The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 28, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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Aitcfiison Will Conduct
V Hearing in This State
. Clyde B.. Aitchison., member of
; the interstate .comnjejc commia-
"v. . u.uvi CUV
Oregon publics' service commission,
will hear vthe railroad extension
V. case in Portland 'this summer, ac
cording to a letter received by the
service commission from Mr.
t Aitchison,' The commission be-
Heves it fortunate (or the state
i that Aitchison has been assigned
, to hearing. .
t This. 1$ case Jn which the
Oregon commission, .will endeavor
to persnade the commerce com-
.mission that a railway line should
be built across eastern Oregon to
connect with the Natron cut-off,
and also that other railroad de
velopment should be accorded the
4 eastern Oregon district.
Somppi Is Not After
Carl Shoemaker's Job
Alex J. Somppi of Astoria, sec
retary of the -Columbia. Kiver
Fishermen's league, declared here
yesterday that he Is not trying to
get the post now held by, Carl J.
Shoemaker as master fish 'warden
for the state. -, .
"I would not take the job if
it were handed me on' a golden
platter," ' said Somppi. " .
4 SAN FRANCISCO, March 27,
Fred..N. , Littleton, former chief
I field examInef''for -the United
0 States-" naturalization,:,; aervice f In
northern California and Nevada,
was indicted here today., by the
United States grand Jury - on two
charges of accepting? bribes from
foreigners "who were 'naturalized
on the etrength of alleged bogus
; military records.
mn.iuim in mii. in
,'uu ;uu ,"U' i
i - . i ) ii , . , . , . .. .
ill i in
K III .'.' .V .....
Men's Oxfords
Our Krst
Come in and tell
- -of them.
Snappy lasts and patterns in black, brown and
'Tony red" calf-skin, j Nearly all sizes and widths.
5 Priced at $4.85 to $8iS0
. s
v, ' Corner State and Liberty
Cahtileiier Shoes for Men and Women T
Rachel Phillips Will
is upneia Dy uoun
, ,The supreme court. In the only
written opinion handed down yes
terday, upheld the county and cir
cuit courts of v Clackamas county
in the suit contesting the will of
the late Rachel Phillips, who left
her 126,000 estate to various state
and private institutions.
. Justice Brown's decision which
affirmed that of Judge J. U. Camp
bell, was in favor of the follow
ing beneficiaries: Old Folks
home. First Baptist church of Ore
gon City, Oregon State : Normal
school. Heirs" who brought the
appeal were Rebecca Turney, John
Baer, Justls Baer. Louis Baer and
Mary Riffle, brothers and sisters.
Oral opinions handed down fol
low: ; V . . I- j
,. Re argument ordered in case of
Gellert versus Bank of Califor
nia.' : . ;
'.Petition for rehearing denied in
State ex-rel Crawford versus Ala
meda Consolidated & Alines com
pany'! . ' ' . h '
Petition for rehearing denied in
First State Bank of Sutherlin ver
sus Kendall Lumber company.
; Petition for rehearing denied in
Klein versus Portland.
Columbia Pacific - Shipping
Company Is Reaching
Out for Larger Trade -
' - 1 ' " '
Edgar E. Piper of Portland, son
of Edgar B. Piper, editor , of the
Oregonian, was ( a Salem visitor
yesterday, combining business with
pleasure. I
-." Mr. Piper Is connected with the
Columbia Pacific . Shipping com
pany, which is increasing its oper
ations very considerably, running
vessels from Atlantic and , Gulf
ports jto the principal cities of the
Pacific coast F; and also to Europe
These vessels carry a good deal
of Salem freight, including canned
goods, dried fruit, wool, etc., and
their increasing activities and
range of . operations : will help the
Willamette valley along with Port.
land and air the country tributary
to Portland, j I .
i This shipping concern is backed
by some of the big men of the Ore
gon - metropolis, and the indlca
tions are that in the years to come
they will make the name of Port
land better known on the shores
of all the seven seas. -1'- 'l
I A reform I based on negation
is . only the shadow of a reform.
' Evarytliiac Cimallaa PadSc 8tndani Tks
Ultimate ia Tnrti Confbrt. "Aratocntie
rrvic m dMacrwic turn." Only foor dair bpea
Ml Fraqoent wiliaca ka Montreal and Qoabac.
iw(i ar
W. II. PEACONr Gen. Agt Pagr. Jept,
Caaadian Pacific Railway,
$ Third - Street, Portland, Oregon
i -1
s.what you think
.. . . , 4 ; -, !;.,-.; u
-. it- ,
. '- : ' ' ' -Mrs.
James G. Heltzel will en
tertain the DAR - at her home
. ; -r 'f r
Mr. an,d Mrs. John Kelly lot
Portland . spent Sunday in Salem
as guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. J.
Drew. "
' T . '
Mrs. Earl C. Flegei of Port
land is spending a few days with
her parents, Dr. ' and Mrs. R. K.
Lee Steiner. 1 , , j
' I ' ' :- ) i
, Barbara Frietchle , Tent of the
Daughters of Veterans will meet
tonight for the regular semi-'
monthly meeting. , .;
. i r'
Mrs. C. A. Kdwards was chosen;
president I of the Mothers' class
of the, First Methodist church
at the annual meeting Friday
Other . off leers chosen were 'Mrs.
Charles Lisle, rice president;
Mrs. A. Peck, treasurer; Mrs. J.
Lebold, -secretary and Mrs. r C.
Jepsen, social and corresponding
secretary. , (
Mrs. Lisle led the derotlonal
exercise's . for the program. The
group met with Mrs. H. F.
Shanks who served dainty re
freshments following the business
meeting and program. i J 1 ' i
: ; f
The organ concert at the Ore
gon theatre today will Include
Linke's "Glow Worm," Cadman's
"Land . of the Sky Blue Water''
and the "Coronation - March."
Charles W. Hawley is the organ
ist. .r , ; v . i.
v. .V"-! !: ; :- '
SILVERTON, Or., March 2 7 -
(Special to The Statesman)
A quiet home wedding was solem
nized Sunday at high noon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. ; G. '.B.
Bentson when Miss Faye Bentson
became; .the bride of Clarence
Rosheim, a son of Mr. and Mrs.
C. J', Rosheim, with Rev. J. A.
Bennett officiating. The occasion
was-also the bride's birthday. Mrs.
Rosheim. who was " unattended
wore a dress of canton crepe. The
living room, and luncheon table
were made attractive with sweet
peas. ' Followlngi the wedding cer
emony a luncheon was served to
the guests who included only the
members of the immediate fam
ilies. . . ..
Mr. and Mrs. Rosheim will
make their home at 720 East Oak
' :
Many persons in this neighbor
hood are sick trlth the grip. :
v Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mdrry spent
Sunday in ", Salem with ; Mr. and
Mrs. C H. Mnrry.
Miss Grace Chandler Js spend
ing a month af home with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Chandler. : , ;
The Sunnyside Community club
had a community supper. Friday.
A good crowd was out.
Mr.; and; Mrs, W. D.i Edwards
were in Salem Saturday.
Miss Dorothy Taylor spent the
wek end at home. i
J. V. Chandler made a trip to
Salem Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs.' M S. Chandler
of Sllverton spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. W. S.-Chandler. ;
m..i . r" raa mm XAX
fct-fh lr lnniihwAX
Fills to Hr a4 h4 uuc
Tak r r ' r.
prmmeM. Ak m M lfk.rn.TTm 9
. ... ...
Mrs. O'Brien to be
State Delegate
Oi Maccabees
Mrs. Caroline O'Brien of Port
land was yesterday elected su
preme delegate by the Woman's
Benefit association of the Mac
cabees, to represent Oregon at
the supreme convention in May
and June, which convenes in Los
Angeles May 29 and appears pro
gressively in San Francisco, oPrt
land, Seattle, Victoria - and Van
couver, B.j C. Ms. Nora Macey
of La Grande was elected alter
nate. '
The state convention yesterday
made plans for the entertain
ment of the, supreme convention
when it reaches Portland. A
feature of 'the program, will be,
a pageant typifying in all ways
the .work of the order. The con
vention win be in Portland Jane
8, 9 and 10. ' . :
The 175 delegates who were
present here yesterday were
served a banquet at the Gray
Bene last night after t which ttere
was an"" Initiatory - ceremonyr, at
the hall where about 25 women
were initiated by a picked team.
The membership in Oregon' la
said to he about 3000. .
At the afternoon session ,resV;
iutlons were adopted condemning
child labor and supporting wel
fare work of all kinds.
The -national meeting on the
coast is ' to be a progressive af
fair. It will meet In Los An
geles May 29 for three days,
then adjourn to San Francisco
for a three day's session. The
next move will be to Portland
for three days, the nextv to- Seat
tle for three days and t then ' the
convention will go to iVctoria
and Vancouver, B. C.
1 . ; v, r ,
"The Bat" Makes Remark
able Record in iis Run
in:-Large Cities
.Each year in the theatrical
world one play invariably stands
out head and shoulders above
all the other attractions. The
past two .years that distincion
fell to "The Bat" the dramatic
triumph, written by Mary Rob
erts Rinehart and Avery Hop
wood. Not only did "The Bat"
run for more than two years In
New York, but It played; over
one year in 1 Chicago, ja.
cord and' something never be
fore.; heard of in theatrical ahs
nals of Chicago. " .
The Bat" wil be seen at the
Grand theatre tonight only and
theatregoers who have "long been
hearing of the success of I this,
play , will undoubtedly; welcome
the announcement. Assuredly a
play that has received such uni
versal ' praise from both critics
and public alike, will be worth
the seeing. - '
i"The Bat" is" presented byWag
enhals ,& Kemper. They have
an enviable reputation . in the
theatrical World as producers oi
successes. With "The -Bat" they
have brought all their skill to
play and the resultV 1V as one
ciltic put it, "a production that
will keep you talking! for months
after it has been here and gone.!
"The Bat". Is a super-mvstery
piay. But .it is something else
as well. Running through it ia
one : of ! the funniest vand ,altot
getber delightfully - humorous
characters .ever depicted ..on the
BtagW;, Thanks to ; this element
I EH Phi'!'
you through and through, it
wUi,.at the same , time,. Jceep. you.
iC almost .constant laughter,"Ji .
&The -production of "The Bat'-'
to; be seen here is exactly thai
same as that In New York and
Chicago,-- The company is an
cellent ' one, including . Lizzie
Evans, John Harrington, . Josel
phine ' Morse, Gretcben Thomas,
Herbert Delmore, Harry La Court
Joseph M. Holicky, George Wil
son John Mackenzie ' and John
Graham Spacey. . ?-
Covering Marion and Polk
;Gounties, it is Largest
'v One EVer Issued
;'A new telephone directory for
Marion and Polk counties has just
been published theMarch, 1923,
directory. J ; 3
'It contains more t names and
more pages than any former tele
phone directory for this territory.
It was printed in The Statesman's
job office, and is of course a good
piece of printing.' ;
Copies of the new telephone di
rectory are now being distributed
to all. subscribers. There are 6000
cpples of this issue, i ' :
.; It you have received your "copy.
or when you do receive it, the new
book ought to be f immediately
substituted for the bid one- you
sTwo cups Olympic Flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder,
V teaspoon salt, Vi teaspoon nutmeg, I tablespoon
butter,.1, cup sugar, 1 egg, Va cup milk. Cream butter,
add sugar and well-beaten egg. Sift all dry ingredients
and add alternately with the milk. Turn on to a- floured
board, roll out lo half in Inch thick and cut with a
doughnut cutter. Allow to stand a few minutes to btiffen
the doughu then fry in hot fat until' a golden brown,
turn to cook on; the other side, drain on paper. When
void, dredse with powdered sugar mixed with a littlo
cinnamon.; - .: :
have had. in use that is. the Sen-
tember; 1"9 2 2, copy. There .are
constant cnaogee -being made, ow
ing to the - growth in . number,,, pf
subscribers, and for other reason's,
and the value, and convenience of
tne telephone service will be
greater if you do not refer to old
copies, or trust to memory.'
The cover of the new book ia
blue. The ode for which it is sub
stituted had, a. tan cover.
Telegram. Protest Effort
To Kill Gasoline Tax
! Numerous telegrams are reach
ing the office of Governor Pierce
asking that everything possible be
doJe to halt the referendum of the
additional ' one-cent gasoline tax
act passed ; by'; the' ; 1 9 2 5 legisla
ture. Pleas - are made for local
road development "which it is said,
wouldv be ; Impossible -during 192S
and 1924 should the referendum
be s invoked.. .Telegrams ; have
been received from the-Boardman
Commercial club,', the . Rotary club
at Marshfield, and, from organiza
tions at Redmond and North BendT
A Coos Bay delegation visited the
governor ' early , today and - then
went on to Portland to attend .the
meeting of . the state highway
commission there , today. It is said
a number ; of delegations will be
before the commission today.
Progress is possible; only to the
intellect; our ' passions have not
changed since Cain hated and
Abel adored All human advance
ment is measured by the : degree
in which . the intellect - triumphs
over . the i emotions. ;, ,t t, i
Doughnuts Jt j)Ejli j ' :
r - - M m MMS J& 1 ,. f - . M ' t 'VI.
She makes thefn
bxitter ivith Olympic
1" -. ..v ' .
;Tlier& is a big reason why Grandmother's
doughnuts quickly disappear. They are made
of Olympic Flour so good that you irisfi theT
Holes were smaller. You, too, ,will always be
successful if yoii use Olympic Flour. It's de
pendable because it's uniform. Olympic Flour
is made of the finest wheats tested to meet the
highest standards. Sold by grocers everywhere. '
Ask for Olympic Flour by name.
v ,.. PORTLAND FLOUR lIILLSCO Portland, Oregon
Jiills Portland, Oregon and Taeotna, Washington . .
Manufacturers of Olympic Pancaka Flour and Olympic Wheat Hearts
S , . - trt "t ' - s , : - - . . . ' . . . j- .
. ; ' A f
Lowell tTnruh
Editor Statesman : ; May I drop
a garland on thebier of."Heavy",
as his fellow-workers knew him?
Lowell Unruh was a remark
able young fellow in many re
spects other than , those of a phy
sical nature. His mind was as
far ahead of the . average men
tality as was his physical en
semble. - Naturally - artistic in
more than one. respect,' his bois
trous habit was .but a mask
that Srery thinly-veiled sensibili
ties that remained ; discordantly
housed ia, his body, grown great
before Its time. . He had the
greatest, respect fdr things of
honor and a brain that recorded
unfailingly those things 'that are
esteemed as real knowledge not
only of that intangible sort, so
called, that guides men into lives
of true usefulness,, but 1 the more
practical sortihat make of them
ornaments to . industry and trust-
worthy both to master and fellow
craftsmen. ' .
Perhaps there will be no death
from ; among the . printers of Sa
lem that-wUl bo more sincerely -
felt or longer-recollected than '
that of Lowell, "Unruh. . His 4
heathy ; geirialltyi and kindly"! ,
badinage combined with his, great ,
strength and youthful optimism
made him a personality - tbat
brought out every man trom'the
"nightslde" 'of The -Statesman,
from ,the managing editor - down.
in token of respect for him and
ln sympathy for those .who-' will
miss Lowell hardly less than we
of the newspaper 'chapel. Re
qulescat in pace
. Sef,"
An artist Is judged by what
he produces; his theories are of.
little -importance.
WW? Ski'
iV5 aiorithlv: rafnsU
X5 ; ' i n d rhcumatisl
pains; h'dcdach'e, backache, zni
all otKef. aches are flulckly ; rc
lieved'by; ; ko
Dr;Mili? Anti-Paln.r-IIU
Contain s ho dangerous hzllU
forniihlr dnigs; Why doa't ycl
try them?
i I
j .
'V ....
. . A-.-
in "Its JJaVlfeil2 i4
. . -X
;v ; ; ' y f i;-;yi ; ; ! V . ' , : '
& A . Jk Ik