHIROPRACTOR. ' A7S 8. CommerriaL Hoar 10 to 13; 1 t $. rhoa 1413. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTORS. DRS. SOOTT SCO FIELD. P. 8 C, Chiropraetora, 414-19 U. 8. Baak Bldg Phoae S7; r. 62 AR. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 S. High St. Phoae 383. DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS MAGNETIC HEALING DR. A. L Fraats. Acute and chronic diseases Phoae 780 over People Cash Store. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIREC tore. 310 Center. Phoae 1656. , OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL CO, SUITE 301, 304 Oregoa Banding. . GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP tieal Co., 825 State street, : oppeette x- Ladd A Bush Baak. , "Use Quality Proven 8bar-oe . - NATUROPATHIC! PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronio diseases f 415 Oregoa Bldg. Phoa 110. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. FOSTER 404. OREGON BLDG. Phones 756, 2024-J. DR. W L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC phyaieiaa aad surgeoa. Kirksville graduate, 404-405 U. 8. National Baak Bldg. Phon. office 919; res. 614. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physiciaa aad Surgeon. 403-404 Ore gon Bldg, Phone, office 1394; res 68-F5. , - REAL ESTATE' A. W. ESTES REALTY CO. 827-28 Oreeoa Bldg. Phon S3 REAL ESTATE. LOAN8. FIRE AND auto insurance, specialising ia proper ty exchange aay where. VV's msy hsvs juat what yoa waat Call aad aee ua. GOOD BUY IN 7-ROOM HOUSE ELEC tricfty, bath, large lot 75 x 140 feet. 10 large bearing fruit trees, barn; not far out. lose to car line. Only .$400 down; price $1900. See Childs . A Bechtel. 540 "State atreet. - SURE $2500 BUYS A 5-ROOM HOUSE iu South - Salem; $300 doyu, balance $25 a month -and interest. W. G. Krueger '' Oregon Bldg. A. W. ESTES REALTY CO.. 827-28 Oregoa Bldg. Phon 985. . Rem ta.te. loses, fir and auto insaranc, special ising -' ia - property exchanges anywhere in tea U. 8- or Canada. We may have inet what to want. - Call or write ua, A. live office with four aaleSmea to serve you. ' SNAP -CLOSE ' IN SUBURBAN HOME New and well-built bungalow.-. Bern. 1 acre, of rich fertile soil.' Pride $2, 500-. - Considerably below value. Lib eral terma. : Childs A .. Bechtel. 540 State atreet. . . ' FALL 172? IP YOLr ARE THINKING OP 1 , I! . buying a lot. We have some choice ones In all parte of the city. ' Priced right ; $175 and up. See' Childs A Bechtel, 540 State atreet. 10 ACRES. 6 IN BEARING PRUNES, 3 in logans; 6-room house, garage, barn, two chickea coops; 4 Mi mllee out Jefferson road. $4800. Trade for . house in Salem or rent- after April 5. M.J. Hunt r f add - & ' Busk Building. FOB SALE A GOOD SIX-ROOM MOD era cottage, close la oa fiae targe cor ner lot with- fruit and gardea land. Excellent buy at $4200. terma. Aa other new 6-room bungalow with ga rage, absolutely at a sscrifir ss own er hat removed and needs the money; $3750 Be Wm. Fleming. 841 8tate stress. - Nearty 200 lots ' for-sale some of them real bargaiaa,. ; $G00 beautiful diamond, for $500. today. Diamond Earrings,' $350. for trade. Five-room : house, "fireplace. ..basement $3500. Six-room, bouse, -North Cottage. $3700. close in." - . Seven-room . house, Cbemcketa, .close in. $t,500. " ; Business building, close in, $15,000, GERTRUDE J. M . PAGE 452 North Cottsge. Woods Bargains Four-room house. . all furnished. lights, plumbing and gas; cloie in . ..... .. $200U Near 5-room bungalow, on paved , street v 40(r Four-room bouse, lighu sod wster.. 800 Wanted A bouse as psyusnt oa 50 sere farm. ." ' Hav a Buick Bis to trad for bouae 8everal bouses for rent. $1,500 to loan F. L. Wood, 341 SUte atreet. A BARGAIN. 7-room modern - home, basement, furnace, three lota; $3700, good terms. Must be sold soon.- Owner leaving Salem. 7-room strictly modern home ia East Balera. $5000. Pettyjohn & Mouser c 216 Oregoa Bldg., 1 5 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW, GAR age. in first elsss - condition, fur aished $3100, unfurnished $2800; $C0d cash, balance monthly. Two fine lota, pavement, rerline ; ' $800 for both; $600 cash, balance to suit ai .6 per cant. Soeolofsky, 841 State. SEDAN WANTED LTGHT WEIGHT. U good condition, for .40 acres Hoo River lend clear of debt.- Title O. K See my agent. Mr. Robinson. 229 Ore gon Bldg. Phone 1013. Insurance and loans. FOR SALE 10 FINE LOTS ON NORTI 14th street, two blocks from Wsshing too junior high school. $525 spiece These lots will double in value in oo : year. - " ' 4 room cottage, lot 66x123. well located ' $1500, $500 cash, balance monthly. 0 room ' cottage., lot 60x125. well located $140O. cash or terms. - ... -- These are gvod properties. ? y McLaren realty co. Phone 430.. 180 N. Com' I Htreet Best Buys 5 ecrek, 8 year old Italian prunes, ia firs class condition, house, barn; lour mile out. $2950. 10 acres ,20 year old Italian prunes. 0 rock road. 6 miles out; $3500. $100 . cash. I " ... . -15 acfC 5 acres besring prunes. 6 are rherries. 1 'a bearing logsns, som tnixed orchard; sbotk housf. bert 000 p. twls to work the place, 1 horse $tWOO. This is only 4 miles from Halen renter. Make oaky' terms or sell to a soldier. - ' " ill . acres. 26 bearing 'prunes. 3 timber - 21 rrin laud. sU fenced; prie $7500 $300 cash. , , - -840 acres, 20 bean eg pruue. 157 cleared OO timber.- pastilrc.i water power on place; . horses, - rows, . chickens. ,' 70 1 sheep, all tools, trsctor, s room hotue. bsro. drier. !114 miles from town, si atstioa: $45 per sere.. $5500 caah, balance terms. Soeolofsky $41 Slate. REAL ESTATE SEE THISS-ROOM SEMI-BUNO ALOW, largo lot with fruit trees and material for garage, paved . street, cement wstk aad terraced lawn; built-in practically new. partly furnished and easy to buy. $3,750, $500 cash and $25 per month. . And this 6-room house, fair condition, twq lots and two garages. $1,100, $500 esth. Sea Mr. Wheelwright with A. W.'Es ten Realty Co., 328 Oregon Bldg. Phoae 985. . FOR SALE OR TRADE FIXE 50- acre .farm, new buildings: crop and stork and implements, $6500.. Also a 844 acre farm, $6000. for city or Portland property. Childs A Bechtel. 540 State street. I--Y Good Buys & Exchanles Chandler Sis to exchange for real ostate. 160' acrea, buildings, stock and machin ery near Airli; price $5000. Will take property ia Salem, Toledo or NewporJ ia exchange. " New 4-room plastered bouse, with two lots, chicken house and wood ahed. Price $1500. Easy terms. Modern 5-room bungalow on S. Commer cial etreet. Price $4200. terms. Modern 7-room bungalow - at ' 860 North Church atreet. Price $6750. terms. Building lots oa Fsirmount Hill - chesp. Reel Estst and Fire Insure ore. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 273 State -St.. U. S. Bank Bldg. A FEW SHARES OF CHOICE BANK stock for sale. ' $1250 first mortgage loan on small conn try place .wanted. Two .small places' for sale or rent. A. C. Bohrnstedt ' 407 Masonic Temple, i Salem. Oregon. BARGAINS. THREE-ROOM HOUSE, LARGE LOT. paved street. $1200: $300 down Five-room house, aie east front, city wster. electric lights, etsto! . street. $1500; $500 down. A $4500 house for $4000, all modern except baeemenr beautiful lot. paved atreef, 7 rooms. We hsvs soma lovely lots, very desirable, ' $400. $500, $600. $700. $819; and s lovely corner near the Stat House for $1800. Wo also have tb Old People's Horn oa 12th street for aale or leas. Come and see me about thia. It can . be made a money-maker. J. A. Milla, 831H Stat street. . - . , PUbLIC NOTICES NOTICE OP IMPKOXTiMKNT OF SOUTH WINTER STREET BE-' TWEEN STATE STREET ANI OAK STREET. , Notice is hereby given tliat the Common Council of the Qity of Salem, deems It expedient, and hereby declares its ' purpose and intention to improve South Win ter Street from the south line of State street to the north line ot Oak street at the expense of the abttjtfng and sdjacent property, except the street and alley Inter sections, the expense of which will be assumed by the, City of Salem, bv bringing said portion of South Winter street to the established grade, constructing cement con crete curbs and paving said por tion ot South Winter street with a three-inch bituminous concrete wearing' surface pavement tn ac cordance with the plans and speci fications 'therefor which were adopted "by the Common Connci' March At, 1928, now on til? in toe office of the CUy Recorder and which are hereby referred to and -made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby -declares its purpose and intentiin tn make the shore described Im provement' by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City; of Salem.. By order , of the Common Cam- ell the 19th day of March. 1923. M. POULSEN, City Recorder Date of, first publication hereof is March 22. 1923. E IN STOCK SEEN Extensive Short Covering Accelerates Rise Prices . Turn Upward NEW YORK. March 27. Stock prices made a sharp recovery in today's market after a five-day re actionary period. Further selling took p'ace during the morning but this was easily absorbed and prices turned definitely upward in the response to the fresh buy ing fpower in some of the recent speculative favorites, which, In turn, brought about extensive short covering, accelerating the rise. While Wall -Street has been tilled for several days with un confirmed rumors concerning ' the outcome of ' the' meeting of fede ral reserve governors In Wash ington, these reports were defin 'teiy disregarded by professional :nterests in today's trading. Many market observers have contended that the recent reaction was the natural, result of an overbought condition but the rumors undoubt edly reeffved are from traders who ordinarily seek causes for urlce movements outside the mar ket. Oil. steel and equipment "hares- took a permanent part . In he recovery. Chemical shares were heavy at the1 start but recovered before 1 he close. Trading In railroad shares wa3.qu'et and irregular. Call money opened at 5 Pr ent and advanced to 6 in the- last hour. The high rate was attrib uted to- the withdrawal of funds from this center by interior banks "m-fdental to. the first quarterly settlements. The time money market continued quiet with a limited . number of loans for two andifour months securities being made at The ruling rate for nrime commercial paper continues st; 5 per cent. While French' francs still show ed a; tendency to fluctuate, today, movement were In narrowed lim it with the closing quotations of B T.", cent, reuresentlng a net loss of o points. 'Demand sterling al so eased fractionally to 4.687$.' SHARP R or ma IS TOWARD RISE Indications Point to Delay of Spring Wheat Making '' . for Higher Price CHICAGO, March 27. -Uneasiness regarding Indications of de!iy to spring whea't seeding tended to bring about higher prices in the wheat market today. Closing quo tations were firm at a net ad vance of V to 1 M c with May, $I.19y4 to It. mi and July, $1.134 to .$1.15. Corn gained to XMe; oats to c, and .provisions 12 to 1? to- 20c, : . j ,. Reasons for apprehension aa to the outlook for spring wheat see-d-ing were said' to be furnished by low temperatures In the northwest, and by predictions ' of continued cold in that section. It was said also that less than the tfsual amount of summer fallowing ajid autumn plowing In the spring wheat states had been accomv plished and that scarcity ot labor made .any threat of seeding de lay a serious matter. Aside from nrospective seeding difficulties, too, the general trade was from the ontBet Inclined to look for an npward swing In prices, the mar ket having been on a decline con tinuously for three days and a dearth of offerings being evident exfept at a material advance. Wofd that export business Irt wheat wasvi?Irly brisk and . that Tta'y was In the, market for durum , helped to lift TX'ues. Furtber piore,' some buying-of future de liveries was said to be against a good sized order from Greece. On the other hand little notice was' taken of sales ot wheat to go into torage here or of buying . ot wheat to be brought to Chicago. Favorable crops from the win ter wheat territory were likewise almost ignored.' ' Better stvloplng demand for corn? together with talk of 9 late princ. gave Independent strength to nr ices of corn -and oats. Provlslonti were responsive to upturns in the value of hogs and grain. HEALTY- EXCHANGES Reported by Union Abstract ; Company , .1 Ernest F. PoweR, and wife to A. J. Walden, lots ii, 2. 3. 4, 5. 10,' 11,-12, 13 and .14, block. 24. Railroad addition to Jefferson, $10. ' : ' ' Charles Scott to Lulu Scott,, lot 1. Friends' Colony. $4000. "W. W. Walker and wife to L.. T. Robinson .and ' wife, lot ,6. of Walker's addition to Salem, $10. Minnie C. Albright to Charles C. Hart, land in sections 18, and claim 5 6-1 0-2-W., Marion county, $7000. ' E. S. Tlllinghast and wife to Rollln K. Page, land in section i 7V-5-2-E., $ 1 0. ' Emma .Walden to .Ernest V. Powell and wife, land iu claim 1- --3-W.. $10. Karl W. Kihs and wife to Em- est F. Powell, land in section 1 and S5-10-3-W.. $10. ; .' Fred A. Erixon to Charles A. Grimm, lot" 2. block 2. Highway ' addition to Salem, $225. E. A- Rhoten and wife to H. A, -Willecke, lot 8. B. B. Martla's 1 addition to Salem, $700. ... . , Grant Corby and wife to C.'j. W. Corby and wife, part of lots 3 and 6, block fi2. University ., ed. dition to Salem $1200. . I f J EW CO RPOR ATI 0 fl S I , . ; , The following Oregon concerns filed articles of Incorporation ' yesterday at the office ot " W. E. Crews, state corporation commis sioner: J: C. Lumber compnay, Scap poose; incorporators. J. E. John ston, Richard Connell, S. 0. Pap ham; capitalization $10,000. Broad bent Manufacturing , com pany. Inc., Broadbent, Coos c'oun ty? . incorporators, George " M. Mills, E. G. Edgerton, John H. Gall; capitalization $10,000; saw. mills. . Pacific Fish v& Cold Storage company, ReedBport:" Incorpora tors, H. D, Butler, Frank Boak, S. J. Foster; capitalization $U0. 000. ' , ' Grleder & Co. Portland: in corporators John Grleder, Fred Buscho. John A. Gustafson; cap italization $10,ooo; contracting. PORTLAND. . March 27. But ter: Prlnta extras, 47c; cubes ex tras, 42 43c; prime firsts, 41c. Butterfat. Portland delivery: No. 1 sour cream, 4Cc. Potatoes; Buying price locals, 50 60c: selling priie. 75Q8Dc; new Californlas, 121-He FRUIT. NEW YORK. March 27. Evap orated apples, dul'; prunes, ulow; apricots, firm; peaches, easy. HOI'S NEW YOKK. March" 27. Hop?, quiet state ' 19'22.' 1 21c; 1921. Ilftllf: Pacific coast 1932, It 16c; 1921. 1213c. ' v I ; FOREIGN WHEAT LIVERPOOL. March 27. C'ot-a 'wheat: March" 10s. Id: d higb-,er;-May. 9s. 8d. or id lower; July, 9s 7 d, or 'id lower. f