THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON ? TUESDAY MORNING. MARCtt27;'i923 li OlAsSUTIXO ADVERTISEMENTS Rata par word: Pr tasertloe. . , - ,. ..... , Se , 6e . ee 20c Tare Ineartione One weak (six Insertions) On ' aaenth - , . , ,- Six laentha eun tract, per " j ' K 13 months', contract, per mo ,....., He aClaimum for any advertisement 25e 4 i NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETT . W. H. Burghardt, Jr. Resident Agent 371 State St MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate T. K. FORD I (Over Ladd. & Buah Bank) NEW TODAY MARTIN "PAIKTEa." Phone 70. Wanted boy for milk wagon. j Inquire Fairmonnt Dairy. - I NEED THE MONEYWILL SACRI l flee late model 6-cylinder car in esrel- ent condition. ' With some terms, or will take in a Ford as-first payment . -Phone 660. . DESK ROOM. - WANTED BUSINGS district. Write Box E 83, Statesman. giring location and rent. FURNISHED APARTMENT AT enter. . c .' SCI SUITE OP HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Modern, net children. Call in after noon. "713 Center street. ss, 'Oregon, and fall information will be sent you by return mail. LOOK I LOOKt ETTERBERG 121. strawberry plants; inspected, v Phone VJ3FIZ, , . ' , y D$)G LOfeT LARGE,. DARK YELLOW collie. Name 'Shep." Collar No. 86. : ACaU ' Herbert Looney, Jeff eraon. Ra- "very i FORESIGHT IS A VERY, VALUABLE trait and can. be cultivated to. your - iedraatage.- , The . foreeighted - man -. at- waya insures. See us todsy for your J protection.' ' Standley a Foley, Agents, Busls Bank Bldg. J MY ' MODERN 2-STORY ; COLONIAL house for sale. , Boilt last summer, illss every convenience, n good i plus and is well boilt. Large lot, closed only- on one side."." Good terms snd a -stste . loan. J. L. McAllister, 875 E street. Phono 1073M ; ;, : ., . V- fj SNAP CLOSE JN SUBURBAN HOME. t New nd well-built bungalow. Barn, 1 acre of rich 'fertile soiW Price 92, V 00. Considerably betow rslue. Lib eral terms. Cbilds a Bechtel, 540 . Rtate .street.' - , ,. ;v, PROPERTT' EXCHANGED' VALUED AT ' 91200. Mr, Gemond trsdee his homo on VS. Church street lor W. J. Rico's 15 ( aero fruit farm near Shaw. Geo.. ,: Thomnson handled the deal ,j --, , WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHICKS Tanrred special strain; 200 for April 1 3. 5GO for Anril 16. 500 for ADril iAl 25. Delivery 914 per 100. H. F. Love- lin,' Silverton, 'Ore. -. laV- 1 ITt'OOO FOR I SALE, DRY PHONE J John IL Scott 254 or 623. J A WA NTED--A --' FARM HAND, PHONE " 93F21.- - ' S,o(K 8ALK MARQUIS 8PRINO WHEAT r4llso sprintT ot. V. W. Henry. Bt 1. J i (i 1 ( . II I j I an i ii - 5. .CALL 1727. IF YOU ARE THINKING OF f"1 buying a lot. We here some choice ones 1 In nil porta of th city. Priced right; U--9175 and up. See Childs a Bechtel, v 540 Stste street. ? 10 ACRES,. 6 IN BEARING PRUNES, ; 9 logsns; 6-ropm house, garsge, : . bam, two chicken coops; 4 miles out Jefferson road. f4800. Trade for ' house ia alem or rent after April 5. M. J. Hunt Todd A Bush Building. GOOD BUY IN 7 ROOM HOUSE ELEC 4 tricity.' bath. Urge lot 75 x 140 feet ; 10 large bearing froit trees, barn; not i far-out, close to cor lino. . Only 9400 i down; priee 91800. See Childs Bechtel, 540 State street. i TOR SALE OR TRADE FIXE f 50 a aero ' farm, new buildings ; crop ' and stock . and implements, ; 98500. Also a S4V4 tacro farm, - fOOOO, for city or . Portland property. Childs a Bechtel, 640 State street.. - BUE 92500 BUYS A 5 ROOM JIOUSE in South Salem; 9300 down, balance sa n. moatn and interest. W. G. Krueger vregon a ldg. SPECIAL 12 PT t euoin aoin v . , Special ; 20O aere farm, 70 acres enltivsted, fair buildings. - : Family - A orchard, well V watered with springs and creek. - This ; placo is the best buy in Marion eoun i ty for 950 per aero. : Will take small - improved tract close in; long time on balance, .f k youse and A lots Trade for small tract close in. " Thomason 331 State St. EMPLOYMENT BOY WANTS WORK. WASHI CAR yaftor school. .. Phone 608R, WANTED LADY- WANTS WORK B hour. Phono 608R. . . , i i IP ANTED WOMEN TO SELL XTPnrt I V 4' Amor Toilet articles. lnqs ire Mrs .owoii. iia jit unerty. ' j, . MALE AND FEMALE , WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO toke Jfarm paper snbecriptiess. A good f proposition to the right eople. Ad reee the Pseifie Homoeteod, cHotoamavt . BM9, ttolem. Ore. - . 1 - PERSONAL v0ET, MARRIED BEST MATRIM0N1AI , paper published. Free f r stamp. Cor ! respondent, Toledo, Ohio. FOR SALE - ' BIBSS,-FLOWEM AND PETS CUT FLOWERS. . FUNERAL PIECJCS I potted plants. V-riake'a Pet land, 27 State St. Phono 65. ,. , LIVX8T0CX i PUREBRED REGISTERED PIGS r Eight purebred registered, pigs, will be i arves free te eight boys, girls or grow a i ope interested in developing the pure- bred registered pig industry in the P k eifie Northwest. Cut out this announce ment and mail it to The Paciie Home stead. ' Salem, Oregon, with your name j j ., - , . tho porabred reiratered pigs will bo seat yoa by retorn mail. , , I FOR SALE IJVK STOCK FOR SALE HEAVY DRAFT BELGIAN V colt, , ar 4 year-old and halter broke. Call 110F11 or addreae Albert Eggi niaa, Silverton, Ore., Route 2. FOR SALE GRAOT5 NUBIAN DORS and doe kida, registered, $20 op. In quire of J. I. Roach, Pomona Ranch, Tiller,. Oregon. t FOR SALE PURE-BRED LAS CABKI tas Toggenbnrg buck. 980. Does fresh ' new; also April. Jena. S20 a p. Ellu- beta klUlar. Ashland. Ore. PHONOGRAPHS. PHONOGRAPH i BARGAINS. S125.00 Victor .. SI 50.00 Victor $150.00 Path : 9165 00 Columbia .. 9 75.00 Victor ... 9 95 00 ...115.00 ... ' 67.50 110.00 52.50 Terms as low as 91.00 per week H. L. STIFF FURNITURE CO.. Phone 941 . 404 450 Court St. PIANOS GOOD USED MAHOGANY PIANO, 9150 ! Terma if desired. H. L. Stiff Furni J tore Co. , . ! r FOR SALE GOOD USED MAHOGANY . piano left with us to sell. Price 9200, I terms. H. L. Stiff Farnltnro Co Mn sie department. HAVE YOU SEEN THAT BEAUTIFUL piano for 9198, 95 down, 91-50 per .week. Tallmaa Piano Store, 395 South Twelfth street. A WX)NDERFUL 9750 PLAYER PIANO, like new, with rolls and bench, 9325; "910 down, 92.50 per week. Tollman Piano Store, 295 So. 12th street. POULTRY -,. . PUREBRED CHICKENS. JSeTenteen pens, snd trios ' of the best --breeds of chickens from tbo world's - aaost fsmous poultry plsnts will bs " giren . to 17 people interested in de veloping the purebred ehicken industry. Cut out this announcement and mail it ' to the Purebred Chicken Editor. Nortti- west Poultry Journal. Stlem, Oregon, with your name and address, and full informstion will be sent you by return maiL, ' ; -: p.' .. ' " i ' PARIS PAPER IF. Y;OU f WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15e to the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a three .months' trial subscription. Mention :- thia ad. i : POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO ' cent stomps, for special three months' trial for the best and oldest journal In the west. The articles and advertise ments , are of apwcinl interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest Korthweot Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street. . Salem. Oregon. WOOD FOR DRY WOOD PHONE 152J. WOOD FOR SALE GOOD PRICES. H A, Kuenii. SilTerton, Oregon. Best Grade! Mill Wood Four ft. and 10-iaeb dry mill wood. Four ft. and 16-in, green mil! wood. Prompt deliTSrr and reasonable nrieaa Fred E. Walls, 905 S. Church. Phone 1343. i . , ansoEXjjurEoua W ATKINS PRODUCTS THE BEST FOR ' years. Yon know them. Phono 1740W FOB SALE FOUR COMPLETELY FIN ished and stained pillars, 44 feet hig! and 9 inches square. Phono 432R. FOR SALS OLD NEWSPAPERS. 1 cents bnndlo. Circulation department Oregon Statesman. ; HEMSTITCHING . AND PICOTINO AT tachment rFits ' any sewing mscliine Price 92. Economy Sales Co, Billings. Moat. . i : -- - Beautiful Oregon Rose and elaTan other" Oregon aoags. together wita a. fine collection of patriotic aoags, aaered songs and many old-time favor itea, . .', i ' ALL FOB 25o L (Spodsl prices ia onantity lots) Especially 'adaptable lor school commun ity or homo singing. Send for Western Songster 7 pagan, now in ita third ad it ion, -t" r Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 915 8. Commercial St, Salem, Ore. FOR RENT Ik APARTMXNT2 R . RENT FURNISHED APART- ' mants, 1179 N. Fourth. Phono 2080M. FOR RENT DESIRABLE 3-ROOM apartment. Well furnished. Garage.' 920 Mill street.' j ' FOR RENT 9-ROOM FURNISHED , apartment, heated.: 143 Court Street. FURNISHED' APARTMENT CLOSE. IN 2 room and aleeping porch. Call 1079 FOR RENT -DOWNSTAIRS MODERN apartment, ' partly furnished; stesni host, privsta bath.' 1133 Court. AjPARThYENT. FOR RENT. 891 NORTH Commercial. V FOR RENT MODERN .APARTMENT Marion Apartments. 610 N. Commer cial., j ;.v : . FOR RENT TWO-ROOM APARTMENT adults. 449 Union street. ' HOUSES FOR RENT MODERN FURNISHED 5 I room house. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fnrni turo Co.. ! - BOARS AMD BOOM 90ARD AND ROOM FOUR BOARD ers wsnted. . 195 North High street. BOOKS FURNISHED ROOMS 790 N.- COM : mercisL j R RENT NICELY FURSISHEL room; 915 a month 920 Mill street. FOR . RENT APARTMENTS AND sleeping rooms. Leonard Hotel, 254 N. Front street . - : iOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. MOD m. Mrs. Henry Rowe. 680 North I2th atreet,' i . -. MEW PIANO FOR RENT 99 PER MO H L. Stiff Fnrnirero Co. L)ST- FOUND f rouNn 1 - ) On' I I I i.ii. FOUND AUTO LICENSE PLATE. No. 40146. Ore 1923. ' Owner can. secure , same at thia office. - ; WANTED ; hClSCELLANXOTTa wanted nmsrrvKx, tools, - eto. . a-nono oxx - ; ' WANTED MISCITLLANXOUS OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capital City Bedding Co. Phono 19. WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS. MA cbisery, stock, etc. Will bey for ceab or eeii on commission. Phone 611 Woodry. the auctioneer. ' WANTED EVERYTHING IS HARD ware end furniture. ' Beat prices paid. THE CAPITAL HARDWARE FURNITURE CO. 285 N. Commercial 8. Phone 947 BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER! G. 8ATTERLEE. AUCTIONEER, PHONE 430 1211J: 180 N. Con'i St. Kaon 21 AUCTIONEER F. N. WOODRY. THE livestock, furniture, real estate one tionoer. Phono 611 for sale dates. Roe. 1C10 N, Bummer. OETtXENB WELDING IRON. STEEL, BRASS, ALUMINUM Bring the piecee. Oxo-Gaa Heating Co., 837 Court. AUTO DIRECTORY AUTOMOBILES GOOD USED CARS GINGRICH Mo tor Co, 971 Court. BERT L. JONES MOTOR CO., HUPMO bile dealer, State 8L at Front. "The ear of the American family." AUTOMOBILE PAINTING AUTO OWNERS LOOK! TIME TO have that car repainted. Come ia and look over our work. On account of the success of our Ford Special job, it will be continued. Reliance, Auto Painting Co., 219 Stste, cor.' Front St.. second floor. Phono 937. AUTO TOPS AUTO TOPS Curtains to order, pricee reasonable. Anderson-Teed, 171 S High BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN CAMEL- IZED BATTERY NEVER needs a drink. C. M. Carlson, 949 N. Commercial SL, Salem, Ore. R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES, starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical . work. Farris Bros. Phono 1803, 418 Court. .. , AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROU- blo shooting; 238 N. High. Phone 203. BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY , elea and repairing; 887 Court. ' TIKES AND ACCESSORIES USED PART 8 1-3 to 12 OFF. MIKE'S Auto Wrecking House; 424 North Commercial. Phono 528. RADIATOR a PENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS. BODIES, made or repaired. J. O Bair. 349 Ferry. TRACTORS A. 0. RAAO a CO., 444 FERRY ST. Phono 210. Cletrao tractors, Oliver im plements. USED CARS Wo specialize in used ears, . there fore we are in a posi- tion to sell you ear at a vast saving. Oleson Auto Exchange, 173 S. Liberty. Phone 666. . . USES CARS l21 Dodge Roadster 1921 Doda-e Tonrina- 9600 oo L 325 .550 150 , 150 100 1917 Dodge Touring 19ZO Keo. Touring 1917 Ford Roadster 1917 Ford Delivery, J 1919 Chassis Ford 1919 Republic 1-ton truck 350 SOSSSTEEZJB MOTOR . Phone 423. USED FORD CARS, from an authorised car dealer . ..1165.00 ttf 17. Touring 1918 Touring 1919 Touring 185.00 270.0p 1920 Touring 1920 Touring 1920 Touring 1921 Touring 1920 Roadster 1922 Roadster 1920 Coupe - 1920 ,Coupo - 1921 Coupe 1921 Coupe . 1921 Sedan 230.OO 263 OO 275.00 800 00 ;. 265.00 845.0C 460.04 885.01 425.00 500.0b 475.00 965.0U 4- 1920 Truck - Liberal Terms. VA1J.EY 160 No. High. Open Saturdays.... MOTOR CO., Phone 1995. VIUK BROS. USED CAR BULLETIN 1919 Dodge Touring 1917 Dodge Touring" .9475 . 800 1919 Oakland Touring, new point. 35i) 1918 Chevrolet Touring 1921 Ford Coupe . 1921 Ford Touring ' 1918 Studebaker Six, new paint.. 1918 Studebaker Four 150 4 so 275 S00 200 200 50O 35 854 125 30t 200 100 12.1 fordaoa Tractor Samaon Tractor Sam son ' Truck- 1921 Hudson Super Sis. Buick Roadster' - . JverUnd Four Touring - Overland 90 ' Maxwell Touring 1916 Ford Touring Ford Truck with new tires and com pletely overhauled with body end cab . . Ford Truck with body and full top. 301 license : WTCK BROS. High 8treot at Trade. Ml BUSINESS CARDS CARPET AND BTJO WEAVUTO RAG CARPET AND RUG WEAVING Call before 9 a. m. 84F21. SALEM CARPET CLEANING A XI Fluff Rug Works Rag and fluff ragv woven any size without seams. . New mattresses msde to 'order. Old mst tresses remade. Feathers renovated. I , buy all kinds of old carpets for fluf rugs. 13 Vt snd Wilbur streets. Phonr , 1154 Otto F. Zwicker, Prop. : CEMENT CONTRACTORS : CEMENT CONTRACTOR AND F1N18B or. Esimates furnished. C. M. Oglesby Phone 1960J. CHIMNEY 8WEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING F U R N A C E cleaning. W. Coaneilmen. Salt also I Hard wars Co. CLEANERS AJTD DTXB8 SPTCK 'N SPAN CLEANERS AND - djrera. Pb9 19S.' , . . , SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS Suite cleaned and pr eased, 91-60, Suite spoatged and pressed. 60e. 1 1215 8. Oosa'l. Phono 1869 BUSINESS CARDS DRUG STORES WM. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGS,' 175 N. OommereisX Phono 197. FINANCIAL GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS 6H per cent, 303 Sslem Bsnk of Commerce FARM LOANS AT 6 PER CENT and .6 PER CKNT "- ANDERSON a RUPERT Oregon Bldg, Salem, Orty LOANS ON . THE EAST PAYMENT plan, can repay at any time without extra charge; 417 Oregon - Bldg. FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES Delivery. O. P. Breithaapt. florist, 123 . North Liberty street. Phone 880. FURNACES SBAGROVE FOR FURNACES t PIPE and plpoleaa; 198 8. 12th St. Phone S89W. ELECT XI CIANI SALEM ELECT RIO CO. MASONIC bail-ling. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY Oo. Phone 1984. 222 N. Liberty. HALIK'8 ELECTRIC 8H0P ELEC trical machine repairing, contracting. 887 Court, Phono 488. ARCHIE FLEENER. ELECTRICIAN House wiring by hour or contract. Es timates furnished. Phono 980. 414 Court St, . INSURANCE DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE but when you need automobile lisbil ity, burglary, accident or fire insurance phone 717. Fred E. Msngis. FURNITURE STORE OIESE FURNITURE 0O. QUALITY furniture for leu money. 978 Court Phono 464. PEOPlJ'8 FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hsnd furniture; 271 N. .- Commercial. Ladies' Wearing Apparel DRESSMAKING SPENCER CORSETS TO ORDER Dressmaking. Carrie Flshsr, Me Oomack Bldg. DRESSMAKING TAILORING, 771 N. Commercial. Phone 2002 M. Good work; 18 years experience. HEMSTITICHXNG SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING. pleating, buttons, stamping and noodle work; 828 Oregon Bldg, Phono 879. MRS. 0. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler's store. Phono 117. LADIES 'TAILORXNO W. J. MAYER LADIES' TAILORING; leng eoota, and suits. Boom 7. McCor aodc Bldg. Phono 692. BUSINESS CARDS MEH'S STORE ED. CHA8TAIN CLOTHING CO. "BUI and ovarcoata. Use my staira, - it pays 905 State 8V JWAUNDRXES 8ALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 816 8. Liberty street. Pboo 25. Oldest . largest best. Established 1889. Yale laundry is again in a po - sition to render you the same efficient : service aa before the fire which do stroyed our old building. All kinds of ; laundry work, also cleaning and press : lng. Phone Four wants to 196 and we will ealL CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt service; 1264 Broadway. ' Phone 165. MACHINE SHOP THE CROSS AUTOMATIC El ECTRIC Steam boilers, vulcsniiers and tube plates. Perry C Campbell, 517, N. Liberty. H AND M CO. SPECIALTY GRIND era and welders. Automotive service. 490 Ferry. Phona 864. - WECHTER a SMITH MACHINISTS. . engineers, welders, Heald cylinder grinding service. Phono 662-845 Ferry MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phono 517-W. MUSICAL r SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ' All branchea taught, diplomaa granted. John R. Sites, director; 1287 Court 1 Phono 626. A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated standard mania. Semi-classics and ballads; 12 . leesono. Waterman Piano School, Me Co mack Bldg. MUSIC STORES TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW ' Victor or Brunswiek. H. L, 8tiff Furni turn Oo Music Dept. ? GEO. 0. WILL PIANOS, r, PHONO graphs, sewing machinea. sheet music, and piaao atudiea. Repairing phono graphs aad sewing machines; 47 1 Bute. Salem. i , SHERMAN. CLAY a CO, PIANOS t 6teinwaya, Duo-Art and others. Moore's Musie House, 415 Court street. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WKLP EXPERIENCED PI is tuner. Leave orders Will's Music Store. NURSERY STOCKS COMPLETE LINE TREE8 8MALI fruits, oraamenta. Capital City Nur 'eery Cav, 426 Oregon Bldg. Phona 7. FRUITLAND NURSERY HAS A FEW ' more Italian prune trees. 4 to 6 feet also smaller grades. Phone 1 140M or : 199. v FOR SALE FOUR TO SIX PRUNE trees. Phone 1125M. FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES Peerey Bros, 237 State. CHOICE 8MALL FRUIT PLANTS Strawberry, blsekberry, blaekeap berry. ? current, grape, loganberry, red rasp ii berry. Also aspsragus, rhubarb, ete i Ward K. Richardson, 2395 No. Front : Phono 494. ATTENTION FRUIT GROWERS Choice Bartlett pear trees for sale; ro ' dueed prion. R. W. MaUia. Salem. Phono 111F21. OLADIOtUS BULBS "j IN ANT QUA N ; tity drsirrd. .New and standard' varie ties. Our Polk Hills mixture, has .given much satisfaction. 50, cents per r dosea; 99 per 10O. The Oregon Bulb Co., - Salem, Ore.- i Phone 463. BUSINESS CARDS SECOND HAND . GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND sella second hand furniture, tool and .Junk; 820 N. Commercial. Phone 492 WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH lag and shoes. Unt prices paid. Cap ital Exchange; 242 North Commercial. Phone 1968-W PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, ate Reliable workman. V . TEN CENT KAL80MINR IN BEAUT! ful colors; 91 does a room. Max O. Bursa, ' 7ft N. Com'l. fLUMBINQ UKABER BROS. PLUMBING AND beating; general repairs.. Phone 650, 141 S. Liberty. PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL v work. Phono 1397-J. Shop 127 Union ' atreet, A L. Godfrey. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot Notions fence, aiseo 29 to 28 in.' high. Points, oils and varnishes, etc.. loganberry snd bop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court atreet. Phono 124. SCAVENGERS 800S SCAVENGER SERVICE (Suc cessor to Seal Scavenger) Garbage and refaae Of all kinda removed by the month. Reasonable reta. Phones : Office 529. residence 2058. SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, refuse of all kinda removed. Caa pools - cleaned. Phone 167 or 1007J. TONSORIA1 GET SHAVED AT THE MARION BAR ber shop, 156 S. Com'L TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES J. W. Parker. General Maaager Central State Terminal Salem, Oregon BAX.EM-SILVERTON DIVISION Loaves Salem, Central Stage Terminal: f a. m 11 a. m, 5 p. m. Leavee Silverton. News Stand: 8 n. m 1 p. m p. m. Salem-Independence-Monmouth Division: Loaves Salem Central Stage Terminal: 7 a. m, 9 a. 'm.. 11 a. m 8 p. m. P. m. Loaves Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 a. m., 1 p. m., 6.15 p. m. Leovee Indepeodeneo, Beaver Hotel: 8:80 a. m., 10 a. m 1:15 p. m.. 4 p. m., 6:80 p. m. Wo make connections at Salem to all parte of the valley. Extra trlpa by ap pointment. J. W. PARKER, Oeneral Manager. TRANSFER HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 220 eB.a.i 0 arte nook t!.iil a 1 DNHI ok ATliOnfJ SFsVa. oTlDU .ZllgS, IOr Wavrdist; and marf our apecUltr. Gt or rftteti. ,;( WB MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE- hold goods. Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. Wo also make coun try trips. Wo hsndle the best coal aad wood. Call on us for prices. We gi"e good measure, good quality and good aw ice. Larmer Transfer Co. Phono 930 wood SAwnra WOOD SAWING. Phono 1191. ED ssod. VARIETY STORES SALEM VARIETY STORE CHINA- wvro, sleoswaro, toye. notiona, and mil- WATEB 4- SALEM WATER. LIGHT A POWER CO. Office. 801 1 Booth Commercial St, Tea per cent discount, on domestic fist rates paid in advance. No deductions fog absence or any cause unless water is shut off your . pretnlsee. , ' LODGE DIRECTORY UNfTED SPANISH WAR VETERANS. Camp 5 Armory. First, third Mondays. PROFESSIONAL AMBULANCE SERVICE SALEM AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 868; 178 8. liberty. CHIROPODISTS DR. 8. F. 800TT, GRADUATE NA tional University Sciences, Chicago Maaonio Temple. Phono 640. OBV WILLIAMS CORN 8, CALLOUSES ingrown nails; all foot trouble. Priee Shoo Co. Phono 616. . . CHIROPRACTORS OR. LENA A. BOONE, CHIROPRACTOR 476 S. Commercial. Hours 10 to ,13; 1 to 6. Phono 1415. ' DBS. SCOTT a SCOFIELD. P. E C, Chiropractor, 414-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg Phono 87; roe. 828-R. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. U T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 S. High St. Phone 283. DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS MAGNETIC ' HEALING DR. A. L FrsnU. Acute and chronic diseases Phono 780 over Peoples Cash Store. rUHERAX. DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DlREf tor. 210 Center. Phono 1656. OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL CO. SUITE 801 ! 804 Oregon Building. GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP; tieal Co., 825 8tate street, opposite Ladd A Bush Bonk. "Use Quaiit. Provsn Shnr-ona." NATUROPATHIC PHY8ICIAN8 DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND -r chronic diseases; 415 Orsgon Bldg Phono 110. ' OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. FOSTER 404 OREGON BLDfl Phones 756, 2024-J. OR. W L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC phyaieian and surgeon. Kirksvilk graduate, 404-405 U. 8. -National Bant Bldg. Phono, offic 919 res, 614. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH 08TEOPATHir Physirisn aad Surgeon, oos-euo Ore gon Bldg. . Phone, office 1894; ros 56-F5. Rrar FSTATF ; A. W, ESTES 'REALTY CO. 827-28 Oregon Bldg. Phone 985 REAL ESTATE, LOANS, FIRE AND . auto insurance, specislising in proper ty exchsnges anywhere. W'o may have just what You want Call and see us L. W. ESTES REALTY CO. 827-2 Oregon Bldg.' Phone 885.' Rea," estate. loans, fir and auto' insure nee, special' Itingiln property exchsnget snywher in the U. 8. or Canada.' 'Wa msy have Just what vo .want. .- Call or write as. ' A live office with four salesmen to servo you.--. - . s . -ne-Ja M A. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A GOOD SIX-ROOM MOD em cottage, dose in on fine large cor per lot with fruit aad garden land. Excellent buy at 9200, terms. As other new 5 mom' bungalow with gs rage, absolutely at a aaerifieo aa own ' er has removed and needs the money: , 93750 See i Wa. Fleming, 341 Slate strset. . Nearly 200 lots for isle some of them real bargama. 9C00 beautiful diamond, for 9500, today. Diamond Earrings, 9350, for; trade, rive-room house. fireplace. basement 92SOO. i Six-room house, North Cottsge, 93700 close in. i Sevet rooui house, Chemcketa, rloto in 94,400- Busiuese building, close in, 915,000. GERTRUDE J. M. PAUK 492 North Cottsge. " Woods Bargains Four-room home, all furnished, lights, plumbing and gas; dose ia " 9200P New 5-room bungslow, on psved street - ij 4000 Four-room house, lights and water.. 800 Wanted A bouse ss psymsnt on 50 acre farm. Havn a Buick Six to trade for bouse Seversl -houses for rent. 91,500 to loan F. L. Wood. 341 Bute street. , v A BARGAIN. 7-room modern home, basement, furnace, three lots; 93700, good terms. Must be sold soon. Owner leaving Salem. 7-room strictly modern home in Vsst Salem, 950O0. Pettyjohn & Mouser '216 Oregon Bldg. FOR 8ALE OR TRADE TEN acres, all under cultivation, east of Salem. Priced very reasonable. Ad dress owner, 828 Albina Ave., Portland. Oregon. I 5 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW, GAR age, in first clsss condition, fur nished 93100, unfurnished 92800; 9C00 cssh. balance monthly. .( Two fine lots, pavement, - earline: 9800 for both; 9600 cash, bslsnee to suit at 6 per cent. Socolofsky, 341 State. SEDAN WANTED LIGHT WEIGHT, IN good, 'condition, for 40 acres. Hood River land clear of debt. Title rOK. See my -agent, Mr. Robinson, -229 Ore gon Bldg. Phone 1013. Insurance snd losns. - fOR SALE 10 FINE LOTS ON'NORTK 14th street, two blocks from Washing ton junior high school. .9-5' s piece These lots will double in value in one yeaf. 5-room cottsge, lot 66x123, well located 91500, 9500 cash, balance monthly. 5-room cottage,1 lot 60x125. well" located 91400, cash or terms . , These are good properties. w. McLaren realty co.. Phona 430. 180 N. Com'l Street. SEE THIS 8-ROOM SEMI-BUNGALOW. large lot with fruit trees and material for garage, pared street, cement wslfc and terraced lawn? built-in practically new, partly furnished and easy to buy. 93,760, 9500 cash and 923 per month. And this 6-room house, fsir condition, two lots and two gsrsges, 91,100, 9500 cssh. See Mr. Wheelwright with A W. Estes Reslty Co., 328 Oregon Bldg. Phono 985 . Best Buys . 5 acres, 8 year old Italian prunes, in first class copditiou, house, barn; four miles out, 92850. 10 scree ,20 year old Italian prunes, on rock road, 6 miles out; 93500. 910OO cash.. . . . .-. 15 acres, 5 acres bearing prunes, 6 acre cherries, 1M besring logsns, some mixed orchard; shock house, barn coop, tools to work the place, 1 "horse: 96000. This is only 4 miles from Salem center. Make easy terms or sell to a soldier. 50 acres, 26 bearing prunes, 3 timber. 21 grain land,, all fenced; price 97500. 93000 cash. 240 acres, 20 bearing- prunes. 157 cleared. 90 timber, pasture, water power on place; -horses, cows,, chickens, 70 sheep, all tools, ' tractor, 5-room hoftse. barn, drier, l4 mites from town, st ststion; 945 per sere, 96500 cssh, balsnce terms. Socolofsky 341 8tate. FOR SALE GOOD 5-ROOM BUN galow 'and two lots in North Sslem; price $2400,. 600 cssh, balsnce $25 s month snd interest. W. G. Krueger Oregon : Bldg. Good Buys & Exchanges Chandler Sis to exchange for reil estate. 160 acres, buildings, stock and machin ery near Airlie; price 95000. Will take property in Salem, Toledo or Newport in exchange. - . - ". "f New 4-room plastered house, with two lots, ehicken house and wood shed. Price 81500. Essy terms. Modern 5-room bungslow on S. Commer cial street. . Price 94200, terms. Modern 7-room bungslow at 860 North Church, atreet. .Price 96750, terms. Building lots on Fairmonnt Hill cheap. Real Estate and Fire Insurance. W. M. Grabenhorst & Co. - . 275, State St. U. S. Bank Bldg. A FEW SHARES OF CHOICE BANK stock for sale. $1250 first mortgage loan on small conn try place wanted. - Two small places for sale or rent. A. C. Bohrnstedt 407 Mssonic Temple, Salem, Oregon. BARGAINS. THREE-ROOM HOUSE. LARGE LOT psved street, $1200; 9300. down Five-room house, nice esst front, eitvJ wster, eleetrio lights. grsTel street. 91500; 9500 down. A 94500 house for 94000, all modern except basement, besotiful lot, psved street, 7 rooms. 'We have soma .lovely . lots, very desirable, 9400. 9500. 9600, 9700, $819; end s lovely corner nesr the State Home for 91800. We also have the Old People'a . Homo oh 12 th street for sale or lease. Come and see me about this. It can be made a money-maker. J. A. Mills. 831 V, State street. MISCELLANEOUS ' " PORTLAND,1 March 26. But ter; prints extras 47c; cubes ;xtras 43c; pr'me firsts 42c. Butterfat, Portland delivery: No. 1 sour cream ' 46c. :""' ' Potatoes: Buying price, locals "0 at 60c; selling price 75 at S5c. New Californias . 12 at 12 l-2c. S -- ; . a. A ,a.,a X kttVt t aAjHA A ROBIN HOOD PUBLIC NOTICES " 1 ' '' NOTICE OF IMPROVKMKJtT OF SOUTH WIXTKH STREET BE TWEEN STATE STREET AND ; OAK STREET. Notice la hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem deems It expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to Improve South Win er street from the south line of tate street to the north line ol Oak street at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street and alley inter sections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem bv bringing said portion of South Winter street to the established ?rade, constructing cement con crete curbs and paving sad por tion of South Winter street with a , three-inch bituminous concrete wearing surface pavement In ac cordance with the plans and speci fications therefor which were adopted by the Common Counci' March 19th, 1923, now on flU In the office of the City Recorder and which are hereby referred tq and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make the above described im provement by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. By order of the Common dirn dl the 19th day of March, 1923. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof s March 22. 1923. NPTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the county court of Marion coun ty, Oregon, has appointed the undersigned administrator of the estate of Garrett V. Standish. deceased. All persons having claims against, said estate are hereby notified to ' present same In writing, duly verified, to Wm. O.tRoss at 644 "So. 12th St., Sa 'em, Ore.', within six months . of the date of the first publication cf this notice. -. .Dated and first, published this th day tf March, 1923. WM. O. ROSS Administrator of the estate of flarrett V. Standish. deceased. P Heavy Selling for Both Ac counts and High Money Rates Responsible NEW YORK. -March 26. Hbtv; sellinir forsooth accounts brought about another sharp re action in today s stock maricet. Higher imoney rates and specu lative apprehens'on; over the out come of the meeting of the gov ernors , of the fedral reserve board In Washington this week were outwardly attributed as the reasons for selling pressure but the-numerous sales of large blocks of recently speculative favorites Indicated by- pools which had become d'scouraged by their failures to attrace following. Indicating nrices were heavy in response to the selling pres sure emanating from traders un willingness or inabil ty to meet the week-end market calls. The euhseauent rallv was attributed to short covering by the profes sional!, but when this was not followed up the offering 1 of stocks increased and the market again . turned heavy.. Operators an the long side seemed d'sposed to wait the conclusion of the re serve board conference before extensively" extending their com mittmnts. .-At thg close 'of business to night, the averages showed that approximately half of the year s extreme gains had been forfeited 'n the last week," with many In dustrials heinar nuoted four to 10 points below their high figures of the year. Call money opened at a the highest renewal rate Income time and advanced to six during the. noon hours, closing at that f'gure. The time money mar ket was quiet with a few short maturities being arranged at 6 1.4 rer cent paper. Wide fluctuations In French francs, in the foreign exchange market, the opening quotations were 8 to 10 po'nts lower J but the early loss was recovered and the price ran up to 6.62 half cents a wek-end of ; lt 1-2 points. Demand sterling Improv ed slightly to Just under 4.69. WHEAT MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. March 2C. Wheat: cash No. north ern $1.17 1-2 at $1.26 1-2; No. 1 dark northern fancy $1.28 1-2 No. 1 dary northern $1.18 1-2 at $1.28 1-2; May $1.18 1-2; July $1.18 7-8. LIVERPOOL, March 26. Wheat: ' close l-4d lower to 3-4d higher; March 10s. l-4d; May 9s. 9d. ' ' BUENOS AIRES, March 26. Opening, wheat April $1.18 3-4; May $1.20 3-4, unchanged. HOP? NEW YORK. March 26. Hops quiet; state 1922, 19 at 23c; Pacific coast 199. 14 at 17c; 1921, 12 at 13c. i- MARKET SHOWS CT1 MTTiraf POINTS DIES Visible Supply of Wheat and Enlarged Receipts Dis courage Market CHJCACO. March 26. With enlarged receipts at primary ter-: minals and with an Increase of the " United States visible supply total; wheat today had ' a down ward tendency in price, the May delivery in particular. The close" was un&ttled at the same as Sat urday's finish to lc lower. May $1.18 to $1.18 ft and July $1.14 to $1.14. Corn lost'. & to c, and oats tq'U e. In provisions tho outcome was? 5 to 10 cents ad vance. , . Selling, k which was Jed by houses with eastern ' connections, began to take effect from the out set in the wheat market and re sulted finally in carrying va'ues down to the lowest level, the May delivery has reached in several weeks. ... v :i, ., The new crop deliveries failed to show as .much weakness as May although field reports were bearish. Much of the sel'ing of May appeared to be liquidated on the part of holders the dealers bringing Into play numerous au tomatic orders to stop losses. Absence of any extensive fresh European buying of United States wheat acted as a handicap on the bull side of the market tnd so a lack of aggressive speculative demend which was recently some thing of a- feature. Little notice was taken of advices that excep tionally dry -conditions prevailed throughout Australia and of gos sip that wheat planting In Can ada this year would be reduced 3.500.000 acres. Corn and oats declined In sym- pathy with wheat notwithstand ing a decrease In the visible sup ply both of corn and oats. Packers selling made the pro vision market slow in responding to a rise in hog values. - JERSEY JUBILEE PLANS ARE MADE Itinerary to be Followed by Visiting Breeders An nounced Saturday I At" a meeting of the Marlon County Jersey Breeders' associa tion Saturday, at . the Chamber of Commerce, general arrangements were made for the, annual Oregon Jersey Jubilee that is to start down the, Willamette valley from Portland. May 29. " ' The breeders are to visit the famous herds of Multnomah and Clackamas counties March 29. getting to Salem in the evening of the 3 0, Decoration day. A ban quet is to be served at the armory that night, The arrangements have not been made as to just how the entertainment Is to be served, bet the fact Is agreed upon. Burton J. Neal 6t Turner will be la charge. '.. . - 1 . . On tbe morning of March il they will go farther south tnd visit the Jersey herds of, that . sec tion. They are to have a barbe cue dinner at noon at the Plcard place, Just , this side of . Marlon, where they expect to serve dinner to at least 3,000 people. Last year, some of their barbeque dinners had alraoct that many patrons. Volume of Work Last Eight . Months Surpasses AU Previous Showings Records of the state Industrial accident commission for tha iight-months of the present fis cal year, or up to February 28. how that the total' volume of ork carr'ed oa under the Pro tection of the workmen's compen sation act Is greater than at any previous period. For the eight months the to tal work days numbered 14,0 74,- 996, whereas daring the largest arevious year, ; July 1, 1919, to Tune 30. 1920,: the. total was 19,868,908. It is expected that the total for the present fiscal year, ending June 30 next, will be over 22,000,000 work, days. Prison Ball Team Gets Ready for Sport Season The baseball squad of the state penitentiary underwent Its first workout of the season on the prison diamond Sunday after noon. The team is one of the strongest ordinarily In western Oregon and is planning a busy season with games Sundays and holidays. All games are played at tbe prison. , . . , Dnnhf rnav he. aa ArUtntlo hLT the. beginning of wisdom; but it certainly should not be the end. ACCIDENT BOARD : HAS GOOD RECORD